Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Jun 30, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: Ports of Call


Jordy stood on the sixth floor balcony of their room in the Hotel Berns and admired the view of Berzelii Park and watched ferries come and go from Nybroviken. Nybroviken, New Bridge Bay is a small bay in the center of Stockholm. William had planned for a couple of days between Arriving in Stockholm and boarding the Viking Star for a cruise of the Viking's historic homelands.

William had decided that he and Jordy would each plan one of the shore days. On the first day, William's plan included art, food, and museums. Jordy was still amazed that William had opted for a Segway tour rather than the traditional bus or walking tour. In the afternoon, they went to the Vasa Museum to learn about the Vasa, a 17th Century super ship that unfortunately sank just minutes after setting sail for the first time. Squeezed between the Vasa museum and dinner was a stop at the Abba museum. William was rarely ever goofy, but at the museum, he sang along with the band, and posed for photos wearing virtual Abba costumes. In fleeting moments, Jordy saw William as a teenager who was coming to grips with being gay. Knowing how much men like William had smoothed his own coming out experience made Jordy love William even more.

For dinner, William made reservations on the M/S Prins Carl Philip. They were seated with Elsie Tapper and her grandson George Eriksen from Omaha, Nebraska. Elsie was recently widowed and George had just graduated from Yale Law School. Elsie and George were also booked on the Viking Star for the same tour William and Jordy would be taking. When George excused himself to find a restroom, Elsie said, " You will have to forgive George for his melancholy, his grandfather was the person who planned and booked this trip to celebrate Geroge graduating from law school. Unfortunately Adam, George's grandfather, was killed by a drunk driver six months ago. Because the trip was already booked, we decided to take it as a tribute to Adam, but it may be too soon for George."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" William asked.

"I don't know that we have plans," Elsie said. "I would like to spend the day resting up in the hotel, but I can't do that to George. He would go stare crazy and just get more depressed."

William looked at Jordy. Jordy smiled and nodded his head. "Elsie," William said, "Does George like history?"

"Very much. His undergraduate major at the University of Nebraska Omaha was history. The love of history was one of the things that he and his grandfather had in common. You may have noticed that Eriksen is a very Scadinavian name. George's father's people were from Norway, and that was one of the reasons Adam decided on this trip for George."

When George got back to the table, William said, "George, your grandmother was telling us that you like history; tomorrow Jordy and I are going to Birka, a recreated Viking village. Would you and your grandmother be interested in going with us?"

"Thank you for your offer, but grandma and I were planning to do a bit of shopping and take it easy before the trip," George said.

Elsie Tapper broke in, "George Tapper Eriksen, I will not have you sit with me like I am some invalid that needs constant monitoring. Yes, I do want to rest tomorrow. I want to take a bubble bath, read my novel, perhaps do some embroidery, and certainly I plan to enjoy afternoon tea. Now, does any of that sound like something a 25-year-old wants to do?"

"That settles it," Jordy said, "We'll meet you at 8 a.m. Did I understand that you are staying at the Hotel Diplomat?"

"Yes," Elsie said.

"Why don't we meet for breakfast in the Diplomat restaurant?" William offered. "Of course Elsie, I understand if you want to sleep in,"

"Nonsense, what old hen would give up the chance to have breakfast with three handsome men for a little sleep."

After disembarking and saying goodnight, William and Jordy caught a cab back to the Hotel Berns. "You know," Jordy said, "we didn't tell Elsie or George anything about our relationship. Do you think it will bother them that we are a gay couple?"

"Maybe, Elsie did say that her husband had been a Presbyterian minister. However, they did seem pretty open and accepting. I also got the feeling that Elsie picked up that we are more than just friends."

"So she thinks you are my father," Jordy said with a laugh.

William reached into Jordy's crotch and found his stiff cock. "This better not be for your father."

The next morning William and Jordy met Elsie and George at the Diplomat. After a hearty breakfast, several pots of coffee and good conversation. The three adventurers said goodbye to Elsie and hailed a cab. As William, Jordy, and George drank coffee and took in the sight from the ferry to Birka, George said, "I feel a bit awkward asking this, but last night neither grandma nor I asked about your relationship. Are you father and son?"

William laughed, "See Jordy, I told you that Elsie and George think you are my father."

George looked a little confused, and Jordy said, "George, William and I are married. In fact, this is our honeymoon."

