Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Jul 12, 1999


I would like all comments sent to and

This is my first attempt at righting a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying about any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in now way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them.

Also, I want to thank everyone whom emailed me and asked me to continue with the story. I no way do I mean to disrespect the writer of Justin and Brian. There are going to be differences and I hope everyone continues to read.

Touring With N'sync

The limo pulled out of LAX and we were on our way to the hotel. As we drove I looked out of the window and watched as we passed the girls. They were holding signs that said, "We love you N'sync" or "We love you Backstreet Boys." There was some that said we love you Nick, Justin, JC, or Brian. But to my surprise there was a few that said we love you Flavva. I saw all this before we even got out of the airport.

We made our way down the freeway and I was not saying much. All I had on my mind was being in LA and being with Justin. I was still looking out of the window when a tap on my shoulder brought me back in the car.

"And where were you just now?" Brittney asked.

"I was just thinking that we are on our way. This is something I have always dreamed of and it's coming true." I responded.

She put her arm around me and gave me a hug and said, "This is only the beginning. When your album is released that's when it's going to go crazy."

"You think so?"

"I know so. I got a chance to listen to your album while we were on the plan and it is off the hook!"

Brittney and I talked the whole time we were in the car. She then asked, "How do you feel about Justin?"

"What do you mean?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"Well, you two seem to be really close and I would hate for him to fall in love with you and you not feel the same way."

I was stuck. I didn't know what to say. Cause god knows that I love Justin with all my heart but I wasn't ready for anyone to know that we were together. Not yet. "Justin is a good friend and he knows how I feel."

"Does that mean you are in love with him?"

"Other then the guys in the band, Justin is my best friend." I said trying to dodge the question.

"That doesn't answer my question Donny. How do you feel about Justin?" She asked this time with a little more force.

"Hey guys. We're here." Joe said saving me from Brittney's questions. We were pulling into the back of the hotel we were going to be staying at. The limos came to a stop and a few seconds later the door flew open to let us out.

"Why are we at the back of the hotel?" Tommy asked as he got out of the care.

"It's for your protection and the protection of the others." Said one of the security guys.

Just then an other limo pulls up and stops right next to the other and the security guard opens the door to the limo. That's when Kevin steps out of the lime followed by AJ, Howie, Nick, and Brian. The security guards usher us into the hotel quickly before anyone can be seen. I really didn't want to go because I wanted to wait for Justin but I had to go.

"You guys can wait in here until the others get here." Said the security guard, showing us to a big room that had some food in it.

"I wonder if this is for us?" Howie questioned as be began to eat a strawberry that was on one of the platters.

"If it wasn't your going to eat it anyway, I see." Nick said as he sat down on one of the big chairs in the room.

I sat down at one end of the couch that was facing the door and Kevin sat on the other end. Howie, Brian, and Brittney all began to eat some of the fruit that was on the table. AJ laid down on the other couch at the other end of the room. Joe pulled up a chair and sat next to me while Keith and Tommy stood and talked.

Jonny, our manager, came in the to the room and said, "Well there has been some changes in the schedule and as soon as N sync gets here we can talk about the changes."

Just then the door swung open and Chris and Joey came flying into the room laughing their heads off. They were followed by JC who had a big grin on his face. He was followed but Justin and Lance. Lance was the only one that didn't have a smile on his face.

"You guys leave Lance alone." Justin says trying not to laugh.

"Come on Just. You know you want to laugh too." Chris says in between laughs.

"What happen?" Nick asked with a concerned look on his face.

"They're just being assholes." Lance answered as he walked and sat on Nick's lap.

"Oh no you don't. You better tell Nick or I will." Joey said and started to laugh again.

"What is he talking about?" Nick asked Lance.

"It's nothing really."

"Kissing an other guy is nothing?" Joey teases.

"You did what?" Nick says as he pushes Lance back.

"It's not what you think."

"Then what is it? Did you or did you not kiss someone else?" Nick asks starting to get a little angry.

"Not really." Lance responds.

"Either you kissed someone or you didn't."

"He kissed me."

"Who kissed you?"

