Traditonal Retreat-Part1

By moc.loa@yarGretirW

Published on May 31, 1999



Ok here is my first attempt at a buddy's story with a twist. Tell me what you think. All materials are Copy written if you want to post this anywhere, just let me know and I will agree but you do have to ask first. Thank you Grayson.

If you want to contact me please write to

"Traditional Retreat" By Grayson S. Vellar

Here I was in Beverly Hills staying at my family home as they all were in Newark at our second home. Of course I had friends here and there. But all in all I felt alone. Here I should be celebrating when all I can do is settle in and desire to be desired. Funny thing is I had put it all aside for the past two years of High School as I lived my straight life and held myself away from being the kind of guy I truly wanted in my life. Two years ago I had finally come to the conclusion that I was Gay. No questions about it as all my internal desired directed my senses to try and sneak a glance or stare as it were at the most handsome men in town. Of course being an assistant manager for the football team was a good thing. I rather had it easy this way. Unfortunately I was also at the disadvantage of not knowing if any of them were like me.

My family has a tradition to uphold and that is to send the eldest son away after graduation to another state. Well conveniently enough our second home was located in another. So, far be it from my Dad to send me away and have to spend money when he could send me somewhere he was not to be and have it already taken care of. I agreed it was a good Idea and asked if it would be all right for me to take some friends with me. He agreed and so here I am sitting in the master bedroom as 4 healthy happy diploma bearing men rest in the rooms just down the hall. To bad I really have no idea if any of them were interested in me. Well, almost nobody. I had revealed a few things about myself to one person. But I was not myself I hoped, prayed he would not hate me He is my best friend and he is the sole purpose of my desires. I had not planned on telling him and thus is the reason for me being awake in the middle of the night thinking when all they are doing is sleeping down the hall on this the first night of our staying here. The funny thing is I think I found myself more over the last 24 hours and that is where I shall begin.

His eyes glowed in a brilliance of blue hues as the sunlight washed over his face. He was staring at me as I watched him. He was to pack and we were to leave for my parent's home on flight 274 to Los Angeles. I was still in shock he said yes. Sure we had been friends but Steven was far from being gay he had so many girlfriend's we all thought that one day he would find out he had 70 or 80 kids running around somewhere. We all joked about it but we also knew it was not true. "Jake you in there?" He asked as I had begun to daydream about him. "Hello Jake?" He said as he placed his strong hand on my shoulders. He shook me lightly as I came out of my trance and was engulfed in his eyes. I quickly looked away, as I am sure I was blushing. "Sorry bout that are you ready," I asked.

"Yeah all I have to do now is say goodbye to my family and we can go." I noticed he had not let go of my shoulders as I looked up into his eyes once again. We both went silent as we made eye contact again. Suddenly I found myself leaning into him and I broke free of my trance and stood up nearly knocking him down. My nervousness must have shown as he was grinning at me widely.

"Ok, we still need to pick up Tom and meet Blake and Gerry at the airport terminal," I said as I headed out of the room grabbing his suitcase. "Right," he said as we headed down the stairs he detoured out into the family dinning room where his mother and father were talking.

"So, are you ready to go son," His mother half asked as she knew he would be. She had been looking forwards to getting her son out of the house as of late he had been far to reserved and withdrawn. She had grown concerned when suddenly two days ago he had stopped eating all together. It seemed the only person to be able to get him out of his slump was Jake. But for what reason she did not know she could not figure out why. Of course she was not in the habit of thinking her so to be so attached to a male friend and in her mind it was fine but confusing all together.

Steve Sr. sat staring at his lovely wife as he contemplated in his head what was going on in there. His own namesake had him worried and now all he could do was comfort his distressed wife from her thoughts. He smiling outside but inside he felt a loss as he had no idea where he was going to stand when the final curtain had been drawn and all was revealed. He grinned at Steven and stood to hug him before he left.

"You need this son no matter what is on your mind we will still love you when you tell us what it is," To Steve it sound trite but it was the only thing he could say. All his feelings told him he had to tell his son something at that moment about their feelings. But, with him no knowing what he was going through it was difficult to surmise just what to do.

"Ok, it is time for me to get going. We will be gone maybe two weeks unless we get on each others nerves before then," Steven said, as he hugged his father back. All the girl he had dated over the years had been faked. Until two days ago he had not really had thought of any of this. But, when Jake asked him to come on the trip he was excited and wanted nothing more than to go with the guy who had intrigued him for most of his life. His heart told him it would be hard to keep hiding his feeling. But, after talking things out with so many people for so long he was convinced this would be the time to tell him how he felt. Losing him would kill him but he had to try and see if it was possible for them to be together. We left in my car, as Steven remained quiet the entire ride to our destinations.

