Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Jul 20, 2001


Hello everyone. I hope you are still interested in my story. I know it takes me forever to get each chapter out but I have been kind of busy and it doesn't look like I am going to be slowing down any time soon. But when I can, I will write as much as I can. I wrote this chapter pretty quick. So bare with me.

I want to thank those of you who emailed me to let me know you still wanted me to write more. That helps motivate me to find time to write. A special thanks goes out to Shawn. You helped keep me wanting to write. I know I told you I was going to let you proofread it but I found someone who would do it and get it done sooner. Thanks for the offer though. I may need your help in the future. I real big thanks goes out to Mar. Man, the things you caught I would have never seen. THANK YOU! Also I want to thank JM. You are the reason I started this story. I know in the beginning it seemed like I was coping you but I never meant to do that. I did make changes and will continue to do so. You are one of the best authors out there today, and I never meant any disrespect. I'm sorry. If you think I am coping you at any time, let me know and I will stop the story.

Stories I recommend...

Brian and Justin

Jamies Romance

Nick and Justin

The One

Nick and the Altos

Josh and Just

Nsync: Lance and JC

Kevin and Justin

Model Romance

And many others!

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying that any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrity mentioned is gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. They were written by someone else for Brandy, Dru Hill and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them.

Last thing. I am a big fan of someone that is mentioned in this chapter. He/she will be mentioned again but no I don't know the person. I have met them but that's all.

Last time....

"I'm not telling them." Justin said letting them know that he heard what they had been talking about.

"Why not? The really do need to know." Nick insisted.

"Why do they need to know? You guys know and Donny and Jonny and Tommy all know. Why must more people know how weak I am?" Justin asked frustrated.

"First, you are not weak. For you to have put up with this as long as you did, you are far from weak. Second, they need to know cause they love you. And because they love you they have a right to know. Not to judge you, but to show you that they are here for you. To help you and support you." Nick explained to him.

"OK! OK. I will tell them. But I want Donny here with me when I do."

Lance smiled and said, "Fine! When Donny and the guys get back I will call a meeting and you can tell them."

"Thanks Lance. Oh and Nick. I need you here too. JC may not believe me and you are the only person who actually saw Brian."

"No problem. I will be here for you always." Justin walked over to Nick and hugged him. He knew this was going to be hard.

While standing outside the door he had just come out of, he began to walk to his own room. "Good work. Maybe that will get things started."

And now

Chapter 8

The sound check had gone good. It didn't take but an hour. The ride back to the hotel went fine. We were all excited about tonight. As we got out of the limo, there were girls standing outside of the hotel. "Man, I hope they are here for the others and not here for us," stated Joe as the limo came to a stop.

"I do. Cause I see a few I would like to talk to" said Keith.

"I know what you mean," agreed Tommy.

"If they do know us then how are we going to get into the hotel? That is way more girls than at the studio," I questioned.

Just then Lonnie, Jimmy, and Rocky, Nsync's bodyguards, came to the car. "OK guys. Come with us," ordered Lonnie.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Tommy as they began to lead us to the front door. And good thing they were there because most of the girls knew who we were and wanted to get to us. Once we were inside they led us to the elevator. "How did you guys know we needed your help?"

"It's our job," stated Lonnie.

"I thought you guys were paid to protect Justin and the guys?" I asked.

"Well, we have been asked to protect you as well, at least until they can find security for you guys. Until then, I am responsible for Justin and you. Jimmy will take care of Joe and Lance and Rocky will take Keith and Joey," explained Lonnie.

"What about me? Who do I get?" Tommy wondered.

"Well it looks like you will be sharing Sam with JC." Lonnie informed him.

"Why Sam and not Ricky?" Tommy questioned.

"Because Ricky has a hard time keeping up with Chris. He couldn't handle the both of you," said Jimmy.

"Are you saying I'm a problem child or something?" Tommy said, feeling a little insulted.

They all chuckled a little and Rocky responded to his question, "No! You are not the problem, Chris is."

Just then the elevator doors opened and we all got in. We went to our floor and the bodyguards went on to do what they were paid to do. We started for our rooms. I followed Tommy and Keith to there room. They turned to me and said, "Can we help you? Don't you have a room of your own to go to?"

"Yeah but before I go I need to do something and I was wondering if I could use your room," I told them.

"Why don't you use your own room?" Tommy asked as he let me into the room.

I walked in but didn't close the door. "There is something I need to do and Justin can't know about it."

"Hey Lance, do you think they are back yet?" Justin asked Lance for like the tenth time.

Lance pulled out of a kiss he and Nick were sharing and answered, "For the 100th time Justin I don't know. Why don't you go find out?"

Justin looked at Lance and Nick. "Am I getting on your nerves?"

"Yes!" both replied simultaneously.

Justin got a big smile on his face. "Look guys, I just want to see Donny, is that so bad?"

"No. Why don't you go check with Lonnie? From what I was told by Jonny, Lonnie and the guys are going to be taking on the guys of Flavva until he can get them their own security." Lance informed his bandmate and brother.

"Ok, fine. I will. I'm going to see if they have come back yet," Justin said as he headed for the door. "But you guys keep your clothes on. No naked bodies on my bed." Nick picked up a pillow and threw it at Justin but Justin got out the door before it hit him. He made his way to the security table at the elevator. There at the table was Hotel security. "Excuse me but, do you know where Lonnie is?"

