Training to Be a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 19, 2021


Well, to this day I'm really glad that I followed Laura's "advice" (she insisted they were directives), and went out to see tim that weekend, because it was the next to last weekend I ever saw him. That's all coming up, but first, the motorcycle meet. I had never been to one. I guess they're way more popular outside of NYC, but finding places where they happen in NYC is not easy, unless you've put in the work to become a part of them. tim had. I could tell, even on that Sunday, that he wasn't all that keen on my being there. "tim, if you want me to stay home, I will. Or I'll leave. This is your world. " He looked down and shook his head. "No Sir. I want you to be there. I think. I'm just..." "tim, are you nervous about people thinking you're gay?" He blushed but didn't answer. "Ok, I promise. We'll do all the 'gay stuff' (his phrase) here, and not there. I won't even hug you when you win." He smiled because I said "when" and not "if." "Seriously, I think I could play the part of the guy who used to fill your tank who you saw at the station catching up with friends." "That's not a role, Sir, it's true." "Then stop worrying . Now go win your race." He smiled. "Yes sir," and he stood still in front of me. He'd never ask. He wanted a kiss. He got one. He got a BIG long one. "There are more of those waiting."

When we got to the meet, tim brought me over to a big, bald guy with a long beard. "Brock, this is my bud John. He was around and wanted to watch. That ok?" Brock held out a hand. "Sorry if it's a little greasy pal. If you don't mind grease, you're more than welcome " "No problems with grease, Brock. I did lube jobs for years. I still do them sometimes." I saw tim began to change color. I made him a promise, but... I couldn't help myself. "Heh heh. I understand whacha mean, John. It's not much of a stand, but there are seats over there. Mostly family, some friends, a girlfriend or two " Before I left I smiled at tim. "Best of luck" and that was all. I went and found a seat.

tim's race was deep in the event. I had some water with me which made sitting in the heat easier. I was alone, so I could listen in on the conversations people were having without too much trouble. Most of it was a foreign language to me: technical motorcycle stuff. There was ONE conversation thread that I wish I had heard more of "Hey. Earl was here last week. Did you see him?" "NO! I wish I had. I miss that old bastard." "Right? He was hanging out before he went back west. He may have gotten in touch with Tim, I don't know. Lotsa damage there." "Yeah, right? If I were Tim, I wouldn't let him back in." Ok.. now I had some info. And it was the kind of info that, well, I wasn't comfortable using it in a scene, and it was information that I was really uncomfortable asking tim about. I honestly didn't think he had spent any time with Earl, if Earl were around. Instead, knowing tim, I figured he had probably hid in the house so he didn't have to see Earl.

Was I right? I don't think so, but I don't know. I never learned.

