Touring with Nsync

By moc.loa@211enobD

Published on Nov 7, 2001


First I want to say, God Bless America! We have been going through rough times but we will come out of them. God Bless all of the families of the victims in the WTC and Washington.

Second, this chapter is dedicated to a talented young woman who left us all too soon. We all love you and will miss you Aaliyah. Rest in Peace!!!

I started this story before either one of these tragedies happened. When I started, I had big plans to use Aaliyah. But when she died, I wasn't sure if I should continue using her. But with great thought and planing I have and will continue to use her in my story and I will portray her in the way I thought the kind of person she was.

I want to thank those of you who emailed me to let me know you still wanted me to write more. That helps motivate me to find time to write. A real big thanks goes out to Mar. Man, the things you caught I would have never seen. THANK YOU! Also I want to thank JM. You are the reason I started this story. I know that in the beginning it seemed like I was coping you but I never meant to do that. I did make changes and will continue to do so. You are one of the best authors out there today, and I never meant any disrespect. I'm sorry. If you think I am coping you at any time, let me know and I will stop the story.

Stories I recommend...

Brian and Justin

Jamies Romance

Nick and Justin

The One

Nick and the Altos

Josh and Just

Nsync: Lance and JC

Kevin and Justin

Model Romance

And many others!

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I first want to say that in no way am I implying that any of the guys of N sync or the Backstreet Boys or any other celebrity mentioned is gay. Even though I wish along with every other gay guy in the world wish they were. It is pure fantasy. I don't know Nsync, the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Patti LaBelle, Aaliyah or anyone else mentioned in the story. I also want to say that in no way did I write any song in this story. Someone else wrote them for IMX, Jessie Powell, and any other group or act that I may use as my own. I don't mean to take credit for any of them. I did not, could not, and have not written any of the songs used in this story.

Last thing.

Last time...

My family stayed backstage but out of the way. Patti walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "I am so proud of you sweetie. You did this all on your own. I offered to help you and you didn't want it. You have shown me that you are a grown man and can make it on your own. And no matter what I love you." She hugged me one last time and began to walk off. But before she did she whispered on last thing to me. "And I know that you think I didn't know but I hope Justin makes you happy. He is a nice kid and I can see you love each other. And like I said, I love you no matter what," and then she walked off.

Justin walked up behind me and said, "Is there anything else you haven't told me about your family?"

"Yeah! That they are going to love you just as much as I do," I said as I looked over to my grandmother and saw her nod her head as if to say `yes, I know.' I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, and whispered, "I love you."

Touring with Nsync Chapter 9

The party was going good. Godmother had come out on stage and the crowd went wild. My cousins were all over the place, but out of the way. The back stage area looked like a zoo. There were people every where. Pink had just performed her song `There you go,' and she ripped it up. The crowd loved it. It had been doing really well on TRL and on the radio and to see her perform it live made it even better.

Next up was Britney. Godmother introduced her and she performed `You Drive Me Crazy' single. Yeah it wasn't new but she wasn't ready to perform anything from her new album.

As she went on, godmother came over to me. "Hi sweetie. How's it going?" she asked, walking up to Joe and I as we were talking.

"Hi Patti! It's good to finally meet you," Joe said before I could answer her.

"Good to meet you too honey. Donny told me a lot about you. All of you," Patti said as Keith and Tommy joined us.

"Well he told us you were his godmother but we didn't believe him," Tommy said.

"I'm sorry. I was suppose to come by one night while I was in California doing a show, but things didn't work out that way," she told them.

"So, you really are his godmother?" Asked Joe.

"Yes I am. You see his grandmother was my vocal coach and a friend. Well his mother and I became good friends even though I went one way and she went another. I went on to sing and she went on to be the business woman she always wanted to be," she explained to them.

"How did you guys keep in touch with you traveling so much?" Keith questioned.

"It was hard but we made time for each other. I wasn't the only one who had a busy schedule. She had a company to run and a family to take care of. The girl is bad."

We all had a good laugh and stood around and talking for a little while. A guy walked up to us and said, "Hi, I'm Brent, the stage manager. I wanted to let you guys know that you will be on right after Mary J. Blige."

We all said thanks and prepared to go on stage. Patti walked up to me and said, "Can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Sure!" I told the guys that I would be right back and walked over to a somewhat private corner. "Is there something you want to talk to me about, godmother?"

"Yes, there is. You know I love you right?" she asked and I told her yes. "The thing is, why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I asked, trying to play stupid.

"You know what. Don't try and play games. Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

I looked down because I knew that if there was anyone in my family I could have told it would have been her. "I was scared."

"Scared? Scared of what?" she asked.

"Scared that I would loose you," I confessed.

"Honey, you would never lose me. I love you like I love my own children. I was there when you were born. I love you too much to turn my back on you. You couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted too," she scolded me as she lifted up my head to look at her.

"I knew that in my heart but my head told me different."

"So that means you haven't told your mother yet, have you?" she asked.

"God no! She already doesn't like my career choice. What do you think she would do if she found out that she had a fag for a son?"

"Don't you ever say that again, do you hear me? I don't want you to use the word or I will take you over my knee," she yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, godmother."

She calmed down a little and began talking to me again. "Sweet heart, you have to trust that your mother loves you. No matter what, she loves you. Yeah, she isn't happy about you going into this business. But it's because she loves you and wanted better for you," Patti told me lovingly.

"What could be better for me than to do what I love? I don't want much, just her support and love. Is that to much too ask?"

"She does. You don't know it but she supports you. In her own way."

"Yeah, right. If she supports me then why didn't she come tonight? Why didn't she let Danny and the rest of them come tonight, huh? Why?" I asked as a tear started to roll down my cheek.

"Cause she's just stubborn. You of all people should know that. As bad as she wanted to be here for you, her pride was more important."

"But I should be more important!"

"True but your mother has to be right all the time and you know it. If she is wrong then she is weak according to her. But baby, she loves you," said Patti as she put her arm around me.

"She's right. Your mother does love you," said a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around and looked to see me grandmother standing there. "Then why didn't she come tonight or let Danny and the others come?" I asked with tears still welling up in my eyes.

"Because giving in is not what your mother likes to do. But trust me, every time you are on TV she is watching. I think she has every show you have done on tape. She even has your group picture on her computer in her office at work," my grandmother told me.

I had a big smile on my face when she said that. "She really has our picture on her computer?"

"Yeah! I went to her office one day and she was in a meeting. When I sat at her desk, I saw it. It was a big picture on the screen of you guys. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a copy of your album," she informed me.

"See I told you. She will be there for you no matter what," started Patti. "No matter who you love."

I had a look of horror on my face. Patti and my grandmother both saw it. "What are you afraid of baby? I know you're in love with the nice young man over there," she says pointing to Justin who was standing talking to JC.

"Grams I..." I stammered.

"Don't even try it. I have known for a while now. I was hoping you would tell me, and in a way you did, but not the way I was hoping you would. Baby, I love you. You are my grandson and no matter what I will always love you," my grandmother assured me.

I looked at her and Patti and then I walked up to her and give her a big hug. "I'm sorry I never told you. I know you love me and you have always supported me but this was the one thing I thought you wouldn't support. I was wrong."

"Does this mean you are going to tell you mother?" Patti asked from behind my grandmother.

"No!" I said, pushing away.

"Why not?" my grandmother asked with a surprised look on her face.

"I don't want to disappoint her any more then I already have," I explained to them.

"Donny..." Patti started.

"Donny, we're up next," Tommy interrupted.

"Godmother, I know what you are about to say, but we don't have time to ague about it. We both have a job to do right now," I told her as I made my way over to the guys.

"That boy is as stubborn as his mother," said Patti.

"I know. That's why they never get along," agreed my grandmother.

"What are we going to do with them? He needs to tell his mother and she needs to tell him how she really feels," Patti asked.

"I don't know. I think I will tell him that she knows Danny is gay. Maybe that will help him tell her."

"Does she know?" questioned Patti.

