Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 8, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Sixteen

Tristan could feel his balls filling with more cum than since Alex had been trying to drain them.

Watching the Merman slowly engulf Reynod's cock with his perfect mouth and continue until he had both of his twin's hairy balls between his lips was making him glad that he had pressed Reynod to be the first to allow the Merman what he had been asking them for. Stan had introduced himself once he had both sets of their balls in his hands. Reynod had spoke next tell Stan their names and letting him know that they were twins from Earth. That had gotten Stan even more eager to suck their cocks, before either of them had agreed to allowing him the pleasure he had swiped his unbelievable soft tongue around the heads of their cocks.

It hadn't taken Tristan much to talk his Brother into being the first to allow Stan to take his cock into his mouth, he was already leaking pre-cum and felt his balls shrinking towards his body. Having the webbed hand around Tristan's cock while sucking Reynod was not a problem for the Merman although he would have preferred to alternate sucking the two erections. It wasn't often enough that visitors to the spa permitted him to suck them, after Tristan had called him one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen their reluctance was even more confusing for Stan.

Close to shooting his hot white cum into Stan's mouth Reynod leaned over to Tristan and gave his Brother the hardest kiss he could remember ever giving. He held his mouth to his Brother's until Stan had pulled his mouth nearly all the way off his cock. Although it had not caused him any physical exertion Reynod was so drained that he was close to fainting.

With his mouth full of Reynod's cum Stan slowly engulfed all of Tristan's cock before letting his tongue wipe some of the cum on his balls. All that had occurred had made Tristan get close to shooting his own load. He tried grabbing the bald head of the Merman to stop him from sucking the cum out of his balls too quickly. Stan went with his hands until his mouth was empty, with strength that Tristan hadn't expected he pulled away and dove for the cum coated balls, licking and sucking until they were trying to shrink into the man's body. No longer being held Stan slid down Tristan's cock using his powerful jaws to suck it into his mouth, not needing to do anything else he felt the first blast of cum hit the back of his throat.

Stan loved cum and the human cum was the best he had ever had coating his mouth. Tristan was so full of cum that he kept shooting into the Merman's mouth as he held his balls as if he was milking Tristan for their valuable cum. If only Stan could go with them to empty his balls when they where back on Equality heading home. Like his Brother he felt faint, he didn't pass out, he leaned against Reynod to share how wonderful the Merman had made him feel.

Reynod had recovered by then. He asked Stan if he could do him. It was the first disappointment of the afternoon. Stan explained to the twins that when he had been turned into the merman that the Wizard had not known anything about their anatomy so there were some parts of his body that were not as beautiful as others. His cock was no longer or thicker than a human finger, that wasn't what Reynod had been hoping for but he wouldn't let that stop him from returning the joy he had felt minutes earlier.

His balls remained inside of the multicolored scales that covered him all the time so the little dick that he showed them was all that he could give Reynod to please. Then he told them that it was difficult for him to keep his little dick above the surface of the water so to suck him Reynod would have to stay under water. That made Reynod laugh, in moments he transitioned into another merman and dove into water from where he sat. With gills along his flanks Reynod found it easy to suck the Merman's tiny cock, it must have been a long time since he had enjoyed sex because Reynod only had him in his mouth for a couple minutes before he gushed a spectacular stream of cum down his throat.

"You should have been the one to suck that tiny cock, Brother. He shot enough to bathe the kit the way they need every day." Reynod was teasing his Brother since he knew that Tristan would suck cock to do what he had been told was necessary but no more. He couldn't believe that his

Brother would have enjoyed being underwater sucking the merman's tiny cock.

"Stan, is that the way you cum all the time or as it just because you hadn't had a blow job in a long time?" Tristan decided he should know if coming back to the spa to find the Merman would be what he would need after he emptied the cups Horus had given him. He would ask Chiron XX if there was a chance that having been shifted by a wizard would affect the cum and thus the kit.

To have a few extra minutes of enjoyment Tristan joined Stan and his Brother in the pool and hiding behind them shifted his body into that of a Merman, too. Swimming in the merman form was almost as enjoyable as running in the Centaur form. Tristan began to wonder why humans hadn't learned the art of transitioning long ago, or had they seen the crossbreeds that the Egyptians had created and chose to avoid the practice?

"Stan, would you like to leave the pool? If you wish I could transition you back to the body you were in before the Wizard attacked you."

"Would that have to be the cross-breed or could you shift me into either the Anubi or the Neanine? I don't think I want to go back to the look that could attract nobody, while here in the pool I have learned to love sucking cock. I have seen others fucking but nobody has seemed interested in trying to fuck me." Stan was unsure if he wanted to leave the pool, at least there he was fed and there were occasionally willing sex partners, would he have as much back outside?

The twins were back on the side of the pool in their human form, how it had happened they weren't sure but nobody had made a comment about the being three Mermen instead of the one they were used to seeing. Tristan wanted to explore the spa more, it was possible that he would be able to satisfy all of Khynm's instructions by coming here daily. Should he stay on the planet or were there still places like this for men on Earth? Reynod didn't know.

