Tossing Salads

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Sep 19, 2003



TOSSING SALADS by bawdypen

"So, Mr Weston, how's it been going since your release? I see you're employed."

"Well, some things are alright. Like the family and my job. It's good to be out and sticking to something legitimate. I sure don't wanna go back to the joint."

"That's good to hear. A lot of men have a difficult time adjusting to freedom and not being regimented constantly. But something's troubling you. Want to talk about it?"

"Gee, it's...I don't know, it's awfully embarrassing."

"Well, there's nothing a psychiatrist hasn't heard many times over. Just try to relax and perhaps I'll be able to help find a solution."

"I guess you're right, Doc. Since you counsel a lot of ex- cons, I suppose you might have run across this little problem of mine. See, it's...well, it's all the abuse I went through in the joint. I'm no muscle bound bully like most of the guys in there. I couldn't lift a weight if my life depended on it. Actually, that's kind of the way it was. My life did depend on it. I'm talking about sexual abuse, Doc. I'm sure you're heard plenty of stories about prison rape and all that."

"A lot more than I should have to, I'm afraid. By that I mean it's terrible how the law of the jungle prevails in there. But continue. And rest assured I've probably heard several versions of anything you might tell me. And remember, everything is strictly confidential."

"I figured that, or I wouldn't have made the appointment. I certainly wouldn't want my wife and kids to know what I went through. Six years, Doc. Six years of being used. I was worse than a doormat--I was a slave to every guy's perversion you can think of. And a few you probably haven't thought of. Before my first week was over, I was already an accomplished cock-sucker. My cellmate loved two or three blowjobs a day, and I was elected to supply them. I say accomplished because he had a really big prick and gave me a crash course on how to satisfy him. He broke me in so well, I seldom had difficulty sucking off guys with big ones."

"Others? Then I presume he didn't make you his private property like some do."

"He did, actually. But he got out two weeks later. My new cellmate, Buster, sold me to other guys. He'd have the guy come to our cell and he'd watch while looking out for the guards. He liked having his cock sucked, but mostly he preferred fuck- ing me up the ass. Buster was a fitting name for him, because he sure busted my ass cherry! His cock was smaller than the first guy's, but it still hurt like hell until I got used to it.

"At first, he just sold me for sucking guys off. Especially ugly fuckers, fat fuckers, guys who enjoyed fucking me in the mouth really rough. Then after he broke my ass in, he sold me for fucking, too. Sometimes he'd have me take care of two guys at in my mouth and the other up my ass. When some of the men started requesting strange, disgusting things, he'd just add it to my repertoire. Like the Italian with the hairy crack who wanted his "salad tossed" know, his asshole licked out. After that I was available to lick any guy's shithole. At first they were assholes, but they started getting mean about it and stopped wiping their asses if they had an appointment to drop by. That's when they turned into shitholes --and I had to lick them clean! This one nigger...uh, this black guy loved getting his shitty asshole licked out by another guy. Now, truthfully, his dirty ass didn't taste any worse than the others. But I have a particular resentment - towards him. I'd eat his ass then he'd fuck me. But when he pulled his prick out of my ass he'd stick it in my mouth and make me eat my own shit off it! Can you imagine, Doc?"

"It never ceases to amaze me how cruel some people can be."

"Heh! When the word of that got around, I was suddenly a cock cleaner. It earned Buster a nice little bonus for that extra benefit. Of course, I had to do it to him whenever he fucked me. I tell you, Doc, nothing up to then was nearly as humiliating as being on your knees sucking your own shit from some stranger's dick! And it wasn't like I could prepare for it, either. Buster had them coming and going at all times of the day. Some con made arrangements to bring his punk with him. He'd fuck us both side by side, alternating back and forth. He wanted to watch me eat his punk's shit from his cock. Not satisfied with that outrage, he also pulled his cock out of my ass and stuck it in the punk's mouth. Back and forth we were fed his filthy prick. His punk didn't exactly relish the act, but he seemed used to it and resigned. When the guy said he wanted to see me eat HIS shit off just once, he told the punk to stick his cock up his ass just to get it dirty. The punk said nothing, but rolled his eyes a bit as the stud layed down and thrust his ass in the air, making me think it wouldn't be the first time he'd had his prick up the rough stud's behind.