"Yeah, she knows. And she seems to be ok with it, but you never know with her," my grandmother told Patti. Patti nodded her head in agreement. "We have got to get him to tell her, but how?"

"Hey JC, what's up man?" Justin said as he came up to one of his best friends.

"Hey J, what's up?" responded JC coldly.

"Just waiting for Donny and the guys to go on. I love to watch him perform," Justin told JC. "What about you?"

"I'm waiting for Brian."

"Brian? What are getting ready to do?" Justin asked hoping JC was going to break if off with Brian.

"That's really none of your business anymore."

Justin was a little surprised at what JC said. "I was just asking you in case you needed someone to talk to afterwards. I am here for you. I mean you still are my best friend."

"What makes you think I would want to talk about it afterwards. I never asked you to talk about it," JC said a little annoyed.

"I was just thinking that after you broke up with him..." Justin started, but JC cut him off.

"Break up? What makes you think I am going to break up with him?" JC questioned.

"Well, after what I told you I thought you were going to break up with him."

"Did you really think that would work? I wouldn't let what you said break Brian and me apart," JC informed Justin.

"I wasn't trying to break you guys up. If you want to be with him, that's fine. I was just telling you what he did to me. If you want to live with that, who am I to stop you?"

"Whatever," JC mumbled as he began to walk away from Justin.

"Hold on! You do believe me don't you? About what Brian did to me?" Justin questioned.

JC stopped and turned to look at him. He could see the question in his eyes. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to believe so bad that Brian didn't do what Justin said he did, but at the same time he knew Justin wouldn't lie about something like this. In the end he let his love for Brian win out. "No. I don't," JC boldly said. When he gave his answer he walked away from a shocked Justin.

As JC walked away Britney walked up behind Justin. "Hey sexy, whatcha doin'?"

He turned around with this hurt look on his face. Just as he was about to answer Brian walked up to them. "Hey ya'll. How's it going?"

Justin looked at him with hatred. Something Britney had never seen in Justin before. "You may have everyone fooled, but I know you. And one day so will everyone else. I will make sure of that. Even if it takes me the rest of my life."

"Is that a threat?" asked Brian in a cocky manor.

"No it's a promise. And know this, if you lay a hand on JC, I will personally make sure you pay," Justin told him and then stormed off.

Brian just kind of laughed to himself. He had forgotten Britney was there until she made herself known. "What the hell was that all about?"

Brian looked at her and said, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Justin was truly pissed. But more than pissed, he was hurt. His best friend didn't believe him. It took all he had to tell something so degrading and humiliating, and JC didn't believe him. When he walked away from Brian and Britney, he needed me. He wanted me to hold him but he new I couldn't. Not then anyway.

So he went to the next best thing. The bar. "Can I get some help please?" asked Justin a little irritated.

The bar was a little busy so he wasn't being seen. The more he tried to get someone's attention the more irritated he got. Yeah, the bar was busy but it wasn't all that noisy. It was away from the stage but you could still hear someone talking to you. Just then someone walked up behind him. "Hey sexy, can we talk?"

Justin turned around and saw a beautiful blond woman with these piercing blue eyes that he hadn't seen in a long time. "Chrissy, what are you doing here?" Justin asked Christina Aguilera.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm suppose to be here," answered Christina.

"I know but I didn't see you backstage so I didn't think you had come," Justin explained his question.

"I couldn't miss this. If for no other reason than to see your cute face again."

Justin laughed, "Come here," he said as he pulled her into a hug. "I've missed you girl."

"Not too much. I didn't get one phone call," she accused as she pulled out of the hug.

"I'm sorry, I've been kind of busy. I don't even get to see my little brothers that much," he defended. "Besides you look pretty busy yourself. Every time I look, you're on TRL."

"Not all of us can start off on TV," Christina said as she pointed to one of the many posters of us hanging up.

"They are really talented. They can sing their asses off," Justin defended us.

"I know, I was just kidding. I saw the Lou Pearlman talent special. They can blow," confessed Christina.

"Yeah, not only can they sing but they can write too. Donny and Tommy co-wrote a few of the songs on their CD," Justin informed her.

"Cool. Enough about them, how are you doing? Do I have any competition?" she asked flirting with Justin.

"Actually I am seeing someone," Justin told her.

"Who is it, Britney?"


"Then who is it? Do I know her?"

"You've never met her but you do know her. She's here tonight and you have seen her on MTV," Justin informed her.

"Who..." Christina started when Beyonce Knowles interrupted her.

"Hi Justin how are you doing tonight?" she said as she walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"What's up Beyonce?"

"My night is going good and it keeps getting better and better, now that I have found you," she said seductively.

"Um, Beyonce have you ever met my friend Christina? Christina this is Beyonce Knowles, Beyonce this is Christina Aguilera," Justin said trying to change the subject.

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you," Christina said as she extended her hand to greet Beyonce.

Beyonce in turn looked at her sideways and then up and down and turned back to Justin. "I hear you're touring this summer. Who will be touring with you?"

Justin and Christina gave her a strange look but she didn't see Christina because she had her back to her. Justin shook his head and said, "Well the Backstreet Boys, Flavva, Britney, Brandy and Monica, and we hope to add a few more."

"Well you were doing good until you said Britney, Brandy and Monica, but you choose who you want. However, if you change you mind and want to get some real singers on that tour, then give Destiny's Child a call," Beyonce said nastily. She then kissed Justin on the lips and said, "Until later," and winked and walked away.

"Ok She was a total bitch," said Christina.

"I'm sorry about that Chrissy. She normally isn't like that," Justin apologized.

"Hey it wasn't your fault. I just hope that's not who you were talking about," she said flatly.

"Trust me, it isn't. I would never be with someone that rude ever again," Justin said not thinking about what he said.

"But you have before? Why? You're to good for someone like that," Christina chastised him.

"It's a long story. But just know that I am in love with someone who will treat me the way I should be treated," he told her trying to reassure her.

"Who is it?" she questioned him. "Come on you can tell me. It's Britney isn't it?"

"No it's not Britney. We're only friends," he said trying to convince her.

Not wanting a drink anymore, Justin started making his way to where he could see the stage. He wanted to be close enough for him to get a good look at who ever was performing (me). As he made his was to the perfect spot, Christina was following like he hoped and knew she would. They both sat down at a table. They didn't have to worry about a fan coming over and bothering them because they were in a totally different section.

When they sat down Christina began to drill him again. "Come on Justin, just tell who it is. What do you think I am going to do to her? Beat her up?"

"Will you leave me alone if I tell you who it is?" he asks her.

"Yes! Now tell me."

"You have to promise to keep an open mind when I tell you, ok?"

"Ok, I will. I promise," Christina told him truthfully.

"First of all I want to tell you that I'm sorry. I should have told you long ago. Because if there is anyone out there that I can trust I know it's you. But the thing is I'm..."

"Hey sexy, what's going on?" said a beautiful voice from behind Justin.

Justin turns around and looks at the pretty face, eyes and person it came from. "Aaliyah?"

"Yeah baby, it's me." Justin jumped from his seat and pulled her into the biggest hug. He picked her up and twirled her around. "Put me down," she demanded him.

"I have missed you so much. Where have you been?" he asked her as he put her down.

"Busy making movies and music," she told him. "And if I remember correctly I'm not the only one making movies."

Justin blushed a little. "Yeah I did a little thing for Disney, but nothing compared to what you are doing, little miss Romeo," he said teasingly.

"I did a little some'n, some'n," she joked along with Justin.

"Come on, have a seat," he offered and she sat down. He then took his seat.

"Thank you."

She pulled her chair closer to Justin. He didn't mind. He and Aaliyah were really close friends. They had met at a Mickey Mouse Club audition when they were younger. She was a few years older than him but they hit it off really well.

"Aaliyah, I want you to meet a very good friend of mine, Christina Aguilera. Chrissy, this is Aaliyah."

