Tonys Punishment

By moc.liamtoh@busogidni

Published on May 26, 2008


Disclaimer - this story involves bondage, humiliation, watersports and forced orgasm and scat. If this isn't your thing then do not read on.

Any comments or suggestions (especially suggestions) will be gratefully received and there's another part of the story on the way :)

---------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4

Jay handed the naked jock a bottle of water and Tony glugged gratefully from it. While he was drinking what he thought was plain water, Jay smiled to himself and, picking up his back-pack, started to prepare items for the next stage of the day's punishments. Tony could only gape in horror as Jay removed a ball of shiny pink fabric from his bag. Jay shook this out to reveal that it seemed to be a pair of lycra hotpants; very pink, very shiny, and very small.

"No! You can't make me wear those! Please, haven't you done enough?"

Tony started to rise, his mitten-clad hands clamped protectively over his naked dick. He was halfway up when, without warning, he fell over, sprawling in an ungainly heap at Jay's feet. He tried to get up but his limbs felt incredibly heavy and weak and he couldn't even push himself up from the tiled floor.

"What have you done to me!?" He cried.

"Don't worry - it'll only last ten minutes or so, just enough time for me to get you ready for the next show" Jay giggled.

The enfeebled jock lay panting and protesting on the floor as Jay then removed a number of items from his bag and started his preparations. He rolled Tony onto his back and noted that the drug he'd given his captive was working very well. Tony didn't even have the strength in his limbs to lift his hands up to cover Jay's view of his manhood, which now lolled on his thigh, reddened and sore from its previous suffering.

Tony watched in terror as Jay took a long thin tube and applied what looked like lubricant along its length. Approaching Tony, Jay then took hold of the boy's penis and slowly, in spite of Tony's cries of pain, began to feed the tube down the eye of his dick. The sensation was like nothing Tony had ever experienced before and he cried out in nameless agony as he felt the tubing work its way into his bladder. Once Jay was satisfied that he'd inserted the catheter far enough he took a urine drainage bag from his stash and secured it to Tony's upper thigh with straps. He then took a syringe and injected air through a vent in the tubing to ensure that the source of Tony's latest torture remained in place. Finally Jay attached the catheter to the drainage bag and stood back.

"Please - this is wrong! You can't do this to me!" Tony shouted from his supine position on the cold locker room floor. The pain in his dick had passed but he could see what Jay had done and knew that his next ordeal would involve him filling the bag.

Jay took the hotpants and worked them up Tony's legs. They fit like a second skin and Tony's manhood was clearly visible through the shiny pink fabric. Jay disconnected and then reattached the catheter so that the tubing snaked out of the high-cut leg of the pants and down to the bag making Tony's latest treatment painfully apparent.

Jay then rolled Tony onto his front exposing his taut bubble butt and making Tony feel even more exposed than he had when naked in front of Jay moments earlier. Tony still had no strength to move his arms and legs but bellowed for help as Jay pulled the hotpants down and reopened the tube of lubricant.

"No! This is rape! You can't do this to me! Help! Someone Help!"

Jay grabbed Tony's hair and pulled his head back sharply. He then stuffed the gag into Tony's mouth and re-secured it firmly.

"Mmmmpphhh! Mmmmpphhh!"

"Relax stud. I'm not gonna rape you. I'd love to, you've got the cutest arse, but Coach has said that's off limits and I'm only allowed to do things that cause you to humiliate yourself. That doesn't mean this won't be fun for me though"

Tony felt something wet touching his butt crack. Something smooth and blunt was being pushed into his virgin arsehole. He clenched his buttocks, raging futilely into the rubber ball that reduced his words of protest to grunts and groans. Still the smooth object pressed in. Tony screamed in pain as the thing entered him, stretching him in a way he'd never experienced before.


He couldn't expel the invader and slowly it filled him. Finally, after an eternity of pain, the object tapered and Tony felt his arsehole close around the 'neck' of the cursed thing. He panted and drooled as the waves of agony slowly ebbed. At the same time he was aware of a feeling unlike any he'd had before. The object was prodding against a part of his innards in a way that was not uncomfortable and in fact was curiously stimulating.

Tony could feel Jay's fingers at his butt and knew he was fiddling with the thing that was now embedded in his guts. Suddenly there was a puffing noise and Tony felt the object expand within him little-by-little.

"Mmmnnoooo!" He cried as his bowels started to fill while the thing inside him inflated in mind-blowing increments. Soon he was furiously uncomfortable and felt as he had when he was trying to hold his bowels earlier. He tried to shout for Jay to stop what he was doing - that he was too full and it was too much - but still the pressure increased to the point where Tony thought he might pass out.

