Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty

Training Session SEVEN 1st cum shot Mom

I had no trouble getting up the next morning as I wanted to start working on getting a hard on. In the shower, with the water full force---trying to be more like dad in taking it that way---I turned into it and sure enough, with the mind set I was in and this needle force against my groin, I did product my first hard on and my first cum shot. I'D JUST SHOT MY FIRST LOAD OF CUM and even with no physical action on my part.

I just stood there and watched several squirts of very thin, almost clear fluid shoot from my body onto the glass shower door. I stepped in front of the spray so that it wouldn't wash it down the drain. I squeezed it up and quickly sucked it from my finger. There was a taste but nothing like that of dad's. HELL it was my first shot and I was dam proud of it. I then noticed a feeling going though my body. Couldn't explain or describe it but it was definitely a feeling I'd never experienced before.

I was so anxious to tell dad----but he's at work---then mom, that I forgot to turn off the shower. I made one swipe of the towel around my body, leaving my hair completely wet, ran into my room and dressed in a matter of seconds and took two steps at a time down to breakfast.

"Weeeelll...aren't you in a hurry. You've got time for breakfast...would you like anything special?"

I thought...oh mom, be quite...I have something, the most important thing to tell you. But all I could say was,

"MOM, I just shot my first load the shower, this stuff just shot outta my peter...and it felt strangely wonderful. Can I call dad and tell him?"

"Well that's wonderful news and we should celebrate...what special thing would you like for breakfast? Oh's called sperm and you've had your first orgasm. You're now in puberty and your voice will drop and you'll develop in other ways. You're now a young man, son!"

"I gotta call dad," and headed to the wall phone. (There were no cell phones at that time.)

"That may not be the wisest thing to do. Dolly would know how excited you were and might think it was an emergency and stop your dad while he's doing something dangerous or important to the rest of his crew. Let's just call the shed and leave word for him to call home when he gets a chance. When he calls I'll tell him how excited you are but leave the details for you to tell him."

Mom is always right but I wanted to risk the call and be able to tell him right now.

While I was eating my second portion of breakfast, mom did make the call to Dolly, the receptionist, and she did say the right thing. "It's not an emergency but tell him A YOUNG MAN HE KNOWS has something very important to tell him. Please be home on time today."

"I know I don't have to tell you that this is news worthy for family members and not of any value to anyone at school. I'm so proud and pleased that you felt comfortable to share it with me. Have a great day at school." And with that she pecked me on the forehead and sent me on my way.

Fortunately there was a math test and I had to concentrate on preparing for that. I was on my way to graduating with honors and I didn't want to screw it up by getting a low grade on the test. However, rather than going into the lunchroom I made the trek to the other end of the school, the most isolated area and into that boys' room. In the barrier-free stall I hung my backpack on the door hook and quickly ripped off my cloths. I'd never done this before as I could always count on being in a safe and open area to play with myself at home but I was sooo horny, having success-fully taken the math test that I just had to see if I could come again.

To be sure I was in the right frame of mind, I sat on the toilet and stretched my cock and balls and then slowly pissed up and on my chest, being sure that it all ran down into the toilet. Then I bent over and was able to accurately hit my eager mouth. It was strong, acidy, piss and I quickly closed my mouth so as not to let any of it spill.

Without really trying or playing with my cock, my mind was way ahead of me and my cock was getting hard on its own. I stopped pissing and just watched it as it expanded to its most erect position. I was pleased to see that the head did, in fact, extend just beyond my index finger. I found it funny how the jacking rhythm just comes automatically to boys. There didn't seem to be any need for instruction or practice. While I wanted to shoot immediately, I also wanted the experience of jacking off to last a long time. My first desire overrode the second and before I knew it, there was a charge and explosion and several globs of cream shot up to my chest. I stopped pumping immediately to enjoy the spectacle.

I was disappointed at how quickly my cock lost its stiffness. It was almost immediately soft in my hand so I let it go to scoop up my second round of cum into my mouth. This time it was in a pure state, not having water or steam to weaken it. It tasted even stronger: creamy but bitter-sweet. I sucked on that finger several minutes before going back for the rest.

I froze as I heard the outer door open. I knew I didn't have time to get my shorts back on so I held my sneakers up against the door. From the outside ya never know there was anyone in the cubical. The door should have been a little bit ajar but only to those who were looking to see which one was available. This person went right to the standing urinals and made a hell of a long piss----whistling softly all the time. OH how I would like to have seen him in action and drink all that fluid. In a minute or two he flushed, washed his hands and left, still whistling. I was pretty sure who it was as I'd heard the math teacher idly whistling like that. All the more reason I wanted to show him my other skills.

