Tonys Punishment

By moc.liamtoh@busogidni

Published on Jun 12, 2008


Disclaimer - this story involves bondage, humiliation, watersports and forced orgasm and scat. If this isn't your thing then do not read on.

Any comments or suggestions (especially suggestions) will be gratefully received. Again, big thanks for the suggestions I've had so far - they've really helped.

Chapter 7

When he regained consciousness Tony realised that he was naked almost immediately. He was covered by a sheet and had his head on a pillow and was clearly in the bed he had inhabited before - but this time he was unbound. He tried to move and discovered that he was unable to move his arms and legs and that - in spite of his burly, powerful physique - he could do no more than lie there passively. His dick felt very sore and his arsehole felt swollen but he no longer smelled of piss, shit or spunk.

The door opened and Jay entered the room and began to disrobe in front of Tony's frightened eyes.

"What are you going to do to me? Please - you've got to let me go!"

Jay, now naked, climbed into the bed and snuggled himself up to Tony's unresisting form. Tony could feel Jay's stiff prick against his hip but was powerless to move away from this embarrassing contact.

"That's some way to thank the guy who cleaned you up after you crapped yourself in front of all those nice people" said Jay, with a sigh, as he shifted position. He flung his arm carelessly across Tony's pectorals and hugged him close. Where Jay's body pressed against Tony's skin goosebumps erupted and he shuddered involuntarily from the invasion of his personal space. Tony had never been touched by, or touched, a guy in the way that he had been touched today. He felt violated and sick but he knew better than to protest - any display of aggression would bring still more humiliating punishments down on him.

Jay then rested his head on Tony's powerful chest, closed his eyes contentedly, and went to sleep. Tony was amazed to find that he too was exhausted and before long his breathing deepened as he drifted slowly into a dreamless sleep.

Tony woke to a bright morning light spilling across the room. He still had no control of his arms and legs - whatever they had administered to him was clearly longer- lasting than the drugs Jay had used in the locker room yesterday.

In the night Jay had obviously grabbed one of Tony's arms and wrapped himself in the burly lad's embrace and so it was that Tony found Jay spooned into him and still fast asleep. He could feel his dick pressed up against Jay's bare butt and a gasp escaped him as he realised that although the position he was in was repugnant, the sensation of skin against skin was unfortunately stimulating. This plus a need to piss and it wasn't long before Tony had fully-fledged early morning horn.

He held his breath, hoping frantically that Jay remained sleeping and didn't wake to discover that the jock was pressing his wood into his captor's butt crack. Tony knew that Jay would make the most of that particular situation and he would be unable to defend himself from the gay guy's sexual advances.

Because of the way they were positioned Tony couldn't move to gain distance from Jay's soft, warm body and his dick quickly became painful from the prolonged erection. To make matters worse he really was desperate for a piss and, while the thought of pissing on his captor was one he relished, Tony knew that he would be punished severely or humiliated publicly for the act. He envisioned himself prone and naked in a pool of his own urine as Jay brought the frat boys in to see their victim and laugh and jeer. He shuddered.

"I'm lying in a bed curled up against a GAY GUY with my dick throbbing, trying not to piss myself and wake him up in case I get buttfucked. I'd kill this guy normally but I'm totally at his mercy. I've got to get away as soon as I get a chance".

Tony's cock jerked and he moaned in terror as, groaning and sighing, Jay slowly awoke. The lad took a minute to come fully to his senses and then sleepily smiled up at Tony's anguished face and wriggled his butt, grinding against his embarrassed prey's stiffie.

"Mmmm - now that's a lovely way to say 'good morning'"

"I can't help it! It's not what you think! I need a piss bad man. You know I'm not that way! Please stop rubbing!"

"Well if you need a piss then its time we got up and greeted the world" said Jay ominously as he checked the clock at the side of the bed.