Unlike Beyonce, Aaliyah turned to her with a big smile and said, "It's great to finally get to meet you. I listen to your music and you have a great voice."

"It's good to meet you too. I have been a fan of yours for a long time," Christina happily told her.

"Thank you," Aaliyah politely responded. "I could say the same about you." Christina gave her a strange look. "I used to watch the MMC all the time. You, Tony, and Justin were my favorites."

"Actually, Aaliyah and I met at an audition for MMC," Justin informed Christina.

"Really? You auditioned for MMC? What happen? Why didn't you make it?" Christina asked her.

"I did make it, but the thing is at the same time I met R. Kelly. He had heard me sing at an audition and said he could get me a record deal. So I had to choose which one I wanted to do. And I choose record deal. And I think I made a really good choice, don't you agree?" Aaliyah told her.

"I would have done the same thing girl," Christina playfully responded.

Aaliyah laughed and turned her attention back to Justin. "Okay you. Why haven't I gotten a call or something?"

"Funny you should say that cause I just asked him the same question," added Christina.

"Oh really? What did he tell you?" Aaliyah asked her.

"He gave me some lame excuse about being busy."

"Is that so? You were to busy to pick up a phone?" Aaliyah chastised him.

"No..." started Justin but was interrupted by Christina.

"Then why didn't we get a call?"

"Or even a e-mail?" added Aaliyah.

"Why am I getting double teamed here? I'm not the only one who could have picked up the phone and called," Justin said, defending himself.

Both of the ladies laughed at him knowing they had done what they had set out to do. "We're just messing with you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't mess with you?" Aaliyah teased him.

"Very funny!" Justin said trying to play like he was mad.

"You still love us. Don't ever try and play like you don't," Christina said to him trying to make him smile and it worked.

"So how is your love life going?" Aaliyah asked Justin.

Christina had a big smile on her face. "I really like you. Great minds think alike. We were just talking about that. He was about to tell me who this girl he is seeing is just before you walked up," Christina told her.

Aaliyah turned to Justin and gave him a strange look. "What is she talking about Justin? I thought you were dating Br..."

Justin cut her off just as she was about to say Brian. "No! I'm not with that person anymore. And Christina didn't know about that." He gave Aaliyah a pleading look.

Christina could see that there was something going on that she didn't know about, and Aaliyah knew what it was. "What's going on Justin? Who are you seeing that you don't want me to know about? Are you seeing Britney or not?"

"No, I told you Britney and I are just friends," he told her again.

"That's what you said, but she was about to ask you if you were still seeing her, but you cut her off. So what's going on? Why won't you tell me who you are in love with Justin?" Christina demanded.

Justin looked at Aaliyah. She gave his hand a supportive squeeze and nodded her head. He looked back to Christina and said, "Look Chrissy. There is something I need to tell you but I can't tell you here."

"Come on Justin. It can't be that bad. You know I love Britney, so if you are seeing her then I will support you on that. But you don't have to hide it from me," Christina told him not understanding why it was so hard for him to tell her.

"If it were that simple I would have told you that. But it's not. I want to tell you but I can't do it here."

Christina looked at him with a frustrated look on her face. She was hurt because Justin didn't tell her, but she was scared because he seemed down right afraid. "Look Justin, I don't want to push you. If you can't tell me now, then we can talk later. But I don't know what the big secret is. They way you are acting you would think you were gay or something." When she said that the already dim lights in the club went out and a spotlight hit the stage.

"All right ladies and gentlemen! The act that we have all been waiting to hear. The talent we are all here to see. The songs we all came to hear for the first time. The reason we all came out to party tonight. Here they are Keith, Tommy, Joe, and Donny. Flavva!!!" Patti introduced.

Some music started to play and the lights on the stage lit up. A band could be seen in the background and four mic stands were set up in the middle of the stage. A strong voice emerged from the darkness, as its owner was slowly made visible.


We can make love in the bedroom

We can make love in the bedroom on the floor

On top of my water bed

Let me run my finger through your hair


Or maybe in the shower

Both of our bodied drippin wet

I love it when you touch all over me

Uh I love it when you caress me


Or maybe on the patio

Outside in broad daylight or late at night

It doesn't matter where were go

We can do it anywhere, anywhere, anywhere

We sang as we made our way onto stage. It was just an interlude but it showed our vocal talents.

The music changed and we started to dance along with the music intro. While I was dancing I was looking around. The place was packed and there were a lot of people there. From big time producers, some whom we got to work with, to the ones that would be making or breaking us, the fans. There were some of the biggest names in music there watching us. Movie and tv stars that we had met or wanted to meet. Some really fine looking women, and some hot looking guys but they weren't who I was looking for, and he knew it. He sat there trying to make eye contact or get my attention with out letting everyone around him know that was what he was doing. He watched my every move. Then it happened. Our eyes met. Not very long because I was dancing and singing, but when it did happen I was able to really enjoy what I was doing. And he watched with pure love and admiration.

But what Justin didn't know was that he was also being watched. Not by a star struck fan or jealous boyfriend whose girlfriend was professing her love for him. He wasn't even being watched by some of the people that wanted to work with him and his group, but two very good and loving friends were watching him. They both could see the love in his face but only one knew who it might be for.

Christina could see the love Justin had but didn't know who it could be. She saw a few girls that could be the lucky woman in Justin's life but didn't see anyone looking back. Then she saw it. She saw who he was looking at and who was taking quick but loving looks back at Justin. No. It can't be,' she thought to herself. Was her best friend really gay? Could he really be in love with another man? No! He has been dating another best friend of hers, Britney.' She looked at Justin and then back up to the stage. She was waiting for a sign that maybe she was reading too much into it.

She put her head down thinking. `So what if he is gay, I still love him. But if he is, why didn't he tell me?' She looked back up and met a pair of brown eyes. Aaliyah was looking her in the eye. Christina gave her a look. Aaliyah just turned to Justin and kind of leaned up against him.

Justin could feel Aaliyah lean against him but he never broke his stare.

We started to sing the song we had been dancing too:


Ooh ooh baby

Ooh ooh baby baby, ooh ooh baby

You wanna get with me tonight


[Donny] B

Baby, tryin' me, givin' me... all your love

I will never do you wrong

Baby, won't you let down your guard

Then maybe, we can go real far

As I sang I would look at Justin and smile or wink at him. But like Jonny told us right before we went on stage, I wouldn't look just at him. It was hard not too but I looked at some of the women in the club. But Justin was never out of my sight.


Ooh ooh baby

Say you wanna stay the night (stay together)

You know you got a brother high (brotha high)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride (my ride)

Ooh ooh baby baby Ooh ooh baby (whoa)

Say you wanna stay the night (whoa, whoa)

You wanna get with me tonight (with me tonight)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride (whoa)

Ooh ooh baby baby


Baby, I'll be there to get you, around one So we can go chill and have some fun

Baby, let's cuddle, 'til the sun comes up

And baby, you know that I love you so much


Ooh ooh baby

Say you wanna stay the night (stay together)

You know you got a brother high (brotha high)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride (Ooh baby)

Ooh ooh baby baby Ooh ooh baby

Say you wanna stay the night (You say you want me)

You wanna get with me tonight (whoooa)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride

Ooh ooh baby baby (want me, want me)

[Rap by Tommy]

One, two, three, get down like that

You didn't know? Well understand

We can move from the front to the back

Watch me make you feel like that?

