Tonys Punishment

By moc.liamtoh@busogidni

Published on May 24, 2008


Disclaimer - this story involves bondage, humiliation, watersports and forced orgasm and scat. If this isn't your thing then do not read on.

Any comments or suggestions (especially suggestions) will be gratefully received and there's another part of the story on the way :)

---------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2

Tony was sweating with fear and mortified that he'd allowed himself to be put in this situation. He tried to pull free of the rope but Jay had secured him to it thoroughly and he couldn't grip the chain in order to try and yank it thanks to the baby-pink mittens. He tried to shift his posture so that the water balloon might fall out of his uniform but the tightness of the fabric made this impossible. Moving his butt around to try and change the position of the balloon made the water-filled thing rub against his bare arsehole and he found this curiously arousing. He stood still and tried to take stock of his predicament - furiously trying not to think of the stimulating effect of the balloon. It was no good however and, to his shame, he felt his cock stiffen and jump. Real fear overtook him now as he realised he was utterly at the mercy of anyone who came into the gym and the lunch break was due to end shortly. He couldn't be found like this! He tried thinking of anything that would cause him to wilt but it wasn't happening and the combination of the balloon against his butthole and the tight shiny fabric against his manhood kept him erect in spite of his efforts.

In fact the pleasurable sensations coursing through his dick were getting worse and he realised he was panting with exertion and stopped moving and tried to get his breath back as his penis throbbed painfully.

With a loud slam the door to the gym was thrown open and a group of about ten boys, from the year above Tony, jostled rowdily into the room. There were cries of surprise as they took in the figure standing awkwardly in the centre of the gym and they immediately crowded round the unfortunate boy, laughing and pointing out their self- conscious quandary to one another with glee.

"He's shit himself! That's gross man!"

"Look at him - he's definitely pleased to see us!"

"He got blue-balls man! That's gotta be hurtin'"

"Ha ha ha! Oh man! He really has loaded his suit!

"That's disgusting - he's crapped in his pants!"

"He looks like he's gonna cream in his wrestling suit - that can't be right"

"What the fuck has he been eating that he can't hold his shit?"

"Scope out his wood people - that's a guy with the HORN!"

"Look at the sign you guys - he's a pledge I guess"

One of the boys - a well built thug of a young man - stepped up to meet Tony's eye and prodded him in the chest forcefully.

"I can understand that you're a pledge but did you have to shit yourself - can't you even hold your shit for a few hours you pussy! - and what's this!?" He reached down and grabbed Tony's engorged dick and gave it a squeeze. Tony groaned in pleasure at the thug's attention and felt himself getting dangerously close to orgasm - he tried shouting out from behind the gag but all that came out were muffled grunts and groans and he tried to buck away from the big guy's hand on his cock - scared that he might shame himself even further in front of the boys while desperate for the relief that coming could bring to his poor penis. Sweat flowed freely down his body, staining his wrestling suit, and he could feel himself getting closer to explosion as the thug gave his dick another quick squeeze.

"Uhhhhn!" he moaned involuntarily. He could feel his cock pulsing in the thug's grasp and Tony knew he was going to cum. He tried to get the guy to let go and as he twisted in his bonds he shouted out as he came in his wrestling gear - pumping wave after wave of semen into the stretchy fabric.

"Oh man that's so gross!" Shouted the thug backing away from the boy as cum soaked the lycra and dripped down his groin. All the others heard Tony's cry and the thug's reaction and crowded round to watch as the sticky white fluid seeped out through the fabric. Shouts of glee and disgust filled the air. Tony, panting behind his gag, began crying in shame at what he'd just done and the laughter and derision of his audience made him cringe in self-disgust. The boys were poking and prodding at him, tweaking his nipples and his balls - one even patted the rounded bulge in his rear, shouting out in revolted merriment that the contents of his backside were warm to the touch.

"Look guys - he's drooling!"

"That's a few days' worth of jism he's got rid of - ha ha!"


"Aww, poor baby's crying"

"Yeah, a real baby - shittin' in his pants like that!"

