Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Feb 16, 2001


This is the next chapter of touring with nsync

Any comments can be send to

First of all I want to apologize for taking so long to do this chapter. The first thing was that I had gotten a virus in my computer and it was totally destroyed. Second, when I finally got a new computer I hurt my back, which kept me from sitting and writing. Then I have had some personal problems that I had to deal with. (It's a self-esteem thing) Then I started writing and had the story almost done and some how I erased the disk I had it on. So I had to start all over and I was still battling with writer's block. So now here it is. I hope to have the next one a lot sooner.

Also I keep hearing rumors that after their next album Nsync is breaking up. Well if that is true then it will be the saddest day on earth. I am a big Nsync fan and if that happens I will just die. They are too talented to just break up like that. If Justin want to have a solo career that fine but he doesn't have to leave the group to do it. Look at Dru Hill. Sisco did his own thing but Dru Hill didn't break up.

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying that any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them. Also, I want to thank everyone whom emailed me and asked me to continue with the story. In no way do I mean to disrespect the writer of Brian and Justin. There are going to be differences and I hope everyone continues to read.

One last thing. I am about to start a story line that may make some people upset. In no way do I mean to do that but this is something that happens way too often so it needs to be talked about. That is all I want to say with out giving away the story.

Touring with N'Sync

"Justin you need to tell Donny." Nick said as he sat Justin up so he could look in his eyes.

"No. He can't know about this."

"But he needs to know Justin. He loves you."

"I said no. He can never know what happen here between me and Brian. You can never tell him."

When Justin said that it was like my heart broke in two. Was what Tommy said true? Could Justin be using me just to get back at Brian? I had to find out. I had to see if Tommy was right and the only way to find out was to find out if Justin did sleep with Nick.

Chapter 6

I still couldn't believe what I heard. Could Tommy be right? I unknowingly made my way out the door with out being seen or heard by Nick and Justin. I had to think. No it had to be a mistake. Justin loved me and he couldn't do that to me. But something had gone on and I had to find out for sure if what Tommy said about Justin and Nick was true.

"No. He isn't that type of person. He wouldn't use anyone like that. Not only that but he would never tell someone he loved them and not mean it. But he could mean that he loves me as a friend. That way he wouldn't be lying to me. No. I won't think like that. I just have to find out for my self.

"Justin you need to tell him." Nick said trying to convince Justin.

"No. I can't take that chance."

"Take the chance of what?"

"I can't take the chance of loosing him. I love him Nick and if he finds out about this he will think that this is my fault and he will hate me just like everyone else."

"Justin what makes you think everyone will hate you? I know what is going on and I don't hate you."

"I don't know."

"Justin, you need to tell him."

"No." Justin says with a little anger. "I won't take that chance. I love him too much to loose him because I am weak and stupid."

"Justin. You are not stupid. You are one of the smartest guys I know. And weak? The only thing weak about you is your hair."

That makes Justin laugh for the first time since the encounter with Brian. "Look Nick. I know you are just trying to help me but the only way you can help me is to keep this to yourself."

"But Justin I..."

"Nick Promise. Promise me you will not tell Donny what happen here. Do you promise?" Justin begs Nick.

"Ok! I promise." Nick caves in. He knows that Donny would do nothing but support Justin but if this is what Justin wants then that is what Justin is going to get.

"Nick. Donny can never know about this."

"I can never know about what?" I ask as I make my way back into the room but this time making my present known.

"Donny? When did you get here?" Justin asks with a hint of fear.

"We just got back from the studio. We laid down a few vocals and came back to get ready for the party tonight."

"Oh! Have you been by the club to do sound check?" Justin asks

"No not yet. So what is it I can never know?" I ask trying to get Justin to tell me what was going on.

"Huh?" Justin says trying to think of something to say. Justin isn't big on lying so he is totally stuck on what to say.

"What is it that I can never know?"

"I..uh..we were uh.."

"Justin didn't want me to tell you some of the embarrassing things about him." Nick lies.

"Is that all?" I ask looking at Justin. "Yeah! He thought I was going to tell you about this time we were in Orlando and we all went to Universal and..."