Make the moves, you don't like the rules take no fools, if that's cool

Donny, I never lose

With the girls I choose


If Flavva's fligh

Throw your hands in the sky

Hey Ladies (yeah)

Do you think we're tight? (Yeah)

If Flavva's fligh

Throw your hands in the sky

Hey girls (yeah)

Do you think we're tight? (Yeah)


Ooh ooh baby

Say you wanna stay the night (say you wanna stay the night)

You know you got a brother high (brotha high)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride (come and pick you up in my ride)

Ooh ooh baby baby Ooh ooh baby (pick you up in my ride

Say you wanna stay the night (Stay the night baby)

You wanna get with me tonight

I'll come and pick you up in my ride (whoooa)

Ooh ooh baby baby

Ooh ooh baby

Say you wanna stay the night (ooh ooh baby

You know you got a brother high (brotha high)

I'll come and pick you up in my ride

Flavva's fligh Flavva's fligh Flavva's fligh

If Flavva's fligh (say you wanna stay the night)

Throw your hands in the sky (You wanna be with me tonight)

Hey girls (yeah)

Do you think we're tight? (Yeah)

(Ooh ooh baby)

Ooh ooh baby

When we stopped the song, the lights went out and the crowd went wild. Justin stood along with Aaliyah and Christina and was cheering along with everyone else.

Christina was still keeping an eye on Justin. She wasn't sure of what she was seeing.

As the crowd began to die down a little, but not by much, Aaliyah's manager walked up behind her and said, "You're needed back stage, sweetie!"

She nodded her head and leaned forward to let Justin know she had to go. He turned to her and said, "Where are you going?"

"I'm needed backstage. Someone canceled at the last minute and the asked me to perform. The band was here so I said sure," she told him.

"Great! I'll come with you. I'm sure they're looking for me. We have to perform pretty soon," Justin informed her as he began to move away from the table. "Hey Chrissy, we gotta go. You coming?"

"We're you goin?" she asked seeing that him and Aaliyah were leaving.

"We have to go get ready to sing. I know you have to sing tonight too, so I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us."

"Sure!" she answered.

As they were making their way to the backstage area, Patti came back on stage and began to introduce the next act. Weren't they great? Give an other big hand for Flavva!" The crowd went wild again. "Ok, this next group of guys are just to precious. They are three brothers, who sing and play their own instruments. And they're cute too. Here they are to sing their new single, If Only'."

Brian was in the bathroom looking at an object in his hand. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at it and himself. It was small in size but a big part of his life now. But if anyone knew it was in his life, he would be in big trouble. But things had gotten harder to deal with.

He clinched his hand closed and stuffed it into his pocket. Just as he did the bathroom door opened. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been hiding?" JC asked as he walked up to Brian and put his arm around his shoulder.

"What are you looking for me for?" Brian asked him, looking at JC's blue eyes in the mirror.

"I just missed you, that's all. Can't I want to see the man I love for no reason?"

Brian turned to look at him face to face. He could see the love JC had for him but he didn't feel the same way. He was in love but not with JC or Justin or any other man he was involved in. He only loved what was in his pocket and himself. "No! I wanted to be left alone. Now go away JC."

JC was a little hurt but he knew if he could work on Brian like he did earlier, he could get him to soften up. "Baby, what's wrong? What can I do for you?" JC asked him as he moved closer to Brian so that his body was rubbing up against Brian's.

Brian being in the mood he was in said, "You can leave me alone. That's what you can do. Now go away!" Brian moved to the side and made his way to the door. When he walked out he walked to the backstage area. At the same time we were coming off stage. Brian eyed his next target. He stood there watching me trying to see how he could get me in bed. He knew I was available and most likely horny. `All I have to do is just wait. I will bide my time and when I catch him slipping I will just rush in and take what I want,' Brian thought.

We were just getting ready to do our next song when Justin, Christina, and Aaliyah made their way to the backstage. One of the sound technicians was hooking up with my headset when I saw them. I saw Justin before he saw me. He looked incredible. He had a great big smile on his face. The same smile I saw when I was singing. It was good to see it. Over the last year Justin hadn't shown that smile and to actually see it and to think that I may have had something to do with it, made me beam with happiness.

Justin finally looked my way and I could see the love in his eyes. He made his way over to me and the guys. "Hey guys, you were awesome." We all thanked him. "Hey, there's someone I want you guys to meet. These are very good friends of mine, Christina Aguilera and Aaliyah. Ladies, this is Joe, Tommy, Keith and Donny." They shook our hands as he introduced each of us.

"Justin, you never told us you knew Aaliyah," Tommy stated.

"Don't feel bad. I have known Justin for years and he never told me he knew her," Christina added.

"It's nice to meet all of you. That song you sang tonight was great. Is that your next single?" Aaliyah asked us.

"Maybe. It's going to be that or this next song we are about to do," I informed her.

She turned to me and said, "And you, where the hell have you been?"

Everyone looked at us with a shocked look on their faces. "As you can tell I've been a little busy trying to get to where you are. Not all of us have and Aunt and a godmother to help us out," I said to her.

"Bull. You know godmother would have helped you if you wanted her too. You were just stubborn and wanted to do it on your own."

"Do you two know each other?" Justin finally asked.

"Yeah I know this old spoiled brat. He is my brother." Aaliyah told them.

"More like god-brother. Patti is her godmother as well," I corrected her.

"You're telling us that you're related?" Tommy asked.

"Well yeah, kinda," we both answered.

"If you don't tell us all the people you know or related to in the business, I'm going to kill you," Joe ranted.

We all stood around talking for a while. It was going to be a minute before we had to sing again. Justin found out that they were going on almost last. We were going to sing the very last song of the night.

We all got to know Christina and Aaliyah a little better. I mean I knew her but not as well as I had hoped. We didn't see each other that often but we still loved each other. She knew that I always wanted to sing and she also knew that I was gay. A while back she told me that she had a friend she wanted me to meet. She told me he was cute and just the kind of guy I needed.

As we talked, Nick came up and asked if any of us had seen Lance. We hadn't so after he was introduced to Christina, he had already met Aaliyah, he went off looking for him. Next JC came up to us and told us how good we were. He never looked at Justin or even said anything to him. He seemed upset about something but I was the only one who saw it or should I say saw the way he treated Justin. When he left, I could see a part of Justin hurt. I didn't know what was going on but I had to find out.

"Justin I need to talk to you. Can you guys excuse us for a minute?" Everyone said yes and I led Justin to a small room in the back somewhere. I closed the door and checked the room to make sure it was empty. Once I was sure I walked back up to him and put my arms around his waist and pulled him into a powerful kiss. He put his arms around my neck as we kissed. I pulled away from the kiss and put my forehead against his. "Baby what's going on? You and JC were acting kind of funny just then. He didn't say anything to you and after he left your mood changed."

Justin pulled away from me and began to walk away, but I grabbed his hand gently to stop him. He didn't pull away from me but he didn't look at me either. So I moved behind him and put my arms around him again. I just held him not making him talk, but just being there for him. He broke the silence; "He doesn't believe me."

"Who doesn't believe you? And what doesn't he believe?" I asked, still holding on to him.

He pulled away yet again and began to pace the floor. I watched him and waited. "JC. He doesn't believe me," he finally spoke while still pacing the floor.

"He what?" I asked astonished.

"He thinks I made the whole thing up," Justin stopped pacing and was looking at me now.

"Wait! Are you telling me that your best friend thinks you made the whole thing up? Why does he think you would do that?"

"I don't know. He thinks I told him all that stuff just to break him and Brian up," Justin said flopping down in a small couch. "Why would my best friend, or so-called best friend, think I would do something like that?"

I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. I pulled him to me and he put his head on my shoulder. I kissed him on his forehead softly and said, "Justin, JC is still you best friend. But he needs time for all of this to sink in. I mean think about it. If someone had tried to tell you that you were in a bad relationship would you have believed them?" I asked him and he shook is head no. "Exactly! So you have to give him time. He is in love with Brian and sometimes love is blind. But he will come around. I just hope he doesn't have to find out the hard way."

Justin pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you."

Justin pulled me to him and we began to kiss passionately. Just as we were getting into it the door flung open, "Donny the guys are...Oh my God!"

Justin and I pulled apart and looked at the person that just came through the door. "Chrissy?" Justin asked as he jumped up. Christina stood there for a second and then turned around and walked out. "Chrissy, wait," he called after her. But when he got to the door he saw no sign of her. "Damn it!"

"Justin, what's going on?" I asked being a little confused.

"I didn't mean for her to find out like this," he said as he plopped down next to me.

