Training a Keeper

By Emorey Ardale

Published on Jul 16, 2011


Training a Keeper, Part 3


This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between a teen and aminor boy. The story is not true; the sexual acts described herein derive solely from imagination. It is not intended to promote illegal acts with/to/by minors, nor does it condone child abuse of any sort. If you object to the subject matter, stop reading. If you are legally under age to be reading this, or if your reading of this material otherwise violates laws in your place of residence or where you are currently located, stop reading. Thank you.

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Part 3

Ethan's Journal

"Justin asked me out today! I always thought he was my boyfriend even if he did not admit but it means sooo much to me that he feels the same way. Even if we can not walk around holding hands like everyone else we know who and what we are when we are together. He also gave me an ipod today, I was totally surprised. It's got all his music on it and it kicks ass. We made out in the car after we talked, I wanted him to fuck me again but my butt was still sore from yesterday and he would not try so I sucked him twice! He was squeezing my butt the whole time so I know what he really wanted and it almost killed me not to be able to do it. I do not think I will be able to sleep tonight and the first game of the playoffs is tomorrow so I need to."

Ethan laid in bed going through the Ipod Justin had given him earlier. It was one of the best gifts anyone had ever given and it wasn't even his birthday or Christmas. It was amazing because he knew as cool as the Ipod was, it also represented the feelings that Justin had for him. He didn't understand at first when Justin had made the comment about the class ring or the letterman's jacket but as he scrolled the Justin's music in the darkness of his room, Ethan understood that Justin was sharing another part of himself. The calm, cool soccer stud that everyone else knew was only part of the Justin Ethan knew. Since the Ipod was sync'd to Justin's computer it not only had the music but Justin's playlists. Ethan smiled to himself thinking about what a geek Justin really was when he saw how Justin's "soccer" music was regimented just like his pre-game rituals. Justin had playlists for weight training, cardio 1 and cardio 2, pregame 1 and 2 and something called SAQ. There were three "homework" playlists and two for nighttime. The one that caught Ethan's eye though was one called "Lil e".

At first Ethan thought that maybe Justin had deliberately made a list of songs for him but he realized those were Justin's songs for him. It was already past his bedtime but he was still amped up after the earlier events and still thinking about the sex from the day before. It was weird because his butt was still a little sore but the slight pain made him feel horny. He had to listen to all the songs that Justin associated with him and it was a long playlist. Ethan was embarrassed because the one song that made him think of Justin was "Fireflies" by Owl City, only because every morning when he was on the bus the song was always on and he was always thinking of Justin.

The playlist had some really cool songs. Ethan let out a little giggle because Justin who always tried to come off like a hardass was such a little.....Ethan tried to come up with the word but giggled again because "love bug" was the only thing that seemed to fit. The first surprise was "Love Me" by Justin Bieber, so much for Justin's denial about knowing who he was! There were some other songs that Ethan had heard on the bus radio like "Knock You Down" by Keri Hilson and "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon, they were good but it was the was music he had never heard before that Ethan really liked. Rianna's "Umbrella" covered by All Time Low was really cool. "Love Hurts" by Incubus was good for a mellow song and it had cool lyrics, after that Ethan really started paying attention to song's lyrics. There were a couple of Muse songs that Ethan really liked from their last album, he had heard "Resistance" before but it was the first time he really paid attention to the words.

"Is our secret safe tonight and are we out of sight Or will our world come tumbling down? Will they find our hiding place is this our last embrace or will the walls start caving in?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right It could be wrong, could be wrong, to let our hearts ignite It could be wrong, could be wrong, are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, this is out of control It could be wrong, could be wrong, it can never last It could be wrong, could be wrong, must erase it fast It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right It could be wrong could be....

Love is our resistance They'll keep us apart and they wont to stop breaking us down Hold me our lips must always be sealed

If we live a life in fear I'll wait a thousand years just to see you smile again"

It was clearly a song about a forbidden relationship and made Ethan realize how much Justin thought about their relationship and maybe it explained why originally he was so worried the whole "boyfriend" thing. The very last song in the playlist was by a band called Radiohead, "Creep". It made Ethan a little sad, he knew that Justin struggled with their age difference, when they fought about Jennifer, he had said it. As much as Justin liked to act like a dumb jock, Ethan knew that just like his music, Justin was so much more than that. He also knew that despite Justin's doubts Justin cared about him and more than anything right then, Ethan wished he was with Justin to assure him that he wasn't a "creep" or a "weirdo".

Justin had equally hard time falling asleep. Ethan was so happy about the Ipod and about being asked "out". Justin had tried to make other people happy before, his parents, girls, teacher and coaches but making them happy was more about making his own life easier. He wanted to make Ethan happy first and foremost for Ethan. Justin wasn't deluded, he knew what he did for Ethan wasn't entirely selfless but seeing Ethan so happy was tonight made Justin feel content in way he never felt before. Ethan was so fucking cute and tried to talk him into fucking him again but Ethan had already admitted he was sore from the day before. As much as Justin enjoyed it, he didn't want to hurt Ethan and besides it was something special and he'd rather do it somewhere other than a car. It didn't matter anyway because Ethan had practically eaten him alive in the car that night and it was more than enough for Justin.

It was the perfect end to an otherwise bizarre Monday. After he had walked Ethan home yesterday he had almost all but forgotten the fucked up mess with Jennifer but when he woke that morning he dreaded going to school. Justin got there as late as possible and did a good job of avoiding everyone. On his way to the parking lot for lunch he heard someone call his name.

"Hey Justin! Wait up!", it was his teammate Matt.

Justin sighed he had almost escaped, "What's up Matt?"

Matt caught up to him, "Nada, just thought you might need someone to talk to."

"I'm alright." Justin said tentatively, Matt had been dating one of Jennifer's friends so he wasn't sure how Matt would feel about the epic dump.

"You sure? The whole school is talking about what you did to Jennifer. Alicia told her she should sue for the cost of her dress and like emotional damages or some shit." Matt explained.

Justin laughed, "Wow, that'd be great. Are you cool with things."

They had reached Justin's car, "Yeah I told you before I thought she was a bitch. I figured you finally got tired of her shit and snapped...just don't say anything to Alicia."

"Don't worry I doubt I'll be talking much to any of Jennifer's friends. Since you're here do you wanna get some lunch?", Justin asked.

"Sure I knew you needed some company." Matt replied with a smile.

Justin and Matt went to lunch, talking about everything but Jennifer. Mostly it was about the upcoming high school soccer season. Tryouts were two weeks away and Matt was worried about making the team again. Justin assured him that he would make the team and told him that he played much better the last time Justin's club team had played Matt's team. It was the truth but Justin decided he'd also talk to coach Lambert about Matt.

They were just getting ready to leave when Matt exclaimed, "Oh yeah! There was something else I had to tell you!"

Justin smiled at the enthusiasm in Matt's voice, "Yeah?"

"Okay but you can't tell anyone, promise?", Matt said lowering his voice like there were spies in the local Burger King.

This time Justin laughed and mocked Matt's secretive tone, "Okay Matt, I promise."

"Seriously dude, I could get in big trouble with Alicia if it got out.", Matt pleaded.

"I promise, I promise." Justin assured him still laughing.

"You won."

Justin looked at him totally puzzled, "I won what?".

"Dude you won homecoming King." Matt explained.

Justin had forgot all about the dumb ass homecoming king shit, "You can't be serious, football guys always win."

"No you won the election by a shit load of votes but of course when you didn't show up they had to give it to Kyle Davidson but you really won.", Matt said with a big smile.

That was one of the more entertaining parts of Justin's Monday but it certainly wasn't the best. Besides he and Ethan finally becoming an "official" couple Justin had fully realized and admitted to himself that he wasn't "straight" but he wasn't exactly gay either. He knew he wasn't entirely happy about who or what he was but for Ethan's sake he accepted it.

Ethan's soccer tournament had all six junior highs in it. The top two teams had a bye in the first round and would play the winners of the first two matches on Tuesday. Ethan's team didn't have a bye but that was okay with him because they were playing one of the teams that crushed them at the beginning of the season. By the time it was over it was another example of how much Ethan and his team had improved since the beginning of the season. They dominated play and easily won two goals to nil. Ethan only had to make a few saves but exuded confidence that almost matched Justin's. After the match the team gathered for their year book picture and a few parents took advantage to capture the group for their own. Once of them was Ethan's mom. Justin was originally standing off to the side but Coach Jones insisted he get his "butt in the back line". After the group photo Ethan's mom waved Ethan and Justin over.

"Ethan, you did so good honey! You're dad is going to be so sorry he missed it.", Ethan's mom praised him.

"Thanks mom.", Ethan said sheepishly, looking around realizing that several other parents we acting just like his mom.

She turned to Justin, "I know I thanked you before but I have to thank you again for everything, teaching Ethan and giving him rides home and well....just everything."

"You don't have to thank me, I really had a good time working with the lil guy.", Justin said smiling at her punctuating the statement with a little punch on Ethan's arm.

Ethan shot Justin a "I'll get you later" look, "We better get going mom."

"Alright Ethan but I want to get a picture of you two together before we go." She commanded, "Get close so it looks like you two like each other."

Justin put his arm around Ethan's shoulders, "Will this work?"

"That's perfect! Smile!" She said as she snapped the photo.

Ethan's mom headed back to her car shortly after leaving Justin and Ethan at the field. Ethan was going home with his mom so they deliberately took their time getting their stuff together.

"Hey lil e" Justin started, "Can you send me that photo?"

"Hmm...I might be able to do that. If you could do something for me." Ethan replied slyly.

Justin smiled, "Yeah?"

Ethan looked around and said softly, "I want you to fuck me again."

Before Justin could reply Ethan headed off to car "C'mon my mom's gonna get pissed."

Justin took a deep breath before following because the way Ethan had said it made his balls tingle and it felt like he was starting to chub up just thinking about being with Ethan.

When Justin caught up to Ethan he was almost to his mom's so he only had time to whisper in Ethan's ear, "You're such a little tease."

Ethan laughed, "You know that not true and I'll prove it the first chance I get. I'll see you tomorrow."

Justin gave an exaggerated sigh wishing he was giving Ethan a ride home, "I'll see you tomorrow and I'm gonna get you for this."

Ethan's Journal

We won our playoff game tonight and i kicked ass and as cool as it was all I wanted was to be with Justin after the game. I am so horny that I jerked off when I downloaded the picture my took of me and Justin. It was weird seeing us in a picture like that he sent me some of him from his cel but seeing us together was cool even if i look like his little bro. I am still horny and I think I need to jerk off again.

Justin was wiping up after the third time he had jacked off. Watching Ethan play, the coy way he told Justin he wanted to fuck again and finally the picture he sent of the two of them together. It was too much and most of all he wanted Ethan with him right then.

Being as sexually satisfied as he possibly could be without Ethan Justin looked at the photo again. Justin had a couple of pics of Ethan on his phone but this was the first one with he and Ethan together. Seeing them together made Ethan look that much younger. They looked like brothers or cousins almost anything but "boyfriend". There was a time when it would have really bothered Justin but he only felt a momentary twinge that he pushed quickly aside. Justin transferred the picture to his phone before he went to bed.

Ethan's team won the semi-final match easily against another team that had beaten earlier in the season, 3-0. Ethan only had to make a couple of easy saves. However; the final match would be against the only undefeated team in the tournament. They cruised through the regular season, shutting out almost every team they faced. Ethan and his teammates were elated about being in the championship match but they weren't optimistic about facing the other school. Some of them were already giving up saying at least they had made it as far as they did.

Ethan's dad had come to the game and after a brief congratulations and thanking Justin again, told Ethan to hurry up and "get his ass to the car." So Justin only had another brief frustrating moment with Ethan.

"We're going to get killed tomorrow.", Ethan told Justin on the way back to the locker room.

Justin shook his head, "No one's unbeatable lil e, you guys have kicked ass, just keep it up."

Ethan nodded unconvinced, "Guess so. I wish my dad would just let you take me home since in such a f'ing hurry."

Justin forced a smile, "Not much we can do about it.".

Ethan's Diary

We won again today so we are in the Championship! The team we are playing tomorrow is really tough but Justin thinks we can win. The thing that really sucks this week is that my mom and dad took me home after the games. I miss being with Justin and I am really horny. I am also worried because it is our last game so I do not know how I am going to see Justin.

Ethan was still horny even after jerking once in the shower and again while trying to fall asleep. Cumming twice didn't help slack the worries about seeing Justin any more than it did his horniness.

Justin felt the same way as Ethan. Sexually frustrated to the point where masturbation wasn't going to help. Justin understood that being with Ethan was more than just getting off. The intimacy he felt when they were together satisfied something so much deeper than a simple sexual urges. Every year he had looked forward to the upcoming high school soccer season but this year was different. It was sad knowing that he wouldn't be seeing Ethan almost every day and he was annoyed with himself for losing focus on soccer. He had never understood his teammates that let their relationships with girls affect the way they play. There was little voice in his head that kept saying "you're losing it over a twelve year old boy.". The surprising thing was that there was a much louder voice telling that one to "shut the fuck up!".

It was a nervous day for Justin and Ethan waiting for the championship match. Justin never appreciated how nerve wracking it was for his coaches even though they didn't have to actually play in the match. Justin realized it was almost worse not playing, knowing it was all up to the players and coaches couldn't do much more than make minor adjustments during the match.

Justin was warming Ethan up when he heard a familiar voice, "How's it going gentlemen?".

Justin recognized the voice and responded with out even turning around, "Hey Coach Lambert, how's it going?"

"Very good and you must be mini-Justin, I've heard a lot of good things about you son."