"Nick." Justin yells trying to keep Nick quiet . "He really doesn't need to know about that."

"But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't tell all the embarrassing things."

"A good one that can keep his mouth shut." Justin says jokingly.

"Ok guys. Cut it out. If Justin wants me to know something he can tell me." I say trying to get them to quit. "Besides, that should be something we talk about when he isn't around."

We all have a good laugh and we all sit down after we calmed down a little. Nick sits in a chair that is next to one of the beds in the room. Justin sits on the bed right across from the on that I am sitting on. He watches me as I begin to remove my shoes. "How did it go at the studio today?" Justin asks me.

"It went really good. I laid down a few vocals but that's about it. We have to go back pretty soon cause I think she wants this on her next album."

"Did you like the song?" Nick asked trying to get in on the conversation.

"Yeah. It's a slow love song. I can't wait for you to hear it." I say looking up at Justin.

"You know what? There is something I forgot to do and I really need to do it now." Justin states as he stands up and walks to me.

"And what's that?" I ask looking up at him.

"This." Justin then pulls me up off of the bed and pulls me into the most loving and passionate kiss. In that kiss I felt all the love we had for each other. All doubt about his love for me went out the window. I knew then that he did in fact love me like he said he did.

"Wow! What was that for?" I ask after I pull back from the kiss.

"Do I have to have a reason to kiss you?"

"No but it just seem to come from nowhere."

"It came from my heart. I love you and I hadn't been able to do that all afternoon." Justin said as he ran his hands up and down my back. "I love you and I can't help it."

"I love you too." I said looking at him lovingly. As I was looking at him I saw a red mark on his face. "Justin, what happen to your face?"

He pulled back from me just a little and asked, "What mark?" "There is a red mark on your face. It looks like someone hit you or something. What happen?

Immediately Justin got nervous and didn't know what to say. And Nick saw this and answered, "That's probably my fault."

I turn and look at him like he is crazy. "What the hell did you do?"

"Well Justin, Lance, and I we goofing around in the hallway earlier and Lance or myself may have hit him in the face. It was an accident."

"Nick you need to be careful. You could have really hurt him." I say in a caring way.

"I know. I really am sorry." Nick apologized.

"You could have really messed up his cute face and then what would he do?" I say jokingly as I pinch his cheeks.

"Hey! I'm more then just a pretty face." Justin says in his defense.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I asked continuing my teasing.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but I just remembered why I came down here in the first place." Nick replies.

"And what would that be?" Justin asked not taking his eyes off of mine.

"Lance asked me to come down here to get you. He said it was important."

Finally braking the stare, Justin looks at Nick and says, "Well I guess I better go see what he needs." As he pulls away from me he gives me one last kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back."


"Are you coming, Nick?" Justin asks as he gets to the door.

"No. I don't want to see Lance right now."

"Why? What's wrong?" Justin questions.

"Justin you go on. I will talk to Nick. You just go and find out what Lance needed to talk to you about.

"You sure?" Justin asks again.

"Yeah. I'll have a talk with Nickie here. You just go handle your business with Lance."

"Ok! I'll be back. Love you."

"Love you too."

Justin walks out the door and closes it behind him. He leans against the door and sighs. 'I need to tell him, but I can't.' Justin thinks to himself. He gets up off the door and heads down to Nick and Lance's room. He reaches the door and knocks. A few seconds later Lance opens the door and ushers Justin to come in and have a sit.

Lance is still on the phone. "Ok Mike that's just what I needed. But if you come up with anything else, call me or call Jonny ASAP." Lance spoke into the phone. "Thanks again Mike, you've been a big help." Lance hangs up the phone and looks at Justin.

"Ok what was that all about?" Justin asks looking at his friend.

"Well Justin I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

Justin walked out the door and I watched as he left. Even though I knew that he loved me, I also knew that something was wrong. There was something he was hiding from me and I had to find out what it was. But when I turned around and saw Nick I new I had to help him first. He had the saddest look on his face and because he was my friend I had to help him. "Ok Nick. What's going on?"

"Nothing." Nick lies.

