Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Mar 31, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: The Itch

It has been a month since the meeting Jesse referred to as the intake. While mostly a jest, there was still a bitter note about the "penitentiary confinement" Jesse felt he was living under. Although even Jesse had to acknowledge it was hardly a grim existence.

Jesse actually enjoyed working at the office. The work was interesting, the employees were really good people and Jesse made friends easily. The office manager, Maggy Thompson was not the slave driving perfectionist Uncle William had made her out to be and gave him consistently glowing evaluations. Jesse came to see her as a combination favorite aunt and big sister. Maddy and Jordy had desks in the outer room of Uncle William's office suite. The two of them were a team and both were incredibly loyal to the Trust and to Uncle William. However, that loyalty did put Maggy beyond dishing on William and Jordy when they were out of the office. She helped Jesse see just how deep their relationship and love for each other sent it's roots.

Maggy made sure that Jesse spent time working with all the divisions of Marshal Family Trust. Although, Jesse got the distinct impression that Uncle Will was behind his education on the workings of the trust. His favorite division was Property Development and Management. The Trust had a number of projects in development that were part of the rebirth of the city's business and industrial districts. This was the division that Jordy had worked in before becoming William's personal assistant and the two of them would often talk about the projects.

While working in Property Development and Management, Jesse was assigned to help a junior associate research a property with significant potential for development, but had for some reason been repeatedly passed on by other property developers. Before sinking money in the project William wanted to know what had everyone so spooked to take on the project.

It seems that the problem with the property was that it was a potential hazardous waste site and no one wanted to risk a costly cleanup. Late one afternoon in the archives of the Kansas City Star the associate, Tyler Davidson, discovered a piece of information that prompted the Trust to make a lowball bid on the property. It seems that the basement of the building once housed a company listed as a `producer of lubricant and oil products' and everyone naturally assumed there was industrial waste contamination. What Davidson found was the lubricants manufactured at the site were of a more personal nature--although in genteelism of the times it marketed as medical supplies.

A quick check of the Environmental records indicated that the real reason the site had been listed as a potentially hazardous site was because `fire grenades' had been discovered in the basement. Fire grenades were an early form of fire extinguisher in which a highly volatile, and dangerously unstable, chemical mix was put into fragile glass bottles to be thrown onto a fire. The theory was that the explosion would starve the fire of oxygen and extinguish it.

As it turned out, the grenades had been removed by a previous owner, but the paperwork had been misfiled and the hazardous site designation wasn't officially removed. Because the property was now part of a larger bankruptcy liquidation, the court appointed trustees had missed the problem and included the hazardous waste advisory in the prospectus. The result was a valuable piece of prime real estate in the West Bottoms district the Trust was able to snap up on the cheap.

While the deal had huge profit potential, the associate who discovered the key information wasn't given due credit for his work and didn't seem to seek it out. Jesse couldn't figure out Tyler Davidson's anonymity in the company. He was a good-looking 28-year-old property associate who seemed to alway be left out of consideration for project manager or promotion. On paper, Tyler should have been a rising star in the property division. He had dual Masters degrees in finance and real estate development from MIT. He was handsome and athletic. In high school he had been a distance runner and now was a competitive bicycle racer.

Jesse noticed that Tyler just always seemed to be on the sidelines. Doing the grunt work for others in Property Development and never really being given any opportunities for leadership and growth by the Division Manager, Matthew Harris. Jesse finally decided to ask Jordy what was up with Tyler one morning during breakfast when Uncle William had already left for an early meeting.

"Hey Jordy, what do you know about Tyler Davidson in Property Development."

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, he doesn't seem to fit in. He is alway left out of conversations and he is given all the boring shit to do. Like he was the one who did all the digging that led to the purchase of the Mulberry St. Warehouse so cheap, but he didn't take credit for his work. It's like he is never recognized for his ability. He is very good at detail and never complains, so the other associates in the department want him to help with their projects and then take all the credit. But he is really smart, why isn't he doing something more important?"

Jordy sat for a minute then said, "Tyler is probably the smartest person in the entire office, but his Asperger's gets in the way of his career. Property isn't just about being smart, or developing a good plan, or even creative finance. It is about people. It is about buying and selling, working with a team, having self-confidence when making a pitch. Tyler struggles in those areas. Matt Harris may be an ass at times, but he knows property and talent and he simply doesn't think Tyler has what it takes. In fact Matt wants to let him go, but your uncle is dragging his feet on that decision."

Jesse was shocked. He really liked Tyler and they had become good friends over the last few weeks. "Jordy, Tyler is a really good guy. You've got to help him keep his job. I've gotten to know him over the last couple of weeks and he has so much potential. It would be a mistake to let him go."

