Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Aug 3, 2021


Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Fear and Resolution

Tyler screamed, "NO!...Jesse!...NO!"

William and Jordy ran to see what had Tyler so distraught. On Tyler's iPad screen was a video of Jesse fully naked with his arms tied above him and his feet shackled to the floor. Suddenly a rod swung by someone off camera struck Jesse's buttock and he screamed in pain. Four more hard strikes were administered then a message appeared on the screen. "Tell William Marshal, if he wants his beloved nephew back it will cost him $2 million."

Tyler was overwrought with panic, and Jordy sat down on the couch and held him tight. Tyler let the iPad slip from his hands and William grabbed it and took it to the security room. William was reeling from the sight of Jesse being beaten and scared that he might lose the nephew that had become so important to his life, but William also knew he could not waste a moment if he wanted Jesse back.

Brad Henderson had been on the phone with his contacts in the Kansas City Police Department. William grabbed him and took him across the hall to W & J Ventures. "I think we'd better work from here," William said. "The family needs to help Tyler, and he doesn't need to hear everything we are going to need to say."

Jordy and George soon joined them. "Brad, should we contact the police and report Jesse's abduction?" William asked.

"Normally, I would say yes, but my contacts tell me there is concern about a leak in the department at command level. So, they will keep tabs on the buzz in the department, and let me know if there is anything going on, but for now we will wait on reporting to the KCPD. However, I hate not having any law enforcement agency on this."

"What about the FBI?" Jordy asked.

"Local law enforcement is who would contact them for assistance. The problem is that the suspected leak is at the level that would make that request." Brad said.

"Hey," George said, "My cousin is assigned to the KC office of the FBI. I can have him come over and you could talk to him directly and off the record."

"Can we trust him," William asked.

"Yes sir."

William looked at Brad who gave a nod. "Okay." William said, "Give him a call."

David Roy was 35 and looked like what everyone imagines an FBI agent looks like: tall, broad shoulders, and square jaw. George quickly introduced him to William, Jordy, and Brad. "Is Tyler here?" David asked.

"He's across the hall with the family," Jordy said, "but I don't think he knows much that can help."

"I would still like to talk to him. Sometimes people see little things that don't seem important at first, but make sense when put into the right context." David said.

"I'll take you to see him." Jordy said.

When they got to Jesse's and Tyler's apartment, Monty was sitting on the couch with Tyler and softly telling him everything would be alright while gently rubbing his back. "Tyler, this is David Roy. He is an FBI agent. He would like to ask you some questions."

"Okay," Tyler said, attempting to pull himself together.

"Tyler," David said, "do you know what Jesse was doing today."

"This morning we were both down in the Trust offices. We went to the coffee shop on the ground floor for lunch. After lunch, Jesse had an Entrepreneurship class at UMKC. Then he was supposed to come back and we were going out for supper."

"Do you remember anything unusual, anything that would require Jesse to vary his normal routine? David asked.

"He did get a phone call while we were at lunch from the University art department. He said one of the pieces he submitted for the student art show was damaged in the move from the studio to the gallery, and he needed to check it out."

"Did Jesse have any conflicts with any students or staff at UMKC?"

"I don't think so," Tyler said. "He really enjoyed his classes, he made some friends in class, and grade-wise he was doing well. He particularly liked art classes."

"Thanks Tyler," David said, "You have been a big help."

Back in the offices of W & J Ventures, David asked if anyone knew the location of Jesse's car.

"No," Brad said, "BMW won't give us the GPS location. They said they would need a request from law enforcement and we are trying to keep KCPD out of it for the moment."

David stepped into Jordy's office and a few minutes came back with the car's location. "It is in a UMKC parking lot. Brad, can you have one of your people go get it?"

"On it right now," Brad said.

"David," William said, "I appreciate your help, but if the KC Police Department is compromised, how do you know the FBI office isn't."

"I don't. I am assigned to work out of the Kansas City office, but my boss is in Washington D.C. and he doesn't take phone calls from anyone but the Director, the Attorney General, and the President. I am what you call a Special Special Agent."

"I see."