The guys were all on time from that point on as we headed out of town together. I realized on the plane I was had actually been closer to Steven more so than any of the other guys in the group. Of course, I knew each of them pretty well but Steven and I had grown up together. I had known all his girlfriends but ever since the beginning of High School we had kind of became separate entities unlike when we were growing up. He had his friends separate from most of mine but we always remained constant so to speak. I don't remember a day we had not talked but then again I don't really remember any depth to the conversations before. As the plane rid continued I noticed everyone had fallen asleep except for Steven and myself. He was staring at me from across the row I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.

"Steve if you keep doing that someone might think your going nuts." He suddenly looked away and I thought I could see tears running down his face. I did the only thing I could think to do. As I reached over and took hold of his arm he faced me as he was still crying my heart broke.

"Steve I'm sorry. I was only joking. Tell me what's wrong." I was almost pleading as he remained silent and continued to cry. I pulled myself out of my chair and squatted down in the isle. His face was red as his tears began to subside. No thought crossed my mind as I slid in front of him and hugged him tight in my arms. He began to cry again.

"Steve? Tell me what's wrong. We have known each other to long for you take my jokes so seriously," I said as he went completely silent. "Steve, it's ok what ever it is. I won't take it wrong from you." As I paused before saying anything else he leaned back in his seat and stared into my eyes. "I will tell you when we are alone. I just have a lot to work out." I stood up from my perched position and was going to walk back to my seat. Steve grabbed me by my waist and hugged me to him as he began to let the tears flow again.

"Thank you." He whispered as I stepped away and he laid back to fall asleep.

My flight was from that moment spent making sure he was unharmed. I could not sleep so what better way to spend it then to take care of Steven. He was angelic as I watched his body so fine-tuned it was frightening I had never allowed myself to consider the attraction I had to him. He's handsome and charming and god only knows he is intelligent. Why all the sudden had he started to pay attention to me again I thought as the plane landed in Los Angeles. There was no time we had to get our luggage and head to the house before Miss Thompson closed up for the evening. It was common knowledge we were coming but she was stuck in her ways and would certainly forget they were coming. If she locked the house up they would have no way in and in this city you did not want to be without a place to stay.

The Limousine drive flew down the freeways in a flash but to our dismay I had been right the entire time. Miss Thompson had locked up every door and window and we were stranded. The guys laughed at me as I tried everything. I knew however I would have to have the code for the alarm system if I was to get in at all. This being an impossibility I was out of luck and the guys laughed harder. Steven came up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Jake come on we'll just get a room for the night," he said as I was hoping he meant it the way he said it.

I remained silent as I gathered my thoughts to take charge of the situation again. Steven remained at my side as all the guys still laughed at my expression of confusion. Steven pulled away as a car flew by the house.

"Ok, guys there are several options for Hotels or motels your choice but I have one in mind right now that is a block or two away. I will use my card to get a room. We can all pile in there for the night." They all stopped laughing and agreed it was a good idea. As we picked up our bags and headed for the Limousine again the driver stood waiting for our return. He was grinning at us all as we waited for him to open the door. Still he did not move.

"Well, aren't you going to do your job," Blake asked. Bill the driver stood motionless as his grin disappeared. "You have no idea what you guys are going do you," Bill asked. I was shocked at his reply but none the less decided we could trust someone whom worked for my parents. "No, we don't," I replied.

As the words came out of my mouth I heard the front door to the house open up. Miss Thompson stood waiting for our entrance. I was beginning to laugh as the entire group stood with the expression of having swallowed a handful of tacks. Steven began to laugh as Miss Thompson was waving her arms around trying to get us to come in. I grabbed my bags once again and lead everyone into the house noticing Steven grinning as much as I was as no one else said a single word.

"Jake's home four handsome men. How may I help you gentlemen," Miss Thompson chimed as we made our way into the House.

"Betty, I would like you to meet the guys. This one here with the Blonde and Black hair is Steven, otherwise known as Steve. The two guys in the back are Tom the one with the green on and Blake being the one in the sweatshirt. But, who could forget our little friend Gerry." I pointed to Gerry as he just scowled at me making it clear the little jokes were getting old.

"Ok gentlemen I am off to home now. There is dinner waiting for you in the Kitchen and I will return in the morning. This is your vacation so remember to have fun," with that said she was heading out the door.

"Wait! Betty I was wondering what is for dinner," Blake asked. "Why of course it's Pizza for the young handsome men," She replied.

We each headed upstairs as I showed them to their rooms. Each of them had their own but nothing was set as to who was to get each one. I spoke briefly about the house as we walked along. Each of them took a room one after another inline leading to my room. Of course Steven picked my actual room I was going to be in my parents and the rest of the guys took guestrooms. Funny thing we hardly ever stayed here anymore, not even on our vacations. As little time as we spent in LA over the last 18 years you would have thought my parents would have gotten rid of this house. But to my parents I suppose all good things are worth keeping. Their beginning were spent here in this very room I thought as I unpacked my clothes.