The bell rang and I quickly got back into my cloths and returned to class. As though I didn't have enough excitement in my life that day there was also a swim class. That too went very well but this time I watched as two of the real jocks stripped to get into their suits. I really didn't care if they saw me glancing at them; I now have some thing I could do to show them a good size dick. They were always together so were completely comfortable stripping together and flipping their cock and balls as they slipped on their suits but when they saw me doing the same thing they flipped an extra few times and sure enough it did get larger, straighter. Nothing was said and we had a good workout. As usual we were the last to get into the shower. Guys usually face away from the shower tower, hiding what they have or don't have. This time we were all facing one another. Each shower pole had three spigots that shot water out into the open area. Everyone had enough space to stand and not feel that someone was right next to him.

Without saying anything, we were all just playing with our cocks and of course we all produced boners. We were cocky enough to make that jacking off movement. Then the real stud aimed his fairly large cock at my feet and began to piss. He was stunned to see that I had no reaction at all. Before either of us could make another move the coach stuck his head in and yelled for every one to get out as he was shutting down the room.

While we dressed, we exchanged comments. They were pleased, impressed, with the way I'd reacted to the piss thing. My comment was that I'd done that before and it was no big deal. To get their shocked reaction I asked them if they'd ever tasted it? I was the one who was now sur-prised when, in a mumble, they had.

"Wanna go to the boy's room and watch?"

"Don't have time today. I've got to catch the bus; have an important meeting with my dad."

"Next time, for sure, then," they said. And we all headed off in opposite directions.

School buses are not known for their smooth ride and as I sat there, looking out the window, anticipating my training session, I could feel my cock getting hard. Fortunately I had my back pack on my lap. I looked to the girl sitting next to me, just to be sure she couldn't see anything. Though I really did want to get my hand on it to feel it expand, but I just couldn't. When she got off I immediately slipped my hand under the pack and could feel it through my shorts. It did feel wonderful but now I had to concentrate on getting it soft so I could get off the bus. The bumpy ride was making that impossible so I just held my pack in front of me as I got to my stop.

I ran like hell as I could see dad's duelly in the driveway. The running did reduce my cock to its normal size.

"Dad, DAD, guess what happened this morning?... I never gave him time to respond...I had an erection in the shower and I shot my first load of cum. I SHOT CUM, JUST LIKE YOU DID !

"Mom says that makes me a man, now...RIGHT?!"

"Sure does! I knew it was gonna happen soon. I'm pleased that you were able to tell us about it ...especially your mom. Tell me how it happened"

I told him what I'd told mom this morning as he fastened his eyes on me. He was still dressed, sitting on the bench, rubbing his groin. I also told him how excited it made me feel all day ( I didn't understand that's what honey meant). I just had to do it again and describe the B/F cubicle event. He smiled and injected,

"OH... I know the feeling. I've had to shoot a load or two in the cab just seeing a hot body or thinking hot thoughts about sessions with you. I'll bet you've caused me to shoot a dozen times and I thank you for that----though you mom was getting a little suspicious about why I wasn't asking her for sex every single night. She doesn't know the whole story but she's said she's glad that I've found another way to satisfy my insatiable lust for sex.

"I've thought about nothing but last night's session and I think I should show you a couple of things about how, where and when to do it. But first the thing that really turns me on is when you strip your dad. I've saved every drop of piss for just this session."

He had kicked off his boots but still had white socks on as he stood up and I sat down on the bench. As I undid his massive leather belt to get to his jeans, he reached around me and pulled off my shirt. I was a little surprised that he wasn't hard but also enjoyed the deep, long, breaths I was able to take as I pulled on his cock and buried my face in his smelly groin. I blurted out,

"Ya gotta get some Velcore on these pants so we can cut to the chase."

"I think your mom would become very suspicious and she already suspects too much about what we're doing."

I stood up and slipped off my jeans while he smacked my face with his hose. My cock was sticking out in front of me.

"Suck my cock." I'd never heard him say just that but it was gonna be a very familiar request.

I let him place it in my mouth as I reached up to pull on his tits and immediately he began to piss into my mouth. There was no playing around; just right to business and I gulped as fast as I could. It tasted as wonderfully rich as ever but I wanted to drain him so we could get on with my demonstration.