"When we all were getting into the limo's some guy was walking by while I was waiting to get in to the limo. He was carrying a bunch of stuff and he tripped and fell and dropped everything. I went over and helped him up and pick his things up. When he saw who I was he went crazy and dropped everything again and through his arms around me and planted a kiss on me." Lance explained.

"Yeah and I think they are going to get married." Chris laughed out.

"Fuck you Chris!" Lance yells out giving Chris and Joey an angry look. He then looks back at Nick and says, "That's how it happen. I pushed him away and went back to the limo. Joey and Chris messed with me the whole way over here."

Nick sits there with an angry look on his face. A little worried Lance says, "Nick, I didn't kiss him back. He kissed me and I pushed him off of me. I love you and I would never do that to you again."

Just as he says that Nick falls out laughing. Lance has a confused look on his face and says, "What's so funny?"

Trying to stop laughing Nick says, "I couldn't hold it anymore. I wanted to make you think that I was upset but I just couldn't hold it anymore."

"You think that's funny? Well fuck you too." Lance says and get up off of Nick's lap.

"I'm sorry baby. I was just playing with you." Nick says as he grabs Lance's arm.

"That shit isn't funny Nick. I really thought you were mad at me."

"Why would I be? He kissed you and that's it." Nick said as he pulled Lance closer to him. "I never meant to make you upset. I was playing around. Do you still love me?"

Lance giving in to his love for Nick put his arms around Nick's waist. "Of course I still love you. I never stopped." Lance leans forward and kisses Nick passionately.

Justin, who had been at the table with the food, fixed himself a plate. He then looked around the room to see where he wanted to sit. He looks over at me and we make eye contact. He gives me that sexy smile of his and he started over to where I was. Then Brian came up behind him and put his arms around his waist.

"Where are you going sexy?" Brain said to Justin.

"Take you hands off me Brian. Now!" Justin says as he pushes Brian's arms away.

"Why are you acting like that? You know you still love me and you know how I feel about you?"

"First off, if you loved me as much as you say you do then why in the hell did you fuck JC? Second, after you fucked JC the love I had for you left me faster the a bullet out of a gun." Justin said as he walked away from Brain.

Justin then came to where Brittney and I were sitting and said, "I can't stand him anymore."

"What did he say to you?" Brittney asked as she moved so Justin could sit between us.

"For some reason he thinks that I should still be in love with him and that everything is fine. Like nothing ever happen. Well he can kiss my ass cause I don't need him or his kind of love." Justin said, "I have what I need." He added looking at me.

"What does that mean. Are you in love with someone else?" Brittney asked him.

I was getting nerves now, cause I hadn't had a chance to tell Justin what Brittney and I had talked about. I looked at him with fear in my eyes and I wanted to say something but I couldn't. Brittney was looking at us, waiting for an answer.

"Yes! I do have someone I care about." Justin responded.

"Who is it?" Brittney asks looking at me with a look of 'You lied' on her face.

"It's me. I have to love me now. Brian really hurt me and I need to take care of me now."

I was so relived when he said that. I just knew he was going to tell her and then she was going to be pissed off at me for lying.

"So you don't have feelings for Donny then?"

"No. I don't." He said in a low voice.

"So, if I asked him to go out with me it wouldn't bother you?" She asked with a small smile.

Justin looked at his food and said, "No it wouldn't bother me."

"Excuse me but I could have sworn that I was still here in the room. And I heard you just ask him if you could ask me out." I said with some annoyance in my voice.

Brittney then gets up from her set and walks back over to the table. Justin then looks up at me with those blue eyes and says, "You thought I was going to tell her didn't you?"

"For a second there I thought for sure you were going to tell her." I responded.

"I made you a promise and I am going to keep it. Until you are ready to let everyone else know how much I love you, I'm not going to say a word. But it was hard as hell lying to her like that."

"And what lie was that?"