In the early days of their first meeting my parents had lived separately both coming from well to do families. They dated for several months and viola they ended up in love and in this very house were married. At the time it all happened it had belonged to my Grand parents for some 10 years. They had raised my Mother here and my parents planned on raising me here. But with the falling out of grace my father took from his parents it was very evident that they should move on. Just that they did, as time went by my fathers parents passed away and just last year my mother inherited the house completely. It was a day of celebrating as that is exactly what my grandparents had set out to do. My mother was in shock as they gave her the house saying they had very little time left and wanted to see her happiness. The truth was they wanted her to move closer so they could spend time together. But all that aside my mother took a vacation and spent several days making their wishes granted as they lived for the moment. Two days after she returned home to us there was a phone call and a message given. My grandparents had passed away. A car accident was the cause there lives were the affect.

Steven came into my open doorway and noticed my standing there motionless as the memories flooded my mind. He walked up to me and again placed his hand on my shoulder as he always does to get my attention. My heart raced as I realized he was standing there. This room was the room I was spurned from. This was the house my family was built on. Traditions aside I was in a whirlwind of confusion as I turned to face him. His eyes said nothing my heart spoke the words I wanted to hear as I began to instantly become engulfed. He spoke not a word as he reached around me and hugged me. I held on to him tightly as I realized what we were doing. To him it was an innocent hug to me it was my world. I had to tell him. I had to tell him now.

"Steven I have to tell you something." I could feel his grip tighter. There was a commotion in the hall just outside my room. My heart sank, as I knew I would have to separate from him.

"Hey guys let's get something to eat!" Blake shouted as he walked up to the door. Instantly we were apart, as I did not want it to be perceived as something to the guys.

"Yeah let's eat," was all I could say as I made my way to the door. As I was leaving I heard Steven sigh heavily he was surely not trying to confuse me but inside. I realized I was surely making too much of his friendliness. My head was a mess as we walked down the stairs. 'Surely he couldn't be trying to reach out to me,' I I walked into the kitchen. Just as she had said Pizza and of course the addition of Beer. Which actually surprised me but then again Betty was a woman of the world. There was enough here to last us a week but then again she had no idea how much we would actually drink or eat and this was my family of course.

"Man look at all this. Jake does your Dad own stock in Miller or something, My God," Blake replied as Gerry and Tom had already started in and had headed into the den to watch some television.

"Yes he does actually," I said while grabbing my food and heading into the next room. Soon enough all the guy were eating drinking and having a good time when it suddenly hit me I had not drank this much in so long and here I was getting all to relaxed. I had been leaning against Steven for about fifteen minutes when we all decided it was late. Well, of course it was late it was 3 o'clock in the morning and I was plastered beyond my limits. Steven helped me to my feet as he half carried me up the stairs. I was amazed at his strength as he lifted me into my bed. His gentleness was present as he brushed the hair from my eyes and pulled the covers over me. He stood above me for a few minutes before he said his goodnight. I whispered good night and it happened I slipped and whispered I love you to him as I did every night wishing it were truly he there with me. For so long it had been a mysterious figure and now it was he in my heart.

I passed out cold for two hours sleeping as if I had nothing to live for. Now I lay here at the time of night when most are asleep still wondering if any of them could be as interested in me as I am in Steven. There I said it even to myself if no one else it was him I wanted but I could never have him. He is my best friend and here I am going to blow it I thought. As the night went on I had gotten very little sleep; morning comes early when you are trying to forgive your mind for it's hidden clauses. Mine had thrown me for a loop. All the years we had been friends and not once had it occurred to me. He was the one I looked to for the things I could not handle in this world. I pulled myself together and headed into the shower.

Now, I was completely awake and sober as I soaped up and washed away what I could of the feelings of confusion in my head. In 24 hours I had suddenly come to the conclusion I was in Love with my best friend and had no desire to tell him for the fear of losing him. As I dried myself and put on my boxers I headed out to the main landing of the stairs I could hear a bit of noise coming from the room at the other end of the hallway. As I approached the door I found it to be opened just a small amount. I could see two bodies lying on the bed. This of course being Tom's room I found myself intrigued as to who the second person was as Tom raised himself off the bed I could see the legs of my friend Blake wrapped around Tom. They were having sex in my old room. What to do now I thought as I walked back and fourth pacing several moments until I finally let it go at them being together. I was suddenly overjoyed inside thinking that maybe these 2 weeks would bring us all closer together after all. I stood silently watching for a few more moments until they were spent and panting heavily. Tom noticed my standing there and grinned as he lay down next to Blake. I raised my finger to my lips hushing him from notifying Blake. He shook his head slightly, as Blake exhausted did not take notice.

I was on my way down stairs wishing for things to be the same for Steven and me. I made my way down the hall towards the kitchen when all of the sudden out of no where I was pushed into the Den. The lights were out and all I could see was a shadow of a man approach me. He wrapped his arms around em and held me tight. His arms were so familiar as he held me tightly. I was well aware of it being Steven but why all the sudden interest and ambushing me like he had done. My eyes adjusted to the light and all I could have was there before me staring into his eyes. He grinned and held me longer as I began to speak he hushed me and began to whisper.