"Stan, I would probably need to shift you back to your original form before I could make you appear as either of your halves or another being. Or I could even take you to one of the rivers nearby and shift you back into a merman but with changes to your body that you would like." Tristan knew he would need to ask Chiron XX if there were Mer-people living in the rivers, he would hate for Stan to have to be alone for the rest of his life, plus he wasn't sure he wouldn't miss the Merman's mouth and absolute beauty.

"Why don't you think about what I said. I need to go find a friend, Alex should have been back by now." Tristan started to stand up only to have Aoul lay his cock on his shoulder. While he wouldn't mind sucking Aoul he told the boy to sit beside him and let the Merman suck his cock. Stan was happy and greedy as he went for Aoul's cock, just watching the merman swallow his brother-in-law's cock had him erect again, he thought about waiting for a second blow job from Stan but chose to go look for Alex instead.

He went down one floor in his search, denying himself the opportunity to wander around in the dark having everyone touching his body. He wasn't so egotistical as to think everyone would want his body it was just that in the dark touch was the only faculty that would be reliable. The first floor down was a huge open space with a vaulted ceiling, there was sunlight coming in from two large skylights that showed an enormous pile of beings having sex with anyone they could reach with their hands, mouths or assholes. Until he saw that pile of sex hungry beings he had thought the orgies at the Major's compound were about as far as anyone would want to go.

He saw some naked asses that he would have been eagerly chasing if he wasn't forcing himself to follow the instructions he had received on Grinix. He didn't walk too close to the pile on the floor, he didn't want anyone grabbing him by his erection and pulling him into the orgy. He was nearly three-quarters of the way around the pile when he saw Alex crawling out from under a Canod and a Ganeshus. He hoped the man wasn't completely satiated, in a few hours he would need his balls drained again.

Then he thought of the whistle Chiron XX had given him. There wasn't a chance he would not remain empty for the time they were staying with Chiron XX. He helped Alex climb the stairs to the main floor, he had been fucked so hard that he stumbled every time that Tristan tried to leave him on his own. Tristan was happy for his minder, Alex certainly had told him he missed being fucked often enough since he had been given a copy of what Tristan could not do from Khynm. They had reached a landing where they could watch the orgy without fear of being involved, Alex rested against the half wall while Tristan was attempting to fend off a Teza that was not to be put off. When the Tezan's hot mouth slid down Tristan's cock he wondered why he had been so adamant about holding him away. The three of them were standing on the landing as many of the patrons of the spa went up and down the stairs, it was a great place to see everyone that was in the spa that day.

Tristan having just been drained beyond what ever he had ever felt was not anxious to give the Tezan a load of cum. He was half sitting, half leaning on the wall enjoying the unbelievable heat of the Tezan's mouth wishing that he could get the Tezan's tongue in his asshole, the heat would have been fantastic. Alex had often acted like he could read Tristan's mind, he touched the Tezan on his head and told him what Tristan wanted. If Alex hadn't been exhausted from his time in the orgy he would have been happy to kneel there where everybody climbing the stairs could see what he was offering the Tezan to fuck.

At first the Tezan shook his head being happy to have a cock in his mouth even if it wasn't going to get near to shooting. Alex spoke to him again, this time in his own language more forcefully telling the Tezan that the only way he would manage to get cum was to satisfy the asshole first. Tristan didn't say anything while Alex was trying to get the Tezan to turn him around to get his mouth at his asshole, if he managed to convince the Tezan, GREAT, if not well there would always be time for Alex to lick him before he went to sleep.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn. It feels like he is drilling me a new asshole." Tristan had expect the Tezan's tongue to feel hot on his asshole but he wasn't expecting it to burn. He was afraid that he wouldn't want his asshole touched until he healed but didn't stop the tongue that had opened him up so easily that any cock he had ever seen could have entered him.

"Alex, trade places with him." The extreme heat on his asshole had Tristan close to shooting a load and he thought it only fair to give the cum to the one that had brought him to the point of shooting. He didn't think Alex would mind since he was getting a load of cum a few times everyday. He had never minded licking Tristan's ass in public so when a few inches of the long tongue slid into him Tristan was certain that Alex was enjoying himself nearly as much as he would have enjoyed swallowing another load of his hot cum.

The Tezan wasn't able to suck the cum from his balls the way the merman had but he was still able to satisfy any need Tristan had. They were soon on their way back to the pool where they had left Reynod and Aoul. At the top of the stairs they found Atep with his cock buried in another Tezan, he was yelling out in joy how hot the asshole felt on his cock. Tristan knew exactly how he was feeling, to help him along he stepped in behind him and ran two fingers into his asshole. Tristan was in Atep for less than a minute when he felt the boy's asshole clenching his finger nearly hard enough to break them into pieces. He certainly missed fucking this boy along with the others.