"Telling her that I had no feelings for you, cause the true is I love you more then anything." He whispered

"Ok guys. Know that everyone is here I can tell you what is happening today." Jonny said, as everyone looked his direction. "As some of you know, some things have changed. First, Donny you will still be going to do the song with Ms Cox but the others will be going with you. They have been asked to do the back up vocals so we need for them to go with you. You will be given the song and you can listen to it on your way to the studio. There you will lay down the vocals and then you will do the photo shoot and maybe even answer a few questions if there is time. N'sync, you guys are still going to do the video but it is not for 'God Must Have Spent.' I forgot that was done and running. You guys need to go and do some more shots for 'I drive Myself Crazy.' Backstreet Boys and Brittney nothing has changed for you."

"Now about the rooms. To keep from going over the budget you all are going to have to double up. You will get to choice who you get to room with and there will only be one person by them selves."

"I will room with Brittney!" Joey blurts out.

"I don't think so Mr. Fatone. Ms Spears is the one that will be by herself for now." Jonny informs him.

"Now about tonight. Of course this is a party to promote Flavva but all of you will be performing tonight. Brittney you will perform 2 songs and Backstreet Boys and N'sync will perform 3. Flavva you will of course perform 'How Deep Is Your Love' and you will perform the new single 'Love Me.' And if you are asked you will have to perform the next song that will be released as a single."

"But the Love Me was done with Mase. Are we going to be doing the song with out him or will he be there?" Keith asks with some concern.

"As far as we know he will be here but his is not in LA as of yet. Hopefully he will be here in time for the show. We also have a few more surprises." Jonny explains. "Ok now its time for you to all decide who is staying with who and get to your rooms. You have and hour to rest and get ready to go and do what you have to do. Donny don't forget to listen to the song because you will have to sing it as soon as you get in the studio."

Jonny then left to make sure the rooms were ready for us so all we had to do was choice who we were staying with and get our keys.

"Ok! I don't know about the rest of you but Keith and I are staying together." Tommy states.

"I'm staying with Lance." Adds Nick.

"As if we didn't know that Nickie." Said Brian. "I will be staying with Justin."

"No you wont. I'm staying with Donny. There is no way in Hell I'm staying with you." Justin angrily says to Brian.

Brian gives me an ugly look and then says, "I guess I will stay with you cuz." He says looking at Kevin

"Sorry B-rok, but I'm staying with Kev. We have something's go over." Howie informs Brian.

"Why don't you stay with JC? You seemed to like sleeping with him." Justin says bitterly.

"That will be cool with me." JC says.

"Fine!" Brian says frustrated.

"How about you and me Chris? We can stay in the same room can't we?" Joey says in a joking matter

"I don't know. You snore and I need my beauty sleep." Chris said laughing

"Will you two quite playing. Are you staying in the same room or not?" Kevin says taking charge.

"Yeah if someone gets me some ear plugs." Chris says.

"Well Joe. That leaves you and me." AJ says as he grabs Joe around the neck into a headlock. "But you have to know that you have to stay in your bed if you get scared." He says jokingly.

He lets Joe go and Joe says, "The same goes for you. If you begin to miss Amanda don't look at me."

Everyone laughs and heads for the lobby so they can get their card keys and head to their rooms. Jonny gives them their room numbers and keys and says; "Now you have less then an hour to do what you have to do and if anyone is late it's going to coast you."

Everyone heads for the elevator when Brian grabs Justin by the arm and drags him away. When he gets Justin where no one can hear them but can see them, he says to Justin, "We need to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about. I said all I needed to say to you." Justin snaps back.

"I can't prove it but I know you and that punk ass Donny are fucking around. I want you to know that no man of mine cheats on me and if I prove it, it's all over." Brian says while still holding on to Justin's arm.

"First off, get your hands off me now. We have talked about this and you are not to put your hands on me unless I tell you, you can. Second, I am not your man. I will never be your man again. If you want a man go get JC. You liked fucking him so much go control his life. Third, even if Donny and I were fucking around that's our business and there is nothing you could do about it." Justin says while trying to get lose from Brian.

"Just remember what I said. If you are messing around with him you will pay for it and so will he." Brian says as he lets go of Justin.

"You don't scare me Brian. And just know that if you put your hands on me again it's on." Justin says before walking back to where Nick, Lance, and I were waiting.

As Justin walks off he yells, "Just remember what I said."

Justin turns around and says "What ever." And keeps going.

