Townie Lad's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Sep 29, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Townie Lad's Shit

Chapter Four

The evenings were drawing in. Outside it was dusk and cold, and rain was lashing against the bathroom window as Jamie turned around next to it. That morning he'd had a shit in the toilets at college, and no sooner had he come out of the cubicle some gorgeous blonde lad had gone in, wrinkling his nose up slightly at the smell. As he washed his hands Jamie had listened intently to the lad having a farty, plopping shit, with his dick stiffening slightly in his pants. By the time I got home from work he needed to go again. Now he lowered his pants, sat his gorgeous round bottom down on the toilet and shuffled well forwards, so I could see down into the bowl. He leaned forward a bit further, grunted, and then a long, smooth brown finger extended slowly down from him.

'Ploop .. plop-plop ... plop.'

Water splashed up onto his bottom as his logs dropped, and the smell rose up from him. Like it often was in the afternoon, it was faint and teasing. His hole hissed softly again and he curled out another one, and then sat upright again, with his hand going to his cock.

'I blocked the toilet at college yesterday,' he said, smiling sexily. 'Or, well, I did one that wouldn't flush, an' I had to break it up wiv the bog brush! Felt so fucking nice doing it ... I wish I could've done it in me pants!'

'Mmm, yeah! We gotta do that again sometime...

'Yeah. How about this weekend? All me family are away, and I've 'ad a thought...'

He broke off, leaned forward again and looked round, pursing his lips slightly like he did when he was pushing. His hole flared a little, let out a couple of rasping little farts, and then another smooth brown turd curled slowly out. He grunted softly as it plopped into the toilet, leaned back again, and told me his idea. His parents were out for the day that Saturday, and since his sister was going to her friend's place he'd have the house to himself for a few hours. It'd feel so naughty, starting to play at his place, and then going back to mine to finish off...

That Saturday, I made everything ready at home and then set off for his place. I needed a shit badly. It had come on mid-morning, like it often did, and although I'd managed to control it the urge was becoming uncomfortable by the time he texted a couple of hours later. I walked quickly, rather furtive, as if my neighbours might somehow know I was up to something. His house was only five minutes' walk away; a neat, red-brick terrace with conifers in pots in the little front yard, half-hiding the dustbins. My stomach churned as I rang the doorbell, and then in the frosted glass of the door I saw his tall figure approaching.

Jamie's house was like mine, though a bit bigger with its extension on the back. It was neat and tidy, but it had the cluttered look of a small house with four people in it. He looked a bit awkward as he invited me in and led me through into the living room, though I could see he had a little bulge in his tracksuit pants already. We settled on the sofas by the massive TV, and he looked at me quizzically.

'You look like you really need a shit,' he grinned.

'I do! Getting desperate. How about you?'

'Yeh I do a bit. I really needed a dump this morning, before me mum and dad went out, but I held it and it's not so bad now.'

'What time are they coming back?'

'Dunno, but won't be before six and they're picking me sister up on the way. We got a few hours. You got any weed wiv yer? Cool, shall we go 'ave a joint?'

'Think I need a shit first!'

'Oh. Sure? Can't you hold it a bit?'

'No, I don't think I can. I really need the toilet!'

'Er ... okay, come on then.'

He led me upstairs to the bathroom. I recognised it from those old videos of his, which I saw he'd shot with the camera on the top of the little waste bin next to the toilet. In front of it he turned to face me, frowning and massaging his dick through his pants. He did it harder as I unbuckled my belt, then leaned forward so he could see down into the toilet. My shit began to move inside me, sliding exquisitely down the chute and pushing my hole open...

'Plomp! Plop ... ploop-plop ... plop!'

'Mm!' he sniffed. 'Mate, that fuckin' stinks!'

I looked round at him, looking straight at his crotch, where his dick had got fully hard and pushed the front of it out into a big marquee. Every so often he put his hand down and massaged it, then drew it away again quickly. I caught his eye then, and he smiled sexily as I pushed and farted, and did another one that splashed my cheeks and made the smell in the room even stronger. His hand went to his crotch again.

'Oh fuck, it's mad watching you do it here. I'm fuckin' edging!'

'Yeah! Don't cum though ... this is just the start! Anyway, I'm done. Wanna wipe me bum for me...?'

