Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Jun 20, 2001


Hello everyone. I hope you are still interested in my story. I know it takes me forever to get each chapter out but I have been kind of busy and it doesn't look like I am going to be slowing down any time soon. But when I can I write as much as I can.

I want to thank those of you who emailed me to let me know you still wanted me to write more. That helps motivate me to find time to write. A special thanks goes out to Shaun. You helped keep me wanting to write it.

Stories I recommend...

Brian and Justin

Jamie's Romance

Nick and Justin

The One

Nick and the Altos

Josh and Just

Nsync: Lance and JC

Kevin and Justin

Model Romance

And many others!

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying that any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrity mentioned is gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them.

Last time....

"NO! You can't tell anyone." Justin yelled.

"Why not? They need to know Justin." Lance asked confused.

"There's no need for them to know. I am no longer with Brian so he can't hurt me anymore." Justin states.

"Lance is right Justin. They need to know if not just to make sure they don't leave you alone with him." Nick told Justin trying to get him to tell everyone.

"No. They can't know. Please, you have to promise not to tell them. Promise me." Lance and Nick both reluctantly promised to not tell everyone what had been going on. Justin then looked at me. I still hadn't said anything. "Donny you have to promise you won't say anything. Please for me."

I still didn't respond. This began to scare Justin. Was he wrong? Did I now hate him for what he had told me?

"Donny?" Still nothing. "Donny say something." I still didn't respond. Tears began to run down my face. "Donny please say something. Anything." Justin begged.

When he said that I turned and looked him in the eye.

Touring with N'snyc

Chapter 7

I looked Justin in the eye for the first time sense he had told me what had happen to him. I had pure rage in my eyes. The anger that was flowing through me right then could be seen in my face.

When Justin saw my face he started to cry. "You hate me don't you? I can see it in your face. Please for give me. I never meant to hurt you." Justin cried.

Just as I was about to respond to what he said. Tommy comes into the room. "Hey guys. We have a meeting in Kevin's room in about 10 minutes." He says. When he sees my face he says, "Hey D what's wrong? Why do you look like you're ready to kill?" He looks at everyone in the room and sees Justin crying. "What's going on?"

"Nothing! We'll be at the meeting on time. Just give us a few minutes to talk, ok." Nick said walking over to Tommy.

"No. Something is going on and I want to know what it is." Tommy insisted.

"It's kind of private." Nick informed Tommy.

"I know what this is about. It's about Justin and Brian isn't it?" Tommy asks looking at me.

"It's personal and we need to talk alone." Nick tells Tommy.

"Bullshit. This is dealing with my little brother so nothing is personal. If this little asshole has hurt Donny in any way his ass is mine." Tommy yells. He walks over to me. "D. Come on. Let's get out of here." Tommy grabs my arm and begins to pull me to the door.

"Donny please don't leave me." Justin begs.

"Shut the hell up Justin. You don't deserve someone like him. All he did was love you and you used him. Just stay away from him do you hear me." Tommy yells.

The whole time I didn't take my eye's off of Justin. As Tommy began to drag me through the door my anger began to soften. I could see the hurt in Justin's eyes. But before I could say anything, Tommy had me out the door and down the hall. He opened the door to the room he was sharing with Keith. He pulled me into the room and sat me down in one of the chairs in the room. Keith came out of the bathroom to see me sitting in his room. "Hey D? Whatch'a doin in here?"

"I was right. That little fucker was using him." Tommy answered for me.

"Whatch'a talkin about?" Keith asked Tommy.

"Remember I told you guys that Justin was just using Donny to make Brian jealous? Well I was right." Tommy said angrily.

"Hold on. How did this all happen?"

"I went over to their room to tell them that we had a meeting and when I walked in, Justin was crying and Donny looked like he was ready to kill."

"What does that have to do with Justin still messin with Brian?"

"Isn't it obvious? Donny did what I asked him to do and asked Nick about Justin sleeping with guys to make Brian jealous. Nick must have told him and he confronted Justin and Justin confessed." Tommy stated angrily.

Keith walked over to me and asked, "Donny, is that what happen?"

I didn't answer. All I could do was sit there and think of what Justin told me. And the more I thought about it the angrier I got.

"See! He's not even talking. What else could it be?" Tommy asked.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come on guys, meeting in Kevin's room now." Jonny called from the hall.

"We don't have time for this. Donny, can you make it through the meeting?" Keith asks.

I nod my head yes. We headed out of the room and headed down to Kevin's room. Keith knocked on the door and Kevin let us in.

The door to our room had just closed and as it did Justin fell to his knees and cried out, "Oh God, I've lost him."

