Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Mar 13, 1999


This story contains homosexual act with consenting parties. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this pleas leave now. If this kind of material offends you please stop reading.

I first want to say that in no way am I implying about any of the guys of N Sync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them. Second, out of respect for a fellow writer, this will be the last part of this story. I will how ever write another one. I want to apologize to JM, the writer of Brian and Justin. There were some things that were the same as his but in no way was I trying to copy his story. I didn't mean to do that so as I promised him I will change it. Thanks for reading and watch out for the other story.

Touring With N'sync Part II

As we brake from our kiss I look at Justin and smile. "I am so glade I have you, but there is something we have to do."

"What?" Justin asked moving back in for another kiss.

"We can't tell anyone about us."

He moved away from me looking at me in wonder. "Why not? We love each other and they know we're gay so what's to hide?'

"If Brian finds out that we are together and he could get upset and have us removed from the tour."

"He can't do that. Only the management or the record company can do that."

"But he can say either we go or he does and they will choose him."

"I won't let that happen. Besides, the others like you and they wouldn't let him do it."

"Justin as much as I love you, I couldn't handle loosing you and my career at the same time."

" You wouldn't loose me."

"I can't take that chance."

He leans over and kisses me lightly on the cheek and says, "Ok. I won't say anything. But as soon as we go on the tour and the record company sees that you guys are just as big an popular to where they can't let you go, then I will tell everyone how I feel about you."

"Thank you! I don't want you to think I don't want everyone to know, but I have dreamed of this moment all my life. And I couldn't do that to the others. I have to realize that it's not just me I have to be concerned about."

"I know. You always think of someone else. That's one of the reasons I love you."

We kissed on last time before we got out of the car. I walked over to where he was and he grabbed my hand as we went to the door. He unlocked the door and before he opened it he told me he loved me. He then opened the door and walked in. When he walked in he say his brother Jonathan sitting at the table eating cereal and watching Saturday morning cartoons. Justin walked over to his little brother said good morning and tossed his hair. Jonathan moved away from him because he didn't want to be bothered while watching Looney Toons.

We then started up stairs when we heard voices coming from the other room. We walked in and saw Chris, Joey, Tom, Joe and Keith playing Playstation. "What are you guys doing here? Justin asked.

"Morning curly! Where you been?" Chris asked.

"Donny and I were at the studio working on his song and fell asleep." Justin said keeping his promise. "Why are you guys here?"

Joey got up and walked over to us and said, "Management called a meeting. They wanted everyone to meet here at 9am so here we are."

Just then JC came running down the stairs. "Justin we need to talk about...."

Justin stopped him and took him into his mother's office and closed the door. Everyone looked at me as if to say 'What was that all about?' but never asked.

"Look JC, there is nothing to talk about. I found you and Brian and that's that. If you want him you can have him."

"Justin I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I have always like Brian but I never went after him because of you. He came to me one night and was drunk. We kissed and things went on from there." JC began to explain.

"When did this happen."

"The night before the contest. When they all went out and he came by my room." JC said with his head down.

Justin, not knowing this was upset at first, but thought of me put his hand on JC's shoulder and said, "JC, I forgive you. I love you like a brother and I can't stay mad at you for falling in love. But it is going to be awhile before I will forget. So there maybe times I may be upset but know that I love you and that will never change." Justin then hugged JC.

They then walked out of the office and by this time more people had gotten there. Brittney Spears, Aaron Carter, Kevin, AJ, Howie, and management people. I was sitting on the couch and Justin came and sat next to me. We all sat around and talking when Nick and Lance walked in with Tatyana Ali.

"Ok. Who's missing?" Ask one of the managers.

"Brian and the girls from Innocence." Kevin answered.

"Well we can't wait for them any longer. Lets get started."

Everyone sat down and stopped talking. "Well as we all know Flavva has finished their album and there first single 'How Deep Is Your Love' is doing very good. As a matter of fact we found out that it is number one on the chart." We all got happy. "Now its time for promotion for their album and the tour. All of you here are no longer a separate. We are one big group and no one is bigger then the other. The Backstreet Boys have been out the longest and Flavva is new to the seen but one is not more important then the other." He went on to say. "Now I have some good news and bad news. The Good news is the Flavva's record release party is in three day and there we will kick of the tour. Everyone is to be there. Everyone is asked to perform and Flavva will release another single. Also the Bus that we have found will fit everyone and but management will have to go on a separate bus. It's a big one so you will still have the comfort of home on it. Third, Flavva will be going to radio stations promoting their album and some of you will go along to promote the tour. Ok that's it for the good news. The bad news is Innocence will not be going with us. They have been asked to open for Madonna on her European tour and they have taken the chance. Any questions"

We all sat there looking on as he continued on. While he was talking Justin took his hand and rubbed my arm. I looked at him and he smiled that smile of his at me. He then took his hand and sat it next to me so no one could see it and began to rub my leg though the jeans I had on. This was turning me on big time. He then put his hand behind me and rubbed on my back and worked his way down to my ass. Because everyone was either behind us or was looking at the manager then didn't see him. I moved my ass back so he could really rub it. When I moved JC, who was on the other side of me looked at me. Justin just stopped what he was doing and acted like nothing was going on.