He nodded silently, and I lifted myself up off the seat, looking down as I did at the big dark shit I'd deposited in the toilet. I could feel his hand trembling as he wiped my brown hole, using a lot of paper that had pretty much covered my shit by the time I was clean. There were big skidmarks in the toilet when he flushed it. He looked at them for a moment, stroking his cock, and swallowed. Then he led the way up the narrow stairs, to where the loft space had been converted into his bedroom. It was a typical teenage lad's room, with the ashtray overflowing and his clothes scattered all over the floor, and his double bed unmade in the middle of it. We sat down on a couple of beanbags under the skylight, skinned up a joint and sat, smoking and talking quietly as the tension built up.

He'd eaten loads the day before, he said, and when he'd needed the toilet after breakfast he didn't think he was going to be able to hold it. At one point he'd actually given up and gone to the toilet, but his dad was in there, and by the time he was done Jamie had managed to fight down the pressure in his bowels. He'd lain back on his bed with his legs up for another half-hour or so until it had subsided to a dull heaviness deep inside him. Now as we sat smoking his shit began to fill his chute again, and he screwed his face up and shuffled awkwardly on the beanbag as he handed me the joint.

'You really need a shit, don't you?' I said coolly.

'Yeah.' He nodded. 'Gonna have to take a dump soon. I'm bare desperate!'

'Good,' I smiled, with just a touch of sadism. 'I like seeing you all desperate, knowing you're gonna have to give in and dirty your pants. When did you last go? Yesterday afternoon, wasn't it? Gonna do a big smelly one for me, when we've finished this joint...?'

He nodded and leaned back, wincing slightly. His crotch was bulging again, and he watched in tense silence as I spun out the last few drags from the joint. I could hear his breathing, quick and shallow and slightly hoarse with excitement. Finally, with my heart thumping, I crushed the joint out in the ashtray and looked straight at him.


We both stood up. He was trembling again. His throbbing cock was very obvious through his tracksuit, and when he pulled that down it bulged out the front of his white briefs like a tent, with a little sticky splash of pre-cum at its end. He looked back at me, his face flushed and his eyes wide.

'Ooh!' he breathed, pawing at his dick. 'Oh I really need a shit!'

'On your bed, man. Go on ... kneel down on the bed. Yeah, like that. Now, stick your bottom up a bit.'

Jamie whimpered. He'd always stood up as he dirtied his pants, and this kneeling position felt submissive and naughty. I could see him shaking as he knelt there, holding in his shit, with his pants stretched tight across his bum. He looked round and met my eyes again, I nodded, and he bowed his head and gave a little grunt, which tailed off into a long, low sigh of relief.

He did it slowly at first. A dimple appeared between his cheeks and swelled up steadily, squelching and hissing, until it was about the size of a tennis ball. His smell began to thicken the air around us and I sniffed eagerly and wanked through my jeans. Then he did a little gassy fart, and his mouth fell open in a loud moan as his bowels heaved and expelled a hefty turd. It spread across his bottom and down between his legs, all hot and lumpy, making a filthy sound. The smell grew thicker, warm and rich and dizzyingly erotic, and we both began to edge as he arched his back and pushed out another one. He looked around again, shaking all over, with a lumpy mound on his bottom.

'Oh...' he moaned softly. 'Oh Christ ... I've really shit meself ... all up behind me balls. Phew .. ooh it smells.'

'Mm, yeah, it does! Smells so fucking nice! Have you finished?'

'No. Uh ... oh, I still feel like I need to shit.'

He reached behind him and pulled his pants down a little way to make more room, so that the top of his crack peeped invitingly out over his waistband. Then he bowed his head and began to grunt, and pushed out a thick, smooth turd. His pants swelled out further, and he edged and whimpered as he crapped. He knelt there again for a space, trembling and breathing hoarsely. I stood over him, wanking, marvelling at the sight of him kneeling on his bed with a big dirty shit in his pants. He reached underneath himself and pawed at his cock, then crew his hand away again.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Feel like I'm gonna fart!'

His farts were wet and muffled in his shit. He did two or three long ones, groaning as he did so, and then the last one trailed off into a squelching sound as a load of mushy shit piled up in his crack and tickled the back his balls. Finally he was done, and he shuffled backwards off the bed and stood up, with his tracksuit round his ankles. His cock was rock hard, and in his excitement he'd made a big splash across the front of his pants. It grew a it further as he pulled them back up tight, and gave a little gasp as he pressed his shit to his skin. His eyes were wide as he turned to me, smiling slightly.