George blushed the full spectrum of red. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean...oh shit...I am so embarrassed...please forgive me. Damn...I shouldn't be want to be alone...I..."

Finally William and Jordy pulled George in between them and each wrapped an arm over his shoulder. "Look," William said, "You shouldn't feel embarrassed. Hell , some days I wake up and think: who is this young kid in bed with me?" Now, it was Jordy's turn to blush. "It took Jordy several years to get me to stop thinking I could be his daddy', and start thinking I could be his husband'."

"As for needing to be alone," Jordy said, "William took care of that this morning." William winked. "So, you see," Jordy continued, "William and I like to make friends when we travel, and--I hope I am not stepping out of bounds when I say this--you look like you need some friends on this trip."

"Thank you, I would appreciate someone to hang out with, if I won't be in the way. Grandma is great and she is trying to be a good sport and make this trip fun for me, but I know she is hurting as much as I am. We are trying to have a good time because we know that is what grandpa would do, but it's hard." A couple of tears fell onto George's cheeks.

"I have recently reconnected with my nephew after several years of no real contact. What I have found is that I like being an uncle and having family," William said. "So, if you would like, you can think of me as your Uncle Will for this trip."

"I would like that," George said as he wiped his eyes.

"Good, and you can think of that big goon as your cousin Jordy from Minne-SO-ta," William said. "However, I would like to know if Jordy and I being gay bothers you or your gandmother?"

"It doesn't bother me, and I'm pretty sure grandma is accepting; at least that's what she said when I told her and grandpa I am gay and I have a boyfriend."

Soon George had out his phone and was showing William and Jordy pictures of his boyfriend, Evan. Then he asked, "Can I take a selfie with you two to send to Evan? He had family obligations and couldn't come on this trip. He is really worried about me and maybe if I show him I have made some friends he won't worry so much."

William and Jordy posed with George and all three gave their best goofy smile for Evan. Then George sent it.

"So, is Evan also a lawyer?" Jordy asked.

"No, he is more of a work with your hands kind of guy. In high school, he loaded his schedule with culinary and agriculture classes. You may have noticed from his pictures that he is very built and athletic. He actually was recruited by the University of Nebraska to play football, but he decided to go to culinary school instead. After he graduated, he worked in a couple of high end restaurants, but he decided the long shifts and pressure in a professional kitchen are not for him. So he decided to pursue his other passion, growing things. He is really interested in the farm to table movement and in the idea of developing urban gardens. However, until he figures out how to make that work, he is working for a landscape company in Omaha."

William went to get more coffee for everyone and Jordy and George continued to chat. "Are you and Evan serious?" Jordy asked.

"I would like to be, but there are complications."

"I see," Jordy said. "Sorry, I don't want to pry."

"No, I need to talk to someone about this, and it probably is best to talk with someone who can see things from the outside."

"Hey, I and William are always open to listening."

"Okay, but can I ask you a personal question?"

`Sure, but I may not answer it."

"Why do you call your husband William? I don't mean it like it is a bad thing, because the way you say it is so loving, but it is very formal."

Jordy laughed, "Yeah, I guess it is. The simple reason is because that is what he likes to be called. He is fine with Uncle Will from his nieces and nephews, blood and adopted, but will explode if you call him Willie. We have pet names we use in private, but in public I call him William and he calls me Jordy. It's weird, but I think I am more formal to try and relate to him on his level and he is more informal to relate to me on my level."

"I think I understand. It is about meeting each other where the person you love is most comfortable. In a way that is what Evan and I are working on trying to do. Evan wants to make the world better with his hands and I want to make it better with my mind. Evan wants to feed people healthy, environmentally sustainable food, and I want to sue the hell out of the fuckers who are destroying the environment and exploiting the poor and workers. Our problem is that we haven't figured out how to do that together."

William returned with three coffees. Jordy said, "George is telling me about his and Evan's plan to save the world."

"The way I feel I can best fight for social justice is working hard to become a partner in a prestigious law firm, so that when I take on an exploiter, they know I have the resources behind me to win. Evan on the other hand likes to build consensus and coalitions for change. The two biggest rubs in our relationship are where we can live and each do what we see as our mission, and how we can ever have time for each other or a family?"

Jordy put his arm on George's shoulder and said, "Hey, you just have to have faith that things will work out."

George smiled, "You sound like my grandfather; except, he would have said you just have to have faith that God has a plan."

