Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 25, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Thirteen

"Tristan, I hope you have enjoyed the celebration. Unless you return to Grinix you may never experience anything even close to what you have for the last couple days. From what the Sphinx said they will never again leave Grinix, it has been very seldom that there was a gathering of so many representatives from the planets of the Milky Way." Tristan and the Major had been resting while watching the attendees enjoying the Major's orgy, they had both been approached to rejoin the party but the Major had not been willing and had requested that Tristan follow the Sphinx's request that he remain abstinent for the next few days although Tristan hadn't known why.

"Major, there is more I would like to learn about the visitations of the inhabitants of the other planets to Earth. Will you fill me in on them or is there some one else I should talk with to learn about that?" Tristan had not heard about much other than a few of the visits, understanding that they were the cause of many of Earth's myths and religions he felt he should learn more.

"Your journey back to Earth is going to be much sooner than you planned, I think the best source of that information may be found with the Centaurs. You should use some of the extra time to visit with Chiron XX and the other members of the university staff in Grerom. The information you seek is taught to any species that has lost their own history. The University has been a repository for the history of most space flights in the Perseus arm of the galaxy since the first time their was contact between us."

Chiron XX had invited Tristan and his twin to visit him, so hearing that there was more for him on that planet than recreation and visitation he intended to have the 'Equality' stop. There had been none of the Centaurs at the slave market so he would be landing without any forewarning.

"Horus told me to ask about your well being every few hours. I'm not sure but I think the ceremony they performed with you as the recipient of their sperm was meant to impregnate you." Tristan was sure the Major had heard Horus say as much but he didn't make a comment.

"If they did will I have to stay on Grinix, earlier you told me that no one carrying a Griffin fetus is permitted to leave the planet. Is it the same for the Sphinx?" He had already been missing Pierre and didn't want to have to wait another fifteen months to see him.

"No one that was pregnant with a Sphinx has ever requested to leave the planet. There is a rumor that Horus or Tatuhkep controls the mind of anyone they have blessed with their young.

"They told me that they wanted you to take their young back to Earth to someday rule the planet as they did many centuries ago."

Tristan wasn't sure he should be taking a possible tyrant back to Earth. After the last set of wars and the first visitation from the outer planets Earth had settled into a peaceful period with the consolidation of nations into the continent sized countries. Perhaps he should spend the next fifteen months on Grinix leaving Earth to its own. Yet the idea of being a pregnant man in a strange land was intimidating, he promised to tell the authorities why he was carrying the offspring of two ancient rulers that wished to once more control Earth.

The sexual activity after lunch became frantic with nearly ever being in the courtyard performing some type of act, many were doing things they had never seen on their own planets. Alex came to the place where Tristan was still with the Major, once to suck his cock and the next time because he wanted to drink the human's piss. Not needed to expend the effort it would take to fuck or allow anyone to fuck him he was grateful to Alex for relieving the pressure building up by just watching the mass of sex happening in front of him.

By the time the feast for dinner was being finished many of the guests had disappeared, there were a few stretched out on the lawn or pillows sleeping and only a few Griffins that had joined the orgy that day still fucking. The Major let him know that once his staff began to clean the courtyard there would be a rush to leave that it was best if he avoided. He had been given another poultice by the cook, he gathered it from the bench where he sat and with Alex at his side went back to the house where they had slept the previous two nights.

Alex didn't know much about what had happened to him with the pair of Sphinx. Instead of talking or engaging in more sex the two lay on the main pillow. Tristan didn't know why Alex had laid at his feet but when he felt his toes being sucked into the Enlil's mouth he was happy that the man had taken the initiative to please him without tonguing his asshole or sucking his cock. Although exhausted from his time with the Sphinx Tristan lay back and enjoyed having Alex sucking hi toes and licking his feet. He wasn't happy that the Major had told him that the Sphinx had given him instructions not to allow anything to happen to his asshole. He wanted the giraffe like tongue in him, it was all he could do to not beg Alex to stick it in him.

