After the Volleyball Championship, high school, biracial)

By Gene Moser

Published on May 2, 2023


Things Can Go Bad


Larry Marian

I'm Ralph, just like that stupid boy in that equally stupid Christmas movie. I'm thirteen and Iive in a ranch style house on a normal block that was not too far from my middle school, which just let out for the summer. Two doors down lived Charlene, who is also thirteen. You might say she's sort of my girl friend. I mean we've known each other forever. My mom swears that she and Charlene's mom used to take turns changing our diapers. I don't know about that, really. So, anyway, I'm right at four feet eleven inches with brown hair, green eyes, and a good soccer player. Charlene is four feet seven with blond hair and blue eyes. She's also a good soccer player. We both play for different teams - well, Char plays on a girl's team while I play for a boy's team and we both play for a mixed team - not like we use the same team room, of course. Now that doesn't mean that Char and I don't get close to each other. I mean, we've both kissed and sort of hugged. Last summer she even sort of let me feel her up. Just her small boobs, of course. Sort of funny because we were in the den when I first put my hand on her right boob over her top. But then she said she had to go to the bathroom. When she returned she had on a different top, which was quite loose. So we started kissing again and before very long I put my hand on her boob. I was astonished when she took my hand, then placed it under the top she had been wearing. She didn't have a bra on. WOW. Well, this happened three or four more times. The last time her top came off. So Char and I were sort of dating and that's what all the boys said. Of course, we didn't go any further than to the waist line. She did rub my legs a few times, even touched my hard on under my jeans. But that was it .And we were both happy with that. A month before school started Char left for two weeks to go to her grandparents house, something she did every summer. Of course she left with a few tear drops in her eyes as she got on the train. But before Char left for her grandparents, the house across the street from me suddenly got sold and movers came the next day. Lo and behold, when the SUV pulled into the drive, followed by a slightly older Honda, out stepped a boy who looked about my age. Instantly Char and I crossed the street to act as the welcoming party. The boy looked at us and waved. "Hi," I said. "I'm Ralph and this is my girl friend Charlene, AKA, Char. I live next door and Char is in the two story brick." The two of us looked at the new boy. He had black wavy hair and was something over five feet and looked very athletic. He had brown eyes and a broad smile. "Hi. We just moved from San Francisco. I'm Tony. We joke that may grandmother is a Mafia Donesse and my grandfather is a hit man." At that he laughed. "So Charlene. You are beautiful. Can I steal Ralph from you?" "Not today," Char replied with a smile and a laugh. Maybe day after tomorrow." We all smiled at that. "In any event, I'm going to my grandparents for two weeks tomorrow. So you just have Ralph to get to know the area. By the way, there are no teens that live close by. We're both thirteen and going into the eighth grade." "Neat. Well, me, too. Going into the eighth in the middle school close by. " "Well, Char can't help until she gets back home. You should get to know a few guys if you don't mind walking or riding a bike to the middle school field." "That would be great," Tony said. "Well, my folks need me. Nice meeting both of you. And, Char, I think you are a steal." "Not from me," I said and we all laughed. So Char boarded the Amtrak and Tony and I got to know each other. Fairly soon the two of us were by ourselves as all the parents worked. That left Tony and me to find things to do. The first day or two involved kicking a soccer ball around our respective backyard or playing video games in the appropriate bedroom. The second day after Char left Tony and I were in his bedroom, lying on the bed just talking a bit. "Char is a really cute girl," Tony said. "You been able to lay her yet?" That startled me a bit. "Nah. We kiss and I've played with her boobs a bit. That's it." "Great start," Tony said. "But you ever get a blow job?" He paused. "Or give one?" That started me as, to tell the truth, I'd had an experience towards the end of seventh grade with another boy. But all it entailed was a hard but developing cock that got put in the other's mouth for like a minute and that was it. Neither of us came in the other's mouth. But I guess I needed to be truthful. "Well, sort of. But nothing much happened." I looked down towards my feet. "That's great. Tell you what. Let's try. No cumming in the mouth yet. But I'll suck you until you tell me to stop and you do the same. What do you say?" I stayed quiet for a minute, maybe more until Tony said. "Like I said. I'll go first." At that, he moved to sit up on the edge of the bed. "You just say `stop' when you know you're about to cum." "Uh. Okay," I said. "Great. Stand up and drop your pants and undies. Remember to worn me before you cum." So I did what Tony asked me to do. I stood up, took down my jeans and my boxers to stand half nude and hard as a rock showing off my cut foreskin. "Okay, Ralph, bring your cock up to where I can suck you." I nodded my head, took two more steps towards Tony, who at once cupped my balls, held my cock to begin slowly putting my cock into Tony's mouth. Then he began to stroke back and forth, bringing out my first moan of pleasure. "Damn that feels good," I said as Tony began to move faster on my dick. "Oh yeah. Not too long, Tony." Then I began to feel the first rush. "STOP TONY!" and I did. Just as he released the cock, I came, some of it splashing on Tony's shirt. "Not bad," Tony said. "Now you sit down and let me pull off my pants and suck me until I warn you. Okay?" I nodded my head as I pulled my clothes back up. I sat on the bed, he pulled down his jeans, then took his t-shirt off. This was the first time I'd seen Tony naked below the waist. I noticed at once that his dick was longer and thicker than mine as he was really hard and he was not circumcised. In any event, I took his dick in my hand as I had done last year, then wrapped my lips around his cock and began to work