I think I remember that there were six bikes in timmy's race. He was using a bike different from the one he used when he rode to my place: this one was clearly more powerful. He took the lead right away. I remember he told me that he would lose patience if he were at the back of the pack, so his approach was always to go out fast, and then try to hold off the rest of the heat. That strategy seemed to be working for most of the race. I do remember when the referee brought down the flag for the last lap, timmy seemed to drift just for a second. He righted himself, but by the time he did, one of the other bikes in the pack had accelerated and taken a risky path to the front. timmy's bike looked like it had the power to catch up, but the guy had a strategy. He pretty much rode so that if timmy had tried to pass him, there would have been a foul. It was second place for timmy when the race was over. He had his helmet on, so I didn't really see any look of disappointment. By the time he took it off to congratulate the winner, he had that sly smile that always turned me on - the way it did that day. He shook hands with the winner, who seemed to be someone he knew (I found out later that they were in the same club, so from the standpoint of the team competition, timmy's team had scored the maximum amount of points). I held back because... it was the 80s, and it was timmy. I waited until he got the bike back to the holding pen, and he found me. I wanted to hug him: I wanted to whisper into his ear that I had watched his ass bounce around the track and it wasn't going to be long.... instead, I shook his hand. "Good race cuz. I'm impressed. He smiled. "Were you? Really?" "Hell yeah. I got to see you do what you love. And you're a star." Then, HE whispered into MY ear: "you get to see me do what I love every time I'm under you: taking your cock. And as soon as I get cleaned up, you better be ready to fill me up. Sir." It was the most graphic timmy had ever been. "You have ten minutes. And if you're not ready to go home , I'm gonna make you blow me in front of the crowd" I answered. "You would, too, wouldn't you?" He smiled. "Now you have nine." He was ready. We got on his regular bike and got back to his house. He had on that denim outfit that drove me crazy, and because it was Sunday, and the street was sleepy, I grabbed one of his ass cheeks as he opened the door. "Who's is this?" "I think I'm gonna find out. Sir" he teased me. The teasing was over when we got in the house. He didn't expect what I did next, which was to grab him around the middle, from behind, and pull him off the ground. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. HELP! I'm being assaulted. HELLLLLLLLLLLP!" He squirmed in my arms as I pulled him into the bedroom and dumped him face down on the bed. "Can I at least take off my jacket, SIR?" "NO!" I bellowed. Then I pulled the belt out of his jeans, and secured his wrists with it. I wanted, more than anything else in the world, to pull off MY belt and give him a good solid whipping. I didn't think I could hold out that long, though, and I just pulled off his boots, got his jeans down and spread his cheeks apart. "GET READY TO TAKE IT BOTTOM BOI." "GIVE IT TO ME BOSS. GIVE IT TO ME. GIVE ME WHAT I NEED. OH YEAH!!!!!" He began to moan as I plowed him. Sometimes I was gentle with him, sometimes I was rough and that afternoon, well... maybe being in the outdoors, maybe it WAS his ass bouncing up and down in the bike seat, maybe it was a lot of things, but I fucked him harder than I ever did. "What did you eat for breakfast SIR? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "If you don't shut up, I'm gonna eat you for lunch. " "I'll eat you for lunch Sir. I need sausage. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" My cock got harder and harder, and then... I began spilling into him. I leaned down and kissed his ear. "I'm the winner timmy. I've got you. My trophy boy." He smiled. "Trophy bitch Sir. That's me." I could only stay a few more hours. It was Sunday, and he had to work the next day, so did I, and if the trip had been long on Friday, it was gonna be MUCH longer on Sunday afternoon. So after I got timmy dressed again, I grabbed him, hogtied him, left him on his side, and I'd tweak his nips every fifteen minutes or so, or run my tongue along his lips. "Last thing I'm gonna do is jerk you, before I lock you up for the week. " I grinned. "My place next. I'm gonna have a surprise for you."

I did, too. Remember when I said I thought he'd be hot in that denim and an oxford shirt? During the week, I got out to one of the nearby department stores. I had been planning to buy him a white shirt, in the size I liked, not the bigger one he would've bought. I did. But I got a yellow one, and a blue one too. Hey, he was coming by on Friday, which meant I got to dress him for 3 days. I laid the shirts out where I could see them, and every night, I fell asleep imagining my lover in those outfits, and jerked off happily.

"Hi." It was Wednesday night, and timmy was calling. "Hey handsome. Good to hear from you. Everything ok." "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be, Sir?" I laughed. "Hey don't gimme an argument bitch. I'm just surprised to hear from you." "Well, I'm calling with a request Sir. Sunday... can we go and see the ducks before I head home? Can I feed them too?" "Oh, SURE. I didn't really plan anything for us other than... " "Yessssssssssssss?" he asked. "I think you know.... " He responded the way he usually did. With a cat growl.