"Hey - I've got an idea" said one of the boys poking around in his rucksack. He triumphantly held up a pair of jockey shorts that clearly had seen better days - even from his position Tony could see that the white cotton was heavily skid-marked. Turning the shorts so that the skids were on the inside the laughing boy walked over to Tony and pulled them over his head. Tony immediately tried to shake them off but he couldn't get enough freedom of movement to achieve this feat and he inhaled the pungent aroma of the other guy's crotch and butt as the shorts warmed up on his face. He also couldn't see his tormentors but they were clearly not finished with him yet as they pinched and grabbed at his flesh.

Tony was completely degraded and could barely stand in his bonds as the boys set about him. His breathing was ragged and he was all too aware of the sticky warmth that coated his dick and balls from his own emission. The balloon got a few more pats also - causing him discomfort and yet at the same time that peculiar sensation that he felt was to blame for sending him over the edge so recently. Before he could think of something else he became aware that his dick was hardening again under the attentions of the boys and he tried desperately to think of something - anything - that might cool his ardour. He surely couldn't get another stiffie so quickly and in these circumstances. Fear beat at his chest at the thought of what this crowd would do if they noticed him harden up again.

Try as he may it was too late and his manhood rose once again - and surprising quickly - to its fullest state. Naturally his worse fears were confirmed when the lads noticed his engorgement.

"Christ! He's getting a wood on again!"

Tony tried to scream from behind the hated gag but his efforts were in vain and were largely drowned out by the pack of laughing cat-calling boys as they focused their attention on his newly erect dick, straining against the shiny and cum-soaked fabric of his gear. One of the boys tugged Tony's priapic member playfully causing it to tent out the crotch of his outfit and triggering much mirth amongst the crowd of boys.

Tony's head was reeling as he tried to pull free of the rope above him. He HAD to get out of this! From behind the thick rubber in his mouth - and further obscured by the stinking white briefs - he pleaded for mercy from the gang, all the while trying to move around to prevent them seeing his distress or playing with his dick or the damnable balloon - which they were still convinced was his own excrement.

Unfortunately any movement caused his dick to chafe against the tight lycra and only added to his arousal. The balloon wasn't helping matters either as it bulged against his virgin rosebud, patted again and again by the shouting throng.

Another pinch to the tip of his distended dick and he was on the verge of coming in his uniform again - he couldn't understand how this could be happening to him - not so soon after the last time. Then he realised - the pill that Jay had given him must have been some sort of arouser - how long would it last?!

With a grunt of release and humiliation Tony came again - less forcefully than before but still apparent enough for the boys surrounding him to tell that he was orgasming into the material of his wrestling gear again. The sticky discharge pumped into and through the already wet fabric and Tony collapsed in his bonds - exhausted and spent.

"Man that's some kinda pledge humiliation" whistled one of the boys appreciatively as Tony hung limp in his bondage - his groin stained dark and shiny from his discharge, sweat darkening his outfit from his pits and down the small of his back to the top of his bubble butt.

"C'mon guys - we've gotta go play ball" said a voice from the mob.

"Should we leave him here like this? - he looks kinda flaked out" queried another.

Tony tried to groan for help but the lads were paying him no more attention than they would a piece of meat in a butcher's window.

"He's a pledge - this is what they do - he'll get over it. Can't wait to see him again on campus tho' - what a laugh!"

An unidentified hand grabbed mischievously at Tony's sore and spent crotch and he groaned in new anguish as he felt his dick start to stiffen inevitably again. Surely he couldn't cum again?! He tried with all his might to get free but this only caused much laughter from the pack of seniors as they left him there and started to file out of the gym. He tried to call out for them to help him but his grunts were unintelligible and the guys were clearly not going to buck with their perceived pledge's fate. Slumping into his bonds he hung by his wrists for a few moments then pulled his aching body painfully up so that he could stand and take the weight off his arms. His dick was again throbbing with a renewed urgency and - try as he might - he could not help feeling the impending orgasm and knew he was at the mercy of his own body even though he was dead beat and in pain.

