Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Jun 4, 2000


I am sorry it to so long for me to get this chapter out. When I started this chapter I wasn't sure if I was going to continue. Then I had some computer problems and I wasn't able to work on it for six months. And then when I did get my computer fixed (which I did my self) my job and my singing kept me really busy. But know I have time and I am going to try and get them out more often.

Because of the long time I haven't written. I am going to make some changes so I can be up to date in time. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but if you just bear with me it will make sense.

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying about any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them.

Also, I want to thank everyone whom emailed me and asked me to continue with the story. In no way do I mean to disrespect the writer of Brian and Justin. There are going to be differences and I hope everyone continues to read.

One last thing. I am about to start a story line that may make some people upset. In no way do I mean to do that but this is something that happens way too often so it needs to be talked about. That is all I want to say with out giving away the story.

Touring With N'sync

The limo rid was short and I listened to the song that I would be recording with Debra Cox. It was a nice song and I knew that it would be a big hit. As I sat there listening to the song Tommy was trying to get my attention. "Hey Donny. Can I ask you something?"

I snap my head around to look at him. "You can ask me anything."

"What is going on between you and Justin?"

I didn't want to lie to him but I didn't want anyone else to know about Justin and me. "Nothing! Why would you ask that?"

"Well I have noticed that the two of you have gotten really close sense he and Brian have broken up and I know how you had a thing for him."

"Tommy. That doesn't mean there is something going on." I say trying to through him off.

"Donny please. The way you guys look at each other. I can see that you guys are more then friends." Tommy says in a low voice.

I was a little thrown back because I thought Justin and I had been doing a good job of hiding it. "Look Tommy. I don't know what you think you see, but there is nothing going on between us."

Just then the limo came to a stop and a young guy ran out to the limo and opened the door. We all stepped out of the limo and he led us into the building. "Hi guys! My name is Eric and I am the intern here. I will be showing you were you need to go and if you need anything like food or anything just let me know."

We each shook his hand and followed him to the elevator. The elevator door opened and we all got out. "Ok guys. Tommy, Keith, and Joe you all need to go to the room to the end of the hall, which is makeup and wardrobe. When you are done with that you can either come to the studio which is in this room here." Eric says as he points to a double door. "Donny! This is where you will be recording. Come on and meet everyone."

Eric led us into a studio. There were people 5 people in the studio, one woman and four men. The woman was pretty with long brown hair. She wasn't that tall, about 5'4" 5'5". She was wearing a white T-shirt and tight blue jeans. She was sitting next to a tall guy who was wearing black jeans a white T-shirt and a red and black Fubu jersey. They were talking until they saw us walk in. There was an other guy that was sitting at the sound equipment. He was a heavyset guy but was still nice looking. He was wearing nice Fubu jogging suit. The other guy was standing over his shoulder. He wore a pair of fitting jeans and a black muscle shirt. He had a nice body and the shirt showed it off. The last guy had on blue jeans and a Green Bay jersey.

He notices us standing there with Eric. He made his way to where we were standing. "Great. You guys made it." He shook each of our hands and said, "My name is Anthony Crawford. But my friends call me Shep."

"Hi Mr. Crawford. My name is Donny..." I began to say before he cut me off.

"No please call me Shep. Mr. Crawford is my dads name and I am not ready to be his age yet." He said jokingly.

"No problem 'Shep'. By the way my name is Keith. This is Tommy and Joe, and you met Donny."

"I'm glad to meet all of you. I have to say, I heard you guys tape from the talent show and you guys are off the hook. I let Debra hear it and she wanted to work with you guys as soon as possible."

"Really? She thought we were good?" Joe asked.

"No. She didn't think you were good she knew you were good. Come on let me introduce you to her." Shep said as he turned around and began to walk over to the women who was sitting and talking. "Hey, Debra!"

"Yeah Shep. What's up?"

"I want to introduce you to the guys of Flavva. Debra this is Tommy. Keith. Joe. And Donny. Guys, this is Debra Cox."

She stood and walked up to us, "I have heard you guys sing and I can not wait to work with you."

"Ms. Cox, It is our pleasure to get to work with you. I am a big fan of yours and this is a dream come true." Tommy said kinda star struck.

"First of all don't call me Ms Cox. Just call me Debra."

"Ok Ms.. I mean Debra." Tommy said with a big grin on his face.

"Hi! My name in Montell." Said the tall guy that Debra had been talking to.

"Oh my god! Your Montell Jordan." Keith said in amazement.

"Yeah. I'm here to do a little work with Debbie here."

"Ok! That's enough. We have work to do and very little time to do it. This guys have a party to get to and some photos to shoot, so let get started shall we." Said Shep.

"Ok Lance, where are we really going?" Justin asked as the limo went down the busy highway.

"What do you mean J?" Lance said looking a little nerves.

"Come on Lance. I knew Jonny was lying when he said we needed to tape some more for our video. So come on, out with it." "He wasn't lying J. We do have to go to a taping" JC added.

"But a taping of what, JC?" Justin said turning his attention to JC.

"Does it matter? We are always taping something." JC said.

"I would like to know where I am going. I don't know if you guys are taking me somewhere to kill me and dump my body off some where." Justin says jokingly.

"Well guys, he figured it out so I say we just kill him here and get it over with." Chris says going along with Justin's joking.

"Shut up Chris." Joey says not being able to hide the truth from Justin anymore. "Look Justin, we are going to do that show Loveline on MTV again. We knew you didn't want to do the show again so we kind of kept if from you."

"Why did you guys think I didn't want to do the show?"

"Because last time we did it you didn't talk that much and you were in a hurry to leave." Lance informed Justin.

"Not to mention when we asked you about it you never said anything." JC added.

Justin kind of looked down with a little hurt and fear on his face and then said, "Guys, it was because of Brian that I didn't say anything. He didn't want me to do the show and then when we did it, he didn't like that I did it with out telling him that we were going to do it. So he didn't want to hear about it. So when you guys asked me about it, he was standing there so I just didn't want to start anything with him and kept my mouth shut."