Before the guy could answer Justin heard someone behind him say, "You looking for me?"

Justin turned around and said, "Where did you come from?"

"I was just down the hall. I saw you when you came out of your room. What can I do for ya?" said the big man.

"Have Donny and the guys come back yet?" Justin asked the one person he trusted more than anyone outside of the guys and his family.

"Yeah, they're back."

"Do you know where he is?"

"It's my job to know where both of you are at all times." Lonnie explained.

"Can you tell me where he is?" Justin questioned.

"Yeah I could tell you where he is. But why should I?" joked Lonnie. He was a big, mean looking black guy, but had the heart of a teddy bear and loved to mess around with Justin.

"Come on Lonnie, don't play with me. I really need to talk to him," Justin said getting a little annoyed.

"He's in the hotel," Lonnie continued to tease Justin.

"Lonnie!" Justin said raising his voice a little.

"OK. He's in the room with Tommy and Keith," Lonnie gave in.

"Thanks big guy," Justin shouted as he headed for the room that held Tommy and Keith.

When he got to the door it was open. He tapped on the door to make himself known, but they must not have heard him because they kept right on talking.

"Thanks a lot. I owe you big time for this." Donny told someone. "Yeah, I will be here a few more days. Sure, but I know I will love it. Thanks again."

"He is going to kill you when he finds out what you did," stated Keith when I got off the phone.

"All the shit he has put me through he deserves it," I said in defense of what I had just done.

"Do you think Justin is going to like it?" Tommy asked.

But before I could answer Justin said, "Will I like what?"

We all turned around to see him standing there. "Justin? What are you doing here?" I asked with a surprised look on my face.

"Came to find you. What's going on?"

I turned and looked at Tommy who had a dumb look on his face. I turned back to Justin and asked, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Well I heard Keith say I was going to kill you when I found out and then Tommy asked if I was going to like it," Justin informed us.

"Justin you misunderstood," I started.

"You know, AJ told me you were using me. I told him he was crazy. But what I just walked in on proves that he may be right," Justin said angrily.

"Justin you so are wrong about that," Keith told him.

"I am? Then what's going on then?"

"Donny came in here to check up on something he was getting for you," Tommy told him getting irritated.

"Something for me?" Justin inquires.

I stand up from where I was sitting and walk over to him. "Justin, I came in here because I wanted to get you something. There is nothing I could buy you to show you how I feel about you, but I had to try."

"Where is it?" Justin asked looking around the room.

"It will be here tomorrow."

"But Keith said that I was going to kill you if I found out about it. Why would I kill you for buying me a gift?" Justin questioned.

"I wasn't talking about you Justin. I was talking about his father," Keith informed him.

"He is not my father," I responded bitterly. "He is my accountant."

"He's more then that," Tommy added jokingly.

"Either way, that is who Keith was talking about. I used some money with out clearing it up with him first. That is why he is going to kill me," I explained to Justin.

"Who is this guy and why did they call him your father?"

"Because he is always telling me what to do with my money. Like he is my father or something," I told him

"What money? You couldn't have that much money from the first single. Don't get me wrong, you got paid but to have an accountant?"

"Guys, I need to talk to Justin alone."

"Then go to your own room and talk. We aren't leaving our room," Tommy said being a pain.

"Please!" I begged.

"We'll be in the hall," said Keith as he dragged Tommy out of the room.

"Why do we always have to do what he wants? Why couldn't he go to his own room?" he complained as he was dragged out into the hall.

When they were gone, I took Justin by the hand and led him to the bed. I pulled him down on the bed to sit next to me. "Justin there is something about me you don't know."

"What is it?"

"I should have told all of you a long time ago, but I didn't because I don't want it to affect how people see me," I started.

"What do you mean? Are you sick? Are you dying? Please God, don't be dying on me," Justin said starting to panic.

"No! It's nothing like that. The thing is...I'm rich."


"My mother is Donna Thompson." I told him.

"Donna Thompson? But your last name is..."

"I know it's Gariano but my mother never took on my fathers last name. My sister and brothers all took our fathers name."

"Donna Thompson. That name sounds familiar."

"It might because she is the richest black woman in the US and the world." I told him.

"That's right. She is the one that invested in Microsoft years ago. Made millions."

"Actually, she made 11.6 billion," I said timidly.

"That's your mother? he asked skeptical.


"But she's black."

"Yeah, I know. Her mother is black but her father is white. I mean look at her. She is tall with a light complexion, light brown hair, and blue eyes."

"If I'm to believe that she is your mother, then why are you doing this?" Justin asked.

"Doing what? Singing?" I asked him. He nodded his head yes and I continued to tell him. "Because, this is what I have always wanted to do. My grandmother was a singer. That's how she met my grandfather. My mother has a wonderful voice and my father always wanted to be a singer but never followed his dream. I have grown up around music and I love it. But my mother didn't agree with me. She started her own company and she wanted me and my brothers and sister to work in the family business. But I didn't want too. So I started the group and here I am."

"So she didn't cut you off?" Justin asked starting to believe me.

