Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Jul 11, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: There's no place like home

Restaurant 1877 is located in Bergen, Norway's old meat bazaar. It specializes in local flavors made with local ingredients. William and Jordy invited George and Elsie to join them at Restaurant 1877 for one last dinner before departing. Jordy had made the reservations and booked the full-evening five-course meal. After some polite conversation about the day's sightseeing, William got to the evening's agenda.

"George, over the course of this cruise Jordy and I have gotten to know you, and we are impressed with your intelligence, integrity, and desire to make the world a better place. We would like to formally interview you for a position with Marshal Family Trust when we get back to the States."

George was stunned. Elsie reached over and took hold of George's hand, "George, I want you to listen carefully to William and Jordy's proposal."

William continued, "I am planning to retire from the daily operations of the Trust. Over the next couple of years, the plan is to transfer the management of the Trust to my nephew and his partner. I gave Jordy the task of building a team of people who can support Jesse and Tyler as they take on their new roles."

"One of the positions we are looking to fill is Trust attorney. My niece Jennifer was just accepted into the University of Missouri Law School: however, it is at least three years until she will be able to take on any legal responsibilities at the Trust, assuming that is her interest. Also, she is engaged and she has made it clear that a family is part of their plans."

George said, "This is a very appealing possibility, but I really want to do more than real estate and Trust law."

Jordy stepped in, "That is exactly why we think that Marshal Trust may be what you are looking for. William's family has a long history with the law firm of Selick, French, & Weston. They are a top tier law firm in the Midwest and have working relationships with large firms in Chicago and on the coasts. The arrangement with Selick, French, & Weston is that the in-house counsel for Marshal Family Trust becomes a partner and has access to their resources when needed. One of the reason's the Marshal Trust works with them is that they support community organizations and socially progressive causes."

"I hope Jennifer joins the Trust," William said. "I would like to see her and her brother working together, but I also want to make sure she has time to be a mother, if that is what she wants. So, what I envision is that having two attorney's will provide time for Jennifer and whoever else is in the legal department to pursue their passions."

George looked down at his plate, then said, "I don't know what to say, this sounds too good."

"It might be," Jordy said. "Obviously, there is a process that needs to be followed to make sure you are the right fit for the Trust, and the Trust is the right fit for you; but, we would like you to at least come for a visit and meet Jesse and Tyler. You can get a feel for the Trust and then we can decide where to go from there. We would like you to bring Evan with you." Jordy handed George a business card. "When you get home, talk to Evan and then call the Trust and ask for Maggy Thompson; she will set up a visit."

George took the card and looked at it, then a smile slowly crossed his face. "I think I will check out the Marshal Trust." William noticed that Elsie bowed to say a little silent prayer.

The Monday after returning to Kansas City, William and Jordy walked into the office to a surprised staff. William had decided not to tell anyone exactly when they would be back in the city, including Jesse and Tyler. When they walked through the doors of Marshal Family Trust, the first thing they heard was a scream from Maggy, then Jesse ran from the office and saw William and Jordy. He yelled "Uncle Will, Jordy, you're home." The office staff gave the travelers a standing ovation. Jesse gave each of them a hug, and asked, "When did you get home?"

"We got in late last night," Jordy said, "so we just got a room near the airport and crashed."

Jordy asked, "Where's Tyler?"

"He's meeting with engineers to arrange for a complete review of the Mulberry building's structure before we get started. He will be disappointed he missed you."

"Well, it's not like he doesn't know where we live," William said with a smile. We won't be here long because we still need to rest, but we thought we'd say hello and check on anything that needs immediate attention."

While William touched base with Jesse and the department heads. Jordy and Maggy went to William's outer office to begin the task of coordinating and organizing William's week. Maggy asked, "Jordy, are you still going to be William's personal assistant?"

"Absolutely, if I don't have control of his schedule, he lets this place control him."

"Praise be," Maggy said, "I was afraid there was going to be someone new, or worse yet, no one at all, to keep his life balanced."

"The only difference is that we are converting some of the empty space on the eleventh floor to an office where I will be located. We thought the spouse/personal assistant thing would be a weird dynamic for the staff to deal with. Eventually, William's office will also be located on the eleventh floor."