'Can't believe I've just done it here!' he breathed, and reached round behind to feel it. 'Ooh, it's really big!

'Yeah it is, and you stink!' I grinned. 'Now, bend over. Go on, touch your toes...'

I made him stay on his feet for a bit; walk around his room, bend and squat and wiggle his sexy, filthy bum at me. He gasped again as his turds tickled him underneath, and then when he knelt and humped his bed he began to edge hard. He stopped suddenly, whimpering, with more pre-cum soaking through the front of his pants.

'Ooh,' he groaned. 'I wanna sit in it. Come on ... let's go to yours. Oh fuck, I'm gonna have to walk down the road like this, and it's so big...'

Quickly we scuttled downstairs and put our coats and shoes on, with him whimpering softly as he bent to tie his laces, pushing his shit against his bottom and his balls. The smell filled the hallway. He paused as he opened the front door.

'You go first. Check no-one's here. If me neighbours are coming in or out just go, and I'll follow yer in a minute.'

Thankfully there was no-one there, and we set off quickly back to mine. The walk seemed to happen in slow motion, and once again I walked a pace or two behind him and watched his big bulge wobbling below his jacket. He was slinking furtively along, and he shrank back towards the houses as a woman walked by, even though she was on the other side of the street. Then we were back at mine, and we hastened inside and locked the door. He bent down to untie his laces again, giving me a perfect view of what he'd done, and I couldn't resist stepping forward, hauling down his tracksuit and then pulling out the waistband of his pants. He'd done a great, solid brown block, pressed up to a peak between his cheeks; probably the biggest shit I'd ever seen him do, and the smelliest as well. He was still breathing hard and trembling, rock hard and psyching himself up to sit in his own shit. Then he stood up decisively, trod his shoes and pants off, and half-dragged me through to the bathroom.

He didn't hesitate or spin it out; just spun round and sat straight down in his pile with a big 'squelch.' His face contorted and he moaned out loud, and then his hole body tensed up hard as he came uncontrollably.

'Oh!' he gasped. 'Oh! Oh fuckin' hell!'

He spunked so hard in his pants that it actually squirted out through the front, and for a few seconds he lost control altogether and writhed and squished madly. Then he calmed down and grinned at me, and motioned me to take my clothes off and sit with him a bit. So I sat and rolled a joint, and as I did so he began to rock gently to and fro, sniffing poppers every so often, and he got hard all over again.

'Go on,' I said as I lit the joint. 'Stand up and show me the damage.'

He grunted, lifted himself up off the seat and displayed his ruined pants, all caked in the shit that was well plastered across his bottom, and I wanked over it and sniffed at his smell. He sat down again, and as he twisted round to take the joint from me his shit rubbed him underneath and made him whimper. As we smoked it I got him to move harder and slide back and forth, until when by the time we'd finished the joint he was edging and moaning and wanking again. Shit had pushed right up at the back until it was pushing his waistband out a bit, and at the front it was massaging his balls and giving him the most exquisite sensation.

'Ooh ... oh I'm gonna cum again! Gonna cum ... oh fuck! Oh!'

I watched and wanked, getting nearer to cumming as he squirmed around and screwed his face up in ecstasy. Then came suddenly and hard, and cried out as his dick fired spunk half way across the room. Then I began to gasp and edge too, and he stood up quickly, pulled his pants down and let me shoot all over his beautiful messy bottom.

Jamie loved shitting himself outside. Doing it in my back yard turned him on beyond belief, and doing it in public places was even more exciting. He'd cum in his pants when he'd done it in the car park with me only a few weeks earlier, and he was desperate to do it again. One afternoon the following week he rang me, his voice all husky and excited.

'I ain't been for a dump today and I'm so horny,' he said urgently. 'Wanna do it in me pants. I'm finishing college in half an hour. You free?'

'Yeah I am,' I said eagerly, my heart starting to pound as it always did when he rang like this. 'Wanna come to mine?'

'Nah, I got a better idea. I'll text yer when I get off the bus; meet yer on the corner.'