"Jake I only ambushed you because there is someone in the house. Before we die I have something to tell you," He grinned at me as he paused. "If you feel the way I do and I hope you do I am glad you are being robed," His eyes pleaded as they turned to a spark and he leaned in to kissed me for the first time. Our tongues escaped our own mouths as we danced a silent dance and felt our hearts explore. I pulled back gently and again looked longingly into his eyes. There was a clutter of pots and pans in the Kitchen as I gently pulled free from his grip. It was Betty as she began to prepare a breakfast for us all to enjoy. I stood leaning half out of the den when she noticed me. Steven had placed his hands on my hips and was hugging me just out of her sight. Here I was finally getting my dreams come true and I was in my Den with our housekeeper just out of sight.

"I think maybe you two should either take it upstairs or close those doors," she said smiling. Steven began to laugh at her comment and pulled away sitting on the near by couch. "Betty, we really should talk about this I suppose." She turned around and faced me directly. "What's there to talk about as long as you are happy," she said as she tied an apron around her waist. I was shocked but none the less obliged her wishes by closing the doors to the den.

"Ok, that was entirely to weird," I said as Steven watched my every move. I made my way to the couch and sat down next to him.

"I guess you could say me ambushing you and kissing you would be weird but think about it this way at least we finally came to the conclusions we have," he said with a evil grin on his face.

"And what may I ask is the conclusion you have come to," I asked half-worried and half-surprised.

"That we have wasted all the years wondering who was and who is and never once considered it to be a possibility that we were and we wanted to," he said as he pulled he closer to him.

"I guess you're right," I said as I heard the doors open to the den.

"Jake I need to talk to you," Tom said as he entered the den. I tried to pull free of Steven monetarily but soon realized it was impossible. Tom grinned and sat across from us on a recliner.

"Ok, so I guess what you saw earlier is fine after all," He said as he leaned back in the chair. Steven pulled my chin to face him as he kissed me briefly. "Yes, it was fine." Steven replied as I sat looking into his eyes. Just then the doors flew open.

"Tom you had better have had a good reason for deserting me this morning!" He half shouted as he ran into the room not paying attention to us on the couch. "I did," was all Tom said as he pointed to us.

Blake turned around and found Steven and I in another kiss of passion. No one was fair game as far a Steven considered it. He wanted to tell the world. I was caught up in the moment when suddenly I realized my boxers were tenting out in front of everyone. I pulled away and adjusted myself as Steven grinned at me once again. I stroked his face gently and realized we still had an audience.

"I better go get something on before Gerry gets down here," I said just as Gerry walked into the room.

"Why it's not like I have not seen all of you naked before. It's just I have never seen you all so um. Friendly." He said as he sat on the floor in front of us all. "I've known about Tom and Blake for a while but you two I would have never guessed. So how long has it been," Steven wass laughing as Gerry asked the question.

"I guess we have been together about fifteen minutes." Steven said, as Gerry suddenly looked sad.

"Gerry what's wrong!" I asked as I stood to go put on clothing.

"Well, all of you have yours now where the hell is mine?" I made my way out of the room leaving him in the guys' hands, as I knew I would only have this one chance to go pout on clothes. As I was exiting the Den I saw Betty heading in and she pointed to the dinning room where she had placed a lot of food out for our consumption.

"I mean I want a girl of course, but it is fine with me if you guys are together. I just want one myself that's all." Just then Betty came into the room interrupting Gerry.

"Ok Breakfast is served. And I would appreciate it if you all would cool it my daughter is going to be here today and I don't want word getting out about all of you. In a neighborhood like this one it could get ugly fast. Now I am not saying don't be gay. I am saying be careful Jenny is impressionable still and her idea's getting screwed up in her head is a bad thing. She has been away from home for 8 months now and I want her purity in tact when I send her back to school." With that said she headed out into the Kitchen once again.

"Guys, what if she tells my Dad?" I asked as I drank my morning coffee.

"Well you should know your dad asked me about us months ago. He told me it would not bother him in the least bit and if you're hiding it you are not hiding it from anyone other than yourself. That is when I decided I had to know. Hell I was going to tell you about me but I just got scared," Steve said. "You were trying to tell me on the plane yesterday weren't you," I asked

"Yes" he said as he swallowed a spoonful of cereal.

"Man, watching you two on that plane ride was a trip. I was wondering if you guys were ever just going to get together and quit all the games," Blake said as he sat eating his eggs.

"You already knew?" I looked at Blake he shook his head yes. "Ok, who else here knew I was gay before all of this?" Jenny came walking up to the table just as I said it and everyone began to laugh. "Ok raise your hands then," They all raised their hands except for Steven. Now Jenny was laughing. She had grown up a lot since I had last seen here at the lovely age of 17 she had the quality in her I had always dated. Pure beauty and spark in personality. Just enough purity left in her to hide the rough edges parents don't like to accept. Gerry was staring at her intently as she took note of him as well. The two never lost sight of each other as Jenny made her way to a chair next to Gerry and me. Just then Betty walked into the room.