"So do you or the Trust have any enemies," David asked William, "The video message seems to have a personal animus."

"There are two people that hate my guts: one is Jesse's mother, but I know for a fact she is in Singapore with her current sugar daddy; the other is Dawson Chandler, but this really isn't his type of revenge." William told David about the bottles of Boodles Mulberry Gin.

"Is this the same Dawson Chandler that works in the City Zoning and Planning Office?"

"Yes," William said with a look of surprise.

"Chandler is caught between a rock and a hard place and this may be about getting the money he thinks he needs to save his sorry ass. He's been working with some people to launder drug money. They used drug money to fix up derelict property. The way it works is the property itself is purchased by a supposedly legit developer using convention financing, but the material and labor for the rehab are paid for with cash from drug dealers. So when the property is sold, the bank gets its money with interest, the developer gets his commission, and the drug cartels get clean cash. Your Mulberry project actually threw a wrench into the operation's gears. Because you moved on the property without bank loans, they didn't get a heads up to stop the deal. Our sources say they had to move their cash to another city to launder it because they didn't have a backup in KC for Mulberry."

"So why are they doing this, and why now?" Jordy asked.

"Because me and my task force are about to roll up the entire operation and Chandler got a tip for someone in KCPD to get out of town. The cartels have sent a team to liquidate the KC property division, including Chandler. He's in desperate need of cash to help him disappear. Based on what I know about Marshal Trust, you are one the few firms that has $2 million in ready cash--yes we checked you guys out to make sure you weren't part of the organization. My guess is you will be getting instructions on how to wire the money to his off-shore account."

David's phone dinged. "Do you have a place where we can project some video?"

"In here," Jordy led everyone into the conference room.

"I had my team in D.C get UMKC's security video for today. This is what they found."

The video showed a white panel van parked in one of the student parking lots. Then they saw Jesse walk into the picture until the van blocked the view of him. Next, the van pulled out and drove away and the camera now had a clear view of Jesse's car. The next video was a closeup of the driver. David stopped the video. "That is a local thug, Pauli Romeo, he is known to do free lance work for people who don't want their own fingerprints on the lead pipe. The last time he came across our desk was when he was accused of intimidating union organizers at one of Sterling Properties developments. That's one of the developers we believe is part of the money laundering scheme."

"We have bid against Sterling Properties for several buildings," William said. "Their business plans never seemed to make sense, but if they were using drug cash to rehab them, then I see how they could turn a profit."

William's phone buzzed with an incoming video. "I think it is from Chandler."

"Can we project it," David asked.

William nodded and sent the video to Jordy who pulled it up on the projector. It started with a black screen and then white words appeared saying. "William Marshal, tomorrow at 11 a.m. CST you will receive a link to a numbered bank account. You will deposit $2 million by 11:15 a.m. CST or..." The video switched to Jesse naked and still tied so that his body was fully exposed. There were what appeared to be wires hanging from Jesse's testicles. A gloved hand appeared in the video and pressed a remote. Suddenly Jesse's entire body contorted and he screamed at the top of his lungs. The video then returned to black and the words "You only have one chance" appeared.

Jordy's face suddenly went white and he ran across the hall to the boys' apartment. He came back with Tyler's phone. "Thankfully Monty had taken Tyler's phone," Jordy said.

"What do we do?" William asked. "Do we pay the money? Will he let Jesse go?"

"If he knows anything about money laundering and banking," David said, "the minute the money hits that account it will be bounced to at least three more accounts making it very hard to track. Go ahead and get the money together, but I can tell you, the best chance of getting Jesse back safe is finding him before 11 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Did anyone recognize anything familiar about the room that could help," Jordy asked.

"It looked abandoned," Brad said. "Also, it had an institutional look."

"Dawson would have been through hundreds of the City's old buildings as part of his work on the planning board," William said. "He could be anywhere in the City or the Metro for that matter."

George suddenly spoke up, "Can you run the video to the part with Jesse. I think I saw something."

Jordy ran the video back, and William winced to see his nephew being tortured. "There! Stop it there! See that broken window in the door. Enlarge that area."

"What is that?" Brad asked.

