Tough Exchange Policy

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 29, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I looked at the note in my hand, and then up at the store sign. "McKilgen's" is what they both said. Yep, this was the right place; with a name like that, you had to be sure. I hoisted the plastic bag that contained the pair of unused blue-jeans and went inside. I'd been given the jeans for Christmas by Jason, but then noticed the ugly patch of dark dye on it. For another type of jeans that wouldn't have mattered, maybe, but this was right on my butt and the patch was shaped too much like an erect penis to be comfortable, and the head aimed right at my butthole! Unless I intended to only wear it when I was going to a sleazy pickup bar, I needed to exchange them!

Only Jason didn't have the receipt anymore, not even the bag they came in. Just the name, so I had stuffed the jeans into a supermarket grocery bag and went by the store after work. Barely made it before they closed, they closed at six o'clock and it was now five fifty-five!

"We're closing." the man behind the counter grunted at me. Big, brawny, black man, shaven headed, he wanted to go home, and right damned now!

"I just need to return these jeans." I said, putting the sack on the counter. "Friend gave it to me for Christmas."

"What's wrong with it?"

I pulled the jeans out and showed him the dark dye spot. "Check it out. These jeans say, `Fuck me now, real hard.' I'd rather give out my own messages, thank you."

He laughed briefly, a snort, rather. "Hnkh! Well, I can understand that. Okay, just show me the receipt and we'll get you another pair. Exchange only, and let's make it snappy."

"Uh, I don't have a receipt." I said. "They were a gift, and my friend lost it."

"Oh." he said. "Well, then, you got yourself a pair of jeans there, I guess."

"Hey!" I said. "It's not his fault you sold him a pair of jeans with an ugly stain on them!"

"He should have looked them over." he said. "I'm closing now."

Something about this guy got my stubborn streak up. If he had been nice about it, I might have kept the jeans. As it was, I stiffened my backbone, jutted out my jaw, and said, "Soon as you change out these jeans for a pair without a dick-stain on the butt, fine."

"You can't exchange without a receipt."

"But they're your store's jeans and they're defective!" I protested, following after him as he went to the front door and locked it, then followed him to the back again. His stride was bigger than mine, I was losing ground and nearly trotted. Near the door to the back room was a row of breaker switches, he turned off some of them, and we were in semi-darkness.

"Time for you to leave." He said.

"Look." I said desperately. "I just want to exchange these jeans. They're useless to me as they are."

"So you got a stain on your butt." he said unsympathetically.

"It's a stain that says `Fuck me!'" I said.

He crossed his arms on his chest and said, "And you have a problem with that?" And that smile said more than words.

I gulped and said, "Well, usually, yeah. I mean, you don't want to say that to just anybody. Usually, I mean."

"And you want me to take the jeans back without a receipt. That's our exchange policy, you know, and you want me to make an exception for it." He walked over and stood close to me. Very close.

"Well...yeah!" I said, but it came out soft instead of emphatic.

"I'm allowed to make an exception now and then." he said. "I mean, if the person is a friend of mine. Or he's done something to make me trust him."

"Like what?" I asked him.

"You can figure it out." he said as he put his arms around me and pulled me to him. Our noses were almost touching.

"You the message on the back of the jeans?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said, strung-out like, "yeeeahhh" and then he kissed me. His arms were tight around me, nearly lifting me off the ground (he was three or four inches taller than me) and I felt his cock pressing against my stomach. Shit, it was hot! Hard! Felt big, too, real big! I was supposed to take this?

He released my lips and I groaned out, "No, no, oh, no!" I was saying, but the words didn't have any power behind them and my own cock was making itself known, his leg was right up against my crotch.

So he ignored my protest and kissed me again and his hand came down and cupped me under my buttocks and now he did lift me off the ground. Making it known that I belonged to him just now.

"Oh, oh, oh, no!" I moaned out as his lips left my mouth again and wandered over to my neck. "No, no, no!"

He let me back down and lessened his grip on me. "You want me to stop?" he asked me.

I put my arms around and pulled him back to me. "No, oh, no!"

He chuckled as he let me kiss him, a deep, rich tone as I tasted him this time, he let me slip my tongue into his mouth, taste that brightly pink tongue of his, the inside of his mouth so surprisingly bright-colored, seeing how it was set inside this dark-skinned man. But inside the deep brown skin he was pink as I was.

His palms of his hands, too, were lighter, though not as pink as his mouth. I saw how those palms were the same as the color my own skin as he worked my shirt open and ran his palms over my chest, feeling me out as he slipped it from my shoulders. My shoes were nothing but slip-ons, they slipped off easily as he tugged on my pants' fly and then his big hands were sliding my briefs along with my pants down my legs. Soon I was naked but for my socks, and he was moving his big paws on his own pants.

"You want to suck on this before I stick it in?" He asked me, the same sort of question as he had asked before. Consideration, but only up to a point, if I said no, he'd just hawk some spit on and stick it in anyway.