Lance and Nick walked over to Justin to try and comfort him. "You haven't lost him Justin. He just needs some time to take this all in. He loves you." Said Nick.

"Yeah, Nick is right. He'll be back." Lance added in.

"You guys didn't see the anger and the hatred he had in his eye's. When he looked at me I didn't even see one ounce of love there." Justin told them as he continued to cry.

"Justin. You just told him that Brian has been abusing you. How did you think he was going to react?" Lance asked Justin.

"I didn't think he would hate me."

"Do you really think that anger is towards you?" Nick asked Justin. Justin nodded his head. Nick turned Justin so he could look him in the face. "Justin. I don't know Donny like Tommy or, Joe or, or Keith or even you, but I have gotten to know him over the last year and I don't think he could hate anyone especially you."

"Justin. He was upset or angry but I doubt it's at you." Lance told Justin confidently.

"You guys didn't see the look he had in his eyes. When he looked at me there was no love there. Just anger." Justin told them.

"Justin, I'm angry. But I'm not angry with you. My anger is for Brian and some at Nick for hiding this from me." Lance said as he looked up at Nick for a second. "Just give him some time to think. When he has some time to let it all sink in, he will be here for you. Just don't think he hates you. OK?"

"But..." Justin started to protest when there was a knock on the door.

The door was still partly open so when Jonny knocked on the door he stuck his head in the door and said, "Hey guys. Come on down to Kevin's room. You're late for the meeting." After he said what he needed to say he pulled his head back out the door and went to the next room.

"Justin we have to go to this meeting. Go in the bathroom and try and calm down, ok?" Lance told Justin.

Justin got up and did what he was told. While he was there Nick asked Lance, "What are we going to do? Justin is really messed up and the guys are going to start asking questions. What are we going to tell them."

"Not only that but what is Donny going to do? I mean Justin was right. He was pissed."

"Do you think he was pissed at Justin?" Nick asked worried.

"No. I really do think it's at Brian. But the thing is how are we going to keep him form saying anything about it when he sees Brian?"

"As pissed as he was, who's to say he wont attack Brian for what he's done? I mean he jumped all down my throat when he thought one of us had hurt him when we were messing with him earlier. What do you think he will do knowing not only Brian did this to him, but it's not the first time?" Nick stated.

"I really don't know, cause I want to kick his ass for this too. But I can't believe something like this was happening and I didn't see it." Lance said.

"If I hadn't of seen it for myself, I don't think I would have known. So don't feel bad ok baby?" Nick told Lance as he put his arms around his lover's waist.

Just then Justin came out of the bathroom looking a little better then he did when he went in. Nick and Lance saw him and moved towards him. "Do you think you can handle this meeting?" Lance asked Justin as he put his hand on his shoulder.

Justin nodded his head and started for the door. Nick watched him as he went out the door. "I hope he can do this. Because all we need is for the guys to start asking questions. What are we going to tell them?"

"We'll cross the bridge when we get to it." Lance said as he followed Justin out of the door.

When we walked in we saw that AJ, Howie, Joe, Joey, and Chris was already there. We all took a seat and Tommy and Keith began to talk along with the others. Joe came over to me and sat down next to me. "Hey buddy what's going on with ya?"

I shook my head and said, "Nothing!"

Joe looked me in my face. When he looked into my eyes he knew right away I was lying. All he could see was hurt and anger. "Donny you are lying to me. Why?" I looked away from him trying to hold back the tears that I had been holding ever since Justin told me about what Brian had did to him. After getting myself under control I looked back at Joe who had sat waiting for me to answer. "What's going D?"

I was about to tell him what had happen when JC, Brian, and Jonny walked through the door. When I saw him the pure rage I had for him at the time doubled. You could almost feel the anger coming from my skin. Joe turned to see what had caused me to get so mad and saw Brian and JC sitting together.

Tommy was watching me from across the room. He looked at me and then at Brian. He could see the anger and knew that he had to watch me to make sure I didn't do anything.

Joe who was really confused kept looking back a forth from Brian and me. He finally asked, "Donny, why are you so pissed with Brian?"

I never broke the stare I was giving Brian. The whole time I would look into those blue eyes and want to pull them out for what he had done to Justin.

"OK guys. As soon as Lance, Nick, and Justin get here, we will start the meeting." Jonny said which broke me out of my death glare.

Just then Nick, Lance, and Justin walked in. I looked up and when I saw him I softened. The anger was still there but seeing him calmed me down. Joe and Tommy saw this. I stood up to go speak to him when Tommy came over and stopped me. "NO. Don't do this now."

