Training to Be a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 23, 2021


tim and I settled into a very disordered, but content relationship after his trip to Colorado. "Disordered" because his work, like I said, meant that he didn't have a regular schedule, and as the youngest member of my department, I had to work a lot of strange hours. Still, we saw each other when we could. I turned out to be much better at bondage than I thought I would be: I had an imagination, and I read. On weekends when tim had to work longer hours and we couldn't see each other, I'd take a trip to the gay bookstore (Yeah, we still had those back then), and I'd browse, and read, and buy. Back then, there were a lot more "how to" manuals on tying a guy up, what to do when you had him trussed, and everything else. I'd devour those books on the first day, fantasize about having tim tied up that way the second day, and then when I did see him, I'd try out the new technique. We both loved it. One day, tim came over with a set of nipple clamps. I hadn't gotten there yet: in other words, I hadn't read about them, didn't know what they were, but tim explained: "once I've got my shirt off, Sir John, tie me. Tie me tight. Then attach these. One to each nipple. As tight as you want." I was dubious. I liked having tim struggle, but it looked like it good be painful. "We'll use a safe word, Sir. If you're overdoing it, I'll just say "Yamaha," and then we'll stop. I shrugged my shoulders, and got into the scene. "OFF WITH THE SHIRT BOTTOM. THEN ON YOUR KNEES, HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." I saw his quick, sweet smile before he answered "Yes sir," and got in position. I pushed my crotch into his face. I wasn't in the mood for a blow job right then, but hearing his almost feral moans as he licked my fly, and rubbed his face into my crotch, were very hot. I clipped some handcuffs on him (I had bought those at the "gear store" right near the bookstore and then I pulled his long hair (the mullet was gone, but he still wore his hair long enough for me to handle him by just pulling on it). "Open your mouth. I got something for you." This one was my idea. Again, thank God for books . I had worn the same pair of socks for a few hours every day that week, and they reeked. They reeked so much that he got a whiff of the one I had balled up, before I put it in front of him. "OPEN UP. " He sealed his lips shut. I wasn't sure if he was playing or not: did he want the ball, or not? "I SAID OPEN UP." and I squeezed his tits hard. "OWWWWWW. MMMMMMMMMMMPH" It was in. Then I took the other one and tied it over his mouth to hold in the balled up sock. Then, and only then, did I take his clamps, and tried my best not to show how concerned I was. These days, of course, I tease my bottoms before I put them on, and for a short while I did that with tim too. That first time though, I opened them up, and attached them. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!!" came out of tim"s mouth, and then I realized: he hadn't planned on my gagging him, so any safe word was useless. I pulled his hair back again and looked at him. "Just shake your head if it's too painful tim, OK?" I could see a little bit of a smile in his eyes. He knew I was getting it. I pulled on the chain, gently, and then harder. "GET UP BITCH. I WANT YOU ON MY BED. NOW." I saw that he wasn't going to be able to get up: he was kneeling, his hands were tied behind him, and there wasn't any place where he could get traction. That's when what I think of as my first "jolt" of "Dom-hood" came : I pulled the chain a little harder. "What's the matter boy? Such a wimp you can't stand up?" I could feel myself sweating. I hoped I was doing the right thing. I heard little whimpers, like the sound of a hungry puppy coming out of him, and I guessed I was. I pulled a little harder. "Really can't do it, huh boy?" He whimpered some more, and shook his head no. "FUCKING PATHETIC" I yelled, and he put his head down. I pulled the chain harder. "DID I TELL YOU TO STOP LOOKING AT ME, BOTTOM? " His eyes looked, well, like he was blissed, and he shook his head no. "YOU LOOK AWAY WHEN YOU HAVE PERMISSION, FUCKTOY. YOU DON'T HAVE IT NOW." As I bellowed those words I began to think: "where were they coming from? I had never used them before. And as I used them, I could feel my cock getting harder and harder. I stepped behind tim, and put my hands under his arms. The touch made him yelp a bit - yeah, tim was ticklish, but we didn't really use tickling in our play much- and I helped him up to his feet. I stood in front of him and flicked the clamps. I could see: he enjoyed it: his jeans were beginning to show a dark spot. I smiled. "No underwear