"What? That you were seeing me?" I asked not knowing if I wanted to hear the answer.

"Yes and no. You see I never told her I was gay. As a matter of fact the only people who know are you the guys (the guys being BSB, Nsync, and Flavva) Aaliyah and Britney," he told me as he put his head in his hands.

I put my arm around him again, leaned my head on his and softly said," Baby, don't worry about it. I'm sure she was just shocked. She will still love you."

Justin sat up and looked at me. "That's not what I'm worried about. She is going to be pissed that `I' didn't tell her that I was gay more than me being gay," he explained to me.

"Either way she is going to forgive you. Eventually!" I teased him.

He looked at me and saw a big smile on my face. He pushed me playfully and got up. "Don't you have a show to do?"

"Yeah but I just have to make sure my baby is happy first," I told him lovingly.

"I'm fine, really."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go before someone else comes in here," he ordered as he was pushing me towards the door.

I stopped and turned to him and kissed him one last time. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said with one last peck on the cheek.

I opened the door and said, "This next song is for you," as I walked away.

Aaliyah saw Christina run out of the room and head straight for the restroom. Being the person she was she followed her in. When she got in the bathroom, she saw Christina standing at the mirror crying. Aaliyah walked up to her and put her hand on her shoulder, "What's wrong Christina?" she asked softly.

"I just saw something that I wasn't ready to see yet," Christina confessed.

"What did you see?" Aaliyah asked her.

"I saw Justin..." she started but didn't know how to say it without telling Aaliyah that he was gay.

"You saw Justin what?" Aaliyah asked trying to find out what Christina saw.

"I don't know if I should tell you what I saw. It's not my place to tell you what I think I just found out," Christina told her.

"There is nothing that Justin hasn't told me, so what ever you saw you can tell me," Aaliyah stated.

"I don't think he told you this. I mean I didn't even know. I was starting to wonder but I wasn't sure. Why didn't he tell me?"

Aaliyah moved to check and see if they were alone. Once she knew they were alone, she went to the door and locked it. She made her way back to Christina to finish their conversation. "Ok, we're alone. You can tell me anything. But if it's what I think it is, I already know."

Christina looked at Aaliyah and knew she could trust Aaliyah. "I saw Justin kissing someone," she told Aaliyah.

"That's no big deal. He is allowed to kiss," Aaliyah joked with her. Christina gave her a serious look. "Ok, I'm sorry. I can see that you're upset. But if you are talking about what I think you are talking about, I already know about it."

"You can't know about this. I mean I don't know if anyone knows about this. It wasn't Britney he was kissing," Christina explained.

"Look Christina, I know it wasn't Britney. Not unless there was a camera around and they aren't letting reporters backstage. If anything you saw Justin kissing a guy."

Christina's head shot up and looked at Aaliyah in pure shock, "You knew?"

"That he was gay? Yes."

"How did you know?" Christina asked her.

"I was the one person he called when he started having feelings for someone. I think I knew before even he knew. Justin tells me everything," Aaliyah informed her.

"He told you? Why didn't he tell me? Did he not trust me?" Christina wondered out loud.

"It's not that at all. He wanted to tell you but there were other people he had to think about. He had to think about the rest of Nsync and the person he was involved with," Aaliyah tried to explain.

"So he thought I would ruin their careers? That makes me feel better," Christina said as she rolled her eyes back sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant. If he had told you he was gay, what would you have said?" Aaliyah asked her.

"I would have said that I loved him. That he still was my good friend and that nothing would have changed that," Christina said confidently.

"I'm know that part, but what I'm talking about is after that wouldn't you have wanted to know who he was seeing, if anyone at all?"

"Yeah, of course."

"That's where it gets tricky. Cause the person he is seeing is high profile just like Justin. I don't think he is the best person for Justin to be seeing but, he had to think about his own career as well as his boyfriends," Aaliyah stated.

"Wait a minute. Are saying you don't like the guy Justin is seeing?" Christina asked confused.

"Honestly? No, I don't. I think Justin deserves so much better. As a matter of fact, I know the perfect person for him," Aaliyah said as she began to get a big smile on her face.

"Wow! I would think you would support them together?" Christina said still shocked.

"Why would I support them being together?"

"Well he is your god-brother, isn't he?"

"Hell No!" Aaliyah said turning her nose up in disgust.

"But you just told us that he was," Christina said even more confused then before.

"No I said Donny was my god brother, not him."

"But that's who I'm talking about."

"What?" Aaliyah had a strange look on her face.

"That's who I just saw Justin kissing, Donny."

"Are you sure?" Aaliyah asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Does that bother you?" Christina asked slowly.

Aaliyah got huge grin on her face and said, "Not at all."

Justin had made his way to a spot where he could see the stage and hear the music but he was alone. He wanted to be alone to think. To think, why didn't JC believe him? Why would his best friend think he was out to hurt him? What was he going to tell Christina? He had been lying to her to protect someone he thought he loved, and as a result he might loose a good friend.

As he stood next to the window that looked out over the dance floor, someone came up behind him and said, "Penny for your thoughts."

When he turned around he saw another good friend of his. "Hey Brit, what's up?"

"That's what I should be asking you? You seem out of it for some reason. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah! I just have a lot on my mind," he told her as he looked out the window again.

"Well sometimes you have to talk to someone to feel better," she said as she walked up to the window and looked out.

They stood there for a long time just looking. Justin was thinking and Britney was waiting there because she knew he wanted to talk she just had to wait for him to start. As they were standing there, we came out on stage again and sat down on four of the five stools that sat on the stage. Carson Daly took the fifth.

Justin lit up when I came on stage. He could see that I was looking around for him but because of where he was I couldn't see him. He could see the disappointment on my face. Which made him beam even more. Not because I was disappointed, but because he was that important to me, that I had to see his face.

Britney watched Justin as he watched me, and she could see the love in his face. She put her arm around his waist and hugged him.

Carson sat there asking us questions like; how did we get together? And how long we had known each other? And what did we like to do other then singing? What kind of music we each liked? And he asked if we were all single? You know the usual.

"Now I hear that one of you is related to the host for the evening, Patti LaBelle. Is that true?" Carson asked us.

We all smiled and looked at each other and I turned back to him and answered, "Yes, that is true."

"Which one of you is it?" he continued to question.

"You will have to figure out which one of us it is, and if you do we will give you a signed CD to give away to one of the fans on TRL. And it's a special CD. There were only a few made like this so it's kind of unique," I informed him as I hold up the CD.

"What is so special about this CD?" he asked.

"Well for one, there is a song on there that Donny did by himself. He wrote produced and sang by himself," Tommy started. "And there is a song that we remade that was originally done by George Michael."

"Really? Why weren't this songs on the CD to begin with?"

"Well that's kind of my fault. You see I was suppose to have the song written by a certain time, but I didn't get it done until about a month ago and the CD had already been completed. But Jive wanted to still use them so we came up with the idea of having a few hundred made with the song just for a few lucky fans," I explained.

"That's really cool. But what about those of your fans that really want to hear the songs?" Carson asked already knowing the answer.

"Well you can go to our web site or to Jive's web site and download them from there. Or you can go to Napster and download it there," Joe told everyone.

"Speaking of Napster, how do you guys feel about the site? Some artists feel like it is stealing. What is your take on the whole thing?" Carson asked because he had some more time and was running out of questions.

"To be honest with you, some of us have used the site," started Keith. "With me, I go and download a song or two and if I like them I go out and buy the CD. And most of the people I know do that. Not everyone but some do. The thing is some people, mostly college students, burn CD's because they can't afford them. And I don't have a problem with that."

"So if you knew someone who downloaded you CD to listen to it you wouldn't have problem with that?" he questioned further.

"No not at all, because if they really like your music, then they are going to go out and buy your CD or come out to see you live. We do this not just for the money, but for people to enjoy what they are listening to. There are some artists out there that are all about the money, but not us. Don't get me wrong, the money and fame is a reward of doing good work that we love to do. I mean how many people out there can say they do a job they really truly love doing?" I told Carson.