"Jenny you leave the boys alone they have things to discuss," Betty said as I motioned for Jenny that is was fine in her staying with us.

"Mom I think you should know something's about school before you make your judgments. First I am a grown woman now. Not some five-year-old in pig tales who is naive to the worldly ways. And as far as the guys discussion on who is gay and who is not I already could tell when I walked in which ones are and which ones aren't," She sat back in her chair and ate a piece of the bacon set on the table. Betty was in shock at first then just sat down in a chair.

"Ok, so explain to me how you knew," Tom asked.

"Gaydar of course silly when you are around all sorts of gay men you kind of get a feeling of who is and who isn't," She said as we all watched the color drain from Betty's face. "Mom breath it really isn't that bad I just learned a few things while away at school. Like I said I grew up." With that Betty stood up walked around the table to stand next to Jenny and took hold of her as she hugged her close.

"Jenny, I know I can be a pain but you are still my little girl in my heart. I feel like I have missed so much of your life already." Her tears were flowing as I realized how lucky they were at this moment. They were having one of those moments that you remember as long as you live. Jenny was still smiling as she hugged her mother. We were all just in awe of them as they stood caring for one another finally making a connection so badly needed.

"Ok, what are we going to do all day guys?" Jenny said as Betty just grinned at her. "I guess that means you want to hang out with the boy's today?" Betty said as she sat back down and ate some bacon herself.

"We really haven't had time to think about all that yet," Gerry said while motioning Jenny to sit on the other side of him.

"How bout," Jenny said as she paused and sat on Gerry's lap. "We go to Universal Studio's today." Jenny said as Betty began to laugh.

"I never thought you would laugh so hard Betty, you're crying." I said as the others took note and began to stare at her. She blushed as we all laughed with her now. "You guys are evil," She said as she laughed even harder.

"No mom they aren't I am," Jenny said, as she began cheering, laughing, and bouncing on Gerry's lap. We all laughed until we felt sick Jenny only laughed harder.

"Ok so is it Universal or not you guy's. I haven't been there in a long time it could be fun," Steven said.

"Steve I was hoping to get to other things if you know what I mean," I said as he blushed.

"Wait is it Steven or Steve," Jenny asked as she bounced up and down on Gerry's lap getting everyone's attention.

"Steve, sounds good to me. These guys are really the only people who call me Steven," Steve said as he bit into some bacon.

"Well, I kinda like calling you Steven. I think it's cute," I said as he just grinned at me with bacon caught in his teeth. "Universal is good with me I just think maybe we need to talk more about all this. I mean I was not planning on all this to happen so fast. Then again I have always wanted it to happen." I trailed off in thought thinking about all I wanted to say to him. Just as I was at my most treasured moments of thought Steven squeezed my thigh.

"We can talk first everyone has to get ready to go," Steven answered my thoughts. "Besides you already got in the shower so your half way ready and I am already ready. We have plenty of time to justify our relationship." He grinned as everyone shook his or her heads yes in agreement.

"Well, I guess that leaves me and Mom here to cleanup while you guys get ready," Jenny said while jumping off Gerry's lap. "You are coming with us Mom you do know that right? I bet you have not taken a day off in months." Betty just shook her head yes. "Well today it is time for change. I am single free and well I have a new crush and you are single free and well we will get you a crush if you don't mind me looking for you?" Jenny said, as she walked out of the room. I immediately took note that her face said that she was up to something. Betty had a look of fear on her face that would have been perfect for a horror film. She had not been interested in men for quite some time. She was only interested in one but no one knew of it and she was not about to blow it.

"Jenny you can not really expect me to just go looking around town for a man," Just then Bill my driver came walking in the back door to the kitchen. "You're going to go looking for men now are you," Bill asked while sitting down at the Kitchen table where Jenny had set a cup of coffee out for him. We all began to laugh as Betty turned three sheets of red.

"Just the way I like it darling. You better watch out someday you will catch a man of our own." Bill said, while he sat and drank his coffee. "I better keep an eye on you two your going to get into trouble with the boys today aren't you."

"Yes," was all Jenny said as she placed the dishes in the dishwasher while we all listened. Betty Just sighed and held her head as if she were in the middle of a fine sized headache. Steven ran his hand up my thigh to get my attention. "We should go upstairs and get ready," he whispered. "You don't want to get ready you want to play," I retorted to him as he grinned at me.

"Ok, mom the cat is out of the bag where did I learn to make Bill's coffee just the way he likes it?" Jenny asked while standing in the doorway between the two rooms. "I don't' know," Betty replied. "I learned from talking to him for the past 8 months silly I know more than I am supposed to." Just then it dawned on me what Jenny was up to. "Jenny I think maybe well should go together and let them have the day to themselves. What do you think?" I asked as she just grinned at me knowing I was now picking up the slack.

