Tool Men

By PsychoPuppy

Published on Jul 18, 2002


The following is a fictional story involving fictional characters from the television series "Home Improvement." It is intended for the entertainment of consenting adults in the privacy of their homes, and if you object to or offended by descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults, do not read any further. The sexual orientation and practices depicted in this story do not in any way suggest or reflect the actions or orientations of the characters or the actors who portray these characters.

The phrases Home Improvement, Tooltime & Binford, and all characters are trademarks of and copyright The Walt Disney Company, Touchstone Television and Wind Dancer Production Group.

I want to make something perfectly clear; this is an erotica series. I did not write this to be a quick porn story, or any other cheap form of entertainment. Some installations will be mostly dialogue and scene setting, others will be filled with hot man sex. If you are not interested in reading the actual story, then just skim ahead to the "good parts-" but know you are missing a lot of intrigue and realistic plot lines. Well, that is to say, I have attempted to keep the plot line relatively true to the TV series and reality in general. Anyway... enjoy!

Tool-Men By PsychoPuppy

Part 2: Come What May

Randy had been lying in bed for the better part of two hours. He had just been about to slip from his bedroom when the sound of his father lumbering down the hallway had caught his ear and sent him scurrying back into bed. The older man had crept downstairs and vanished into the garage for about an hour, then ventured into the back yard, wearing nothing but a house coat as far as Randy could tell. The backyard was clearly visible from his bedroom window, and he had heard enough of Tim and Wilson's conversation to get the gist of it.

Oh man...' Randy thought, sweat beading his forehead in the warm room, I can't believe this .No way dad said what I think he said. Did he really ask Wilson about doing another guy? Shit! Holey. Shit.' The boner in his boxers was screaming for release, but the conversation he had partially overheard pushed any serious thought about jerking off from his mind. Temporarily. And what did Wilson say? It's normal or something like that?' The 18 year old tossed and turned on his bed, repeating the stolen words in his mind. And dad said he had done another guy, someone who he grew up with or something. Man, I can't believe this!' Randy's obsession was more then just passing interest, or even shock, but rather something more akin to relief and a curious amount of joy. Finally, after going over every spoken word methodically, Randy's mind was thrust back between his lightly fuzzy legs to the throbbing dick which was now howling for play. That, of course, reminded him why he had tried to sneak from his room earlier.

Creeping across the carpeted hallway, he paused at Brad's bedroom door. The older boy had left it slightly ajar, as he did most nights, so Randy could enter his leisure. Randy entered the blackened room and softly closing the door behind him with nothing more then the muted `click.' Cautiously he navigated the tenebrous darkness, wary for any clothes or sports equipment which might trip his slender feet. Finally he made it to the bed and was rewarded by the sounds of Brad's rhythmic breathing.

This began a while back, no more then two or three years, when Brad and Randy had been left alone for a weekend. They got drunk and watched porn, laughed and joked with each other, eventually falling to sleep curled up together on Brad's bed. That was the first weekend they had masturbated in front of each other. It wasn't extremely hot or anything, just a couple of guys who happened to be brothers slappin' their man twigs on the same bed. They had chalked it up to the booze and the excitement of watching porn with the volume turned top high. But the next night they had done it again, with no alcohol, and Randy had done something he had never dreamed of doing: he had held Brad's rigid cock as his big brother came. The weeks which followed that particular incident proved stressful for the brothers. An awkward silence permeated the times they found themselves alone together, one often leaving before the quiet grew too bizarre. Randy was crushed. But then one night, a month or so later, he had awoken to find Brad in his bed fast asleep, one arm holding their bodies close. Brad was gone that morning, long before the sun spilled in through Randy's open drapes, but he remembered. The next night had taken the same initiative- but without leaving the next morning. Brad hadn't said anything about it, and so the routine had sort of started. Occasionally Randy would rub Brad through his thin boxers, and sometimes even jerk him off. No words were spoken during these times of quiet pleasure, as if an arcane spell held their tongues. But that was years ago, and things had progressed since them- to such a level, in fact, that Randy was beginning to question the nature of his relationship to Brad. They were brothers by birth and blood, true, but the types of activities they had been doing the last few months went beyond the boundaries of healthy teenage sexual exploration, or simply jerking off. Randy had begun sucking Brad, and to his delight, Brad had taking more of an active roll in pleasing him as well.

But where the hell is this supposed to go?' Randy wondered grimly as he settled in beside his big brother, looking over at the sleeping youth, what happens next? This can't go on forever... can it? Oh man, how did it go this far? And why don't I want it to stop? Why...' But his next thoughts were stolen by the shroud of deep sleep, just has his arm came to rest lovingly across Brads lightly furry chest.

The digital clocked flashed 3:47am on the nightstand beside Brad's bed. His eyes stared at it, transfixed, while listening to the soft sounds of Randy's breathing beside him. The heat of his brother's body was fully pressed against his length, and their arms had since become entangled during the course of their peaceful slumber. But now Brad was awake, and only his thoughts kept him company. He loved Randy; he knew that beyond a doubt. Randy was his brother, he would gladly die for the little shit. But... 'Maaaaaaan' Brad squeezed his eyes tight, trying to focus his thoughts and not slip back into a state of dreamless sleep. 'Dude, what is up with this? I hope I'm not fucking him up for life. Or myself. I want a kid someday, well, maybe. If I find a pretty enough girl.' But the tone of his thoughts rang hollow, as if only an echo of the values he had been raised to believe- from his parents, teachers, church, the beloved TV. 'TV wouldn't lie, would it?'