Once Alex was satisfied with sucking the human toes he crawled up alongside him and burying his face in his armpit fell asleep. He had thought about begging the man for another drink of his piss before sleeping but Tristan was already asleep. Alex lay beside the man wondering how he had become so addicted to being by the man's side willing to do anything he asked. Before he fell asleep he turned so that his butt was against the human, he thought he should be available in case Tristan woke in the night and wanted to fuck him. His asshole was pulsating when Tristan rolled towards him and gathered him in his arms.

The Enlil woke the next morning happier than he had been in all the years he had lived on Grinix. Tristan still had his arms wrapped around the green man and his erect cock rubbing between his cheeks spreading pre-cum on the waiting crack. The Enlil had a myth that a man that allowed another fuck him would gradually gain some of his strength, Alex wondered how long it would take for him to absorb some of the strength he had seen Tristan display. He was more interested in getting fucked again which surprised him, until the second time Tristan had fucked him he had been more of a fucker and would would have been happy to have Tristan spread his legs for him.

Slowly waking Alex marveled at the ways he had been taught to please this man. He couldn't figure out how but he wanted to leave Grinix with him. He kept telling himself that it wasn't because he had any great emotional attachment, as far as he knew he had never felt that for another man other than his Father and Grandfather. During his years living on Grinix he had enjoyed having a few Griffin and an occasional Enlil or Heran trader take him to their bed and fuck him but this was the only time that he could think of when he wanted one man to fuck him over and over.

The head of Tristan's cock slid into Alex while he was laying there wishing to be fucked, he pushed back onto the cock then slowly began using the cock to please himself. With Tristan's cock throbbing in his asshole he wondered if any of the slaves that had been purchased during the auction were being treated as well as he was. He had read horror stories about the treatment some of the slaves had to endure before being rescued by the Griffin slavery enforcement agents.

None of the reports he read had ever mentioned the slave owners using the slave's mouth for his piss. He thought he should be glad that he had found a man that enjoyed more than simple fucking but wondered if there was more that he was going to be made to do.

"Alex is there anyone that you would be able to ask about the changes in your skin tone that we have seen during the time you have been with me? I really would like to know if you are able to absorb my piss and shine, hold still."

Tristan held Alex where he was. Alex didn't know what was happening, he had been enjoying squeezing and running his asshole up and down on Tristan's cock. He thought Tristan had pushed his cock all the way into him and moments later was kneeling between his legs. Suddenly he felt the rush of liquid filling his ass going all the way to his stomach, it took him a moment to realize that Tristan was pissing in his ass. It wasn't that he didn't like the feel but he had wanted to have a drink of the piss to start his day.

"See how long you can keep that in. I want to see how bright you get." It had been the first time that Tristan had ever pissed in anyone's ass. He had thought about doing it with Pierre but his lover had asked him not to do it. With Alex riding his cock Tristan didn't think there had been a need to ask before pissing.

Alex didn't know what he wanted to say to Tristan, should he tell the man that he preferred to drink his piss? He thought about it but he had felt wonderful as the flood of piss filled him. Tristan rolled them back on their sides telling him that he was going to use his cock to block any piss from seeping out. Moments later Tristan was asleep, again

"Honored guest, Tristan Anil, you are expected to be prepared to leave for the Grinix Council meeting in less than thirty minutes. Do you want breakfast before you leave?"

The Phrotines voice was as attractive as she was. It had been since he left his Mothers' house that a woman had woke him in the morning. For a moment he thought he had been transported to a strange place, then he saw that it was Alex still holding his cock in his asshole. He wasn't hungry but told the voice that he would need coffee before they left.