"It looks like three letters, except they are in reverse. E-U-G," David said.

"Turn them around like you're reading from the other side," George said, "G-U-E. I think those are the last three letters of the word MORGUE. Doesn't that room look like it could be in a hospital. I think it is a hospital morgue! Last week, Evan took me to look at one of his community gardens. We were driving down Forest Ave. when we passed this creepy old building that said something about a hospital and apartment redevelopment. I remember telling Evan that I am glad that wasn't a Marshal Trust project. The developer was Sterling Properties."

"That Wheatley-Provident Hospital," William said. "It was KC's first black hospital and has been abandoned for years."

Jordy slipped out of the conference room, went to his office, opened his desk, and pulled out a Sig Sauer 9mm pistol. He was soon joined by Brad and David.

David said, "I know Henderson can take care of himself in the field, I read his file from when he was with the Bureau and the Seals, but I don't think...."

"I trained Jordy," Brad said. "He is as good as I am."

"Then let's go," David said.

Brad drove in pitch blackness down Forest Ave. with the lights turned off on the black Tahoe. A block down the street from the Wheatley-Provident Hospital, they parked the Tahoe and the three walked back up the street. There was no sign that anyone had been to the hospital in months. Jordy was beginning to wonder if they were on a wild goose chase. The three walked around the building looking for signs of entry. As they were looking around near the loading dock, Jordy's flashlight caught a glint he almost ignored as another piece of broken glass, but something made him look again. What Jordy's light had caught was the Vegvisir Pendant he had given Jesse. "He's been here," Jordy said.

While the doors to the hospital had been padlocked and the windows boarded to keep kids and urban explorers out, the padlock on a side door to the dock was missing. David slowly opened the door and the three slipped into a dark hallway. Once in, they heard the low rumble of a portable electric generator. They followed that sound and found a man sitting beside the generator and playing games on his phone. Brad used his Navy Seal training to get close and immobilize the inattentive guard before he could alert anyone else to the rescuers' presence. Zip tie handcuffs and duct tape would keep the careless sentry quiet and secure until the rescue mission was complete.

Jordy, Brad, and David followed the extension cords from the generator to where they hoped Jesse was being held. They heard footsteps coming down the corridor and the flashlights were quickly turned off and the three stepped into the shadows. As the silhouette of a man passed by, David came from behind and caught the man in a choke hold. Unable to scream or breath, he soon lost consciousness, and was left cuffed and silenced like his partner.

Around the corner there was light coming from a door with a broken window. Jordy and David drew their pistols and Brad prepared to kick open the door. David held up his hand with three fingers. Brad and Jordy both nodded. When the last finger dropped, Brad hit the door and Jordy and David rushed into the room. In front of them was Jesse, his hands tied to a hook above his head and his feet shackled to the floor. David yelled at Chandler to stop and raise his hands, but Chandler started toward a table a few feet away with a gun sitting on it. David and Jordy both fired. David shot Chandler in his right shoulder and Jordy caught Chandler in the left knee. Chandler fell to the floor screaming in pain.

Jordy ran to Jesse and cut him down. He fell into Jordy's arms and sobbed. Brad helped David secure Chandler; Brad then took off his own dress shirt and gave it to Jesse to put on. David called for back up from the FBI's Kansas City office and for two ambulances. On the way to St Luke's Hospital, Brad called William to let him know they had Jesse and were taking him to the emergency room.

The ER staff treated the lashes on Jesse's buttocks and examined him for any other serious injuries. Jesse was given a pain reliever, but he refused the sedative, and was eventually moved to a private room on a mostly empty hallway. An FBI agent was stationed down the hall, but with a clear view of the room.

Jesse's eyes were closed and he was on the edge of falling asleep, when he heard his father's voice. Monty was yelling, "What do you mean only family can see him. This is my son's partner, and the love of his life. Tyler is family, and he is going in there right now." The nurse stepped out of the way and Tyler rushed into the room, tears streaming down his cheeks. He grabbed Jesse's hand and kissed it. Jesse reached up and touched Tyler's face and said, "I love you." Tyler almost collapsed and Monty caught him, and held him up. Jesse reached out his hand and said, "Thank you,"

When William walked in, the room was full of men in tears: tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of healing. William hugged Jordy and whispered in his ear, "Thank you for being our protector and a most fearsome dragon."