The ferry's horn sounded as the dock for Birka came into sight. Birka is a World Heritage Site and one of the earliest urban settlements in Scandinavia. At Birka there was a different story than most people are used to hearing about the Vikings. Rather than raiders, the people of Birka were traders and artisans. Birka was also home to the first Christian congregation in Sweden.

Jordy was totally fascinated by the Viking reenactors in the Vking village. He took pictures and asked questions, until finally William had to pull him away to explore other parts of the site. The trip to Birka ended with a Viking meal at the Sarimner Restaurant. William took the safe route with Freja's smoked salmon, but Jordy and George opted to go full on Viking with Oden's wild game minced steak.

Back on board the ferry, William and Jordy told George about their wedding and reception. George was enthralled with the description of the Marshal Building's ballroom resurrection. "William, do you plan to rent the ballroom for weddings and other events," George asked.

"You will have to ask Jordy. He is the keeper of the ballroom schedule and keys."

"The ballroom is not for rent," Jordy said, "but it is free for use by our family and friends. Consider yourself on the list of family and friends."


When they dropped George off at the Diplomat, William said, "We will see you and Elsie on board the Viking Star tomorrow.

The alarm was going off and William looked at the time. Six a.m. was too damn early for waking up on vacation, but he and Jordy had to meet with a messenger from Henderson Security and Private Investigation to get their new phones. William and Jordy dressed and arranged for their luggage to be sent ahead to the Viking Star. Once William double checked the room and left gratuities for housekeeping he and Jordy were off to the Cafe Schweizer. Jordy picked the Cafe Schweizer for breakfast because it was highly recommended by several reviewers and it was in the Old Town area of Stockholm where there would be sightseeing and interesting shops. William was surprised, then worried, to see Brad Henderson had made the trip himself to deliver the phones. When they joined Brad, William asked, "So, what's up that brings you to Stockholm?"

Brad smiled, "The other day I was thinking: Brad, why would you send an associate to Stockholm on William Marshal's dime when you can go yourself." William and Jordy laughed. But then Brad turned serious. "We have also learned that Chandler has been seen with some pretty shady characters. Everything I am about to tell you has to remain strictly confidential. I have a source in the FBI who gave me a heads up when he learned you had been contacted by Chandler. You know that the two legit businesses most often used to launder dirty money are casinos and real estate. The people Chandler has gotten tangled up with are into both."

"So is Chandler a threat to Marshal Trust or the family?" William asked, a bit alarmed.

"I don't think Chandler can do anything alone, but if he is in bed with the people I think he is, they are a different story. I would like to increase security at the Marshal Building and the phones I am giving you have increased tracking and monitoring capabilities. They also have an alert feature that lets us notify the entire Marshal family and key employees to find a safe place if we detect a threat."

"Thank you for keeping an eye on this," said William. "I can't imagine Dawson actually doing anything violent, but that's why most serial killers get away with it for so long; no one imagines they could actually hurt anyone. I also know that Dawson will do whatever he can to avoid being sent to prison."

After saying goodbye to Brad, William and Jordy went shopping.

Jordy and William had spent much of the morning wandering in and out of shops when they walked into a shop called Handfaste that sold jewelry with Norse and Celtic symbols. Jordy immediately knew what he wanted to buy. For Jesse, Jordy purchased a Vegvisir pendant. The Vegvisir is a Viking compass and a symbol of protection and guidance. For Tyler, Jordy purchased a pendant representing the Viking god Balder. Balder is the god of all that is good. He represents everything that is beautiful and joyous in the world. For William, Jordy purchased a Yggdrasil pendant. The Yggdrasil is the central tree of life around which everything else exists. For himself, Jordy chose a dragon pendant. In Beowulf, a slave steals a cup from a sleeping dragon. The dragon woke up and went on a rampage of destruction across the countryside. Jordy thought to himself: Yes, I am a dragon. Try taking that which I hold dear and I will rain down fire and fury on your head.

Around one p.m., William said, "I think we should head to the ship and get settled in. We can also see if Elsie and George are on board yet."

When William and Jordy arrived at the Viking Lines terminal, they were told to board whenever they wanted and their stateroom was ready. William had booked one of the Explorer suites at the ship's stern. Jordy was amazed with the room's luxury. After exploring the suite he gave William a big kiss and said, "I can't believe how much you spoil me." As they continued to kiss, Jordy began to unbutton William's shirt.

"Jordy," William said while still kissing his husband, "It's the middle of the day."