"OH. Look at my beautiful boy. LOOK at that great stache." It was Friday, just about 7. timmy had buzzed to let me know he was there, and he walked into my apartment. I opened the door and, since he didn't need his hands, he put them behind his back. Yes, he DID where the denim jacket, and the jeans... and one of the polos I had bought him that made his nips poke out. I went for them right away. "you miss me this week, timmy." He was moaning already. "Oh, yes SIR. OH YES. Your bitch has been wanting you... since Sunday night." "And you couldn't jerk off. ha ha ha." "No Sir. My cock belongs to you. " "ALL of you belongs to me. Take off your shirt." "Can you take it off for me Sir?" He smiled. He knew I loved undressing him. I got the shirt off, and then put him in a chair, where I tied him. Then I pulled out one of my gags. "I think you can stand to wait a bit more, timmy boy. But you DO need stimulation." I grabbed the nipple clamps, and attached them. When I began to hear the moans, I smiled. "Let me go and finish this book. I'll be back." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." I saw his eyes get brighter. timmy loved trying to get out of my ropes. He never could, but he struggled anyway. I think he liked the feel of the ropes moving on his skin and when he was clamped, well, the bite was something I KNOW he loved, because if I didn't gag him, he'd beg me to twist them, to tighten them, to "make me FEEL IT Sir". I finished my chapter and walked over. I tweaked the clamps. "So. My boy here for the weekend? "mmmmmph. He shook his head yes. " "You like the bite?" He shook his head yes even harder. "Well, how about we leave them on and I take you face up?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!!" Oh, he was so excited. I took him out of the chair, and moved him to my bed. I thought about the wrist restraints, but I didn't need them. I'd play with the chain instead. And I did, as I got timmy undressed, and his legs spread. I kept him gagged throughout too. I was getting set to shove in my cock, and I thought... .hmmmm. Haven't done that in a while, and I pushed up his legs. "Grab your knees timmy boy. Someone wants a snack." He knew what was going to happen, and I dug my tongue into him. Every now and then, as I got him REALLY good and wet, I'd pull the clamps. And then, I took him nice and slow. As I buried in, I'd pause and look at him, smiling, before I'd call him a cunt, or a bitch, or something else like that. I saw his head moving about and his eyes rolling in his head. Yes, he was getting into it. So was I. I got about halfway through my plan before I abandoned it, and plunged in, HARD. Then I stopped. He was thrashing around as if he were some big, hunky harpooned fish, and then I started sliding back and forth. "MMPHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHMMMMMM" He was nodding yes, and he meant it. I kept at it and, after about ten minutes, my orgasm began . I knew he was coming over on Friday, so I hadn't jerked on Thursday. GOD did he feel good. I fell down on him, forgetting he had the clamps on, which provoked a NOT pleased yell through his gag. "OOOPS. sorry timmy boy." I got them off, and then I nuzzled into his neck, licking it and his ear, not saying what I wanted to. I just said "I'm so glad you're here timmy boy. I'm so glad things brought us together. " He rolled around, and reached behind to undo his gag. He held me and whispered "sometimes, things happen for reasons we don't understand. They work out for the best."

He was surprised by the shirts I got him. I made him try on all three. I think we both liked the blue one best. They were all the same size, but the blue one seemed cut tighter, and it suited him. "Can I wear it on Sunday Sir? The white one tonight?" I smiled. I had been thinking the same thing. "You want dinner at that greasy Mexican place you like so much." "Yes sir." I was right: the white shirt and the denim jacket: my hottie got hotter. After dinner I wanted to get romantic, but oddly, tim fell asleep. He wasn't that kinda guy and he hadn't drank much at dinner, but he was out like a light. I got him into bed, and joined him. Sometime that night, I heard him talking in his sleep. Or, rather, begging for someone to "not make me do that. Please. PLEASE. " He began to cry. I got him up. "timmy. TIMMY. It's a bad dream. That's all." He jumped up and looked at me like I were crazy. "Oh. Sorry Sir. I didn't want to wake you up. Just... I didn't sleep well last week." He grinned. "It's getting hard not sleeping with you holding me Sir." "Well, I think I can take care of that tonight. Need some water?" "No Sir. Just a kiss."