"Okay Jesse tell me something. If your social life weren't in a vice because of the curfew William imposed on you, would you be friends with Tyler Davidson. Sure you would have been attracted to his body and handsome face, but after 15-minutes of conversation would you have gone out after work to get a drink with him?"

Jesse felt a bit embarrassed because he knew he wouldn't have taken the time to become Tyler's friend. Tyler wasn't `party fun.' The truth was he had hung out with Tyler because there wasn't anyone else to hang out with. He didn't want to tell people he was leaving the bar early because he had an 8 p.m curfew. And, he particularly didn't want to tell people why he was a prisoner in his Uncle's gilded cage.

Tyler had become his friend by default because Tyler never asked why he had to be home so early or why he only drank soda pop when in a bar. Without the curfew Jesse wouldn't know or care about Tyler, and certainly wouldn't miss him if he wasn't there.

Jordy took note of Jesse's discomfort and said, "Don't worry, William is not going to fire Tyler."

"How do you know."

"Because, I know your uncle."

While the conversation reassured him that his friend's job was safe, Jesse needed to know more about Tyler's condition. So that evening, he Googled Asperger's Syndrome and realized how hard Tyler worked to appear `normal.' Jesse had noticed that Tyler blinked his eyes more than normal, but had chalked that up to allergies or light sensitivity. He also recognized that Tyler clicked his tongue when under stress or mindlessly tapped his right foot. However, the most detrimental symptom for a business person was that when under stress. Tyler couldn't maintain eye contact.

Jesse also read that one of the problems a person with Asperger's may have is difficulty with humor. Jesse didn't have trouble understanding jokes with an obvious punchline, but never seemed to get subtle humor, especially if it contained sexual innuendo. A fact that some of the guys in the office had picked up on and would use to torment him. They would make sexual jokes at his expense, and which he didn't get. Jesse was ashamed that he had actually laughed at some of the jokes poking fun of Tyler's perceived sexual naivety.

Jesse decided that if he was Uncle William's project, Tyler would be his. He was going to try to help Tyler get ahead in the company, but how to do it without being patronizing and manipulative. All Jesse wanted was for Tyler to reach his full potential and to be recognized for the great guy he was.

But while he was helping Tyler with his problems, Jesse had a problem of his own: he was a fucking horny mess. Four weeks of visits from Rosie Palmer was not getting the job done. He need a fuck buddy and bad. It didn't help that Uncle Will and Jordy were loud fucking lovers. In fact, Jesse almost accused them of making sex noises just to torment him.

All the pent up sexual frustration came to a head one Saturday morning. Jesse had a hard time getting to sleep and was woken early by the noise coming from the master bedroom. "Damn, don't those two ever just sleep," Jesse muttered to himself. He finally decided it was useless to try to get back to sleep and went to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. An hour later, Jordy walked into the kitchen stark naked and smelling of sweat and sex. He grabbed a bottle of water from the frig and leaned back on the counter while he drank it. When Jordy noticed that Jesse was checking him out he said, "Oh sorry sport, I guess I should put on a robe now that you are living here."

"It's Okay, it's your house."

Come on kid, it's your house too. And, why are you up so early on a Saturday morning anyway?"

"Well if you must know, it seems the entire zoo was fuck at the end of the hall this morning."

"Oh sorry, I guess we do turn into animals sometimes."

"Sometimes you turn into animals? How about every night and morning. It's like you have your own fucking nature channel going 24-7 in there. It's a good thing no one else lives on this floor and the ceilings and floors are thick cement."

"Shit, I didn't know, I'll tell William to tone it down," Jordy said with a blush.

"Right, it's Uncle Will that is the loud one. I think it is you yelling `Punch my love nut with your hammer Thor' at the top of your lungs. Where did you come up with that cheesy Viking role play shit?"

Jordy blush ever redder, "I admit that Thor thing is stupid. I promise we will be quieter."

"Yeah right, anyway," Jesse paused before continuing, "If you guys are ever interested in........"

Jordy suddenly stood straight up and cut off the sentence with, "If the next words out of your mouth are an offer to join in the fun, I will rip your balls off and force feed them to you. Willam and I are exclusive and we don't share with anyone." Jesse's face went pale, before Jordy smiled and added, "Even if the offer comes from a hot, sexy fuck up."

Jesse smiled, "So you think I'm hot and sexy?"

"My my, what an ego you have. What makes you think you are the only fuck up living in this town wanting to be raped and pillaged by a viking," Jordy laughed as he grabbed another bottle of water and headed to the bedroom.

