Training the Teen Gymnast

By Luc Milne

Published on Oct 19, 2010



Copyright 2010 by Luc Milne. All rights reserved. One copy may be downloaed for personal use.


"Your boy Alex is a very promising young gymnast, Mr. Evans, but he is going to need private coaching in addition to the regular school gymnast team practice if you want him to have a chance at national, and even international competition."

I was in the gymnastic coach's office at my stepson Alex's school at his request and I had come expecting to hear that the kid had screwed up somehow or done something that he might be expelled for. So it was a surprise the hear the brat was actually good at something. The kid wasn't my own flesh and blood, but I had been left to support him when his mother ran off a year after we were married leaving me with the boy to support. I said, "I appreciate your letting me know, Coach, but I don't think I can afford that kind of expense for a boy who isn't even my own. In fact, I've been considering taking him out of Bronson Academy and putting him in a public school, just to cut down on the costs of keeping him."

The coach's office was just off the gymnasium, and he went to the door to call Alex in to join us. When my stepson came in, the Coach closed the door and bolted it, then went to the big window looking out onto the gym floor and closed the heavy curtains so no one could see in. Then he turned to the two of us and asked us to sit down in the two chairs facing his desk. He told the kid what we had been talking about and asked Alex if he was willing to do whatever it took to get professional gymnastic training no matter what the cost. The boy was very eager but looked fearfully at me, because he knew that I didn't like to spend a lot of bucks on him. I'd been holding the threat of taking him out of Bronson Academy for months just to keep him in line.

He looked back at Coach Crawford and said quietly, "I'd do anything you want, Coach, if I could get some more training, 'd4cause, you know, I really like gymnastics. It's just about the only thing I feel really good at, but I wouldn't want to make my Dad worry about the extra money, Sir."

Coach Crawford said "Why don't you strip off, Alex, and show your dad how well your muscles are developing."

With a little hesitation the boy took of his singlet and his shorts and I could see that his body was shaping up into a mouthwatering piece of teenmeat. I had lusted after him for a year but never had the nerve to do anything about it. I'd always been attracted to teenage boys but had never done anything more than look. And he seemed to sense this because he was always careful never to let me see him undressed at home. I suppose my frustration at never getting to feast my eyes, among other things, on his teen body contributed a lot to my resentment at having to take are of him after his mother left.

"Go on, Alex, take off your jockstrap too: show your dad just what you've got."

The boy turned away from me, giving me a stimulating view of two perfectly rounded butt cheeks, and pulled down his strap, bending slightly at the knees to pull it off his lower legs, so that the hint of a rosy pink asspucker winked briefly at me. I crossed my legs, trying to hide the cock that was beginning to stretch down my thigh beneath my trousers. I glanced at the Coach and saw that a little smile was playing around his mouth.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex slowly start to turn back to face me. The long, swinging tube of teen cock that came into view was a revelation, and, believe it or not, that was the first time I had seen my stepson's package in the raw. His balls were plump and well-formed and hung loose, like two ripe apricots in a velvety sack. The slut was uncut, but his meatus began to swell as he stood there in front of us, pushing out of its sheath of skin and soon the whole dick was semi-swollen and throbbing.

Coach Crawford was watching me closely 'd0 he didn't need to look at Alex's cock because he'd obviously seen it many times in the shower room 'd0 and he could see that my eyes were glued to that swaying teen cock, just starting to dribble a thread of clear precum honey. He stood up, came around the desk and moved behind Alex, looking at me over the boy's shoulder: "Why don't we make a deal" he said softly. "Why don't you give me your permission to take the fees for the kid's extra coaching in something besides cash?"

He reached around and took Alex's cock in his fist, milking it slightly as the boy shivered and leaned back against the man's body behind him. The gentle milking caused another spurt of clear precum to ooze from the moist cumslit. I knew from the way the Coach moved a step forward that he was pressing his own dick, hardening in its jockstrap, into the slut's butt crack. He rubbed his thumb over the cocklips on the boy's cockhead, coating it in precum, then lifted his hand to Alex's mouth and slipped the greasy thumb into the boy's half-opened lips. I could see Alex's tongue lapping at it like a calf on a teat.

"You give me the full and unconditional use of this boy's body 'd0 and I mean everything 'd0 his cock, his balls, his asshole, his tits, his mouth, every inch of teen flesh 'd0 and I'll make him into a world class gymnast for free. What do you say?"

He moved his hand back down and began to milk the kid's dick more firmly, then brought his other hand to the boy's tit, squeezing it so hard between his thumb and his forefinger that the kid hissed with the pain. Then, still jacking the dick, he moved his hand from Alex's pec down behind the kid and seemed to do something to his ass, because Alex arched sharply and spread his legs, showing me the Coach's finger probing deeply into his asspucker. I uncrossed my legs and spread them wide, letting Crawford see that my own cock had stretched down my pants leg and that a patch of moisture was coming through the cloth where my cumlips were seeping with boy lust.