"What do you mean Brian didn't want you to do the show?" Joey asked being a little irritated.

"He didn't want me to go because..." Justin started before he was interrupted by Joey.

"Look Justin. I know you and Brian had a thing going on but I have to say, I didn't like the way he treated you."

"Well Joey you don't have to worry about him treating me like that anymore." Justin says and looks a JC.

Joey not wanting to go there with JC says, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Brian and I are through. Besides I have..." Justin had to stop himself because he was about to tell them about Donny but he remembered that he couldn't tell them just yet. "I have you guys to watch out for me." Lance knew what Justin was really going to say, laughed and agreed with him along with the rest of them.

They arrived at the Loveline studios and went into their dressing room. They all sat around and talked. Lance came over to Justin and said, "You almost slipped up their J."

"I know. But I want everyone to know about Donny and me so bad but because of Brian's dumb ass I can't. Not and risk loosing Donny."

"Do you think he would leave you because you told someone?" Lance asked.

"No! I doubt that he would leave me because of that. What I mean is, if Brian finds out about us he could have Flavva kicked off the tour."

"No he can't."

"What do you mean? He could put management in a situation where they would have to choose between him and Flavva, and we know that they will pick him."

"Justin, we all signed contracts to do this tour. We weren't even with Jive when we signed on for this tour. They went to RCA and asked if we would do this and RCA agreed. Now that we are all with Jive I kinda think we are stuck. And when Donny and the guys won the talent show and signed the contracts, they can't leave the tour unless there is an emergency." Lance explained to Justin.

"Are you sure about that Scoop."

"No, but I will check up on it and let you know."

"Lance if you do that for me I will owe you big time."

"Ok guys. Two minutes." Says one of the producers of the show.

"Ok guys, you can take a break. That was really good." Said Shep over the microphone.

"Great cause I am ready to eat." Said Keith as he removed his headphones. Between singing and the photo shoot I'm staving."

"What are you guys going to eat?" Debra asked as we walked out of the studio and into the hallway.

"I'm not to picky. As long as it is edible" Responded Tommy.

"Well I'm going to the cafeteria and get me a salad or something."

"How is the food there?" I asked.

"Pretty good. But if you guys think you are going to leave and get something to eat, you may want to rethink that." Debra stated.

"Why? It's not like we are that known yet." Says Joe.

"Oh sweetie! If you only knew. You forgot you guys were on TV before you even did your album. And they have been promoting your album like crazy. Your song is played on the radio now that your single is out and your video, your more known now then you were before." Explained Debra. "And if you didn't know it but there are web site created just for you."

"Maybe she's right guys. Maybe we should have that guy get us something." Says Joe agreeing with Debra.

"What ever. As long as I eat." Tommy says as he turns around and heads the same direction as Debra and I.

We had been eating and talking with Debra and Eric. "I hope you guys like what I brought. I tried to get everything you asked for but with short amount of time I had, it was hard." Eric explained.

"I'm happy and from the sound of it so are Joe, Tommy, and Keith."

"They haven't said much."

"I know. That's how you know they're happy." I laughed along with Eric.

"So Donny are you seeing anyone?"

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to say yes but I didn't want him to know I was seeing Justin. It was different for the others to know I was gay but if it got out to the public it could ruin my career before if even started good. "No. I'm single."

"That's to bad. Someone as good looking as yourself single."

"Well I guess I have been putting my career ahead of my personal life."

"Pretty soon you will have girls all over the world that is going to want to be with you. Then you can pick and choose who you want."

Just then Tommy comes over and says, "Donny, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Tommy! Will you excuse us Eric?"

"No problem. I need to get back to work anyway. Talk to you later."

"Later man." Tommy sat down next to me but was turned facing me and had a serious look on his face. "What's up?"

"I didn't want you to think I for got about what I asked you in the car earlier."

"Ah man!"

"Look Donny, I know you like Justin. We all know that. But I don't think it's a good idea for you to start a relationship with him."

"Not that I am starting one with him but why do you think its not a good idea?"

"Cause all he will do is hurt you."

"Justin would never hurt me."

"Look! I've heard some things about him and I just don't want you to get hurt. You're like my brother and I couldn't stand it if he hurt you."

"How do you think he could hurt me? What could Justin do to hurt me?" I say starting to get angry.

"I just know he can and will."

"Now if you are so sure that he will then tell me how. What could he do to hurt me? If you think he is going back to Brian you're crazy."

"Donny, I didn't want to have to tell you this but, I have heard how Justin will leave Brain. Hook up with someone for a couple of days or weeks to make Brian jealous and then dump the guy and go back to Brian. I don't want that to happen to you. Cause I know that you have fallen in love with him..."

I cut him off with anger in my voice but not loud enough for anyone else to hear me. "Tommy I don't know who you got this information from, but it's bullshit. Justin isn't like that. He loves me and he would never do that to me. And for you to even say that hurts me more then anything he could ever do to me. I love Justin and he loves me. And there is nothing you, Brian or anyone can do about it."

"So there is something going on between you two? Why when I asked you, you told me there wasn't."

Realizing that I had just told Tommy that Justin and I were together as more then friends, fear took over where the anger had started. "Look Tommy. You can't tell anyone about this. If Brian finds out he could have us kicked off the tour and I will have lost us our big chance and the most important person in my life."

"See this is why I think this is a bad idea. You have to hide your love not only from Brian and the press but from your friends too. Look what he's got you doing already."

"First of all, I asked him not to say anything. He didn't ask me. Second, I only hid it from you because I didn't want what just happened to happen. I was going to tell you as soon as we got to the point where they couldn't kick us off the tour with out some serious backlash."

"So I guess you want me to keep this secret from Joe and Keith now?"

"Well, Joe already knows about it. But I can't take the chance of anyone else finding out. So please don't tell anyone else not even Keith. I will tell him in due time."