"Yes, she cut me off. But the thing is, my money comes from my trust fund my grandparents set up for each of us. See my grandfather was the sun of an oil tycoon. When he married my grandmother he was cut off. And when his father died, his brother got everything. His brother never married, and never had any children. He died years later and because my grandfather was his closest living relative, he inherited the company and the money. As my grandfather got older he wanted to hand the company over to my mother and my uncle, but my mother had started her own business and it was doing good not to mention the investments she had made. So he passed the company over to my uncle. Then he set up trust funds for all his grand kids. At the time there were only 6 grand kids. He gave each of us 5 million. Well I asked for mine to invest. My mother thought that was a good idea and they let me do it. They both taught me what I need to know and when I was 16 I invested in this fiber optic company. When the company went public I made so much money I didn't need my mothers money any more."

"How much money did you make?" Justin asked still not really believing me.

"Well I cashed out and put some of it back into the stock market."

"How much?"

"Well I have about 200 million in stock and bonds. And about 350 million in liquid funds," I conceded.

"So you are telling me you are worth over 500 million dollars?" Justin asked still not convinced.

"You don't believe me do you?" I asked a little hurt.

"It's kind of hard to buy. I mean why would someone with your money want to get in this business?"

"Justin if you don't believe me you can ask the guys. If you don't believe them you can ask Jonny. I told him from the beginning. And if you still don't believe me, I can call up my accountant and you can talk to him. But Justin I would not lie to you about this. I should have told you a long time ago, but I wanted to make it on my talent and not have everyone thinking I bought my way in."

Justin looked me in my eye and could see how hurt I was by his disbelief. He took my hand and said, "I trust you. I'm sorry I even doubted you."

He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for not telling you. If I had told you, maybe what ever AJ told you wouldn't have mattered," I said.

"We have both kept secrets from each other. But we have to promise each other that we wont do that anymore," Justin told me as he took my face into his soft hands.

"I promise," he then pulled our faces together and kissed me tenderly on the lips. Nothing major, just a nice kiss to show love.

"So, I got a rich man? What did he just buy me?" Justin asked playfully.

"I want it to be a surprise," I said as I pulled him from his seat next to me and onto my lap. He put his arms around my neck. "You'll just have to wait to see."

"Please tell me. I hate waiting," pouted Justin.

"Too bad," I told him.

Just then the door opened and Tommy stuck his head in. "You guys better not be doing anything in here other than talking. Cause the room has not been christened yet and it won't be by you two horn dogs."

We laughed and told him they could come back in. As Keith came in and sat on the couch, he looked at the two of us and said, "Well it looks like you worked everything out. I'm glad you found each other. But Justin don't ever think you can't tell us something. D here is our little brother and we would have backed you guys 100%."

"When did you find out about us?" Justin asked not knowing I had told them.

"Well Keith saw you guys on the plane and I kinda figured it out. So he confessed when we got back from the studio today," Tommy explained.

Justin's jaw almost hit the floor when he heard that. "You saw us? Oh God! Everyone might know now." Justin jumped up from my lap and began to pace. "What if Brian found out before Lance added that clause? He could still have had you guys taken off the tour. I can't let that happen," Justin said while pacing the floor.

"Whatever he's on, I don't want any. He gets to upset to quick," stated Tommy.

"Tommy, shut up!" I told him as I got up and walked over to Justin. "Justin, baby. No one saw us, ok?

"How can you be so sure?" He asked looking like he was going to loose his best friend.

"The guys thought you were sleep. They sent me to see if you were awake. When I saw you, which I could have done with out, I told them you guys were out and to just leave you alone. They agreed and no one went back there," Keith told both of us.

"Are you sure?" Justin asked still not convinced.

"Justin, what has you so upset? It can't be just the fact that I saw you on the plane," Keith asked seeing that Justin was not calming down.

"Yeah baby, what's wrong?" I asked seeing the same thing as Keith. I pulled Justin into a hug.

Justin pulled away so he could look me in my eyes. His eyes begin to water up. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm going to tell the guys."

"You're going to tell them?" I wondered. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"They need to know. Not for me, but for JC," Justin confidently told me.

"How do you think they are going to take it?" Tommy asked, reminding us that we were not alone.

"What are you guys talking about? If they have a problem with you guys seeing each other then that's too bad," Keith ranted, not knowing what was going on.

Justin and I looked at each other and then we looked at Tommy. I turned back to Keith and said, "That's not really what he is talking about."

"Then what exactly is he talking about?" Keith asked with a confused look on his face.

I looked at Justin. "Babe. It's up to you. If you want him to know you can tell him, but if you don't want to tell him you don't have too," I whispered so Keith couldn't hear me.

"I don't know. It's going to be hard enough telling the guys."

"What's going on?" Keith interrupted.

"I can't tell you," Justin stated.

"What is there to tell?"

"Justin, do you not want him to know?" Tommy jumped in.

"It's not that..." Justin started.

"Ok Justin. How about this? Is it ok if I tell him? That way you won't have to tell him. Just go do what you have to do and I will fill him in," Tommy suggested.

"I don't know. I really didn't want anyone to know," Justin says.

"Justin, everyone needs to know what happened to you so they can help you," I told him.

"Ok Tommy, you can tell him. But just wait until we are gone," Justin caved

"I'm going to call Joe and tell him as well. If that's ok?" Justin nodded his head in agreement. "Good because it would be hard to keep this from him," Tommy added.