The manager then said, "I have talked to MS Timberlake and has agreed to let all of you stay here tonight cause we will be leaving first thing tomorrow to LA. You all have a free day today so go and do what you want but don't stay out all night cause you have an early morning."

Just then Brian runs in. "So, Mr. Littrell, you decided to join us?"

Out of breath Brian answers, "Sorry about being late. I over slept and didn't get you message until this morning."

"That's fine. The others will fill you in on what's going on. See you all in the morning." And with that he walked out and began to talk to Ms. Timberlake.

Brian looked over at Justin. Justin didn't look at him he just looked at me and JC who was looking back and forth from Justin to Brian. Brian then said, "Justin can we talk?"

With anger in his eyes he looked at Brian and said, "I'm kinda busy right now can it wait?"

"No, I really need to talk to you about last night." Brian said.

Justin stood up and went outside with him. They were out there for what seemed like forever. Joe came and sat where Justin had bee sitting. He looked at me and said, "Ok, what's going on? You've seemed to be in space ever sense Brian and Justin went outside. What's going on?"

I looked at him with a big smile but I also had concern on my face. Just as I was about to answer him Justin burst through the door saying, "You should have thought about that last night before you fucked JC." And ran up stairs.

Everyone looked at Brain as Justin slammed his door. Brian tried to follow but Kevin stopped him. I then ran up after Justin. Kevin said, "What the hell did he mean by that?"

Brian snatched away from Kevin and began behind me but was stopped again by Kevin. Brian then said, "Get out of my way. This is none of your business."

"The Hell it isn't. You guys made it our business once he said what he said. Now tell me what's going on." Kevin said holding on to Brian and looking over at JC. JC broke down and told them everything. In shock Chris got up and walked over to Brian and shook his head and grabbed Jonathan and went up stairs.

Mean while I was at Justin's door trying to get him to open the door. I could hear him crying and I wanted to be there to hold him. "Justin, it me. Please open the door. All I want to do is help you." After about 5 minutes he opened the door. His eye's and face were red from crying. I went in and closed the door. I grabbed him and hugged him. "What did he say to you?" I asked.

"He told me that he slept with JC because I was messing around with you and that we belonged together and that I should forgive him. And when I told him no he said that I deserved it. That it was my fault for sleeping with you and that we were now even. He said that I was being selfish and that he wanted to be with me. That's when I told him he should have thought about that before fucking with JC."

All I could do was hold him. I knew he loved Brian and that he would have done anything for him, but he also had feelings for me and it was because of me he was hurting right now. "Justin I am sorry. This is all my fault."

He pulled back from me and looked at me saying, "It's not your fault. You didn't make Brian sleep with JC. He did that on his own."

"But I feel like it's my fault."

"It isn't so stop thinking that. I love you now and Brian is out of my life forever. One day I may forgive him and we can be friends but right now, NO WAY!" He then leaned over and kissed me.

" Stopped the kiss and said, "We need to go downstairs and see what's going to happen today."

We got up and went downstairs. Everyone knowing what happened looked at Justin but didn't say anything. "Well what's going on today?" Justin asked.

Kevin looked surprised to see him but said, "Well most of us are going to get packed and then go out."

"Sound cool but I need to get some sleep. We stayed up most of the night working on the song so I going to stay in. Justin replied.

"Me too" I said.

Nick looked at me with this big smile on his face and leaned over to Joe and said something that made him laugh. I looked a Justin and smiled which and they laughed again. They were talking and it seemed to bother Lance.

Justin was standing by me looking at Brian with anger. Brian winked at him and he turned around in disgust. We all stood around and talked. Justin walked over to me again as whispered in my ear. "As soon as they leave, your mine."

This made me get as hard as a rock. I turned to him and smiled. Joe said, "What was that all about?" Turning back to him and Nick, "Nothing."

"You're lying. I can tell." Joe said jokingly.

"I think you're right. He is lying." Nick added.