"The effects of your paralysis will wear off in an hour or two and we've got lots to do" Jay released Tony's arm and rolled him onto his back, admiring the way the mortified hunk's dick tented the thin sheets. He got out of bed and stretched, enjoying Tony's look of fear as the trapped boy took in Jay's own early morning erection.

Tony's heart was beating furiously as he fearfully watched Jay head for the bathroom. Even as he fought against his own traitorous limbs Tony idly noted that Jay's dick was huge - bigger than he'd have thought for such a slender boy. His dick was still throbbing and clearly visible poking up and creating an obvious peak in the white linen.

He listened as he heard Jay take a long leak and flush - then his captor returned to the room holding something that caused him to break out in a cold sweat and whimper helplessly.

"No. Please no."

Jay was holding up Tony's ruined wrestling singlet. The once shiny material was stained and grubby and the pleading stud could see the obvious evidence of his trials from the day before. The crotch area was clearly stiff as a board from his embarrassing emissions and badly urine-stained. The back of the suit was a disaster - soiled a dark-brown by Tony's humiliating incontinence.

Tony protested feebly as Jay whipped off the sheets - exposing his body and dick - and started dressing him in the suit. He cried out as the roughened material rasped against his sore piss hard-on and gagged as he felt the dried shit scrape against his butt. Tony's erect dick deflated and soon he was dressed - the light blue lycra moulding to his body and making his previous lack of control horribly evident to all who cared to look.

At the same time as he was suffering this indignity Tony's need to empty his bladder grew ever stronger and, as Jay positioned the shoulder straps of his once proud uniform, Tony could hold on no longer and started to plead for permission to use the bathroom.

"Please Jay - I need a piss real bad. Let me take a leak then you can do what you like with me - please man! Don't make me piss myself!"

Jay ignored the pleas of the brawny jock as he primped the lad's lycra outfit and went to the door and called out for some assistance. Within seconds two of the frat boys entered the room - their eyes widening in appalled delight as they took in the sight of Tony's soiled and helpless form. Tony was now openly begging for help, such was his need to piss, and the newcomers fell about laughing as he shamed himself with his entreaties.

"I need to use a toilet guys! I'm gonna piss myself - you gotta help!"

"I think it's a bit late for using the facilities" said one of the jocks wryly as he eyed Tony's cum-stained crotch.

"You bastards! When I get free you'll regret doing this to me - I'll make you suffer like nothing you've ever known" The men picked up the unresisting jock and carried him downstairs to the frat lounge. About ten members of the frat were lolling around in their undershorts, nursing hangovers from the previous night's entertainments and watching cartoons on the big-screen TV.

"How's he doing this morning and what the fuck is he wearing!?"

"He really trashed that suit didn't he?"

"Man you can see where he totally crapped his pants - that's so gross!"

In the centre of the room was a child's high chair and Tony's paralysed form was dumped into this and a feeding tray locked in position. An enormous bowl of oatmeal was carried over by one of the brothers and Jay positioned himself to the side of Tony and produced a spoon.

"Time for brekkie - open wide, here comes the choo-choo train" he giggled as Tony grimaced - the effort evident on his face as he fought to control his bursting bladder.

Tony was ravenously hungry but his thoughts were distracted by the pressure on his bladder. His dick hardened again - a fact that was noticed by the audience making themselves comfortable around him to watch the latest humiliating spectacle.

"Ha-ha he's knocking on the tray"

"God he gets hard at the drop of a hat"

"Please! It's not my fault - I badly need to pismmmmfffh" Jay took the opportunity to fill Tony's mouth with the warm oatmeal. Tony had no choice but to chew and swallow and as soon as he had done so another spoonful of the mush was waiting for him. He felt mortified that he was being fed like a baby - much to the amusement of the frat brothers. Worse though was the knowledge that he was about to piss himself like a baby in full view of the room.