again timmy?" He shook his head no. "Well, well, well. A bottom who makes things easier for his top. How nice." I twisted the clamps one more time, then I took them off. He HOWLED into the sock gag. "Ha ha. I can't wait to see what they taste like now: tenderized the way they are. " My tongue slid over each of his nips, and he boldly pushed forward, trying to get some friction. He was hard. He was desperate. Just like me. "I'm gonna FUCK you handsome," I whispered, and realized: I had never called him handsome before. He was. He was handsome, and beautiful, and I wanted to kiss him. "Let me get that gag off. " I untied the knots, and when the ball was out of his mouth, he gasped. "Please Mister John. Can I have some water?" Now, tim had told me: he was into water sports. When he told me that, I still knew almost nothing and asked him if that meant he swam. He laughed and explained it to me. It was something I simply could not do. So when he wanted water, he wasn't getting my piss. He got a glass from the tap, and when his mouth was moist, I kissed him, I kissed him for a long, long time. Then I moved my mouth to his ear and whispered. "You are just so goddamn good looking. I'm getting hard thinking of you naked." "Strip me Sir. Please. Strip me." I flicked my thumb and forefinger to open his waist button - a trick he taught me- and slid his pants down. They couldn't drop because he wore them so tight - not that I minded because his ass was so hot- and told him to turn around. I saw him smile, just before he did. He had a surprise for me. tim had gotten a tattoo on his ass: the letter "J" in caps. "I want everyone to know: my ass belongs to someone who's name begins with 'J' ". I'm not a fan of tattoos: never have been, and on one level, I wished he hadn't done that. But he did. I'd get "romantic" about it later, but for the scene we were doing, I "stayed in character" "IF PEOPLE ARE TOO STUPID TO REALIZE YOU BELONG TO SOMEONE, THEY'RE USELESS. YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW IT , THAT'S WHAT MATTERS." I said that as I began pressing my finger into his hole, looking for his prostate. ""MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH SIR. That feels so good. Only one thing could feel better." "REALLY? I smirked. "What could that be?" "Your cock Sir. Your cock." "ON ALL FOURS BOY. LIKE THE DOG YOU ARE." I uncuffed his wrists so that he could "assume the position." Then I backed up and filled the hole I had formed with my fingers. I had learned to tell how horny timmy was by how hard he pushed back when I fucked him. That night, he was really, REALLY horny. I'm not sure if I fucked him, or he fucked himself, but the pounding he got was, well, something fierce. I think every time I saw that "J" positioned on his right cheek, my cock grew a little. And he took it. And begged for more. He got it. I just drove in, and reached around to get those sensitive nipples. "SIR JOHN. YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM BEFORE YOU." "Learn some control, bottom, or you're gonna learn how hard I can spank." (Thank you 'Different Light'. That's where I had gotten the books I was quoting from). He squirmed and moaned, trying to hold back his orgasm. He wasn't going to make it, so he pulled a trick. He tightened his glutes around MY cock and I exploded. "Please sir. Catch my jizz. Don't let me stain your bed." He was that close. I put my hand in front to catch it. It's a good thing I have big hands. His climax was HUGE that night. I almost ran out of space. I got up to wash my hand off, and when I came back, he was laying on his back on the bed, smiling. "My Topman. Here he comes. DAMN. That was so great Sir John. Rookie of the year, Top division." His smile was lighting up the room. "Damn you're beautiful," was all I could say as I positioned myself next to him on the bed. He whispered. "You're gonna learn so much from me Sir John. The next man who gets you is gonna owe me. Big time." I didn't get a chance to ask him what he meant before he fell asleep, and I completely forgot the next morning. tim had to work that weekend: there was some kind of race/rally going on in the boroughs that I didn't much understand, so he needed to get to work. I slept in on the weekends, and he was gone before I got up. He had scribbled out a note. tim wasn't much of a writer, and I didn't keep the note (I wish I had), but it was something like this: "Sorry I can't be there. I'll make it up to you. If I call u at work, can you take the call? xoxoxoxoxoxxo. tim (your bottom)" I smiled so hard at "tim (your bottom)" I thought my face would crack. Not "your boyfriend," not "love, tim" or anything like that. I was in, deep, and I hoped I could get in deeper.