"Uh-huh," Jordy moaned while running his hands through the salt and pepper forest on William's chest."

"Is this really how you want to spend the afternoon?"

"Uh-huh," replied Jordy as he gently nibbled William's bottom lip and unbuckled his pants.

William slid his hands into Jordy's shorts and grabbed his meaty ass. As he attacked Jordy's neck William pulled Jordy tight against his body and their hard cocks ground into each other. Jordy reached up and pulled his polo over his head and William immediately latched onto his left nipple. Jordy moaned as William's amazing tongue sent an electric jolt from his nipple to his throbbing cock.

In an act of pure will power, Jordy pushed William away and just as quickly latched his mouth on William's nipple. Jordy was stroking William and felt his lover's trapped cock pulse. Jordy ran his face through William's chest hair as he began to slowly drop to his knees. Now Jordy was staring at the beast trapped behind William's zipper.

Jordy undid the button on William's pants. Then with one swift motion, Jordy pulled down William's pants and underwear. William's cock sprang forward like a tiger pouncing from the brush onto his prey. A large drop of precum was deposited on Jordy's upper lip. Jordy looked at William--smiled--then slowly gathered the drop of love on his tongue and savored the taste. Jordy again smiled, but this time it was an impish grin. He opened his mouth wide and settled William's cock on his tongue before slowly taking it. Not until it was lodged in his throat did Jordy finally close his lips around William's shaft.

Several times Jordy brought William to the brink of orgasm, but backed off just before tripping the release valve. The pressure was building to the point where William did not think he could take any more teasing. At last Jordy got up from the floor, laid back on the bed, grabbed his ankles, and spread his magnificent ass to invite William's cock into Valhalla.

William lightly ran a finger through Jordy's anal cleft. Jordy shuddered with the gentle tickle. William bent forward, placed his tongue on Jordy's tight hole, then pushed in. Jordy's entire body reacted to the profoundly intense stimulation. William began working lube and spit into Jordy's ass until he was ready to receive William's engorged cock.

William slid into lover as he kissed and bit Jordy's neck. Jordy moaned softly as William inched forward until he was buried balls deep in Jordy's man cunt. Jordy began to tighten and then release his anal muscles. William buried his face in Jordy's shoulder and grunted with each thrust. William knew just where to find Jordy's most sensitive and intimate spots. When his cock pummeled Jordy's prostate, Jordy's precum surged and lubricated their grinding abs. Jordy reached for the bedding above his head and opened his pits for William to inhale his full masucline scent. The erotic aroma of Jordy's own natural musk mingling with Polo Black was all it took to release a flood of William's seed deep inside Jordy. Instantly Jordy responded to his lover's orgasm, tightening his ass around William and surrendering to his own primal needs.

After the intensity of the moment passed. Jordy locked his legs around William's waist to keep him from moving. William gently kissed Jordy and Jordy returned the affection with compounded interest. William's cock would occasionally spasm inside Jordy like the aftershock of an earthquake. Finally he slipped out, and after one last kiss, led Jordy to the shower.

The Viking Star's horns blew, signalling it was time to cast off. Jordy and William slipped on robes and each grabbed a glass of champagne. Standing at the rail of their stern cabin's balcony, they watched as the ship slipped away from the dock and into the Stockholm Archipelago. William and Jordy took in the scenery, enjoyed the sea air, and revelled in the afterglow of masculine lovemaking.

Jordy's Plan

After watching the ship's departure, Jordy and William went to dinner; they had plans to dine with Elsie and Goerge. During the meal, the topic turned to the next day's activity. Jordy said, "George, are you up for some physical activity?"


"Well, William and I have a problem about what to do tomorrow. We have booked the kayak adventure for tomorrow, but William has pulled a muscle in his shoulder. We agreed, if you and your grandmother are willing, I would invite you to go kayaking and he would take your grandmother on the boat tour. Then after the tour William can get a massage in the ship's spa."

"I don't know...grandma and I had plans..."

"George Tapper Eriksen!" Elsie broke in, "can't you see that Jordy and William need us to split up for tomorrow." She winked at Jordy and William. "Now you will go with Jordy so that young man can work off his excess energy, and I will go on the tour with William. Plus I can come back to the ship and read my novel. Heaven knows you have too much energy to let me read even one page in peace."

It was agreed that the four would meet for breakfast the next morning, then split up for the day's activities.

For Jordy, the next morning came all too quickly. "Damn William, my ass is feeling it this morning. How about you go on the kayak tour and I will take the nice boat ride with Elsie."

