Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks

Training Session 11 2nd part J.R.

We were both up at the crack of dawn, eager to see what surprises were going to enter our lives today. Yesterday's would have been enough for any normal family and here we were expecting more this day.

I thought it might be easier on mom if we eased into our new found similarities with JR if we wore shorts to breakfast but when I went to say that to JR, his room was empty, as was the bathroom. The only other place he could be was downstairs with mom, and he was. I heard their voices from the top of the stairs and they were saying something about being free and natural around the house. Mom was telling him about the caftans at the doors, just in case he has to make a quick cover up. That must mean that he was there in the raw and I didn't want to seem silly so I slipped my shorts off and left them right there at the top of the stairs.

"JR---a great choice of a name---has been telling me all about your talks last night. Sorry I wasn't here to join in..."

Before she could continue, I looked wide eyed at JR and said,

"Ya didn't tell her every single thing we talked about, did you?" Before he could answer mom inserted,

"Of course he didn't tell me Every Thing. I know enough not to ask questions when it come to the crazy things you guys do. I never want to know ALL the details. I've got enough to do, worrying about the major things."

"Well, thank goodness for that," I concluded with a wide grin while looking at JR and a thumbs up signal while mom's back was turned. Mom told us of her plans to go to the library and search the missing person's files, though she doubted anything would be listed there, this soon. But people have wondered off during a loss of memory and have been found years later. And dad was asking one of his crew, a part time policeman, to look around for other information.

"We don't want to go public by putting an ad in the paper, saying do you know this person? That could really open a can of worms. Let's just keep it quite for now and say that he's our nephew, your cousin, from, say Florida. I've always wanted live in Florida," mom concluded.

"To days' task is the grass and yard and as long as there are two of you, you might consider doing the Mr. Anderson's also. BUT you both have to be wearing shoes AND short----I don't care what he says to the contrary---when you're working outside around this house, please have shorts on, at least."

The tone of her voice said it all. There was nothing more to be said on the subject. NO but... `MOM'S''.

We had a good breakfast and went back to put on shorts and shoes. JR had never ridden a riding lawn mower and found it a lot of fun. We finished in no time at all and he started puttering around the trees and edges of the grass, doing what, I did not know. Mom said she was going to the shopping center and asked if we needed anything.

"Do they have a gardening section?" JR asked. "Well, yes, a very nice one. Do you want to see it? Come along then," she said heading for the wagon.

"But first grab a shirt. I'm not going to be seen with 2 naked chested men even if they are as handsome and well built as you two."

"I'll get `em. You get in the wagon." I returned in a flash with two t-shirts and we were off.

While mom shopped for food, we looked around the nursery and began to fill both carts with all sorts of things. Most of which I knew nothing about, but he sure did. They were very colorful; some very small and some very large. Mom found us and was a bit surprised at the amount he'd chosen, especially since he'd not asked or said anything about wanted to do more gardening. As surprise as mom was, she knew it has something to do with his background and just went ahead checking it out. She had to give them a check as she wasn't prepared to spend that much.

When we got it all home and unloaded, it was time for mom's nap before leaving for the night shift as a nurse in the hospital. JR was a workaholic; I just couldn't keep up with him. In three hours, he had most of it planted around the trees and along the edge of the grass and it really did look nice ----very colorful.

He asked me to gently water the ground around them. That I could do and got the garden hose and gently sprayed them. Then I got giddy and turned it to full force and shot him right in the groin. It knocked him off balance but he just laid there shaking his finger at me as though he were saying, `I'm gonna get you for that.'

Then he wrestled the nozzle from me and sprayed my cock `n balls; being this close, it really did hurt, so I tackled him to get away from the force of the hose.

It dropped and was now doing its own dance while we continued to wrestle on the thick grass. This was as much fun as sliding around in the mud with dad while playing football. And it didn't stop at just tickling one another in the grass; it went on to groping each other and then, to my utter amazement, to kissing---mouth to mouth, right on the lips. I'd never done anything like that before and I wasn't sure I liked or disliked it. JR sensed that and rolled off me and said,

"Guess I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. I won't do that again, I promise."