It was Thursday. My office phone rang "This is John." "Hi." "tim." "yes. I'm sorry. yes sir. " "I'm so glad to hear from you. What's up?" "Can you leave work early today, Sir?" I looked at my watch. It was 4. I wasn't scheduled to cover a late shift, so I answered "sure." "I'm on the corner. I got myself something new. I wanna show you." I grabbed my jacket - this was pre business casual, and I was in a blue pinstripe suit that day, and said a quick good night to everyone. tim was there, at the corner, sitting agains a new motorcycle. Slick, black, shiny. He had on a leather jacket over one of his signature t shirts, and his arms were folded. He had on a pair of his notoriously tight jeans, and I was glad my own slacks were "tenty." I walked over and he just smiled and said "Hi." "tim, it's gorgeous! I don't know bikes but....." "It's butch isn't it Sir?" "Ha ha. Well, yeah, but so are you." "Your butch bottom.' "Yup, my butch bottom." "How about you get behind me and I'll give you a ride home?" I had never ridden one of his... bikes. I wasn't certain but I said "SURE." He smiled. "I'm gonna love having your arms around my middle, and your crotch bumping up against me." He handed me a helmet. "Sorry, but it's required." He got on the bike, pointed to where I should sit. "Wrap your arms around me. Tight, but not as tight as in bed, ok, Sir?" I laughed. He said "I love feeling your arms around me Sir." Then he laughed because he felt my cock rub against him. "I like that better." Off we went. Manhattan is a small place, but weekday afternoons, the traffic can drive you crazy, even if you're not driving. tim was so even, so balanced, I was glad he was driving and not me. I would've gotten into at least six fights by the time we got home. I began thinking as we approached: I can't let him park this outside. "tim, let me go talk to the doorman." Our building had a garage, but since I didn't have a car, I didn't have a space. "She'll be fine on the street. She's fine in Queens. Your neighborhood is better than mine." I chuckled. "Five minutes. That's all it'll take." "Rule number one: tip the staff well." That's what my mom had said when I moved into the place. Best advice she ever gave me. Another 20 (it was the 80s, remember?), and we had a space for the bike: one of the residents was on an extended trip to Europe, so the space was "available." "How'd you like it?" tim was smiling as I joined him pushing the bike into the garage. "It was fun. I'd love to be riding it with you in the country." He smiled. "Let's think about that for the future, ok?" I grabbed his hand. "I'm thinking about the present. I'm thinking about the hot CHIPS cop who got kidnapped and is about to be violated." I know that excited him. he said though. "Hot CHIPS cop? We doing a three way?" Half hour later, tim was still in his motorcycle jacket, and his helmet, but he was tied in the chair I used to torture him. This time I had tape gagged his mouth, and I had the clamps.. My plan was I would push him to the point where he shot, and then I'd fuck him later that night. He wanted that play too. He hadn't anticipated it, and when I came over with the clamps, he pushed his nipples out as if to say "I DARE YOU." I dared. I had pulled his t shirt up so I could attach them, and then, when I pulled the shirt back down, I could see that my assumption was right: trapped as they were, the sensations were stronger. Gagged, unable to scream, he was squirming madly. Then... smiling, I pushed my knee into his crotch. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" was all I heard as I shifted that knee, left to right. I could feel his cock struggling. "Know what I think timmy? I saw something the other day: something I am REALLY thinking of getting you: a chastity cage. I'll put it on you when you leave, and I'll take it back when you return. Keep you from spending that jizz elsewhere." I was surprised. He didn't shake his head no. He was calling my bluff. I had to think about this, and I needed time. For now though... I opened his pants. Not surprisingly, that cock jumped out and it was "easy pickings" I had him right at the edge in minutes. Then I stopped. "You gonna give me your ass tonight, boy?" Eagerly, he shook his head yes. "GOOD. Let's empty you now." One squeeze, and it was all over. I didn't want to stain his clothes, so I had a handkerchief ready. As I caught his juice, I had a thought. "Gonna put this aside timmy. When you least expect it, it's going into your mouth." Before I untied him completely I kissed him and asked "Can I take you to dinner? Maybe the casual tex mex around the corner?" "I never say no to burritos with you," he grinned. There was a touch of Mexican blood in tim, and he used to refer to my cock as the "gringo burrito" I laughed. "You're a pig. let's see if they have a pinga burrito tonight." I tossed my jacket over a chair and went to change. When I came back, he had put the jacket on over his t shirt. The leather jacket was on the table, and he was smiling. "Can I wear this to dinner tonight, Sir John? It has your smell. It makes me... hungry. " I laughed. "You can, but you look so much hotter in the leather jacket. "Just for a little while. I wanna feel like you. " "I'd wear yours then, but I'm too bit. I'd tear it." "Maybe we gotta get you one then."