The two voices had awakened Alex. He had never slept with a cock in him before that, he felt full and wonderful. He didn't want Tristan to pull out of him but the man whispered to him that if he needed to head to the slot built into the floor of the restroom that he should be ready because he was going to back away. Tristan was glad that Grinix wasn't one of the planets that had a scarcity of water, he enjoyed his morning showers. He had fully soaped his body when Alex stepped into the stone enclosure taking a rough device from a niche in the wall to scrub Tristan's body from his shoulders to his feet. Being cared for this way was far from what Tristan was used to, he thought he should no longer be sorry he was not able to buy Dindi at the auction.

True, Alex had much less cock than the slave he had been hoping to purchase. Still, Alex didn't need any training in satisfying his every need. Tristan took the Enlil's head in his hands, the man was shining almost too bright to look at. He decided that Alex was right when he guessed that absorbing his piss was what caused the change, he was going to have to remember to give Alex a daily dose if not more. For the first time he wondered what Pierre would say if he took the Enlil back with him, he was sure the man would enjoy having him there for sex but anything else? Such as scrubbing them in the shower? Sucking their toes? Sharing his piss?

As the shower woke Tristan he wished they had time for Alex to kneel behind him and use his tongue to clean his asshole. Alex seemed to understand what Tristan was thinking, he told him that they didn't have time, that he should step into the wind chamber to dry off.

There still hadn't been a uniform transported to Grinix from the Equality so Tristan stepped into the courtyard wearing the ancient ceremonial skirt that he had been presented by Alex the previous day. He walked into the courtyard like a conquering hero with Alex trailing behind in his law enforcement uniform. As they approached the table where he had eaten with the Major, the Phrotine maid carried out a large, steaming mug of coffee made from the beans the Major had brought from Earth on his last trip there.

He walked around the courtyard amazed at how efficiently the staff had cleaned the area since the orgy. There was no evidence that there had been hundreds of guests using the courtyard for the past three days until he got to the platform in the center of the courtyard. New to the platform was a plaque that shocked him.

Here began a new generation

Horus and Tatuhkep

Performed the Interspecies Ceremony

With a Human from Earth

Tristan Anil

May he carry our seed to Fruition

2055 IGE

Although Major Mangrel had told him that the Sphinx had been performing a ceremony when they both fucked and sucked him he was astonished that the place where it had occurred was being commemorated for the future. It was the first time he thought about the possibility that he might be carrying life within him since he woke. Reading the shining plaque made everything he had done for the previous week seem less real, the Major had been right when he told him that the Sphinx would show him what his asshole was supposed to feel like. He was glad that his stomach wasn't roiling like the previous night although that made him wonder if the mating had not been successful.

"Tristan, I will be leaving. You and Alex may join us at the Capital building in the main rotunda. There will be a Pakistan chariot waiting in front of my compound when you are ready."

"Thank you." Tristan hadn't expected Alex to still be assigned to be by his side but he was not displeased nor was Alex. He needed a second cup of coffee, a habit that Alex had not picked up from the human. When they walked out the front door there was a chariot waiting, it wasn't like any of the chariots that Tristan had seen in the downtown area. There were six of the Pakaban with royal blue trappings stomping their feet anxiously bouncing a golden chariot decorated with jewels from every planet in the Perseus arm of the galaxy.

"Alex, do you know why we are taking what looks like a King's chariot?"

"Tristan, you read the plaque in the platform in the Major's courtyard. You have been raised to an exalted status by the Sphinx. They must have sent this chariot for you to let the city know that a person of special importance is riding through the city. All other chariots will pull off the street to et us pass by. You may even be applauded."

"Should I find more to wear?"

"Definitely not. The city will be grateful to see you in your most natural state. There may even be calls for you to remove the skirt. If you want to do it that will be fine but you will need to replace it before we enter the Capital building, there is a restriction stating that non-Griffins must have their sexual organs covered.

"Rumor has it that the restriction was made when there were many Ganeshus trading here. I guess they didn't want the Ganeshus to embarrass them with the huge cocks that no Griffin could match." Alex had waited until Tristan was on the chariot before climbing up himself, he was careful to not step in front of him.