"No NO,... it's alright. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that dad is the only one I've ever done anything sexual with---(didn't say anything about Darrell or Kevin)---and while he's kissed me, it's always been on the forehead, not the mouth.

"You'll have to show me how to do it. I like learning all sorts of things, especially sexual things. How did you learn how to do it?"

"I really don't know. I just know that sexual things are a prime interest to me and I just love doing it all, all the time," and with that we approached each other while lying on the grass, and he slowly, gently, began kissing me all over. His sloppy, wet tongue covered my mouth and I just opened up and his tongue darted in and slid across my teeth. Our tongues were lapping against each other and the warmth and wetness of the whole act were really getting to me---my heat was pounding. But it was when that sloppy suction machine slid across my cheek and landed on my ear that I really went wild.

I'd sprung an instant hard on and I was sure he could feel it as were that close together.

Half nibbling on and half probing into my ear was unbelievable. Not only was there the sensation of the wetness but there was also the sound it made in my ear drum...fantastic.

But he didn't even stop there. He was really into this kissing thing and slobbered his way across my chest to my non existent nipples. That had to mean some thing to other guys but I was too young to realize it. I let him do what ever he wanted and then tried to repeated each act on him but I knew I had a lot of practicing to do and it would be fun practicing.

"You really are a fast learner. I really enjoy kissing you. Do you like it?"

"OOOHHHH Yes, I do; don't know why, but yes I do like kissing. I just thought that boys weren't supposed to do that----at least that's what they tease about in the locker room. Only sissy boys do such things."

"Well, I'm here to tell you that, well built, grown men, do it all the time and I'll beat the shit outta any one who calls me a sissy."

We just lay there, letting the hose run. It sounded like we were near a water fall. It was refreshingly cool, on the hot summer grass. I asked him how he knows such things and can't remember his name or where he comes from. He said he didn't know but was anxious to find out. He mentioned old people who can't remember what they did yesterday but know everything about their youth. I'm a little like that I guess.

When our bodies had a chance to calm down he asked if we could go and work out on the bench.

"SURE." We put the tools away and rolled up the hose and headed for the workout area in the garage. Mom came out to let us know she was leaving for her nursing shift at the hospital and was stopped in her tracks at the sight of the things JR had done. "That's amazing...simply amazing...JR. It's all sooo colorful, so beautiful; and you did this all in a matter of a few hours? It would have taken me the whole summer to plan and plant the garden this way. I am so impressed. Thank you very much," she said as she kissed me on the forehead and mentioned what was for dinner.

When we heard her go down the road, we immediately kicked off our shoes and short, leaving them right there on the grass and raced inside. And just as we entered the phone ran and it was dad asking how we were and what we'd been doing all day? As I started to tell him JR began to rub my ass the way he'd seen dad do it yesterday, and dad interrupted my enthusiastic telling of what we'd done by saying,

"OK... glad you're having fun and behaving your self. I'm gonna to the police station with a buddy to check out a few things and then I'll be home for dinner. Do you know what we're having and can you and JR take care of it?"

"Sure. It'll be ready when you get here. Closing with our usual, `love yas' "

As I was hanging up, JR was walking toward the garage and I stood there watching his ass move or for that matter, not move. It was as tight as Darrell's. I did notice, for the first time, that he was tanned completely. There was no bikini line. As much as I love dad's ass and the things I, we, can do with it, I'm being turned on by the tighter, smaller, firmer hairless, bubble asses of JR and Darrell.

We spotted one another in lifting weights. It was a strain, but felt good completing each set. While I just lay there, panting, looking up at his cock and balls from this angle, he stepped in front of me and lifted my legs over my chest. Been there many times before and thought I knew what he was going for and easily accommodated him. If I'd resisted a bit, he may have asked for permission. He thought I knew what he was after and proceeded to lick and suck my ass, forcing saliva into my ass with no less than three fingers. When he didn't lick them or give them to me to lick, I knew something else was gonna happen.He stopped, looked between my legs and seeing the wonderment on my face, decided to ask,

"OK if I fuck you?"