"Why don't I tell them while you go talk to the guys?" I volunteered.

"No! I need you to be with me," He told me.

"OK! When are you going to tell them?"

"I was just waiting for you to get here. Now that you're here I can do it," Justin stated as he pulled me toward the door.

On our way out the door I turned to Tommy and Keith and said, "Tommy, make sure you tell them that even though it is coming out, that it still wouldn't be a good idea to talk about this to the guys of Backstreet."

Tommy agreed and Justin and I left. As we left the room we saw Joe and Joey in the hallway. We told Joe that Tommy needed to talk to him and Justin told Joey that they were having a meeting in our room. Joey went to get Chris. We headed for our room and just as Justin was about to open the door I stopped him. I pulled him to me and gave him a long loving kiss. When we pulled apart I looked him in the eye and said, "I love you. I will be here for you no matter what happens right now. But I know they will support you."

"I love you, too. And I know that they will support me. I just don't want them to be angry with me. I couldn't take it if they get mad."

"Justin, they will not get mad at you. I was never mad at you. All my anger was and is for Brian. I'm not even mad at Nick. He was doing what you asked him to do. I'm just glad someone knew. That way he could help you when you needed someone."

"I wish I had told you long ago. There were time when were where just hanging out or playing ball, I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you how I felt about you and what was going on between Brian and me." Justin started.

"How you felt about me?" I asked a little shocked.

"Yeah! Donny, these feeling I have for you didn't start the night I caught Brian with JC. From the time we watched the tape of the talent show in San Francisco, to the day I saw you perform. I knew that I was going to fall in love with you. Hell, even Brian saw it. We did nothing but fight that day," confessed Justin.

"I remember. The first time I saw you, you ran in crying. My heart broke seeing you cry."

"Well it didn't stop there. The more I got to know you and the more we became friends, the more loved you. And I know what I have with you is much more pure and true," he told me and leaned in to kiss me one more time.

After the kiss we just looked in each other's eyes and there was nothing else to say. We knew that we loved each other. That we were made for each other.

Justin turned and opened the door. We walked into the room and when we did we saw Nick and Lance on our bed. They were kissing and were so into what they were doing, they didn't even hear us come in.

Nick was lying on the bed with Lance straddling him. The both were shirtless and Nick's pants were around his knees. He still had his boxers on we knew if we didn't say something, they wouldn't be on for long. "Excuse me! What are you two doing on our bed?" I asked trying to seem upset.

Lance and Nick both jumped up and began to try and put on their clothes. "Yeah! What were you guys doing?" Justin echoed also trying to look upset.

"We...we were umm...we were just." Nick stumbled.

"We're sorry. We got out of control and went a little to far," Lance tried to explain.

Justin and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. The look on Nick's face was too much for either of us to take. When we started to laugh they began to relax. Nick even began to laugh a little.

"You guys should have seen your faces. It was priceless," I said in between laughing.

"That was the funniest thing," Justin added in.

"What ever!" Nick said as he finished fixing his clothes and sat back on the bed.

"Well we can tell you guys talked things out," I observed.

"Yeah! I took things the wrong way and Lance straighten me out," Nick beamed.

"He didn't straighten you out too much," I said as I pointed to the tent in his pants.

We all got a good laugh out of it. We all started to talk when Lance had to mess the good times up. "Justin are you ready for me to call the meeting?"

That took the smile Justin had on his face, right off. He nodded his head yes. I told Lance that we had seen Joey in the hall and that he was going to get Chris. Just then there was a knock at the door. It was Chris and Joey. They came in and had a seat.

"Ok, what is this about?" Chris asked as he bounced up and down on the bed.

"Yeah! What is going on? Why are Nick and Donny here?" Joey questioned.

"There is something I need tell you guess and it involves both of them," Justin explains.

"What do you have to tell us? You're not quitting the group are you?" Joey panicked.

"No it's nothing like that. It's just something you need to know." Lance told them.

"So you know what's going on then?" Chris asked Lance.

"I just found out today. I had to talk him in to telling you." Lance said on the defensive. Then there was a knock at the door. I went and let JC in. "Good. Now that we are all here, Justin you can begin."

JC took a seat and was looking to his best friend to tell him why he was away from the man he was in love with.

"OK! First I have to say that what I am about to tell you is not easy for me to say. And the only reason I am telling you is so that you know what is going on." Justin started. "OK! One! I need to tell you that I am now seeing Donny. We have been seeing each other since the night I caught Brian cheating on me." JC felt bad. He never meant to hurt his best friend, his brother, but he did.

Justin could see that JC was hurting. He never meant to make JC feel bad. In fact, JC had done him a huge favor. "JC, I told you I forgave you and I meant it. I still love you. You are my best friend and even if you don't know it, you have helped me in more ways than one."

That made JC feel better. Not that the guilt was gone but to know that he helped Justin, helped him. But what he was wondering was how did he help him? "Justin, how can you say I helped you? You caught me with the man you loved. I betrayed you."

"But in doing that you helped me find the one person I truly do love. What I feel for Donny, doesn't come close to what I thought I felt for Brian."

"Don't you think it is too soon to be involved so quickly?" Joey questioned.

"Joey! I have had feelings for Donny from day one. And Brian knew that. We fought about it all the time. In more ways the one." Justin whispered the last part so no one heard him. So he thought.