Justin gets back to us and I ask him, "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing. He is just talking out of the side of him mouth. Come on let go to our room." Justin answers.

The head up to their room and when Justin and I reach our room Nick comes over to Justin and asks if he could talk to him. The stay in the hall and talk while I went into my room and began to unpack.

"Justin, what did Brian say to you?" Nick asked with some concern.

"Don't worry Nick it's cool."

"Justin look. I know how he gets. And I also know what he has done and can do. So if it seems like he is going that route you need to tell me. He is my friend." Nick says.

"Look Nick. I don't care about what is going on with Brian Littrell anymore." Justin states as he begins to walk away.

"Justin. I know you love Donny and that you found someone who loves you as much as you love him. But I know that you don't really mean that. Yes your angry with him but you do still care a little."

Justin stops and says, "Yeah. You're right. I do care for him, but I have to look out for me now. And you know why I can't go to him and help him. If he needs help he needs to go to someone else. I was there when he had surgery and when things got be between us I stuck it out but I have to look out for me now." Justin said in a caring way

"I understand. I am surprised you stayed as long as you did. But you stayed even after he.."

"Nick I don't want to talk about that. I put it behind us and I want to leave it there. He has changed sense then and I hope he never goes back to that Brian. Because it could cause him to lose more then he has already." Justin said sternly.

Justin then turned and walked to our door and walked into the room. By this time I had gone in the bathroom and started to take a shower. Justin could hear the water running and headed for the door. He slowly opened the door and came in. I didn't notice him come in. He then got undressed and stepped into the shower. I had the water running over my head so I didn't see or hear him. He then grabbed me around my waist and pulled me to him. This of course scared me and I jumped when he touched me but when I saw that smile and those blue eyes looking at me, all fear was gone.

"When did you get through talking to Nick?" I asked.

"Just now. Did you miss me?" Justin asked as he pulled me even closer to him. Now the water was running over both of us and he looked so damn good wet. I began to get hard as he ran his hand down my thighs and back up to my waist. "Of course I missed you. But Nick seemed worried about something and I thought you would have been gone longer then you were."

"Don't worry about that now. We don't have that much time to be together before we have to go to work. And I want to be with you as much as I can." Justin says.

He leans in and kisses me on my chest. I through my head back as I grab on to his head. He then moves up to my neck and begins to suck on it. He moves from my neck and to my earlobe and suck on it, which drives me crazy. He then moves from my ear and kiss my cheek softly. He moves to my lips and we kiss passionately. His lips part and he pushes his tongue to my lips and parts them. Our tongues began to wrestle and caress each other. My hand went from his head and I began to massage his neck and shoulder. While doing that I took my thumbs and pushed his head up so that I could kiss his neck softly. I moved down to his shoulder and then to his chest. I kissed down his smooth chest until I got down to one of his nipples. I took the nickel-sized nipple and played with it using my tongue. I then lightly bit on it, which made him moan. He had his arms rapped around my head as I did this. I then moved over to the other nipple and did the same to that one. When I was through with that nipple I then licked back up his chest and to his neck until I was to his ear. I suck his earlobe into my mouth. I whispered to him, "I love you." In response he pulled me closer to him and began to grind our bodies together. He then took my dick into his hand and began to massage it up and down slowly. The whole time we were kissing. I moaned with pleasure in his mouth. I took my hands and started to massage his ass. I would spread his ass cheeks apart and would rub my finger against his hole. This would make his shiver in my arm but he never broke the kiss or did he let go of my dick.

He finally broke the kiss and turned me around so that I was facing the shower. The water ran on my head and down my back. He began to kiss the back of my neck and move his way down to my shoulders. He rapped his arms around my body and would rub my chest and stomach. I leaned my head but so that I could kiss him. He started to rub his dick against my ass and I moaned out load. "I want you." When I said that he stopped and looked at me. When I realized he stopped I opened my eyes and looked into his. I said, "What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

"Did you just ask me to make love to you?" Justin asked.

"Yes. I want you to be my first. I want you to take my virginity."

"You have never let a guy do you?"


"Was I the first guy you had ever been with sexually?"