Tristan had never been in a parade so having the traffic part for the chariot was a weird feeling, he couldn't believe this was happening because he had allowed two Sphinx attempt mating with him. That the entire city seemed to know that the great beasts had fucked him was not something that he would ever have been willing to broadcast but it was marked nearly everywhere along the main street with replicas of the plaque he had read at the Major's.

As the street got more crowded with Griffin and other species that had not left immediately after the slave market and festival ended Tristan felt that he should have used his ability to transition his body to show the crowd a more impressive human. They had made the last turn before the Capital building when Alex reached out and unfastened the tie around Tristan's long hair leaving it flow freely in the slight breeze caused by the speed of the chariot. He didn't know why but the crowd cheered at seeing the hair flow out behind him. The chariot stopped at the stairs leading into the Capital building, Alex lead Tristan to the first step and backed away so the crowd could see him.

Tristan had never seen a sight like what was on the stairs except in some old videos that he had accessed in a library of ancient history. On both sides of the steps was a Griffin standing on his rear legs holding what he aumed were supposed to be fans. Unlike any Griffin he had seen since he had been on Grinix these were wearing a silver vest that reached from their shoulders to the step. He wanted to get this over with and started to rush up the stairs only to have Alex yell at him to slow down. The closer he got to the top of the stairs the louder the crowd began cheering, the moment seemed unreal and unbelievable since he felt there was no reason for the regal treatment.

At the top of the stairs he was greeted by two golden Sphinx that he almost took for Horus and Tatuhkep until they got close enough for him to see they were much younger. They had him turn to the crowd before raising a headdress they put on him. Then two Griffin that he had never seen stepped to his sides and wrapped a gold and jeweled neck piece that drooped so that it almost covered his pecs with a ruby riding over each of his nipples.

So attired a young Enlil slave dropped to his feet and removed his Earth shoes and tied on a pair of sandals that were made of the softest material he had ever felt. The two Sphinx that had placed the headdress over his hair stepped up beside him and quietly turned him around to walk into the Capital building through two huge doors covered in too many jewels for him to take in with only one look. The doors were opened by what Tristan thought must have been giants since he had never seen any biped standing that tall. He was guided to a long stretch of purple cloth that the Sphinx were careful not to step on as they walked by his sides.

Inside the building were more Griffin and Sphinx that caused a low murmur as he walked from the front doors to a set of golden doors that were only a couple feet taller than him. Those doors were again opened by the two huge beings he assumed were giants, how they had passed him by and not be seen floored him. As the golden doors opened silence surrounded him. He was beckoned into the Council chamber by another Sphinx that was no longer golden, much of his hair and fur had turned white with age. Tristan was barely three steps into the chamber when the doors shut behind him.

He found himself in a room large enough to hold at least one hundred Griffin, although there were less than ten present. The room was more luxurious than even the golden doors had made him expect. The shine of so much gold and silver hurt his eyes as he surveyed the room. When he finally saw the Council on a raised platform at the opposite end of the room he once more walked forward. Halfway across the room he began to recognize the members of the council that he had met. The white haired Sphinx led him to a spot about twenty feet from the platform and told him to wait there.

Tristan had no idea what was going to happen. The Major had told him that the council was going to decide if Grinix would join Intergalipol but he didn't know what that meant. Tatuhkep who had been standing behind Horus stepped off the platform and went to his side. Using the ability to speak to him without using his voice the Golden Sphinx let him know that he should not speak unless he was asked a question or directed to tell the council about a specific matter.

He slowly began to feel comfortable although he still didn't have any idea what was to come.

"Tristan Anil, honored representative of Earth we are pleased to have you at this meeting of the Tailcot council of elders. The planetary council has given us the duty of deciding whether Grinix will join Intergalipol. You have been brought here to witness our discussion and to give us information that we may not have been given by the agency.