Ethan beamed, "Thanks."

"Funny man, yep that's Ethan. So you watchin' the game today?", Justin asked.

Coach Lambert watched Justin hammer shots at point blank range and was impressed with Ethan's quick, sure hands, "Yeah both these junior highs have kids feeding into our school so I thought I'd get look at some of the talent we're getting next year. Are you ready for our season Justin... er or should I call you coach now?"

Ethan chuckled.

Justin smiled, "You've brought your best material today coach. But yeah I'm ready to go."

"You know me I always bring my A game. I'll let you to get back to work. It was good meeting you Ethan and good luck today.", Coach Lambert said as he walked away.

"Thanks!" Ethan said and then added after Coach Lambert was out of ear shot, "So he heard some good things about me huh?"

Justin shrugged, "I might have mentioned you but it could have been coach Jones though."

Ethan chucked the ball back at Justin, hard, "Smart ass."

It was a few minutes before the match was about to start. Coach Jones threw Justin a polo shirt, "I ordered this a couple of weeks ago and finally got it today, guess at least it'll be a good souvenir. It's just my way of saying thanks for helping us out this year."

The shirt had the school name and mascot with word coach embroidered under them, "Thanks Coach, it's cool."

Justin peeled his t-shirt off and put the new polo on. Ethan's team was all gathered together and one them said, "Shit Justin is ripped." They all looked over at Justin but a couple of the other players started teasing the one that had made the comment about Justin about being a "fag". Ethan thought it was funny but it was cool to hear someone else notice how "ripped" his boyfriend was.

The match was a tough, well played and close as it could be. Ethan's team though clearly out classed, played a tenacious defense and Ethan had some really good saves. They gave up the first goal when the other team's outstanding center mid rocketed a shot to upper corner of Ethan's goal. Ethan's team tied it up late in the second half when the opposing team passed the ball back to their keeper with out enough pace on it. Ethan's team put enough pressure on the ball so that the keeper had to play the ball with his hands resulting in an indirect free kick deep in the other team's penalty area. It was chaos, neither team had any idea what to do. Ethan's teammate blasted the ball at the goal and was lucky enough to have it glance off someone on the way to the back of the net. Ethan's team and their fans erupted in celebration. Both teams played the rest of regular time and over time determined not to give up a goal. The match would have to be decided with kicks from the mark.

As the coaches got their teams organized for the kicks. Ethan went to Justin for some last minute advice and encouragement, "Justin I'm scared."

Justin gave Ethan a reassuring smile. "Don't be. Look pk's are the shooters to make or miss. If they take a good shot with good placement, no keepers gonna save it."

Ethan didn't look convinced. "But....'

"Lil e if they're right footed most likely the shot is going to your left but watch their hips and their plant foot, they'll hint which way they're going. Your quick Ethan so I know you'll do fine.", Justin said assuredly.

"Okay, I've got this.", Ethan forced confidence into his voice.

"I know you do, so go kick ass.", Justin said punctuating it with a kick to Ethan's butt.

PK shoot outs consist of one round where each team alternates taking five kicks. The winner is decided by who makes the most goals out of the five. If it's still tied after that it goes to 1 and 1 rounds, the first team to make a goal when the other team doesn't wins. Ethan was stellar during the round of five, making three saves and only giving up two goals. His team was less than stellar, missing the goal completely twice and giving the other team's keeper an easy save. Then they missed the first shot of the first round of 1 and 1. It was Ethan's sixth kick and he didn't feel any more comfortable than on the first one. It was also the 2nd kick in a row where he had to make the save or his team would lose.

Ethan watched as the kicker approached the ball, the player was right footed and Justin's advice was dead on. Only one right footed kicker had shot to Ethan's right side so far. This one went left as well and Ethan reacted with every bit of his own natural ability and all the weeks of training Justin had given him. Justin told Ethan later, on that dive Ethan looked like he had been playing keeper his whole life. Ethan felt the momentary exhilaration as his fingers brushed the ball but it was short lived when he heard the ball hit the net.

Ethan could only watch as the kicker's teammates swarmed him joyously. He fought back the tears when his teammates and Coach Jones consoled him. Coach Lambert even told him he was good as Coach Jones and Justin had said he was and he should be very proud of how well he played.

Justin held back to let everyone else talk to Ethan first. He felt horrible he knew how bad Ethan must feel. Ethan had done everything he could to win the match but Justin was kicking himself for not having Coach Jones work on PKs. While Justin was going through everything else he should have done he noticed Ethan's mom waiting with the other parents. Justin knew there was one thing that he could do to cheer Ethan up.

Ethan's mom greeted Justin warmly, "Hi Justin, that a tough game."

"Yeah, they played really well especially Ethan."

"I know I wish his dad was here. He looks really sad.", Ethan's mom added.

"I've been there, it sucks. It's harder when it's that close." Justin told her.

She nodded, "I suppose it is. I know you must be getting tired of us thanking you but thanks again for everything you've done for Ethan and being his friend."

Justin took a deep breath, "No problem, I wanted to see if it would be okay if I could take Ethan home and maybe stop to get some know to cheer him up.

Ethan's mom to a moment to think and then reached into her purse, "You know that's a good idea and let me give you some money."

Justin took the money emboldened by his success, "Thanks a lot, there was something else I wanted to ask you."

Ethan had been watching Justin talk to his mother out of the corner of his eye. They had been talking quite a while when he slowly walked up to them. He gave Justin a questioning look.

Ethan's mom told him how great he did and then explained that Justin was going to take him home but warned them both that it was a school night and not mess around too long. That lightened Ethan's mood considerably. Justin and Ethan talked about the game on the way to get food and then on the way to their park. By the time they reached the park they had eaten as much as they were going to so Justin threw the rest in the back seat.

"So you gonna be okay?" Justin finally asked.

"Yeah I am. I mean it sucks that we lost but more that it's all over.", Ethan paused and Justin could tell he wasn't through, there a slight crack in voice. "Mostly it's knowing I won't be seeing you as much."

Justin reached over and touched Ethan's face and then kissed him. It was far more reassuring than words would be. After a long kiss Justin said, "I know but I've got some stuff worked out."

Ethan had leaned up against Justin, "Like what stuff?"

"First I won't have games on the weekend so we can get together more, we just have to be sneaky about it."

Ethan hadn't thought about it, his parents didn't have a problem with him going out in the neighborhood on Saturday and Sunday, "What else?"

"I talked to Coach Lambert about you, told him how far you've come in just your first season and how it would be good for you to come to our games maybe help out with the team.", Justin explained.

Ethan looked up at Justin, "Help out?"

"Yeah being ball boy, usually JV players shag balls during our games but they'd rather be in the stands with their friends so I told him you'd love to do it. That's what I was talking to mother about and she said it was fine with her if it was okay with your dad. You can even come to the away games on the bus with us. Of course you'll sit up front with the coaches."

Ethan was ecstatic, it wasn't as good as seeing Justin everyday at training but it was better than he thought it would; however, he responded with fake hesitation, "Let me think about it, I'm not so sure about shagging your balls."

He didn't fool Justin at all, "I think you'll shag my balls any time I want you to."

Ethan reached down between Justin's legs, "Do they need shagging now?"

Justin smiled, "They've been needing some attention for a few days. We've got to hurry up or you're mom is going to be pissed."

Justin didn't even finish his sentence before Ethan had pulled his throbbing dick out of his shorts. Ethan gobbled up Justin's cock eagerly while pulling his own shorts and boxer down. He was kneeling on the seat, leaning over the center console rigorously working over Justin's erection with his mouth. Justin was slowly rubbing Ethan's neck and then rand his hand Ethan back. Ethan impatiently reached back and pushed Justin's hand down to his butt. Justin took the hint and squeezed Ethan's smooth round butt cheeks before he press his middle finger against his tight opening.

"God lil e, I so want to bend you over the front of the car and pound your little ass so fucking hard.", Justin said hoarsely.

Ethan never missed a beat but he had a funny feeling deep in his stomach when he heard what Justin said. He pressed back against Justin's finger in response. Justin didn't hold out long and either did Ethan. Ethan kept imagining being bent over the car with Justin behind and inside him, out in the open, exposed to anyone who might drive into the parking lot.

There was a satisfied silence on the short ride home that was finally broken when Ethan asked, "Would you really do that?"

Justin was puzzled, "Huh, do what?"

"That you'd do me on the car like you said?", Ethan asked again impatiently.

Justin hadn't really been thinking about it when he said it, "I don't know, I guess I'd want to, when I said it I wanted to but.... Would you do it?"

Ethan pondered a bit, "I think so."

Justin smiled to himself, "Outside where someone might see us?"

"It sounds scary but fucking hot at the same time."

"I didn't realized you were such a perv lil e!", Justin teased.

Ethan punched Justin in the arm, "Shut up!".

Ethan's Diary

We lost. We went all the way to a shoot out and I could not save the last shot. It touched my fingers but still went it. Everybody said I did good even Justin's coach. Speaking of him he said I could be the ball boy for the high school team. It will not be like having Justin coaching me but I will get to see him. I told Justin I will stay out of his way. Justin took me home tonight so we got to make out at last! We were so horny. Justin said he wanted to fuck me on the car I keep thinking about it."

Justin was lying in his bed. His mom had asked him a million questions about the game and how Ethan was doing after losing. She told Justin that she wished she could Ethan a big hug and told Justin Ethan should come over again. He mentioned that Ethan was going to be a ball boy for the high school team. Justin's dad again said how proud he was that Justin worked with the junior high team and maybe major in education so he team and coach. He finally escaped and was able to take a shower. His phone went off and Justin smiled when he saw it was Ethan.

Ethan: Hey Justin: Sup lil e Ethan: I am ha! Justin: Duh! Wat u doing/ Ethan : Think about you fucking me on the car! Justin: No shit!!?? Ethan: Yes and playing with my boner! Justin: So dats wats up? Ethan: lol yeah what about yours

Justin reached down and his dick was already chubbing up and became completely hard after a couple of gentle strokes.

Justin: am now lol Ethan: you thinking about fucking me? Justin: Now I am. U really want me to? Ethan: Duh! I need it.

Neither typed anything for a few minutes.

Justin: Fucker! Ethan: What? Justin: u made me cum! Ethan: no you made me cum! Justin: but I make a bigger mess! Ethan: lol I am still horny! Justin: Horndog! Ethan: Yes I am and so are you! Justin: Only for u lil e

They chatted until Ethan's mom yelled at him to go to bed. Justin who had been quite relaxed and content was now wide awake and thinking about the next time he would have Ethan alone somewhere other than his car. He started playing with his dick again, he might as get off one more time since had to change out his cum soaked t-shirt and boxers anyway.

They didn't have to wait long until their next meeting. That Saturday they arranged to meet at a park near Ethan's house. They knew they couldn't make out there but they would at least be able to talk. Justin gave Ethan his thoughts on the upcoming high school season. Ethan told Justin how much he was looking forward to going the writing club meeting after school. He had given the teacher some of his writing and was finally going to be getting some feedback.

"Sounds like you'll be busy with your new friends. You probably won't even miss me.", Justin told Ethan while giving a few fake sniffles and pretending to wipe away some fake tears.

"Shut up Justin! I'm going to chat with you every night now so you don't forget about me.", Ethan fired back.

Justin laughed, "You better and speaking of that. When are you going to get a fucking phone!"

Ethan gave a loud sigh, "I don't know. Mom and I asked my dad when school started this year."

"No luck, huh?"

"He just said 'When I was his age I didn't have a cel phone and I survived just fine.'", Ethan said doing a hilariously good imitation of his father, "I told him no one had cel phones when he was my age."

Justin laughed even louder, "You're such a smart ass!"

Ethan was laughing to, "Yeah that's exactly what he said before he told me 'no'"

To punctuate the whole phone conversation Justin's phone went off.

"You'll have to excuse me but some of us have a phone to answer.", Justin answered snobbishly looking down his nose at Ethan.

Ethan punched Justin hard in the chest. Justin stifled a laugh and put his finger to his lips signaling Ethan to be quiet. It was a short conversation with Justin say a couple of "Okay"s and "Sea ya later at the end."

"Looks like my parents are going to my aunt's house today.", Justin explained, "She lives on the other side of town and they're eating dinner with her. They'll be gone for hours."

Ethan knew what that meant, "Really?"

"Uh huh. We could go hang out there I guess but we're having a lovely time here talking."

"I think we need to go to your house." Ethan said as he looked around to be sure no one could hear, "so you can pound my ass."

Justin took a moment like he had to think about it, "Okay, that sounds pretty good to."

They didn't waste any time once they got to Justin's house. Tearing off their clothes, kissing with a savage passion before Justin had Ethan's legs spread apart so that his tongue could find it's way to Ethan's asshole. Justin was always hungrily passionate with Ethan but today there was a singular goal to their passion. Justin had know he had wanted to fuck Ethan for a long time and Ethan had a pretty good idea that Justin wanted to as well. That led to their first cautious, almost exploratory first time. Now that Ethan said he was just as eager as Justin it gave Justin an almost ravenous desire. Ethan felt the same way especially as Justin teased him with his increasingly expert tongue work.

Justin reach into his night stand drawer and pulled out a small bottle, "Look at this."

It was a small clearish, bottle not the hand lotion, "What is it?"

"It's sex lube, it's made for... well for fucking.", Justin explained as he squeezed some lube on his fingers.

"Oh this was planned, huh?" Ethan asked trying to keep his voice calm even though it seemed like every nerve was firing with anticipation.

Justin was working the lube around and into Ethan's already saliva slickened butthole, "Definitely planned."