"I don't know Donny. I think we should at least tell Keith."

"Promise me you won't tell anyone. Promise me."

After thinking about it and seeing the fear in my eyes he says, "Ok, I won't tell anyone but you have to tell Keith."

"I will. I promise I will."

"When Donny?"


"Come one guys. We only have to lay down a few more vocals. So come on so we can get it done and get you guys ready for that party tonight." Orders Shep as he walks in to collect everyone.

"Man, I love the fans but that was crazy." Reported AJ.

"Yeah, I'm glad we are headed back to the hotel. Do you think the others are back yet?" Brian asked.

"Why? You going to try and make nice with Justin again?" Howie asked joking around.

"He should have forgotten about that thing with JC by now. He should be ready to take me back." Brian states with confidence.

"Doubt it!" Nick mumbles under his breath.

"What did you say Nick?" Brian asks hearing Nick say something but not sure what he said.

"Do you really think Justin is going to put up with you and the way you treat him?" Nick says aggravated.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. First he catches you kissing on some guy at the AMC's. Then he catches you with JC. And do you really want me to tell the guys what I know?"

"Whose side are you Nick? Are you my friend or are you fucking Justin again?"

"Don't try and turn this on me. Justin and I are good friends. Yeah we slept together once but that was before he was with you and before I had Lance."

"From what I heard, you and Lance haven't had sex sense you caught him kissing JC."

"That just shows how little you know."

"That's enough you two." Kevin says trying to stop them from fighting. "Nick you need to mind your own business. Brian, Nick is right. What make you think Justin is going to put up with your behavior anymore?"

"He can't help it. I'm in his blood." Brian says in his cocky way.

"More like on his nerves." Nick responds to Brian's statement.

"Shut the fuck up Nick!" Brian responds

"That's enough guys. We don't need you two fighting." Kevin says again this time with a little sternest in his voice.

The rest of the ride was quite on the way back to the hotel. Just as they were about to pull into the hotel Brian leans over and says, "Nick, do you think that Lance and Justin are back yet?"

"I hope so. I really want to see Lance. He has been on my mind since we left this morning."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Justin so I can talk to him."

Nick looks at Brian with and confused look on his face. "Bri? You and I are friends right?"

"Of course. Frick and Frack always."

"Then listen to what I have to tell you. Justin doesn't want anything to do with you. He want to move on with his life and find someone that will truly love him and we both know that not you Brian."

The limo comes to a stop and the other climb out but Nick and Brian stay behind. "What the hell is that suppose to mean."

"Brian, I know what you have been doing to Justin. He told me plus I saw it for myself. Either you stay away from Justin or I will have to let the others know what's up." Nick says and then steps out of the limo.

"Whose side are you on anyway? Are you apart of BSB or are you in N'sync now?" Brian rants and raves.

"Brian, I have and always will be part of the Backstreet Boys but I am also going to look out for my friends that means you and Justin. It may look like I am taking Justin's side now but in time you will see that I am doing this for you too."

"If this is what you call helping me the Fuck you and your help." Brian then turns and heads into the hotel.

Nick is about to turn and go in also as an other limo pulls up. The door opens and the guys of N'sync step out of the limo. Nick got a big grin on his face as he saw Lance step out of the car. "Hi baby!"

"Hi honey!" Chris says as he puts his arm around Nick's shoulders.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny Chris. Now get you hands off my man." Lance jokingly says to his friend. "What? I didn't tell you? Nick and I are together now." Chris continues with the joking.

"Stop playing around Chris." Joey says as he pulls Chris away from Nick. "They really need to see each other and not have you playing around."

"But what about me and Nick?" Chris says continuing messing with Lance.

"Well if Nick has left me for you then at least he will be taking a step down and not leave me for someone better." Lance responds to Chris's playful act.

Not happy with Lances remark, Chris turns and heads for the elevators. "See you guys later." Joey announces as he runs after Chris.

"Ok! Now, where were we?" Lance said turning his attention back to Nick.

"Well I was tell the sexiest man alive hello." Responded Nick as he wrapped his arms around Lance's waist.

Lance in turned put his arms around Nick and began to lean forward to kiss Nick when Justin cleared his throat. Nick turned to look at Justin as did Lance. Both forgetting he was there. "Oh! Sorry J. I was just happy to see him. It's been a few hours sense I saw him." Nick explained as he held on to Lance.

"I know how you feel. I miss Donny. By the way is he back yet?" Justin questioned as he looked around the lobby of the hotel.

"I don't know. We just got here ourselves." Nick responded as he looked into Lance's green eyes.

Justin then looked back at Nick who was now kissing Lance. "Sorry guys. I guess you want to be alone."

Lance pulled out of the kiss and said, "You don't have to go J. If you wan t to talk we are here for you."

"No. You guys need sometime together. Besides I wan to go and see if Donny is back."

"Justin, I really don't think he is back yet. They had to record and do a photo shoot. And you know how long that can take." Nick said trying to remind Justin.

"I know. I just want to check and see. If he isn't here then I will see him when he does get here." Responded Justin.

"Hey J! Is something bothering you?" Nick asked worried about his friend.

"It's just this hole thing with Brian."

"What do you mean?" Lance adds to the conversation.

"If he found out about Donny and me he could mess up everything. He could have Donny kicked off the tour. He could tell everyone about me and mess up our careers, and if this tour doesn't happen Jive will be out a lot of money that they are going to want back."

"Justin. We talked about this already. I am going to look into what Brian can do." Lance reminds Justin trying to calm him down.

"What are you talking about Lance?" Nick asks not knowing what they were talking about.

"Nick I will tell you later. But J you have to give me some time. I haven't had a chance to really look into it. I've made some calls but it may be a while before I hear anything."

"I know but I just..."

Nick cut Justin off. "If my baby said he was going to help you out, he will. So don't worry about it anymore Justin. He will take care of it." Nick then leans over and kisses Lance on the nose.