Weeeelllll,... that came as quite a shock. How should I answer such a question? All I could think of was,

"Ya..., I". There was enough hesitation in my voice for him to stop and ask more questions.

"Doesn't your dad fuck you?"

"No never. He says that's incest and he'll have nothing to do with that. The only person he'll fuck is mom...and I added with a smirk...they do it a lot."

I continued with, " least not with his own cock. He's shown me several dildos and has been able to get the smallest one in my ass,... almost slipping up by telling him it was to get shit outta my ass so he could eat it. Fortunately, I stopped in time.

"Where are the dildos?" JR asked enthusiastically.

I showed him how to get to the `secret drawers'. He thought that was way cool. He selected the two foot long, black one and then found yet another one that I'd never seen. It looked like the size of dad's arm ! !

"OH these are beautiful. Can I try one on for size?"

"Hell yes. I've never seen them in action---except for the one that I've been able to take up my little ass."

"Here, shove this one up my butt," he said, dropping globs of spit over the tip of it and then another glob of spit on his fingers and then rubbing his ass hole. He grabbed his knees and positioned his ass right in front of my face. He was able to turn his head and see my face as well as feel what I was doing.

"Go ahead. I can take it, I'm sure.

I too spit on the huge, long, dildo and sure enough I was able to slowly twist, screwed it up and into his eager ass. He began to squirm and rotate his ass. It reminded me of a jockey bent over his mount and riding at break-neck speed, slightly bouncing up and down. When it was in about 6 inches he began to lean back toward me forcing it in even further and he began to moan, as dad has often done. Then I began to push and pull it faster and faster and then he really began to moan, saying things like

"OH yea, Fuck me; FUCK me with your massive cock. RIP me open, make me beg for more and MORE AND MORE YEA, FUCK ME FUCK ME GOOD !!!!!!!.

"Oh you are a good fucker; keep it up."

He was pushing back on it so hard that he'd actually taken another couple of inches of it. It was about half way in this body and that would mean that he had 12 inches of this dildo shoved up his ass and he seemed to be asking for more. It was unbelievable ! ! ! ! !

I was screwing it around and around and he kept moaning acceptance of that. Then he stood up and slightly pulled it from my hand. He turned around to show me his hard on. I'd seen it yesterday soft and was sooo impressed to see it up and hard. Yes he did have both hands around it and was jackin' it off furiously.

"Can ya suck cock? Wanna take my juice? PLEASE. I wanna shoot in your mouth. Open up and take my FUCKIN' JOY JUICE."

I did and he did...BOY did he shoot. It was every bit as much as Darrell had shot and I held most of it in my mouth as I wanted to give some of it back to him, with our new found KISSING technique. As he slowed down, panting like a racing dog, he yanked the dildo from his ass and I was right. It was moist, but not with shit, a good foot along the length.

I stood up and reached for his face. He came toward me and opened his mouth. We did kiss again and he was able to suck his cum back. Then he `fucked' my moist mouth with his tongue. That went on until there was no more taste of cum, just warm salvia.

I could see he was exhausted with successful, pleasurable, accomplishments. I suggested we head for the sofa in the family room and there we snuggled and talked about how long he'd been doing this. He couldn't remember but just knew that once he'd discovered the satisfaction of personal sex, he couldn't get enough of it. He has to get off at least once a day and when he meets someone like me and my dad, he's been known to complete two or three acts a day.

I mentioned what had been said when Darrell was here; something about being an imfo maniac.

"Guess you could say that about me. Hope you'll let me fuck you. I really want to do that. I can ask you to sleep with a dildo in your cunt all night and then you would be ready for me in the morning."