Ethan was breathing heavy, trying to relax, "You must have been sure I'd go along then."

Justin was working his middle finger in and out of Ethan's asshole, "Yeah maybe it was all those subtle hints about wanting me to 'pound' your ass."

"I think you were the first one to mention 'ass pounding'" Ethan retorted thinking about how good Justin's finger felt.

Justin eased his finger out of Ethan and was applying a generous amount of lube to his rigid cock, "All part of the master plan.".

Justin positioned himself between Ethan's legs and pressed the head of his dick against Ethan's tight opening giving Ethan a warm smile. Ethan returned the smile doing his best to keep the nervousness off his face. After all the talk about wanting Justin "to pound his ass" Ethan was really nervous now that the moment was at hand. He remembered how much it hurt the first time Justin had pushed his dick into his butt. Ethan knew Justin's dick almost better than his own now but today it looked down right huge. Ethan had absolutely no doubts about wanting Justin to fuck him today but he wasn't sure he was up to have actually being pounded.

Those doubts doubled as Justin eased himself into Ethan and Ethan's sphincter tightened up as if it remembered the last time this happened. Even though Ethan had already done it once before there was still that initial moment of panic and pain before his body adjusted to Justin's sizable cock. He sucked on his lower lip and focused on Justin's face.

Justin was focusing on Ethan's face and his intense look. Justin couldn't help asking, "You doing okay?"

Ethan continued focusing on Justin and staying relaxed and said through almost clinched teeth, "I told you last time not to ask me that."

Justin gave Ethan an apologetic smile and keeping his eyes locked on Ethan's "Okay, Okay."

Pain gave way to an uncomfortable feeling as Ethan adjusted much quicker to Justin being inside him. As Justin slid in and out him, pushing deeper with each slow thrust, the uncomfortable feeling gave way to something new. It was a pleasurable feeling still mixed with the soreness of someone new to anal sex but Ethan could feel it growing. That mixed with the emotional pleasure of Justin being inside him, fucking him, made it some thing amazing. Like the first time Ethan had gone soft when Justin had entered him but this time Ethan got hard again as the pleasurable feeling grew.

Ethan's eyes were locked on Justin's and he softly not even realizing it, whispered "Oh Justin."

Justin didn't need to ask if Ethan was okay, there was no mistaking the look on his face or the sound of pleasure in his whispered two words. Justin had worked his cock all the way into Ethan and been using slow, deliberate strokes to be sure Ethan was okay and to keep himself from cumming way too soon. He knew all the talk about "pounding" Ethan's ass was exactly that, a lot of talk. He never had intention of coming close to that even though there was that part of him that wanted it. Although now he could tell how much Ethan was into it he gradually increased the lengths of his strokes until he was pulling almost all the way out of Ethan before pushing his dick back into Ethan. He didn't realized that the thrusting more quickly as he was growing closer to cumming. Ethan was very aware of it and could tell Justin was getting ready to cum by the look on his face and the way his body was tightening.

"Fuck Ethan, fuck." Justin said as he exploded in Ethan.

The first time Ethan and Justin had fucked Justin had already cum. Ethan felt Justin cum the first time but it was nothing like this time. Ethan could feel Justin's cock spasm for what seemed like forever and he could swear he could feel the cum spurting into his butthole. Justin's whole body seemed to be racked by the orgasm. Justin collapsed on top of Ethan kissing him long and deep still buried deep inside him.

After a long time Justin pushed himself up on his arms, looking down on Ethan, "That was way beyond amazing."

"Uh huh,", Ethan said unable to pull his eyes away from Justin's face.

It was amazing. Even though they were both inexperienced at gay sex, their desire to not only take but give pleasure to the other one more than made up for it. Especially, Justin whose tenderness, patience and ability to read Ethan's feelings made him a better top than others with year's more experience.

"And you're still hard.", Justin said smiling while gently stroking Ethan's rigid dick.

Ethan's look had a hungry intensity and he simply ordered, "Make me cum."

Justin eased himself out of Ethan as he slid down Ethan's body to get his mouth on his waiting cock. The empty feeling was more pronounced than the first time as his body had to adjust to the departure of Justin's erection. Ethan came quick and hard since he was still so amped from Justin fucking him. Justin had started slowly, licking and sucking Ethan's hardon teasingly but Ethan was in no mood for being teased and held Justin's head and thrusted his hips furiously, pistoning his dick in and out of Justin's mouth.

Moments later Justin's arms were wrapped around Ethan, "All better."

"Fuck yeah." Ethan said with exaggerated with relief.

"That's good cuz I think you knocked out one of my tonsils."

"It's your fault for making me so horny.", Ethan explained.

"Oh, okay lil e. At least I didn't ask if you were okay again but..."

"Don't even go there." Ethan cut him off. He was a little sore but definitely okay, "That tickles."

Justin had been absently brushing one of Ethan's erect dime sized little nipples with his thumb, "Oops sorry."

"I didn't say stop though, it feels kinda good.", Ethan ordered.

Justin chuckled, he noticed Ethan's increasingly dominate side when it came to sex, "Well I don't know it might make you horny again."

Ethan let out a little laugh, "I think it's too late."

"Well in that case...", Justin started to say before he started to lick, suck and nibble on Ethan's nipple and then moved on to the other one.

Ethan tried to push Justin's head away while he squealed with laughter in between screaming "STOP!!". Finally Ethan rolled over on his tummy.

"There now you can't get them!" Ethan yelled jokingly at Justin.

"Now I can do this though.", Justin said as he gave Ethan a big smack on the butt.


Justin gave him another good smack, "Hey what?"

Ethan turned to look back at Justin, "You still have a boner."

Justin chuckled not expecting that, "I think I'll have one the rest of the day."

"Hmm do you want to umm....", it still felt weird to Ethan to talk like this sometimes, "fuck more."

Justin was really surprised, "Are you sure you're...", he stopped himself, "I mean you have time?"

Ethan didn't care about the time, "I have time and I'm okay, fucker."

Justin smiled, "You're mean when you're horny lil e. Roll over."

Ethan thought about Justin bending him over the car again. He raised up on his knees so his butt was in the air, "Uh uh, like this."

"Whatever you say boss.", Justin said as he appraised the visual before him. He found the bottle of lube to reapply to himself and Ethan.

"Justin do me already!", Ethan commanded, the nervousness from earlier was replaced with a confident anticipation.

After a little maneuvering to get his dick lined up with Ethan's boy hole, Justin pushed his cock into Ethan. It was considerably easier this time and there was a slight wet sound as Justin entered Ethan. There was some soreness but nothing like the first couple of times. Ethan had his face buried in Justin's bedspread focusing on the feeling of his sphincter taking in Justin's cock. He swore he could feel the difference between the head of Justin's dick and the smooth hard shaft.

This was something that Justin had visualized for a long time but like everything else with Ethan, actually doing it far exceeded the anticipation. Watching his cock disappear between Ethan's round little butt cheeks was extraordinary. Justin ran his hands down Ethan's back before they took a firm, gentle hold on Ethan's hips. Justin pulled Ethan back on his erection as he pushed his own hips forward. Justin had big hands but they looked huge on Ethan's slight hips. Ethan looked small, almost frail below him and almost like he was impaled on Justin big cock, that looked way to big for Ethan. There almost seemed to be a wrongness about it but wrong or right it was everything, plus more, that Justin had imagined it would be. Justin was almost mesmerized by the sight of his hips smacking against Ethan's perfect little butt cheeks, watching them compress and spring back to shape and by the soft slapping sound it made.

It wasn't exactly being thrown over the hood of a car but for Ethan there was an almost indescribable feeling of Justin's big, strong hand holding his hips. Justin was gentle like always but it felt like he was in complete control and Ethan liked the feeling. He turned his head to the side to ask, "Do you like it?"

"Fuck yeah lil e, it's sooo fucking good." Justin replied dizzy with pleasure.

Ethan liked the way it felt like he was being rocked, "Do I look dumb?"

The question made no sense to Justin, "Huh?"

"I mean with my butt sticking up like this."

"Shut up!" Justin said thinking that Ethan was joking, he gave one of Ethan's butt cheeks a smack.

Ethan gave little squeal, "No I'm serious."

"Trust me you don't look dumb. I don't think anyone could look better than you do right now.", Justin said, the gentle smacking sound was now quite a bit louder as Justin was thrusting quicker and harder.

Ethan started moving his own hips still guided by Justin's hands. The rhythm and feeling of Justin's big cock sliding in and out of him had an almost hypnotic intensity. Ethan commented lazily, "You just like my butt more than me."

Justin was getting close to cumming again so he replied in a raspy voice, "Not more maybe the same."

Ethan giggled he could tell Justin was going to cum. Ethan already loved the sensation when Justin came in him. It took only a couple strokes before Justin pulled Ethan hard against him and unloaded more of his cum deep in Ethan's bowels with a loud grunt. Justin carefully pulled his thoroughly drained cock out of Ethan cum filled hole slowly. He didn't wait to be ordered. He forced Ethan onto his back and went to work on Ethan's throbbing cock to make him cum again as well. It only took a little longer than the first time.

Both boys laid next to each other relaxed and fully satisfied for a long time with out saying anything, each savoring their afternoon together. Finally Ethan gave Justin a big kiss and looked down on him with a big, goofy smile.

Justin smiled back, "What?"

Still smiling Ethan said, "I'm glad you're my boyfriend."

"I'm glad you have such a sexy little butt.", Justin said as seriously as possible.

Ethan's smile morphed into a fake scowl.

Justin gave Ethan his goofiest smile, "I'm glad you're my boyfriend to."

After another quick kiss, they took a quick shower before they got dressed. It was getting late and Ethan needed to get home. Justin dropped him off down the street from his house.

Before Ethan got out of the car he said, "It was really good today."

Justin was fighting the urge to reach out and touch Ethan's face, "No it was great today, which is good cuz it has to last a week."

Ethan frowned, "Don't remind me. I'm not sure I can walk home."

Justin's face showed instant concern, "What? Are you..."

"Yes, I'm okay. I was only kidding, mom", Ethan said as he got out of the car.

"Smart ass!," Justin yelled at Ethan, followed by, "Text me later."

Ethan started the short walk home. He realized now that the adrenaline was gone, he was really, really sore. He forced himself to walk normal knowing Justin was still watching him. Ethan didn't really mind the soreness. After thinking about it all week, now it really felt like Justin had pounded his ass.

Justin walked Ethan long enough to be sure he was okay and then headed home himself. His room still smelled like sex, a musky combination of his and Ethan's sweat and cum. It swiftly brought back memories from the afternoon and even after cumming twice, Justin felt arousal again. There was big wet spot in the middle of his bedspread so he was going to have to wash it again. Justin had started doing his own laundry when his mother noticed the cum stains on his sheets and boxers when he started having wet dreams at eleven. That led to some supportive but awkward, uncomfortable conversations with his mom and dad. Justin went to work trying not to think of not seeing Ethan for the next week.

Ethan's Journal -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Justin pounded my butt today! Twice! Well kind of. He did fuck me. One time I was on my knees. I t was cool and he said I looked hot even though I thought I would look dumb with my butt sticking up. It is still wild, feeling him cum inside me. The first time was extreme. I swear I could feel his cum shooting in my butt. Speaking of cum I know this is really gross but when I got home I had to the bathroom but it was Justin's cum. A lot more than I thought there would be. I know I sound like a perv but I had to look."

Ethan turned off his computer and grabbed his Ipod. He listened to it all the time but when he really missed Justin he would play the "Lil E" playlist that Justin had made for himself. The songs reminded him so much of things he like best about Justin, it made it seem like he was almost there with him. It gave Ethan a content feeling that helped him drift off to sleep.

It was a busy week for Justin and Ethan and it helped the days go by without seeing one another. Ethan's writing club met on Tuesdays and Thursdays plus he had extra assignments from the club and he had finally gotten feedback on the stuff he had already give Ms. Kohl, the club's sponsor, while he had been on the soccer team. She said she had liked it and given him some good pointers on two of the stories she wanted him to revise for the yearend literary magazine the club produces. The other kids in the club were are all friendly and a little nerdy like Ethan so by the second meeting he felt pretty comfortable.

That Friday Ethan had gotten out of math class a little late so that by the time he had starting eating lunch with a few his soccer teammates they were already finishing up. It wasn't too long before he was eating by himself. That was okay because it gave him a chance to read through one of his stories he was going to revise. He was trying to focus on the story but couldn't help feeling like someone was watching him. Ethan looked up and there was a kid staring at from another table. Ethan didn't think much about it but as he tried to work it still felt like he was being stared at. He looked up again and this time the kid gave him a brief smile and wave. The boy looked Asian with longish dark brown hair, cut in a way that could best be described as "emo" which matched his black, "My Chemical Romance" t-shirt. Ethan returned the smile with an uneasy one of his own and briefer wave. To Ethan's surprise the other boy picked up his stuff and headed over to Ethan's table.

As he the boy walked to the table Ethan finally recognized him from the writing club. He was tall, at least for a junior high kid, and skinny, the purple ultra skinny jeans he was wearing made him look even thinner.

When he reached Ethan's table he reached his hand across the table and introduced himself, "Hi, my name is Kai."

Ethan shook Kai's hand, "Ethan."

Kai sat down while Ethan pondered about how "grown up" Kai's introduction had been. It was like something his dad would have done.

Kai warmly smiled at Ethan clearly more comfortable with the situation, "So how are you doing today?"

"Umm I'm okay.", Ethan replied hesistantly.

Kai could tell Ethan was uneasy, "I'm not bothering you am I?"

"No it's not's that I'm umm..." Ethan wasn't sure what to say.