I looked at Tommy and could see the worry in his eye. Then I looked back at Justin and could see how hurt he was. He hadn't looked at me yet but saw JC and Brian sitting together.

In response to what Tommy had said, I sat down. When I sat down I looked up to see Lance watching me. He was worried. He gave me a questioning look and I kind of nodded. He gave me a smile and sat down.

"Ok. Now that everyone is here we can get started." Jonny started. "First off, I heard about what happen to you guys at the studio today. I don't know how the fans found out but we will try to keep stuff like that as quiet as possible."

"What happen?" Asked Howie.

"Well when we got ready to leave there were about 50 girls outside waiting for us." Tommy told him.

"I don't know what was worse. The 50 girls outside waiting to get a piece of us and we weren't allowed to go talk to them or that fat bastard we had to ride with on the way back." Keith added.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jonny, not knowing we had to ride back with Lou Pearlman.

"Well, the limo we had come in was surrounded and being that we had no one to help us out to the car, one of the interns led us out to a limo that was waiting in the back. Well, when we got in the car, a jolly old fat man was waiting for us. And I don't mean Santa Clause." Joe told everyone.

"Who was in the car?" Kevin asked, even though he already had and idea of who they were talking about.

"Who else but Lou Pearlman." Joe answered Kevin.

"What did he want?" Kevin asked angrily.

"The same old stuff. That he could make us stars and that we should sign with him." Keith answered this time.

"He didn't have you sign anything did he?" Jonny asked Keith.

"Hell no. I wouldn't sign shit from him or anyone who works for him." Tommy informed Jonny.

"And that's not the worst part. The ass tried to get Donny to leave us and go solo." Joe informed everyone.

Everyone began to talk at once. No one in that room had any kind of respect for Lou at all. At one time they all worked with him. All but Britney and us. But we where there when they found out how he had been stealing from the Backstreet Boys and Nsync. When we found out we knew that we couldn't have him as our manager. We had yet to sign on a manager but Jonny had been acting as our manager up to this point.

After everyone started to calm down, Jonny spoke. "Well first of all, we have got to get you a security detail. That way you wont be tricked into a car with someone else. I mean I know you guys don't really like Lou but it could have been a nut case or something."

"As far as I'm concerned it was a nut case." JC said as he stood up from Brian's lap.

"Never the less, we need to get you protected. I will make some calls and get the best money can buy." Said Jonny.

"Nope. Already taken." Said Chris as he pointed to the door which had some of the biggest guys known to man, standing out side of it.

Everyone laughed. Everyone but Justin and me. As a matter of fact we didn't hear much and anything they just said. I remember someone saying something about a limo and then something about a jolly old fat man and then about the best money could buy, but not much else up to this point. All I could think, hear and see was Justin. How he had been going through so much and I was thinking that he was using me. At that point I started to be angry again.

I would look up at Justin and could see the sadness in his face. I would look down and he would look at me and see sadness and anger. Who the anger was for, he wasn't sure. At one point Justin and I made eye contact. At first we both looked away. But we looked at each other and didn't break it this time. I could see that he was unsure of what I was feeling but there was nothing I could do at that point. I could see that all he needed was reassurance and I didn't know how to give it to him right then, but it was killing me to see him like that.

Jonny finally got control of the room again and continued to speak, which made Justin and I break our stare. "Ok guys, this is what is going on tonight. First off, you guys need to go and do a sound check." Jonny said looking at the guys of Flavva. "Everyone had done theirs already so you need to do that as soon as we get out of this meeting. Second, tonight is going to be crazy. MTV is tapping the party and they are going to air it next week."

"Wow! MTV is going to air our party?" Joe asked stunned.

"Yes! I mean you guys are that popular. The single you did for the movie `Rush Hour' went 3 times platinum. The first single off your CD sold a record breaking 375,000 copies the first week. You have been on the top three on TRL with these guys. You even made it to number one beating the Backstreet Boys and Nsync a few times. So of course they want to tape the party." Jonny explained.

"Man. I didn't realize it was happening so fast." Keith said.

"And it just the beginning. You guys have a great album and you are going to be all over the place." Jonny informed us.

"Wait till you get the first check." Said AJ.

"Ok! Enough of that." Jonny said trying to get control again. "I have been told that we have to cut some of the performances out. So, Nsync will do `Bye bye bye.' Backstreet, you guys will be doing Show me the meaning."

"Why all the cuts?" Lance asks.

"Well one is because we don't want you guy to be the main focus. We are trying to focus on Flavva. Second, there are going to be quit a few other people performing tonight." Jonny told him.

"Will Britney still perform?" Joey asks.