Jesse remained in the hospital overnight and his personal physician came to check on him. "Look Jesse," Dr. Kovach said, "physically you are fine. The marks on your buttocks and back will heal and shouldn't leave any serious marks. The electric shock to your genitals I am sure was quite painful, but it doesn't appear to have done any serious tissue or reproductive damage. Your joints will ache for a few days from hanging by your arms, but your youth and good physical shape kept you from joint damage. However, I am concerned with your emotional health. Actually, I am concerned about the emotional health of both you and Tyler. I would recommend at least meeting with a counselor to talk through your feelings."

Jesse looked at Tyler and nodded. "I will see that we both talk to someone," Tyler said.

"Well then," Dr. Kovach said, "let me sign your release and you can get out of here. However, I expect to see you next week for a follow up."

"Thanks Doc," Tyler said.

Monty was waiting to pick up Jesse and Tyler and take them back to the apartment. After he helped the boys up to their place, Monty said, "William and Jordy will be checking in on you two, but if you need something please call me." Then Monty broke down, and with tears said, "I thought I lost you." Jesse and Tyler both grabbed Monty in a hug and shared his tears.

When they were alone, Tyler asked, "What do you need?"

"I need a long shower. Will you take one with me?"

"Of course I will."

Tyler helped Jesse out of his clothes and then led him to the shower. Jesse's muscles began to release the tension of the last two days and the water carried it down the drain. Tyler gently washed Jesse, and Tyler's tender touch soothed his lover's injuries.

"Did you see him hurting me?" Jesse asked.

After a long silence with just the sound of the shower, Tyler softly said, "Yes."

"I didn't want to scream. I didn't want you to hear me scream, but it hurt so much."

Tyler slipped his arms around Jesse and kissed his back. "I know dear."

A breeze was gently blowing through the open doors that led from the bedroom to the terrace. Jesse couldn't remember how he got into bed, but it was now 3:30 in the afternoon and he had been asleep for several hours. He went looking for Tyler. Jesse noticed that the door through the security room and into William's library was open. In the library he found William, Jordy, Tyler and a man that Jesse vaguely recognized but didn't know.

When Tyler saw Jesse he jumped up and said, "Oh Jesse, I hoped to be back before you woke up."

William and Jordy also quickly made space for Jesse on the couch and Jordy grabbed him a blanket. Jesse said, "Okay, I am sore, but I am not hurt. I think the best way for me to deal with the mental and emotional shit is to see the shrink, but also to get back to normal. So no more treating me like a baby who needs to be pampered and served." William handed Jesse his favorite drink, Amaretto and Coke. Jesse called it a Cherry Coke for big boys. Jesse smiled and said, "Okay, I think one more day of being babied would be alright."

Jesse's smile was contagious and it was good to see his sense of humor was beginning to return.

"Let me introduce David Roy," William said. "He is George's cousin and an FBI agent. He was instrumental in finding you and in keeping this out of the press so far?"

"Thank you David, and thank you Jordy. I owe you guys my life. Where is Brad Hederson, I need to thank him too. Hell, I need to thank all of you."

"William was behind the sofa and he put his hands on Jesse's shoulders, leaned down, and softly said, "We would move Heaven and Hell to protect the family. I could not bear even the thought of losing my favorite nephew."

Jesse replied, "Thanks Uncle Will. But you know, I'm your only nephew." William playfully tousled his hair.

After a moment David said, "Jesse, I have a proposal I need your input on. Local law enforcement doesn't know we have Chandler and his accomplices, and we would like to keep it that way. Chandler has a wealth of information about the finances for several cartels and syndicates, but if he goes to trial, he likely won't last long in the system and we will lose a valuable source. We want to keep him hidden away and use what he knows to confiscate millions, maybe billions, of dollars in drug money. However, to do this, we need your agreement not to demand the D.A. prosecute him and his buddies for their attack on you."