Kai smiled again and finished Ethan's sentence for him, "Shy?"

For a moment Ethan thought that Kai was making fun of him but there was nothing but warmth and friendliness on Kai's face. Ethan smiled back, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Wow that's pretty rare then.", Kai said with a laugh.

Ethan didn't understand what was so funny, "What's rare?" "Well normally you jock types aren't shy at all. Usually you guys are kind of obnoxious, to tell the truth.", Kai explained.

"I'm a 'jock type'", Ethan asked.

This time it was Kai who had a slightly confused look, "You're one of those soccer players, aren't you? Everyone's been talking about how good you guys are."

Ethan had never thought of himself as a "jock type" even after playing a season of junior high soccer so he had to laugh, "Yeah I was on the team.".

"That's cool. Your team did really well.", Kai said looking down at what Ethan was working on, "Looks like you're working on some writing?"

"Uh huh, I'm fixing something I wrote before I started coming to the meetings.", Ethan told him.

Kai nodded, "Nice. You're pretty good. I liked the science fiction story you wrote a lot."

"Umm thanks.", Ethan was surprised that Kai had read his stories, "You've read my stories?"

"Yeah I help Ms. Kohl read everyone's writing. One of the responsibilities of the club president."

"Wow, president?", Ethan sounded impressed.

"Not a big deal, trust me. I happen to be one of the few second year members and the only one willing do to the extra work. HGIC would be a better title than president."

"HGIC", Ethan asked.

Kai smiled again, "Head Geek In Charge."

Ethan laughed out loud.

"Anyway I like your writing. You just need to write more naturally, you know like you're telling the stories to some one in person."

Ethan nodded, "That's what Ms. Kohl told me too. It's harder than I thought it would be."

"Yeah it is. English teachers spend so much time pounding grammar down our throats. It's like they're trying to squeeze all the creativity out of us. And don't even get me started on what texting has done to our ability to write a cohesive sentence. If you'd like I could help you?"

Ethan nodded again, smiling, "Thanks, that'd be really cool."

"Fantastic! Oh would you like to read one of my stories? It's only fair since I've read yours."

"Sure I'd like that." Ethan responded with enthusiasm.

Kai was looking though a notebook he pulled out his backpack, "Let me see, I think you'd like this one."


The bell rang signaling lunch was over.

"Crap! I've got to get going. I've got P.E.. Ugh." Kai said with disdain, "You can read it over the weekend and give it back to me on Monday. Nice meeting you Ethan."

"Umm nice meeting you Kai.", Ethan said still not used to such formality.

Justin's week was equally busy. This was his fourth high school tryout and he had been trying out for club teams since he was nine so it wasn't like he was nervous but it was still always exciting to get back together with his old teammates and to get to see the new players. There was new surprise for Justin this year. Coach Lambert made Justin captain before tryouts even started, it was something he had never done before.

"I'm doing this for a few reasons.", Coach Lambert told Justin.

"First, I don't think anyone would deny that you're our starting keeper, based solely on what you've done the past couple of seasons for our team. I'm still going to tell you what I always tell all my captains. I expect you to lead by example first and foremost and that goes especially for you over the next week.", Coach Lambert explained.

Justin nodded seriously, "Yes sir."

"Secondly I need you to work with and to help me evaluate the other keepers this week. We've got to start thinking about your successor.". For the past four years Coach Lambert had an assistant that worked with the keepers but because of the budget cuts he wasn't able to bring him back for the upcoming season.

"No problem I can do that.", Justin said confidently.

Coach Lambert could already see the wheels turning behind Justin's eyes, "I know some players might take advantage of this to slack off but I know how hard you work on your own so that won't be a problem. Plus I've told you before but I'm still impressed with what you did with that junior high team. You'll make a good coach one day."

Justin smiled at that, "Thanks coach, that means a lot to me. Anything else boss?"

"I think that's it." Justin started to walk out of the room, "Wait one more thing super star."


"Try not to kill any of the other keepers." Coach warmed him with a smile, "Not everyone's a machine like you."

Justin didn't kill any of the keepers trying out but a couple of the ones that weren't fit were wishing they were dead by the end of the week. In addition to Coach Lambert's "weed out the weak" stamina/conditioning work at the beginning of each tryout. Justin ran all the keepers through some extremely intense SAQ drills along with a lot of core strength exercises. The keeper drills equally intense, designed to demonstrate each candidates skills. Justin believed that keepers should be the best athletes on the team. He couldn't take notes during the tryouts because he did everything the others did, usually twice since he had demonstrate each activity first and then he usually took a turn like everyone else. Justin would stay at school after each tryout writing out in detail his thoughts on each keeper. At home in between chatting with Ethan, he would research new drills for the keepers.

Texting with Ethan had improved considerably. Besides staying up to date on each others week, they had started "sexting". It began by talking about how good last weekend had rocked, then moved to what they wanted to do the next time they were together, finally to what they wished they could do right then. It wasn't as good as the real deal but it made things a little easier.

Ethan's Journal

"I met another kid from the writing club. He is really nice and said he liked the stuff I had written. He also said he would help with my writing. That is good because he is a very good writer. He gave me one of his stories and it was awesome. I get to see Justin tomorrow. I do not know if we will get to fuck but I just miss seeing him everyday."

Ethan had read Kai's story as soon as he got home from school. It was about a lonely teenager who created an elaborate fantasy world where he met a famous musician and the two became best friends. It was cool how the story would switch back and forth between the fantasy world and reality. The boy kind of reminded Ethan of himself and the musician was kind of like Justin. They didn't have sex in the story but the imaginary relationship was so close it was almost like they were boyfriends. Ethan could also see what Kai was talking about when he said that Ethan needed to write more "naturally". The characters seemed like they were really talking in the story and it made them so much more real. When he gave the story back to Kai he was going to ask him how he made the dialogue so life like.

Ethan went to bed early for a Friday night. His dad had given him a list of jobs he had to get done before he could do anything else. So he wanted to get up early so he could meet Justin at the park again.

Ethan's dad was impressed when he woke to find Ethan was almost done with all of his assigned chores, "That boy is growing up. He's working his little butt off without any whining or even being told."

"He is growing up." Ethan's mom said tentatively, "There was something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yeah?", Ethan's dad looked at her impatiently.

"I found a pair of Ethan's underwear and I think they had a semen stain."

"Really? Little dud is finally having wet dreams. I think I'm almost jealous." Ethan's dad said amused.

Ethan's mom sighed, "Maybe I'm not sure it was a wet dream."

" think he was..." he replied while pretending to jerk off.

"Could be. Maybe you should talk to him about things.

Ethan's dad shrugged, "Sound like he's figured 'things' out for himself and everything is in proper working order."

Ethan's mom shook her head. She hated talking about this stuff with him. She had found Ethan's boxers unexpectedly. She always checked Ethan's and her husband's pockets because they always left crap in them. She had found Ethan's boxers balled up in a pair of Ethan's jeans. It wasn't huge surprise. Every now and then she would find a pair of Ethan's underwear the same way and it was a pair that usually had some significant skidmarks in them but she couldn't remember the last time it had happened. It wasn't a big deal because "shit happens" she had thought to herself. She un-balled them and was going to treat the stain and found a different stain than she expected. If Ethan hadn't tried to hide them she probably wouldn't have even noticed. She had helped her mom do her brothers' laundry and she had seen them tease each other enough about "cum" stains to know one when she saw one. She also knew that semen stains from nocturnal emissions were on the front of the underwear. Ethan's stain was exactly where you normally find skidmarks. One thing her husband said did make sense. Maybe Ethan was masturbating and used them to clean up.

The real explanation of the cum stain was simple enough. Ethan was so embarrassed about it, he even left it out of his journal. He mentioned going to the bathroom after being with Justin but what he didn't mention was that he thought he had to fart. When he did something other gas escaped. At first he thought he had sharted himself but realized in the bathroom it wasn't shit at all. He was relived but still hid his boxers from his mother just like when he was younger. Shitty boxers or jizzy boxers, he didn't want his mom finding either.

Ethan and Justin spent two hours at the park catching up on the week. Despite texting/chatting there were tons of little details to share, especially by Ethan. Ethan told Justin all about the writing club and some of the stories he had written. He even told Justin about meeting Kai and how he was going to help him with his writing.

"Are you ever going to let me read one?", Justin asked pretending to be put out.

"I will. I'm fixing a couple first then I'll let you read one.", Ethan assured him.

Justin told Ethan some the highlights from the first week of tryouts. He told him about making one of the freshmen keepers puke during the SAQs. He had told Ethan about Coach Lambert making him a captain during a texting session but now he told Ethan about how Rico and Matt had been giving him all kinds of shit about it. The most annoying thing was that every time he saw them on campus they would bow and call him "sir capitan". Ethan thought that was hilarious.

"It could be worse you know.", Ethan told him.

"You think so? How's that?", Justin asked.

Ethan moved a little further away from Justin, " They could be calling you 'Sir Capitan Lovebug'."

Justin gave Ethan a little play kick, "You little shit, don't make me pound you right here in public."

Ethan looked around and gave Justin a giant goofy smile, "You're really gonna pound me, you promise?"

Justin gave a fake sigh, "Not that kind of pounding, horndog."

Ethan's exaggerated smile turned into a frown, "So speaking of that kind of pounding, are your parents home?"

Justin nodded, "We wouldn't still be here if they weren't."

"Shit mine never leave and if they do they take me with them."

"That must suck.", Justin had even driven by the retention area on the way to the park but there were cars there, "You wanna go see a movie?"

"Guess so." Ethan said trying hard to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

There wasn't a lot playing at the movie theater. So Justin figured it was better to find a bad movie that had been out a while so that it would be less full. The settled on a comedy featuring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. They were the first ones in the theater and chose to sit in the very back. It was a new theater with high backed seats and armrests that could even be raised up.

"Maybe we should leave a seat in between us. I don't want anyone to think...." Justin said trying to sound serious.

Ethan cut him off, "Shut up. I think I'll sit in your lap the whole movie."

"Funny, that would be far too distracting I need to be able to focus on this fine movie.", Justin replied sarcastically.

It looked like they were going to be the only ones in the theater but four boys Ethan's age came in. They started to head towards the back of the theater but stopped when they saw Justin and Ethan already in the back of the theater they went to the very front of the theater instead. Then an older couple came in and sat almost halfway between the two groups.

The movie was ridiculously bad. Justin had gotten then drinks and popcorn. Ethan had given up on the movie and was amusing himself by throwing popcorn at the side of Justin's head. When he ran out of popcorn he found another way to amuse himself, he started grabbing Justin's dick.

Justin was horny enough without being teased, he whispered, "Stop."

Justin should've realized that telling a twelve year old to "stop" was only encouragement. After moving Ethan's hand and telling him to stop several more times only made Ethan start giggling, Justin decided to try ignoring him. It didn't take long for Ethan to realize that Justin had changed tactics so he decided he would step it up even more. He started rubbing Justin's cock through his jeans and it wasn't long before Justin was rock hard. When that still didn't get a reaction from Justin, Ethan unbuttoned and unzipped Justin's jeans so he could get his hand inside.

Justin resisted the urge to tell Ethan to knock it off. He knew that Ethan was playing an advanced game of chicken, still if Ethan made him cum in his jeans he was gonna get it. They were far enough from everyone else and the movie was loud enough that no one would notice. Justin really had to bite his tongue when Ethan pulled his dick out of his jeans and boxers and was now giving him an outright hand job. Justin looked over at Ethan who was pretending to watch the movie with the most innocent and angelic look on his face.

It was hard trying to give Justin a decent hand job while pretending to watch a movie. It was fun though and a monster turn on. Ethan's own boner was now pressing uncomfortably against his jeans. Ethan knew that Justin was getting into it despite telling him to stop earlier. Justin's cock was absolutely rigid and when Ethan ran his thumb over Justin's cock head it was slick with pre-cum. It was driving Ethan crazy. It took a little work, considering he had to use his left hand, but Ethan undid his own jeans so he could pull out his own dick as well.

Justin was now really doing his best to focus on the movie despite getting an awkwardly dry handjob, that was edging him closer and closer to blowing a load all over his shirt. Finally he was too close to cumming he leaned over and whispered harshly in Ethan's ear, "Jesus, Ethan you're gonna make me cum."

"Victory!" Ethan thought to himself. Instead of stopping Ethan slid off the front of his seat and kneeled down in front of Justin and took Justin's cock into his mouth. While Ethan was trying to give Justin the stealthiest blow job possible he was also pumping his own hard cock. Justin didn't last long and Ethan came before Justin overwhelmed by the thrill of sucking Justin off in a movie theater with other people. When he was finished he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and both hands on his jeans. He zipped up his jeans and got back in his seat and watched the movie like nothing even happened.

Justin sat there amazed by what just happened. Most of his friends would kill for a girlfriend that would give them a blowjob during a movie. It was actually kind of scary but Justin had to admit it was pretty damn sexy as well. Sometimes it was to believer that the innocent looking little horn dog next to him was the same shy little guy he met at their first training session.

When they were back in the car Ethan was fired up, "That was awesome! Do you think we could actually fuck in a movie?"

Justin laughed, "You are so out of control. The oldies would've had a heart attack if they had seen what you were doing."

"They couldn't see anything. I know you liked it, you shot a bunch." Ethan retorted while he was trying to figure out how he and Justin could fuck in the theater.

"Only cuz you're one wild and sexy horn dog. I feel bad cuz you didn't come though."

Ethan giggled, "I took care of that too."

Justin shook his head, "I should've of guessed."