"I'll try," I said but thinking about asking dad first.

JR and I were busy putting dinner together. Mom's famous meat loaf which included bits of Italian sausage; potato salad and a variety of cold greens. I had an idea what dad might suggest doing, once he'd heard how far JR and I had progressed today. I, we, were so involved in out questions and answers that neither of us heard dad arrive. He appeared at the door, flexing his cock, saying

"OH it's good to be home and outta those restricting clothes. See you two have managed to get dinner sorted out.

"What is it ?," he said standing next to me at the table with his hand on my ass.

I was facing JR and saw the twinkle in his eye as he saw where dad's hand had landed.

"OH, we've sorted out a few other things today as well; we've got a lot to tell and show you," I said with a smirk in my voice as I finishing setting the table.

"Meat loaf and potato salad. And, yes, I think you can help us with that. I think JR would appreciate your talents when it comes to meals for men."

Dad was about to sit down until he heard what I'd just said and then bolted up and looked around at where the food was. I'd just removed the slices of meat loaf from the oven and was placing them on the table placemat, right in front of him. We both had smiles of glee on our face, with JR just standing there wondering what the hell we were talking about.

"Can't tell ya how pleased I am that you've been able to fit into our bizarre family structure. I think you know by now that we'd do almost anything to help you out, even if it meant adjusting our life-style and go back to wearing regular cloths. Thanks for being so understanding. Mom suggested that we should continue our quest for information from this stand-point, and we will----during dinner. But right now, I know your, `cousin' wants me to show off.

"A month ago I introduced him to some of my food preparation talents that are used on our visits to a lodge the company owns. It's exclusively for men, so some pretty masculine things can and do happen.

"I just have to remind you that we are all fairly new to this scene and if there is anything you DO NOT like or want to do, all you have to say is `no thanks' and it will be omitted or stopped. I'm pleased to say that so far our training sessions have gone off with-out a hitch and we both enjoy what we are doing."

I was rapidly shaking my head in agreement, flashing my biggest smile, as he continued.

"When you're out in the `wilderness' and on your own ya, sometimes have to improvise to spice up your meal and these are a couple of things that only men can do; and we do with pleasure and pride.

"If you don't want any of this just let me, us, know and we'll leave you meal alone,"

he said as he began to get his cock hard and jack-off.

JR saw me playing with my cock as it rapidly got hard. Then he began to bring his up as well. Three men, standing around a table of food, watching each other jack-off. It was thrilling!

"Instead of catsup, horseradish, or other condiments ya can enjoy your meat with jizm, or cum to use the street term, and with that he shot a massive load of cum on one slice of meat and then another...holding off for a split second to see if JR wanted it also, and as JR enthusiastically shook his head, the third and final wad of creamy cum covered the third slice of meat loaf.

"How's that for spicing up a slice of meat? AND if you can take another treat, we have a way of topping off a green salad. Wanna, see that ?"

Dad said, looking directly at me and nodding his head in that, show m what I mean' look.

I sprinkled the greens with sugar and then pissed on mine and then on dad's and again, looking directly at JR, to see if he wanted some also. Without hesitation he said with shrilled, `yes, OH YES!'

So I pissed on his dish of salad also.

It was just enough to melt the sugar and by tossing it with a fork it disappeared, coating the salad as if it were a bitter-sweet dressing from a bottle.

Then JR surprised us by observing that nothing was added to the potato salad.

"Does anything go on the potato salad?"

"Weeeelllll, I guess so. Do you have something special to offer?"

dad said sliding the large bowl toward him.

And as though he'd been part of this life style all along, he began to rapidly jack off and in a split moment, shoot his massive load of cum all into the potato salad. Dad tossed it over a couple of times and you'd never know anything was added. But the taste would change all that.

We eagerly sat down to consume this already magnificent meal with its unique masculine touch. I told dad all, and I mean all, the things that had happened to me, us, that day: The gardening, the kissing and finally the request to fuck me. I almost got a hard on, hearing myself say such a thing, that casually.