"You have a point. Not many people get to do what they dream. But people like us are. That is a very good point," Carson agreed.

"And we feel like if someone wants to hear our music but can't afford it, then they have to get it the best way they know how. And to be honest with you, I say if they download that many songs then they deserve them. Because the time it takes to download one song," Tommy said laughing.

"Yeah another good point. I could take up to an half hour just for one song so that's work in it self," Joe added.

"You are so right," said Carson. "Now I am running out of time so I want to thank you for letting MTV in on your release party and thanks for taking some time to talk to me."

"Hey no problem," Tommy responded.

"And if you are ever in New York, stop by the MTV studio's and come on TRL, I'd love to have ya," Carson invited us as he shook our hands.

"That will be our first stop," said Keith.

"Thanks, can't wait to see ya there," Carson tells us. "Aren't you guys going to perform for us again?" We nodded our heads yes as we move into place. It was going to be a slow song so the stools we were sitting on didn't go off stage but we handed the tech. the hand held mics and readied the headsets. When we were ready Carson said, "Ok here they are to perform a track off of there soon to be released self titled LP. Here to perform `You,' here is Flavva!"

The lights went out where Carson was standing and the music started to play, a light landing on me as I began to sing:


I finally found the nerve to say

I'm gonna make a change in my life

Starting here today

I surrender all my love I never thought I could

I'm giving all my love away and

There's only one reason that I would

And baby it's you


The way you walk, the way you talk

The way you say my name, your smile

They way you move me, the way you soothe me

The way you sleep softly through the night

Every morning you rise and open your eyes

I just want to be there with you baby

I just want to be yours from this day forth


Next year let's call this day our anniversary

The day I put my heart in your hand

And said it was yours to keep

From this moment on say that you'll always be mine

Cause girl when I get alone with you

There's only one thing that's on my mind

And baby it's you.


The way you walk, the way you talk

The way you say my name, your smile

They way you move me, the way you soothe me

The way you sleep softly through the night

Every morning you rise and open your eyes

I just want to be there with you baby

I just want to be yours


From this day forth

(Saxophone solo)

(Joe) I just wanna be yours from this day forth

(chorus) (Joe sings the ad-libs)

The way you walk, the way you talk

The way you say my name, your smile

They way you move me, the way you soothe me

The way you sleep softly through the night

Every morning you rise and open your eyes

I just want to be there with you baby

I just want to be yours from this day forth

The way you walk, the way you talk

The way you say my name, your smile

They way you move me, the way you soothe me

The way you sleep softly through the night

Every morning you rise and open your eyes

I just want to be there with you baby

I just want to be yours from this day forth

The way you walk, the way you talk

The way you say my name, your smile

They way you move me, the way you soothe me

The way you sleep softly through the night

Every morning you rise and open your eyes

I just want to be there with you baby

I just want to be yours from this day forth

Justin stood and watched as we sang. He had a small smile on his face and Britney stood there and watched him. "You're in love with him aren't you?" she asked him seeing it all over his face.

"Yes I am," he answered with out turning to look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked you?"

This made him turn around to look at her. "I couldn't tell you."

"And why not? Did you think I wouldn't support you or something?" she asked a little hurt.

"No it wasn't that. It was the fact that we couldn't take the chance of Brian finding out and then him using his pull to get Donny and the guys kicked off the tour," he explained to her.

"Do you really think Brian would do something like that?"

"In a second."

"Well I won't tell anyone, I promise. Donny is a nice guy. Hell if you hadn't of gotten to him first I sure would have tried," Britney joked.

Justin smiled and looked back out of the window. We had stopped singing You' and began to sing our current single, Love Me'. He watched us a little more with a sad look on his face.

Britney could see it and she said, "Justin, is there something else bothering you?"

"Yeah but I don't want to talk about it," he told her.

"Donny hasn't done something to upset you has he?" she asked out of concern.

"No! If anyone has done something it's me," he informed her.

"What do you mean?"

"It's a long story and I don't really have time to tell you. But I promise that I will tell you. I just hope you believe me." When he said that he turned towards the door, but was stopped by Britney placing a hand on his arm.

"Justin what's going on? Tell me," she pleaded.

"All I can tell you is that I told Donny and the guys about something that happen between Brian and I and someone didn't take it well," Justin told her.

"Who?" was her only response.


Britney had a confused look on her face. "What could you have told him that he wouldn't believe you?"

"I can't tell you. Not here and not now," he said as he tried to go to the door again.

"Damn it, Justin! Tell me!" she said raising her voice in annoyance.

"I can't," Justin said in a soft voice not able to look at Britney.

Britney calmed down and pulled him into a hug. "Justin, no matter what it is I will be here for you. I love you. And I just want you to be happy. And if JC is somehow screwing it up, then I want to help you."

She released him from the hug that he really needed at that time. He looked her in her brown eyes and said, "Britney, there is something I have been hiding from you and everyone else," he started.

"What is it sweetie?" she asked supportingly.

"Well the thing is. God I don't think I can do this again," Justin said moving away from Britney and back over to the window overlooking the dance floor and stage.

Britney moved over to where he was and put her hand on his shoulder. "What ever it is, you can tell me."

He turned and looked at her, "Britney. When Brian and I were together he..." Just then the door flew open, and Brian came walking through the door.

"Oh there you are. I've been looking all over for you," Brian said as he saw Justin and Britney standing at the far wall.

"What do you want Brian? Justin and I are talking right now. Can it wait?" she said before Justin could say anything.

"No! I really need to talk to him right now. Alone!" Brain informed her.

And before she could even respond, Justin spoke, "There is nothing you could say that I want to hear."

"Justin we really need to talk. We were interrupted earlier and we never got to finish our conversation."

Justin shook his head. "So you want to continue where we left off?" Justin asked getting a little angry.

"Yeah. I was hoping we could," Brian responded.

"So let me get this straight. You want to continue where we were stopped earlier today?"

Brian nodded his head yes. "That's what I was thinking."

"So how do you want to start?" Justin asked pissed off. "Do you want to hit me first or do you want to rip my clothes off of me?"

Brian looked at Britney and could see the shock on her face. "Justin can we talk about this alone?" he asked.

"Fuck You Brian. I never want to talk to you again," Justin yelled and stormed off.

Britney stood there and looked at Brian. Still shocked at what she had over heard. "Britney, it's not how it sounded..." Brian started to explain.

Britney put her hand up to stop him. "I don't want to hear it Brian. If I want to know I will ask Justin, not you." She then followed after Justin.

"Shit!" was all Brian could say. He knew that he had fucked up. He didn't know Justin was going to say that while Britney was there. Justin had never told or said anything in the past. Now Brian had to do some serious damage control.

The party was going great. Everyone had performed beautifully. When N sync performed, they got up there and sang their hearts out. We had all handled the business part of the party, so now it was time to have fun. We all hit the dance floor.

The DJ was hot. He played all kinds of music. It seemed like I danced all night. We had a section all to ourselves. Don't get me wrong, there were other celebrities there and a few girls from the club that were invited by some of the celebs. A few I even flirted with.

Patti LaBelle had sung a song, by my request, at the end of the night. (No matter how old you are, you have to love her voice.) Her and my grandmother had left for the night. My cousins Dante and Gina stayed and partied the night with us. They got to know the guys of N sync and BSB and just had a good time. They even got to hang out with celebrities they never thought they would meet.

Aaliyah told me how Christina was upset, but not because of the reason I thought she was. Aaliyah told me that why Christina was upset and that she just needed to talk to Justin.

During the night I would watch Justin. He would be flirting with some girl but when he would look up and see me watching him he would wink at me or give me a look that aroused me at sight. But there was something bothering him. It was the fact that his best friend, JC, wasn't talking to him. If Justin made his way over to JC to try and talk to him, JC would walk away before Justin could even get to him or would just kind of brush him off. It was upsetting to see. I could really see how it hurt Justin and I wasn't the only person to notice it either.