Ethan's Diary

I sucked Justin's dick in a movie theater today. It was fun, scary and sexy all at the same time. I talked to Justin about fucking in the theater and he said I was out of control. Maybe I am! But if we can not be alone together at least we can have some crazy fun. I think I liked it a lot.

Justin and Ethan met at the park on Sunday but to Ethan's annoyance they didn't go anywhere to make out. Justin promised Ethan that he'd find another place to park and make out. It would be risky because they'd have to drive further but it was better than getting caught by someone. Ethan was actually looking forward to going to school on Monday so he could give Kai his story back and maybe work on his own with Kai's help.

Ethan found Kai at the beginning of the lunch hour. He was sitting with some girls. Ethan sat down at the table and Kai gave him a warm friendly greeting and introduced him to the girls. Ethan didn't talk much but was amused as the conversation bounced back and forth between clothes, music, television and etc. When Kai and Ethan finished eating, Kai told the girls that he and Ethan had work to do.

"Sorry to put you through that, they're all a bit ditzy.", Kai said when they found a quiet table.

"That's okay they were funny. Is one of them your girlfriend?", Ethan asked.

Kai laughed, "Hell no, they're all way too silly for me. I need someone that can talk about more than flip flops and Justin Bieber."

Ethan laughed to while he took out Kai's story, "I read your story, it's really good."

"Thank you. You really liked it?"

Ethan nodded, "You write really good, it felt like the characters were really talking to each other and it was cool the way the story went back and forth between real life and the fantasy one."

"Thanks again. It's one of my favorites. I used to be like the main character."

"Really? What do you mean?", Ethan asked.

"Well I used to imagine these elaborate fantasy worlds where I was someone else or something better. I guess was bored with myself."

"You don't do it any more?", Ethan asked.

Kai shook his head, "Not so much. I mean I found that I enjoyed writing, which is kind of the same thing but it's cool to be able to share them with other people. Plus I made new friends at the writing club and another club I joined. I just don't need to any more. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I think so.", Ethan replied. It did make sense. He used to imagine being and doing all kinds of things, like being a hero on a baseball team and having one of the other players like him. Ethan stopped doing that when he started playing soccer and he met Justin. The soccer season didn't have a storybook ending but Justin was his boyfriend and that was a million time better.

"So my trick to good dialogue is to actually imagine yourself having a conversation with each of the characters. What we could do is work on some together. I'll be one of your characters and you can be one. That'll help you get a hang of it.", Kai explained. They spent the rest of the lunch hour working on one of Ethan's stories.

They met every day at the same table for lunch and spent most of the writing club meetings that week together as well. That Friday Kai asked Ethan if he wanted to come over to his house to finish editing the story they had been working on that week. Ethan didn't hesitate. Kai's house wasn't far from the school, it was a big, newly remodeled house that Ethan's dad always commented on how out of place it looked in the neighborhood. The inside matched the outside, everything looked new and modern. Kai's room reminded him of Justin's room. It was decorated the same way, in that it matched Kai's interests and personality. It made Ethan think of his plain room that still had toys Ethan hadn't played with for a couple years. The walls had posters of Kai's favorite bands and a book shelf with a ton of books including the entire twilight series, there was even a twilight poster on the wall. Ethan smiled at the poster, remembering when he and Justin watched one of the movies together.

Over the next couple of weeks Kai and Ethan developed a new friendship. They ate lunch every day together and Ethan went to Kai's house almost every day they didn't have writing club. Outside of Justin, Ethan couldn't think of anyone else he felt more comfortable with.

Tryouts finished midway through the week. Coach Lambert agreed with Justin on which keeper should be his back up for varsity, which ones would make the JV team and which ones would be cut. Justin was an unofficial leader last season so being captain wouldn't be much of a change except now he would lead warm-ups during training and he'd wear and armband during the matches. All the shit talking from Rico and Matt stopped abruptly when Rico was made the second captain.

Rico did have to get one more jab in, "Well you know coach had to have a captain that actually played soccer instead of one that just stands around looking pretty, Boyband."

Justin nodded in agreement smiling, "Yeah I think you're right. No one would ever accuse you of being pretty Rico."

That weekend Justin and Ethan were only able to meet Saturday for a couple of hours. Justin still hadn't come up with another place to go make out and since they didn't have time to drive around they spent their time talking. Ethan brought his science fiction story for Justin to read. The story was about a high school kid that finds out his school was being run by aliens. There were hidden cameras all over the school to watch and record the students so the alien could study them. Justin was surprised how good it was and told Ethan how much he liked it.

"Wow, that was pretty fucking good Ethan.", Justin told him.

Ethan beamed, "Thank you! You sound surprised."

"Um, no not surprised, I didn't know what to expect.", Justin stammered.

"That's okay. It's a lot better since I fixed it. Kai helped me a lot to make it this good.", Ethan explained excitedly.

"That's cool.", Justin replied. He felt slight twinge of jealousy. He didn't think that Ethan would do anything but he was jealous that Kai got to spend so much time with Ethan.

The following weekend it didn't look like they were going to get some "private" time again. Justin had an idea for a place to drive to but it wasn't real close. Justin got a call from his parents.

After Justin got of the phone Ethan asked, "Who was it?"

"Mom, she and my dad are going to the grocery store."

"Really? How long are they going to be gone?", Ethan asked with obvious excitement.

Justin knew what Ethan was thinking, "Whoa there horn dog. They're only gonna be gone for like an hour at the most."

"Well then why are we still sitting here?", Ethan was so much asking a question as he was telling Justin to get off his ass.

A few minutes later they were at Justin's house since they didn't have a lot time they were peeling off clothes as soon as they got into Justin's room. Justin locked the door just in case his parents came home but he knew that being in a locked room with Ethan wouldn't be much better than them catching in the act.

They kissed furiously until Ethan said as he rolled onto his stomach, "We don't have a lot of time, I need you to fuck me!"

Justin didn't need any more urging and gave Ethan's asshole a thorough tounging.

"Turn over Lil E.", Justin asked.

"Uh uh like this." Ethan told him as he got up on his knees so his butt was sticking up in the air.

Justin smiled because Ethan was wagging his cute, pale ass at him, "Doggy style then?"

"Doggy style?", Ethan asked as he looked back at Justin.

"That's what they call it when you fuck someone like that, goofball.", Justin explained.

Ethan wagged his butt at Justin again faster, "Whoof, whoof!"

"I'll make you bark doofus.", Justin said as he squirted some lube down Ethan butt crack.

"Hey that's cold!"

"Whoops.", Justin said as started working the lube around and then into Ethan's butthole, "Is that better?"

"Mmm hmm.", Ethan said closing his eyes, feeling relaxed at Justin's gentle touch.

Moments later Justin was pushing his cock deep in Ethan. Justin was still trying to be as gentle as he could with Ethan but today there was certain urgency that they were both feeding from. Ethan was pushing back against Justin and as the adrenaline took over the uncomfortable feeling that Ethan had when Justin first pushed into him was overtaken by the need to have Justin fucking him. It was better than before for Ethan and as Justin started pumping his hips, Ethan was moving with him. Both were feeding off the other and soon Justin's cock was pistoning rapidly in and out Ethan's asshole.

Justin was almost surprised at how fast and how hard he came. The first couple of times he had made love to Ethan every thing seemed to be so controlled but this time it was fevered and urgent. Ethan's dick was throbbing and the need to get off was overwhelming. As soon as Justin pulled out Ethan stood and faced Justin who was still on his knees.

"Suck me!" Ethan commanded with a devilish smile, his legs were shaky from the pounding he had just taken and in anticipation.

Justin returned the smile and eagerly took Ethan's dick into his mouth. Ethan took hold of Justin's head and started thrusting his hips feverishly. Ethan's orgasm was fierce and he tightly gripped two handfuls of Justin's hair as he exploded.

Justin tackled Ethan down on the bed, "Jesus I think you pulled out some of my hair horn dog!"

"So you pounded my poor little butt!", Ethan countered.

Justin looked at Ethan's sparkling blue eyes, "I think you liked it though."

Ethan broke into a sheepish smile, "I think I did."

After a quick kiss and a clean up Justin and Ethan were headed out the door just as Justin's parents came home. Justin had hoped to make a clean get away. Justin introduced Ethan to his dad and said they were just on their way to the park to kick a ball around but of course Justin's mom had insisted they stay for lunch. Ethan had a good time listening to Justin's parents stories about Justin. Justin thought he was going to go crazy.

Ethan's Journal

Justin really pounded my butt today! It was really good and he told me it was super hot for a quicky. That is when you have sex and you do not have much time. His parents almost caught us. We ate lunch with them. His dad is real nice and his mom is funny. She kept calling Justin love bug and telling me about when he was a little kid. I thought his head was going to explode. He said we are never going to do that again unless he knows his parents are going to be gone a long time. I think I could get him to do it again if he is super horny.

Other than his mom being her annoying self, lunch with Ethan and his parents went pretty well. Justin thought that maybe we was overly self conscious about hanging out with Ethan. He was sure his parents would ask him why he was hanging out with a twelve year old, instead his mother asked why Ethan doesn't come over more.

Justin's high school team was going to have their first match next Friday. It was only a scrimmage against an out of conference high school but it would give them a good idea on where they were as a team. Ethan was excited because it would be his first time being a ball boy and the match was at six pm so Justin was going to pick him up right after school for some quality time before the match.

Ethan met Kai's parents that Monday. They were very much like their house, well groomed and fashionable. Kai's dad was Japanese and a psychiatrist. Kai's mom was white and a counselor. They were friendly but in a more proper way than Justin's parents. They both seemed really smart just like Kai.

Wednesday, Ethan and Kai were at Kai's house working on a short assignment for writing club from the day before. Kai had been helpful like always but unusually quiet and distracted.

Ethan felt that something was up, "You okay, Kai?"

Kai smiled at Ethan, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about some stuff. Sorry."

"It's okay. You're just not talking as much as you normally do."

"Yeah I guess. We're friends right Ethan? I mean I know we've only known each other a little while but I feel like you're my friend. " Kai asked with unusual hesitation.

Ethan nodded, Kai was now his best friend after Justin, "Yeah, I'm sure we're friends.".

"That's cool. It's hard to make real friends.", Kai said "I mean people you can trust."

Ethan couldn't think of any reason he couldn't trust Kai but there wasn't really anything in their friendship that required any real level of trust, "I trust you Kai."

Kai took a moment to think then said, "Could I tell you something then, something only my parents and few other people know and no one at school knows?"

Ethan wasn't sure what to think, it was flattering yet a little scary that Kai trusted him enough to tell him something so important, "You can tell me anything."

Kai took a deep breath, "Okay here it goes. I'm gay."

Ethan stared at Kai, he had no idea what to say because his mind was racing. The silence went on and on.

Finally Kai had to break it, "You're okay with that, right?"

That broke Ethan out of his trance, "Um yeah I'm fine with it. I just had no idea that's what you were going to say."

Kai sighed relieved, "That's a relief for a second I thought you were gonna spaz out or something."

"I just didn't know what to say, it's not something someone tells me every day.", Ethan said with a nervous smile.

"That's okay, you handled it pretty good and don't worry I'm not going to hit on you or anything. You're straight right?".

Ethan paused before he answered, Kai had trusted him but he wasn't ready to tell anyone, "Yeah I am."

Kai paused as well before he said, "Besides I already have a bf."

"Bf?", Ethan asked.

"Boyfriend silly.", Kai explained, "You're cute and all but I like older guys. Tyler is a freshman."

"That's a relief.", Ethan teased, "Your parents know?".

"You've met them, they didn't exactly do cartwheels when I told them last year but they're really supportive. They've both treated a lot of gay people who are messed up because they weren't accepted by their families. The even found me a gay and lesbian youth support group. That's where I met Tyler."

Ethan didn't realize there were support groups, "Support group?"

"Yeah it's just like writing club except everyone's gay and we talk about things. They even have guest speakers. You should come some time." Kai said and then added, "People bring their straight friends all the time."

"I don't know.", Ethan said trying to picture asking his dad if could go to a gay group with his gay friend.

"No pressure, I know this is a lot for you to digest. It's just nice to be able to be honest with you. I don't go around announcing to everyone that I'm gay to everyone but it's important to me that my true friends know who I am."

Ethan nodded feeling a little guilty.

Ethan would never tell anyone at school about Kai being gay. It wasn't like he really talked to anyone about school about anything important anyway but he had to talk to Justin about it. He wished he could talk to Justin in person or at least on the phone but there was no way he wanted his parents to over hear him. He would have to talk to Justin about it when they chatted that night.

Ethan: I have to tell you something important.

Justin: Was up?

Ethan: Kai told me he is gay

Long pause then Justin: Really?

Ethan: Yes I was surprised.

Justin: I bet y'd he do that?

Ethan: Because we are friends I guess

Justin: ya guess so

Ethan: What do you mean?

Justin: nvm

Ethan: What is wrong?

Justin: Nothing, y?

Ethan: Seems like it

Justin: Can u call me?

Ethan: My parents are home

Justin: ok

Ethan: Why? What is wrong?

Justin: No big deal, talk about it fri

Ethan: Stop! Tell me now.

Justin: fine. Does he like you?

Ethan: Yes as a friend

Justin: that's not what I'm talking about

Ethan: you mean like a boy friend?

Justin: no shit lil e that's exactly what I mean

Ethan: NO! He has got a boyfriend. Are you jealous?

Justin: Should I be?

Ethan: No I told youhe has boyfriend

Another long pause Justin: ok what did u say?

Ethan: That it was okay that he was gay

Justin: No about u

Ethan: Nothing he thinks I'm straight

Justin: ok

Ethan: Are you mad at me?