In the bedroom Jordy handed William the water and said, "We have two problems."


"First, we need to add acoustic tiles to the walls in here."

William snickered and turned a bit red.

"Second, if we don't get your nephew a regular fuck buddy to scratch his itch, we will be putting our own assess in serious jeopardy."

William put his hands behind his head and said, "Well, I guess it is time to invite Tyler Davidson to dinner."

Jesse had been dreading Saturday evening. On Thursday, Uncle Will had announced a family meeting for 6:00 and after the last one he was uneasy. Particularly since the only recent "incident" had been his encounter with Jordy in the kitchen the Saturday before. All he could think of was that Jordy had told Uncle William about his sexual suggestion, well almost suggestion, and he was pissed off. To make matters worse, William had spent two days dealing with business in Chicago and Jesse couldn't get a read on his mood. Was his uncle going to send him to some re-education camp for sexual deviants? Did he order some Medieval chastity device? Was he going to send him back to Georgia and prison? Shit!

Jesse was out the door the minute his curfew lifted Saturday morning. He went to the gym for a couple of hours of weights and cardio to work off some anxiety and put on some muscle before prison. "Shit, I can't let my imagination keep dragging me into dark space," Jesse said aloud to himself in the mostly empty gym. He thought Uncle William liked, maybe even loved him, and he was pretty sure Jordy was on his side despite the ill advised hint to join William and Jordy, but he couldn't be sure.

After the gym, he wandered aimlessly around the Country Club Plaza. William had told him about the historic and architectural significance of The Plaza. It was the first regional shopping center built for the automobile era to serve a suburban population. But who cares about social and architectural history when your whole life could suddenly crumble around you.

By the time he finally got back to the apartment, Jesse had worked himself into an emotional wreck imagining all manner of paranoid scenarios. When he stepped into the apartment, the smell was unbelievable. It was clear that someone had been preparing a feast, or as Jesse muttered, "A last meal."

Jordy yelled from the kitchen, "Grab a shower and then it's jacket and tie for dinner."

As Jesse walked passed the dining room he noticed the table was set for four. "Great, I have to eat my last meal with Doctor Shock Therapy before being dragged off to be reprogrammed."

After showering and dressing Jesse went to find his uncle. Maybe he could find a way to convince him to call off whatever sinister consequences were on the horizon, but just before he entered the library the doorbell rang and William asked him to answer the door.

As he walked down the hall, Jesse said to himself "This is it. There are two men in white suits on the other side of the door ready to grab and restrain me. Maybe even sedate me. Yeah the next thing will be waking up in a sterile white room wearing pajamas and a tracking device." Jesse took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and opened the door.

Instead of orderlies with bad attitudes, Jesse saw a bashfully smiling Tyler Davidson. He stuttered a bit and said, "I hope I'm not too early.....or late...or here on the wrong night.... Don't tell me it's the wrong night." Jesse just looked at him in total confusion not sure what was going on or what to say.

Jordy saved the moment when he stepped out of the kitchen and said. "Welcome Tyler, I think you know Jesse."

"Yes...yes, I know Jesse we have worked on two projects together."

"Good, saves me from making introductions. Jesse, Uncle William is in the library, why don't you and Tyler join him."

When the two young men entered the library the door to the balcony was open and William was enjoying the view. When he noticed them he said "It's a wonderful night, why don't you guys join me." They walked out and felt a soft breeze and heard faint bits of jazz drift from a street fair a block away.

William turned to Tyler and asked, "What can Jesse get you to drink?"

"Oh, water is fine."

Nonsense, the boss is drinking whiskey sours, this is a social function not an office party."

"Well, I would like a gin and tonic...if that is not too much trouble."

"It's no trouble at all because Jesse is taking over bar duties," William said. "While you're making Tyler his drink, you can make me another whiskey sour and I'm sure Jordy could use a beer. He's been working in the kitchen all afternoon. He won't even let me in to help--or to see what he's making. So, for all I know, we're having pigeons he caught out here on the balcony."

As Jordy turned to go fix the drinks, Uncle William winked and said, "Jesse, don't forget to fix yourself a drink. I don't want any tea toddlers looking down on us sinners." Jesse smiled at the coded permission.

Minutes later just as Jesse finished making the drinks, Jordy brought some cheese, crackers and stuffed olives into the library. "Dinner is almost done and I still need to get dressed. So I thought you might like something to go with your drinks. Seeing you guys in your jackets and ties while I stand in just old gym shorts and a t-shirt makes me feel a little underdressed."