"What do you mean? I'm not lying."

"Let me see. You and Justin seem to be really close. He and Brian seem to be having trouble. You seem so happy you could make someone smile at a funeral. There is something going on between you two isn't there?" Joe said.

"You know what Joe, I think you're right. There is something going on here." Nick added.

"Leave me alone guys." They laugh and continue to talk and mess with me.

After about a half an hour, everyone has gone to get ready for the next day. That left Justin, Lance, Joe, Nick, and myself. Justin and I were tiered and wanted to be alone before his mother and Jonathan got home. Nick and Joe seemed to having fun with each other, but Lance was not happy. I walked over to him and asked, "What's wrong Lance?"

"Nick hasn't talked to me sense we got here."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been with you or Joe all morning and seems like he doesn't want to be with me." He said sadly.

"We've just became good friends. He loves you and no matter what he wants to be with you."

That seemed to help a little. We began to talk and Justin said, "D. Come here."

"I gotta go Lance but don't worry."

I went to where Justin was and he pulled me into the other room. I pulled me close to him and laid a big kiss on me that made my knees week. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and our tongues wrestled. He put his strong arms around me and began to move his hands up and down my back. He then grabbed my ass and I moaned. I had forgot that there was anyone else in the house. I took my hands and put them under his shirt and rubbed his smooth stomach. I then began to rub up to his nipples and play with them. We were both moaning and touching each other with passion. I then took my hands and began to undo his jeans, that's when I heard, "I told you!"

When we broke the kiss there was Nick and Joe standing there. "I knew something was going on between you two." Nick said.

Justin and I jumped away from each other and tried to act like nothing was happening. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Don't even try it. You were caught red handed. " Joe said walking over to us.

"Come clean guys." Nick said.

Justin looked at me as if to say, 'It's to late' and said, "We're in love."

"Why didn't you say something to me D?" Joe said putting his arm around me.

"We didn't want Brian to find out"

"Why not? It looks like you two are through." Nick said to Justin.

"We are, but Donny thinks to get back at him, Brian will have them kicked off the tour. I told him I wouldn't let that happen."

"Neither would I" Nick said

" I know Justin would do all he could to keep it from happening, and Nick I know you would try too but he is your best friend and I wouldn't want to mess that up."

"First off, Lance, Joe, Justin and you are my best friends. Second, not only would Justin have your back but I bet so would the rest of the guys. No matter what you think we all love you. And we wouldn't let you get black balled just because he fucked up the best thing he ever had." Nick said confidently.

"Just promise me that it won't leave this room."

"Well, I have to tell Lance." Nick said looking out at him.

"He can know but make sure he doesn't tell anyone else. Please!"

"If he finds out it won't be by me." Joe stated and Nick agreed.

Just then Lance walked in and we told him what was going on and that he had to keep it to himself. He agreed. "I wouldn't do that you Justin or you. I knew something was going on between you two and to be honest with you, you don't hide it very well. I knew as soon as I saw you together today."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"The way you look at each other. You can see the love." Lance said as he walked over to Nick. "We need to go and get our stuff. You have a lot of packing to do. Joe do you need a ride?"

Yes, please! I also need you guys to pick me up and bring me back here."

They workout there arrangements and Justin walked them to the door. When they left I started up the stairs and said, "I need to take a shower."

"Ok! I will see you when you're done."

I walked into my room and grabbed my clothes and a towel and went to the bathroom. I started the shower and got in. I had the radio going and I heard our song playing. Just then, Justin comes in but I didn't see him. He gets undressed and opens the shower door. I jump when he grabs me by my waist. I turn around and look into those blue eyes of his and he kisses me. I put my arms around his waist and return the kiss. He begins to grind his groan into mine and grabs my ass and pulls me into him. He then begins to kiss me on my neck and down on my shoulder. He moved down to my nipples and kissed each one and moved back up to my neck. I then moved my way down and kissed all the way down his smooth chest and stomach. I then moved down to his cock. I licked the head with my tongue and move down his shaft to his balls. I sucked each one of his balls one at a time. I then went back up to the tip of his dick and sucked it in. I began to move up and down. I moved slowly and I played with his as cheeks. He moaned and though his head back. I then spread his legs apart and his ass apart while still sucking him. I took a finger and inserted it into his tight hole. He almost lost his balance but I held him up. He grabbed my head and began to fuck my face. He tried to move faster but I would only slow him down. I wanted this to last awhile. I removed my finger and just sucked him off. I began to move faster and played with his balls. His body tensed up and he erupted into my waiting mouth. I took all he had to offer. I then stood up and kissed him. He could taste his own cum that was still in my mouth. He then kneeled down and began to play with my balls with his tongue. He licked each one and then moved to my dick. He sucked it in his mouth with some force, which made me moan loudly. He moved faster and faster. He would play with my balls with one hand and rub on my smooth stomach with the other. When I couldn't take it anymore I shot my load in his mouth. After shooting 5 big loads he stood up and we kissed tasting each other's cum. We then washed each other off and got out of the shower. We went to his room and got dressed. I couldn't get dressed for watching him. He looked so sexy. I walked to him and kissed him on the back of his neck. He turned around and we began to rub each other again when there was a knock at his door.