"When will that be?"

"When Jesse is ready to move into William's office down here. Oh, and while we're talking about Operation Free Willy, there has been progress." Operation Free Willy was the code name Jordy and Maggy used when referring to the transition plan. "During the trip we met a young attorney that may be perfect to take Pat Kemp's position as Trust legal counsel. His name is George Eriksen. When he calls, arrange for a visit for him and his partner."

"Will do," Maggy said, "Anything else?"

"Yes, start looking for your replacement. As soon as you find someone who can replace you--well, do your job-- you need to get him or her trained. You will be moving up to William's eleventh floor office."

"What will I be doing?"

"I have no idea. However, I give William two weeks before he gets bored with retirement, then you and I better be ready to deal with whatever project he decides to take on."

Maggy laughed, " I am sure it will be fun, whatever it is. Oh, I almost forgot, here are your and Williams' invitations to Matt's birthday party."

"This ought to be interesting." Jesse said, knowing that Monty's motivation behind throwing the party was to kick off Bottoms Up Brewing.

William was talking to Jesse when Jordy caught back up with him.

"I am about done," William said to Jordy. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I am sure we will need to do some grocery shopping."

Jesse piped up, "I know you told us that you wanted some time alone as a couple for the first month, but we were hoping you would come to dinner tonight. Tyler wants to show off some of the dishes he has learned to make and we would like to hear about your trip. Plus you won't have to go shopping today."

William looked at Jordy, who said, "Of course we will come to dinner."

William and Jordy got into the elevator for the two floor final leg of their trip home. In the apartment, William buzzed security and asked that their luggage be brought up. Just as William was hanging up the phone, he heard Jordy yell "William come here, you have to see this."

When William walked into the study, he saw a large portrait of him and Jordy dancing at the reception. It was an amazing work of art. While technically masterful, what made the portrait unbelievable was that it seemed emotionally alive. Jesse had somehow painted love.

When Jordy looked at William he noticed the impact the piece had on him. William was seeing his love for Jordy through the artist's eyes. William looked at Jordy and said, "I need to spend the afternoon making love to you?"

Jordy's only response was a soft, "Yes you do."

That evening, Tyler served Steak au Poivre with small fried potatoes and grilled asparagus. For dessert he served creme brulee with dark coffee. Jordy was extremely impressed with Tyler's continuing confidence in the kitchen and Tyler basked in Jordy's praise of his food.

Jordy said, "I have something to give each of you. He handed Jesse and Tyler each a small box. "For Jesse, I purchased a Viking compass pendant called a Vegvisir to guide and protect him, and for Tyler I purchased a pendant with Balder, the Viking god of all things beautiful and joyous."

Both boys were touched by the meanings behind the gifts, and even more so when William and Jordy pulled out their pendants and explained the symbolism behind them.

William said, "I have never been one to wear jewelry. I figured a nice watch, maybe a tie pin or cuff links were all a man needed to wear; but, since Jordy gave this to me, it had hung over my heart every day." Then he kissed Jordy, who was visibly touched by William's words. Jesse and Tyler looked at each other and smiled.

After dinner Jordy helped Tyler clear the table. Tyler said, "Can I ask you a question, Jordy."

"Well you can always ask, I don't guarantee I have an answer or am willing to answer."

"Did William ask you to marry him, or did you ask him?"



"I spent over a year trying to convince William that the differences in our ages did not mean anything. So, he knew I wanted to marry him, and I was pretty sure he wanted to marry me, but was holding back. However in the end, it was William who, as they say, popped the question."

"I see," said Tyler.

"Are you thinking about asking Tyler to marry you?"

"I don't know. We'd kinda made an agreement not to talk about marriage until after Jesse finished his B.A., but I don't know if I want to wait that long. I know it really won't change that much in our relationship, but something just keeps saying that we need to tell the world we're partners for life."

"I would say two things. Don't condition your life with Jesse on anything other than your love for each other. Marriage is not a reward for Jesse getting his degree, and you and Jesse have already worked out how you can have time for a relationship, and work, and school, and family."

"Do you really think we have worked that out?"

