Trained to be a submissive spouse - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 8, 2024


"You know, you don't have to do this. I'm not getting away." Steve fought as Miller brought his wrists together and cuffed them in front of him.

"Oh, I think I do, stevie. It's part of your training." Miller began to push steve into the passenger seat. Steve's ankles had been cuffed too, and the chain connecting them was just long enough to let him take small steps. "And you should be thanking me instead of complaining. I could've cuffed them behind you, but it's a long ride. Or I could've dumped you in the trunk, or just left you the way jeff is situated in the backseat." As Miller started the car, he called to the back "YOU DOING OK THERE, JEFF? " Jeff was decidedly NOT doing ok in the backseat. He squirmed, tried to kick open the door, and screamed through the tight gag in his mouth.

"Why are you doing this to him?" steve asked, pushing against the cuffs, even though he knew it would do no good. He felt the plug between his ass cheeks, and the strap that led from there to the ring around his balls. Miller had thought about caging him and changed his mind.

"I told you, stevie. The manor is low on general slaves. They sold two of the boys you met, and now they need to restaff. Jeff will be perfect. Won't you jeff-boy?"

A long, angry "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of the captive in the backseat. As the car moved along, steve saw that Miller was smiling. "What happens when we get there?" Miller smiled more broadly.

"Well, it's actually very simple, steve. The fellowship likes to have a little bit of a ritual ceremony before one of the members takes his spouse as a permanent sub. We're going up for that. They'll talk to you, without me, and they'll talk to me, and after we both agree that this is what we want, there'll be a closing ceremony, I'll take you as my sub spouse, and then the next day, we're back for the next stage of our lives."

"You won't get away with this. You know that, Miller!" Notwithstanding everything, steve remained defiant. "AAAAAGH!" he jumped a bit as Miller hit the "charge" button on his butt plug.

"BASTARD" he growled, and Miller laughed. "You have to face reality, stevie. I captured you -- twice as a matter of fact -- and you surrendered to me directly. You've been calling me SIR or MASTER since then -- you're just getting a reprieve until we finalize things. You knew this was going to happen all along." Steve was quiet for a minute. Miller had told him all of this, but not the part about his having a chance to speak without Miller around.

"What if I say I don't want this? That you're forcing me to do it?" That provoked another laugh from Miller. "Well, let's see. A couple of things COULD happen. That would be up to me. They'd give me a chance to release you -- let you back in the world again -- or they'll let me have another chance at getting your submission, but this time everyone will be watching. Oh, and before I forget, if I release you, ha ha, I'll let everyone there know how I keep you in line, so that anyone who wants you has an...advantage."

"FUCK! I'm really FUCKED, aren't I?"

"Well, it's not like you're not used to being fucked by me, steve. I think it's just a matter of whether or not you want someone else's dick in you." He put a hand on steve's thigh and squeezed it. "You've been there when other guys have asked for a crack at you. I turned them all down." While steve fumed, Miller sent more juice to his butt plug.

"DAMN! Why do you have to do that?"

"To keep you stimulated, stevie. To remind you how much you enjoy the feel of something stimulating those nerve endings." Steve cursed to himself, because Miller was right: when he felt Miller work on his ass, or his mouth, he felt waves of pleasure almost as strong as the ones he got when Miller worked on his nipples.

"You've gone awfully quiet, stevie. You need to make a pit stop? " Steve knew what that meant: if they stopped, it would be in a quiet deserted place, and he'd have to blow Miller."

"I'm good." He hissed. "Well I'm not," Miller answered. He began to pull the car into a short path in some woodlands. "Should we have jeff watch? Your technique has improved so much that he might benefit from seeing an expert sub take dick." Miller got out of the car, opened steve's door and eased him out. The feel of Miller's hand on steve's arm gave him a shiver: he would never admit it, but steve had moved from hating, to being used to, to enjoying being manhandled.

"Knees, stevie. I'll get jeff out to watch. He can just sit at the edge of the car. Now, open up." At first, steve kept his lips sealed, but when he saw Miller making the pincer shape with his thumbs and forefingers, he relented and opened. He knew his nipples were in for serious torture this weekend, and with the stimulation he was already getting, he was afraid that there would be direct evidence that he enjoyed this. Miller slid his cock into steve's mouth. "MMMMMMPH". Jeff again tried to scream for help. Miller moved his hand to the back of steve's head. "OH YEAH. How could I ever share that pretty mouth with anyone else? Even if your ass weren't as hot as it is, stevie, just as a cocksucker, DAMN...." While he was pushing his dick into steve's mouth, he inadvertently gave a stronger shot of power to the butt plug. Steve gagged as he thrust forward, and Miller smiled. "Faster now, stevie. Get into a good, quick rhythm. I want us on the road again, real soon." Steve inadvertently got a look at Jeff: even though he was bound, Jeff was thrusting forward and then he saw the wet stain forming in Jeff's pants. It was, well, hot and also humiliating. He wondered if Miller was going to fuck his face in public: he had told steve there were public parts of the ceremony, where everyone at the manor was invited to watch. He had also told steve that this was the first initiation in a long time, so there would be more than 30 people in all -- mostly all DOMS.