Seeing that I was speechless, the Coach said seductively, "I'll tell you what 'd0 let's sweeten the deal: anytime I use the boy you can watch 'd0 hell, you can join in if you want to. How about it? Come over here and take a little taste of what this cumslut has to offer to a couple of guys like us. He grasped Alex's dick and held it out toward me, squeezing the meatus so that the cumlips pooched open and shut like a little mouth puckering up for a wet kiss.

I couldn't help myself: I stood and moved the few steps forward until the boy's cockhead was touching my swollen crotch. The Coach reached around and put his hand on my shoulder, pressing me down to my knees until my face was at cock level. The Coach's hand moved to the back of my head and pulled my mouth against the shiny cumlips. My lips parted: I couldn't help myself: my tongue moved out over my lower lip and touched the wet glans. The taste of my stepson's boyhoney pushed me over the edge and I swallowed the throbbing cock whole in one lurch, gulping on it and letting my gag ring massage the swollen head in noisy, snorting slurps until the little pussy shot what seemed about a cupful of hot teencum down my throat. As Alex spasmed and shuddered in my mouth I realized that he was jerking forward as if being pushed from behind. I put my hands around his hips and felt that the Coach was fucking him like a dog in heat. Every hard thrust up the boy's ass made his cock squirt another gush of sperm: I kept the foaming meat down my throat until I heard the Coach groan and shoot his wad into Alex's hole. When he pulled out, his cock was still hard enough and long enough to stick through the kid's thighs, rising under the boy's balls so that I could clean off the massive head with my tongue. Alex had almost passed out, slumping against Crawford's body, his head lolling back on the man's shoulder, but Coach held him up sucking on his neck and twisting the kid's face around so that he could tongue-fuck his luscious boy mouth while I tongue-washed all the cumgrease down below.

So the bargain was sealed.

At first we were very careful with the kid because we didn't want to drain him of too much energy with constant milking. We would use him on alternate days and on Sundays we always gave him a day off to restore his vitality for the resumption of the week's training on Monday. And neither of us pulled his cum more than once a day, although I sometimes sneaked a quick "illegal" suck in the morning before he went to school. I found I liked to go to work with the taste of sweet boycum on my tongue. But we noticed that after his Sunday "holiday" he was always very moody and even surly on Monday mornings, and often his practice sessions on that day would be slack and lazy. He would lose concentration, and kept hanging around the Coach's office during the day. Once Coach Crawford found him in the boys' toilet at lunchtime on a Monday sitting in a cubicle with the door open, jerking off. We confronted him about his behaviour, and he reluctantly admitted that without "use" on Sunday's he always felt nervous and ratty the next day. So we decided that our self-sacrificing moderation in pulling his cream was back-firing. The little bitch thrived on abuse and needed to be drained every day, and probably several times a day.

So we worked out a suck schedule to give ourselves equal time on the juicy teen meat and developed a routine of "Five-a-Day" milkings. I get the early morning cream when I go into his room at 6:00 a.m. to make sure he's awake. He's always ready and "presenting" for me: on the bed on his knees, with his body arched backward, his butt cheeks resting on his heels and his crotch thrust up and out, with his moist morning hardon throbbing upward in a heavy arc between his legs. I kneel between his thighs, pushing them even wider to give him a better "wide on" to go with his hardon and to allow me a better suck position. Then I get a good tight seal with my lips on his dick and rough milk him 'd4til he squeals and shoots his morning semen. That first load is always a big mouthful, with the consistency of heavy cream and the flavour of vanilla pudding. (He eats a lot of pineapple to keep his jism sweet and drinks a lot of water to keep the cum fresh and clean tasting.)

The next pull belongs to the Coach and takes place about 10:00 a.m. in his office after he's put Alex through his 30 minute morning workout session. Coach Crawford pulls the slut down onto a wrestling mat in the massage room adjoining his office and sucks another load from that sweet greasy sausage. By then the taste is a little tangy, according to the Coach, because of all the endorphins released during his strenuous exercises: of course the endorphins also give him a "high" and make him more resistant to pain, so the Coach can really work that boymeat hard, sometimes chewing out a second load of juice right after the first one. I was there once for the mid-morning milking and got so hot watching Crawford gnaw on the meatus and chew on the fat foreskin that I had to pull out my cock and cram it down the bitchboy's throat to get some face-fuck relief: the harder the Coach worked his cock, the more the pussy groaned and yelped around my plunging dick, making me go so deep into his gullet that gagging noises were added to the sweet music of a teenage boy being well and truly used.