"I am personally pleased that Horus and Tatuhkep have chosen such a desirable human to carry their seed back to Earth. Major Mangrel presented them with a human that is even more handsome and powerful than the earlier humans that brought forth a generation of Sphinx and Griffins, Hecules and Isis.

"The Council of Grinix asked us to thank you for assisting our law enforcement with ending the current blight of false slaves the Neanines have been attempting to sell through out the Pereus arm of the Milky Way. We are aware that Earth stopped trafficking in slaves before the beginning of the IGE other than in a very few special areas of the planet where it has been an intregal part of the economy since the first known era of civilization. There is a whole history that Earth could teach us about indenturing your own species but today is not the time for that.

"Please stand by prepared for any questions my fellow members of the Council may have. The proposed petition to join Intergalipol was brought forth by Major Mangrel. Major would you please tell the Council why you think it is to Grinix's advantage to join Intergalipol when you run a very efficient law enforcement department that has kept criminality to a minimum on the planet."

The Major had been prepared to give the Council a full proposal that mostly centered on the fact that Law Enforcement on Grinix was not permitted to arrest an alien species without a status report from the criminal's planet which they were most often not given in a timely manner. He also thought that Intergalipol would lead to further alliances between planets.

When asked he admitted that Grinix did not have the ability to chase down criminals that had been upgrading their escape ships. He droned on about the capabilities of Equality being the latest iteration of Flovian technology which only the most well funded law enforcement agency could afford to buy on payments.

He astounded the Council telling them about the clinic where Intergalipol was training the shape-shifters and mutants. At that point Admiral Broughton was introduced by interpanetary video, she was warmly welcomed before she told them about the immediate plans for the agency which included the use of the mutants. Two of the Griffins had seen private videos of Tristan reducing four Canods to whimpering pups, they wanted to know if Intergalipol was teaching the initial class of agents to fight at that level. She did not know that Chiron XX had given him the extra power that had made that battle possible so she assured the Council that everything he knew the rest of the class was also being taught. He scoffed quietly at that idea.

The other two Griffins that were listening had been at the Festival when the art house had been raided. They wanted to know if that was what Grinix should expect from Intergalipol in the future.

"Gentlemen, I am sorry that raid was put together so quickly that your own law enforcement agency didn't have time to tell you what was happening. We hadn't expect to conduct a raid until it was brought to our attention that some of the stolen items would not be leaving the planet. When we first learned that there were stolen pieces of art from Earth being sold here our intention had been to stop the buyers when they left Grinix's sovereignty. I walked through the art house and saw that at least three of the pieces were most likely to be bought by inhabitants of Grinix which meant that we would never have the ability to seize the pieces and return them to the rightful owners.

"I asked the authorities on Earth and on the planetary Council what they would prefer happen. I barely had time to get my agents here to conduct the raid before Major Mangrel started the raid at the slave market. Any time there is something like this our protocol is to tell the authorities effected before proceeding and then only on their approval. Our authority does not permit us to conduct raids on any planet, we are only to enforce law beyond the sovereignty of any planet that has joined the collective enforcement of a specific set of rules." Tristan hoped the confused comment pleased the Griffin asking the question.

The two Griffin did not seem satisfied with what the Admiral told them and questioned her for another twenty or thirty minutes. The hate in the questions made Tristan glad they did not turn on him to ask further questions. It was about an hour after he entered the Council Chamber when thy excused themselves to meet in private and hold a vote. The Sphinx that had stood by his side opposite Tatuhkep let him know that a meal would be served privately for he and the Enlil that had accompanied him through the streets.

The white Haired Sphinx lead him through a short hallway that started behind the raised platform where the Council had been seated, it lead them to a private chamber. Tristan was pleased to see that the chamber was softer and more pleasant than any room he had seen previously. Rather than the hard walls of Fraxine or metal and jewels the chamber was lined with what looked like the runner he had followed to the Council Chamber. It was too much purple for his taste but after a week he knew that purple was the choice of the elite Griffins and Sphinx. The ceiling was painted with a scene from Griffin history on Earth. To one side of the rather smallish room was a Fraxine table inlaid with diamonds and emeralds, it was set with two sets of the most beautiful table ware that Tristan had ever seen, he wasn't sure what material they were made of.