They drove past the gate that was now familiar to steve. He saw the attendant smile at Miller. "Ceremony?" He asked.

"You betcha. There's my new sub spouse . Right here."

The attendant smiled. "I remember when you brought him. Time flies. He's ready?" Miller laughed. "We'll find out." He parked the car and looked at steve."You're not going to act out, are you?" Steve shrugged his shoulders, and Miller administered a very high shot to his butt plug. He kept his finger on the button.


"Good boy. Now, I'm gonna take those leg irons off so you can walk freely, but your wrists -- they're going behind your back. That's where they'll be most of this weekend. And let me get your band on. Because you like it so much." Steve saw the grin on Miller's face. He hated wearing the arm band. It signaled to everyone right away what he was. And his hating it just seemed to make Miller happier.

"Jeffy, once I untie you, you bring in the luggage. That's part of your life now, boy." Jeff understood. "Yes, Sir" he answered, as he got the three bags. One contained nothing but steve's harness. He'd be wearing that as part of something Miller had planned that he was keeping mum.

"You speak when spoken to, steve. And only when I say you can. Remember your manners. There's a lot of time in front of us and, as you know, I don't forget."

They walked into the main hall, and they were greeted by one of the senior DOMS who was all smiles. "MILLER! I have been so looking forward to this." He looked at steve. "We've all wondered when you'd settle down and why you passed up so many suitable candidates, but I waited until you found the perfect sub."

I did, Parker. Steve just sort of fell into my lap." Parker smiled. "And I'm sure you immediately rewarded him in your singular way." He looked at steve: "I do hope you are keeping our Miller happy." Steve was about to say something, but Miller didn't give any indication he could speak. He knew Miller had a gag in his pocket and he'd use it. "So, when you fell into Miller's lap, did he immediately fill you with his endowment, steve?" Steve took a deep breath, but Miller answered.

"Not right away, but soon after." He put his hand around the back of steve's neck. "Steve needed to be convinced of how badly he needed to be, how shall I put it -- topped?"

"Ah, put as simply as one could, Miller. And of course one thing led to the other." He paused and looked at steve again. "You do not seem to be the type who would surrender easily. I'm sure you fought valiantly." Everyone could see the color rising in steve's face, but Miller answered again.

"He was a challenge. But his private submission happened right here, didn't it steve?" Steve looked down. He was mortified, angry, embarrassed -- and horny.

"Yes, Sir."

"After a good two days of persuasion, Parker. It was worth every minute of it."

"And I imagine it still is. Else we would not be here this weekend, would we?"

"I'm ready, Master Parker. I want to make sure that steve becomes submissive spouse steve."

"So be it. Well, we will give you time to settle in. Then Masters Jones and Graham and I would like to interview steve privately. Simply tell one of the attendants when he is ready."

"I will do just that." Miller smiled. "It was a long ride. If it is not a problem to the committee, I would like to..."

"Of course. As I said, just let us know when you are ready."

"AH. You remember this room, do you not stevie? It's where you first said, `I submit." They were in the same quarters as last time. Jeff and some of the other subs had unpacked the luggage. Steve saw the harness, and he saw a few more sets of clothes. For now, he had a set of snug clothing for work, and then the tighter clothing Miller preferred him to wear when they were out or around the house. "One of these outfits -- the ceremonial one -- will be even snugger, steve. That's part of the total submission. The first one -- which you will wear tonight -- is equivalent to what you wear at home now. "

"How the hell am I gonna fit into anything tighter, SIR? I already feel like a sausage."

"You'll get used to it. Now, stevie, I only unleashed part of my needs at that stop, and I can tell," he felt steve's crotch. "You have unmet needs. Let's take care of those. You'll need to change anyway, so let's get those clothes off. Then get on the bed. Face up."

"Yes, Sir," steve said resignedly. Miller had shot quite a load into his mouth, so he didn't think he'd have anymore juice. His own cock, however, was ramrod hard, and his balls were full. Miller bound each wrist to the headboard, and then he bound steve's ankles. Steve's mind began to get more and more nervous. If his ankles were bound, he wasn't getting fucked, could mean tickling, it could mean nipple play -- or anything else. Miller then gagged him.

"People are listening. They will enjoy your moans more than your screams. Let's begin." He formed the pincer shape again, and this time, he closed them on each of steve's nipples. Steve began to squirm. Someone had told him that the more his nips were worked, the more sensitive they'd become. He hadn't lied. His pierced right nip was especially sensitive.