it. To me, it seemed much longer than when I had warned him. He did make some very pleasant comments as one pulled his clothes back together Char would be gone from me for sixteen days - two weeks at her grandparents and a day going and a day coming. So our exploration began the afternoon of her third day being gone, the day Tony suggested the mutual suck. From that day for the rest of the first week, Tony and I sucked each other, each time warning the other and neither of us causing a mouth accident, as Tony once remarked. It also seemed that each day, I sucked Tony after he pulled out and warned me. I also noted that my daily calls to Char got a bit shorter after Tony went home. Oh, we talked, but I noticed that she mentioned Tony's actions a bit more often. Six days before Char was to return I began to get ready for our daily mutual suck fest. As usual now, Tony sucked me first and he would warn me and withdraw. So that's what happened. Then as I began to suck Tony, my thoughts drifted towards Char as Tony chatted about my girl friend. "Ralphie, think I'm getting close. Gonna cum soon. Want to call Char about another girl. Getting close. Maybe you will get my cum now." But I kept moving my lips and tongue on his large dick. I sped up. "Ralph! Gonna cum!" I ignored Tony to keep bobbing until the first warm, slightly salty thick cum sprayed into my mouth. I swallowed after his second blast, then his fourth, then a dribble. "Did you want to do that?" Tony asked as he pulled his pants up. "I think so. What's this about another girl?" "Oh, Char has a neat friend named Abby. She wants to meet you," Tony said. "That's fine, but Char is my girl." "Of course she is. But no problem looking around," Tony said with a grin. I wasn't sure. "I don't need to look around," I replied. "Great. I guess I'll see Abby." Tony grinned. Two days before Char returned Tony called me to come at three and then Abby would arrive at his place at two. Tony told me that he was positive that Abby was at least a hunk as Char was. So I got there early and, as usual, the first thing that happened - nope, Tony sucked me off before Abby arrived. He sort of looked at me after that, but I went through the ritual of taking down his pants, my now kneeling on a pillow and sucking him until he shot his thick, warm load into my waiting mouth. I had become used to this, but then Abby, who I sort of knew, arrived after the two of us got dressed and cleaned up our mouths. As expected, Abby was in the same team, but in a different group, though in the Geometry class and not the Algebra II class I would be in should school start. I smiled at her. She had auburn hair, green eyes, about the same height as me, and looking good as a girl going into middle school eighth grade. "Hey, Abby," I said. "Gotta say that Char knows you and likes you. I sorta think you, Char, Tony, and me might be really cool." "That's what Char says," Abby said. "And I think you are quite the stud." That sort of put me back. Was Tony trying to push Abby towards me while he went after Char? I wasn't sure. The opening of school came soon, for sure. All of us got our schedules sent to us via e-mail. It turned out that Char and Tony were in the same team as Abby and myself, but not in all the same classes based on schedule. That put Char and Tony in rotation with Abby and me in another. Seemed like I was in Algebra II with Abby, while Char and Tony were in Geometry, which Abby and I had last year. Anyway things went along as school started. While I was still smitten with Char, I still thought Abby a great catch. I noticed again, that e-mails and such between Char and myself seemed to slip while the same between Tony and myself. Then one early Thursday evening with me wondering what was going on, with Abby saying she would go see Tony at eight, and come at eight thirty. Char would be there, too. I shrugged to go across the street to Tony's. Ringing the bell, Tony came at once. "Hey, sport, down to the playroom. That dance in two weeks. Th girls want to talk about it!" I was a bit surprised as I really wasn't sure about the Fall Dance, but it turned out that both Char and Abby were ready to rock and roll. As my eyes rolled, it turned out that Abby wanted me to go with me, while Char wanted to got with Tony. The dance was three weeks away, and both girls were hot on the idea. After some discussion we went down to a darkened playroom. Tony's folks were gone, so it was just the four of us. After a bit of talk, Tony took Char by her hand, to lead her to a sort of fort with a heavy quilt on the floor. Abby looked at me. I could only say, "Well, I guess you have some idea as to where we can go." She smiled. "I think so." She reached out, then kissed me, first light then a bit hard. "It'll be okay, Ralph. I know that." I returned the kiss, soon to be followed by another and then the obvious groping of clothing. A few minutes later I looked towards Tony and Char. At that moment, Char sat in a chair, broadside to me. Her clothes lay scattered on the floor while she knelt on a small cushion, pulling off Tony's clothes. The lights were dim, but no doubt for a few seconds before my year long girl friend began to suck my new best friend. "Oh, God, Char. So good. So fucking good. Be a bit. Gonna cum in your mouth? Yeah. Know you would." "Kiss me, Ralph," Abby said. "Always liked you and Char. You okay?" "I think so. Maybe we need to talk some more," I said, even with a really hard cock while Tony and Char seemed to recover from the oral sex. But I did. The evening ended without my having sex with Abby. It did end with my seeing Char on a couch, her legs spread and Tony between them, making sex making sounds until they both had to have cum. Not so much with me and Abby then. In fact, before the night was over she took my cock out and sucked me. I tried to stop her before she said, " Ralph, let me make you cum." Moments later Abby did what Char had never done. I came in Abby's mouth. I have to say that Tony and I remained friends to continue to suck each other off while Tony fucked Char while I made love to Abby, and Tony fucked Abby while I made love to Char. It seemed strange to me that both Char and Abby seemed to prefer Tony to me.

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Next: Chapter 2: King Tony

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