By now he was trembling with exhaustion and his uniform was seriously stained with the sweat of his exertions. His dick had stiffened painfully and his balls were drawn up high as the now-familiar throbbing started in earnest provoking whimpers of pain from the helpless boy. Relentlessly he approached orgasm - his whole body shaking with the exertion that the process was putting on him and when - half an hour or so later - he shuddered and came into the soiled material of his singlet he cried out in anguish and pain into the hated gag. To his shock and horror there was applause from in front of him. Someone had watched him do this! He tried to flick the filthy jockey shorts off his head but couldn't see who it was that had witnessed his quandary. When the voice spoke he immediately knew that it was his despised tormentor - Jay.

"I came back to see how you're doing buddy. Looks like you're doing just fine to me - made a bit of a mess though haven't you. I think you can stand to go another hour or so of this don't you?" Jay laughed nastily.

Tony tried to scream to his assailant to let him go - the thought of another hour of this torment filled him with dread.

The jockey shorts were pulled off of his head and Jay slowly reached up and untied Tony from the ropes above him. Tony started to slump to the floor but Jay caught him and held him close enough for the Tony's sore prick to respond again to the contact. He groaned as he fell into the other boy's embrace and fresh tears fell onto Jay's shoulder as he comforted the trembling boy. Jay reached round and removed the gag from Tony's head. Tony could not speak even though he was now free to do so - he was utterly spent and was weeping tears of gratitude that he was being freed from his suffering - even though he was crying on the man who had put him through this ordeal. Jay started to help Tony across the gym towards the changing rooms. Tony weakly attempted to cover his groin with his cuffed hands.

"Please man - I'm gonna cum again soon - can't you stop this?" His dick was already sharply outlined by the wet stretchy fabric of his singlet and the familiar pulsing was causing him difficulty in concentrating.

"Nothing I can do about that I'm afraid" said Jay "The effects of the Viagra will wear off soon-ish I'm sure. Until then you're stuck with permanent horn so you'd better just buckle down and get on with it"

Tony started to cry afresh at the thought of more of this unnatural pain. They had just reached the door to the changing rooms when he shuddered and cried out as he dry- came into his singlet.

Dragging the helpless and exhausted boy back across the gym changing room to his locker, Jay smiled to himself as he ran through the next trick he was about to play on his helpless victim. He took great pleasure as Tony squirmed in discomfort and humiliation when he reached down the back of the singlet and removed the water filled balloon. Jay made sure that the over sensitised lad groaned in pained-ecstasy as his questing hands groped the poor lads bubble butt.

Letting Tony sink onto a bench with his eyes closed in collapse, Jay prepared the next stage of the torment and from his bag pulled out a small bottle with some brightly coloured pills in it. Shaking out two he produced a bottle of water and gestured for Tony to drink, proffering the pills at the same time. It was testimony to Tony's exhaustion that he barely registered as he popped the pills in his mouth and glugged back the water. His thirst sated Tony slumped back against the locker - a fresh hard-on already beginning in his lycra suit, his cuffed hands covering it ineptly.

Jay took Tony by the hand and pulled him gently to his feet. He started back towards the gym and Tony followed at a stagger. When they reached the rope that had previously held Tony in place Jay lifted his arms up and reattached them to their bonds. Tony cried out as he realised what was happening but it was too late and he was too tired and Jay was soon able to stand back and appraise his prey.

"Please. don't do this man!" Tony cried out. Jay merely stepped behind him and suddenly the hated gag was shoved back into Tony's mouth and tightened again, leaving Tony grunting his pleas for release uselessly. As the boy squirmed in front of him Jay made sure that Tony could see the sign he'd placed in front of him earlier. Deftly Jay turned it over and repositioned it so it was in front of Tony. As he did so he made sure Tony could see what was written on it.

"Can he hold his shit longer than an hour? - Betting starts at 3 p.m."

Tony's eyes widened as he took in the words in front of him and he groaned at Jay questioningly. Jay smiled and pointed to the clock in the gym which read 2.45 p.m. Then he blew him a kiss and sauntered off out of the gym.

Next: Chapter 3

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