Telling your dad that a boy friend had asked permission to fuck ya. It was hard to shock dad but that did; he was beaming with pleasure at way our relationship had progressed but he still had more important things to cover.

"Mom and I have asked and found out several things about this type of amnesia. It's only temporary because you remember and know how to do so many other things. We're to let you do what you do best, like the gardening thing, and gradually something in your mind will trigger what ever it was that so shocked you that you simply blocked it out---loosing all sense of the trauma. You'll be able to deal with it, maybe with some professional help, and you'll be back to normal.

"You are a blessing from on high," he said, looking at JR, "cause while I wanted to expand on the acts of kissing and fucking I also knew I wouldn't be able to do them justice and doing it half way, might give my son the wrong ideas. It's only right that he experience them from some one who could kiss him with true feelings and not one who would be doing it as a coach." He continued with,

"You really like fucking guys? How long have ya been fuckin' around? Do you have any memory of knockin' up a babe?" dad asked him directly.

"I'm not sure of the last part but I suspect my whole sexual life. I can't remember a time when I wasn't jackin' off or sticking my dick in something. I do know that I like getting' fucked. I like shoving massive things up my ass. Guys always seemed to be more accessible and agreeable.

"My question to both of you is: Can we cum together like this? I'm not to sure about the pissing thing. I've never found anyone who did that but I'm willin' to learn, to try it. Especially since you both seem to like it so much.

"Is it all right to fuck you both? Can you, will you fuck me? That's the one thing I can't seem to get enough of. There's a thought, a feeling, that it's been a restriction that I could never accept. Every time I jack off, all I can think of is sinking into an body, a hot, eager body and what it feels like to have it done to me."

Again, with that kind of casual banter, my cock was sticking straight out for all to see through the glass top table and I hadn't even touched it.

Dad tried to break in several times during his question spree but now had the floor and laid out the `rules of the house'.

"Yes, you can definitely fuck us and we'll do our best to satisfy your need to be fucked BUT safe sex is the only thing I'll condone. NO sex with anyone you didn't have explicated trust in or knowledge of. Mom knows we fool around, train, but there's to be no fuckin' around when mom's around. Respect her; don't embarrass her.

"Since our training session began, it's been agreed that it's here for a purpose and we have the right to take it, use it, anytime, anywhere we want. You'll see us dropping to drink some piss in the most unusual places, shootin' cum any where and now, I'm sure fuckin' every where.

"Just as you were shown how to access the dildos, there are other things we do that you'll learn about. The security measures we take, etc.," he laid out and concluded with,

"Let's clean up this dinner and head for the F.R."

We did; and we did. Dad sat in the middle with one of us on each side. When JR saw me work his nips, he leaned forward and sucked in dad's cock and got it up faster than I ever did.

"Oh this is paradise. Having two sons working my body at the same time," he sighed, reaching for both of our cocks. We both spread our legs so he'd have easy access.

"Let's try this."

We immediately followed his direction. He sat us next to each other and kneeled in front of us, sucking on one cock and then the other. The only thing left for us to do was kiss. I was the one to reach for his mouth, with my tongue hanging out. He immediately sucked it in and we were off and runnin'. I really got into it, deliverin' all the saliva I had and then, just as quickly, sucking it all back. It reminded me of sharing shit with dad, but I wasn't going to go there just yet and besides this was much sweeter tasting.

Dad had shoved us even closer together so that he was able to get both cocks in his mouth. I've never felt such suction and urgency and I was sure we were both gonna shoot at the same time but we didn't. JR was soooo horney and anxious that he fell back in the sofa, pulling away from my mouth and just yelled in jubilation,

"I'm cummin', I'm gonna shoot. FUCKIN' yea take it all, cunt, take my royal juice. BABBY take it ALL OOOHAAAAYESS, YOURE SUCH-A FUUCKING HOT SOMOF A BITCH, ... Ugh ugh."