"Are you happy?" Joey asked.

Justin looked at me and took my hand. "Very!"

"Then fine. No big deal. You didn't have to call a meeting for this." Joey said happy with Justin's answer. He began to stand to leave.

"That's not the only reason he called you here." I interjected.

"There's more?" Chris asked.

"Yes. There's more," Justin began to tear up. This was going to be harder than he thought. He knew the guys were going to be upset.

"What is it Justin? Are you pregnant?" Chris asked jokingly trying to lighten the mood. When only JC, Joey and himself laughed, he new it must be serious. "What is it Justin?"

"Do you remember the time we did that concert and I broke my hand cause I slipped on some water?" They all nodded their heads. Even Lance because he new Justin was telling something he remembered. "Well remember at first it didn't seem that bad until the next day? Well the truth is, I didn't break it when I fell." Justin confessed.

"What do you mean? We saw you fall." JC interrupted. "I even went to hospital with you."

"I know that JC, but I didn't break my hand when I fell. I broke it at home."

"Did you fall again?" Joey asked.

"No." Justin said flatly.

"Then what happen." Joey asked getting confused.

"The thing is, when I didn't go home. I went to Brian's. When I got there he had company. I asked him who the guy was and he got pissed." Justin started to cry. It was the first time he had ever told anyone this. Even Nick. Nick was finding out about this for the first time. "We started to argue and Brian hit me."

"He what?" Joey screamed as he jumped off of the bed.

Justin continued with out answering Joey. "When he hit me I fell to the ground. I started to back away from him and he kicked me in my stomach. He kicked me again but I put my hand in the way to block his foot. He kicked me like three times, and the last two times I had put that hand I had fallen on, in front of me. And that is how I really broke it. Trying to keep him from kicking me." Justin told us while trying not to cry. But it did no good. Remembering all of these was scary and hard.

"Justin? Justin, what are you say?" Chris asked hoping that he was wrong at what he was thinking.

Justin couldn't answer. He was too ashamed to answer. All I could do was hold him. I held on to him as if my life depended on it. "What he is saying, is that for the last two years, Brian has been beating him," Lance answered for him.

"No! We would have known. He would've had bruises or something," Joey ranted. He knew he didn't like Brian but he didn't think Brian was capable of doing something this sick.

"Justin hid the bruises. He didn't want any of you to know." Nick told them.

"You knew about this and didn't tell us?" Joey said as he moved towards Nick.

"He asked me not to."

"He asked you not to? HE ASKED YOU NOT TO? This is not something you keep from us. How long have you known?" yelled Chris.

"About a year," Nick confessed.

"A year? You knew for a year and you never said anything?" Lance said with a hurt look on his face.

"He asked me not to. He said if I told you he would..."

Justin interrupted Nick. "I told him if he said anything that I would just deny it and I would never speak to him again. I even said that I would lie and say that I had slept with him to break him and Lance up."

Joey looked at Justin and could see the hurt in his eyes. When he looked at Justin, he could see a red mark on his face. He walked over to Justin and me and placed his hand on Justin's face. "Justin, what is this?" He asked looking at the red mark that was getting bigger as the day went by. "Who did this?"

Chris came over to us to see what Joey was talking about. Justin tried to hide his face from them but it was too late. They had seen it. "What the hell is that Justin?" Chris barked.

"That was a little gift from Brian today." I told them, still holding on to a crying Justin.

"I'll kill him," both Joey and Chris say as they head for the door.

Nick jumped in front of the door. "No. You can't do that."

"Nick if you don't get out of my way I will hurt you," Joey hissed at him.

"He's right guys. As much as I would love to cut his heart out with a butter knife, we can't." I said still holding on to Justin who was out of it.

"And why not? I want him to feel what he made Justin feel for the past 2 years." Chris ranted.

"Because it would cause a rift between us and them. Then they would do what ever they could to get rid of me. And then Brian could go after Justin." I told them.

"Do you think we wouldn't protect him?" Joey yelled at me.

"No, I know you would. But the more people we have to watch out for him the better it will be," I informed.

"Why don't we have them kicked from the tour?" questioned Chris.

"One, I'm not willing to loose Nick. Two, I took precautions to keep Brian from trying to get Flavva off the tour and because I did that, if we kick them off it's going to cost us big time," informed Lance.

"Damn it! Isn't there anything we can do?" asked Joey.

"Yeah. Just be there for Justin. All he needs right now is support from all his friends," I told them as I ran my hand through his curly hair. He had begun to calm down some but still held on to me.

"You're right. Even though I would feel a lot better beating the shit out of Brian, it wouldn't help anything," Joey conceded. "But we have to make sure Brian doesn't get near Justin."

"That really won't be a problem for a while. You see we are going to be promoting our album and Flavva will be with us, but the Backstreet Boys will finish their tour and then head back to Orlando. Even though they only have four more cities, they go back to Orlando. Nick may come see me but Brian and the others will take the time off. We won't have to see them until the end of May" Lance explained.

"What about tomorrow and the rest of the week?" Chris asked.

"We will all have to keep an eye on Justin. I will do the best I can but there will be times when I am somewhere you guys aren't. And that's when you guys will have to take over." I instructed them.

"Sounds good." Joey agreed.

"Thank you guys." Justin said for the first time. "Thank you for your support."