"Think there's a faster way," and he reached for a sports water bottle. "You fill this one and I'll fill the other. Ya can shoot easier when you bladder is not pressing against you groin."

We quickly filled both bottles and placed them on the work bench.

"Now that feels better. Here, grab this," he said offering me his semi limp hose.

As soon as I touched it, it began to spring to attention and my hand was unable to retain control of it. It just instantly shot up in front of my face. As anxious as I was, I couldn't resist the urge to force it down and watch it spring back up. I did it several more times to see if I could get it to smack against his stomach. I couldn't. It want-ed to just stand in the flag pole position. But I did notice that his cock head was pulsating in anticipation of spitting out his nectar.

He stepped back saying, "Of the many positions ya can take to jack-off, the best one for this demonstration is standing up with your feet apart and your knees slightly bent. That gives you the best balance. Ya can grab you rod firmly with one hand and it lets you play with your tits with the other. Some guys like to pull on their balls as they jack-off but I find that counter productive as they want to shrink as they shoot and pullin' on them doesn't help that.

"Put your hand around the center of your cock so you have equal distance to push and pull, jerk or jack you rod. We have the distinct advantage of not being cut and that gives us a lot more play room or skin to work with. Guys with circumcised cocks have very little to work with. They've got to lubricate their rods by spitting on them or using an oil.

"There are several techniques at this point. If you squeeze hard on the way down and let up or gently slide your skin forward, it feels so good when the next strangle hold takes place and you rip your skin back down. Ya can also learn to twist it or screw and unscrew your pole up and down.

"And you can help your whole body by talking to it, the dirtier the better. You'll pick up on those descriptive words as you progress in you sexual experiences."

And as he was talking and beating the hell outta his cock, his stomach muscles were rippling. He transferred his grip on his left tit to his cock and now he was able to jack off with both hands, all be it, not very far because this cock head was just barely sticking out from the grasp he held on his rod.

"Here it comes...I feel the electrical charge shoot-ing up from the arch of my feet, through my body. It'll blast off in my head and my ears will pop.

"Lean back and be ready to catch it all...OH YEA...Fucking son of a bitch, shoot your massive load all over my babies gorgeous face and chest...COME ON DICKEY... Don't let me down. I know what you're capable of... SHOW my boy what'ya can do..." And with that he stopped pumping and just aimed his pistol straight toward my chest.

This time I did keep track but I didn't know where the spurts began or ended but there were six long arcs of this creamy white substance being shot from his cockhead, two feet away, landing directly on my chest.

There was a great sigh of relief and pride at what he'd just done...jackin' off and shootin' cum all over his son's delicate, young body. He showed me how much his balls had contracted and they had. They were all wrinkled up into two clumps about the size of prunes; in fact that's what they looked like, not peaches any more but wrinkled prunes.

"This is another piece of advice: yes it's good to taste it," and with that he scooped up one glob and let me suck it off his finger, "but if ya smear it around, it evaporates almost immediately and then in an hour, it's great fun lickin' it all off. If ya shoot on to a hard surface like the kitchen table it dries in less than an hour and you can scrape it up like flakes of white chocolate. I keep some in a zip lock bag in my cab."

He was still breathing heavily as he sat down next to me and began to smear his cum all over my chest and letting me suck his fingers clean.

"Now it's your turn. Show me what ya can do."

I assumed his position, standing two feet from him. My cock was already rock hard and while I didn't have any tits to pull on, I never the less put one hand there and rubbed against it. Like the earlier scene in the john, I was pounding my cock pretty hard and certainly faster, since I'd just seen what my dad had done. Only I wasn't anywhere near ready enough to get two hands---as small as they were---around my throbbing dick.

I wanted it to last longer than in the cubicle at school so I changed hands and continued to push and pull my skin faster and faster along the shaft of my cock. For the first time I was aware of the electrical charge dad had just mentioned. It was coming from the arch of my feet, as though I was standin' in electrified water. It shot so fast through my body, I couldn't identify where it was going. I just knew my head became charged and I blurted out,

"YES, OH FUCKIN' YEEEESSS, here comes the charge I felt this afternoon...I'm gonna shoot my FUCKIN' load of cum," and I aimed it toward my dad and shot all over my dad's cock `n balls ! ! !"