The afternoon feeding is about 3:30, at the start of the regular gymnast training session and is also the Coach's privilege: he says the afternoon semen is always a little thinner and blander, like skim milk, but still makes a nice thirst quencher. He likes to snowball this load back into the kid's mouth to give him a little spurt of protein energy for the workout to come. Sometimes I drop by on my way home from work and watch the end of the session, including the shower, where we may both soap him up and massage his firm boyflesh until he's hard again and ready for use. But we don't milk him: we make him wait until later when we get him home. Or sometimes after the workout we take him directly into the office, lay him out on the massage table and lick the sweat off him, like two hungry kids sharing the biggest ice cream cone in the world. Then I give him a quick power fuck while the Coach crouches over the slut's face and teabags his nuts down into the kid's hot mouth, while he palms the boy's glans, and pinches his cocklips. His lips are now permanently 'd0 and sexily 'd0 swollen from long hours of sucking our meat, sometimes both at the same time (a wide, stretched mouth on a cumslut is always a good thing!) and the head of his cock is permanently red and juicy from eating by two hungry guys. We like to "edge" him about half an hour at a time, pinching his cumlips and squeezing his balls until he's about to cum, but we always pull back at the last minute, so that by the time we leave the gym to take him home for dinner he's shaking with cumlust.

Since Coach Crawford is divorced and has no family, we've established a routine of eating dinner together every evening during the week. We take the kid home and strip him down so that he can help us in the kitchen preparing the meal, which is usually something very simple like steak and salad. Alex needs all the protein he can get in every form, both from manmeat and real beef. While we get the food ready we make him stretch out on the marble countertop so we can snack on his meat from time to time as we work. That way he serves as a kind of "appetizer" for the meal: boyballs make excellent "cocktail nuts" for decadent men like us! The Coach and I have drinks while we work and snack: Crawford likes a beer and I always have a very dry martini. The Coach enjoys a little spurt of boypiss in his beer, and I like to rub the rim of my ice cold martini glass with the tip of the kid's prick, coating it with sweet boyhoney before I pour the gin into it. Precum is way better than vermouth in a cocktail!

When the steaks are ready we take them to the table and jerk the kid off onto the hot meat as "sauce". Then we jerk each other off onto the kid's steak to give him that extra boost of man protein power. After we've finished the steak and salad, we clear the table and make the slut climb up onto it, lying on his back, to give us our "dessert". We pig out on sugar cock, candy balls, juicy ass pucker, honey tits, and spicy armpits until he shoots a load of warm boy pudding all over his stomach and chest. After that it's every man for himself as we each struggle to lick up more boycream than the other.

Sometimes in the evening we'll sit on the sofa in the den and watch TV with the kid between our legs sucking on us or stretched out face up on our laps so we can lean down and suckle his tits or prick at our leisure. Before he goes home, I milk the Coach's big veiny cock into a glass of cold milk and then he returns the favour, adding my hot cream to the glass: the milk is Alex's bedtime tonic.

By ten o'clock on a school night it's bedtime and also the last "sucktime" of the day 'd0 the fifth in the daily series of "Five-a-Day" milk-pulls (two for me, two for Coach, and one shared between us). I go into his room with his glass of cold cum-milk and kneel between his legs to mouth my "prayers" while he drinks it, thanking the god of boysperm for the blessing he bestows upon me and my pal five times a day. That nightcap of boy jism is usually thick and syrupy, slowly oozing out of his gaping cumhole like a rich liqueur. I always load my fingers up with some of the nectar and stuff them into the angel boy's mouth, so he'll go to sleep with the taste of sperm down his throat and dream of cocks and lips and tongues all night long. Then I help him stretch out on the bed, turn him over so his luscious asspucker is easily available and breed him slowly and gently, filling his boyhole with daddy sperm.

Feeding him our cum several times a day and breeding him about 20 times a week, along with the "Five-a-Day" milkings keeps him happy and filled with energy for his gymnastic training.

In fact, the more cum the slut takes in by mouth or ass, and the more cum he feeds his keepers, the more stamina he seems to have. The old rule about athletes not having sex while in training is a lot of bull. Gymnastics makes a boy very flexible: we like to bend his legs back over his shoulders and make him suck his own cock while we double-dick his asshole: and a gymnast's ability to hold wide leg splits means that two men have plenty of room between those smooth and muscular thighs to have their fun together. We enjoy tying his wrists to the rings so he hangs suspended while Coach rims his ass and I eat his cock and balls. And tied face up across the padded pummel horse, his meat is presented attractively for eating and his head hangs down, his mouth gaping, nicely available for long-dicking.

It takes a lot of hard work to train a prize gymnast but the rewards are very tasty. Coach Crawford says that even if Alex doesn't make it into the international gymnast competitions, he'll still be a well-trained cockslut and a valuable commodity on the boyslave market, so we really can't lose.


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