The pain in his bladder was unbearable and, before long, Tony felt himself let go and urine start to freely gush from his distended cock, soaking the befouled lycra and darkening the groin and rear of the suit as it puddled under him on the chair.

"Heh-heh - something in one end, something out the other"

"Dude - you are disgusting!"

Even as Tony reddened in front of the cat-calling boys he sorrowfully accepted another spoonful of the oatmeal from Jay. Jay's aim was deliberately off and Tony felt a lump of the glop drip down his chin. Tears filled his eyes as he took in his situation and his hot piss dripped noisily to the floor below his captive frame. He felt his relieved cock softening and thanked his stars that at least that was one humiliation he was now spared.

"Phew! That smells like it was definitely the first leak of the day!"

"Aww - I think its sweet - our own little muscle-baby"

Jay continued to feed Tony as he sat in his own private hell. The smell of the singlet was nauseating - all of Tony's previous secretions reactivated by the hot urine as he sat helplessly in a puddle of piss.

Eventually - and with much mess - the bowl of oatmeal was finished. Jay then gave Tony some apple juice and the lad reluctantly drank his fill - worried about what the sweet liquid might be laced with this time. Oatmeal covered his chin and had dripped onto his chest and he had to suffer in silence as Jay made a great show of cleaning up his 'little one' in front of the lads.

The brothers then grabbed the stinking, wet hunk and dragged him to another, more conventional, chair. His limbs were still not responding and Tony sat and watched as the men started setting up a video camera, linked to a laptop, in front of him.

"No! You can't film me! That's blackmail!"

"Relax stud - we're just gonna record a message for the Coach so he knows we're looking after you properly"

Once the equipment was set up Jay came over to Tony and hunkered down next to his charge.

"Here's how this is gonna work. You're going to record a cheery little message to Coach Wetherall saying that you have been punished but that you feel better for it and that it's been nothing too bad. You're even going to tell him that you are happy to keep taking your punishments for the remaining couple of weeks with me and that you and I are getting along just fine." Jay sniggered

"We certainly seemed to be getting along just fine first thing this morning didn't we big boy?"

"You're out of your fucking mind!!! No way am I gonna say all that! Look at me - look at what you've done to me! Go ahead you faggot - film me! I want him to see what you've done to me you fucking pervert!"

Jay sighed.

"Oh Tony you poor fool. I didn't think you'd play ball on this one but you ARE going to record a message and it WILL be one of harmony and joy."

Jay gestured and three of the brothers grabbed Tony under his armpits and threw him face down to the floor. In seconds his filthy wrestling suit was pulled down to his knees and Jay was crouching down beside the prone boy as he raged at his captors using every bit of invective he knew.

"You'll fucking go to prison for what you fuckers have done to me!!!"

Jay playfully slapped Tony's bare bubble butt and produced a butt plug that he lubed up and slowly began to work into Tony's crack.

"NO!! NO!! This is wrong!!! It's fucking sick you bastards - someone stop this!!! Aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!"

Tony panted in agony as the invading object relentlessly entered him and soon he was feeling the now-familiar sensation as the plug tapered and left him gasping and full. Jay then attached a tube to the plug and pulled Tony's lycra suit back up. The brothers then put Tony back in the chair, laughing at his exclamations when the plug was pushed deeper into him as he sunk onto the seat.

Contorted in pain, Tony watched as Jay took the length of tubing and attached it to what looked like a hot water bottle hanging on a stand nearby. Jay then traced the tubing down to a tiny white plastic clamp and Tony heard a small click and felt the bizarre sensation of fluid starting to enter his butt.

"For each time we have to reshoot your message to the Coach - you'll spend two minutes filling up. If you think that's bad then you'd better understand - this is just the first bag of water, we've got two more of these to empty."

Two minutes later and Tony could plainly feel his bowels stretching from the influx of fluid. The small tap was turned off and one of the brothers lined up the camera.

Sweat broke out on Tony's brow as Jay sweetly called out,


Next: Chapter 9

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