"Hell no," Jordy laughed. "I am just blowing smoke up your skirt. No one figures all of that out. That is why relationships are constantly being negotiated and adjusted. Whether you are married or not, you can't even just put your relationship on autopilot....Oh shit, what the hell am I saying. I've been married less than a month and I think I'm Dr. Phil."

Tyler and Jordy both laughed.

"So, what's the second thing?"

Jordy looked at Tyler and said, "Don't let anyone tell you getting married doesn't change things. It changes you. I can't describe how proud I am when I tell someone that William is my husband, and I just feel like I could burst when I hear him tell someone that I am his husband."

Unknown to Tyler and Jordy, William and Jesse were in William's study having a similar conversation, and Jesse was getting much the same answer."

A week after William and Jordy returned from their honeymoon it was Matt's Birthday, at least that was the official name for the introduction of the Bottoms Up Brewing Company. Jordy was on the twelfth floor helping Alexandra and Megan set up the bar and the food service, Tyler was meeting with the architects to sign contracts for the Mulberry project, and William was at a meeting of Kansas City real estate agents and developers. Monty Marshal walked into the Trusts offices looking a bit flustered and he had Andrew and Aaron, Alexandra and Megan's boys, in tow.

"Monty, what's the matter," Maggy asked.

"Alexandra just called and said there is a problem getting the beer delivered. I need to go deal with this, but I am also watching the boys. I was hoping there was someone here that could watch them for a couple of hours."

"Let me see who is free," Maggy said.

"I'll do it. I'll watch Andrew and Aaron," came a voice from William's copy room.

Monty immediately recognized the voice, it was Jesse who was offering to watch the boys.

Monty looked at his son and said, "Thanks." Jesse just shrugged.

Jesse knelt down so that he would be closer to the boys' height, "How about we go to mine and Tyler's apartment. I have a TV, sodas, and popcorn." Both boys jumped on Jesse and almost knocked him over.

Andrew and Aaron were sitting on the kitchen bar stools as Jesse grabbed some popcorn. "Do you like kettle corn or nacho cheese?" Andrew said kettle and Aaron said nacho. Jordy said, "How about both?" The twins smiled and eagerly nodded.

"Mr. Jesse." Aaron said.

"You can just call me Jesse."

"Oh no, "Andrew said, "Momma said we have to be nice to old people."

Jesse couldn't keep from smiling, "How about you call me `Bro Jesse?' Bro is what us old people sometimes call our friends who are like brothers to us."

Andrew and Aaron looked at each other, then at Jesse and nodded in agreement. Damn thought Jesse: twin ESP.

"So, what do you want to ask?"

"Are you a prince?" asked Aaron.

"Why do you think I might be a prince?"

"Uncle Monty," Andrew said, "tells us stories about Prince Jesse and Princess Jennifer at bedtime."

"He does, does he?"

Both boys smiled and nodded.

"So, in these stories, is there a knight named Sir William?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Aaron said, "Sir William is an Earl and the greatest knight in the land."

Jesse suddenly had to choke down emotion. When he and Jennifer were children, Monty would tell them stories of the Kingdom of Britannia. Monty loved English history and Arthurian legend. Jesse recalled reading T. H. White's `The Once and Future King' for independent reading during his Junior year in high school. He had hoped that an interest in English myth might be something he and his father could share.

"So what is Prince Jesse like?"

"He is brave," said Andrew, "He even fought a dragon."

"He is also smart and handsome," Aaron added, "and his best friend is Sir Tyler."

Jesse thought to himself: apparently the stories have added a new character from those I remember. "So what does Sir William do in these stories?"

"Sir William alway helps if Prince Jesse or Princess Jennifer are in trouble." Aaron said.

"Yeah," Andrew said, `In the story Uncle Monty is telling us now, Prince Jesse was captured by a mean witch, but Sir William rescued him. The Wizard Jordy told Sir William how to find Jesse in the Forbidden Caves."

"The wizard Jordy?" Jesse said as he thought: another new character.

"Yes, the wizard gave William a magic potion to protect them from the witches' spells so they could get out of the caves."

Jesse wasn't sure how he felt about Monty telling Andrew and Aaron what he felt were his stories. Stories that were fond memories of a time he almost forgot existed. A time when he loved his father and his father loved him. However, as unsure of how he felt about Monty telling the twins about the adventures of Prince Jesse, he knew he couldn't tell him to stop.