'Er ... yeah, okay,' I said, wondering what he had in mind. 'Don't you want to change your pants, though, if you're gonna...'

'Nah. I put some briefs on this morning. I ... I 'ad this thought earlier, and put them on just in case. Feels so naughty wearing 'em, like I'm gonna shit meself any minute! You jus' get everything ready so we can go back to yours afterwards. An' roll a joint to bing wiv yer!'

Still wondering exactly what he had in mind, I made everything ready; cleaning stuff in the shower, bags to put everything in and for him to lower his pants onto, and the poppers bottle nearby. Then I skinned up a spliff, stuck it in a cigar tube, and set off when his text arrived. He was already standing on the corner when I got there, in his tight sports pants and jacket. He was standing slightly awkwardly, looking furtive and obvious, and he looked relieved as he turned and saw me coming. He motioned me to come with him, and we set off down the main street together.

'I gotta take a dump so bad!' he said quietly. 'I 'ad eggs yesterday and they often make it real solid, and that's gonna be why I didn't go this morning, but I ate so much yesterday and I'm fuckin' busting for a shit now!'

'Cool! So, where are we going?'

He shot me a sly smile and kept on walking. Then we turned into his street, and I realised. He was taking me back to the empty house, to where he'd first shat himself outside, in the back garden. Sure enough, as we reached it he looked furtively up and down the street, and then led me down the alleyway. At the broken gate we stopped and listened, but there was no sound of anyone nearby.

'Here we are,' he grinned. 'Got that joint wiv yer?'

We sat down on the edge of the crumbling old patio and smoked it, and as we did I looked around us. There were occupied houses either side, but they had net curtains up, and he'd be out of sight right by the wall anyway. In front of us were the backs of the houses in the next street, but I could see no-one in them and half of them had blinds up; and again, if he stood near the wall to our right he was hidden from view behind the old concrete air raid shelter that had last seen service as a garden shed, and more recently as a tramps' toilet. Momentarily I imagined watching him squatting in it and dumping his load on the ground, but then the prospect of what he was actually going to do came back to me, and I felt my dick stiffening. I looked around again, but there was still no-one there to see what was about to happen. He saw me look around and grinned.

'See? Good place innit! No-one to see me ... erm, do what I gotta do!'

'You really desperate?'

'Yeah.' He winced a little, and shuffled on the hard paving slab. 'I need a big fuckin' shit, man. Feels really solid, like I got a brick up me arse, and it's startin' to hurt to hold it. I'm gonna be touchin' cloth in a minute. Soon as we finish this joint...'

As we took the last few drags his face grew flushed and intense, and I could see his big cock clearly through his pants. I loved those pants: they hugged his long, shapely legs and showed off his rounded bottom to perfection, and they made it so obvious when he had a hard-on. I wanted to see him shit himself in them, I realised. Normally he took them down and just did it in the briefs underneath. Now, as he flicked the end of the joint into the weeds, screwed up his face in discomfort and went to stand up I grabbed his arm.

'Do it in your sports pants. Keep them on for me. I wanna see you shit yourself in them!'

'Oh!' He started a little. 'Oh, nah man, I don't wanna get 'em dirty. Got to wear 'em home later, ain't I?'

'But you're gonna have to pull them up anyway, aren't you, and walk back to mine in them. So it makes no difference. Besides, if someone can see us it's not so obvious what you're doing...'

'Er ... yeah, guess so. Yeah okay.' He winced again. 'But ... oh fuckin' hell man I'm seriously gonna shit meself in a minute. I've gotta let it go!'

He stood up and stepped over behind the shed and the wall, and hitched his jacket up above his bottom. The afternoon light fell across him, accentuating his fair hair as he stood there, breathing hard and wanking through his pants. Then his hand fell to his side, and he stuck his bum out slightly.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Uh ... uh ... ooh!'

The back of his pants spiked downwards as he did a big solid log, gasped with relief, then gave an audible moan as his shit got softer. It bent across his left cheek, squelching softly, then another turd surged out of him and pushed it out to the right. In the still air behind the wall his smell started to thicken; quite light today, but warm and fresh and so, so erotic. He was breathing hard, almost whimpering, and then he pushed, and gasped as his chute gave in and pushed another fat turd into the big, lumpy dump in his pants. It went on for ages, making his pants swell up with a filthy squelching sound. He twisted around to look at me for a moment, with his face very red and intense, and his hand went momentarily to his cock again. I was rock hard too now, and I couldn't help wanking through my jeans as I watched. Then his mouth fell open as his body took control again, and he bent his legs and stuck his bottom out further, and finished his shit in a surge of gassy, hot turds.