My heart was pounding and my legs felt weak; I had to sit down but then dad put his hand around my ass and pulled me toward him. That helped support me while I regained control. Dad was harvesting it up as fast as he could, this being the first taste of his son's cum. Hell with lettin' it dry and eating it later.

I dropped to my knees between his, hoping he'd share this cum with me as he did the previous but he was soooo turned on by tasting his son's cum that he just kept it all to himself. He did put his firm hand on my head and draw it into his groin so I could lick and smell his manliness.

Without saying anything, he stood up, pulling me with him and we headed for the F.R. sofa; he had his arm tightly around my neck as we walked. On the sofa I cuddled next to him. I asked and he answered all my questions.

"What did ya mean by `other positions'?"

"You'll find yourself idly playing with your dick all the time; you'll be doing homework at your desk and spring a boner. While you know you should be concentrating on your homework, none of it was making any sense, so ya might just as well get it over with and you'll lean back in your chair, spread your legs and watch as you whack off. There will be times when it happens so fast, it's over before you've had time to think about it and there will be those other glorious times when you can think and play with it for half and hour. That's when you get the largest loads and they should be saved. Guys I know have a Kleenex ready to clean it up but that's such a waste. Shoot it where you can retrieve it----enjoy it later.

"Pissin' in your daily shower will be replaced by adjusting the spray to the powerful pulsating one, being impressed that with that sort of attack on your cock `n balls will do, you'll produce a hard-on and with the right mind set---being young and horny---ya can just stand there and watch it shoot.

"Laying on your bed is probably the most often used position but that can develop into gettin' your legs over you head and what da ya know' your cock is over your face and ya can shoot right into your mouth. It does take practice but with what you've done to achieve the accuracy of your pissing, I'm sure you'll perfect that quickly.

"The position that always draws admiration is when ya can get your back so subtle that you can actually get some of your cock into your mouth and while I've only seen pictures of it, there is one guy who, while in standing position, can bend over and bob his head up `n down on his hard-on and actually jack-off with his mouth.

"I'm too old and muscular for that kind of thing but when you look around at your swim or track teams, and you can see guys stretching, they can almost twist their bodies into pretzels, so anything is possible."

"Dad, you said `not as often as pissing'. Well how soon can we do it again?" as we sat there playing with our soft cocks.

"OH how I love your honryness. You're getting to be a real impho maniac and I couldn't be happier. I thought you mom was over sexed, always being ready, but you're somethin' else.

"With piss, all you have to do is replace the urine you've piss and when your bladder is full, it will force you to piss again. Semen is a little more complex than that. It takes a while for your body to build up, create, new seed---after all, each one has the potential of being another human being!-- and that can take hours and the older you are, the longer it takes. At your developing age, your body is so eager and ready, it's ready to produce more semen within a matter of a few hours.

"As with all aspects of life, there are those who do things no one else can. Run the mile in under 4 minutes, etc. It's the same with sex. There are bodies that are what is called `over-sexed', that can shoot seemingly endless amounts of cum. I know of one guy who, while not holding the world record, can shoot four times further than anyone else."

I interrupted with, "The same guy who can piss cups off the counter?"

"DAMMED, you're good ! ! !, yes the same guy."

"And it also has to do with your emotional state. One partner may be up to it and the other is not because their mind is focused on other problems. That's were love comes into it. One has to be considerate of another's passions OR problems. It should NEVER be forced; that'll lead to all sorts of problems down the line. That's why there are so many divorces-------people are not willing to work, to be patient with one another.

"You have youth on your side. Your body will be developing rapidly. Don't be afraid to let it or to use it as it grows. You're gonna swim better, run faster and, of course, grow faster. With each of these there is muscle build up and control. Your cock is a muscle and with practice and `exercise' he said with a smirk in his voice, "it too will grow."

Without even seeing his face, I just knew from the sound of his voice, that he was smiling as he said that.

"As I said before, when I was your age, we were told that it was something not to be done and thus we have a whole generation that has sex hang-ups. Fuck `em. I much prefer this method of social, physical, development.

"To specifically answer your question: You can do it as often as you like. Just remember to be socially considerate. You may have a legitimate urge to whack off in a restaurant, having seen a HOT body, but just control your self. If you can't, then there are restrooms (puns intended) with doors on cubicles. Go there and whack off.