"We have to protect you. You're a big apart of us," said Lance.

"Not to mention an investment." Chris added. "Do you know what it would cost us to loose you? We can't replace you. Can we?" Chris said to Joey in a stage whisper to Joey.

Justin grabbed a pillow that was behind us and threw it at Chris. Everyone began to laugh. Everyone but JC. He sat there like he did the whole time. Not moving or saying a word. He just kept his eyes on Justin. You couldn't read how he was feeling at all. He just had a blank look on his face.

"OK, guys. We have a party to get ready for." Lance started. "We should all go get ready. And try not to mention any of this. Try to act normal. We will handle things when the time is right."

"Who all knows? Just the people in this room?" Joey asked.

"No. Jonny knows and Tommy is telling my guys as we speak. They know not to say anything." I informed him.

"What about the rest of the Backstreet Boys, shouldn't they know what Brian has been up too?" inquired Chris.

"No! AJ and Kevin would support Brian. Hell, they may even say Justin was making it up. And may help Brian do anything to get you all. Kevin, he would try and talk Brian out of it but if he couldn't, he would just join in. The whole blood is thicker then water thing," Nick explains

"What about Howie?"

"I don't know for sure. He would try and keep things from happening but I don't know if you would back up Brian or Justin."

"Well it's settled then. We keep them in the dark." Joey told us all. He and the others headed for the door.

JC left with out saying a word. He went to his room and closed the door. Joey and Chris headed to their room but not quietly. For them acting normal wasn't going to be hard. Even though they were both still plenty pissed, they were going to bide their time and get Brian later. They weren't sure how or when but they new he was going to pay. Nick and Lance went to their room as well. I had a feeling they were going to be late. I closed the door to our room and came back to the bed that Justin was now laying on. I sat next to him. He was facing me and he looked up at me. His eyes were a little red. I put my feet up and I was leaning on the headboard. I brought his head up and put it in my lap and softly ran my hand through his curly hair. "I love you." I said as I stroked his hair.

"I love you, too," he responded sadly.

"Baby, are you going to be ok?" I asked him concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be ok. It's just been an emotional day. I went from being happy with you to worried that Brian would get rid of you, to scared shitless of loosing you, to having to tell the guys the one thing I have been trying to hide from them for a long time." Justin explained.

"I know it's been a hard day for you. And I'm sorry you had to go through all this. But I'm proud of you. You did the right thing. They needed to know Especially JC. What do you think he will do?"

"I don't know. He seemed kinda quiet. I hope he's ok," Justin stated.

"Don't worry. He will be fine."

JC closed the door behind him once he was in the room he shared with Brian. He leaned up against it and covered his face with his hands. He was having a hard time believing what he had just heard. He couldn't believe it. There is no way Brian could have done that to Justin.' He thought to himself. But Justin wouldn't lie about that kind of thing. I don't know who to believe.'

Brian, who closed the bathroom door, brought JC out of his thoughts. When he came out he looked and saw JC standing at the door. "Where the hell have you been?"

JC moved off of the door and made his way into the room. "I was just talking to the guys, that's all," he answered.

"Talking about what?" Brian questioned.

"This and that. About what we have to do before the album is released. Things like that," JC lied.

"I don't know what for? It's not like you guys are going to come anywhere near what we did. We broke records. You guys just hope you sell records," Brian taunted.

JC didn't say anything, he just walked over to a table that was in the room and sat down. His mind was all over the place. Brian had never done anything to him, but at the same time, Justin wasn't a liar. He was confused.

He sat there thinking. The more he thought about it the more he didn't believe it. `There is no way Brian did those things. Justin is just trying to make me hate him. Well it's not going to work. I love Brian and I am not going to let this lie break us up.'

"Get your ass up. We got somewhere too be soon. I don't like being late." Brian bitterly said as he watched JC sitting at the table.

JC snapped out of it. "You're right." JC said and jumped up. "I need to take a shower, do you want to join me?"

"No. I already took one. You go ahead."

At that JC went into the bathroom and began to take a shower. As the warm water hit his body, he realized that he had to prove to the others that Justin was lying and the only way he could do that was to show them that Brian had not and would not hurt him. And in doing so, would make Justin out to be the wrong.

"OK, is everyone ready to go?" Jonny asked as he walked out if his room.

"We're just waiting on Nick and Lance to get out here?" Chris said with a big smile on his face. No sooner did he say it that they came running out of the room. "It's about time. What took you guys so long?"

Lance shot Chris a look and ignored him. "It doesn't matter. They're here now and ready to go." I defended them.

"Enough of that. We have a party to go to. Remember this is Flavva's big night. We are going to support them and have a good time. Also, this is a club. All of you under 21, no drinking. There are going to be camera's there and we don't need you on the front page of the Enquirer, Understood?" We all nodded. "One last thing. Remember that MTV is going to be there and will be doing interviews, and cameras will be on most of the time. Be careful." Jonny instructed. "Now lets go.

We made our way down to the lobby. When we were all there, security lead us to the Limo's that were waiting for us. The Backstreet Boys, Jonny and Britney rode in one car while Flavva and Nsync rode in the other.

While we were riding, Justin leaned over and said, "I want you to know that no matter what happens tonight, I love you."

"What do you mean what ever happens?" I ask.