"Donny, do you know what's going on between Justin and JC? JC has been avoiding him all night," Nick asked me as we sat at a table taking a rest.

"Yeah!" I answered and Nick looked at me as if to say, `tell me' so I continued. "JC thinks he's lying."

Nick's brow scrunched up. "Lying? Lying about what?" Nick asked a little confused.

"JC seems to think that Justin made up the whole thing about Brian abusing him just to break him and Brian up," I told Nick.

Just as Nick was about to respond, JC walked over to where we were sitting and said, "Hey guys! Jonny said we should all head out."

"Now?" I asked not really ready to go and not knowing what time it was.

"Yeah. They have to leave in the morning to continue their tour and you have some interviews in the morning," he reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I said. "Well I guess I better let my cousins know I'm about to leave."

"Ok. Can you let Justin know we have to get out of here too?" JC asked me before I got up to leave.

"Why don't you tell him?" I asked trying to get him to tell me what was up.

"I have to let everyone else know so I figured while you were getting up you could help me out by telling him for me," he explained.

"Sure no problem," I said as I get up to walked away from the table.

"I'll go with you," Nick said jumping up. "I need to find Lance too."

Nick and I both went to find my cousins. "Hey ya'll I'm heading out. I hope to see you guys soon," I told them as I gave each of them a hug.

"Yeah. Just because you have become a big star doesn't mean we don't want to see our favorite cousin every now and then," said Dante.

"Yeah we would like to see you every now and then," Gina added.

"Hey! I'll be home soon. I do want to see the rest of my family," I defended myself.

"You better. And bring your friend with you," Gina said with a big smile on her face.

"Who?" I asked not knowing whom she was talking about.

`'Don't play stupid. You know who I'm talking about," Gina said with a big grin on her face. "Justin, that's who. He is a cutie pie."

"Look Gina, I don't know what you think you know but..." I started before she interrupted me.

"Cuz, I love you and I don't care who you love. If you want to be with him that's fine, but don't think I don't know that you're gay. I have known for years. And before you say anything I wont tell anyone," she lovingly told me. She kissed me and walked away.

I looked over to Dante and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "She caught Danny with some guy. So she kinda watched you tonight and saw the way you were acting with him," he informed me. "Not to mention she overheard Christina talking to Aaliyah," he added as he walked away as well.

I turned and looked at Nick who just stood there. I was looking at him with pure shock and all he could say was, "Well the hard part is out of the way." I gave him a questioning look and he said; "Now all you have to do is try and figure out how to keep everyone else from finding out." He had a smirk on his face like he wanted to laugh.

"You know what Carter? If you weren't my friend I would kill you," I said to him as I turned and walked away from him.

We had located Justin and Lance and with the help of security we made it to the car with no problem. On the way back to the hotel everyone was talking about the party and how well it went. But there was something wrong. Justin would say something to JC and JC would either act like he didn't hear him or his response would be cold.

We got to the hotel and due to the late hour there weren't to many fans waiting but there were enough. We were making our way to the elevator and I turned to Justin. "Hey J, I need to talk to JC, you go on upstairs and I will be up in a minute, ok?"

"What are you going to say to him?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm just going to see if I can get him to see reason, that's all," I told him as I brought my hand to his face and ran my thumb over his soft cheek.

"Ok. I will see you when you get upstairs." He looked around and then leaned forward and kissed me softly on the cheek.

I smiled as he finished his walk to the elevator that held his bodyguard, Lance, Nick and their shadows. Just as the door closed JC walked past me going towards the bar in the hotel. I followed him in and when he sat down I sat next to him. He turned to me in surprise, "What are you doing in here? Aren't you suppose to be upstairs with Justin or something?" he asked in a friendly manner.

"Yeah, but I needed to talk to you first," I told him.

"What can I do for you buddy?"

"Tell me why you've been treating Justin so bad tonight."

JC sighed and turned to the bartender who had walked up. He ordered a Rum and Coke and when he got his drink he stood up and walked over to a booth. I followed and when I sat down he said, "Would you like a drink?"

"No. All I want to know is why JC? What did Justin do for you to treat him like this?"

"He lied."

"Lied? Lied about what?" I asked not really knowing what he thought Justin lied about.

"He lied about Brian."

"JC why do you think he lied about that? Didn't you see the bruise on his face? How do you think it got there? Do you think Justin hit himself?" I said almost yelling.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that Brian has never laid a hand on me. So how could I believe that he has hit Justin?"

"Because Justin told you. That should be enough," I answered him bitterly.

"Well it's not. I can't believe that Brian would hurt him. I mean why would he do it,"

"To control him maybe, or to just have Justin afraid of him. I don't know. All I do know is that you have hurt Justin more the Brian ever could. He looks up to you and loves you and for you to turn your back on him hurt him more then anything Brian could have ever done to him physically." I stood up from the booth and looked at JC in the face. "JC you are my friend and you always will be. But I want you to think about something. I want you to think about what kind of person Justin is. Would he be the kind of person that would make something like that up? Would he try to hurt his best friend like that and risk the chance of loosing you? Or is he the type of person who is sharing what he has been through and going through just so you know what you may be getting into? Think about it JC. How many times has Justin lied to you? And think about what you mean to him and then tell me if you think he really lied or not." I turned to walk away from the table but stopped and walked back to him to say one last thing. "Oh by the way JC, if you need anyone to talk to about this, I will lend an ear. We have become real close and I would hope that hasn't changed. I'm in love with Justin but I love you JC and I'm not against you. I just want you to think with an open mind not a closed one. Love can be blind but don't let it blind you to what you are being shown," then I walked away.

JC sat there thinking about what I had said. Could he have been wrong? Could Justin be telling the truth? Brian may not have hit him but Brian could be cold at times. Like tonight, all he wanted to do was show Brian a little love and Brian snapped at him. He had a lot of thinking to do. "Waitress, bring me an other drink."

I walked out of the elevator and saw Lonnie and a few local security guards sitting in some chairs. I waved and made my way down the hall to the room Justin and I were sharing. On my way I ran into Nick who was walking towards me in a pair of boxers and a wifebeater. "Hey sexy where are you coming from," I teased him.

"From your room. Justin couldn't wait for you anymore so I hooked him up with a little lovin'," he responded back.

"Well with the time you had and the fact that you are headed back to your room he must still not be satisfied," I continued joking.

"Whatever! Where are you coming from?" he asked me.

"I had to talk to JC. I hope I got to him."

"He really doesn't believe Justin?"

"Nope! He thinks Justin is making it up just to break them up."

"That's crazy. Justin wouldn't do that. He knows how JC feels about Brian. He always has," Nick responded.

"I know that and I think he may know that now. I just hope he listened to me," I told Nick. "You know, you never told me where you were coming from."

"Oh we were out of Cokes so I went to the machine to get a few more. We may get a little thirsty later on," he said with a big smile on his face.

I laughed and begin to walk away. "Well you better get your cute ass in there then, before Lance thinks you really are cheating on him."

"Cheating on him? With who?" Nick asked as I turned around and looked at him. I mean really looked at him. "Like there is anyone out here worth it."

I rolled my eyes and continued to my door. As I got to the door I opened it and said, "Bite me!" and closed the door.

Nick stood there for a few seconds and thought to himself, `If I wasn't with Lance and you weren't with Justin, I would do more then bite you,' and then walked to his room.

I closed the door to the room and leaned up against it. I realized that I was just in the hall with a cute guy that was half-naked. I couldn't get the image out of my head. But then the bathroom door opened and there stood Justin. He was in nothing but a towel and I forgot all about what's his name.

"Hey baby, when did you get here," Justin asked as he dried his hair.

"I just walked in the door. What are you doing?" I asked him looking at his bare chest.

"Well while I was waiting on you, I decided to take a shower. How did your talk go with JC?" Justin asked as he made is way over to the bed.

I followed as I answered. "I hope he heard what I had to say."