I looked down at dad's head bobbing furiously up and down on his cock and heard him gulping it all in. There were deep dimples in his cheeks from the pressure he was exerting.

Then he did a very generous thing. He drew back his sucking mouth and while still holding JR's cock, he aimed it right at my face and while it wasn't a direct hit, there was enough landing on my face and chest that I was able to also enjoy the juice of this most remarkable being.

We all collapsed and let our bodies continue to experience the thrill of climax. Hands were gently sliding every where with no other intension than of saying how much we were enjoying each other. I'm sure it was dad's hand, actually fingers, that were searching for my ass hole, so I lifted my leg and in the process slid forward. Not really understanding why, JR did the same thing and sure enough dad went for his ass hole also. He was finger fuckin' both of us at the same time.

That's when JR brought his thighs to his chest, exposing his ass to the fullest, expecting to get fucked. Dad would slobber on one hand and then twist it in a hole and then on the other hand and it found an eagerly awaiting hole. With such great dexterity he finger fucked us both. Fortunately there wasn't any shit that far down our tubes yet. Then he stood up and went to the garage. He came back with the dildos we'd been playing with earlier, saying,

"You said you've already used these today. Show me what'ya been doin' with them," handing us each one.

JR resumed the position in from of me and grabbed his knees. It was much easier, now that dad had his hole primed with saliva. The two foot dildo went in and kept going up and up. I heard dad exclaim,

"Oh my...OH MY , OH MY you do have a hungry ass. You've had LOTS of experience with this, haven't you ?" and looking at me, he asked

"And how'd you learn how to twist it like that? It's so professional. But since JR's as eager and experienceed as he seems to be, let me show you, him, how to really enjoy a dildo," and with that he took control.

He stood behind JR, held his hands out flat, placing them on each side of the dildo and then by rubbing his hands, as though he was in front of the fireplace, trying to get them warm after being out in the cold, he was able to make the fake cock spin back and forth, 360 degrees. The only other time I'd seen that kind of movement was in Scouts when you wrapped a cord around one stick and made another stick spin with such velocity that it built up enough friction and caused a spark to light a fire.

JR was screaming with such pleasure and excitement that he just popped another boner and started whacking himself off. And that's not easy when you are bent over, havin' your ass fucked until it was on FIRE. He'd shot his load only a few minutes ago but here he was, trying to shoot again. He couldn't, but the way his legs and chest, quivered, he was surely havin' one hell of a dry climax.

And when he finally relented and let the massive dildo slip outta JR's ass, he smugly said,

"And that's how you set a guy's ass on fire."

Toward the end of that set, I'd shoved a dildo up my ass and was trying to get it to spin but obviously couldn't. But I sure did get it in deeper than I'd ever gotten it in before. In fact by the time JR stood up, dancing on the balls of his feet, dad looked at my progress and whistled in approval of how much further I had gotten it in.

"OH my...I can see that you HAVE been practicing. I wanna try something, but if you feel any pain AT ALL let me know and I'll stop immediately."

JR turned around to see what dad was gonna do. He placed the palm of his hand over the flat end of the dildo and slowly, gently, but firmly just shoved the last inch in, watching and listening for any signal that it was to much. I gave none, as there was no pain. It felt fantastic; maybe a little blotting but never the less, fantastic.

"You asked if you could fuck him in the morning," looking at JR.

"Well let's see if this works," and with two fingers he shoved the dildo a bit further into my ass and my ass ring swallowed it up as much as to say,

`Been waiting a long time for ya... you're mine now and I'm never gonna let ya go !'

"You may have such an urge to shit that you'll have to get up during the night and take a crap. By all means do it. Don't try and hold out. That only ruins your urge to shit and you know how important that is. I understood what he meant; I'm sure JR didn't."

"OK, it's now time for you both to head off to bed."

But I whined, "But we haven't seen you take one up your ass. How about it; don`t we get to shove one up your ass?"