"Sounds like a good idea but." She paused as she turned and walked back into the kitchen. "If your thinking of getting them together it is a lost cause since they have been seeing one another for about 6 months," Jenny said as she placed a cup in the top rack of the washer. Betty began to choke on her coffee of all things as we all just burst into laughter. Tom and Blake both stood up in unison and began to clap as we all headed out of the room to our rooms to get ready. Bill laughing hysterically until he began to cough and choke. I could hear Betty as we exited the room.

"How in God's name did you know that? We have not told anyone," Betty said.

"It's the Dar mother it comes in handy when I talk to you guy's on the phone too," Jenny replied.

I was standing in my room finishing getting ready when Steve came to the door and knocked. "Come in!" I shouted as he walked through he door looking peculiar at best. His shirt was on backwards and so were his pants. I was about to laugh when he just looked at me like he was helpless. I closed the bedroom door behind him as I watched him moved to the center of the room.

"So, what am I to do with you?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Help me. I think I can not do a thing without you," He said as his eyes flashed a mischiviousness I had only hoped would exist. My heart was so happy to be so needed if as he walked towards me like a penguin.

"Maybe I should just undress you first to figure out what happened?" I grinned as he moved closer to me. "Maybe you should just get over here and see what you can do." His eyes sparkled as I reached around his chest. I began to unbutton his shirt slowly as I looked into his eyes. "Maybe we should completely start at the beginning here. You have to be completely naked before I can figure out what to put on you first."

In the back of my mind I knew we would be caught off guard by timing but I had to have at least a little bit of him before we went out for the day. Just as I was pulling his shirt off he leaned in and wrapped his naked arms around my waste and un-tucked my shirt. "Maybe we could use you as a guide along the way." My shirt was pulled over my head in seconds as I continued to unbuckle his pants as he leaned into me again. "Here let me show you how to do that," he said as my loose fitting shorts fell to the floor. My hands had just freed his pants from his body when I immediately took note of the fact he was wearing nothing under them. I was shaking, for the first time in my life my urges were to be met.

His body was shaking as much as I was yet his confidence over ruled his nerves. "I think we are uneven now. Maybe I should settle the score here. Hmmm How do I do that." He paused long enough to look into my frightened eyes and kiss me again our tongues danced back and forth through each others mouths as his hands reached the waist band of my boxers.

In seconds, flesh against flesh was all I felt as the warmth of his body over took my soul. My mind was in a race as I felt my way around his body and we began to grind our hard cocks together. Our arms intertwined as we both leaned back and took a look at one another reaching every once in a while to touch, to make real in our mind the fantasy that has always been. His stomach so well formed as I reach out and ran my fingers along the wash board finish. I was in heaven as I touched the top of his pubes and he began to caress my right nipple between his fingers. I leaned into his awaiting mouth as my hands traveled farther down to his long shaft. 7 to 8 inches I thought as I tried to grab all of it at once.

"Half-hard and half-full this could be interesting to dress again how will we hid it?" I began to stroke him gently. "I don't know but you have the same problem." He said as he kissed me again and began to stoke me in rhythm with him.

"I'm so excited I don't think I am going to last long," I said as he just grinned. "I won't either and considering we only have a few minutes that is fine with me," He panted out as I continued with my now diligent strokes. With my other hand free I began to massage his balls in a circular motion in my hand his face contorted as he began a low series of moans. I suddenly became enraptured with this; my dreams were comings true.

"I'm coming!" he shouted. 'Were coming," I corrected him. Just as my first shot was out he quickly dropped to the floor and swallowed me whole. His warm mouth was all I could take as I felt as if I would never stop coming. He swallowed every last drop as I could see his cum on his chest and stomach. My last drops well placed in his mouth and throat I dropped to the floor. "Now we have to clean you up," I said as I began to lick him clean. Within seconds of finishing and there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it," I asked.

"Where ready to go as soon as you two stop screwing around." With that said I could hear a round of laughter coming form the guy's.

"We'll be done any second." I said half laughing as Steve just lay on the floor spent and ready to sleep now.

"Oh, no you don't if you sleep now you wont get first prize tonight," I said as he just looked at me with a deepness I had never seen before in his eyes. I leaned into his soft lips as he opened his mouth we entangled our tongues together in a mixture of our own juices. He was humming as we pulled apart and tasted our own spent desires. He eyes said a thousand words as I looked deep into his soul my tears were on the verge of release. Just as it should be he said the thing that sent them over the edge.

"Can you love me as much as I do you," he asked. "I have since the day we met Steve I just never knew how to tell you." "You just did," He said as he quickly kissed me and jumped up to get dressed again. I followed suit and found myself standing uneasily as he steadied me with a firm hug around the waist.

"This is how I wanted it to be for so long Jake," he whispered in my ear.

"Me too," I said as we just stood there until there was another knock at the door. Just as we were to say something the door flew open. "I don't care what you're doing in here just get it over with we're ready to go," Tom said with a shocked look on his face.