"Eventually, I learned there were quite a few tough dudes who occassionally threw their legs in the air, but they didn't want it getting around because of their butch image. It's all bullshit, Doc. When I eventually learned to enjoy getting screwed, I realized what a crock all that masculine posturing is. But then, I understood how they certainly didn't want to be treated the way they treated me. Anyway, the stud moaned and gritted his teeth--putting on a big show about how it hurt. And all the while the punk's holding him by the hips, sliding his prick all the way in and out, trying not to look too bored over the guy's griping. I think he winked at me once, but I barely caught it and I wasn't really sure. After a few dozen strokes-- the guy kept saying to continue because he wanted it nice and coated for me--the punk pulls his cock out, saying that's about as dirty as it's gonna get. Then he wags it at me, with a little smirk, making me shuffle over to him on my knees. The stud's looking up, eyeing it. It's streaked with shit, alright, but I'd had a lot worse. The stud's satisfied enough, and gets real excited about it...telling me to just sniff it first. You know, 'Sniff that fuckin' shitty cock! Smell my crap! You like that cocksucker? You like the smell of my hot shit? Okay, go for it. Lick those streaks up. Clean that filth off with your tongue! Now suck his dirty knob and eat my shit!' Well, I did it without complaint. I just ignored the taste--it was just another shitty cock in a long line of 'em--and concentrated on the punk's cock. He had a really nice one and I enjoyed sucking it. I don't know, maybe it was because he was younger and better looking than the others, too. He was only about 22. He was kinda like the pal in high school you mighta traded handjobs with and one day got up the nerve to trying cock- sucking. I had a buddy like that for a while. Course we never got to trying cock-sucking. Guess neither of us had the nerve to suggest it. I'm kinda sorry we didn't. It mighta made my introduction to prison a tiny bit easier. Then the stud lifted his ass again and had me get over him and suck his ass while his punk bent down behind me and licked my crack clean."

"About that buddy you mentioned. As a psychiatrist, I firmly believe that's a good experience for teenage boys. If they're gay, they find it out in time...and if they're not, blowing a buddy won't make them gay. It also helps them understand the other side a little better and hinders prejudice."

"Of course, all that goes out the window if they land in prison. I was the biggest faggot on four wheels, Doc, and I wasn't even gay. Blowing cocks, sucking assholes, getting screwed up the shithole for a pack of cigarettes. What a circus!

"And the clowns just kept on coming. Some redheaded mick decided he wanted to take a piss is my mouth. That's after I clean his shitty cock from fucking me, of course. Good old Buster, he tallies it up--gleefully adding to my list while I'm gagging and chocking, piss running down my chin! The fucker don't care, he thinks it's a lark. Just as well seeing piss squirting from my lips as watching me swallow it. Great, now I was a fuckin' urinal! Like everything else, I soon became adept at gulping down a hot load of piss from the spigot.

"Then Buster adds one of his own perverted gems. One night just after lights out he's sitting on the toilet taking a shit. He calls me over and says to kneel between his legs and lick his asshole clean. It stinks something fierce, and not just because he hasn't flushed his turds. I whine and gripe about it, but he says what's the fucking difference? I lick shitty cocks and dirty assholes all the time. I said that doesn't mean I enjoy it--and don't I treat you pretty good? He patted me on the head and agreed I certainly did, then he lifted his legs and pulled my face between his cheeks, rubbing his shitty crack all over my nose and mouth! Well, I couldn't pull away and I definitely didn't dare cause a ruckus. Besides, I'd licked his unwiped asshole enough times that it hardly mattered. The only difference was his shit was fresh and stinking instead of dried and crusty and mixed with lots of sweat.

"The next time he called me down I just sighed and knelt there, waiting for him to lift his legs up. He did, but he hadn't shit yet! 'Lick my turds while I take a shit,' he said. I almost started to cry, wondering how many more indignities those bastards would dream up. I stuck my face over the toilet bowl and twisted it until I could lick his poochy hole. Then he started to shit, moaning in rapture from the double pleasure. A good shit and a personal slave to lick around his smelly turds! Needless to say, I licked his turds whenever he shit in the dark. He didn't add that to my list. I imagine because he thought it would have been hard explaining to a guard why some con was using our cell to take a shit in. But he did tell one guy in sworn confidence. He was pals with the black stud that first got me to suck his shitty dick.