Once he and Alex were seated two Phrotines brought them a meal that he could have found in most western countries on Earth. He had been missing food from Earth so having a meal that he might have requested if he went to a restaurant close to his Mothers' home was very pleasant. Alex had never seen food like was set before them but followed Tristan in serving himself with the fresh seafood and vegetables. They had a conversation about the room to start with Alex telling Tristan that being served in the room was an honor that he had never heard of any non-council member being given, the room was the private dining room for the Patra Suprat.

When Tristan asked who that was and why he had his own private dining room in a building that was meant for the public Alex laughed at him. It turned out that the White Haired Sphinx that had stayed at his side was the Patra Suprat, he was the Sphinx that had been head of the Council until his age forced him to turn the position over to a younger Sphinx. He was at all meetings of the Council to pass judgment on any motion that was brought before the council for legality under the constitution of the planet and to keep the Council from devolving into a battle of personal strength. Although he looked old and beginning to become feeble he was still the strongest being in the room.

When they finished eating Tristan asked Alex if there was a possibility that they could view the building. He wanted to see if the rest of the building was as perfect as the Council Chamber and what the public was able to see and do in their Capital. Alex found them a guide to take them through the building so he didn't get them lost, he had only been through a portion of the building the first year he was on the planet. Tristan stared at the high ceilings wondering if the building had been built that way so a Griffin could fly from one part to another or for the Sphinx to exit gracefully.

The building had obviously been built for Griffin and Sphinx. Rather than stairs like there had been outside, the inside of the building was ringed with ramps that would be much easier for the four footed beings. There wasn't much public art in the building until they reached a lower level that allowed the public to walk in from the street behind the building. On that level there were a few pieces of stonework that reminded Tristan of all the ancient Egyptian artifacts he had seen. When they walked into a huge round room where the entrances were he was pleased to see that the Griffins had a little ego, there were a scattering of paintings that were labeled with different names from the Griffin past.

They were approaching a large sculpture in the center of the Entry room when they were called back to the Council Chamber to witness the decision that had been made. Alex made Tristan stay still for a moment while he carefully straightened the neck and head pieces. He walked a circle around Tristan before telling him that he should adjust the skirt so that his cock was not peeking through the slit where the skirt came together. Tristan hoped that he hadn't been showing everyone in the building his cock and followed Alex's advise.

They were in the chamber when the Council members reentered. Tristan was unable to read their faces but was sure all was well when Major Mangrel gave him a wink. The Sphinx that had greeted him when he was lead into the Chamber earlier called the meeting back to order. It seemed to Tristan that he was being cold, polite and proper as he read off a list of items for the Council and him, He couldn't tell if the Griffin was being ceremonial or didn't want to rush to the decision they had made in private.

Tristan had only been half listening but at the mention of his name perked up to hear what was being said. He was instructed to tell the authorities at Intergalipol that Grinix would be notifying them about how they wished to be added to the list of planets already accepting the inter-planetary force as supreme outside of their own gravitational sphere. His stomach lurched at the truly important mission he had been entrusted with. All morning his sex drive had been held in check by his nervousness now the first thing he wanted to do when he left the building was find a private/secure space and mount Alex as hard as possible.

"Tristan, there is to be a celebration starting in about an hour. It will be nothing like the celebration at my house. This will be more proper and dignified, all the heads of governmental departments across the planet have been invited. Before anyone arrives Horus had requested that you go to his office."

"Do you mean there will not be an orgy at this celebration?" He was aware that his erection was pushing at the spot where the skirt overlapped, it was making an obvious display of his need. If there was not to be sex he was going to be forced to find a spot he and Alex could fulfill his desire or at least allow the Enlil to suck his cock.

