Training to Be a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 4, 2021


Timmy and I (and later, when I started calling him tim again), had a lot of good days together, but the one after that night was the best day.... ever. Not just with timmy, but with any lover, or partner, or bottom, or sub, I have ever had. How did it start? Well, neither one of us were late sleepers, so we were up earlier than you might think for a summer Sunday. I don't remember which one of us woke up first, but I do remember we were face to face, not speaking, sort of smiling, until timmy said "Are you gonna do anything besides stare?" and opened his mouth for his tongue. Even with "morning breath," kissing him was such a sweet, wonderful act. His mouth was so receptive - always. I mean, there were times when I needed to "persuade" him to open up, but he always did, and for the beginning Dom I was, his total receptivity just drove me wild: I wanted him constantly: and he knew it. There were times when I was French kissing him, that I'd see the look in his eyes. They were bright, and smiley, and sometimes I could almost hear him thinking "who's REALLY the Top?"

I was learning how to cook, and I made us a breakfast of French Toast (perhaps to honor the incredible length of time we had just spent kissing). I remember the maple syrup beaded up a little on his moustache (what I'd give to see that moustache again), and when I moved a napkin in to wipe it off, he smiled. "A REAL Dom would force me to lick it off myself, and then put some on his cockhead and make me lick it there." "No thanks," I remember saying. "Last thing I need is sticky balls." "I'll clean them for you Mr. John. I promise." I took him up on that a little bit in the future, but it wasn't maple syrup. It was honey.

So we finished our breakfast, cleaned up, and got on our way. I lived a few blocks from Central Park and I suggested we take a walk across. I still remember him saying "You know, in all my life, I've never been in Central Park." We were early so I couldn't take him to the Carousel like I wanted to. I don't think that they would have been pleased with the two of us riding a horse together like we did on timmy's motorcycle, but I would've loved to see that face as the carousel spun. Instead, we started walking. When he heard the quacking from the lake, he stopped. "Are those ducks?" "Oh yes, there's a big lake here. THAT'S RIGHT! You've never seen them. Let's go." Oh, for a camera that day! My sweet timmy was standing there, his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his 501s, standing perfectly still as the ducks came up and pecked at his laces. The smile across his face, as he watched them at his feet, and then go "duck paddling" across the lake, was priceless. "This has been here all the while and I didn't know it. WOW. I don't want to leave." I stood beside him and put my arm around him. "We can come back, or we can just stay here for the day. It's up to you." "You're the Boss , Sir," he answered. I guess I had gained a little wisdom, because I told him "Sometimes being the Boss means letting someone else make a decision." He smiled at that as if to say "you're learning." "Let's come back again. Boys town is waiting for us. " In that one sentence, you could tell that timmy was NOT from New York City: no, we called it "The Village," but there's only one "The Village," and many places have their "boys town." So off we went. timmy was used to riding his "hog" as he sometimes called his bike, so I led the way through NYC's subway system. "I wanted to come here because I want to hold hands," he said. "I don't think anyone would've minded in that park, but they expect it here." And hold hands we did. When we weren't stopping at street corners to neck, or to hug. More than one man or couple, or even the few lesbians who were down there that day, stopped and smiled. One lesbian introduced herself. I'm still friends with Laura. She told us how adorable we looked, and she wished that everyone could just see us. It would end any kind of homophobia. She gave us each one of her cards. I've never asked her if she's still in touch with timmy, and she's never said anything at our monthly brunches.

"Here, Sir John. This is where I wanted to take you." I may have heard of "The Pleasure Chest" at some point, but only vaguely, and I had never been in it. Talk about a kid in a candy store! I didn't recognize some of the stuff, but timmy explained. That's where I learned about humblers, about pumps and catheters, and... chastity cages. "You put this on your bottom, and you keep the lock. Then, he can piss, but he can't jerk off. He can get hard, but he can't do anything unless you unlock him. " "Hmmmmmmmmmm." I said, and I saw the mischievous look in timmy's eyes.