"Ok." Was all Justin could say. He knew if there was away to keep Brian from messing up the good thing he had with Donny, Lance would find it. "Guys! I'm going to head on up stair. Don't you think you should too." Justin states seeing that Nick and Lance started kissing again.

Nick and Lance never said a word. They just made their way towards the elevator, with Justin behind them. They weren't kissing but Nick had his arm around Lance's shoulder and Lance had he arm around Nick's waist.

They boarded the elevator and when the doors closed Lance grabbed Nicks butt and informed Justin, "Nick has a really nice ass don't you think?"

Not letting Justin respond Nick gets in front of Lance facing him and says. "That's not the only thing on me you like."

Lance then wraps he arms around Nick's waist and begins to kneed Nick's ass. Nick lets out a small moan and leans forward to give Lance a hard but passionate kiss. Nick has his hands on the wall of the elevator as they begin to move down to the floor but never brake the kiss. Lance moves his hands to Nick chest and starts to undo Nick shirt.

Just then the elevator doors open and Justin gets out and turns to them and says, "Get a room guys." Nick begins to laugh but he doesn't break the kiss.

Starting to get frustrated, Justin yells out, "This your floor you hornballs."

With that said, Lance pushes Nick to the side and takes off after Justin. Justin runs down the hall where his room is but can't get the door open before Lance and Nick got to him. When they caught him, Lance began to tickle Justin while Nick playfully hit Justin.

When they thought he had enough they stood and Lance told Justin, "Next time I bet you will run before you say something like that."

"No. Next time I will have my key ready to open the door." Justin huffed trying to still catch his breath.

"We have to go now J. I have something to handle right now." Nick tells Justin as he is eyeing Lance and smiling.

"Sorry J. Gotta go." Lance responds to Nick's hint and begins to pull Nick to their room.

Justin shakes his head and starts to open the door when a door down the hall opens and Brian steps out of JC's room. He looks down the hall and sees Justin. He gets a smile on his face and begins to walk towards Justin.

Justin sees he is headed his way and tries to open the door before Brain can get to him but he couldn't. "Hey Justin! Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"What do you want to talk to me about, Brian?"

"I want to talk about us."

"There is no us anymore."

"Are you still mad at me for that thing with JC?"

"Am I still mad at you? You have the nerve to ask me if I am still mad at you?"

"Yeah! JC told me how you forgave him so I know you forgave me."

" Have you lost your mind?"

"You forgive me don't you?"

"Brian, do you think that after all you have done to me, that I would just forgive you?" Justin responded with anger.

"You forgave JC so why not me? It takes two to tango."

"I will say that I was really hurt that my friend, my brother, would sleep with my boyfriend. But I knew how he felt about you before. So I know that all you had to do was say the right things and JC couldn't resist you. One look or one word from you and JC would do anything you asked him. And I know you knew that. So I can't fault him for his feelings. Brian, but you. You I can blame. You used him and hurt me for the last time."

"So what are you saying?"

"Brian. IT'S OVER!" Justin said loud to make sure Brian heard him.

Justin, through talking, turned around to open his door. He opened the door. He was about to walk in when Brian grabbed his arm and turned him back around. "We are not done talking." Brian said angrily.

"Let go of me Brian."

"I'm not through talking to you."

"It doesn't matter, cause I am through talking to you. I said what I needed and I am done."

"Justin I know you're angry with me but what we have is far greater then what you could have with anyone else. You may not know it now, but you love me. You will always love me and sooner or later we will be together again."

"First of all Brian, if it was just that fact that you cheated on me that would be different, but it's not just that. You say you love me but the way you show it..."

Brian cut Justin off and said, "I have shown you that I love you. What are you talking about?"

"You have shown me how you love me? If that is the way you show love then lets just say I don't want to see how you would treat me if you hated me."

At this point Brian was getting irritated. He began to squeeze Justin's arm harder.

"Let go of me Brian. You're hurting me."

"If you think this hurts then wait till you see what will happen if you think you are leaving me."

Knowing what Brian has done in the past; Justin begins to get afraid. See what not many people know is that Brian has done some thing's that have hurt Justin. Brian has gotten violent. There have been times when Brian has hit Justin. Most of the times it was because Brian had been drinking or because Justin may have said or done something to upset Brian. This was not something Justin wanted to happen right now. Even though Brian swore he would never touch Justin like that again; the last time it happen Nick had to stop Brian. Nick was the only person that knew and he wasn't there to calm him down. "Brian, please let go of me."

"Not until you see that you belong with me." Brian yelled.

"It's because of the way you are doing me now why we can't be together."

"The way I am doing you? I love you. What else do you need?"

By this time Brian had grabbed both of Justin's arms and began to bush him into his room. Justin was really scared. "Brian if you loved me as much as you say then why do you hurt me like this."

"It's the only way I can get you to listen to me." Brian angrily says.

"Brian please, let go of me. You're hurting me."

"I'm hurting you? You want to break up with me and I am hurting you? Why can't you forgive me like you did JC? Huh? Why?" Brian began to yell.

Justin began to cry. Not because of the pain that Brian was causing him but because he was afraid. He knew that right now if he didn't say the right thing, it could send Brian off the edge. But he didn't want Brian to think that everything was ok between them either.

"I have waited all day just to hold you. I miss you so much." Lance muttered out between kisses.

Nick was guiding Lance toward the bed but did not breaking the kiss. He moved his hands up and down Lance's back down to his butt. He began to pull Lance's shirt up over his head. He broke he kiss long enough to throw the shirt to the floor. He then began to kiss and suck on Lance's neck and shoulders. He began to move down even further. He moved down to Lance's hard nipples. Nick softly pushes Lance down onto the bed and crawls on top of him. He starts where he left off. This was driving Lance crazy. He is moaning softly as Nick sucks on his nipples. Nick then sits up and pulls his shirt off to reveal his soft sexy chest. Lance brings his hand up to Nick's chest and plays with his nipples and rub on Nick's firm chest. Nick then threw his shirt to the floor and began to kiss Lance on the lips once again. Lance's hand played in Nick's hair and down his back. He moved his hands down to Nicks butt and he took each cheek in each hand and began to kneed each soft globe, which caused Nick to moan. Nick began his journey down his lover's body. He made his way down to his nipples and began to play with them.