"One day they decided to chance it. The black guy came to our cell and immediately sat on the toilet. I was rushed to get between his legs and ordered to lick his stinking turds. The dude must have been saving up for several days, because he shit and shit and shit. Turds just kept coming out of his ass and I had to lick every one of them...then suck his asshole. I was reluctantly agreeable, having been promised it was a one-time thing with him and nobody else would hear about it. Talk about a rocky turd and a hard place. Whether he kept his word or not, I still had no choice. Then he wanted me to blow him, even though I had shit all around my mouth. The black guy did something very strange when I'd finished sucking him off. He pulled me up by the hair and shot his tongue into my mouth, sloshing it out! It wasn't exactly a French kiss--though it probably looked that way to Buster--it was more as if the stud was probing my mouth for a taste of his own shit. Maybe he liked me eating his filthy ass because he couldn't do it himself! The blowjob he paid for. The kiss was free."

He sighed.

"Terrible ordeal...terrible. But look on the bright side. That's all behind you now and you have no reason to feel guilt or shame over anything they forced you to do. And that includes your natural ability to turn pain into pleasure, in some cases. It's simply the body and mind acting in unison for survival. You're free now, and while those experiences will never go away, a positive attitude and the rejection of self-pity and guilt will help make them somewhat fade away."

"That's not my problem, Doc. I realize all that. The thing is, the truly horrendous part of my ordeal is only now begin- ning. I crave it! I can't do without it, Doc. I go out and pick up men to blow or fuck me. I suck out their assholes. A couple of times I asked a guy to take a piss in my mouth. That's the weirdest one of all. I hated drinking piss!

"I dragged this really hot guy into an abandoned house one day and got him to fuck me. Then I sucked his cock. That turned him on so much he wanted to fuck me again just to watch me lick the shit off his prick. I accost fellows in men's rooms, asking them to let me into the stall and fuck me up the ass. I blew a 14-year-old boy in the back of a theater one Saturday after- noon. He went and got two of his buddies, and I sucked them off, too, and tongued their buttholes. But the really serious ones are what I was positive I'd never want to do again. And the only ones I can think of who might understand and not knock my block off for asking are ex-cons like myself. I know I'm not supposed to associate with them, but I can't help it. They also miss the little sadistic tortures they inflicted on others in prison...a couple of them had been punks, and they jump at the chance to have me grovel before them. I tell them my story right off, and that I want to watch them shit and lick their turds. Then I'll happily lick out their shitholes. I want them to fuck me up the ass and make me suck their shitty pricks.

"I once got four of them together and they really worked me over. I licked so many turds and got fucked so many times, I was delirious with joy. They each fucked me at least three times, and I sucked their dirty pricks each time--sometimes asking them to pull out for just a minute so I could lick on it. And while I was getting screwed, I either had a cock in my mouth or my tongue up somebody's asshole. Doc, my shit never tasted better than it does now. In fact, I haven't stuck my nose or tongue up a dirty asshole that disgusted me since I've been out.

"I went home with these two black guys one time and let them do anything they wanted to me. I didn't get home until midnight! I blew an old man in the park the other day. The old fart was happy as a lark when I turned him around and shot my tongue up his wrinkled keester. I've got a dude lined up for Tuesday who wants to take a shit in my mouth. I couldn't believe it. The moment he suggested it I said it sounds wonderful, and I'd suck the juice out of his smelly turd! My wife and kids are wondering where I am all the time. I don't know what to do, Doc."

The doctor layed his head back, looking at the ceiling, and sighed. "Taking a shit in your mouth, hunh? Hmmm, that's always been an erotic fantasty of mine. Of course, I never expected to run across a man who'd allow me that perverted lewdness."

"Doc, that doesn't sound like you can help me."

"Now, now. It's a difficult case, Mr Weston. Why don't I think about a course of action while I'm sitting on your mouth?"

"Okay, but that cop's gonna be real disappointed he wasn't the first to do it right into my mouth when I meet him on Tuesday."

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