"Justin, are you dressed?" His little brother asked.

He pulled away from me and told him. "No, not yet."

"When you get dress will you play with me?"

"Of course. Give me 15 minutes, ok?"

"Ok!" Jonathan said as he ran down the hall to his room.

"Guess we have to wait to finish this." I said as I grabbed my Bulls sweat suite.

"Don't you worry. We will finish." He said as he kissed me on last time on the cheek. He walked out of his room and went to his brother's room and began to play a game with him. I went down stairs to see if his mom needed any help. She was cooking and I asked her if she needed help and she told me no. I then walk and turned on the TV and began to flip though the channels. I finally found WWF on the TV and began to watch that when JC walked in. He sat down next to me.

"So, are you mad at me?" He asked.

"Why would I be."

"Because we did have a relationship and I know Justin told you he found me and Brian in the bed together."

"Yeah, he told me but you and I were and still are just friends."


"Beside we said from the beginning that we had feelings for other people. You just never told me who."

"You didn't tell me either."

"But you knew who I was in love with. You told me, who I like that day on the plane."

"And do you still want Justin?"


"Then go for it"

Not wanting to lie I just turned to the TV and acted like I was upset for what he just said.

One by one everyone began to come in with all their stuff. Brittney came with Tatyana and sat next to me. We were all talking and playing around. Justin came down and joined in. Then Nick, Lance, and Joe came in. They asked where they could put their things and Justin told them to put them in his room. Kevin and Brian walked in and took their things to the room I was staying in. When AJ and Howie got there, they put their thing with Brian's and Kevin's. Chris arrived and put his things in the JC's room. When Tom and Keith got there Justin told them they could put their things in JC's room. Aaron arrived with his mother. She said that he could stay there with Nick so he could go with everyone else. Justin told him he could put his things in Jonathan's room. Nick helped his little brother take his things upstairs. Nick came back down. We were all sitting around watching videos when Justin's mom came in and told us we could come eat. She had cooked a lot of food. We all ate and went outside. It was winter but it wasn't that cold. Justin, Nick, Lance, Joe, and myself were together singing. Someone had brought a radio with them and put on some music. All of a sudden we were all dancing and singing. It turned into a contest. We made 2 teams. Backstreet Boys, Tatyana, and Brittney against N'sync and Flavva. We danced for almost an hour when we finally went back in the house. We each went to the rooms we were going to sleep in.

Justin and I sat on his bed. We sat there talking to Nick and Joe cause Lance had fell asleep. Nick said, "What are you guys afraid of?"

We looked at him and said in unison, "What do you mean?"

"Well we have been in this room for an hour now and you guys act like you are afraid to touch each other." Nick commented.

Justin looked at me with those beautiful deep blue eyes and said, "Well?"

I then leaned over and touched his face with the back of my hand and kissed him softly on the lips. He then put one of his hands on my leg and the other hand on the back of my head. That kiss made me forget about everything. I forgot that we were going to be leaving early the next morning doing the one thing I have always dreamed of. I forgot that soon we would be traveling all over the world. I also forgot that Nick, Joe and Lance were in the room. I could think about was the love I had for Justin. The way he made me feel when he touched me. How any problem I had just washed away with his kiss. I started to lay back on the bad as I began to pull his shirt up. That's when he stopped. I looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

He turned and looked at Nick who was laughing his head off along with Joe. I had forgotten they were there. In the passion I was feeling for Justin, I don't think I cared if they were there.

"I told you he had for got we were here." Joe said in between his laughing.

Justin and I sat up and I though a pillow at Nick. In return he though one at me, and that started a big pillow fight. That woke Lance asking, "What the hell are you guys doing?"

He hadn't finished the question when a pillow hit him in the face. When the shock wore off, he said, "Who the hell though that?"