"Yeah, she is still performing. As a matter of fact she should be back from her sound check soon." Jonny answers. "Anymore questions about tonight?"

"Who's all going to be there?" Joe asks.

"There are going to be a lot of people there. From music and actors. But performing there is all of you guys of course, plus, Christina Aguilera, Destiny's Child, TLC, Blink 182, Mary J. Blige, Hanson, Eric Bonnet and Tamia, and this new girl by the name of Pink. And there is also a surprise guess coming too."

"This is going to be off the hinges." Keith said excitedly.

Everyone began to get up and head out of the room. Just before we got to the door Jonny said, "Oh by the way guys. Most of your families are here all ready, so we put their names at the door. Is there anyone you guys want to add? If so the time is now." Keith, Tommy, Joe, and Lance all looked at me. They, along with Justin and Nick, knew that my mother didn't approve of me going into the entertainment business. And because she didn't approve, had said that she wouldn't allow my brothers or sisters to come and see me perform.

"No. There isn't anyone else we want to add." Joe said still looking at me.

We started out of the room again and Jonny called me back in. "Hey Donny. Can I speak with you for a moment?"

I stop where I was and turn around to head back into the room. When I did I ran right into Justin. We both said, "excuse me." He looks at me with the saddest eyes and then steps around me and goes out the door. When he closes the door he leans up against it. He lets out a big sigh.

He leans off the door and starts to our room but is stopped. "Where do you think you are going?"

Justin turns to the familiar voice. "What are you talking about? I'm going to my room."

"I don't think so."

"And who are you to stop me?" Justin asks getting angry.

"I'm not going to let you get back in his heart so you can shred it up again."

"Tommy what are you talking about?" Justin asks not really knowing what Tommy is talking about.

"I know what you did to him and I'm not going to let you do it ever again." Tommy told Justin.

Justin turned white as a ghost. He thought that not only did Donny tell Tommy what Brian had been doing to him but they had taken Brian's side on he whole thing. "It's not my fault."

"Bullshit! You used him. Donny loved you and you used him." Tommy almost screamed at Justin.

Justin was a little confused now. He didn't think he had used Donny. Lied to him yes. Hurt him, yes. But never used him. But then again he may have. "I never meant..."

"You never meant for him to find out. That's what you meant."

"Shut the hell up!" Yelled Nick. "You have no idea what you are talking about."

"The hell I don't. Your little friend here fucked over Donny and it's going to stop now."

"You don't have a clue to what is really going on." Nick said as he grabbed Justin and began to lead him to his room.

"I don't, huh? How close does this sound? The little blonde bitch here was fucking with Donny just so he could make Brian jealous. But Donny found out about it and doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. Tell me when I say something wrong?"

"Your wrong." I say from behind him. "You are so wrong. Your not even close."

"Donny?" Tommy says surprised to see me behind him. "I didn't know you were there.

"Apparently!" I say stepping out of the door and over to Justin. I look him in the eye and say, "I'm sorry."

Justin looks at me and sees the love and remorse I have in my eyes. He slings his arms around me. "I'm so glad you're not angry with me anymore."

"Donny! You can't forgive him just like that. He used you and he still will if you forgive him."

"Why don't you shut the hell up? You don't know what you are talking about. You have been wrong from jump." Says Lance.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for forgiving me. I am so sorry. I never meant for you to find out. I never wanted you to know about this." Cried Justin.

"There is nothing to be sorry for Justin. You did nothing wrong." Said Nick from behind us.

Justin pulls out of the embrace to look me in the face. "He's right. You did nothing wrong."

"Then why were you so angry with me?"

"Look guys. I already know what's going on here, somewhat. But unless you want everyone to know, I think you better go into my room here." Jonny tells us as he points to his room.

I reach for Justin's hand. He looks at me with a loving look but also scared one. I look in his eyes and smile. When he sees the love in them he takes my hand and we head for Jonny's room.

Once we are all in the room Jonny says, "Ok guys. We have a little more privacy. Justin are you sure you want to talk about this with all the guys here?"

"Mostly everyone here already knows what happened." Justin answers.

"But now maybe you will tell us the true." Says Tommy smugly.

"Shut the hell up!" Nick and Lance say in unison.

"But first I have to talk to Donny." Justin says just ignoring Tommy totally. "Donny. I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I love you so much. I didn't tell you what was going on because I didn't want you to hate me."

"Justin I could never hate you." I tell him lovingly.

"I can't even take you being mad at me. It killed me to see that anger in you eyes when you found out. I've never seen you that angry and the fact that it was me you were mad at."

"I wasn't angry at you."