The Major spoke of the propriety of the Council celebration as he walked Tristan to Horus' headquarters in the Capital building. They were forced to climb the ramps up two of what the Griffin and Sphinx called stories, close to forty feet above where they had been standing. He and Alex had not been permitted to climb that ramp on their tour of the building so he was getting his first look at the center of the building from above.

"Don't be worried. I doubt that Horus has asked you here to continue the ceremony he and Tatuhkep performed at my home. If he has please go along with his instructions. Anything the Council decided can be overruled by Horus at any time he pleases."

Major Mangrel pushed a great purple door open and unceremoniously announced the presence of Tristan waiting to enter. Even had he been willing to rush into the presence of Horus he would not have been able, the Major stood between he and the doorway waiting for the Great Golden Sphinx to invite him into his space. A moment later the Major turned to him and saying goodbye. He walked around Tristan telling him that he looked good and slowly walked towards the head of the ramp to descend to the main portion of the building.

Tristan didn't know why he felt the trepidation he was experiencing, after all why would being in the presence of a being that had already fucked him twice and sucked his cock be causing him to worry about the next few minutes. Deliberately after being addressed by Horus he strode forward hoping to impress the Great Sphinx by the way he stood in front of him. He didn't get a chance to determine if he had succeeded, he was in Horus' space a few feet when the door behind him closed with a loud snap. It had startled him, looking forward he saw that Horus was no longer a Sphinx but a Falcon headed being that was accompanied by two other beings with animal heads.

Staring at the three beings in wonder he realized that the beings were those that the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians had worshiped as gods. Was he supposed to bow down before them? He had never thought about being in the presence of a being that presented himself as a god. The assurance he had felt walking into the space disappeared.

"Tristan Anil, I have requested your presence to introduce you to two of my fellow gods. We are no longer present on Earth to do good or evil. To my right is Ra, one of his duties as an Egyptian god was to watch over the fertility of the nation. To my left is Toth, although considered a minor god by the Egyptians he had a great place in their hearts as the god of healing.

"When Tatuhkep and I left you at the Major's home I pronounced that you would carry my seed to Earth to replace the Sphinx of old that had once ruled the planet. I need my fellow gods to make assurances that you have been impregnated and are healthy enough to carry two Golden Sphinx kit. We know that Chiron XX has given you extra-strength and wisdom both of which you will need in the period you carry the promised kit.

"Remove you skirt. Ra and Toth will now examine you for me, to guarantee that I choose wisely and that you are pregnant and carrying the kit well." Tristan had no fear of standing in front of the trio naked, he was glad at that moment that he had posed for the art class an experience that had given him the self-esteem to remove his skirt in front of the gods. Although he knew it was not a sexual encounter between he and Horus his cock still had begun to expand, he concentrated while removing the skirt. It took longer than it should since Alex had been the one to fasten it both time he had worn it not showing him how the fastener worked. He felt the concentration he had been using to extend the length of his cock had worked, there would he no reason to feel ashamed of it being examined by the gods.

Ra, the second Falcon headed god, stepped forward first. He almost completely ignored the length of flesh as he called it as he lay a hand on Tristan's stomach. He held the hand there gradually smiling as the flesh beneath his hand warmed. Once he stepped back beside Horus he pronounced that Horus had been correct, he and Tatuhkep had performed the ceremony to impregnate a human correctly and there was a kit forming in the man's interior. Horus beamed at the pronouncement, he had not fathered a kit in many centuries and had looked forward to being known as a Father once again.