He went to sleep after that, with no incident. On Saturday, I thought we'd take a trip to one of my favorite places: the zoo. timmy came, but it turned out to be a mistake. "All those cages. Who gets the right to lock them up Sir? I mean, do they look happy to you?" "I think they do." "Sir, you're wrong. I'M happy when you lock me up. These animals? No Sir. Please. I hate to disagree with you but... can we leave?" "Of course. How about going to the gardens? No animals there, just plants." "I don't know much about plants Sir." "Neither do I. All I know is that they're pretty, and sometimes they smell good. Just like you." He whispered to me: "you just made my dick boing against the cage Sir." I'm sure he knew why I was walking just behind him for our little field trip It was warm, so he had taken off his denim jacket, and I had taken off my leather one. He slung it over his shoulder, and as I was watching him walk, his ass bouncing, and I saw the other gay men checking him out, I kept on thinking "he's MINE. ALL MINE" I thought he was.

"I made a reservation at one of MY favorite places timmy. We're gonna need your bike to get there. You ok with that?" "Sure Sir. Do I need to change?" I smiled. The place we were going to was fancy, but the customers weren't. "Nah. A hot guy can go anywhere he wants dressed anyway he wants. " He gave me his animal growl. We were going down to the Village, to a place that I had discovered. It wasnt' secret, but it was sort of the "fancy gay" restaurant. Linen, good china, a host in a suit and tie: Peter was his name . He and I became lovers not too far in the future, but that's another story. Anyhow, timmy wasn't used to this kind of restaurant. He adapted. "That soup. Is it carrot Sir?" "Carrot and butternut. Do you like it?" "I want to eat six bowls of it Sir. Yes, I do." I took his hand. It was ok here. There was a LOT of affection being shown . Again, timmy wasn't used to that, but he got into it. "How about you come and sit next to me timmy, instead of opposite me?" "OH, YES SIR. I was hoping you'd ask." I ran my hand up and down his thigh, and he whispered again "Sir... I won't be able to eat. " "Oh yeah, you'll be able to eat. You just better keep room for something else." Dinner took a while, and it was nearly 3 hours later when we were leaving. The restaurant was closing: Peter was in the front, with his tie and jacket off. "Did you gentlemen enjoy your meal?" "Very much. Thank you," I said and timmy added. "It was the second best thing I've ever eaten." Peter laughed. "I hope you don't mind my saying this: you're the hottest couple who've been in here in a long time. I hope you'll come back. Call me if you need a reservation." He gave both of us a card. "That was so sweet, wasn't it?" I said to timmy. He snorted. "He was trying to get an invitation home with us. Wanted a three way." I laughed. "How did you know that?" "Because he kept on staring at your crotch Sir." "Well, I'm not interested. What DOES interest me, is how soft your mouth is, because I need my cock sucked. BIG TIME. It wasn't too long after we got in, that timmy was on his knees. I opened the yellow shirt and I very gently played with his nips. He sucked like a champ. He knew I was giving his ass a chance to recover, and I was gonna blow in his mouth, so he was making it last. And it did. Until I couldn't take it anymore, shoved his head forward, and filled him with more than the restaurant's good food. He cried in his sleep again that night. Louder. And it took me longer to wake him up. Something was not right. Foolishly, I didn't press. timmy was very private in his emotions, and I didn't want him to feel suffocated. At least not when my dick wasn't in his mouth.

timmy in blue is one of the hottest things I will ever see. He had some issues with his self image, but even timmy knew: he was strutting like some fancy rooster after he was dressed on Sunday. "DAMN. Those ducks may have to wait." He smiled. "I guess they will. " "And I guess you'll have to get dressed up again" . This time, I DID tie him down, Face down. And I was not gentle. He was so HOT, I fucked him like it was going to be the last time I ever did. It was. When I was in the bathroom getting ready, timmy took the key to his cage. He knew where it was, and he knew the rules. I didn't realize it was gone until later that week. But I didn't know it THEN, so I just grabbed the big bag of stale bread, and smiled. "Let's go see your buds." timmy was always silent when he fed those birds. Not today. It seemed that he had given each of them a name and I didn't know about it. As he threw bread, he would say things like "goodbye Mrs. Mertz. I'll miss you," or "Take care of the wife Mr. Tanner. I'm not gonna be here to help you." I thought he was just talking about the week. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was. Again, I should have pressed when, as we said goodbye on Sunday, he woudn't let go of me for a while, and began crying. "I thought I was gonna be teaching you Sir, but you have no idea how much YOU taught me." He looked me in the eye and said "I love you Sir John. I'll always be your bitch."