"But when I told you what happen you got so pissed?"

"Yeah, I was angry but not at you." I tell him as I take him in my arms. "Justin, I was angry at Nick for not telling me. I was angry with Brian for doing this to you. But mostly I was angry at myself."

"Why would you be angry with yourself?" Tommy asks from behind me.

"I was angry with myself because I didn't know what was going on. I was suppose to be your friend and I never saw any of the signs. I was around you for over a year and not once did I see anything. I was in love with you and I never knew you were being hurt."

"Being hurt? What the hell are you guys talking about?" Tommy asks not knowing what we had been talking about.

"There is no way you could have known. The only reason Nick knew was because he witnessed it himself. I don't think any of the guys knew. There is no way Joey, Lance, Chris, or JC for that matter would have let me stay with him."

"You're damn right." Lance says a little pissed.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Tommy asks, being the only one who really didn't now what was going on.

"Brian has been abusing Justin." Jonny tells Tommy bluntly.


"Jonny you knew about this?" Lance asks.

"Yeah. I knew."

I let go of Justin to look at Jonny. "You knew and you did nothing to stop it?"

"What could I have done? Anything I would have done could have pushed them closer together."

"How could you trying to get Justin out of danger push them closer together?" Lance asks what I was thinking.

"Most of you know how much Justin loved Brian. I was afraid that if I tried to break them up, that Justin would be a typical teenager and want to be with him even more." Jonny explains.

"But how did you know? I didn't know until I saw it for myself." Asks Nick.

"It's my business to know what's going on with you guys. Justin had Nancy from makeup helping him hide the marks. Of course he told her he had fallen or something stupid like that. Being that she had gone through some of the same things, she came to me and told me what she had been doing and what she thought was really going on. When I found out I didn't know what to do so I just watched and made sure it didn't get to out of control. And for a minute there I though Justin had lost his mind, but when Donny came into the picture I knew he was going to be ok. I knew from day one that Justin and Donny would be together and I couldn't be happier about it."

"Baby, I'm sorry. I never meant for you to blame yourself for something I did." Justin tells me.

"You did nothing wrong. Brian did, by hurting you. And I did by not trusting you and not seeing the hurt you were going through." I tell him as I lightly rub his face with the back of my fingers.

"Look Justin, I'm sorry. I had no idea you were going through that. If I had known..."

"If you had known we would have all known and done something about it." Lance adds in.

"He's right. I really do like you Justin and I didn't mean to make matters worse by filling Donny's head with that nonsense." Tommy tells him.

"We love you Justin. I love you and I am sorry." I say again.

"That's all I want. Is for you to love me and hold me." Justin says feeling better knowing that we all didn't blame him.

"Well I do and will." I say as I lean in to kiss Justin. Our lips meet and it feels like the first time we kissed. But this time there was more love there then before, if that is possible.

Just as we were getting into the kiss nice and good. AJ comes in the room. "Hey Jonny, I need to ask you... Holly shit. What the fuck is going on here?"

Kevin stands up and heads to his door because someone knocks on his door. He opens the door and there stands his cousin. "Hey Brian. Come on in." He lets Brian into his room. "What do I owe the pleasure cuz?"

"I need to talk to you. Is Howie here?" Brian asks looking around.

"No. He is with AJ and Joey. Why? What's going on?" Brian sits on the couch and waits for his cousin to sit down. Kevin sits across from him and says, "Ok now what's going on?"

"I have two more to go."

"What do you mean?" Kevin asks his cousin.

"What I mean is, I have to more guys to go through before I quit this game I started."

"Two more? Who?" Kevin asks a little confused.

"Nick and Donny."

"You said you were going to leave Nick out of this." Kevin stated.

"I was, before he turned on me." Brian says.

"All he did was tell you that Justin didn't want to be with you anymore. How is that turning on you?" Kevin asks him.

"First off, that's not all he did. After we got back I tried to talk to Justin and he interfered. I was this close getting Justin back in my bed and he fucked it up for me." Brian lied.

"Haven't you done enough? You slept with Justin and JC. You got Joe drunk.

And had him give you a blowjob. You got Lance drunk and slept with him. But you didn't stop there. You blackmailed him into making out with JC. As if that wasn't enough pain for Nick to go through, you want to included him in your little escapade?"

"Yep. He has to pay for what he did." Brian says with an evil look on his face.

"Look Brian. It was one thing when you were messing with JC and the others, but now you are messing with our group. Our Family." Kevin says trying to get Brian to change his mind.

"Nick choose to side with Justin and that bitch boyfriend of his. Once he did that, all bets were off. All I have to do now it get him and that Donny bitch in bed then I can concentrate on my wife."