"Well tonight I will have to do some things that you may not like." Justin started.

"Oh, I think Jonny already told me. He told me he already had the talk with the others. He told me that he wanted us to `interact' with the ladies as much as we could. You know to keep rumors from starting," I informed him.

"Yes, but I want you to know anything I do tonight is to protect Nsync. I may even go overboard with it."

"Do you have a problem with that?" Joey asked.

"No. Because one I know why he is doing it and I may have to do it myself. Second, I know when the night is over, who he is coming home too," I said confidently.

Just then the limo came to a stop and we could see hundreds of people out side of the club. It was a huge place. It was big enough to hold a concert in but set up like a club. It was the biggest club in LA.

"Are you guys ready to party?" Chris asked enthusiastically as the door opened and he jumped out of the limo. When he did you could hear the screams start. Joey followed then Lance who was followed by JC. Justin was the last of Nsync to get out.

The guys and I all waited a few seconds so Justin and the guys could get their photos taken as they went in. Once they started for the door, Joe got out then Tommy; Keith and I got out last. When we were all out of the car the screams continued. The flashes went off and people were calling our names from every direction. We had been taught that we should try and face the same direction at all times.

We were trying to make our way to the door, but it wasn't easy. Fans we reaching for us and we would take a hand or wave at the same time trying to take pictures for the fans and the press. We were slowly making our way in when Britney got out of her limo followed by the Backstreet Boys. They got the same reaction as we did.

Once we were inside the building there was a sea of people in the lounge. We saw stars all over the place. I mean stars from the music business to movie and TV. The first person I saw was Brian McKnight. Then I saw Mary J. Blige and R Kelly, Lauren Hill, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac Hanson. The guys of 98 degrees were there and many others. It was a zoo.

We were led over to Dave Holms. He was waiting there with a camera and a few mics. There were a few stools there also. Joe and I sat down and Keith and Tommy stood behind us.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" He asked as he shook our hands. "Tonight is going to be crazy isn't it?"

"Yeah but we are so pumped." Tommy said excitedly

"I hope you guys have a few minutes to answer a few question. I know you have to get going but this won't take long." Dave started.

"Sure. Not a problem." Joe agreed for all of us.

"We will be on in a few minutes, but what I want to know is, are you guys ready for this? I have heard the album and it is great."

"Thanks! We just hope the fans agree with you." Tommy said.

"Ok we're ready in 5, 4, 3, 2," said the producer as the light on the camera went on.

"Hi, I'm Dave Holms. Right now I'm in LA where MTV has been invited to attend the record release party of these guys, Flavva! Welcome guys," Dave began.

"Hey Dave!" We all respond.

"So tonight is all for you guys? How does it feel to have your first album finally coming out?"

"It feels great! We have worked so hard to get it finished." Tommy answered.

"But this isn't the first time we have heard from you guys, is it?"

"No it isn't. We had a few singles out. We did How Deep Is Your Love' on the Rush Hour sound track. And we also did a single called You' that is on this album but was released as only a single." I told him.

"You guys are really talented. We all first saw you on the MTV on Touring with the boy band. It was a contest that was held in most of the major cities in the US. And as we all know, you guys were the grand prize winners. Which was a contract with Vibe Records and you get to tour with some of the biggest names in pop right now. Lets take a look at how you guys won." Dave said into the camera. As he did, on the monitor next to us we could see the clip of when we had won the talent show. "At that moment what were you thinking?" He asked as the tape played.

"Well we couldn't believe we had won. When we came in we were going to do a song Donny had written, but at the last minute we changed our minds." Joe informed Dave and the viewing audience that was going to be seeing this the next day.

"Really? So you were going to sing an original song but changed it to `At The End Of The Road' by Boyz 2 Men?"

"Yeah! We don't know why we changed our minds. Cause the song D had wrote was awesome. And we had never sang that song together before so when we sang it and it sounded like it did, we were happy we had done it." Keith explained.

"Wow! That was the first time you ever sang that song together?" Dave asked as we watched the performance on the monitor.

"Yeah. And the fact that we won really shocked us," Tommy answered his question. "To be honest, looking at this and hearing it again, we could have done it so much better. We sound horrible there."

"You guys sound flawless too me." We all thanked him as he the clip ended and our video `Love Me' came up. "And your latest video is topping the charts. This single, which was release 2 weeks ago has been number one and the video is one of the top requested songs on TRL along with The Backstreet Boys and Nsync. How does that make you feel?"

"It feels unreal. I mean we had hoped to just be on the count down, but to be in the top 3 and make it to number one over the guys that are our friends and that helped us get here, is unbelievable." I said truthfully.

"Donny, now that you guys have made it, what has changed in your life?" Dave questioned me.

"Nothing really. We are still the same four guys we were before. Personally I don't think we have made it yet. I feel we have to let this album come out see how it does and how the fans like it. And then when we release our second album and it does just as good or better than this one, then I can say we made it." I answer.

"How about the money? Is that going to change you guys?"

"None of us are doing this for the money. Don't get me wrong, the money is a big plus for doing something we love too do. When we started this group it was mainly to sing and make people happy, and if we got paid for it then we thanked God for it," Keith told Dave.

"Speaking of forming this group. I heard it was formed over the Internet, is that true?" Dave asked us all.