"We're already done except he has to get dressed now," Steve said as he grinned at Tom and I blushed I am sure from head to toe. He quickly closed the door and headed back downstairs to the others. "They will be down in a minute Jake has to finish getting dressed. Or maybe he has to start getting dressed that is." Everyone was laughing as I hit the bottom of the stairs.

"It's not that small Tom, someday yours will get this big too," I groped my crotch as Tom stopped laughing to glare at me as everyone began to laugh harder.

"I deserved that didn't I," he said. "Yes you did," Gerry said from the couch where he and Jenny had grown attached to one another.

"Where's your Mom at," I asked Jenny. "Oh, she and Bill are going to stay here and keep the home fires burning so to speak," She said as she and Gerry just grinned at one another. " I knew they were up to something but asking was going to be futile so I let it go.

"Ok, so where is Blake," I asked. "He's out getting your car pulled around front," Tom answered. I was looking at him questioningly as I heard the front door open and in walked Blake. "Everyone ready," he asked. "Sure are," I replied. "Well, I figured you two would not be down for a hour or so," Was all it took for everyone to just start to laugh again. "Let's just go," I said as Betty came into the room. "Oh, here are the instructions I have been given," She said. "Your present for the year of graduation is sitting out front and you are to treat it as if it is the only thing you will ever get from your Dad again. Oh, and by the way that thing is why I was late getting back here to meet you yesterday. I couldn't figure out how to get it here."

With that said we all rushed to the front door where I was in awe. My Dad had bought me a Lincoln Navigator Black exterior Grey interior. It was beautiful as it set parked waiting for us to climb in. "And the other thing I am to give to you is this." Just then Betty handed em a envelope filled with documents. I was curious to find out what they were but she just took them back. "Latter I will go over it with you. Right now just go and have a good time with your friends." I looked at her questioningly as she pushed me out the door towards the ATV.

"Baby at least you should know I don't want to drive it," Steve said to me. Everyone just looked at him like he was nuts. "It's to big for him," I jokingly relied to everyone standing there. "Nope I just happen to like the idea of you driving while I keep you occupied on the side," He said as the guys all wolf called and whistled at us. "Just get in before I show you occupied," I said as I kissed him on the cheek and climbed into the drivers seat. He walked around climbed in and put his hand on my knee and grinned as everyone else climbed in the back seats. We were off in second I occasionally asked jenny for directions, which she gladly gave as Gerry just, stared at her.

"If you keep staring at me my head will explode," She said to Gerry as she reached over and took his hand in hers. "Now all we have to do is get you to talk to me instead of sitting there not saying anything. I'm not as porcelain doll you know."

"He is kinda shy if you haven't figured it out yet," I said. "Besides with you being as forwards as you are Jenny I don't think he has a choice of saying or not saying anything yet. You're doing fine for the both of you," Steven said as I laughed. "Hey you guys leave her alone. It isn't stopping me you know that," Gerry said as he leaned over to Jenny and kissed her softly.

"Ok, now that's better Gerry," I retorted. "Yeah that's it but you should try it this way," Blake said as he leaned over and engulfed Tom's mouth with his own. "If I wanted to look gay I would do that Blake But since she is a lady I think soft and gentle is the trick," Gerry said as I laughed even harder. "Screw soft and gentle I want it all!" Jenny said as she practically threw herself into Gerry's lap. "And there off Jenny takes the lead!" I shouted like a race announcer from the front seat only to have Jenny stop and glare at me. "No no no hun its: Round one Jenny's looking good tonight all the spectators are out for blood. Gerry has been at his peak all year maybe they have finally met there match," Steve said as if he were a fights announcer.

"OK, you guys knock it off I think their embarrassed enough," Tom said then he looked over the seat to find them not even paying attention to us any longer. "Ewwwww, gross," I heard Blake say from the back seat. "If they keep that up they'll be having sex in front of us any second," He finished off as we all laughed.

Jenny sat up pulling Gerry up with her as we hit the parking structure for the park. They were still kissing as I pulled into a spot and stopped the truck. As they pulled away from one another they were giggling and grinning. "Your mother is never going to forgive me for this one," I said as she shot a glance forwards.

"You mean our mom is not going to forgive you right?" She said, as I became totally confused.

"No, I mean your mom silly. Betty you know your mom," I asked and tried to drift away from the rumors of days gone by.

"You didn't look at the envelope did you?" She asked.

"No why what do you know that I don't," I was getting curious to her answers already. "Maybe this can wait until later Jake," Steve said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I was completely turned around in the chair now as she was sitting quietly staring at me. I could see something running wild in her head an almost idea of sort that could not be held in any longer. She was pissing me off already just as she always did when we were kids and she would visit.

"Well," I asked. "Jake. What do you remember about your mother." She asked.

"I remember her living with us most of my life then when I was 12 she passed away due to a reoccurrence with cancer. She was everything to me don't try and change that now," I said not breaking my line of sight with her.