"Then if nothing is going on the why didn't you want to go with Justin to talk to Lance?"

"Couldn't I just want to spend some time with a good friend? I may want to kick it with you for a second."

"I believe that as much as I believe AJ what's his tattoos removed and he's hair it's original color."

Nick and I both laugh at that and he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Lance doesn't love me anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"He would rather do anything then to spend time with me."

"How do you figure that? Did he tell you that?"

"In a way he did."


Nick sighs and looks down at the floor as he begins to talk. "Well as you know Lance and I have been kind of working through some things. The fact that he and JC got drunk and kissed one night has been one of our problems. Well because of those problems, we hadn't had sex in a long time."

"But what about what happen on the plane this morning?"

"Oh that? Nothing happen. After waking up and seeing you and Justin go at it, it kind of made me a little hot. So we went into the bathroom and went at it. But just as Lance began to undo my pants I got scarred and told him to stop. That I didn't think I was ready for that. Not yet. He understood and we came out. Well later when we all got back, Lance and I made love for the first time in a long time. He even gave himself to me for the first time."

"Then what makes you think he doesn't love you? Sounds to me like he loves you more than anything."

"Yeah, but as soon as the phone rings he's gone. He said he wanted to spend sometime alone with me but as soon as the phone rings he back as Lance of Nsync and not Lance the man I love."

"Nick. You know better than I do that in this business that you have things come up and that you have to sacrifice some things. But from what I can tell it must have been important. Even Justin thought so, he went to see what was up and he will tell us." I try to reassure him.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I could be over reacting." Nick concludes. "Thanks D. You're a good friend. Nick says as he gets up and hugs me.

"I just had to make you think. You already knew all of this." I tell him in the hug.

Nick lets go of me and heads for the door. "I guess I should go back to my baby. Thanks again D."

"No problem Nick. Hey before you leave can I ask you a question?"

Nick stops and turns to me. "Sure. You can ask me anything but I may not answer you but you can ask me." Nick says jokingly as he comes back in.

I look down at the floor because of what I was about to ask. I knew I really didn't want to know, but I did want to know. "Nick, there is something someone told me and I have to know if it's true or not."

"Ok. What is it?"

"What is the extent of you and Justin's relationship?"

"What do you mean? Justin and I are just friends. That's it." Nick states kind of confused.

"Has it always be just friends?" I ask now looking up at him.

"That's all it's ever been. I would be lying to you if I said I didn't want more then a friendship with Justin at on time, but that's all it is and has been and will be." Nick states.

"So you guys have never slept with each other?" I ask relieved.

Nick looks down again. "Do you want me to be honest with you?"


"Well the truth is, Justin and I did have sex once or twice."

"But you just told me you guys have only been friends."

"We have. And that's all we will ever be." Nick says.

"But you just said..."

"Look Donny. This was a long time ago. Both groups were working for Lou at the time. We were both in Europe. Both of us being the youngest members of our groups found us alone at the hotel a lot. One night Justin and I decided to hang out together. Well somehow we got our hands on some liquor and we got a little drunk." Nick explained. "We sat around talking and goofing around and one thing led to an other and I kissed Justin."

"Oh God! What did he do?" I asked with a little fear in my voice.

"You have to know that at the time no one knew I was gay and I didn't even know if Justin was gay so when I kissed him it was because I was drunk and so was he. Then we had sex."

"Oh God!"

"The next day we talked about it and said it was a bad idea. But I had feelings for Justin. Deep ones, but I never told him." Nick confessed.

"So are you telling me that you are in love with Justin?"

"No. Not any more. I love Lance with all my heart but Justin does hold a special place in my heart."

"So what does this all have to do with the fact that he used you to get back with Brian."

"What? I never said that he used me to get back at Brian. Justin never used me or anyone, he isn't like that. Where did that come from?"

Brian walked into he and JC's room. When he walks in he slams the door because he was pissed of. He walks into the bedroom and begins to pace back and forth.

JC, who was asleep on the bed, looks up and sees Brian pacing back and forth. He sits up and looks at the man he is in love with. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nick doesn't know how to stay out of my fucking business." Brian says more to himself then JC.