"I wonder if Cyrus is here. He'll give us a recommendation for someone to pierce you... right here." Miller pushed his finger up underneath steve and rubbed the flesh between his butt and balls. Steve moaned with pleasure, even as he thought what a piercing there would mean.

Miller continued to work his nipples for about fifteen minutes before he stepped back. He had a look on his face that steve knew meant one thing: tickling. "Manicured yesterday, stevie, to maximize the impact." His nails moved up and down steve's sides, digging into his pits especially hard. Gagged, the laughs came out muffled and with difficulty. "You'll be getting used to an hour or so of this every day, stevie. Especially these guys, which I always neglect." His nails moved up and down steve's soles, and the laughing got more and more intense. Steve's body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat, and the tickling was unrelenting. Then, Miller stopped.

"You want to cum, don't you stevie?" Steve looked at him, pleadingly, shaking his head yes. "From what I can tell, you've been sneaking jerk offs without my permission, haven't you." Steve looked away until Miller grabbed his balls and squeezed "HAVEN'T YOU?" His laughs turned to moans of pain, and with his eyes closed, steve confessed. "Now, you may want to keep in mind that I will control when you cum stevie, so if you do not follow my rules, this may be your last time." Miller began sliding his hand up and down steve's shaft. The fingers of his other hand played steve's balls. He had done this to steve before, and steve viewed it with love and hate. This time, Miller was moving much more slowly than he ever had. He felt Miller's lips on his ear. "Mine. ALL MINE."

Steve couldn't hold it in anymore, and he shot a load that went high in the air. His moans were almost whimpers. Smiling, Miller caught the jizz and rubbed it all over steve's body.

"You'll want to get cleaned up before you go to the committee. Smelling of an orgasm is not appropriate."

An hour later, Miller escorted steve into the conference room. He had changed to a pair of tight black jeans, and a button-down shirt.

"Please feel free to unclasp your hands and to have a seat, steve." Parker began. "So, you understand the purpose of this examination is to determine if you are a suitable match for Master Miller."

"Yes, Sir. I do."

"Well, the first question is, of course, are you doing this willingly?" Steve paused. He felt like this was a trick question, and he didn't know the right answer.

"No, Sir." Master Jones raised an eyebrow. "Not willingly? Please explain."

Steve took a breath and told the whole story of how Jeff had led him into a trap, and how Miller had tortured him into submission. The looks of the three Masters told him that they weren't persuaded.

"Is my information incorrect, steve, or did Master Miller give you TWO attempts to escape, and you were defeated both times?" Master Graham asked the question. "That's true, Sir." Master Graham continued. "You're a very fit, big man, steve. I'm having a hard time believing you could not either defeat Master Miller or escape him. And you surrendered twice."

"I did, Sir, but..." He didn't get the chance to finish. "I suspect, steve, that what Master Miller did was to see your inherent submissiveness -- your need for being controlled -- and he brought it out in you." He sat back, smiling. Master Parker continued. "Steve, Master Miller is a perfect Dominant for you. He clearly knows how to control you, and the word from those who know, is that you have enjoyed being dominated."

"That's true most of the time, Sir. But not all of the time."

"Well, we will have to leave your complete domestication to Master Miller's training." He paused. "Am I wrong, or do I see chest hair protruding from your shirt?"

"OH NO," thought steve. "You do, Sir. Master Miller shaved me once, but he found me more appealing with hair." The three put their heads together and then called for an attendant. "Please summon Master Miller."

When Miller came into the room, steve instinctively put his hands behind his back. He felt Miller's hand on his shoulder.

"Miller, we have had an interesting discussion with steve. And we've decided: this coupling can proceed. It NEEDS to go forward. Steve, you are inherently submissive. No one required you to call any of us SIR, and you've admitted to enjoying being dominated most of the time. And then, when Miller entered the room, you didn't wait for instructions, but you took a submissive position. You will not be released from submission; however, we will give you the option of admitting your main weakness to the organization or trying to avoid submission to Master Miller over two weeks' time. Or you may accept our decision."

Steve looked down. He couldn't face any of them. His voice came out as a whisper "I accept the decision. I affirm my submission to Master Miller."

There was a sigh of relief in the room. "EXCELLENT. But we cannot proceed to the ceremony of closure yet because, Master Miller, while you have always been a superb Master, we believe there have been errors in your approach. What is sub steve's main point of reluctance to accept his role?"

"He was straight when I took him. He has asked to be allowed to spend some time with women." The committee looked at each other and laughed. "An easy enough fix, that is for sure. " Miller smiled. "I was reluctant to use those methods, but I will."