"Have you ever wondered why we are so much alike and look so much alike Jake. We are only a year apart or at least that is what you think. We are actually the same age both born on August 11th and we both have different sets of parents as you thought but the truth is," She started to finish as I cut her off.

"No, we are not the same in any ways your mother and my father never slept together he never cheated on my mother and," She cut me off as I screamed out in anger.

"Your right he never cheated on her. She was a wonderful woman. She was the kind of woman I would have wished had raised me as well. Your mother could not have children Jake, mine could," Everyone was silent. As she went on. "Your mother had Cancer Jake so bad she could not bear a child! My mother volunteered, your parents agreed when it was revealed that they would leave me with my mother and they would raise you, it was all arranged! There was no cheating and my mother swore to take it to her grave until your father asked if he could reveal it to you. How often do I get to see you Jake? Why am I here, but only to help you figure it all out Jake. We have grown up together neither of us knowing. I was only completely filled in a few days ago," I was in shock no one moved except for Steve.

"Jake, your father told me all of this when we had our discussion about you and I. She is telling the truth," he said while rubbing my back.

I turned in my seat as everyone remained silent and I started the truck up again. No one questioned my judgment as I pulled back out onto the open highway and headed back to the house. I could see the Limousine still park up front they had not left yet as I pulled into the drive. I was confused and annoyed no one deserved to be treated the way I had. My parents were loving individuals with all the same heart and soul as me. How could all this be true? As I entered the house I heard Betty crying in the Kitchen.

"Bill I can not tell him as much as his father wants me too how can I. He deserves better than me. He has been lied to all of his life. I want to tell him but I can't," She said through her sobs as I entered the room.

"You just did tell me and I should have figured it out long ago," I said.

She sat up as Steve reached my side and held my hand. Betty just sat there a few minutes before she moved Jenny walked into the room as not a words was spoken. The others walked slowly into the room only to remain silent support for me as I watched Jenny take her mothers hand in hers and stand her up to walk towards me. The long walk was only 10 feet but it took a lifetime for her to achieve, as I suddenly was ware of my own family. She held her head high with no fear and no shame as I watched her come to me. I let go of Steve's hand but still he was nearby to support me. Betty made her way farther as I took a step towards her she stopped crying all together. Our eyes met as we embraced and our hearts were let into one another's soul for the first time in the past 18 years of my life. I heard a small cheer and sigh come from around the from as all who stood nearby watched with tear filled eyes and hopes that we would work all this out.

"Betty, why didn't you tell me sooner," I asked as we all sat around the table Steven at my side. Jenny in Gerry's lap, Bill sitting next to Betty, and Tom and Blake setting at the bar just behind me.

"I promised not to tell. Jenny only found out because she had seen your baby pictures, which reminds me," As she said it she produced the envelope again. "In here are your papers and history. You have no idea how hard it has been Jake. I wanted to tell you for years now. But, when your mother died I had no desire to break the trust I had with her and she with me. We grew up together your mother and I she was my best friend and all I could ever do to prove it lies in you. The town over the years has grown wildly and no one remembers us from those days. No one ever mention the case anymore. It was one of the firsts of its kind. Your father and I made a pact to have you and we did for your mother and him and they agreed you would never know I had grown accustomed to the idea you wouldn't but now we are at your fathers wishes again."

"What do we do now," I asked rhetorically but I knew it would get answer. "We live as we have as a great big family in my heart. Your father does not intend for you to leave the family or anything he just wanted you to know."

"I had all that figured out, but what I don't get is why now is he telling me." Just as the words came out of my mouth my father walked into the Kitchen and stood next to me. His eyes filled with tears', as he stood motionless.

"Dad! Nice to see you! But why are you crying this is a happy moment isn't it," I asked as he just stood there. "Dad is dying Jake and he needs us to hold onto one another," Jenny said as the tears streamed out of her eyes now Steven held my hand firmly under the table as my father took notice he grinned. "Your smiling and your dying," I asked he just shook his head yes.

"I think he has found out something else you two," Blake said while he pointed in our direction. "What," I innocently asked. My father started to laugh as I tried my best to look confused. Steven raised our hand to my face to show me just what Blake meant. "Oh, that," I said as Steven just grimaced to my disinterest.

"Ok, I am getting all of it now." Tears began to fill my eyes. My heart was breaking I had just heard the words I had always dreaded my father was dying. I let go of Steven's hand and looked into his eyes one last time as I stood up and headed out the back door. I could hear them calling my name as I ran for the back yard nothing was going to stop me. I was not going to accept this I had to wake up from this dream before I fell farther. I had gone through so much in such a short period of time and I was not about to stop to think all the good I had in my life was about to end. My mind sprang to attention at me from all directions, as all I could do was think and run. "Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted at myself. I ran fast and far across the back yard and out along the back paths through the hills. The anguish of reality set in as the tree branches lashed out onto my body. I felt the warm trickle of blood sliding down my face as I ran faster farther further than I normally would have. I was going not knowing where but just going. I had to get away.

(To be continued)

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