"I'd say over dressed," William muttered. Jesse choked on his drink, Tyler turned red, and Jordy shook his ass on the way out the door.

The dinner was fantastic. Jordy had made Mediterranean Cornish Hens with couscous and grilled asparagus. Jesse was amazed that Jordy had so many talents he was finding out about every day. "No wonder Uncle Bill loves this guy," Jesse thought. "I just hope there is a Jordy out there for me."

After the plates were cleared Uncle William poured Cognac and Jordy served Baklava and coffee.

When everyone had finished their Baklava, William announced it was time for the family meeting. Jesse wanted to crawl under the table, Tyler was confused, and Jordy had a puckish grin. William then turned the meeting over to Jordy.

"Tyler," Jordy started, "You may not know this but Jesse has been living under some restrictive conditions since he came to live with his uncle."

"Like a curfew," interjected Tyler.

Jesse slumped in his chair and moaned, "How did you know."

"Well, as you no doubt have noticed, I am often naive and socially awkward, but even I think it unusual for a 21-year-old to drink only soda in a bar and call it a night at 7:30. Given how long it would take you to get from The Dubliner to here, you have an 8 o'clock curfew."

Jordy continued,"William and I have decided that the two of you, each for his own reasons, are failing to grasp some important facts. So, we are going to lay them on the table for you.

"First, everyone sitting at this table is gay." Jesse and Tyler looked at each other and the wheels started turning.

"Second, each of you finds the other cute,' sexy,' adorable,' cuddly,' and any one of a dozen other sickly sweet adjectives that would describe how a moonstruck teenager describes his secret crush."

William broke in, "Tell me I didn't just witness that. The two of you actually blushed and snickered when Jordy called you moonstruck. Am I the principal of a middle school?"

"Third," Jordy continued, "Both of you are too afraid to tell the other how you feel and are at risk of missing your chance. You are both the stereotypical batter that is so afraid to take a swing that he watches a hanging curve cross the plate for strike three. It's time for the two of you to pull your heads out of your asses and get in the game."

William stood up, "So boys, did Jordy make things clear enough for you." Jesse and Tyler nodded. "Good, now I and my fiance are going to our room to fuck like bunnies."

Jordy, "Bears."

William "Wild Horses."

Jordy, "Wolves"

Their voices disappear down the hall toward their room.

William, "Alley cats."

Jordy, "Humpback whales."

William, "Dragons."

Jordy, "Ooo, that's hot." The door closes and locks.

Jesse and Tyler just look in disbelief at each other. Then they burst into laughter. Jesse walked around the table, took Tyler's hand and led him to the bedroom.

Once in Jesse' room both young men stood facing each other uncertain what to do next. Finally, Jesse removed his jacket. Tyler removed his. Jesse removed his tie. Tyler removed his. So it went until both stood naked in front of each other.

Jesse had the sinewy 6'2", 190 pound, tanned body of a tennis player and frat boy. An upper body built for cushing serves and volleys, and taut and powerful legs. Blonde chest hair and pubes complimented wavy golden hair. Jesse' jaw was angular and defined a handsome, masculine face. But what was most striking were his eyes. They were hazel, but flecks of gold made them flash even in dim light. It was as if sparks were dancing in his pupils. In form and stature, Jesse would have been the muse for Renaissance masters.

In contrast Tyler's 5'11", 160 pound body was optimized for athletic efficiency. His body was built for distance and endurance. It was lean and carried no unnecessary bulk. His legs were tuned and toned for the road. Tyler's hair, as usual, always seemed to have a strand of straight black hair out of place in such a way as to make him adorable. While his 28-year-old face still was carded in every bar in the city, his pale blue eyes were windows to the heart of an intelligent mind and empathetic soul. Tyler was a man-twink trapped between awkward teen and Adonis.

But, what made Jesse' heart beat faster was what hung between Tyler's legs. While Tyler's body was lithe compared to Jesse', his cock was a bold statement of masculinity. Even semi-erect Tyler cock would be envied in every college sports locker room in the county. Jesse' own 6.5 inch manhood was rising in admiration. Taking it in his hand, Jesse stroked Tyler to his full 9 inch glory. Then sank to his knees to worship it.

Not only was Tyler long, but he was thick. Jesse had to open wide to wrap his lips around Tyler's cock. Any thought of taking the whole thing and burying his nose in Tyler's pubes was more than fantasy, it was folly. That would have to wait until there was time to practice and prepare. Tonight both men were too impatient for that experience.