JC crawls to the end of the bed so he is now closer to Brain. "Oh baby, don't let Nick upset you. Tell me what happen."

Brian stops pacing so he can look at JC. "I was trying to have a talk with Justin and he interrupted us. All I was trying to do was get Justin to forgive me. And Nick had to interfere like he always does."

JC moved from the bed to right in front of Brian. Even though Brian didn't say it he knew that Brian was trying to get Justin to take him back. So now he goal was to get Brian's mind off of Nick and mainly off of Justin. "Don't worry about them baby. You have me here and I can make you feel better."

JC moves in to kiss Brian but Brian moves back. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get your mind off of Nick. Come here. I can take your mind off of it." JC says as he moves behind Brian and begins to massage his shoulders.

"Stop JC." Brian says as he pulls away from JC.

"Come on baby. I just want to take your mind off your problems." JC said as he made his way to Brian again. Once he got to him he began to rub his shoulders again.

Brian begins to relax a little. JC places small kisses on Brian's neck. Brian starts to protest again but stops due to the fact that JC was taking the anger he had out of him with each kiss. This made Brian moan a little. JC then starts to suck on Brian's neck and earlobes. As JC removes his lips from Brian's smooth skin, he moves his body from behind Brian to in front of him. He leans forward and kisses Brian deeply on the lips.

JC has he arms wrapped around Brian's neck and was trying to walk Brian over to the bed without breaking the kiss. When he reached the bed Brian pulled away and said, "Stop. What are you doing?"

I'm just trying to make you feel better." JC says seductively.

"Oh you are huh?" Brian asks as he wraps his arms around JC's slender waist. "Just how are you going to do that?"

"The best way I know how."

"And that is?" Brian asked even though he already knew.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out." JC says and then moves in for a kiss that almost knocks Brian off of his feet.

With out breaking the kiss, Brian pushes JC onto the bed and begins to work on getting JC's shirt of. Once he got the shirt off JC he began to pull his own shirt off. When he got the shirt off he ran his hands up and down his lovers smooth chest.

JC rolled Brian onto his back and pulled away from him and stood up. He then started to remove his pants and boxes in a striptease kind of way. He then reaches down and removes Brian's pants and boxers. Once he had them removed he began to kiss the inside of Brian's leg. He slowly kissed his way up to the inside of Brian's thigh. JC then started to lick up Brian's inner thigh slowly. Once he got all the way up Brian's leg he then took Brian's member into his soft hands and began to stroke it slowly while he suck on Brian's balls. After JC sucked and played with his lover's balls he then began to lick up the underside of Brian's member.

Brian let out a soft moan as JC ran his tongue over the length of Brian's cock. JC ran his long tongue over the head of Brian's love tool licking the precum that was starting to leak out. JC then licked the length of Brian's member again and then back up. When he was back to the head he looked up into Brian's crystal orbs and mouthed the words, 'I love you.'

"Take me in you mouth." Brian responded. And JC did as he was told. He went down on Brian's cock like his life depended on it. He went down about half way on Brian and then came back up. The next time he went a little further. He went further and further down until he just about had all of it down his throat.

Once JC took as much as he could he then moved faster. Brian ran his hands through JC hair as JC made him moan. "Oh yeah baby. You have the best mouth. You are driving me crazy." Brian called out as he sat up on his elbows to watch JC work his magic on his member.

JC worked Brian up to the edge and then let go of Brian's cock and then sucked in Brian's balls to keep him from cumming. JC did this for about 15 minutes. It was driving Brian crazy. Just when Brian thought he couldn't take it anymore, JC released his member and looked up at him and said, "I need you in me. Take me now." JC moved up to kiss Brian on the lips and Brian returned the kiss.

As they kissed, Brian moved so that he was now on top of JC. He began to kiss his was down JC's shivering body. JC was not shivering because he was cold or because he was scared, but because the man he loved was kissing and playing with his now hard nipples. Brian continued his trek down JC's slender body. He kissed down JC's washboard stomach. Brian ran his hands down JC's sides until he kissed down to his navel. Brian licked and kissed his lover's navel and brought his hands to JC's tight ass.