Justin: no I wish I could see u more

Ethan: Yeah I wish that to.

Ethan did his best to change the subject after that and asked Justin about soccer. However; he could still tell there was something bothering Justin.

Ethan's journal

"Kai told me he was gay today. I did not expect it. He even has a boyfriend and goes to a gay club. He said he trusted me and I feel bad that I did not tell him that I like guys to. I told Justin tonight and I think he was mad or upset or jealous. Even if Kai did like me it would not matter because I like Justin so much, more than anyone I have ever known. It was hard not being able to talk to him for real knowing he was not happy."

Justin wasn't happy at all. That slight sting of jealousy he felt about Kai was now a deep throbbing pain in the pit of his stomach. Kai and Ethan had too much in common for Justin to feel secure even knowing that Kai already had a boyfriend. Plus Justin couldn't comprehend why anyone would tell someone they were gay unless they were hoping that person was gay as well. Justin trusted Ethan and he knew that Ethan didn't have a lot of friends so he would have to just suck it up. For the first time in his life Justin was jealous and he realized that feeling jealous really sucked.

Ethan walked home from writing club with Kai. They didn't talk about the previous day's conversation at all during school. Now that the initial shock of finding out that Kai was gay was over, Ethan had a lot of questions. The hard part was finding a way to ask them.

Kai brought it up himself, "Well its good to see you're still my friend."

"Why wouldn't I be?", Ethan asked a little stunned.

"I was joking.", Kai replies, "Kind of. A lot of straight guys, especially you jock types, wouldn't hang out with someone who's gay."

"I'm not like that and I'm really not much of a 'jock type'"

"True you're way too smart and creative." Kai stated while laughing at his own joke.

"Does your boyfriend know you told me?", Ethan asked.

"Of course, I told him before we talked that I was probably going to tell you. He's more open about it than I am. He told his parents in the sixth grade. And there are a lot of people at his school that know."

Ethan was relieved that Kai had brought up his boyfriend again, "Do you see each other a lot."

Kai shrugged, "Not a lot I guess. We see each other at the support group and usually hang out on the weekend. Plus he's a mad texter. You know how I despise that form of communication but I make the compromise for him."

Ethan felt emboldened and pushed further, "That's cool. What kind of stuff do you do on the weekend?"

Kai chuckled, "Same stuff as you probably do. Go shopping and to the movies, play xbox, another compromise I make for him."

"Do you guys do stuff?", Ethan tried to ask nonchalantly.

"Do we 'do stuff'?", Kai chuckled again, "Ethan sometimes you are so damn cute. Are you talking about sex?"

"Yeah.", Ethan answered embarrassed.

"It's cool and I don't mean to laugh at you. Are you sure you want to talk about this? Most straight guys get grossed out when they hear about gay 'stuff'"

Ethan had recovered, "I don't mind, I've never known anyone that's gay."

"That's one of the reasons I like you Ethan. You've got kind of an innocent, open mindedness. As far as what Tyler and I have done sexually, we've kissed a lot and we've...Are you sure you want to hear this."

Ethan nodded, "Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay then, we've also given each other handjobs. It's kind of strange but I feel comfortable talking to you about this. Anyway I've made him cum almost every time but I can't cum when he does it to me. I have to jerk myself off to finish because he always wants to see me cum. Tyler thinks we should try oral sex so he can try to make me cum himself. I think he just wants a blowjob."

Ethan laughed, "You don't want one?"

"Mmm I do but I'm not in a rush. Larry our group leader is always telling us to take our time, not to be in a rush. You see there's this misconception that just because someone is gay they should act like a total slut. I have the rest of my life to give and get blowjobs. Tyler feels the same except when he's horny, which unfortunately is most of the time.", Kai explained.

Ethan was quiet a long time. If Kai thought giving a blowjob made you a slut, what would Kai think of him after all the stuff he's done with Justin.

"You okay? I hope that wasn't too much for you.", Kai said breaking the silence.

Ethan gave Kai a forced smile, "No I was just thinking. It's cool you and Tyler can talk about that stuff.".

"Yeah it is. What about you? Have you done much with girls?"

Ethan chuckled, "No, I've never done anything with a girl."

"What's funny?", Kai asked, looking at Ethan with his eyebrows raised.

"Nothing, I've never had a girl friend.", Ethan answered coming with some type of explanation, at least he wasn't lying.

Kai put his arm around Ethan and said jokingly, "It's okay little guy, you will meet someone, someday."

Ethan laughed again, "Shut up!"

Ethan's Journal

"I talked to Kai today about his boyfriend. They have been going out a lot longer than Justin and I have been. They have only jerked each other off and kissed. Kai says that he does not want to rush to do more because that would make him a slut. Justin and I have done so much more than that and have only known each other a short time. Does that make me a slut?"

Justin and Ethan didn't chat that long that night and Ethan didn't bring up Kai at all for a couple of reasons. Justin seemed really upset the night before when Ethan talked about Kai. Secondly he was still struggling with what Kai said about rushing into things sexually. He wanted to talk to Justin about it but not while chatting.

Justin wanted to talk to Ethan as well. He had thought his worries about their age difference were under control. Now Ethan had a gay friend that was almost the same age as him and he even had more in common with Kai. Justin needed to be sure that Ethan still wanted to be with him.

The next day Justin picked Ethan up a few blocks away from school the car ride to Justin's house was quiet. Both boys intended to talk before they did anything else at the house but it was only short time after they got there that Ethan was tummy down on Justin's bed with Justin on top of him, pumping his dick in and out of Ethan with long slow strokes. Justin was careful not put all his body weight on Ethan but he was pressed against the entire length of Ethan's body. Ethan found the warmth and weight of Justin's body reassuring. Justin came quickly and turned Ethan over with out pulling his dick out of him, trying to make the moment last as long as possible. Their eyes were locked together. Ethan's dick was absolutely rigid and throbbing. Justin was still slowly sliding his cock in and out of Ethan still hard.

Ethan was breathing hard, staring up at Justin, who even though he had already cum was still fucking him, it was amazing. Ethan couldn't wait any longer to get off and started stroking his own dick. It took only a few strokes and Ethan came. It was a completely different feeling, cumming with Justin's deep inside him. It felt like the orgasm was coming from some where deep inside him. Ethan let out a lound grunt as he came and his sphincter gripped Justin's erection even tighter.

Justin didn't know that Ethan had cum but the grunt was obviously one of pleasure. That combined with Ethan squeezing his dick made Justin cum again. He was surprised how quickly he came again. Justin looked down at Ethan who's eyes were closed. It was different this time. The playfulness was replaced with a quiet intensity. Justin was still hard, even after cumming a second time, and it felt like he could easily cum again. He wanted to make Ethan cum first though so he slowly pulled himself out of Ethan and was about to take Ethan's dick into his mouth when Ethan stopped him.

"What's wrong?", Justin asked.

"Nothing, I already came." Ethan replied softly.

"Wow, that's pretty cool.", Justin realized that Ethan must have cum when he let out that loud grunt, he never thought Ethan would be able to cum when they were fucking.

"Yeah, I couldn't wait because I was so horny, it felt really weird but really good to."

Justin collapsed on the bed next to Ethan. They both wanted to talk but neither could bring themselves to start the conversation. Ethan was kicking himself because he wanted to talk to Justin before they had sex. He was so relieved and excited about being with Justin that he had given him a big hug when they got into Justin's house. Next thing he knew he was naked, face down on Justin's bed. It was like he couldn't help himself, he couldn't help thinking that maybe he was a slut.

Ethan couldn't wait any longer, "Justin I need to talk to you about something."

Justin's heart sank, he thought to himself, 'Here it comes, he's breaking up with me.'. How many times had started 'the talk' with a girl using exactly the same words, "What's up lil e?"

Ethan paused a long time trying to find the right words but he couldn't find any other way to ask it, "Am I a slut?".

Justin had prepared himself for the worst but this caught him totally off guard, "What do you mean?".

"Am I a slut because I do all this sex stuff with you?", Ethan asked quickly.

Justin was completely puzzled by this, "I don't think you're a slut. Why would you even think that?"

"I was talking to Kai.", Ethan started to say more but then stopped remembering when he brought up Kai during chatting.

'Fucking Kai' Justin thought to himself, then calmly asked Ethan, "Go on, what did he say?"

Ethan could hear the tightness in Justin's voice even though he sounded calm but he had to talk about it, "He said that a lot of gay guys rush into having sex, because they think that being a slut is part of being gay. He and his boyfriend have been going out a lot longer than us and they have only kissed and done handjobs."

Justin took a moment to take it all in. He was relieved because Ethan wasn't dumping him but that feeling was tempered because of his annoyance at Kai and concern for Ethan because he was clearly upset about this, "I don't think what we do makes you a slut. You're not doing it with anyone else right?"

Ethan shook his head, "Of course not."

Justin nodded, "I know and I'm the only one you've been with to me a slut is someone who will fuck anyone with out caring about them, using them for whatever. If anything I'm a slut." "Why?", Ethan asked.

Justin sighed, "I told you before, the girls I've been with. I didn't really care about them. I used them and let some of them use me. I'd say that was pretty slutty."

Ethan hadn't really thought about it, "I don't think you're a slut."

Justin smiled, "I'm not any more, not with you."

Ethan was starting to feel better, "You don't think it's slutty that I think about you fucking me all the time?"

"No that actually makes me happy. I used to worry that I was making you do things you didn't want to and that would've been wrong. Knowing you want to do it to, makes it so much better because I want to make you as happy as you make me."

Ethan smiled, "I want to make you happy to."

"And you do, more than I can tell you. That's the difference being with you. I know guys at school that have girlfriends they say they love and shit even my dad, if you ask them if they could have sex with anyone in the world, they'd name some hot singer or actress like Megan Fox. If ask myself that question, and its you, you're the only one that I want to be with, there's no one else, no one hotter to me than you and besides you being so fucking hot, I care about you so much. I know that makes me sound like a pussy but that's the way it is."

Ethan took all this in and realized he felt the same way about Justin, "I care about you to Justin and I know there's no one hotter than you to me. I don't want anybody else either."

"See then you can't be a slut. That's just not the way a slut is. If you don't want to have sex any more, I understand that, I'll miss it but it won't change the way I feel about you."

Ethan didn't have to even think about it, "No I still want to have sex with you, I'm just glad I'm not a slut."

"Nope you're just a little horn dog.", Justin said before leaning over and kissing Ethan softly.

Afterwards Ethan said, "Yeah I'm definitely that and you know what?"


"You are kind of a pussy.", Ethan said with a straight face before breaking into a string of giggles.

"Little fucker," Justin yelled as he jumped on Ethan.

After a lengthy bout of wrestling, play biting and kissing they showered and went to watch the JV team play before Justin's match. Justin didn't tell Ethan that he thought Ethan was going to break up with him but he did tell Ethan if anything was bothering him he needed to let Justin know right away so he wouldn't have to think about it on his own for so long. He knew it was a little hypocritical but Justin felt like he was older and it was his responsibility to look out for Ethan as much as possible. He didn't bring up Kai again. Justin wanted Ethan to have friends and after today he wouldn't be so jealous about Kai.

The varsity and the JV teams won that night. Justin made some mental notes on the JV keepers since Coach Lambert had Justin run the keeper training, Justin wanted to be sure that the training focused on where the other keepers needed to improve. Ethan got to meet Matt and Rico. He thought that both of them were cool but he thought that Rico was hilarious. He was always giving Matt and Justin a hard time. Justin was happy with the results of both games in a lot of ways. Ethan had done his part perfectly, not just as ball boy but when it was time for Justin to do his thing, Ethan left him alone to do it. He also acted cool with Justin's teammates. Hanging out and having sex with Ethan didn't bother his pre-match preparations at all despite the heavy conversation. That made Justin happy because it looked like this would be the norm, at least before the home games.

Ethan's Journal

"I talked to Justin about being a slut and he said I am not one. He said because we care about each other it is not slutty to have sex. I think he is right. We have sex and that makes us both happy. It is weird I wanted to talk first today but it is like I lost control. Justin came twice while he was fucking me without stopping. I jerked myself off while he was doing it. It felt really good when I came with his dick in my butt."

The next day Justin picked Ethan up at the park. Justin wanted to get some new jeans and since they didn't have a private place to go they planned on going to the mall right from the start. Ethan had only ever been clothes shopping with his parents and while they let him pick his own stuff out, they would usually only go to one store. Ethan would pick things out he liked, with mom's approval, try it on to be sure it fit and be done in an hour. Shopping with Justin was a totally different experience.

Most of Justin's wardrobe, outside of soccer gear, consisted of jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts, with and with out hoods. It was the true epitome of casual wear. Ethan never dreamed of how particular Justin was when it came to finding the 'right' pair of jeans. They went to several stores before he found some he would even try on. When he did try them on he took several different sizes of the same jeans. When Ethan asked why, Justin expained that every designer's jean fit differently and he wanted to look good and be comfortable at the same time. Three hours, seven stores and a hundred and sixty dollars Justin had two pairs of jeans from two different stores.

"You're crazy.", Ethan told Justin as they were leaving the last store.

"You should be with me when I buy new keeper gloves or cleats. I've had sales people almost quit cuz I take so long.", Justin replied laughing.

Ethan laughed with him, they were on their way to the food court for lunch and Ethan was starving. He didn't notice Kai until they almost ran into him and a red headed kid he was walking with.

"Ethan, how's it going?", Kai greeted him enthusiastically.

"Hey Kai.", Ethan replied. It was strange running into him at the mall.