So I dropped down and took his cock in my hand. The cock was that same sort of lighter color as his palm, only ruddier and tinging on purple. The slit shone with an oval of pre-come that glittered as it reached down the glans. His testicles hooked onto his cockshaft halfway up its length, the erection stretched the sac out in a heavy triangular section, and as I gripped him, the ballsac was pulled forwards and the balls swung and slapped my hand. I skinned back the foreskin and it, too, was thick and heavy over the glans as it popped out and stared at me with its one weeping eye.

"Go on, suck it for me." this big black man said to me. "Suck it and I'll let you exchange those jeans."

I looked up at him. "I'm not selling myself to you for a pair of jeans." I pointed out.

He shrugged. "You can keep the jeans after if you'd like."

"No." I said.

"Then suck it and I'll exchange them."

It was hard to argue with logic like that, especially with a hard brown cock in your hand and I reached out with my tongue and caught that bubble of precome. Hot, salty, very salty, and I licked it up and it was hot and salty on my tongue and slimy on the roof of my mouth as I swallowed it. Kind of, it sort of smeared out and didn't go anywhere.

"Ahh, yeah, suck it now, suck it." he said. "Come on, get to work on it and then I'll fuck you."

How did I get into this? My own lusts had tripped me into this, I was servicing this big black stud with no promise that he'd do anything but take his way with me.

His hand came down and pulled my head onto his dong, and I was suddenly filled with his prick and intoxicated by the aroma of his manhood, a thick, raunchy, sweaty, heady mixture, it roiled in my nostrils and baked my brain and I was drunk with the taste of him, the smell of him, the presence of him, and I stopped equivocating and set to work on him. Damn, a big hot stud, he had me now and best I could do was try to enjoy it. Try to? God, I was!

My lips slid upon his prick, my saliva slathered itself over his shaft, my tongue danced and tasted that rope of skin that dangled underneath his cock, rich and velvety on my tongue and it waggled about like a wattle and it had little concavities on either side and inside those concavities was a richness of flavor, all musky black stud concentrate, and it was my reward for laving his dong with my spit.

"Ah, shit, man, that's good!" he groaned, his hips shining from the overhead light (the only light in the place now was right over us, but an island of merchandise blocked the view of us from the street), the highlights were almost bright white and gleaming, long arcs of luster along the muscles of his thighs. "Damn, man, that's enough, it's time now for you to earn your exchange."

Again with his taking this as a commercial transaction, like I was some kind of whore! I mean, it had started that way, I guess, but it was only that I wanted him was why I was doing this! If I got some benefit out of it...well, the ethics of this situation were kind of murky at best.

Not to worry about it, his next step was to fuck me and that was fine with me. I had his cockshaft glistening with my saliva, silvery color over the dun-brown beneath, and this dong was as ready as it'd ever be to go in my butt.

He lowered me down onto the floor, this little-used area was a mishmash of discarded clothing and rustling/rattling/clattering paper that had been used to enfold the clothes when they were shipped to this store, this was our bed, and I sank onto it gratefully; the only other choice was bare tile, uninviting.

He lifted a leg high in the air as he pressed his dick-head into position, the thick glans pressed on my buttocks on either side, just the tip of it touched my anus.

God, that felt good! Too good, I had to have more of it, more, and I reached down and pushed his cock to aim it for my hole and I held it in place while he pushed at me and I felt my sphincter shriek at this intruder, the sharp pleasure/pain of his penetration, that brief oval shout of sensation and then there's the thicker, duller feel of the big prong in my bowels, and this is a fullness and the pain is less and my asshole gave up the resistance and accepted this invader into itself.

"Aw, shit." the big man breathed, his throaty sound rich and redolent in my ear. "Damn, you got a nice ass on you, white boy!"

"Ah, yeah, fuck me." I whispered back. He'd only accept me in a subservient capacity, fine, long as he was this gentle with me, I'd be his fuck-slave!

He was gentle, as any man can be with a huge pud he's wielding and shoving it into your body. I had some discomfort, but it was nothing I could blame on him, he was accepting the price of the exchange (God, now I was thinking like him!) and taking his fuck without pushing for more.

Pushing, God, he was pushing, though! His schlong was a thick, huge round monster in my loins, he was working that massive pud into meand it was big, so Godawful big! Oh, man, I wouldn't be able to sit down after this! Thank God I had a few days off still to recover, I'd need it!

With a smooth harmony of motion, his hips drove his dick into me and out again, now we were moving to the symphony as old as time and older than history, I had a big, black arm around me and it was warm and I had his chest against my back and it was strong and I had his cock in my ass and it was all of the world of pleasure to me, a sliding schlong of ecstasy that shimmered in my senses, delighted in my dreams and awakened the sleeping primeval beast that lies in the heart of all men, the one that growls and has no thought and simply is, simply being, simply taking what it has and the present is its eternity and forever has no meaning at all, for there is no time and there is no logic and there is no thought, there is only sexual excitement building up and taking over the rest of my brain not as a conqueror, but as a returning king welcomed by his subjects, I was reverting to pre-barbarism, back to the animal, the nexus of which is orgasm and the glittering diamond of sheer, raw life!