Jesse thought for a moment, "The prospect of not having to testify in court, and especially keeping those videos buried, is appealing; however, I don't like the thought of him getting away with what he did to me."

"If it helps, Chandler won't be getting off easy. The War on Terror has provided some off the books facilities for holding people who are not free, but also not charged with a crime. These are not country club facilities. It will be made clear to Chandler that if he ever attempts to ask a court for his release, we will dump him on the street without protection and his life expectancy is about 72 hours. In effect, he has the choice of a death sentence or life in FBI custody."

"I see. He really doesn't have much to look forward to," Jesse said.

"Also, Jordy blew out his knee cap," David said. "So, if he keeps his leg, he will likely have a painful limp." Jordy smiled.

Tyler took Jesse's hand and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I think I want to move on," Jesse said. "I don't need a day in court to do that. I have what I need right here." Jesse gave Tyler a kiss.

That evening Jesse was laying on his stomach while Tyler rubbed antiseptic cream onto his welts. "Do they look bad?" Jesse asked.

"They are shades of purple, but there is no broken skin."

"Well, I am over any thought I might have ever had about bondage and S&M. The idea of being tied up makes me queasy"

Tyler laid down and pulled Jesse into his chest. "I would have died if you had not come home to me."

After a bit Jesse asked, "Tyler, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course."

"Your touch has been tender and soothing, but it hasn't been sexual. Are you waiting for me to start?"

"Sort of, I don't want to push you. I want you to be ready."

"I appreciate that, but I need you to be in charge. I need you to make love to me. I need you to fill me with your strength."

Tyler slowly slid his hand down Jesse's torso. As he did Jesse ground his ass into Tyler's cock. What Tyler found at the end of his journey was Jesse's hard and dripping cock begging for release. Jesse moaned and Tyler knew that Jesse needed a therapy that only he could provide. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that the lovers finally drifted to sleep in each other's arms; the emotional, intellectual, and now physical bond of their relationship restored and strengthened.

When Tyler and Jesse finally woke, it was mid-morning. "I guess we're not going to the office this morning." Jesse said.

"At least not until we shower" Tyler laughed. "We smell like pure sex."

"The best smell in the morning."

I thought bacon and coffee were your favorite morning smells." joked Tyler.

"Oh, those are running a close second. Especially now, I am starving."

"That's good to hear. I'll go start breakfast while you take a shower and get dressed. Jordy told me that most of the people down in the Trust offices don't know what has happened over the last couple of days. So, we need to make an appearance this afternoon to keep people from asking questions."

"Why don't you take a shower with me, then make breakfast?"

"Two reasons. One, we don't have time for the type of shower you are wanting. Two, I don't want to smell like bacon all day?

"Hum, bacon! I would eat you up."

"I don't have to smell like bacon for you to do that. Now get in the shower."

Twenty minutes later, Jesse walks into the kitchen wearing just a towel and drying his hair. Tyler's cock twitched at the sight.

"Something smells good," Jesse said.

Tyler walked by Jesse, he sniffed his lover and said, "I agree."

As they were eating Jesse appeared to be thinking about something. Tyler decided not to ask and let Jesse tell him when ready. Finally Jesse said, "I want to get married."

"I already said yes." Tyler said a bit confused.

"No, I want to get married now. I don't want to wait until I graduate."

"What has brought this on?"

"Hearing my dad yelling at the nurse to let you in to see me. It reminded me that we share everything; but not everyone, and certainly not the legal system, sees it that way. I want to make it official."

"I see. So do you want a small ceremony like William and Jordy?"

""So do you want a church wedding?" Jesse asked.

"I think I do. However, I know you have had a bad experience with religion, so if you don't. I understand."

"The truth is, I had a bad experience with my mother's brand of religion. George and Evan go to church, so there must gay friendly churches out there. I also know that Uncle William prays before meals; although, I never really asked about it.... So do you believe in God?"

"Yes....maybe not in the conventional way, but I grew up going to church and I sometimes miss it, especially at the holidays. I have thought about going to church with George and Evan. .....and when you were missing ....I prayed .....I prayed hard."

Next: Chapter 16

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