Nick fell out laughing and Lance knew who it was. He got up and tackled Nick and began wrestling on the floor. Lance seemed to be getting the best of Nick when Justin jumped on Lance and helped out Nick. Nick got up and began to help Justin. I looked on as the pinned Lance down and began to tickle him. Justin the asked me to help them and I got up off the bed but instead of helping Nick and Justin I jumped on Nick and tackled him to the ground. Because he was surprised that I didn't help Nick, Lance got the best of Justin and had him pinned down. They were both pinned down and couldn't move. Justin began to ask Joe to help but he was laughing so hard he fell off the bed.

"Lance. We seem to have the wrong guys pinned down."

"Yeah, your right."

"Now if we try to switch, they will get away and then they would have us pinned."

"But they need to be kissed."

"Then what do we do?"

We look up and see Joe starting to regain his composer. "I say we have Joe do it?" Lance says.

Nick begins to really try and get up but I hold him down. "I agree," I said. "Joe come here!"

"Joe, these guys need to be kissed but Lance has Justin pinned down and I have Nick pinned down. Now I only want to kiss Justin and Lance only wants to kiss Nick, so we need you to kiss them both."

"Yeah, cause if we try to move they may get away and we can't have that." Lance said while Justin was trying to get loose.

Joe agreed and walked over to Lance and Justin and leaned over Justin. He looked at me as to see if it was ok. When he saw that I was smiling, he kissed Justin on the lips. It was a quick kiss. "I said they need a kiss not a peck." Lance said as Joe got up.

Joe looked over and me and I shook my head. Joe leaned back over Justin, and laid a nice kiss on him. Justin then said, "I'm going to get you for this Donny." I laughed.

I then said, "Now its Nick's turn."

Nick began to really try and get up but I had him good. Joe leaned in and looked over at Lance to see if he was cool with it. Lance said, "Don't give him a kiss like you did Justin. Give him a kiss he won't soon forget."

Shocked, Joe looked at me as if to say, 'Should I?' and I gave him a smile. He then smiled back and went in for the kiss. Not only did he kiss him longer then Justin, but he also slid his tongue in. Nick put a real good fight but as the kiss went on I could feel him give in. But when he heard Lance laughed he started fighting again.

Joe got up and walked back to the bed. Lance and I let them up but jumped back quickly.

"You guys are going to get it." Justin announced.

Lance and I began to run and ran out the door. When we ran Justin's mother came out of her room and we ran behind her. "You guys all need to be in the bed. You have to be up and ready to go at 6am."

Justin said, "But mom they..."

Lynn interrupted him saying, "I don't care what they did, take your selves in that room and go to bed."

He agreed and went back to his room. Lance and I stood there with Lynn as he and Nick went into the room. She turned to us and said, "I was talking to all of you."

Lance and I looked at each other and began to walk in the room. When we got there Justin was in his bed and so were Nick and Joe. Lance laid down with Nick and I got in the bed with Justin. When I tried to put my arm around him he moved away. Worried I said, "Are you really that mad at me?'

"No! But if you think I going to let you hug me with out me getting you back your crazy." He then turned over on top of me and held me down. I could hear that Nick had Lance held down too. Justin then told Joe to come on and he came over and kissed Lance and me.

When they thought we had enough, they let us up and laid back down. I laid behind Justin and put my arm around him and kissed him on his ear. I then whispered in his ear, " I love you so much."

He turned his head to me and said, "I love you too."

I kissed him on the lips and he turned back around and fell asleep. I stayed up a little while just so I could see him sleep. He looked so sexy as the light from the moon shined his window. I lightly touched his face and kissed him one last time before I went to sleep.

I was awaked by Justin kissing me. I opened my eyes and he said, "Good morning sleepy head. We've been up for an hour."

I looked around the room and saw that everyone was up and dressed but me. "Why didn't you wake me up?" As I jump out of bed.

Nick looked over at me and said, "Justin just woke up himself."

Justin smiled as I looked at him and I said, "You asshole!"

He jumped back and ran out of the room. I got out of bed and got dressed. By the time I got down stairs everyone had eaten of began to eat. I sat down across from Justin and ate some fruit and some cereal. When I was finished I went and got my stuff. Took it out to the limos that were waiting for us outside. We all got in and it took us to the airport. I was kind of sad cause Just was riding in a different limo the I was but I knew he was Justin doing what I asked him. We knew if we were together that we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

We got to the airport and were rushed to the plane. When we got on the record company jet, Justin sat next me with Nick and Lance across from us, and Joe and Tom in front of us. Brian sat in front of Joe and Tom so I felt somewhat comfortable. The plane began to take off. And I screamed, "We're on our way!" Everyone laughed and we were on our way.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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