JC lifted up his ass so that Brian could really get too it and this cause his hard cock to rub up against Brian's neck. JC began to trust his hips up so that his cock ran up and down the smooth skin of Brian's neck.

Just as JC lifted his hips, Brian took that moment to flip JC over on to his stomach. So now Brian had a good view of JC's firm ass. Brian loved JC's ass. Because of all the dancing, his ass was firm but soft to the touch. Brian began to kneed JC's ass as if he was making bread out of it.

JC moaned. He knew how much Brian loved to play with his ass. JC loved for him to play with it. Brian's hands were strong and made him feel good. Brian moved from his ass to his lower back. Brian then moved back down to his ass and then down to his strong legs. Brian took his time and messaged JC's legs and ass. As he played with JC's ass he would run his thumb across his love tunnel. This would send shivers up JC's body. Sensing this Brian stood up and walked over to his bag and began to look for something.

JC realizing that Brian had moved away from him looked to where Brian had gone. When he saw Brian at his bag he asked, "Baby, what are you doing?"

"I had to get this." Brian told JC as he held up a bottle of lub and a condom.

JC had that big grin on his face that all his fans loved to see. "Oh yeah baby. Bring it on."

Brian made his way back to the bed where JC we still laying on his stomach on the bed. He sat the condom and lub next to JC on the bed and began to rub on JC's ass again.

JC turn his head so that he could watch Brian as best he could. Brian was kneading JC's strong ass cheeks. Brian then moved down to JC's legs and pushed them apart giving him a nice view of JC's hole. He moved in-between JC's legs. He grabbed the lub that was sitting next to JC and opened it. He then squeezed some of the cool liquid onto JC's hot ass, which made JC jump just a little. Brian then sat the lub back down and took his finger and began to rub the lub around JC's hole. He moved his finger around and around then he slipped his finger into JC. He moved his finger in and out at a slow pace to get JC lubbed up really good. He used his free hand to pick up the tub. Using the finger that was inside JC, Brian gently pulled JC's hole open a little and squeezed more of the lubricant into him. Once he poured enough in he closed the tub and through it to the floor. Brian then began to move his finger in and out once again.

The hole time JC is feeling nothing but pleasure. The only thing that bothered him was when Brian put the cool liquid on him. JC could fill Brian's long finger go in and out of him and he loved it. JC began to lift his hips so that he was moving into Brian's moving hand. A few seconds later JC felt yet another finger enter him and he hissed with pleasure. "Oh yes Brian. I want you. I need you in me."

"Then you're going to get want you need." Brian responded. He carefully removed his fingers from inside JC. He reached down and grabbed the condom that was on the bed. He began to try and open it but was having a problem because his fingers we a little slippery due to the liquid on his hands. Getting a little impatient Brian ripped it open with his teeth. Once he had it open, he rolled it down his hard member and positioned himself behind and in-between JC's legs.

JC never took his eyes off of his lover. He watched as Brian tackled with getting the condom open. As he watched he began to slowly and erotically began to trust his hips into the bed. He was more then ready when Brian got behind him.

Brian grabbed JC by the hips and sat him up on his hands and knees moved closer to JC and took his cock and ran up and down the crack of JC's butt. Brian then positioned his member at JC's hole. "Are you ready for this?" Brian asks in a cocky manner.

"Yes baby!" JC breathed out in ecstasy.

Brian slowly pushed himself into JC who hissed with pain and pleasure. Brain slowly moved in until he was all the way in JC.

JC had put his head down onto the bed do to the pain was almost something he couldn't bare. So Brian didn't move. Brian didn't want to hurt JC, I mean he did have to perform to night. A few seconds after Brian stopped, JC picked his head up which gave Brian the green light. Brian slowly pulled out of JC until nothing was left but the head of he cock. He then slowly pushed back in. He started a slow rhythm but once JC loosened up he began to move faster.

All the pain JC felt was gone and he felt nothing but pure pleasure. As Brian would move in and out of him all he could do was moan. JC loved the way he felt when he had sex. And he loved to have sex with Brian.