Justin knew who it was before Ethan even said his name. He drifted away from the other boys to pretend to look at a display from a store his dad might shop at.

Kai looked at Justin then back to Ethan, "So you remember me mentioning Tyler."

Ethan had guess it was Tyler because of the red hair, "Oh yeah."

"Tyler this is Ethan, Ethan this is Tyler, my boyfriend.", Kai introduced them.

Tyler stepped forward and held out his hand "Hey Ethan."

"Hi.", Ethan said shaking Tyler's hand.

"Just hanging out at the mall?", Kai asked.

Ethan wasn't sure what to do, Justin was nearby but obviously didn't want to part of the conversation, "Um yeah, what about you guys?"

Kai nodded, "Same we just finished eating at the ever so elegant food court."

Ethan laughed, "We're headed there now."

"Lucky you, I guess we'll let you go. See you at school on Monday?", Kai asked smiling.

"Yeah, see you Kai.", Ethan said as they started to walk away.

After they parted with Kai and Tyler Justin and Ethan were quiet. Finally Justin said, "So that's Kai?"

Ethan nodded, "Yeah and Tyler is his boyfriend."

"Nice.", Justin replied. Justin thought they both looked like a couple of emo dorks, so skinny in their girl pants and black band shirts.

The whole meeting felt odd to Ethan. Kai had introduced Tyler in the very 'adult' way that was so much like Kai. Ethan didn't even try to introduce Justin when he noticed him sliding away from everyone. He wasn't used to situations like that and was too inexperienced enough to call Justin rude. Still it was a good couple of days with Justin. They had talked through what was bothering him, Justin got some jeans and won his game and they had some pretty awesome sex.

Kai didn't say anything about running into Ethan at the mall during lunch except that it was nice to see Ethan outside of school or his house. However; as soon as they got to Kai's after school Kai asked, "So?".

Ethan had no idea what Kai was talking about, "So what?"

Kai gave an exaggerated sigh, "So I gave you a chance to tell me at lunch but I see you're gonna make ask. Who was that guy you were with at the mall?"

Ethan paused, "Um oh that's Justin."

"Is he your brother or something?"

"Uh no, just a friend.", Ethan replied hesitantly.

Kai smiled, "A friend? That's cool. How did you meet Justin?"

Ethan was hoping Kai would drop it, "He helped out with my soccer team."

"Oh he's the high school kid I heard about from some of my girlfriends. You guys became friends?"

"Yeah he taught me how to play goal keeper so we spent a lot of time together. He's nice.", Ethan explained.

Kai nodded, "That's really cool. Not a lot of high school jocks are going to hang out with a junior high kid."

"Like I said he's pretty nice.", Ethan said quickly.

"He's pretty hot to, if you don't mind me saying. Those girls said he was cute but after seeing him in person I'd say he's down right edible."

Ethan could feel himself blushing, "Um I don't know about that."

Kai saw Ethan was turning red, "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. How come you didn't introduce us?"

"I was going to..", Ethan said then paused to think of something, "...sometimes he can be a little shy."

"Wow just like you. Two shy jock boys." Kai laughed.

Ethan laughed nervously, and then tried to change the subject, "Tyler seemed pretty cool."

"Thanks. He was kind of a jerk though after we ran into you.

"Why", Ethan asked.

"All he talked about for like the next hour was how hot Justin was just to annoy me. Plus he didn't want to go to the mall anyway. He wanted to hang out at my house because my parents were gone.", Kai explained.

"How come you didn't want to stay at your house with him?"

Kai sighed, "We don't go out often enough but the real reason is he's still pestering me about giving him a blow job."

Ethan had to keep himself from laughing, "You still don't want to?"

"It's still a yes and a no. I told you I'm not in any rush to do more. Tyler's got a perpetual hardon and even though I'm horny to, I still want to do more than just make out all the time. Geez, I'm talking about my love life with a straight boy. That's pretty pathetic."

Ethan was relieved to finally stop talking about Justin, "It's okay. We're friends after all."

Kai nodded, "Thanks Ethan. I don't think I've been able to talk about this stuff even with my parents or Tyler. It's good to have a friend where we both trust each other, even if I'm the only one that needs to confess things. You do know that you trust me with anything as well, right?"

Ethan nodded, "Yeah I do."

They were both quiet while they were rereading and marking up their own stories. Ethan was only going through the motions. His mind was racing. He felt guilty for not telling Kai about being gay and about his relationship with Justin. He knew he could talk to Justin about anything and Justin had even told him he wanted him to come to him with anything. Kai was just so smart and appeared to know so much more about gay stuff than Ethan or Justin. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to especially if Justin was mad at him or something. Plus he was so proud and happy to have a boyfriend like Justin, he'd been almost dying to tell someone, almost anyone about Justin.

Ethan took a deep breath, "Kai, can I tell you something?"

Kai looked up from his story, "Of course you can, I just told you that you could."

It seemed like such a good idea a moment ago but now Ethan's nerves were setting in, "I mean it has to stay between the two of us, no one knows, not my mom and dad or anyone."

Kai gave Ethan his most reassuring smile, "Ethan you can totally trust me with anything."

"I'm gay" Ethan blurted out.

"You are?", Kai questioned gently.

"Yeah and something else, even more secret.", Ethan responded.

Kai reached out and took Ethan's hand, "It's okay, go ahead."

"Justin is my boyfriend.", Ethan said, his heart pounding in his chest but still it felt like there was a great weight lifting from him.

"Are you serious?!", Kai said trying his best to sound surprised. He actually wasn't surprised at all. A few weeks ago Kai and Tyler were at the theater to see the latest installment of the twilight series. Kai was making Tyler stay through the credits in case there was a teaser at the end. The theater was almost empty but Kai noticed what looked like a fifth or sixth grader and a high school kid talking at the front of the theater. Any other time he might not have noticed them but they looked so out of place. The crowd was composed mostly of girls and couples (gay and straight) and they didn't fit it. That was what caught Kai's attention but it was the way they looked at each other that kept it. The conversation they appeared to be having looked way too deep for brothers or cousins and they looked at each like they were in love. Here was a little kid and some high school kid that looked at each other like Kai wished Tyler would look at him (he told himself that day that if Tyler looked at him like that he probably would have already gotten that blowjob he wanted so badly. Kai knew he was a hopeless romantic and he instantly imagined some wonderfully intense, although morally suspect, clandestine love affair where the older boy had some how rescued the younger one and then they had fallen in love. He knew it was unlikely but still something was going on between those two.

A few days later Kai had seen Ethan at lunch, realizing he wasn't in elementary school but was probably a seventh grader. Kai was sitting with some of his girlfriends and asked if any of them knew who he was. One of the girls said she didn't know his name but said he played on the school soccer team. That was when she started talking about the cute high school boy that was helping coach. Kai went to the next soccer game and sure enough there was the two of them. Kai's romantic vision of a forbidden relationship seemed a little more likely. Kai was convinced it was destiny for him to know the truth when Ethan showed up at his first writing club meeting. Kai talked to Ethan the first time out of pure curiosity but now he thought of him as a genuine friend.

Ethan had no idea of any of this, "Yeah, we've been going out for a few weeks.".

"Wow I don't even know what to say. Justin's really good looking, Ethan. How old is he anyway.", Kai asked.

"Seventeen and yeah he's really hot.", Ethan admitted.

Kai nodded, "He must be a senior.".

"Yeah he is but we get along really well.", Ethan was quick to point out.

Kai nodded, "That's good, I guess it helps when you have something in common like soccer. What else do you guys do?"

Ethan took a moment to answer, "We go to the mall and movies. Sometimes we just hang out together. Just like you and Tyler.".

"Cool. So have you guys done like...done anything?", Kai asked his voice slightly trailing off at the end.

Ethan had an idea what Kai was but still asked, "What do you mean?".

Kai smiled at Ethan, "You know what I mean, have you done anything sexually?".

Ethan started to panic a little, he knew how Kai felt about sex, so he shrugged lamely.

"Don't get all shy now Ethan, you can tell me, I told you about Tyler and I."

Ethan was nervous, Kai did tell him about he and Tyler, there wasn't much to tell though, "I don't know, I mean we've done things."

"What things? C'mon you can trust me.", Kai nudged as gently as possible.

Ethan didn't want to talk about specifics, he didn't know what else to say so he said, "Uh... I don't know, I guess everything."

"Everything?", that took Kai by surprise, "You mean like kissing and handjobs?".

"Yeah, lots of kissing not so many handjobs though.", Ethan hoped that would be enough for Kai to let up.

Kai looked at Ethan, he was shifting nervously in his chair, there had to be more, "That's not really everything. Do you guys have oral sex?"

Ethan nodded.

Kai was surprised, Ethan looked so much like a little boy sometimes it was hard to imagine him being sexual but then he realized that maybe it wasn't so surprising, after all Justin was a senior and 'everything' to a senior could mean at least one more thing, "Have you had anal sex?"

Ethan only nodded and looked, Kai had a way of pulling things out of him.

"Wow, I mean I'm actually speechless.", Kai said truthfully. His romantic vision of Ethan and Justin involved stolen kisses not the two of them fucking.

Ethan wasn't sure what to say either, it was all out there now, "I guess we've done a lot."

"It really is. I assume he's your first boyfriend?".

"Yeah he is."

"He must have had other boyfriends though?", Kai put the statement out as a question.

Ethan shook his head, "No he's only had girlfriends before.".

Another surprise for Kai, "Well at least he's used to buying condoms since you're having anal sex.".

Ethan was taken off guard by that, "Condoms?".

"Yeah condoms, you use condoms when you have anal sex, don't you?", Kai asked even though he had a good idea what Ethan's answer would be.

"", Ethan admitted.

"Christ Ethan! You two bareback?! That's one thing the constantly drum into us at group, if you're having sex you need to be as safe as possible and that means using condoms. I know you said he hasn't been with any other guys but he could still have gotten STDs from one of his girlfriends. You need to talk to him about getting tested.", Kai said with grave concern.

Ethan had been through sex education in the sixth grade and knew about STDs but never thought about getting one from Justin. They never talked about what he did with his girlfriends. One time though they were talking about one of Justin's friends who got a girl pregnant and she ended up having an abortion. Justin had said he would never do a girl with out using a condom, still..."I guess so.".

Kai saw the beaten look on Ethan's face, "I'm sorry about getting all worked up. I'm sure you guys are okay. It wouldn't hurt to know for sure though. How did this all start, I know you met at soccer but how did you become boyfriends?"

Ethan started at the beginning, happy to stop talking about sex, condoms and STDs. He started with the first training session with Justin and how he brought Ethan his keeper gear. Then when he spent the weekend at Justin's house. Kai listened raptly, only asking the occasional question. Ethan told him all about the prom and Justin not wanting to be boyfriends drama and how Justin surprised him at the "Twilight" movie. Then finally how Justin asked him to be his boyfriend and gave him the Ipod since he couldn't let him wear his letterman's jacket.

When he Ethan was done all Kai could say was , "That's amazing, its beautiful Ethan.".

Ethan thought he was joking, "Shut up Kai,".

"I'm serious and thank you for trusting me enough to tell and I understand why you didn't say anything sooner. It's some heavy stuff."

"Yeah, Justin may not be so happy I told you.", Ethan said almost to himself.

"It sounds like he really likes you so he'll understand, I'm sure.", Kai assured him.

"Its okay. Even though it was weird at first, it still felt good talking about it with someone. I mean I was jealous that you were able to introduce Tyler as your boyfriend. It's hard not being able to say anything."

Kai nodded, "I guess you two can't go around holding hands."

Ethan laughed, "Justin said that before when we were fighting about being 'boyfriends'.".

They went back to pretending to work. Ethan lost in thought about how and when to tell Justin about his revelations to Kai. Kai was still absolutely absorbed in Justin's and Ethan's story. It was something he would love to write about, he would probably replace soccer with music or theater but it was still a great love story. After Ethan had told him about all that they had done sexually, Kai began to think that Justin was taking advantage of someone younger but after hearing everything he didn't think that was true at all. They both seemed to be pretty na•ve as far as gay sex despite Justin's experience with girls. As far as anal sex went, Kai admitted to himself that in his deepest fantasies when Tyler confessed his true and undying love for him, Kai didn't see himself dropping to his knees to blow Tyler. He saw Tyler guiding him to his bed and making love to him and definitely not taking the time put a rubber on. Kai looked up at Ethan. It was hard to believe his innocent looking little friend was so much more sexually experienced.

"Ethan may I ask you something else?"

"Sure.", Ethan responded tentatively.

"When you anal sex, are you the one,", Kai started, looking for the right word, "who...uh receives?"

It took Ethan a moment to interpret was Kai was asking, "Am I the one who gets fucked?"

Kai blushed this time he had never heard Ethan say anything like that, "Geez that's a harsh way to put it but yeah?"

Ethan nodded, "Yep I am.".

Kai paused for a bit, "Does it hurt?".

Ethan realized that Kai wasn't judging he was coming to him to ask about his experience, "The first time, it hurt a lot. Justin was real careful and kept asking me if I was okay, so I didn't want to let him know how much it hurt because I was afraid he'd stop. My butthole was sore all week. It got better everytime and now it's really good."

That was more information than Kai thought he was going to get, "Wow. Is Justin...big?"

"You mean his dick?", Ethan asked smiling.

Kai nodded.

"Its not like I've seen a lot of them but...", Ethan said holding his two index finger about seven inches apart, "he seems pretty big to me."

Kai eyes got big when Ethan showed him how big Justin was, "Justin sounds like a really good lover.".

"I think so and even though he's the only guy I've been with, he gives some really good blowjobs.", Ethan said with a big smile.