Nick was enjoying himself greatly. He enjoyed making Lance feel good and right now that was his main goal. He moved from Lance's chest down to his washboard stomach. He kisses Lance's strong abs and took in his scent. As he kissed he way down he could feel Lance's hard member aching to be let out of it prison caused by the jeans Lance was wearing. While he still kissed Lance's stomach, Nick began to undo his jeans. Once he got them undone, he pulled them down to his ankles. Nick was now looking up at his lover's hard member tenting in his boxers. Nick couldn't wait much longer, so he made his way back up after he took the jeans totally off of Lance. He through them to the side and stood up so that he could remove his own pants. After he removed his pants and boxers he then took Lance's member into his mouth through the fabric of the boxers. He slowly moved his mouth up and down the side of Lance's cock. He then grabbed the waste band of Lance's boxers and pulled them down, which set free the one thing Nick had been waiting all day for. Lance's 8-inch cock sprang out of the boxers and hit his stomach. Nick then made his way back up to his prize.

Lance looked down into his lovers blues eyes and in that look could see his longing, lust, and most importantly his love. He gave Nick the silent ok, and Nick took his rod into his strong soft hands and began to stroke it up and down slowly. This sent pleasure up Lance's spine. He closed his eyes and laid back onto the bed.

While Nick was stroking Lance, he lowered his head and began to lick Lance's balls. To Nick this was the best thing ever. Not only could he take in his lover's scent but could bring him pleasure. He then sucked one of Lance's ball sacks into his mouth and began to gently suck on it. He did that for a few minutes and then took the other one into his mouth.

After he let go of the other sack he stopped to look up at the member standing straight up. He stuck out his tongue and began to lick from the balls up the shaft of the cock, on up to the nice sensitive head. He licked the head, driving Lance mad.

Not being able to take Nick's teasing much longer he began to thrust his hips up as to stick his cock into Nicks hot waiting mouth. But Nick would only pull back in order to keep that from happening. Nick thinking that maybe Lance has had enough, Nick opens up his mouth, and takes in the head of the member. He then closes he wet lips around the head and with out moving starts to suck on the head intensely. At the same time Nick was swirling his tongue around the head of the member. This made Lance sit up. It was one of the best feelings he had ever felt. He was sitting up on his elbows and looking down and Nick.

Nick seeing that Lance was enjoying this, he began to move down slowly. He moved down until he had about half of Lance in his mouth and then began to move back up. Nick then went back down this time taking a little more of Lance in his mouth. Nick started to move faster and faster. That made Lance's eyes roll back into his head and he laid down on the bed and was gripping the sheets.

Nick did this for about 15 minutes. Then Lance sat up and said, "I want you in my mouth."

Not wanting to let go of Lance yet, Nick moved into the 69 position. His hard massive 9-inch cock was now in front of Lance. Lance rapped his mouth around Nick's member and began to work on it as if his life depended on it.

Nick feeling Lance's warm mouth engulf him, cause Nick to release Lance and moan out loud. "Oh yea Lance." Nick then took Lance's balls into him mouth. He began to suck on each one slowly. He then lifted Lance's legs up and began to lick his way down to Lance's hole. Nick put Lance's legs under his arms, which gave him full access to his lover.

Nick then stuck his finger in his mouth to get it nice and wet. He then took the lubed finger and began to insert it into Lance. Nick slid his long finger as far as it would go and then slowly pulled it back until it almost came out and then he slid it back in. After doing this for a few minutes, Nick then took an other finger into his mouth and lubed it up with saliva. Nick then reinserted his first finger along with the second. He as he did the first time but he added the second finger.

This was driving Lance wild. He loved the way Nick made him feel. Nick was so gentle and loving with Lance. Lance began to moan but did not let go of Nick. If anything it made him suck on Nick even harder. When Lance couldn't take it anymore, he said "Nick, I want you inside of me!"

Wanting to bring pleasure to Lance, Nick removed his fingers from Lance and sat up and rolled off of Lance. He looked deep into Lances green eyes and asks in a loving voice, "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to do something you're not ready for."

Lance leans over to Nick, kisses him on the lips softly and responds by saying, "I have always wanted to give myself to you. The first time we tried I was scared but now I trust you with all my heart and I want you to trust me that same way again."

"Lance. I don't want you to do this to prove to me that I can trust you again. I have forgiven you and I love you." As Nick says that he places his hand on Lance's cheek and caresses it lovingly. "I know you want to share your first time with me as I did with you but I want it to be for the right reasons. Not because you feel you have to prove you love me or because you want me to trust you. Because I do."

"Nick, I want to do this not because I want you to trust me. I want to do this because I love you. You gave something special to me when you let me take you virginity. I know I wasn't the first you had sex with but you let me be the first to make love to you. And I want to do the same." Lance said with all of his heart and soul. He meant what he said when he said he loved Nick, and he wanted to give himself to him.

Nick could see and hear that Lance meant what he said. Nick leaned over and began to kiss Lance passionately. As they kissed Lance moved himself to where he straddled Nick. He then began to reach to the nightstand next to the bed but he never broke the kiss. He pulled open the drawer and pulled out a tube of KY and a condom. He pulled out of the kiss looking at Nick with question in his eye.

Seeing this, Nick responded by bringing his hand to Lance's cheek and rubbing his thumb over it and smiling. This caused Lance to smile. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Nick. He then took the condom and tour it open. He moved back a little, just enough to have access to Nick's now semi hard member. He took it in his mouth and began to move up and down on it. He did that long enough to get Nick hard again which wasn't long. Lance rolled the condom onto Nick's member and move up and began to kiss Nick. Lance then grabbed the lube and squeezed an ample amount onto Nick ragging member.