"Is my baby getting too much of a good thing? Should we take the abstinence pledge for the rest of the trip so my wittle Jordy can recover?"

"Whoa there big boy, let's not go overboard with any talk of abstinence. I am sure by the time I get back it will be all better and ready for some more fun."

"Well, If you're sure you are up for it."

"You just make sure you're up for it old man."

"Oh you're asking for it boy--if you're not out of that bed in ten seconds, you won't be able to walk straight for the rest of the day."

Jordy jumped out of bed and ran to the shower; William was right behind him.

After breakfast Jordy and George met the transport to take them on their kayak adventure. William and Elsie requested another round of coffee.

"So William Marshal, what do you want to know?"

"What do you mean, Elsie?"

"I mean, after thirty-three years as the wife of a minister, you get a pretty good sense when someone is fishing for information. Also, I know that shoulder isn't hurting, and that even if it were you would never admit it. The only explanation is that you and Jordy want to talk to me and George alone."

"Shit--oh, sorry Elsie. You are a regular Agatha Christie."

Elsie giggled, "Well I have read all of her mysteries; however, Ellis Peter's Cadfael mysteries were really what got me hooked on the genre. Of course today, I have to content myself with Dan Brown and the like."

"I'm sorry if I have offended you."

"Nonsense, you and Jordy are just what George needs for this trip. You two have taken his mind off of his grandfather for a bit and that is a blessing. So, how about I just tell you the answers to the questions I know you have."

"First William, I suspect you are wondering how the widow of a small church Presbyterian minister from Nebraska can afford this trip. The answer is my Adam was a smart investor. We lived quite frugally, but quite well. You see, all the years that Adam was a minister, I was a home economic teacher. I hope I am not being too boastful, but I can turn the cheapest cut of meat into a dish that you would expect in a fine restaurant. I sewed my own clothes-still do, because I am a better seamstress than any unfortunate worker in a clothing sweatshop. But my best work I did for Adam. I would spend the summers in thrift shops and second-hand stores finding old suits, ties, and dress shirts. I then retailored them into custom fitted and stylish outfits for him."

"Adam had a good eye for a great deal. We never had a new car, but in all the years we were married, we never drove a lemon. Adam was also a meticulous craftsman. He would go to farm sales and buy old furniture then repair and refinish it to fit our needs."

"The upshot was that between our two jobs and a philosophy of living well frugally, we were able to set aside money to invest. Adam played the markets and did very well. Like I said, he always had a good eye for a great deal. One of those deals happened early in our marriage. You may not know this, but Warren Buffet was raised Presbyterian, although now he says he is agnostic." Elsie leaned in, "Adam always said he would take one agnostic like Buffet over twenty Bible thumpers from the Falwell wing of the church. Anyway, one Christmas Warren Buffet was visiting some relatives and he joined them for the Christmas Eve service. Adam was so impressed with him that he was an early investor in Berkshire Hathaway. So there you have it. That's how a widow of a small church Presbyterian minister from Nebraska can live high on the hog in retirement. But you know, I would give every cent of it to have my Adam back."

Elsie had to pull a handkerchief from her purse to wipe away the tears. William reached out and held her free hand. "I am sorry my prying has upset you. I won't ask anymore questions."

"No William, I need someone to tell how I am feeling. I have to keep a brave face for George, but sometimes I just need to cry. I just hope I am not making you uncomfortable."

"Elsie, it is my honor to hear your story."

"William, before I answer the next question on your mind, I do want to assure you I consider my life blessed in spite of the tragedies in it. I think your next question is about George and my relationship. I am sure you have noticed that he is very solicitous regarding my health and well-being. That is because he is all I have and I am all he has. George's father and mother, mine and Adam's only child, were killed in the World Trade Center attack. George was only four at the time."

"My April took after her father and developed a keen eye for the markets. She was very bright and got into the Wharton School of Business. That's where she met her husband George Eriksen II. The Eriksen family had an investment firm that managed a few very select and very large trusts. Most of the people who worked for the firm were either family or long time employees, much like Marshal Family Trust--you are not the only curious person at this table, William Marshal."

"The Eriksen family was emotionally and physically devastated by the attack. They lost so many fathers, mothers, sons and daughters that it was hard for them to recover. For the good of the family and their clients, they sold the business and divided the inheritance among the survivors. We flew to New York and got George and brought him home to Nebraska. So when Adam died, George lost not just his grandfather, but his second father."