Brian was moving faster now and he leaned over and messaged JC's chest. He played with JC's nipples. This made JC moan even more. JC began to move so that Brian was moving even faster then before.

JC raised his body up so that he could reach the back of Brian's head and pull him into a kiss. Brian kissed him deeply as he ran his hands up and down smooth body. They kissed but never stopped making love. JC used his free hand to start to jack himself off. This brought him even more pleasure.

Not being able to take anymore, JC laid his body down on the bed but kept his hips up in the air so not to stop Brian from his work. "Oh yes baby. I love it. I love you." Moaned out JC as he laid face down on the bed.

Brian seeing JC lay face down on the bed turned him on even more. He began to move faster. As he moved he began to push JC flat on the bed so that he was lying on top of him. Brian kissed the back of JC's ear and continued to move in and out of JC. This was bringing Brian close to the point of no return. "Oh yeah baby. I'm gonna cum." Brian moaned out.

"Oh yes! Yes!" JC called out as he erupted on the bed.

When JC came it made him tighten up around Brian's cock, which caused even more pleasure for Brian. Brian moved in and out of JC on last time and shot his load into the condom. "Oh yes. That was great." Brian sighed as he fell on top of JC who was still trying to catch his breath. Brian then rolled off of JC as he began to come down from the orgasm he just had. "Thank you. I really needed that."

JC turned so he was lying on his side and looking Brian in the face. "I do what I can to please you." JC reached over to lay his hands on Brian's chest but Brian pushed it away and stood up. JC sat up a little with a confused look on his face. "Baby what's wrong?"

Brian had walked over to his bag and pulled out an other smaller bag. "We have a meeting to be at in an half an hour so we need to get up and get ready." He stated as he made his way to the bathroom.

"You want me to come and help you out in there?" JC asked him with as small grin on his face.

"No! I can handle it myself." Brian said quickly and closed the door to the bathroom.

JC looked down with tears welling up in his eyes. 'All I wanted was to spend some time with him, holding him and as always he just pushes me away. One of these days Brian you will love me like I love you.' JC thought to himself.

"Give me the bad news first." Justin tells Lance.

"Well I did what you asked and I found out if Brian could have Donny and the guys kicked off the tour." Lance started


"Well the truth is yes the Backstreet Boys can have them kicked off the line up." Lance told Justin.

"Damn. That means we have to hide from not only the fans but also Kevin, AJ, Howie. JC, and mainly Brian."

"Well not really."

"What do you mean Lance? You just said they could have Donny and them kicked off the lineup. That means we have to keep them from telling Brian and then ganging up on them."

"But this is where the good news comes in. Because Flavva has not actually signed with any management yet there is a clause in their contract." Lance informed Justin.

"What is it and how did it get there?" Justin

"Well thanks to Mike and myself, if the guys are living up to there part of the contract which means they are at every show and do what is asked of them they can't be let go. But if anyone asks for them to be removed then they have to pay big time." Lance says with a big smile on his face.

"Wait a minute. Are you telling me that if Brian asks for them to be taken off the tour he would have to pay them?" Justin asked with a big grin on his face.

"No. If Brian asks for them to leave first he has to have the rest of his band to agree with him. Then when and if they do the they all have to pay."

"Are you serious?"


"Oh my God Lance! How did you do this?" Justin asked as he hugged his friend and brother.

After Justin let him go from the bear hug he had on him, he began to explain. "Well I talked to Mike and he told me this was the best thing to do to keep anyone from powering them out. So with Mike's and Jonny's help, that little clause is in." "I could kiss you man." Justin stated hugging Lance again.

"I don't think Donny or Nick would like that." Lance joked.

"You don't know what this means to me. To us. You have helped us big time."

"Hey! I love you man. You're my brother and I would do anything for you. And I really like Donny. I can see how much he loves you."

"I love him too Lance. For so long I thought I was in love with Brian and for a while I was, but now I know what real love feels like and it's Donny." Justin told Lance.

"Well I'm glad you're happy." Lance says a little sadly as he thought about Nick.