Lance straddled Nick's lap. His member was pointed at Lance's entrance. Lance leaned in one last time for the kiss of love from Nick. Their tongues moved around in each other's mouth as if they were looking for gold in a mine.

Lance pulled away from the kiss and grabbed Nick's hard dick and began to sit down on it. Lance moved slowly down and Nick's cock slid into Lance. This caused Lance to hiss through his teeth in pain. Not wanting to hurt Lance Nick says, "You don't have to do this."

Opening his eyes Lance looks and Nick and tells him, "I want to do this."

After the pain subsides Lance begins his slow movement down on to Nick. Nick feels pure pleasure and after a few minutes Lance feels it too.

Lance has now brought him self all the way down on Nick and all pain is gone. He then starts to pull himself off of Nick until only the head of Nick's member is left in side him. He then moves down and up again until he begins a slow rhythm. He began to move faster and faster.

Nick was going crazy. Lance was so tight that he didn't think he was going to last too much longer. Nick then rolled Lance over so that he was now on top but he never removed himself from Lance. Once on top he began to move even faster then Lance was when he was on top.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me harder. Faster. Faster." Lance ordered.

Nick obliged Lance and began to move faster. By now Nick was going so fast that his balls were slapping against Lance's ass. It was getting louder and louder.

"Oh yes! I love you Lance." Nick called out.

"Oh, Nick! Yes baby. I love you too." Lance cried out between moans of passion.

Lance was getting close to his climax. Nick was making him feel nothing but pure pleasure and it was about to come in the form of an orgasm. Lance had yet to make contact with his swollen member but he could feel himself getting close. So he reached between their two hard bodies and began to tug on his cock as fast as he could. Soon he was ready.

"Oh baby. I'm gonna cum." Lance moaned. As he shot load after load between he and Nick's bodies.

Lane's orgasm was so awesome and intense that Lance's ass tightened around Nick's cock. This drove Nick over the edge. "Oh Lance! Here I cum." He unloaded a huge load.

After Nick began to calm down from and intense orgasm, he began to lay soft kisses on Lance's lips. "Baby, that was great. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too, sexy. I hope you believe me why I say that."

"You didn't have to do this to prove your love to me." Nick said as he began to pull his softening condom covered cock out of Lance. He then removed the condom and then tossed it in the trash. After that was done he laid his head on Lance's chest. All Nick wanted right now was to lay there next to Lance and just enjoy them holding each other. All Nick needed was to have Lance just hold him.

Lance began to play with Nick's spiky blond hair. This feeling got a moan out of Nick. "This is all I need. You holding me. Just you and me. No Backstreet Boys business. No N'sync business. No Justin or JC or Brian or Kevin. Just us." Nick stated as he looked into Lance's green eyes and rubbed his chest.

Lance looked down at Nick's big blue eyes and responded by saying, "I know what you mean. It has been so crazy lately that it has been hard for us to just be together. But today, that is not going to happen. No matter what. We are going to be alone. Even if it is only for a hour or two." Lance leaned forward to kiss Nick on the forehead. "All we are going to do it relax." Just as Lance said that the phone rang.

Nick looked up at Lance with a said face. Seeing this Lance strokes Nick's cheek with his thumb and says, "Don't worry. Who ever it is I will get rid of them." Lance then kisses Nick and then answers the phone.

"Hello? Hey Jonny. Yeah, I really need to talk to you." Nick sat up and looked at Lance with a confused and hurt look on his face. "Jonny can you hold on for a second?" Lance then turned his attention to Nick. "Baby. This is a call I have been waiting for. I need to take this. I promise it won't take long."

"Fine!" Nick said with anger as he got out of bed and put on his boxers and went into the bathroom. As he closed the door he could hear Lance continue with his conversation. 'All I wanted was to be alone with him and cuddle but the phone rings and I am out of the time I want and need with him.' Nick began to think as he turned the shower on.

"OK guys you did you great job. That will be it for now. We will need you guys to come back and lay down a few more vocals." Said Shep over the microphone.

We all nodded to let him know we understood. We began to remove our headphone and leave the recording booth. When we came out of the booth, Tommy walked over to Shep and said, "We will be back in LA soon so give Jonny a call and he will let you know when it will be a good time."

"Hey does that mean we are done with the photo shoot as well?" Keith inquired.

"Yep. You're all done." Responded Shep. "Don't worry about changing clothes. Those are for you to keep."

"Cool. Just what I've all ways wanted. Ugly ass clothes." Keith whispers under his breath where only Joe heard him and laughed.

We began to head out of the studio when Eric ran up to us and said, "We have a problem outside."

"What do you mean we have a problem? Is the limo not here?" Shep asked.

"That's not the problem. That's the problem." Eric informed us as he pointed outside.

There were about 50 to 60 girls outside. "Oh great! How did they know you guys were here?" Shep asked no one in particular. "What are we going to do? We don't have any security to help you guys get out of here. So what do we do?"

"Don't worry boss, I've got everything under control." Eric informed us. "I have a limo waiting for them in the back. With the limo out front they will think you guys are coming out that way and you can quietly go out the back."

"Great job Eric. Remind me to get you a raze." Shep said as he escorted us to the other limo.

We reached the other door and turned to Shep and Eric and thanked them for everything. We went out the door and Jumped in the limo, but when we got in there was someone already there. "Great! What the hell are you doing here Lou?" Joe asked as he got in.

We had all gotten in and the limo sped off. We all settled in and looked at Lou Pearlman. "Welcome guys. It's good to see you all again." Lou greeted us.

"What the hell do you want Pearlman?" Keith asked Lou.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked looking at him with distrust.

"This is the greeting I get for coming to your rescue?" Lou says with a fake hurt look on his face.