William sat silently while Elsie collected herself. Finally she said, "Okay William, it's your turn to come clean."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't believe in fate. When someone connects in such a short time the way you and Jordy have connected with George, one of two things is true: you're running a scam, or a higher power has a plan. I have a nephew in the U.S. Attorney's office in Kansas City. I contacted him and he told me you are one of the good guys. He said your business is gold star, that you treat your employees well, and you give back to the community. So, if you are not a scammer then I believe George met you and Jordy for a reason. Also, don't try to tell me you don't believe in a higher power, I've seen you give thanks before a meal. It might not be my definition of divinity, but you are not without faith."

"I know better than to ever play poker with you," William said.

"I don't play poker; bridge is my game," Elsie said with a laugh.

"Okay Elsie, I will tell you what we are thinking, but you have to promise me not to say anything to George until we are sure he is the right man for the job."

"I promise."

"First let me say that Jordy is my people person. He may seem like a big goof, but Jordy has an amazing ability to spot talent and character. From the moment he met George, Jordy has sensed that George is something special."

Elsie smiled, "I know I am biased, but Jordy is right. For all the tragedy in his life, George has never been bitter or hateful."

"Two things impressed us about George. First, his desire to use his law degree to fight for justice and take on the exploiters of the world. People like George are what is needed if there is a chance to pull civilization back from the brink. Second, George is loyal. We have watched how concerned he is for your happiness and that speaks volumes about how he would fit into a business like Marshal Family Trust where personal relationships bind the place together."

William continued, "My nephew Jesse and his partner Tyler are being groomed to take over the Trust when I finally decide to retire. Jordy will remain as a trustee, but we plan to do a lot of traveling. The problem is that most of the key people at the Trust will be retiring in the next four to seven years, including our Trust's attorney. I gave Jordy the job of finding the people Jesse and Tyler need in the post-William years."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you give Jordy the job of staffing your succession?"

"Because he and I both know that I would never do it. I would never let go. When Jordy and I decided to get married, we agreed that I would step away from the Trust so we could live a good life together. We want to travel, to enjoy life, to do service, and to make a difference. I didn't know how I was going to keep that promise to Jordy until fate, or as you would say a higher power, sent Jesse to me. So, Jordy is doing this for us, and I am letting Jordy do this for us."

Elsie smiled, "William Marshal, you and Jordy are two of the most amazing men I have ever met. In my heart I just feel that Marshal Trust is where George will find his home, and I know my Adam is still watching over his grandson. Now, I think we'd better get to that boat tour so I can snap some selfies with you to send to the girls back home. It will drive them wild wondering who is the handsome stud in the photos."

William wants what William wants

At dinner, Jordy and George shared stories of their kayak adventure with William and Elsie. It was clear the two men had become friends and William was even more sure that George could fit into the team he and Jordy were putting together to support Jesse and Tyler. After saying goodnight to George and Elsie, William told Jordy he would be up to the cabin after picking up a bottle of scotch.

When William got back to the cabin, the lights were out in the sitting room. He soon found they were also out in the bedroom, so he walked into the bathroom. There he found Jordy in the tub; his head was cushioned by a rolled up towel and his arms rested on the edge of the tub. The lights were low and soft jazz played in the background. Had he looked beyond the tub, William would have seen that a picture window provided a romantic view of the moonlight playing on the wake of the Viking Star.

However, the only thing that caught William's eye was the Greek god soaking in the tub. After a day of paddling a kayak, Jordy's pecs and biceps were pumped and his abs were tight. William poured scotch into two tumblers and handed one to Jordy. William slowly removed his clothes as Jordy watched. He then slid into the bath and nestled between Jordy's legs and leaned back onto his chest. The two lovers soaked in silence as they sipped whiskey. Jordy absentmindedly stroked William's chest and teased his nipples.

Eventually, William poured himself and Jordy more scotch. Soon the scotch, the warm bath, and the soothing jazz were stripping away any thought or concerns. The world, what really mattered, existed only within that tub.

Jordy, gently nibbled on William's shoulder. William ground his ass against Jordy's erection. Jordy asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I want your honesty," said William. "I need your love, and right now I am desperate to have your cock in my ass."

"Whatever you need, baby. Whatever you need."

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: There's no place like home

Thank you for reading "Tough Love in Kansas City." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Quarterback Keeper" going on If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 13

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