"And just how are you going to do that. Donny had a thing for Justin and well we both know that Nick and Lance are working things out. If you had done this when Nick first found JC and Lance it would have been easier but now I'm not to sure."

"True. But I have a plane and I need your help for it to work?" Brian tells his cousin.

"AJ. What are you doing here?" Jonny asks as Justin and I break apart.

"What did I just walk in on?" He asks. Everyone looks around not knowing what to say. "I asked a question. What is going on here?"

"It's not what you think." Starts Nick.

"What I think is that my best friends boyfriend is making out with someone else and you knew about it."

"First of all. I'm no longer Brian's boyfriend. He saw to that when he slept with my best friend."

"Shut the fuck up. You haven't been separated from Brian that long and you already fucking around with this, thing already."

"AJ if you have a problem with me, handle it." I say pulling away from Justin.

"My problem isn't with you. It's with the little slut Justin." AJ says.

I move towards him ready to take his head off when Tommy jumps in front of me and Justin grabs my arm. "You better watch your mouth. Before it gets you hurt."

"And who's going to hurt me? You? Please!" Laughs AJ.

"You know what? This is going to stop. Tommy, get Donny out of here. You guys have a sound check you need to get too. Nick and Lance take Justin to his room. AJ, I suggest you go to your room or do something and cool off." Instructs Jonny.

"Yeah, Tommy. Get that bitch out of here before he gets himself hurt."

"You know what AJ? Bite me! Ok?" I tell him in an angered state.

Tommy pulls me out of the room and Nick, Lance, and Justin follow us. "You need to calm down. Do you know what just happen? AJ saw you and Justin. That means soon Brian will know. And he can be off this tour before it even starts." Tommy reminds me.

"Oh shit! I forgot about that." I say realizing what just happen.

Justin walks up to me and grabs my face with both of his hands gently and made me look him in the eye. "Baby! Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? How can I not? After tonight, it may be forever before I see you. Brian can have us packed and gone before we get to the Limo."

"Babe! Don't worry. Lance has everything under control." Justin says as he plants a quick kiss on my lips.

"How?" I asked a little nervous.

"That's what I needed to see Justin about. I made a few calls and got you protected. Brian can't get you kicked off the tour without all of the Backstreet Boys permission. And you don't have to worry about Nick. He would never let that happen. Would you, babe?" Lance calmly explains.

"Nope. Besides, Lance wouldn't let me." Nick says playfully.

"Not to mention, if they do it will cost them so much money that he will have a hard time getting the other to agree." Justin added.

"How much money we talkin here?" Nick asks.

"A lot." Answers Lance. "And it's not just you guys. If anyone is asked to leave this tour and they haven't broken their contract then its going to cost the person who asked for them to leave a lot of money."

"So what you're saying is that if Justin wanted to get Britney off the tour, then not only would the rest of Nsync have to agree, but they would have to pay her to leave?" Tommy asks not really sure how this is working.

"That's it. See the deal is that we all are going to make a great deal of money off of this tour. We have some of the biggest names in pop and people are going to be paying a lot of money and we stand to make a lot. When we signed on we were guaranteed a certain amount of money and that is what you will get at the expense of the people who want you to leave the tour." Lance explains in detail.

"So see. You have nothing to worry about. We don't have to hide from Brian. There is nothing he can do to us." Justin assures me.

I smile at him and put my arms around his waist. I pulled him close to me and leaned in to kiss him. Just as we were about to kiss, Tommy interrupts us. "I hate to break you guys up and all but Donny we have to go. We have to go to sound check and then get back here to get ready."

"I know. I just don't want to leave just yet." I tell him.

"I know but we have to go. Now! Come on!" Tommy instructs me as he pulls me away from Justin and down the hall.

"I'll come with you." Says Justin as he begins to run after us.

"No you wont." Orders Lance as he grabs Justin by the arm. "We need to talk."

Justin gives in before he even started to put up a fight. Because when he saw the look in Lance's green eyes, he knew he had better stay. "Ok! Ok! Just hurry back ok?"

"I will back as soon as I can. Love you!" I say just as the door to the elevator open.

"Hey! Wait up! I need to talk to you guys so I'll go down with you to the car." States Nick. He kisses Lance and whispers to him, "I'll be right back. There is something I need to tell them."

"OK! I'll be in Justin's room." Lance informs Nick.

Nick runs down the hall and into the elevator just as the doors were closing. As Nick is catching his breath he says, "Guys there is something I need to tell you."

"What?" Tommy asks not know what he was going to hear this time.