"No. When I was 15 I had a boyfriend by the name of Eddie. He was the first guy I ever had sex with but I never let him do me. I didn't feel for him what I feel for you." I said as I turned around and brought Justin closer to me.

Justin stood there with a shocked look on his face. He grabbed my face and kissed me and said, "If I am going to be your first, then I don't want it to be like this. I want it to be special and not something we are in a rush for time. I love you and I want your first time to mean something."

"As long as I am with you, it means something." I state in a loving voice.

"No. Not like this and not now. I want your first time to be so special that when you think about it that just brings you back to that point. And that it just brings us closer together." Justin says bringing me in for a kiss.

"Justin, I love you so much. No one could ever love me like you." I say in between kisses.

Justin then reaches behind me and turns the water off and takes my hand and leads me out of the shower. He grabs two towels and gives one to me. I begin to dry myself off and he stopped me. He took the towel he had and began to dry me off. He started at my legs and went up my thighs and to my member, which was hard as steel by now. He then went up my stomach and my back. Then he did my arms and my chest. He the dried my hair and put the towel around my neck. He used the towel to pull me to him and kiss me. I in turn did the same to him.

When we were all dried off we made our way to the one of the beds. Justin laid me down on the bed and began to kiss his way down to my pubic area. He took my raging member in his hand and licked the precum off of it. He then licked down my shaft to my balls. Taking the right one in his mouth and then the left. He looked up at me with those blue eyes and mouthed 'I love you.' He then began to crawl back up me kissing every part of my body he could think of. He made his way back to my lips and I parted my lips as he slid his tongue into my mouth. I then rolled him over so that I was on top of him. I began to kiss his neck. I then moved down to his shoulder and then to his strong chest. I moved to his right nipple and licked and played with it. I then moved to the left nipple and did the same to it. I could hear him moan as he through his head back in pleasure.

I began my journey down to his treasure, when he stopped me and said, "I want you inside of me."

I looked at him and asked, "But, I just asked you to make love to me. I want you to..."

He interrupted me by saying, " I just need for you to make love to me. I love you so much that I need to feel you inside of me. Please!"

I loved him so much that I could not deny his request. I leaned over to the side of the bed opened the drawer and grabbed a condom. I then got back on top of Justin and began to kiss him again. I was holding his hands onto the bed as we kissed. He undid our hands and took the condom out of my hand. He broke the kiss long enough to tare it open with his teeth. He then said, "Let me put this on you." He then pushed me over that I was on my back and he was once again on top of me. He made his was to my raging cock. He put the condom between his lips. He then slipped it on by giving me a short blowjob. He went up and down just enough to put the condom on me. Once he was sure it was on good he came back up and we began to kiss again.

We kissed for awhile and then Justin laid next to me. I got on top of him. He rapped his legs around my waist and began to pull me to him. I leaned in to kiss him. I then pulled back and began to do what the person I loved, asked me too. I place the head of my cock at his love hole. Justin put one of his legs on my shoulder to give me better access. I looked at my lover to see if he was ready. He used his leg that was still around my waist to pull me to him saying he was ready.

Once I knew he was ready I slowly pushed my head into his hole. I slowly put my cock all the way in him. I went in until my balls we touching his ass. I stayed there until Justin let me know that he was use to me being inside of him. I then pull almost all the way out of him just leaving the head of my cock in him. Then I pushed all the way back in. I began to move faster. Justin was using his leg to pull me into him harder. I was now moving at a faster pace. I was moving in and out of him and leaning over to kiss him on his soft sexy lips. I did this what seemed like forever.

"Oh yes! I love you. I love the way you feel inside of me." Justin moaned.

" too!" I moaned out between breaths.

I could feel that my climax was getting close. I started to thrust into Justin even harder. I put my head to Justin's and placed light kisses on his nose. Just as I did that, Justin shot a load in between our bodies. As he climaxed he pulled me all the way into him. His fingers we dug into my back. This made me cum inside of the condom. It was the best orgasm I have had. It felt like lightning had stuck me and flowed through my body and came out through my dick.