"Lance what's going on? When I left the room Nick seemed upset and now you do too. What's going on?" Justin asked out of concern for both of his good friends.

"I messed up big time J." Lance said as he put his head into his hands.

"Tell me what happen." Justin said moving closer to his friend and brother.

"Today for the fist time in a long time Nick and I made love." Lance started.

"So? That sounds like a good thing."

"It was. Justin I gave myself to him for the first time. I had to show him how much I loved him and that he was all I wanted." Lance cried out.

"I'm still not seeing where you messed up."

"Well after we made love I told him that at least for a few hours we were going to be alone. No business, just him and me. But as soon as the phone rang it was all over. I mean the words hadn't gotten out of my mouth good and I was on the phone handling business."

"Lance don't trip off of that. Just tell him what it was about and he will understand. Then do what you promised him. Spend what little time we have left with him." Justin told Lance while rubbing his friends shoulder.

"I hope your right."

"Donny's talking to him now. If I know Donny he is telling him that it must have been important for you do take the call and then have him realize that he is over reacting and to just wait cause you will tell him." Justin said happily.

"You think so?" Lance asks.

"I know so. Come on. Let's go see those men of ours." Justin says as he pulls Lance to his feet.

As they were heading for the door Lance stopped and pulled Justin into a hug. "Thanks Justin. You always know how to make me feel better."

"Hey I just want you to be happy. Besides, you have done a whole lot more for me."

"What are friends for?"

"I was told that Justin used you to make Brian jealous." I told Nick.

"Who told you that?" Nick asked a little annoyed.

Tommy! He is the one who told me to ask you."

"How in the hell does he even know about this?" Nick asked me.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me who told him. But I guess he was right." I answered dejectedly.

"I don't know what he think he knows but he is wrong. Ok, Justin and I did have sex after he and Brian got together, but they had broken up and I was still in love with Justin. When he came to me upset I held him as he cried. Then I kissed him. One thing led to another and we ended up in bed. If anything I took advantage of him. He was hurting and I slept with him for my need to be close to him."

"So you're saying that he didn't use you?"

"No he didn't and he wouldn't do that to you or anyone else." Nick said with total confidence.

"Then what's going on with him and Brian now? What happen that he doesn't want me to know about?" I ask not understanding.

"I can't tell you." Nick says.

"Why not?"

"Because I promised Justin."

"Well I guess he and Brian are trying to get back together." I state sadly.

"Trust me Justin is not trying to get back with Brian."

"Oh! So they are already back together again? I guess Tommy was right." I say as I fall onto the bed and buried my face into my hands and began to cry.

Nick runs over to me and says, "No that's not it Donny. Justin isn't with Brian at all. He loves you."

I pick my head up with tears running down my face and looked straight at Nick. "Then why can't you tell me what's going on? What is it that Justin doesn't want me to know?"

"Look D. I can't tell you what happen but I can tell you what didn't happen. Justin did not get back with Brian. If anything he made sure Brian knew that it was over. Justin is not with him doesn't want to be with him and most likely will never be with him again. He loves you and only you." Nick told me. I could tell there was something he was hiding. I knew he wanted to tell me but he was protecting someone. I had to find out who and why he was doing it.

"Then why is he hiding something from me? Doesn't he know he can trust me? I love him and no matter what it is I will still love him. Doesn't he know that?" I ask as I begin to raise my voice a little.

"I have told him that but he is so scared of loosing you that he doesn't want you to know." Nick informs me. "Maybe you should tell him that. Maybe hearing you say it will help him."

"But he trusts you enough to tell you. Why?"

"He didn't tell me." Nick says sadly.

"Then how did you find out?"

"I saw if for myself."

"You saw what for yourself?"

Nick sighs and looks down. "D, I want to tell you so bad it hurts cause I know you would do nothing but help Justin. But I made him a promise and as hard as it is to keep it, I have too."

Just then Justin and Lance come through the door. "Hey baby. You miss me?" Justin says as he walks over to me. When I look up at him he sees the tears on my face. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I don't respond to his question, which worries Justin even more. He turns to Nick. "Nick what's going on? What's wrong with him?"