Unconsciously Brad's toned arm tightened around his little brother, hugging the smaller boy close to this naked flesh. Randy wore only a pare of thin boxers, but Brad- anticipating Randy's arrival hours before- had opted to go commando. 'What had taken Randy, anyway?' The oldest Taylor lad sighed softly as his right hand began rubbing Randy's flat belly. It had a nice patch of dark brown fuzz growing in around the navel, and his pubes were a moist mat of tangled hair. Brad could smell the other boy's crotch from where he lay, the lone blanket cast away sometime during the night. Now his hand reached down and slipped under the folds of his brother's boxers, gently caressing the stiff pecker beneath in a strong grip. He did love Randy, and really enjoyed the fun they had together, but it was wrong. Wasn't it? The answer used to be so simple... but it just wasn't anymore.

Randy shifted and opened his eyes, looking into the blue depths of Brad's level stare. "mornin'" Brad whispered, "Did I wake you?"

"Nah," Randy replied, an impish smile breaking across his face at the sensation of Brads squeezing hand, "I was just dreaming of some old pervert molesting me."

"Oh, then hurry and get back to sleep, maybe you can catch him." Brad snickered, "Prick."

Randy slipped off his boxers and moved in closer to Brad, his own hand coming to gently squeeze his brother's thick shaft. No further words were spoken as the two worked on each other, each boy leaning back and closing his eyes, sighing as his brothers experienced hand eased the tension from his body and replaced it with warm pleasure. The first clear drops of precum started to flow from Brad, bathing Randy's palm in its slick liquid. Brad was breathing deeply now, his face flushed. Randy smiled, taking the hint, and loosened his grip while began to work his fist lightly around the exposed head of Brads 6" cock. But Randy knew that his sibling was too far into it, as his own breathing had increased dramatically with Brad's expert hand squeezing the life from his shlong. Man, Brad is really givin' it tonight... thought Randy as he struggled to control himself, even as he pulled back a bit, signaling Brad to loosen up. Brad eased his grip, but the slick flow of precum from Randy's almost-6' sausage was really making it hard to resist just going for it. Both boys were deep in the throngs of pleasure now, each keeping a grip on the others dick while their heavy breathing urged them on to new heights of ecstasy. Their bodies were burning up, hotter then the rarest jungle fever, and sweat was dripping across their faces and arms. The smell of their pits and moist crotches perfumed the hot bedroom air with the stench of man, it filled their lungs and urged them on even further with each shuddered breath. Randy swallowed, his hips moving up and down, matching Brad's macho pace. The older boy tried to restrain the grunts and moans which begged to be released from the depths of his throat, knowing that even one of the mighty calls would waken the whole house- if not the neighborhood.

Randy leaned his head closer to Brad's as their legs twined and rubbed passionately against each other. "W...wait." Randy gasped, "Brad, hold on..."

Brad released Randy's dick and visibly shook as he felt Randy drop his own raging manhood. The younger boy straddled Brad, and slowly squirmed down to his crotch, knowing that his brother couldn't possibly hold out any longer. In one strong gulp, Randy engulfed the thick head of Brad's glands within his hot mouth.

Brad's hips involuntarily bucked, but he was on the point of conscious realization. His fuck lust had completely taken over; propelling him beyond the point of pleasure and thrusting him head first into the volcano of ecstasy. Randy's skilled mouth moved around his prick head, the boy's saliva burning like molten magma, his tongue slithering like some fire serpent from Greek Mythology. Randy rolled Brad's frantically throbbing balls with one hand, as he jerked the meaty shaft with his other. The sucking pressure of Randy's mouth increased, his tongue diving in and out of Brads watering cum-slit, its girth now perpetually open while a steady stream of the clear man juice flowed into his brother's mouth. Then Randy did it, he hit the button that launched Brad over the edge of ecstasy and into the oblivion of primal, animal pleasure. Randy moved the thumb of the hand which was massaging Brad's balls down an inch, and pressed it against the boys quivering asshole. Brad's back arched like some sort of flesh constructed bridge, his whole form trembling as a gout of boiling sperm blasted into Randy's mouth... and he swallowed. Never before when Randy sucked him had Brad dared cum in the younger boy, it simply was not something that he could bring himself to do. But now, his mind totally devoid of any rational thought, he could only stay there, in that erotic pose, as Randy continued to suckle every remaining drop of his most precious fluid from his heaving body. And Brad wanted him to.

Randy's eyes were beginning to tear as the bursts of sperm hit the back of this throat again and again, yet he dared not release the throbbing tool from his strong lips. The head of Brad's dick must have been super-sensitive by now, but still the younger boy sucked and prodded it with his tongue, letting the last remaining spurts of hot sperm drip from between his lips and pool on his brother's crotch. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Brad clasped, gasping for breath and groaning softly, as if he had just run the 100k in five seconds flat.

But what neither Brad nor Randy had noticed in their mutual moment of mind-stopping pleasure was that Brad had lost total control and did something he had been very careful never to do during orgasm. Brad had grunted like a beast in heat, loud enough to wake at least one member of the household.

To be continued...

If you enjoyed this first installment of "Tool-Men," or have any suggestions, please e-mail me ( and let me know! If you want to send flames or insults, those are welcome too... I always enjoy a good laugh.

Next: Chapter 3: Memories of Flesh

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