In this state, in my bestial rut, I moaned as he fucked me, no longer caring what he thought and what I thought (there was no thought), I only had my desire and I had to have more of it, more, more, I needed to get there, there, there, hurry now, there! "Oh, ah, more, yeah, ah, ah, ah!" was all I could manage to communicate with my residue of linguistic ability. "Fuck me, yeah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Oh, yeah, baby, yeah." he joined me in this cacophony of sound, the shrieking jangling screeches that birds make and the ornithologists call it song, and it is a song, the oldest song ever sung, and we sang it when we were still animals on the African savannah, declaring our song of life to the predators of the veldt.

I was pumping my dick, now, needing to come now, needing to so badly, I no longer cared if he made it to climax with me or not, I had to come now, now, damn it, now! My orgasm crept up so annoyingly slow, like it was going to take its own pace no matter what I did to my dick, I was pumping like crazy and it was slow, slow, God, slow!

I had a piston in my ass, now, this black man was fucking me hard and fast, I could almost feel the added heat of the friction this was making, but it was all hot, all of it, and I had to get to climax, I had to, I had to!

"Oh, damn, shit, oh, oh, oh!" I groaned out in my frustration. "I gotta come, I gotta come! Oh, shit!"

And his hand genially came down and took over, and his big paw pumped my pud and though he was slower than my own had been, there was the element of him taking charge of all my pleasure, I was his, he was in control, and he wanted me to come, yes, God, yes, yes!

"Oh, God, I'm coming!" I grunted as my climax finally crossed the finish line. "Oh, yeah, oh, oh, oh!" And with a single, final, long, low moan, I ejaculated, spraying my semen out over these clothes and those papers and the boxes and anything else in the way, and my partner whose possessions these were only chuckled again, the rich chuckle of African darkness with the sky filled with stars, some that I'd never see from home, ever!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" I was moaning while his thick broad hand pummeled my pud, and when I was done, only then, he dropped my dong and his palm sticky with my jizz clapped onto my hips and he began to thrust into me hard once again.

Oh, God! My mind was an exploded, spent firecracker, only shards of paper left to blow away in the slightest wind were left, and this was all I had to work with and I felt his hot pumping prod in my butt and I clenched my ass muscles and with a rippling motion that was all I could muster, I milked at his dong.

"Ah, shit, yeah, ah, shit, yeah, ah!" he groaned in return. "Oh, shit, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Yeah, come on, shoot it." I sighed. "Shoot it in me, shoot it hard!"

"Ah, ah, guh, huh, huh, uh, uh!" was all he whispered out as his prick spurted my insides, I felt the broad walls of his shaft pulse as his jism shot into me, and I had his moist whispers in my ear and his arm on my chest and it was all warm, it was all good, all of it, all of it!

"Yeah," I said in appreciation. "Yeah, that's it, shoot it good, shoot it!"

"Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, uh, huh, uh."

"Good, so good, yeah!"

"Hnnh, hnnh, hnnnh!" and he was reduced to only explosions of breaths as he finished and his lungs were working like a bellows, the chest pressing me with each inhalation, wet, suckling sounds of air in and out of him, and he was done, limply lying partially on me, but mostly off, his cock spent but still imbedded in me.

I could have lain there a while, but he roused as soon as he caught his breath well. "All right, man, I'll exchange your jeans for you now." he said as he got up.

I turned over and looked up at him as he pulled his pants up, fastened them. Master of this small universe, and I was nothing. It was almost mortifying, mitigated only by the memory of my own joy, given by him freely and without regret. When I'd needed him, he'd been there. But he was done with me now, game over, get up and go.

I got to my feet and said, "I don't see why you made such a big deal out of an exchange." I groused. "I mean, it's not like I was trying to get money back. I just want a pair of jeans without the dick-stain on it."

"I'll give you a store credit, but you can't get those jeans without that stain on it." he said.

I looked up from where I was refastening my pants. "Huh?"

"Those jeans were a special shipment I got." he said. "They were marked irregular, but usually that's nothing much, but they came in and all of them were stained."

"You mean they all have dark dye stains on them."

"Every one of them in the shape of a dick." he agreed. "I had them marked down to ten dollars each and labeled irregular, your friend just got you a cheap gift."

"Hmph." I said, miffed at this. I had bought Jason the "Best of Cher" CD which set me back nearly forty-five dollars. I know the price isn't the point, but still...if he'd known they were irregular, shouldn't he have looked? I considered this as I did my shirt up and tucked it into my pants and slipped into my shoes, was dressed again.

"I don't have much at that price in here." He said. "You can come back tomorrow and I'll let you look around a little bit....afterwards." he grinned. "Tonight, though, I need to get home now."

"No problem." I said, grinning back. "I can come back. In fact, let me take a couple of pairs of those jeans."

"The ones with the dicks on them?" He said, surprised. "What for?"

I smiled. "I got a few friends I can give them to." Give one to Jason; he was always exchanging stuff. And another to Mark and another to Fred while I was at it, be sure to get them the wrong sizes while I was at it.

And when they asked for the receipt to take them back, I would just tell them to go in close to closing hours and ask about the store's special exchange policy!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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