"Look! I know that you guys are real close to Keith and Joe but they can't know about what happen up there, ok?"

"Why not? They know something was going on. Why can't they know?" Tommy asks. " I mean it's out there now. What's the big deal?

"The big deal is that Justin didn't want anyone to know. That's how all this got started. And to be honest Tommy, you weren't even supposed to know. You only found out because you forced it out. If you hadn't of been trying to..."

Tommy cut Nick off. "I know. I messed up and I was wrong. I feel bad enough already."

"You were only looking out for Donny. I understand that." Nick tells Tommy. "So I have to ask you. Will you not tell the others until Justin has at least told the guys of Nsync?" We both nod our heads yes. Just as we do the elevator stops and the doors open. We see Joe and Keith waiting in the lobby. We start walking towards them and Nick says, "Thanks guys. And have good sound check." The doors close and he is on his way back up.

We walk over to the others and they give me a weird look. "Are you all right?" Joe asks.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." I honestly answer.

"Are you sure? You weren't even talking earlier. What's going on?" Keith asks wondering how I could go from not talking to all grill.

"I can't go into it right now." I tell him

"And why not?" He asks wanting an explanation.

"Because we have to be at the club in 10 minutes to do the sound check, and we need focus on that right now." Tommy intervenes.

"We're not going anywhere until I know what is going on." Keith demands. "I mean at one moment you look like you lost your best friend and ready to kill and now your look like you just won the lottery."

"Yeah! What was going on in that meeting? You and Justin seemed to not be talking and you looked as if you could kill Brian. Was what Tommy said true?" Joe adds in.

"No! I was totally wrong about that. I should have never said anything about that." Tommy answers for me.

"Then what's going on?" Keith asks getting annoyed.

"Look guys. I can't tell you right now, ok? Just be patient and I will tell you when the time is right. I promise!"

They unwillingly agree and we head to the car waiting for us outside.

"Ok, Justin. We need to talk." Says Lance as he closes the door behind him.

"What do we need to talk about Lance. Everything is fine now." Says Justin as he sits on his bed.

"Everything's fine? Is that what you think? Just because Donny isn't mad at you, you think everything is fine? What about the fact that Brian has been abusing you? What about the fact that you hid it from us? Not to mention, JC is messing around with him now. What if he starts to do JC the same way? Could you live with yourself knowing JC is going through what you had to go through? And what about the other guys? They need to know what was going on." Lance asks getting angry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think about all that." Justin says shamefully.

"No shit! I mean come on Justin. How are we going to tell the guys? They aren't going to be too happy about this. Hell, I'm not happy about it." Lance says a little more calmly.

"I know. That's why I was thinking. Do we really have to tell them?" Justin asks softly.

"You're kidding me, right?" Lance asks shocked.

"Hear me out." Justin started to explain his reasons. "If we tall the guys they are not going to be all over Brian. And that could cause some tension between his group and us. Not to mention Donny. I can keep him under control as long as he doesn't have anyone to edge him on. All he would need is for the guys to be all over Brian and he would be right there with them."

"But what about JC? He could be in danger." Lance reminds Justin.

"First off, JC wouldn't take it like I did. At least I hope. Second, I will keep my eyes open. I know what Brian does and if I see anything I will let everyone know. Third, if we try and break them up, that is only going to push them together more. Trust me I know."

"Fine! We'll do this your way, but if JC gets hurt it will be your fault." Just then there is a knock on the door. Lance goes to the door to open it. "I'll get it. It must be Nick. I told I was going to be here talking to you.

Lance opens the door, not to find Nick at the door but AJ. AJ pushes past the door and comes in. "I need to speak with Justin." He demands.

"What do you want AJ? Don't you think you said enough the first time?" Justin says standing up as AJ comes into the room.

"Look Justin. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I'm just looking out for Brian as Lance here is looking out for you."

"Ok! You're forgiven." Says Justin, understanding why AJ had done what he did.

"Thanks!" AJ pauses before he asks what is really on his mind. "Justin is it really over between you and Brian?"

"Totally! From the very beginning he has done nothing but hurt me. Me finding him with JC was just all I could take." Justin told AJ.

"But you forgave JC. Why can't you forgive Brian?"

"AJ, there are a lot of things you don't know about. And a lot of thing you think I don't know. Like I know that Brian slept with Joe and Jordan Knight. Drew and Nick Lachey. I even saw him pushing up on Ricky Martin. I even know about Genuwine and countless others Brian have had sex with. Not to mention the countless fans he has had." Justin informed AJ and Lance. Lance was getting a little nervous

"But how..." AJ started.