He relented, saying, "Weeeellll, fair is fair. But first I have to get something from the drawer." And he came back with a most surprising thing. A can of Crisco! Thinking to myself, `that's what we use in the kitchen when baking cookies.'

He smeared the large dildo with it and then some more on his ass. He leaned over the side of the sofa and spread his legs, exposing his hairy ass cheeks. He held the dildo out for one of us to take. JR beat me to it and seemed to know just what to do. He spread the Crisco around some more and then took those coated finger and shoved them into dad's ass. He squirmed and moaned, signaling a positive move.

With his ass primed, he pushed and the head of the massive dildo sank into his awaiting hole. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The head of this fake cock was a big as my fist and it was going in easily. JR twisted and turned it and it went in easily. Then I saw dad tighten his ass and I was sure that meant that that was enough but how wrong I was. JR waited a moment and then began pushing more and more until another 5 or 6 inches sank into his ass.

This was unbelievable. As I said, it was as thick as my arm and I simply couldn't imagine such a thing going up anyone's shit channel. Then JR said,

"Here; he's your dad. You have a go at fuckin' him."

I couldn't imagine any one taking any more but I was eager to get in on the action. Just holding it and realizing that it was now a part of his body and I had control of it, I gently shoved it in a little further. I twisted it slightly but there certainly was no way I was going to make the move that dad had made with the dildo that was in JR's ass.

I pulled and then pushed it slightly; waiting for a `stop' response from dad, but there was none. In fact his ass seemed to loosen and tighten, asking for more. More and more I gave him. It came out easier and I shoved it in further, time and time again until dad was screaming in masochistic enjoyment.

As loud as dad was, I could also heard JR encourage-ing him on, praising him for being such a slut, eager to demonstrate is pleasure in taking pain.

Finally, as I was sweating in excitement AND fear, dad stood up and I was unable to continue, saying,

"OK, that's fine boys. Ya got to see your daddy take it up the ass---big time. It's now time for you to get to bed; each in your own bed. I don't want mom to come in to kiss good night you and find you in someone else's bed. If it works out OK, ya can try fucking in the shower in the morning while mom's down here fixing breakfast but that's the only time you can do it that way. Just be sure she is down here. I can just see this all getting outta whack, if she's up stairs, putting linens away and sees or hears you fucking in the shower. All HELL would break loose and our training sessions would come to an abrupt halt and JR would no longer be welcomed in this house."

We raced one another up the stairs, giggling and laughing. I had my hand behind me just in case the dildo came out. It didn't. At my bedroom door, JR gave me a long, slow, sloppy kiss, saying,

"See ya in the morning...can't wait to fuck ya !"

I went in but peeked as he walked down the hall, seeing the ass that I would soon fuck.

I did get into bed, checking that the dildo was still in place. There was no need of that cause it felt like my whole arm was in there. That's when I remembered what dad had said about takin' a shit. I did have to but also didn't want to waste it. I quietly stepped into the hall, being sure that JR's door was closed. I quietly closed mine and quickly slipped down stairs. Dad was still playing with the dildo in his ass and didn't hear or see me head to the powder room. I wish I'd had the piece of glass so I could shit and dad could harvest' it.

I popped out the dildo easily; it was covered in shit and I licked it clean. It was VERY tasty, dark brown shit. The rest of it came out in a monster log, 15" long and I let it plop down on the toilet seat. Interestingly enough, I did wipe my ass. I eagerly shoved the dildo back up my ass and turned to go back to my room. This time dad did see me and I smiled, showing him my shit covered mouth, saying

"I left you something on the toilet seat," and headed back to my room.

He headed for the powder room immediately and I noticed that the massive dildo was outta his ass. He'd found my trophy and by the time I'd gotten to the stairs he had it in his hand and was headed back to the F.R., I think he said,

"You're one fuckin' fantastic kid."

  • + +

Can't wait ta tell ya about my FIRST FUCK.

Next: Chapter 12: Training Sessions with My Dad 12

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