It was warm in the restaurant, so he took the jacket off. I loved seeing my boy in his tight t shirt. We were sipping margaritas when the waitress brought us menus. After she left, tim looked up and handed me his menu. "John, I want you to order for me because, well.. it's time for the next stage." "Next stage? What do you mean?" He reached under the table (remember, it was the 80s), and squeezed my hand. "What we're doing is great. I love it. I JUST LOVE IT. But.... the thought of you being in control... John I can't tell you how excited that makes me. Start with this. Order my dinner for me. It's called domination. I wanna be your submissive. You take charge. Completely. "tim I... I don't know what to say." "I know, Sir, I know. I'm asking for a lot, but... " He was, but I could feel my horniness growing even more. "Let's try it tim. Did Earl dominate you." He looked away for a minute. "He did, but... his domination was about sex. Only sex. it's all he cared about." He smiled. "Me too. Don't take this the wrong way, he was much bigger than you and screwing was... different." "Well, that's ok. I like to think he prepared you for me." He laughed. "I think the same thing. " "So let's try it tim. Let's see how it goes. I don't know how good I'll be." "You said that about topping, and you're awesome at it." The waitress came over and I took a deep breath. I ordered for myself first, and then for tim. After she left, he smiled. "BUENO. You did the right thing by not following the rules and giving my order first. Subs wait while their Doms take over." I stopped after two margaritas, because that was my "tipping point." Had I had a third one, I wouldn't have been sober enough to screw timmy that night, and I wanted to screw him so bad, it wasn't funny. And I wanted him more when he said "I hope this is ok, Sir John. I took the day off tomorrow. I thought I could spend some time with you. Is that ok?" "Tomorrow morning, I'll call in sick. I have the time coming. You have any ideas for the day?" He smiled. "Just to be with my new Dom." I signaled for the check. When we got out on the street, I told myself. "Ok. If you're gonna do this, no time like the present. "WHY AREN'T THOSE HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK TIMMY?" "Sorry Sir. I forgot." He put them behind him immediately. "Don't make me tell you again." "No Sir. You won't have to." In the apartment, I looked at him. "NAKED. ON THE BED. GRAB YOUR ANKLES BOTTOM. I WANT THAT ASS." "YES SIR" He did as he was told, and grabbed those ankles, his ass poised for taking. Before I shoved my cock in, I began tonguing him. I hadn't done that more than once or twice, and the shocked sound when I did it now, let me know: it was the right call. I was deliberate, even though it was killing me to wait. When his moans, and his begging to get fucked got loud, I started. I thought I needed it, but so did he. Who needed it more? I don't know. I have to say that, at some point, I stopped thinking about tim: all I was thinking about what was I wanted, what I needed. And I needed to fuck him so hard that, if it hurt, so be it. Him mentioning Earl's sexual abilities had pissed me off a little: like he was baiting me. I was going to give him the hardest pounding I possibly could. I looked at him: "YOU TIGHTEN THOSE GLUTES BEFORE I SAY TO, AND I'LL RIP THESE BALLS OFF." "OH GOD NO SIR. I WOULDN'T DO THAT. ." After I had pounded him for a good ten minutes (I have no idea how I withheld my jizz that long), I went back to eating his ass again. Every bit of Spanish came out of him: I didn't much understand, but he wasn't saying an Ave Maria. Then I got back to work with my cock, and this time, it was fast and rough. "OH YES DADDY JOHN OH YES. TAKE YOUR SUB . TAKE ME. LET ME KNOW WHO'S BOSS. FIRST AND ALWAYS... FUCK MY WORTHLESS ASS!!!!" OH SHIT was I tired after that fucking. I smiled. "timmy, if we're gonna spend the day together, let's get some rest. I want as much time with you as I can get." "Yes sir. I agree but.. whatever you want." He cuddled into me. We were both getting more of what we wanted. I'll tell you more about that day together next time. Let me just say that now, 40 years later, it remains the best day I have ever spent with a lover. And to give you some hints, we did some shopping that day too. I bought timmy a chastity cage. And I bought myself a leather jacket.

Next: Chapter 4

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