"Justin you need to tell him." Nick states firmly.

"Tell him what Nick?" Lance asks starting to get a little worried.

"I over heard you and Nick talking earlier. I know something is going on between you and Brian but Nick wont tell me. So I am asking you now. What is going on between you and Brian?"

All the color goes out of Justin's face. You can see the horror in his face as I say this to him. He looks at Nick as if to say 'What do I do?' And Nick says, "Tell him Justin. He thinks you are using him to make Brian jealous. You need to tell him."

Justin's eyes begin to tear up. He doesn't know what to do. "I can't. I just can't." Justin stammers out.

"Why can't you tell me Justin? What is so bad that you think you can't tell me something? Don't you know I love you? That no matter what you tell me I will still love you?"

"That's just it. You won't love me. How could you if you knew?" Justin cry's out. Walking away from me.

I stand up from the bed and walk over to him. Lance and Nick are just standing there waiting to see what happens. Nick's waiting to see if Justin finally tells someone what has been going on and Lance is waiting to find out what is going on. Even though he is no longer worried that Nick and Justin may have been cheating but now he is worried that something is going on with his best friend and he didn't know about it.

Justin had walked over to the window and was looking out of it and crying. I walked up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder and gently turned him around to face me. "Justin I am going to tell you this and I want you to believe me. I love you. And no matter what it is that you need to tell me I will still love you. If you want to get back with Brian I'll understand."

"No that's not it at all." Justin quickly said.

"Then what Justin? Did you sleep with him?" I asked hoping the answer was no.

"No!" Justin replied softly.

"Then what is it?"

Justin looked behind me at Nick who shook his head to let Justin know he was there for him. He then looked at Lance who was worried for his friend. He then looked back at me and saw the love and concern I had in my eyes. "Ok I will tell you." Justin paused and looked down at his hands in shame. "Brian hit me." Justin said softly. So soft in fact I almost didn't hear him.

"What did you say?" I said hoping I heard him wrong.

Justin looked up at me and said, "Brian hit me."

"He what?" Lance and I both said at the same time.

Justin looked back down because he could see the anger building up in my face and he didn't want to see it. "Today when we got back and I was coming in the room he caught me and said he needed to talk. We talked and I told him it was over and he got angry and hit me."

"That's how he got the mark on his face. Not because of me and Lance but because of Brian." Nick added in.

"Oh my god Justin. Why didn't you tell me?" Lance asks as he makes his way over to Justin. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I couldn't. I was to afraid you guys would blame me for what was happening."

"You mean this wasn't the first time?" Lance asked Justin.

"No its been going on for a while now." Nick says coming over to us.

This whole time I haven't said a word.

"You mean you knew about this and you didn't say anything to me?" Lance asked getting angry at Nick for not tell him.

"I couldn't." Nick told Lance.

"Why the hell not? He could have really hurt Justin or ever worse." Lance screamed.

"Lance don't be mad at Nick. I made him promise not to tell anyone. I was to ashamed to tell anyone."

"But why? We love you Justin. We need to know when someone is hurting you." Lance said calmer. Justin just shrugged his shoulders and looked back down. "Well we have to tell the guys what's been going on."

"NO! You can't tell anyone." Justin yelled.

"Why not? They need to know Justin." Lance asked confused.

"There's no need for them to know. I am no longer with Brian so he can't hurt me anymore." Justin states.

"Lance is right Justin. They need to know if not just to make sure they don't leave you alone with him." Nick told Justin trying to get him to tell everyone.

"No. They can't know. Please, you have to promise not to tell them. Promise me." Lance and Nick both reluctantly promised to not tell everyone what had been going on. Justin then looked at me. I still hadn't said anything. "Donny you have to promise you won't say anything. Please for me."

I still didn't respond. This began to scare Justin. Was he wrong? Did I now hate him for what he had told me?

"Donny?" Still nothing. "Donny say something." I still didn't respond. Tears began to run down my face. "Donny please say something. Anything." Justin begged.

When he said that I turned and looked him in the eye.

To Be Continued......

Well there you go. Chapter 6. Any comments please send them to

Next: Chapter 7

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