Kai smiled back, "Maybe he could give me some pointers before I give one to Tyler.".

Ethan laughed, "I'd like to see you ask him for some, he'd love that.".

Ethan's Journal

I told Kai that I was gay and that Justin is my boyfriend. It was scary at first but it was good to be honest with him and be able to tell someone. I even told him about all the sex stuff we do. At first Kai was all upset when I told him Justin and I had been fucking without using condoms. What he said was probably right but I do not think Justin has a disease. At the end though Kai started asking what it was like to get fucked. I think he wants to and is a little jealous of me. I am glad I talked to him today. It is like we can really be friends now. I am scared to tell Justin. I know he is going to be mad. I am not going to tell him when we chat I will have to wait until before his game on Wednesday.

The next day at school, things between Kai and Ethan looked pretty much the same but both of them could feel a new closeness to their friendship. Even though Kai had suspicions before about Ethan being gay it wasn't the same as knowing for sure. At lunch when one of the better looking basketball players walked by their table Kai whispered into Ethan's ear, "He's pretty cute isn't he?"

Ethan let out some muffled giggles. The boy was alright but he was no Justin. Still it was kind of fun checking out guys with someone. Pretty soon they would see guys walk by and just give each other certain looks to let the other what they thought.

After writing club they were walking home together, "Justin's gonna pick me up after school tomorrow before his game.".

"Nice. What time does his game start?", Kai asked.

"It doesn't start until six but we'll watch the JV game before his and well before that we'll hang out at his house for awhile."

"Ahh. I see a little pregame relaxation.", Kai said smiling.

"God shut up.", Ethan said instantly blushing, "I also need to tell him that I told you everything.".

"Yuck, it will be alright though, you need to be honest with him. Make sure he knows that I'm not going run around blabbing it to everyone."

Ethan sighed, "Yeah I will. I hope that makes a difference.".

Wednesday time dragged on for Ethan and Justin. Justin was antsy about his upcoming match and eager to spend time with Ethan. Ethan was still looking forward to the soccer match and making out with Justin but he dreaded talking to Justin about Kai. He debated whether to talk to Justin before they started messing around or waiting until after. As usual that decision took care of itself and Ethan found himself naked as usual with Justin fucking him doggy style. Justin blew his load after just few minutes and then turned Ethan over on his back. He was still rock hard and intended to cum twice just like he did on Friday.

Justin started slowly thrusting again while found the bottle of lube and squirted some on Ethan's stiff boy cock, "I wanna make you cum Lil E while I'm inside you."

"I want that so bad.", Ethan said before he started sucking his bottom lip. He was lost in the feeling of Justin stroking his lube slicked hard on and Justin's big dick sliding in and out him. It wasn't going to take very long for him to come at this rate.

Justin matched the rhythm of his thrusts to the way he was stroking Ethan. He was focused on watching Ethan's face and he could see the orgasm building. Sure enough it was only a few minutes later when Ethan exclaimed, "Shiitt Justin!!".

Justin smiled as Ethan's face contorted as he came and Ethan's butt hole squeezed his cock. It was more enough to make Justin blow his second load in what was probably a record time for coming twice for Justin.

"Shit Lil E, you're making me cum faster now than we when first started making out.", Justin said collapsing on the bed next to Ethan.

Ethan sat up and kissed Justin softly. When he was done he looked down at Justin who was smiling up at lazily. He wanted to tell Justin what had happened but he looked so relaxed, "You don't want to try to cum three times.".

Justin rolled over on his stomach, "You thoroughly drained me today. I think I'm gonna just chill for a bit before we go to the JV game.".

Ethan opened his mouth to say one thing but changed his mind, "Wow I think that's the first time you've said no.".

Justin turned laughed, "You're lucky I have a game tonight or I'd wear you out, punk."

Ethan was sitting next to Justin lightly rubbing Justin's back, appreciating how every part of Justin was so muscular.

"Mmm that feels nice Lil E.", Justin said softly.

That made Ethan smile and he continued to rub Justin's back and neck. Then all the way down to his calves. It wasn't so much a massage as Ethan getting a rare chance to explore parts of Justin body that he normally didn't get to. Justin had the sexiest legs he had ever seen and muscles were so hard. He was running his hands over Justin's hamstrings and finally he was squeezing Justin's butt cheeks, just like the rest of him, they were firm and muscular. Ethan had touched Justin's butt plenty of times but not like this. His cheeks were smooth and hairless but when he spread them apart there was little hair around Justin's butt hole. It was cute and reminded Ethan of the trail of hair that ran up to his belly button. Ethan had never really thought about fucking Justin but sitting there staring at his butt hole made him wonder what it would be like. Thinking about it made his dick start to get hard.

Justin was still relaxing, he had real massages before, Ethan's gentle rub down was a long way from that but it was real relaxing. He almost didn't notice Ethan spreading his ass cheeks apart, "What are you doing back there?"

Ethan let out a little giggle, "Nuthin just checking you out."

"Uh huh.", Justin closed his eyes.

Ethan spread Justin's butt cheeks even further apart to get a betting look at Justin's hole. He thought it was kind of funny that whenever he had thought of someone's asshole before, even his own, he always thought they were gross. Justin's butt hole was down right sexy. Justin really liked licking his butt and it felt really good, Ethan decided it was only fair to return the favor. He bent down and lightly tasted Justin's anus. Ethan decided it wasn't bad, buried his face in Justin's ass and started vigorously licking Justin's butthole.

That brought Justin out of his haze, "Holy shit Ethan!"

Ethan stopped and lifted his head, "What?! Did I do something wrong?"

"No. How come you never told me this felt so good?", Justin teased. He had never imagined Ethan eating his ass.

Ethan smiled and went back to work knowing Justin liked it. Ethan kept working his tongue over and around Justin's opening. His dick was throbbing and he was gently humping the bed. Ethan started to gently probe Justin's butt hole just like Justin would do with him. After quite a few minutes Ethan slid up on top of Justin body and started slowly dry hump him.

Justin smiled feeling the compact weight of Ethan body on top of him. Ethan was always full of surprises and Justin still had a couple more coming.

Ethan had moved so he was rubbing his dick in Justin's butt crack, earlier he wondered what it would be like to stick his dick in Justin's butt, now he knew he wanted to fuck Justin the same way Justin fucked him, he whispered in Justin's ear, "Can I fuck you?"

That was the first surprise, he felt Ethan's boner rubbing against his ass but he didn't think Ethan would actually want to fuck him. It wasn't something that Justin hadn't thought much about but after Ethan's ass licking the idea seemed a lot more palatable. Anyway after all the times he had fucked Ethan it only seemed fair to give Ethan a chance, "Okay just be gentle with me it's my first time."

Ethan smiled as he found the lube, "Of course I will, you know me."

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about.", Justin said and the exclaimed as Ethan squirted the lube on down his ass crack, "Damn Lil E that is cold.".

"Told you.", Ethan agreed as worked the lube around and into Justin's butthole, slowly pushing his finger in, just like Justin does to him, it was a lot harder than he thought it would be, "You're really tight Justin.".

Justin looked back at Ethan, "I'd hope so dumbass!"

Ethan had started to work his finger in and out of Justin's butt hole, "Well you need to relax!"

Justin thought to himself that it was a lot harder to relax than he thought it would be when someone had a finger in his ass, "I'm trying. So how do you want to do this? You want me to get on my back?".

Ethan thought about it, still slowly finger fucking Justin, it was getting easier as Justin got used to it, "Hmm...I think I want to do you doggy style.".

"Really?", Justin asked.

"Uh huh. Whoof whoof.", Ethan teased as he slowly pulled his finger out, "Is that okay?".

"It's good, smart ass.", Justin got up his knees and the front of his body was resting on his forearms, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah but are you ready though?", Ethan asked in return as he put more lube on his stiff dick.

Justin took an audible, deep breath, "As ready as I'm ever gonna be. I can't believe I'm doing this."

Ethan wasn't sure what he meant, "You don't want to?".

"I don't mean that, I never, ever imagined myself getting fucked. The most amazing thing is I kind of want to do it. Besides I told you I'd do anything for you.".

"Good because you weren't getting out it now anyway.", Ethan said as he positioned himself behind Justin, "You're butt's too high, I can't reach.".

"Maybe doggy style doesn't work when a Chihuahua is trying to fuck a great dane, whoof, whoof.", Justin barked as deeply as possible as he spread his knees a lot further apart and angled his body so his ass was lower for Ethan.

"Shut up!!", Ethan said as smacked Justin hard on the butt. Justin's butt was at the about the right height. Ethan tried to push his erection in but it kept slipping up along Justin's butt crack, "You're too tight I can't get it in."

"Try holding your dick just below the head, then hold it steady against my asshole until it starts to go in.", Justin advised.

"You need to relax more too,", Ethan said as he tried what Justin told him.

When Justin felt Ethan's cock head pressing against his hole he said, "Right there, now push it in.".

They could both feel Ethan's cock start to slide in but once again it slid upwards.

"Fuck!", Ethan exclaimed.

Finally after a couple more tries Ethan was finally able to push all five inches of his hard, slender boy cock, balls deep into his boyfriend's ass for the very first time, "Oh my God Justin, this feels awesome!", and then added jokingly, "Are you okay?".

"I'm good, you are so retarded.", Justin said focusing on what he was feeling. It didn't hurt much when Ethan first penetrated him, it was more of an uncomfortable pressure. Ethan's dick didn't have any where near the girth of Justin's and after a couple minutes of getting used to it, Justin decided it actually felt pretty good.

Ethan started slowly pumping his hips. He was holding Justin's hips tightly and looking down at his boner sliding in and out off Justin's ass. It looked super sexy and it made Ethan wondered what it looked like when Justin's big dick was in his butt. As good as it looked it felt even better, Justin's tight, muscular ass really gripped Ethan cock. Ethan found himself fucking Justin faster and faster. He got a little carried away and pulled all the way out. It was so much easier getting his dick back into Justin's ass.

"Easy there stud.", Justin warned. It wasn't bad at all though, beyond the physical sensations, which were really good, there was something deeply satisfy about giving into Ethan this way. He had wondered why Ethan seemed to like getting fucked so much but now he understood a lot better.

"Sorry you're just getting me all horny.", Ethan said, as he went right back to fucking Justin hard and fast. His narrow hips were smacking against Justin's ass cheeks. It didn't take long before Ethan shot his little load of spunk in Justin, gripping Justin's hips even tighter. Ethan eased himself out of Justin.

Justin rolled over onto his back and then pulled Ethan down on top of him, "You were pretty damn good Lil E.".

"Yeah I pounded your ass really good.", Ethan said smiling and then kissed Justin.

After the kiss Justin said, "I don't know about that, horn dog. Shit we need to get ready."

Ethan looked down at Justin. He hadn't told him about talking to Kai yet. They had such a great afternoon, Ethan didn't know if he should ruin it but Justin had told to come to him with things sooner if he needed to talk about them, "Justin I need to tell you something.".

Justin didn't like that tone of voice at all, "Uh oh, what did you do Lil E?".

Ethan took a deep breath, "I'll just say it. I told Kai that I was gay.".

Justin wasn't thrilled but he wasn't surprised either, he looked at Ethan and could tell there was more, "Okay and ...?".

Ethan was afraid now, Justin looked like he was ready to blow, "I told him about us.".

Just slid off the bed and glared at Ethan yelling, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, ETHAN?!".

Ethan tried to say something but couldn't find any words.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Tell me!.", Justin ordered still yelling,

Ethan waited a moment trying to compose himself, "Justin I'm sorry Kai's my friend.".

Justin didn't want to hear anymore, he needed to get grip on himself before he said something to Ethan that he'd really regret, "Stop. I can't believe you dropped this on me right before our first real match of the season. I don't need this homo drama bullshit right now. Go take your shower and get dressed."

Ethan started to open his mouth to say something else, his eyes were beginning to tear up.

Justin cut him off, ordering in a much calmer voice, "Stop, go take a shower and don't even start crying. Go now."

Ethan did as he was told and they didn't say another word while they were in the bathroom together or in the car on the way to the JV match. Ethan thought for sure Justin was going to take him home but he still took Ethan to the game. When they got there Ethan follow Justin to the stands.

Rico saw them coming and immediately noticed how pissed off Justin looked and how Ethan looked like his puppy had just died, "What's up lovers, you have a spat?".

Justin didn't even look at Rico, "Shut the fuck up Rico, I don't need any of your shit tonight.".

"Okay." Rico turned toward Ethan, "What about you Bieber lite?, How you doing?".

Ethan ignored him and sat away from everyone. All he could think of was that Justin was going to break up with him.

Rico turned to Matt, "I guess you and I are the only two here that aren't going to be total assholes." The rest of the night didn't get better. The JV team lost and Justin's team tied one to one. They had beat that high school every other time they had played since Justin was on the team. Justin got a yellow card early in the match after getting in pushing match with one of their strikers. It took him even more out of his game and he gave up the goal on tough but admittedly savable shot shortly after. Fortunately Rico got a clean break away late in the match and scored to tie it.

Ethan didn't even try to say anything Justin until they got to his house, "Justin please let me explain."

Justin shook his head, "I can't talk to you right now. You need to go inside before your parents get pissed."

Ethan was fighting back the tears, "Justin we need to talk, please."

Justin wasn't sure if he wanted to cry or scream at Ethan but he couldn't talk about it right then, "We are going to talk but not now. Go inside.".

Ethan got out of the car and headed towards his door. He knew he couldn't go in crying so he swallowed his feelings and now he was absolutely sure that Justin was going to break up with him.

Next: Chapter 4

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