When Toth stepped forward Tristan was slightly more nervous, the strange long billed head had him thinking that the god could pierce his body with the long bill at any moment while he circled him. If he was a god of healing why was he only examining him by sight? Wouldn't he need to do more of an examination? As he thought that Tristan felt a pair of hands spreading his butt and two fingers running the short length of his asshole, he shivered as the cold fingers touched him wondering what they would feel like if the god were to invade him with them. Wait a moment, was this seeing whether he would be able to give birth through his anus? Nothing he had learned about any of the non-earthly beings had given him a hint that he would need to open his anus wide enough to expel the kit. A moment later Toth began running a hand over all of Tristan's body from his knees to his shoulders, spending the most time around his stomach, slightly less fondling his balls and cock.

"Great Horus, Father of the gods, you have chosen well. This man shall carry your kit for the fifteen months required and if you demand it will be able to given birth naturally. For the human's health I would suggest that you allow him to have doctors remove your kit. There is nothing we can do to make giving birth to your kit more comfortable for the man." Just then a fourth god entered. It was not one that Tristan had ever seen represented in any of the Egyptian art he had studied, the sheep's head reminded him of stories about a Beauty and a Beast. He was within arm's reach of Tristan when Horus introduced him as an ancient god of Egypt that presided over child birth. What did he do scare the fetus out of the Mother?

"Horus, why did you ask me here if you were going to have Toth give you that prediction? I can leave now." The rude god that had not introduced himself or been done so by Horus turned towards the door but was stopped by Horus's voice thundering in the small space.

"Khynm, examine the man. I value your opinion on the future of my kit, you have more experience delivering children of the gods to humans than any other. Toth was solely asked to judge the human's health and ability to carry my kit."

The god relented and turned back to examine Tristan. He was surprised at how soft the god's hands were. He could not remember ever having felt anyone touch him with something that soft, they were even softer than the sandals he had been given upon entering the building. He repeated much of the examination that Toth had done although he paid more attention to Tristan's asshole and the space between his asshole and his balls. He pressed his fingers against that space harder than Tristan expected, he nearly fell over at the pressure lifting him from the floor.

The god had held a serious expression the entire time he was examining Tristan's body. It was only when he ran his hand the full length of his cock and took Tristan's balls in his hand that he smiled at the human.

"Son, you are well. You will carry Horus's kit as Toth reported. There are a few precautions you will need to take.

"May I proceed, Great Horus?" Tristan thought there was a note of sarcasm in the god's voice but not accustomed to the translator's inflection of the ancient Egyptian he wasn't certain.

"Please, I want every thing to go well for the bearer of my kit."

"First, young man." Only then did Tristan realize that Khynm seemed much older than the other gods in the room.

"You need to keep this muscular body in the same shape as it is now."

"You should not enter any fights that could possibly cause over-exertion on your part or where you might be hit or cut in the area of the stomach, the kit sense they are in an unnatural place and any disturbance could cause them distress."

"You need to eat much more meat than you are used to eating as a human."

"When your nipples begin to lactate do not worry or have anyone suck the milk from you, wash your chest and go on your way."

"We were warned that you are a natural shape-shifter. I do not know what that might do to the kit so I suggest that you do not transition into bodies either much larger or smaller than the one you are in now. Are you able to shift into the female human form? If so, please show us."

Tristan had always preferred to turn his back to anyone in the same room as him when he shifted his shape but with four gods in the room any way he turned he would be seen from the front and back. Whether it was in defiance or because he knew Horus more than the others he faced the Great god and extremity by extremity began transitioning into the last beautiful woman he had seen. As the Phrotine he had chosen to emulate appeared the gods stepped back.

Khynm was the only one to move when Tristan was finished transitioning into the gorgeous woman, he checked on the fetuses first and then placed a hand between Tristan's legs. Since he hadn't been invasive in his first exam Tristan was shocked when he pressed a finger into his vagina. The god wiggled it around for a moment pressing against the hymen that had naturally grown into place during the transition, he didn't speak but he wanted to tell the god that his finger would have felt better in his asshole. He frowned at the barrier before speaking to Tristan again. "You will need to find a woman that has already given birth to shift to. The hips on this woman are too narrow to allow the kit to pass through the birth canal."

Next: Chapter 14

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