'Oh,' he grunted. 'Oh fuckin' hell ... uh, I needed that so bad!'

He reached around behind him and felt his bulge, sighing with contentment. Then he let his jacket fall back so that it covered his upper bottom. It did make his bulge a bit less conspicuous, but even so it was so big it was obvious at a glance. He turned around, smiling, and fumbled in his crotch to try and angle his dick so as best to disguise his raging hard-on. He cocked an ear to the street.

'Come on,' he said shortly. 'Let's go back. It's massive an' someone's gonna see it. We'll go the back way. Yeah, I know it goes near my house but me mum and dad are out til a bit later. Let's get back to yours, and ... oh ... oh it's really rubbing me balls!'

The walk back to my place was becoming a ritual by now; him slinking along quickly, petrified at being caught but getting off massively on taking the risk, and me walking a little behind him, partly to help hide him from any passers by but mainly so I could watch his shit pushing to and fro as he walked, smearing his bottom and wafting its dirty smell back to me. Then I caught up with him. His dick had gone down a bit, but he still had a strong semi. He looked down at the floor as he walked, then glanced furtively at me as I came alongside, and smiled.

'Nearly back,' he whispered hoarsely. 'I can't wait ... want me arse all covered in my shit for you to spunk all over! You gonna rub it for me, like you said you would, before I sit in it?'

'Ooh, yes! Anyway, here we are...'

We scurried inside, tore our coats and shoes off, and then he pulled down his sports pants. His shit was even bigger than it had looked with them on; a great, lumpy mound with spots of brown moisture soaking through it. His beautiful fresh smell hit me all over again, and then he stood up and stepped out of his pants, and I saw he was rock hard again. He turned and grinned at me, and struck a pose with his hand on his hip and his arse sticking out slightly, and the cheekiest grin playing across his lips. He wiggled his bum a bit, and sighed.

'Ooh.. Oh it feels so good!'

I kept him on his feet for a long time, wiggling his bum and squatting and bending to touch his toes, and then got him to kneel and hump the sofa until he was edging. I sat and wanked, and watched his face contorting in ecstasy and his turds pushing around on his bottom, gave him some poppers and made him do it again, and again. I loved how submissive he got when he was dirty and really turned on, and he begged me to rub him and make him sit in it, and give him a messy bottom. So I took him through to the bathroom and made him bend over with his hands on the toilet lid, put on an old rubber glove, and cupped his shit in my hand. It was warm and firm and lumpy. He gasped as I pressed it lightly, and then moaned louder and louder as I pushed it from side to side and up and down. As I did it I began to talk; pure filth about how I loved his big shits, and how he was a horny little pervert who liked his arse covered in his own shit. He nodded and moaned, and began to edge madly as I pushed his bulge downward and then to and fro, so that his hot turds rubbed against his balls.

'Oh!' he squealed. 'Oh no! Don't ... I'll cum! Oh ... oh fuckin' hell ... oh I wanna sit in it!'

He straightened up sharply, turned around and lowered himself down into his pile. His face contorted again and he gasped and edged as he wriggled. Somehow he managed to stop himself cumming, and he relaxed for a few minutes, as I rolled a joint for us. Every so often he took a sniff of the poppers and rocked back and forth a few times, moaned out loud, and I got another little blast of his smell. It was so nice that day, and it drove me wild. Both of us wanked through our pants as we smoked, and his shit squelched loudly as he leaned over to hand me the last of the joint.

When it was finished he stood up and plonked himself down again, and began to rock and squish harder than he ever had before, spreading his shit everywhere and grunting madly in his throat. When he came I'd never seen anything like it. His toes curled up and his whole body convulsed, and he screamed out loud as his dick fired great gouts of his thick spunk right across the room. His head was spinning with the adrenaline rush, and he was dizzy and unsteady on his feet, but still he stood up, bent and bared his brown bottom for me to spunk all over it.

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Next: Chapter 5

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