"You mean I could make sure you don't do anything unless you're at my place?" "Did I say that?" he smiled. I looked at the clerk. "Could you put this aside for us, please? We're still looking around. " He smiled. It was still early. Later in the day, he wouldn't have time to be so friendly. Then I saw the leather cock rings? "What's this timmy?" He blushed. "Nothing you need to know about." And the clerk came over. "Oh, that. A cock ring. Here. Take a look." He pulled out a magazine and showed me a model wearing one. "You put it on, and it keeps you erect. You can make it loose, or you can make it tight." He looked at me and smiled. "I like my guy to wear it tight." "I'm not wearing one," timmy said. "You are if I tell you to." "Uh-uh." "Put that with the cage, Sir." He gave me a thumbs up. We continued to look around the store. "Hey, Sir John, could you try this on?" timmy was holding out a leather biker's jacket. "NO I CANNOT. I'LL LOOK RIDICULOUS IN IT." "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? Pretty please, Sir?" He gave me the doe eyes I couldn't resist. "Well, ok. Just for a minute. " He helped me get it on, making a joke about being my valet. "Sir John... You have to get it. You look... GEEZ. You just went from being incredibly cute, to being incredibly hot." "He's right John," the clerk said. So I took a look in the mirror. timmy was right. I had to have it, though I said no to the reflector glasses he wanted me to get as well. We left with my having spent a good deal more than I had planned to, because we also bought some leather arm bands ("for when we go to our first leather club," timmy said), and I saw this little toy that looked like a pie cutter, but the clerk told me, grinning "No, you use those on your bottom, especially his feet." He looked at timmy, who was giving him the dirtiest look. "It'll drive him crazy. Somewhere between tickling and torturing." "So you have to tie him up when you do it?" I asked "It's a good idea if he's ticklish."

We walked down some other streets and then, I saw something in a window. As far as I knew, timmy's wardrobe was 90 percent t shirts, and I loved how he looked in them, especially the way his nips pointed out and his arms filled the sleeves. But now I saw this shirt in a window: polo, but it just looked, well... hot. Not for me, but... " "I'm buying that for you," I held him by his bicep. "I have enough shirts, Sir." he said, but then he saw my look "But of course, if you want me to wear it." I did. I asked the cashier to put his t shirt in my bag with the leather jacket, and I had him wear it the rest of the day.

Things almost got, well, ugly, when we sat down to have lunch. The place is long gone, but they specialized in two things: fancy burgers, and omelets. Did I say specialized? That's ALL they made. And as we were eating guacamole and pizza burgers, someone came over and sat down next to timmy: a tall red haired guy (the red was clearly a dye job), fashionably dressed, and draped his arm over my lover. "HI TIMMY! It's been too long. Where you been?" When timmy was embarrassed, he'd get very quiet. And he got very quiet as this guy ran his fingers up and down timmy's arm. "This shirt? It's not you? Are you selling out on us?" timmy gave me a look that said 'help me," so I interrupted. "Hi, I don't think we've met. I'm John. I'm timmy's boyfriend. Big red smiled and laughed. "Hon, we're ALL timmy's boyfriend. I think he's fucked half of the Village. Isn't he good?" I had always been a quick thinker, and I responded. "The best. That's why I'm not letting him go. I'm glad you like the shirt. I got it for timmy to celebrate going steady." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. timmy boy. You're giving up the piers and all your sweethearts for Wall Street?" He looked at me. "Tell me the truth darling: did you buy him a new motorbike? Or was it something else?" timmy was trying very hard to look away from what was about to become a very big cat fight, and I said. "It was something else. It's hanging between my legs." Big Red's mouth dropped. "TIMMY? You're giving up your ass to.... Mr. Pinstripe?" timmy was still befuddled, so I answered "at least once a day, and twice on Sunday. OH, and it's Sunday. timmy we gotta get started back home." And that's when my timmy made me proud. He looked at me and said "yes sir," and I saw Big Red nearly faint." "OH MY. Momma's got to go out and announce. Someone flipped our timmy. The girls'll be gathering. Got to get going. Kissy kissy timmy timmy" He air kisssed my boy, and then headed out. I didn't get a good bye, or a nice to meet you, or anything. After he was gone, timmy looked at me. "I can explain" "You don't have to. Are you sleeping with anyone besides me now?" He paused. "No sir. There was someone at the start, but no one else." "GOOD. " I grinned. "Then you won't mind wearing the cock cage when you go home." "Seriously Sir, I'm really sorry that happened". I smiled and took his hand. "Don't be sorry. You have a history. So what? " Then I said something that made him smile. "I'm the present tense. Now if you like, we'll stop and get some stale bread, and we can visit the ducks again. They'll be glad to see you." They were. I think we had six bags of hot dog buns, and when they were done, timmy looked at me "Can we go take a walk in those trees?" "Well, we can, but it's very deserted." He flashed me a smile. We were young, the time was not right for anything more but kissing, but kiss we did. We kissed so much that I had to ask him if we could leave because "I'd stain myself and I'd rather be staining you."