"EXCELLENT." Master Graham answered. "Now for another, we understand that you had in fact shaved steve after he surrendered but allowed the hair to grow back."

"That is true. I thought he was much more attractive when hairy."

"And he probably is; however, during sub training, keeping a trainee smooth is standard. So, to hasten complete submission, we would like to see a full body shave of steve tonight. " Steve tried to get out of his chair, and Miller pushed him back. "I anticipated this, Masters. Would shaving him while he wears a harness be acceptable."

Parker laughed. "Icing on the cake. Prepare your sub. We will let others know so they may observe."

Steve was bound to a St. Andrew's cross. Miller had made sure the harness fit him tightly, including the arm band that steve hated. "I'm gonna be able to fuck you at least once tonight, stevie. This is getting me revved up." Beaten, steve just answered "yes sir" as Miller took the clippers and got to work on his chest. He worked slowly, deliberately, and stopped occasionally to kiss steve, or to nibble on one of his nipples. Once, he took the ring in the right tit in his teeth and pulled it, much to the delight of his audience. When steve's chest was clean, Miller moved to his pits. He seemed to relish this the most, because it pushed steve to the point where he wanted to laugh, but he struggled not to, so he wouldn't get cut. At one point, steve heard someone whisper "superb performance."

Then his cock. Miller switched to a single edge razor and slowly and securely removed all of his steve's hair. Now, smooth, he was spread out in front of the Masters who were applauding.

"Master Miller, we will want to see monthly photos showing that you have kept this problematic sub smooth. At some point, he will accept it. And you'll be that much closer to complete submission."

"I understand. Thank you for the advice."

Master Parker spoke. "Well, all we have left is the closure. Will you need time before that, Master Miller?"

"I think it appropriate for steve to feel a cock as an unsealed sub one last time."

"Very well. Have your way with him, and then prepare."

Back in the suite, Miller spoke to steve. "You've lost, stevie. I'm victorious. I will take my prize. "

"Yes, Sir," said steve. "How would you take me?"

"Get on all fours. The most humiliating of all positions. Rest assured, however, that I will never use this position on you again, unless you deserve it."

"Thank you, Sir" steve choked back tears as he got in position. He felt Miller's hands on his back and then, he felt his cock enter him -- the cock that had entered him so many times.

"I LOVE your ass, stevie. " "Thank you, Sir" came the answer. "Now you know that you've found your destiny. My spouse. My sub." He pushed in harder. Steve was breathing hard, and he pushed back. He wanted this. He wanted more. "IMPALE ME SIR. Please. Make me sore. Make me hurt." Miller pushed in harder and steve grunted with pleasure. "YES. YES. YES. OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. MY MASTER." He felt the explosion as Miller bred him. Miller didn't see the smile cross steve's face, and he couldn't know that steve was thinking "I'm his."

For the closure ceremony, Miller dressed steve completely in white. Steve had to suck in his gut and pull in his waist to get the clothes on. "Now, let's go. First..." Miller tied steve's wrists behind him. Then he put on a soft leather collar with a leash attached. "Keep your head down, sub boy. " Miller led him to the room where the others were watching attentively. One of the senior attendants approached Miller and gave him a pure white gag. "You agree to hold your peace unless you have permission to speak, do you not?" Steve nodded, which made Miller smile. He tied the gag over steve's mouth. Then he released the soft collar and leash. "You are now a submissive spouse. MY submissive spouse, and you will wear this at all times." He put a new leather collar around steve's neck. "Now, you will show your complete submission. To your knees, chest pushed out." Steve complied, fearing what was next.

"All in attendance recognize that this is now my submissive sub. None may approach him without my permission. And as a sign of his submission, steve presents to me what led to his conquest." Miller opened enough buttons so that steve's nipples were exposed, and then he used the sideways torture with his nails. Gagged, steve moaned more, and the look in his eyes was pleading with Miller: stop/don't stop/fuck me.

"The ceremony is concluded," Master Jones proclaimed. "Enjoy your first night with your sealed, submissive spouse."

Miller had been correct: he was hard enough, and excited enough, to fuck steve again. This time, he put him on his back. He removed the gag but wouldn't put his dick into steve's ass until he begged for it and proclaimed himself "My Master's submissive spouse."

They left the next morning. And a week later, they visited Cyrus to get a referral to a piercer who could do a quince pierce. For a year, Miller sent a monthly photo to the "brotherhood" to show that steve was being kept shaved. The brotherhood then permitted Miller to let steve's hair grow back, but he chose to keep steve shaved because he thought (correctly) that a man with shaved pits and a shaved dick would not be attractive to women.

Jeff tried to escape three times and was captured each time. The brotherhood eventually decided he'd be much better off working in a sex club. He was sold, and never heard from again.

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