"As for me and around this house, it's the same as with piss, it's a go, anytime, anywhere, just do it. I'll surprise you at times by saying `ready' and I hope you'll be ready to take a load. I know I'll always be ready when you say it. And along the same line: We just filled a couple of water bottles with excess piss. Well the same goes for cum. I'll show you later that you can wipe up a shot with a Kleenex and put it aside for later. Most guys waste a lot of precious cum by simply flushing it down the toilet. That's a real waste human creation.

. . . . . .

This might be a little out of sequence but as these stories get rewritten, expanded as memory and dad, remind me of the way things happened, I have to make such adjustments. Sorry for the confusion but you're intelligent and you'll know where they go in the story sequence.

The same thing goes for shit. The only thing you have to be sure of is that it is a colored or opaque straw. Don't want a clear straw filled with brown shit to be seen by everyone. You can fill it any time and any where that's convenient. There was one time when I was so horney in school and I just had to have a shit-fix' that I went to the john and gently, slowly, shoved a wide straw up my ass and filled half the straw with rich, thick, brown shit. If you're gonna carry it around for a while, ya can cap off both ends with peanut butter. This time it was solid and I just cleaned the outside with toilet paper and stuck it in my back pack and went back to study hall. I picked up an empty can along the way and while studying a boring subject, got my fix' by sucking in small quantities of shit. Keeping your mouth closed, very little of the aroma escapes to let anyone know what's going on. I tend to get as far away form others as I can while doing this buy I still get a rush knowing what I'm doing in public.

The other thing I wanted to include was the work Darrell did in remodeling our house. How he cleverly and conveniently built in all sort of convenient places to keep very private things. This is how it all came about:

Dad showed me the private or secured places he kept things, saying,

"Not to have secrets from mom but just as a precaution to prevent her from being unduly embarrassed. She brings home medical records that I have no business seeing and we both have sexual toys that you should not be exposed to at your young age, so such places are perfectly acceptable.

"The refrigerator in the garage is for my personal use. It was left over from the remodeling of the kitchen and it allows me to store an ample supply of beer and sports drinks' for the guys when they're here. It also stores the fish we caught' on fishing trips. But, in the back there were other special storage bag of things I'll tell you about later."

Along the back wall were the base cabinets from the former kitchen but Darrell added a more practical butcher block top that would take the beating and scratching when dad had to fix some thing. But what was interesting was the way the cabinet drawers were secured. It would appear that the reason for adding the 8 penny nails was to keep the drawers from pulling all the way out and spilling. But in fact Darrell had added a false back panel to each drawer. It shortened the depth of the drawer but that was unperceivable.

On the side panels of each drawer, about 3 inches from the back, a hole was drilled vertically about an inch deep. The drawer was put back in the cabinet and before it was closed, you'd reached in and dropped an 8 penny nail in that drilled hole. Then when the drawer was pulled out, the nail hit the cabinet frame and prevented the drawer from coming out any further. You could store things behind the fake panel and only you would be aware that they were there. All you had to do was pull the drawer out, reach in and pull the nails up and out and the drawer would come all the way out, exposing what was `securely' placed there.

He only showed me the things in one drawer. The others would be shown, explained, later, when necessary. This drawer held tiny rubber suction cups and a very small leather belt with silver studs on them. He squeezed one of the red cups and placed it over his nipple and the belt was wrapped around his cock and balls, explaining,

"This is how my nipples got so big, allowing me to play with them and the cock strap allows your cock and balls to stay upright and forward.

"I'll show, demonstrate, the other things when it appropriate. Just one more thing; now that you know how to get to these things, I want your word as a Scout that you won't go exploring when I'm not here. You'll be able to use everything or anything I have but it must be with my permission and after I show you the proper way to use them.

"You're not allowed to lift the weights when I'm not here to spot for you and the same precaution has to be taken with my other `toys'. Promised ?"

"Yes, I promise," and held up my Scout hand.

  • +

Also, a little later on when I got to know Darrell and he got to see my growing collection of toys, tapes and reading material, it was apparent that I too needed some privacy in my room. When a TV was added to my wall unit, the end sections of the bookshelves were adjusted to swing out on what looked like brass trim but was actually a brass rod with pins at the top and bottom allowing the shelves to swing out. Ya had to know how to disengage the lock for them to move. Who would ever think of opening a drawer to get something from the bookcase? There was just enough room behind those shelves to store tapes (no C.D.s then), magazines and ultimately, my dildos.

Back to the story line: second food + sucking cock

Next: Chapter 8: Training Sessions with My Dad 8

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