Finally the 'balloon' inside him ceased its inflations. Tony was desperate to shit it out but it was too large to expel. Jay reached down and flicked a tiny switch on the butt plug and Tony shuddered as he felt vibrations start deep within him - all located at the spot he had noticed before that seemed to respond to the stimulation with pleasure.

Jay then pulled the hotpants back up, noting happily that the shank of the butt plug was clearly visible, contoured by the stretchy pink fabric. Anyone looking at Tony's hot butt would immediately see that he had some form of sex toy inserted up there. They'd also be alerted to this by the gentle buzzing that the plug gave off as it worked away at Tony's prostate - hopefully driving him crazy with a desire for further release.

Finally Jay bent down and bodily picked Tony up and carried him in a fireman's lift back to the gymnasium. Slung over Jay's shoulder Tony could do nothing but groan into the gag. His innards felt heavy and full to the brim as they had earlier. This time however there was no relief to be had for he couldn't get the source of his discomfort out. Added to this was the insistent prodding inside him that he was finding increasingly impossible to ignore. Tony's mind was torn between the anguish of his new 'load' and feeling more and more turned on by the rhythmic thudding against his 'sweet spot'.

Jay dumped Tony on the gym floor and set to work with some rope. Soon the groaning boy was trussed up with his hands tied up high and tight behind his back. Tony could feel some life returning to his weakened limbs but it was too little too late. He tested his bonds but couldn't get free.

Jay took a sign - similar to the ones worn by marathon runners to let people know their number in the race - and, before Tony could see what it said, tied it onto the muscular lad's chest. He then hauled Tony to his feet and, gingerly, stepped away to see if his charge could stand unaided. Tony's legs felt uncoordinated but he was able to stand. He immediately had to shift to a slightly squatting position to alleviate the pressure inside him. Jay was very pleased with his handiwork - squatting like this made Tony's butt and the buzzing toy even more apparent.

Finally Jay took a length of dog chain and attached it to the collar that Tony still sported. He then tugged on the lead and started to drag the shuffling, moaning boy towards the door leading out of the gym and onto campus. When they reached the door Jay dragged Tony through it and then stopped - appearing to remember something. To Tony's complete horror Jay reached down and twisted a small valve in the tubing that emerged from Tony's stuffed trunks. Immediately Tony could see that amber piss was flowing down the tube and into the bag strapped to his leg. The bag was transparent so anyone looking at him would be able to see it too as he filled the bag helplessly with his hot piss.

Driven nearly mad by the conflicting sensations of his overstuffed arse and the sensuous workings of the vibrations - Tony was dragged; bandy-legged, squatting, groaning, sweating and pissing through the campus towards the frathouse where his previous assailants were no doubt waiting for him. Students passed the duo and laughed out loud when they saw Tony's predicament. Tony was flushed with humiliation. Some gay guys were invited to openly check out Tony's bulging crotch and there was absolutely nothing he could do to avoid their comments or squeezes. Other students exclaimed in gleeful disgust as they took in the ballooning drainage bag or the head of the butt plug sticking out of his arse and buzzing chirpily. One student prodded the butt plug - causing Tony to shriek in a mixture of agony and ecstasy and almost immediately Tony felt a reaction to the insistent massage inside him and knew he was getting hard. Publicly.

With a massive boner the hotpants were stretched to capacity and the muscular jock had no way of disguising his dilemma - people seemed to find his engorged dick hilarious. A gay guy stepped up and openly fondled Tony's throbbing prick causing him to gasp out in unwanted pleasure.

Throughout this ordeal Tony, sweating and cramping, tried to appeal for help. On the way to the frathouse Jay and he passed at least thirty people but no one would help him. They could surely see by his face and tell from his grunts that he was in trouble and that this was something happening to him against his will. Still no one came to his aid and many took one look at what was written on the banner tied to his chest and became more involved in tormenting him. If only he could find someone he knew - they would surely help him or raise the alarm to save him from this shameful exposure.

Practically naked, piss draining from a clearly massive erection into a very obvious bag on his leg, his butt and the hated plug on clear display from his bowlegged squatting position; Tony was inexorably dragged by Jay to the frathouse of the boys who had such fun with him earlier. Mounting the steps was hell for Tony as each high step meant the hotpants were pulled tight, pushing the plug deeper into him and drawing out a steady stream of moans of lust that he just could not stifle.

At the top of the steps Jay pressed the doorbell and Tony, realising that this was his last chance, screamed long and loud for someone, anyone to help him. Spit bubbled and veins stood out on his neck as he shouted pointlessly into the solid rubber ball. The door opened. Sweaty and red with exertion and with tears streaming down his face Tony was pulled inside to meet his fate with a group of lads from whom he'd have no mercy.

Next: Chapter 5

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