"I hope you didn't attack him. That's going to just make things worse."

"No, I didn't attack him. As a matter of fact I told him that if he needed someone to talk to I was here for him," I said as I sat next to Justin.

He finished drying his hair and turn to look at me. He looked me in my eyes for a few seconds and then said, "So what did you say to him?"

"Well I don't think I should tell you," I teased.

"Why not?" Justin asked a little confused.

"Because you haven't been very nice to me."

"What do you mean?'

"Well I haven't gotten a kiss this evening since Christina walked in on us. Now do you think that is very fair?"

Justin smiled and leaned towards me. "Is there any way I can get you to forgive me?" he asked and he kissed me softly on the corner of my mouth.

"I don't know. My feelings are really hurt."

"Well maybe I can make you feel better." Justin leaned in more and planted a kiss on me that made me dizzy. His lips pressed against mine hard but not forcefully. His tongue ran over my lips and pushed to access entry. And it was granted. One of his hands was on the back of my neck pulling me into the kiss even more. His other hand ran up and down my back.

Justin laid back and gently pulled me down on top of him. We continued to kiss. My hands were on the bed on each side of him. I was over him but not on him. As we kissed more I came down on him so that my covered chest was on his bare chest. He was now running his fingers through my long curly hair. My elbows were now on the bed so my hands began to play with his wet curls. The whole time we never broke the kiss.

Justin spread his legs so now I was lying between them and he wrapped one of them around me. I pulled my lips from his and began to kiss down to his neck. On my way to his neck I stuck my tongue out and play with his earlobe. I sucked it into my mouth and lightly bit on it. This made Justin moan and arch his back, "Oh baby I love you." I responded by continuing my sucking.

Justin was pulling at my shirt hoisting his hips up and rubbing our crouches together. It took everything in me but I pulled away from his ear and looked him deep in the eyes. "I love you too, but I need to take a shower too."

Justin gave me a disappointed look and didn't want to let me go. "You would rather go take a shower then to be here with me?"

"God no. It is taking everything in me to stop from devouring you right now. But with all the sweating I did tonight, I stink and you smell all good. I don't think it fair to you to have to smell me," I told him.

"But you stink so good...I love the way you smell... after you have danced...It turns me on," Justin said as he kissed me.

"I promise it won't take long," I said trying to pull away from him.

"Ok, but before you go, I want to tell you one thing." I stopped and looked at him waiting for him to say what he was going to say. He leaned up and whispered in my ear, "The quicker you are in the bathroom, the sooner I get to show you just how much I want you."

After he said that he kissed me one last time and let me go. After a short pause, I slowly got up. I looked down at him with his towel around his sexy waist and his legs parted a little. He put his hands behind his head licked his pink lips.

Everything about him was sexy. From the way his arms flexed as he put his hands behind his head. From the way his tongue ran across he sweat lips. To the way he looked at me with those blue eyes. How his chest went up and down as he slowly breathed in and out. How his nipples were getting hard but now totally. How his washboard stomach was smooth until you go to his love trail. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I stood there and looked at him. He smiled that smile of his and said, "Hurry up. The longer you stand there the longer it will take for you to get back in here."

That snapped me back into reality. I began to walk to the bathroom but still watched him. I went in and closed the door. I leaned against the door trying to get my thoughts together so I could hurry and get back to him. I turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature so that it was as hot as I could take it. I quickly got undressed and stepped in. I loved the way the hot water felt on my body. Taking a hot shower was one of my favorite things to do. Holding Justin in my arms was my favorite. I stuck my head under the water and let it cascade down my back.

I let the water run over my body for a while and then I reached for the bath wash and sponge and started to wash my body. I started with my neck then chest and arms. I was taking my time to make sure I got clean but I was also rushing so I could get back to that sexy man outside.

I put some shampoo in my hair and quickly washed my hair and rinsed it out. As I rinsed out my hair I felt a pair of arms wrap around my chest and a pair of lips on the back of my neck. "It was taking you too long so I thought I would join you," he said erotically in my ear.

I leaned back into his embrace and put my head on his shoulder. He leaned in and kissed me. We kissed and he ran his hands across my chest and stomach. I reached up and ran my hands through his hair.

I could feel his hard member against my butt. This turned me on even more. I turned my body around so that we were facing each other and wrapped my arms around his slender waist. We were standing chest to chest and cock to cock. We were rubbing against each other. Wet bodies rubbing together. I moved my hand down to his nice firm butt and began to play with his ass. The kissing got more intense. He lifted one of his legs and wrapped it around my waist. Justin had his arms around my neck to balance himself.

I pulled our lips apart and began to kiss my way down his body. As I went down his neck and chest, his leg stayed wrapped around me. I kissed his chest and stomach, lightly sucking his soft skin. I made my way down to his member and quickly sucked it into my mouth. His leg that had been around my waist and on back was now on my shoulder. I ran my hand over his thigh and went down on him. I went down until the head of his cock touched my throat and would pull back until he was almost all the way out of my mouth and would go back down. I did this a few times. He lightly grabbed my hair and pulled on it. I looked up at him and his head was thrown back and his mouth was open. I knew he was enjoying what I was doing but I wanted him to feel like he was one step closer to heaven.

So I went down on him like I had been doing one last time and I pulled back and when I went down this time I opened my mouth a little wider and relaxed my throat muscles. When the head of his cock touched my throat, I didn't stop. I took him into my throat. At first I wanted to gag, but I pulled back some and tried it again. This time relaxing a little more. It worked. He went in. My body still wanted to gag but I just stayed relaxed.

When his member went into my throat, the tightness of my throat sent pleasure through his body. His hands that were still in my hair pulled a little harder and his legs got weaker. So much so that he took his leg off my shoulder to catch his balance. I pulled back and went down again. I did this a few more times. Up and down, each time taking more of him in my throat.

His body tensed up and his breathing got quicker. I knew his orgasm was getting closer but I wasn't ready for him to cum yet. So I pulled off of his member and stood up again. I kissed him on the lips and said, "Lets take this back to the bedroom."

He opened his eyes and nodded in agreement. I turned around and turned the water off. We stepped out of the shower and grabbed towels and began to dry off. Once we were somewhat dry we made our way to the bedroom. We went to the bed he sat down. I leaned over and kissed him. I stood back up and went over to my bag. I found what I was looking for and walked back over to Justin. I put the condom on the table next to the bed and started to kiss Justin again.

I kissed Justin and he laid down on the bed and I went with him. I crawled onto the bed and he scooted back onto the bed more. He wrapped his legs around me and said, "I want you. I want you inside me now," he growled.

I was not going to deny his request. I reached over and grabbed the condom and tore it open. I put it on and kissed Justin with all I had. I positioned myself and pushed in. We made love for what seemed to be hours. I ran my hands through his hair and kissed his shoulder and neck. He pulled me into him with his legs and ran his fingers up and down my back.

Sweat was running over our bodies. We moaned and grunted in each other's ears. We told each other that we loved the other. And it climaxed with me cumming inside Justin and he cumming between our bodies.

I pulled out of Justin and tossed the condom towards the trash. I missed but right then I didn't care. I rolled so that I my body was not on Justin but we were still touching. "That was great baby. I love you," was all I could say.

"I love you too. I have never felt so good before," he stated in-between breaths.

I laid on my back and pulled his head so that it was on my chest. I ran my hands through his hair with out saying a word. He broke the silence by asking, "What time is it?"

I looked over at the clock and was in shock. "It is 4:15am."

His head shot up and looked at the clock for himself. "Oh my God! Do you know we have got to get up in like 2 hours?"

"Yeah so I guess we better try and get some sleep."

He laid his head back down and laid his arm over my body.

I reached down and pulled the covers over us and then wrapped my arms around his body. "I love so much."

"Ditto," was all he said and I could hear his breathing become rhythmic so I knew he was asleep.

I kissed him on the top of the head and said, "I love you," and went to sleep holding him in my arms.

To Be Continued...

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