"How did I know? I'm not stupid. People talk. And before you think Nick told me, he didn't. Hell, half of the things I know he doesn't even know. But the things he does know about, he never told me. I even asked him and he never told me. And I respected that. But there were others who knew and told me. I know there are some I don't even know about. But that doesn't matter anymore. Because I have moved on. When I found him with JC, that just gave me a reason to leave. I haven't been in love with Brian for awhile." Justin told AJ bitterly.

"So why did you stay with him?" AJ asked still in shock.

"I stayed out of fear."

"Fear? Fear of what?" AJ asked.

"That's not something I want to talk about." Justin responded sadly. "Besides, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm not with him and I'm with someone I really love."

"Love? How could you love him? How long have you two been fucking a round?" AJ questions.

"Not long."

"Then how can you say you love him already?"

"Do you remember that day Donny and the guys won the talent show and Brian and me got into an argument before the show?" AJ nodded yes. "Well the reason Brian was so pissed, was because I had been watching the tape of them performing. He accused me of having a `thing' for one of them. I denied it but he was right. From the time I say him I was in love with Donny. There was something about him that I fell in love with."

"So you have been cheating on Brian since then?" AJ asked.

"No. Even though we got close I never acted on my feelings." Justin told AJ. "Donny became my best friend. We hung out, played ball, talked, but nothing else. Brian didn't like us kichin' it but hell I had to be with him some how. And the more we hung out the more I fell for him."

"So he started it. I knew he couldn't be trusted." AJ hissed.

"He didn't start anything. Brian did." Justin yelled. "The night I caught him in bed with JC was the night I acted on how I felt. I was just glad he felt the same."

AJ shook his head and mumbled under his breath. "Figures."

Justin had heard him. And it pissed him off. "What the hell does that mean."

"I have had my eye on him. And I think he is with you for the money and the things you can do for his career." AJ spat.

"What?" Both Justin and Lance ask at the same time.

"The whole time while he was in Orlando, he stayed in a hotel. Who paid for it? When we all offered to let them all stay with one of us he said no." AJ started.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Lance asked.

"He got the BMW not to long after being there. Where did he get the money?" AJ added.

"So. They had just got paid for the single the did for `Rush Hour' and maybe he had paid for it with that." Justin defended.

"Don't be naïve Justin. You know that had to pay for the video and other things at the time. And back then Lou was running the show. Do you really think he would have given them all their money?"

"But what's that got to do with me?" Justin asked getting fed up with this whole thing.

"Look Justin. I just want you to be careful. I don't want you to be used. Because even if you aren't with Brian I don't want you to get hurt."

"I appreciate that." Justin walks over to AJ and gives him a huge.

"But do me a favor ok?" AJ asks as he pulls out of the hug.


"Just be careful. I don't trust Donny and I think he is after your money."

"Fine, I will. But I know you're wrong. He isn't like that."

AJ heads for the door. "Just watch your back." As he opens the door, Nick is standing there getting ready to knock on the door. "Hey Nicky boy."

"What are you doing here?" Nick asks as he walks into the room.

"Just had to have a little talk with Justin and smooth things out." AJ told him and winked and Justin. AJ then walked out the door and closed it behind him.

Nick walked over to Lance and wrapped his arms around his waist and placed a kiss on his lips. "Did you miss me?"

"Nope!" Lance replied jokingly.

"Well fuck you then." Nick said knowing Lance was playing a round with him.

"That's for later on." Lance said seductively. "But before we do that you have to help me convince Curly to tell the guys what Brian did.

"Why should he?" Nick asked

"So they can know what has been going on. And so that if it starts with JC we can be there for him unlike we were for Justin."

"I'm not telling them." Justin said letting them know that he heard what they had been talking about.

"Why not? The really do need to know." Nick insisted.

"Why do they need to know? You guys know and Donny and Jonny and Tommy all know. Why must more people know how weak I am?" Justin asked frustrated.

"First, you are not weak. For you to have put up with this as long as you did, you are far from weak. Second, they need to know cause they love you. And because they love you they have a right to know. Not to judge you, but to show you that they are here for you. To help you and support you." Nick explained to him.

"OK! OK. I will tell them. But I want Donny here with me when I do."

Lance smiled and said, "Fine! When Donny and the guys get back I will call a meeting and you can tell them."

"Thanks Lance. Oh and Nick. I need you here too. JC may not believe me and you are the only person who actually saw Brian."

"No problem. I will be here for you always." Justin walked over to Nick and hugged him. He knew this was going to be hard.

While standing outside the door he had just come out of, he began to walk to his own room. "Good work. Maybe that will get things started."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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