We got back to my place and he asked "I wore the shirt, now you wear the jacket. But take your shirt off first. I wanna see flesh and leather on you. Nothing else." How could I turn him down? "SHIT. I shoulda made you buy a harness too. Next time." He game over and got on his knees. He began licking and nibbling at my crotch. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. "Did you have permission for that?" "No Sir. " "Well, then you know there's punishment in front of you." I pointed to the fold out bed. "Open it. Get on it. " "Yes sir," he answered. When he was laying there, I stripped off the jacket. Now I was bare chested as I put my hand up his shirt. I began gently stroking his hairy belly. "So you don't wanna wear the cock ring?" "No Sir. Anything but the cock ring." ( I found out, later, that Earl had made him wear one, and it reminded him too much of "those days," but I didn't know that now." "You are going to wear that cock ring, and I'm gonna put it on you myself. " I began nibbling his earlobe which I knew would have the effect I wanted. "NO. NO. THAT'S UNFAIR. NO.. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGH. NO. COME ON JOHN. NO.. .MMMMMMM" I had moved my tongue into his ear and he calmed down. Until I began toying with his nipples through the shirt. "Sir, I've been hard for you all day. That's making me want you more. " "Then get undressed. And on all fours on the bed." "OH GOD YES SIR. Can I see your cock before..." I dropped my pants. I walked toward him "Get it wet. Lube it. It's gonna be your spit that protects your ass. "FUCK YES SIR JOHN" Well, it wasn't JUST his spit. Mine went in there too. I pushed his cheeks apart, and my tongue, which had been down his throat for most of the day, was now in his ass. He pushed back, wanting more. I stopped, and smacked each cheek four or five times. "WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT, BOTTOM BOY?" "No one Sir. No one. " "Back your ass up. Get as much of my tongue as you can. " "GRRRRRRRRRRR. Yes sir. Yes sir.." He wanted a lot. And I gave it to him. He was moaning, and so aroused, that he didn't even know when I reached around and began attaching the cock ring. "HEY. NO SIR. NO." He tried to slip away from me, but on all fours, he couldn't move well, and I flipped him on his back. "I can get the tickling toy, and I can make you BEG for it. Or..." I went in for his neck and began scruffing him." "OH SHIT SIR. OH SHIT. YOU'RE TURNING ME INTO MELTED ICE CREAM." "A part of you better stay hard, boy." I whispered "I told you you're gonna wear it. Now you're gonna wear it." He swallowed hard, and then said, half sighing. "Yes sir." "And you're gonna wear it tight." "Yes sir." "You wear it here. Away from here, you wear the cage." "yes sir." I locked him into the ring. "NOW GET BACK ON ALL FOURS. AND BE GRATEFUL I DIDN'T BUY THE THIRTEEN INCH DILDO." Instead, my hard seven started shoving into timmy's lubricated ass. His cock began to stiffen (I used to call it "the Cobra because, well, I guess I didn't tell you. timmy wasn't cut, but I was. I might not have told you something else: I understood why that Big Red guy talked about timmy the way he did. I was average, or just more than average. timmy was BIG. Probably 9.5 and thick. I could've called him coke bottle cock too, but somehow, when his cock head poked out, I thought of the snakes at the zoo). While I fucked him, I reached under him and grabbed his balls. He loved that, and with the cock ring, well, they seemed to be way more sensitive. timmy was a groaner, and the combination of his groans, with his moans as my cock drilled him was getting me hotter, and hotter. I stretched out so I could whisper into his ear "you better hope for a big orgasm, bottom boy, because when you leave here, that cock is gonna belong to me." I said the right thing. He shot, and screamed so loud I had to cover his mouth with my hand (not that either one of us minded that!), to make sure my next door neighbor wasn't disturbed. I filled his "cream puff" as he called his ass, right after that, spilling into him and pushing to get out more. I always felt like I could get a bit more into timmy, and he didn't object. In fact, he would help by pulsing his glutes, or saying something like "that all you got, big guy?" or anything to get me to shoot more. It was two tired gay guys who fell asleep on top of each other. We slept for about a half an hour. It was one of those days when timmy couldn't stay over: he was opening what he called "the hog wallow" the next morning, so he'd have to be back in Queens in time to get some sleep and get to work. He must've thought I had forgotten about the chastity cage, because he was stunned when I grabbed him, threw him down on the bed, and locked him. timmy was more experienced, but I was stronger, and he was NOT getting that key. "You'll have to come by sooner. Ignore some of your many admirers handsome. And come back to the one who TRULY loves you." In retrospect, saying that was a mistake. How do I explain it? This doesn't do the trick, but for timmy, sex was something buddies did together: sort of like playing softball. "Love" was something he didn't factor into his sex life: "love" was something he had saved for his mother, and she had left him. The way he would leave me. But we're getting there. There was a lot more hot sex and a lot more education for me, before that happened.

Next: Chapter 5

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