I clasped on top of Justin. We both lay there trying to catch our breath. I then began to lay small loving kisses on Justin's shoulder and neck. We laid there in the after glow just holding each other. Feeling the love that we had for one another.


"Yeah? What's up?"

"You know I love you right?"


"And I really wanted to show you how much I loved you by letting you take my virginity."

Justin sits up and looks me straight in the eyes and says, "Just you say that you were will to let me shows how much you love me."

"Why didn't you do it?"

"Because I want you first time to be special. I know you said that every time with me is special but I really want it to be a special time and place. Today is almost like a quickie, and that is not how I want you to remember it." Justin said with love in his heart as he rubs my check with the back of his hand.

We hold each other for a little while longer and I look over at the clock and jump up. "Oh my gawd! We are going to be late if we don't get up and get ready."

"I don't care if we are late. I'm with the man I love." Justin says as he tries to pull me back into bed.

"There is nothing more I would love to do then to stay in bed with you. But the others are counting on me to be there and I really want everything to go good. I want this album to go to the top and if taking some pictures will help do that then I have to be there. Besides, I don't want to miss a chance to sing with Debra Cox." I say as I try to pull away from Justin. Even though I don't want to pull away from him.

Justin then gets out of the bed and follows me to the bathroom. "We should get back and the shower together so we can get ready faster." He says with a big grin on his face.

"Oh no. That's how we ended up in bed the first time. The first time you do something and I am back in bed with you and I can't do that now."

"What if I promise not to try anything? Will you let me shower with you then? It will make things quicker."

"OK but you if you try anything I am out of there." I state with a serious look on my face.

Justin throughs up his hands as to surrender. " I promise I won't do anything."

We get in the shower and then we get out and get dressed. Just as I begin to put on my shoes there is a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it. "Hey D. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah Joe! All I have to do is put on my shoes." I say as I open the door so that Joe can come into the room.

Justin comes out of the bathroom with just his pants on and Joe looks at him and says, "What have you guys been up too?"

Justin just grins and puts on his shirt. I look at Joe and smile as I continue to tie my shoe. "If you are going to be asking questions you can wait for me down stairs."

"That tells me that you didn't get any rest then." Joe says as he heads for the door. "I better wait down stairs cause I may get thrown out." He walks out the door and Justin and I just laugh a little.

I finally got ready and I walk over to Justin and grab him around his waist. I kiss him on the back of the neck. "Justin. I am going to really miss you while I am gone. I won't get to see you until we get back from the shoot."

"And even then you will have to get ready for the party tonight." Justin says as he turns to face me.

"Well I hope this holds me until I get to see you." I lean in and touch my lips to his and we kiss passionately. I slip my tongue into his mouth and put my hand behind his head to push us even closer as if it was possible.

We release each other and I head for the door. Justin still holding my hand walks to the door with me. When I get to the door we kiss one more time. I open the door and I start to walk out of it and Justin pulls me back into a kiss.

"I thought you guys didn't want anyone to know about the two of you?" I hear as Justin and I separate for the last time.

I turn around and see Nick and Lance standing at their door. "Don't scare me like that!"

"You need to either go ahead and tell everyone or keep that in your room." Lance says as he walks towards us. "Curly are you ready to go yet?"

"Yeah I'm just about ready. I just need to check my hair." Justin says as he lets go of my hand.

He goes back into the room and a few seconds later he comes back out and says, "Ok lets rock and roll."

We all walk to the elevator and go down together. When we get to the lobby everyone was there waiting. Jonny tells us that the limos are out back waiting for us and that we need to be back by 7:00pm. We walk to the limos and we start to get in. I watched as Justin waited to get into his limo. When he was about to get in he looked up at me and gave me that famous smile and winked at me before he stepped into the limo.

I got into our limo and we were off to the studio. As we were on our way Tommy says "I hope you got some rest cause you wont have time to get any tonight."

I look at him and say, "I'll be ok."

Joe starts to laugh and says, " I hope so cause it maybe a long time before you get to REST again."

I give him a dirty look and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Ok this is the 4th chapter. I am sorry it took so long but I have had a busy schedule. I truly hope you enjoy it. If you have any comments you can send them to or to All comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 5

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