The guys looked at me to answer this one. "Well in a way yes. See I met Joe here over the Internet. We got to talking and I found out he was an actor but he wanted to sing as well. That's how we became friends. Well then I met Tommy and Keith through my vocal coach. We all were sing for her at her church and she said she thought we would sound good together. Well then we formed the group with just the three of us but we each thought we need a fourth person and I gave Joe a call. He moved to the Bay and the rest is history," I told the story for the first time on camera. I had told it before but on the radio.

"We all say, if it hadn't been for Rosalin there would be no Flavva." Keith added.

"OK! The first single `How Deep Is Your Love' is off the hook, but what the fans and I would like to know is what is going to be the next single?"

"Well we're not sure. It is either going to be Love' or Ain't No Body Going To Love You.' Either one, is going to be hot," Keith announces.

"You're right. The whole CD is great and you could release any of the songs and they would be number one. Well that's all the time we have. Thank you for talking with me. See ya inside."

"Thank you Dave. We were lucky to get to talk to you," I said in a friendly manner.

The camera shut off and we got up and headed into the party. It was jumpin. It was really like a club in there. We mingled with the people on the dance floor. When you looked up you could see there were three levels to this place. At the end of the dance floor was a huge stage.

When we walked in a spot light hit us and our song `How Deep Is Your Love' started playing. We talked to who had either won tickets on a radio station or were lucky enough to buy the few tickets that were on sale. Most of the stars were on the second and third level. But some of them were dancing on the first level.

After about and hour we made our way to the backstage area. When we got there Jonny was waiting. "Hey guys. I saw the interview. It went great. There were something's that could have went better but it was still good," he informed us. "Now you guys need to get ready for your first song. And Donny there is a surprise here for you. Once you get warmed up and ready, you will get your surprise," He smiled at me.

"What is it?' I asked, curious.

"You will see," was all he said.

Lonnie led us to our dressing room. Rosalin was there and began to help us warm us up. Once that was done we got dressed and went out into the hall, where Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Nsync, and the staff were waiting. We all gathered together to have prayer. With all the people there somehow Justin and I ended up next to each other. We all took hands. "Tonight is not about Backstreet. It's not about Nsync or Britney Spears or any other artist here tonight. It is all about Flavva. This is the beginning of a great career. You guys are going to go straight to the top along with everyone else in this room. Don't worry about who is out there. Don't worry about who is going to see you and what they are going to say. There are going to be people who talk bad about you. There are going to be people that call you a boy band and that you have no talent. But they are wrong. You are one of the most talented group of guys today. And I'm not just talking to Flavva. I'm talking to everyone." Jonny said as he spoke from his heart. "Know this. No matter what happens, that I can say that I have worked with 15 of the best people in this business. I love ya all and this is just the beginning. We have a tour that is going to end all tours coming up. And this will start it off," Jonny said and he pointed to the end of the hall.

We all looked and at the end I could see some of the most important people in my life. I saw my grandmother, grandfather (who was in a wheelchair), four of my cousin, and last but not least was my godmother, who also happened to be Patti LaBelle. When I saw them I, I ran to them and began to cry. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Patti asked me.

"I didn't think I would have anybody here to see this." I told her trying to calm down.

My grandmother, an older black woman with the prettiest gray hair, walked over to me and said, "There is nothing that would keep me from seeing my baby do what he dreams. Your grandfather and I have always been there for you and we aren't going to stop just because your mother wants us to. She is just too stubborn to know when she is wrong." My grandmother said lovingly.

I hugged her and went over to my grandfather and kissed him on the forehead. He looked up to me and said, "Sing you heart out kiddo. You are representing our family out there. Make us proud."

When he said that, I knew it was going to be all good. "I will big daddy, I will."

I hugged my cousins, and led them over to the circle. I took Justin's and he lipped the words `I love you' and squeezed my hand. "Donny. The other part of your surprise is that Ms. LaBelle has agreed to host the party tonight in honor of her godson. You!" I looked at her and smiled. Tears swelled up in my eyes but I refused to cry. "Donny will you lead us in prayer?" Jonny asked me.

I nodded and dropped my head. "Dear Father, I come to you to thank you and Praise you. Thank you Father for bringing us this far. For without you we would not be here. We thank you for all the Blessings you have given each and every one of us. For our gifts to sing and the chance to make others happy. We ask that you protect us and be with us tonight. Help us get through this show, and this night. No matter what we owe you everything. We thank you for our families, our friends and our loved ones. You brought each in our lives and we thank you. We ask that you keep us and continue to bless us. In your darling Son's Jesus name we pray. Amen"

"Amen!" Said everyone. We all hugged each other as the music started to play.

My family stayed backstage but out of the way. Patti walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "I am so proud of you sweetie. You did this all on your own. I offered to help you and you didn't want it. You have shown me that you are a grown man and can make it on your own. And no matter what I love you." She hugged me one last time and began to walk off. But before she did she whispered on last thing to me. "And I know that you think I didn't know but I hope Justin makes you happy. He is a nice kid and I can see you love each other. And like I said, I love you no matter what," and then she walked off.

Justin walked up behind me and said, "Is there anything else you haven't told me about your family?"

"Yeah! That they are going to love you just as much as I do," I said as I looked over to my grandmother and saw her nod her head as if to say `yes, I know.' I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, and whispered, "I love you."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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