"You're probably the reason where they knew where to find us." Joe stated with a hint of anger.

"Boys. Boys. Do you really think I would tell someone where you were just to get you to talk to me?"

"Yes!" We all said in unison.

Lou giggled and said, "I would never do that. And it hurts me to think that you think that I would."

"Cut the Bullshit Lou, what do you want?" Tommy finally said out of frustration.

"Well the reason I am here is because you guys have yet to sign a contract with Trans Continental, and I was wondering why? I mean if it had not been for me you wouldn't be here and I could really further your careers."

" Like you did for N sync and the Backstreet Boys? How you just made them so famous and rich? Is that what you're going to do for us?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"With out me neither group would be where they are know. I made the Backstreet Boys. I made Nsync and I even made Miss Brittney Spears. With out me you wouldn't be here."

"Maybe you're right. You did help all of them get where they are now. But only God knows how much money you took from them. Or how you treated them and made them work when they should have been with their families." I said. "So why would we want to be put in that same situation?"

"Is that the reason you want us to sign on with you? So you can build you bank account on our careers?"

By now Lou was getting angry but was trying to hide it. "You fellas got me all wrong. I see talent here and I could really help you get to where you want to be. Those few girls outside the studio today was nothing compared to what you can and will have if you let me do what I do best."

"What is that?" Joe asked.

"Make you stars."

"Well as far as I can see, we don't need you for that. Jonny is doing a great job so far and well, we don't want you." Keith said as the limo pulled up to the hotel.

"Besides if we wanted to lose a hole lot of money we would go to Vegas before we would let you have it." Joe added before the car came to a stop.

"Donny, you don't need them. You make this group. With out you they would be no Flavva. And I could make you a bigger star them Michael Jackson."

I looked at Lou as he tried to make a last attempt to get us to break. "Lou you are right. With out me there would be no Flavva. But the one thing you don't realize is that with out any of us there would be no Flavva. We each could make it with out each other but there is no way I would turn my back on my family. Because that's what we are family and if one of us make it then we all do. So Lou all I have to say to you is...Fuck You. And as our good friends of Nsync told you, 'Bye Bye Bye!"

With that said we got out of the car with big grins on our faces. Lou was yelling from the car things like, 'you'll pay for this.' And 'you are nothing with out me.' Stupid stuff like that. We just ignored him and continued to walk in to the hotel. When we walked through the door to the lobby, Tommy turned to me and said, "You know you scared me there for a moment."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for a second I thought you were saying that you didn't need us and that you were going to leave us and go with Lou."

"Why in God's name would I do that?"

"Well we know how much you really want to do this. And you could make it on your own." Joe added.

I looked at each of them with a hurt heart. I couldn't believe that the guys that I have been with for almost 4 years would think that of me. "I can't believe you think that low of me. We have been a group this long and you think I would jeopardize what we have for money and fame." I said hurt and angry at the same time.

"Donny that's not what we meant. We were just saying..." Joe said before I cut him off.

"I'm not doing this for the money. You guys should know that I don't need the money. I'm here because I love to sing. I love to get up in front of a crowd and just performing. That's why I am here. And for you to even give what that fucker said a thought, hurts me deeply." I said as the door to the elevator opened.

"Look. I'm sorry, ok? We're sorry." Tommy apologized. "We know you wouldn't do that to us. We know that you are here to make music and to do what you love most. It's just that not most people would pass up what Lou offered. Hell, had it been me I would have taken him up on it." Tommy said trying to lighten up the mood. "But D I never meant you were going to leave us. If anything you proved to me that you love us."

"I do. You guys are the only family I have right now. With my mom not letting my family support me you guys are all I got."

"Hey D. Never think we don't love you cause we do. You're our little brother and we got your back. Besides your mother will come around." Keith said as he hugged me.

"Well Keith you may not love me when you find out that I have been keeping a secret from you."

"What? That you're gay. Come on we've been through this one already."

"No. I know you know that but it's about..."

Keith cut me off and said, "If it's about you and Justin I already know that too."

"You do? How?" I asked shocked.

"Well lets just say I know you are now a member of the miles high club." Keith says letting me know that he saw Justin and I on the plane.

"You saw that?"

"Yep. When you have sex on a plane you may want at least go into the bathroom." Keith advised jokingly.

"Please get out." Justin asked softly.

"I'm not going anywhere. You owe me. You forgave JC and I'm not leaving here until you forgive me."

"Why should I? You've slept with JC twice and God only knows who else."

"That shouldn't matter. You love me so you should forgive me."

"At one time I did love you. But now it's hard to even like you." Justin was getting angry and he wasn't thinking about what he was saying. True he was angry with Brian and he didn't feel the same about him but he forgot how Brian might react.

"What do you mean?" Brian asked. He was starting to get even more pissed then he already was. He was so angry that he was beginning to turn red in the face and clinch his fist so hard he hands were turning red as well.

Justin now realizing that he may have gone too far but it was too late to turn back now. "What do I mean? I mean that I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't love you. And to be honest with you I don't know if I even like you."

Before Justin could say anything else Brian hit Justin in the face, knocking him to the floor. "You don't say things like that too me. Do you hear me? I don't care what you say but you love me and there is nothing you can do about it. You belong to me and no one else." Brian yelled standing over Justin.

Justin was afraid and was on the ground and began to back away from Brian. But as he would back away, Brian would step forward. Justin back up until his back was against the bed. He began to plead Brian to stop but he continued. Brian grabbed Justin but the arms, picked him up off the floor and through him on the bed. Justin tried to get off the bed but Brian got on top of him and held him down. "You are going to pay for what you just said."

Nick took a long hot shower. When he got out he figured Lance would be done by now and that they could continue their quality time together. When he stepped out of the bathroom, Lance had on his pants and was still talking on the phone. Nick was past hurt. Lance looked up at Nick and said, "Nick, baby. Can you go get Justin for me? I need to talk to him."