Jesse remembered the terrible night when the Bitch walked into the den where he and Jennifer were sitting on Monty's lap and said, "I will not have you filling the children's minds with these fairy stories. Especially stories about that awful man William Marshal." Suddenly Jesse's memory of that night was put into context. The family had just come home from a holiday with his grandparents in Missouri when the wicked witch put an end to Prince Jesse and Princess Jennifer. Also, he finally understood why he did not see his uncle, Sir William, again until he was exiled to Kansas City.

Matt's birthday party kicked off at 5:30 for employees of the Marshal Trust, other guests arrived at 6:00. Matt and Phyllis Harris enjoyed the party, they danced, mingled with guests, and promoted the Bottoms Up beer and food concept. Phyllis had decided to invest in the Bottoms Up as Matt's birthday present. As she told friends, "It would be a place she could send him after he retired to get him out from under her feet."

In addition to a playlist of Matt's favorite songs piped through the ballroom's music system, Jordy would occasionally take a seat at his grand piano and take requests. Monty chatted up potential investors, and Alexandra and Megan kept the guests satisfied with beer and food.

A little after 6:30, Jesse and Tyler walked into the ballroom, each carrying one of the twins. Megan came over and said, "I am so sorry, you have had the boys all afternoon. You can leave them here and I will take care of them."

"Nonsense," said Jesse, "We have had a fun time. Haven't we boys?"

"Yes, we have Bro Jesse," the twins said in unison.

"Bro Jesse?" Megan asked.

"Mr. Jesse wasn't working for me. So we agreed that Bro Jesse was more our style. Which of course means this is Bro Tyler."

"I see," Megan said.

"We came up to get some food and mingle a bit, then we'll take the boys back to our apartment for the evening," Tyler said. "What time is bedtime?"

"Usually around 8:30,'' Megan said, "but tonight it will be later by the time we get everything cleaned up."

"We've got a guest bedroom. In fact, the boys are welcome to spend the night and you, Alexandra, or Monty can pick them up tomorrow," said Jesse.

Megan hugged Jesse and Tyler, "Thank you. I am so tired. Alexandra and I have been going nonstop all week to get ready for this party."

"You and Alexandra sleep as long as you need tomorrow. We will take care of these two hooligans. Plus, it will give Tyler a reason to make his extra special french toast and bacon breakfast." Jesse looked at the twins, and asked, "What do you guys say about that?"

"Yay, we like french toast," said Andrew.

"And bacon," said Aaron.

After getting the boys some plates of food, Tyler took the twins back to the apartment to watch "101 Dalmatians." Jesse wanted to talk to Jordy before heading back down.

"Jordy, what do you think of Bottoms Up Brewing?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know what to say. I know you and your father aren't getting along and this is his project."

"Honestly Jordy, are the beer and the food good? Does this concept work?"

"The beer and the food are amazing. As for the concept, I think it has a real shot."

"Are you and Uncle William investing?"

"Yes, does that bother you?"

"Sort of, but I think this is a good investment. Can you tell Uncle William that I want to make an investment in Bottoms Up in Tyler's name."

Jesse and Jordy watched the guests enjoying the party. The ballroom was filled with a spirit of friendship and hospitality.


"Yes, Jesse?"

"Are you a wizard?"

Jordy laughed, "Where did you get that idea?"

"I have my sources," Jesse said with a smile.

When Jesse got back to the apartment, he found Tyler standing in the doorway of the guest bedroom looking at two sleeping boys. Jesse wrapped his arm around Tyler and put his chin on his shoulder. "They are cute little demons," Jesse said.

"Yes, and they were tired. I think they were asleep before their heads hit the pillows."

After a few moments of watching the twins sleep, Jesse said, "Bro Tyler."

"Yes, Bro Jesse."

"Will you marry me?"

A surprised Tyler turned around, threw his arms around Jesse's neck and gave him a joyful kiss.

When the lovers lips finally parted, Jesse asked, "Was that a yes?"

"Yes, that was a yes!"

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Something Wicked This Way Comes

Thank you for reading "Tough Love in Kansas City." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Quarterback Keeper" going on If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 14

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