I waved to him as he drove off, thinking that we'd talk during the week, and I'd see him the next weekend.

"The number you called has been disconnected." Hmmm, I thought when I called tim's home on Wednesday. "Must've put in the wrong numbers." I tried a second time, a third time, and a fourth time. Same thing. How weird. I'd have to wait for timmy's call. It never came.

I began to get really, REALLY worried. So on the next Saturday, I took the trip to his neighborhood. I triple checked I had the address, because there was a sign in the window of timmy's apartment. "For rent. Inquire with Mrs. Shlotz" . "HUH?" Well, I took down the number and called Mrs. Shlotz and, after I got through her suspicions, she sighed. "Yes, Tim. Such a GOOD TENANT. And the best custodian I've ever had. When he told me he was moving, it was a sad day." Mrs. Shlotz, forgive me if I'm asking for more than I should, but, when did he tell you he was moving?" "Oh, it was at the end of last month. His lease was coming up for renewal, and he apologized for not giving me more notice, but ... " she sighed. "He gave me 30 days notice, and that's all I can ask for." "Gee. Again, I'm sorry. Did he tell you where he was going?" "Oh, now I have to test my memory. Colorado. YES COLORADO! He was moving back to his mother's house. It's been empty since she died." I was stunned. I had no idea. What she told me next, well... "Thank heavens he had that nice man Earl to help him move. He had SO much stuff. " I drank myself to sleep that night. And the next night. The third night, I cried myself to sleep. I never learned what happened. I never heard from tim again. Or Earl. I was really desperate, and I called the filling station where I had met him. "Yeah, he left his bikes here for us to sell. Told us to wire him the money if we did." "Well.... how much are they?" They gave me the price. Two days later, Laura, who COULD drive, was behind the wheel of a U haul as we went and picked up the one I bought - the one I had ridden on. She wasn't pleased. "YOU CAN'T EVEN DRIVE A STICK WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH A BIKE HE LEFT YOU CONO I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMARTER." When I started to cry, she stopped. "I'm sorry querido. Let's have dinner tonight. They allow women in that restaurant you went to with him?" "You mean Natalie's? I think they'd have problems with a lesbian couple, but I could always say you're my sister." "You wouldn't be lying John." I had rented a space in a garage near my apartment and I stored the motorcycle there until, well, I got over tim. It took a while. But when we got back to my place, I called the restaurant. "Natalie's this is Peter speaking." "Hi Peter. John here. Remember me." I could hear him smiling. "How could I forget you. You and tim. You want to come in tonight?" "Well, yes, but it'll be me and my sister Laura. That ok with you?" "Of course. It's none of my business, Sir, but... is tim away?" "I'm not ready to talk about it." "I understand. I'll make sure you and Laura have some privacy."

"These are on the house," Peter brought over our drinks himself. Laura grinned. "OH MY GOODNESS. I think I just met your next boyfriend." "LAURA! Please. " "OH JOHN STOP ACTING LIKE A WIDOW IN A TELENOVELA. GEEZ. You're so young it isn't funny. Take that boy home and fuck the shit out of him." "Not tonight. I'm with my sister." "What makes you think I'm leaving? " Then she laughed. Well, I left MY number for Peter that night, and a few days later, he called me. "I only get Tuesday and Wednesday nights off, but... if you'd like to catch a drink." I did. And we did. And Laura was right. He DID become my next boyfriend. And that's a whole 'nother story. Peter was tall and thin: about as physically different as one man could be from timmy. I had to adapt my whole bondage routine. And I had fun doing it.

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