"What about us being alone?" Nick asked Lance.

"We will, but this is important."

"Oh and spending time with me isn't?"

"I didn't say that. Of course spending time with you is important. But...look, will you go get him or not?"

"What ever!" Nick then walked angrily out the door and slammed it shut. He began to walk to Justin's room. When he got to the door it was open a little. Nick knocked on the door and pushed it open some more. "Hey Justin. You in here?"

When Nick said that he heard Justin yell, "Stop it! Get off me." Then he heard what sounded like someone getting slapped.

Hearing that he quickly entered the room. When he got all the way in he saw Brian on top of Justin. From what he could see Brian had tore Justin's shirt open and was trying to kiss Justin who was fighting to stop him. Justin was kicking and trying to push Brian off of him but Brian was to strong for him when he was angry. Brian was getting frustrated with Justin and slapped him yet again across the face.

Nick ran over to them and pulled Brian off of Justin. "What in the hell do you think you are doing?" Nick yelled at Brian as Nick through him to the floor.

"Stay out of this. This is none of you business Nick." Responded Brian. "Now get out and let me and Justin finish what we started."

Nick stood in between Brian and Justin to protect Justin. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Get out. Now!"

"Last time I looked the was Justin's and Donna's room. The only way I am leaving is if Justin asks me too." Nick turned to Justin and asked, "Do you want me to leave?"

Brian answered, "Yes he does now leave."

"I wasn't talking to you." Nick stated without looking at Brian. "Justin do you want me to leave?" Justin shook his head no and Nick then said, "Would you like Brian to leave or do you want him to stay?"

"No. I want him to leave." Justin responded with fear in his voice.

Nick turned back to Brian and said, "You heard the man. Leave!"

"Nick. Come on man. We're best friends. Are you really going to kick me out of my boyfriends room?"

"Yes I am."

"Damn it Nick. This is none of you business. Why don't you leave us alone?" Brian yells.

"Brian not matter what you say, I am not going to let you continue with what you were doing to Justin. I have let this go on to long. Yes you are my friend and you are like a brother to me but I am not going to sit back and hurt him yet again. I stayed out of it once because Justin asked me to but not now." Nick told Brian. "Now leave or I will call security and have them remove you from this room to an other room with bars."

"I thought we were brothers. You and me. Frick and frack, but I see you let a piece of ass come between us."

"Justin and I are good friends. And just because I wont let you bet the shit out of him doesn't mean we aren't still friends Brian. I just don't want you to do this anymore. For your sake and his." Nick stated starting to soften. "Now why don't you go. When you calm down maybe you and Justin can talk but you have to leave now."

"Fine I will leave but know this. This is not over. You will be with me again one way or an other."

"It's over. No matter what you say or do Brian. There is no more you and me. Not after what you did." Justin says softly but loud enough for Brian to hear him.

Brian turns and walks out the room but leaves the door open as he goes out. Nick turns to Justin and sits next to him. Seeing that Justin is shaken up he pulls him into a hug. "Don't worry Justin. It's over and he is gone."

Justin holds on to Nick for dear life. "Thank you Nick. If you hadn't of come I don't know what he would have done to me. I have never seen him like that."

Nick lets go of Justin and looks him in the eye. "Justin are you ok?'

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What happen? What's going on J?"

"When you and Lance went into your room, Brain came out of his room just as I was trying to get into mine. He saw me and said he wanted to talk. I told him we had nothing to talk about and he grabbed me and then forced me in my room. He said that because I forgave JC that I should for give him and when I told him no he got mad. We said some things and the more we talked the worse he got. Then he knocked me down to the floor. I began to back away from him but he picked me up through me on the bed. Then he began to try and kiss me but I pushed him back so he began to tear my shirt off. I fought back and he hit me a few more times and then you came in." Justin explained while trying not to cry.

"It's ok Justin. It's over and he is gone." Nick said trying to comfort Justin. Nick took Justin in his arms and just held him for a few minutes.

"So does that mean you are cool with it?" I asked Keith about Justin and I.

"Of course. I like Justin and I can see that he really loves you." Keith answered. "Yeah D. You two belong together." Added Joe.

"Am I the only one around here that sees that this is not right?" Tommy says in frustration. "Justin is just using you to get back at Brian. He has done it once and he will do it again."

"What are you talking about?" Keith asks.

"Justin has broken up with Brian and slept with someone just to make Brian jealous."

"And who told you that?" Joe asked.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I know and I am telling you this so you won't get hurt. You're my friend and I love you like a brother and I don't want to see you get hurt. That's all."

"I know you don't want me hurt but like I told you earlier, Justin would never do that to me. He wouldn't have said he loved me if he didn't."

"Look if you don't believe me then asks Nick. He will tell you."

"Fine! I'll do that. And when I do, and I find out that you were wrong. I want you to go to Justin and tell him what you said and then apologize. Is that clear?"

"I'm not worried cause I know that I'm right but I will do just that if I'm wrong. But if you are wrong, and I know you are, just do me the favor and call it off with him so you don't get hurt ok."

I reluctantly agreed. The doors to the elevator opened and the security guard was sitting there. He let us go to our rooms. As I got to Justin and my room, I saw that the door was open. "I wonder why our door is open?" I thought. So I pushed the door open a little and I could hear Justin and Nick. They were talking about something. I came in a little more but they couldn't see me but I could hear them a little better.

"Justin you need to tell Donny." Nick said as he sat Justin up so he could look in his eyes.

"No. He can't know about this."

"But he needs to know Justin. He loves you."

"I said no. He can never know what happen here between me and Brian. You can never tell him."

When Justin said that it was like my heart broke in two. Was what Tommy said true? Could Justin be using me just to get back at Brian? I had to find out. I had to see if Tommy was right and the only way to find out was to find out if Justin did sleep with Nick.

To be continued

I hope you like this chapter. If you did please email me at, And if you didn't like it or you have some comments you can email me too.

Next: Chapter 6

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