Eventually Jesse rose to his feet, picked Tyler up, and carried him to the bed. They explored each other's bodies. They kiss deeply and passionately and eventually they began a long session of mutual stimulation in the 69 position. They had not discussed sexual preferences and positions. The events of the evening had caught them under the influence of lust, not intellect. Jesse decided it was up to him to take the initiative. He pulled his knees back to his chest and said, "Tyler, I need you to fuck me."

A look of concern crossed Tyler's face and then he said, "I don't know,....I'm.....I'm big..... and, well, I'm not very experienced.....I don't want to hurt you."

"It might hurt, but you won't hurt me. I trust you and I need you."

Cautiously Tyler leaned forward and kissed Jesse' ass. He gently blew warm breath across Jesse' rosebud and noticed it twitch. Tentatively Tyler touched it with the tip of his tongue and Jesse moaned. Gaining in confidence, Tyler licked the length of Jesse' anal cleft leaving a trail of saliva on his soft hairs. Jesse' whole body shuddered.

Now Tyler became more assertive. He swirled his tongue around Jesse' puck and probed it with his tongue. Jesse told him there was lube in the night stand and Tyler began to prep Jesse. Tyler spread Jesse and used his fingers to stretch him and work lube deep into his ass.

Finally, Jesse said, "I'm ready. Fuck me."

"Do you have condoms?" Tyler asked.

"I'm clean." Jesse replied. "However, if you feel more comfortable, there are some in the nightstand. But..."

"But you don't know if they are the right size."--Jesse nodded--"I'm clean also, and I trust you."

Tyler placed his cock at the entrance to Jesse' man cunt and locked eyes. Jesse saw the uncertainty and concern on Tyler's face. Jesse smiled, nodded, and closed his eyes. Tyler pushed forward and met resistance...he paused.....Jesse nodded again......Tyler again pushed forward, and this time Jesse pushed back.......suddenly the head of Tyler's massive cock breached Jesse' sphincter.....Jesse yelped but Tyler was in. Tyler again paused to let Jesse adjust.

After a minute, Jesse said, "I'm ready stud." Tyler began a slow but steady descent into Jesse' ass. The deeper he went the more conformed Jesse' boy pussy became to Tyler's cock, fitting snugly like a fine leather driving glove. Both lovers knew they were made for each other. When Tyler finally bottomed out he paused to let Jesse adjust to the fullness.

After a bit Tyler asked, "Are you ready?" Jesse smiled and nodded. Tyler slowly withdrew until he was on the verge of exiting, then aimed upward toward Jesse' prostate and pushed back in. When the huge cock punched his prostate Jesse moaned and grabbed the sheets. His eyes were pinched shut and his ass clasped Tyler's cock. Soon Tyler established a slow steady rhythm that sent a bolt of sexual lightning coursing through Jesse' body with every caress of his love nut.

When Jesse finally summoned the will you open his eyes he saw a sexual dynamo. Tyler may have been smaller than Jesse and lacked in the muscle mass gained from hours in the gym, but the stamina and leg power gained from road-racing and training with his cycling club in the Missouri and Arkansas Ozarks combined with a massive tool made him a sex god. Tyler took Jesse' legs and spread them into a wide V exposing his defenseless ass to a fucking blitzkrieg.

Without warning Jesse' sphincter spasmed and he shot a rope of pearly white cream onto his face. Tyler increased the pounding and Jesse' cock responded by transforming into a cum geyser. As eruptions of spunk glazed his chest and abs, his eyes rolled back into his head.

The orgasm induced clench of Jesse's ass soon sent Tyler over the edge. He plunged deep into Jesse' bowels and flooded them with his seed. Tyler's animal was unleashed and he yelled "cumming, cumming, fuck!" at the top of his lungs. Years of sexual frustration were released into his lover's ass.

Exhausted and spent, Tyler collapsed onto Jesse. He lay on the larger man and tried to regain control, but his cock continued to tremble in Jesse' man pussy. Jesse wrapped his arms around his new love and held him tight. Eventually, Tyler was able to open his eyes and look into smiling and satisfied eyes. A dollop of cum clung to Jesse' chin. Tyler scooped it up with his tongue and shared it with his new passion. The room was filled with the glorious scent of sweat and cum.

As the lovers kissed, Tyler's cock softened and slipped from Jesse. Like maple sap in the spring, cum dripped out of Jesse and onto the sheets. Jesse rolled Tyler onto the bed and pulled him into his body. Cuddled together, they drifted into a sex inebriated sleep.

Down the hall, Jordy looked at William and smiled, "I get Jesse got that itch scratched."

Next chapter: Tough Love in Kansas City: The Project

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Next: Chapter 5

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