When they approached the pool they saw that Reynod had transitioned back into a merman, the two were swimming and playing in the water like children. Tristan was glad to see that his twin was enjoying himself when they weren't together. He and Atep found a sink where they could wash the smell of the Tezans off their skin, while having sex they hadn't noticed the stink but away from them they both thought it was enough to disgust others. When Tristan first met Atep he had declared that he would never have sex with another boy, side by side washing their hands and cocks Atep finally admitted that he doubted that he would ever go back to women unless he fell in love.

Not long later they headed back to Chiron XX's home. It took all of them almost all the time it took getting there to stop talking about one or the other of the sex partners they had in the spa. Tristan asked Reynod if he thought Stan would finally decide to be changed out of the merman form, it had looked to him that he thoroughly loved being in the water and sucking cocks perched on the side of the pool. Reynod didn't know, he thought that Stan just might want to shift if Tristan would promise to transition him into an Anubi.

When Reynod spoke of transitioning Tristan remembered that he hadn't been following his instructions to shift into a woman's body that had already born children. He had entered the chariot as a stunning man that had turned all of the Pakabans' heads, they looked to watch him exit the chariot only to see a heavily built woman step down beside the other twin. They didn't know what to think nor did the twins give them an explanation.

Atep and Aoul kidded Tristan that he could have at least transitioned into a stunning beauty with a lean, sexy body. Tristan hated the body as much as they were disgusted but he didn't answer them, Alex held them back and explained why Tristan had chosen the body he had. Neither of the boys had heard about Tristan being pregnant, since he wasn't yet showing they had not anticipated anything like what Alex told them. Still if they were going to be at Chiron XX's place with him they needed to know what was going to be happening.

Tristan had never been uncomfortable shifting into a female body as long as the body he chose had mirrored his own. Being forced to choose an older female with wide hips was not what he would have wished to do but he understood that the bodies he liked would have difficulty giving birth to two fifteen pound Sphinx. The thought of that pain made him question his decision to not get rid of the kit the first chance he had. With the promise Khynm had made about having a disciple attending him when he reached Earth that knew all there is to know about child birth he would calm down but usually it took drinking cum to settle the kit who seemed to know what he had been thinking.

They were still exiting the chariot when Chiron XX trotted up alongside and told Tristan to remain in the chariot, he wanted to take him for a more thorough check up. The Pakaban didn't have any trouble keeping up with Chiron XX since he wasn't trying to go at his top speed. In a few minutes they were only a couple blocks from where he had started the trip, Tristan thought he had wasted time and credit going round trip.

The building they entered certainly didn't look like a Doctor's office, they passed through a short hall with double doors at both ends before entering the space where Chiron XX wanted to be. Piled well over the head of the Centaur were machines of types that Tristan couldn't imagine the use of, Chiron XX lead him through a maze of medical equipment explaining to Tristan that he and his brother ran a business that supplied medical equipment to the planets with the larger species of beings.

"Why don't you supply Earth with some of these machines? You could modernize health care by centuries if these machines do what you claim."

"Believe me they do but shipping them to Earth would take any profit we hoped to make out of the deals. Plus we're not certain that the medical establishment is well enough developed to be able to use them properly. The machine we're going to is probably twenty iterations ahead of anything your doctors use to see what is happening inside a body. We have harnessed Neutron waves to allow us to see in real time exactly what is happening inside a body. I am going to have you lay in the machine to see if the kit are fully attached the way they need to be for you to continue being on your feet."

"What else can you see? Will you be able to tell if they are opposite sexes the way Horus suggested they would be? If there is any defects?"

"Yes, we will be able to see all of that." Tristan hadn't noticed that while they were talking they had been joined by another Centaur that looked almost exactly like Chiron XX, except for the four white rings around his hooves.

"Tristan, this is my Brother Theodotious. I've had to tell him what we will be looking at, I am sorry to have broken the Doctor patient privilege of confidentiality. We have been looking at old books that described what you are going through, they seem to all agree with me that you will carry the kit for fifteen weeks not months. Khynm's pronouncement that you need to refrain from fucking or being fucked for two months is excessive, it may only be for another weeks depending on the health of the kit, are you prepared to lay down and remove the skirt?" Having a stranger seeing him naked had always taken Tristan a moment to brave that moment when the last of his clothing was removed. He had been that way since the first time he had sex with anyone other than his twin. Posing in front of the art class had helped him get over the shyness but it was still alwaays in the back of his mind that he was doing something that wasn't quite right. When his mind was not 100% sure of what he was doing the kit had a tendancy to upset his stomach. He hadn't had the morning sickness he had heard of women having when first pregnant but to settle the kit down he needed to feed them some cum. He let Chiron and his brother know that the kit were acting up and what he needed to do to settle them before he lay down in the machine.

Theo walked away deliberately calling for his wife Sophia. The desertion or the idea of there being a woman with them had the kit acting even more agitated. He didn't watch the other Centaur concentrating on what Chiron XX was telling him he had learned from the ancient books that described humans bearing the kit of the Sphinx in Egypt. He was especially pleased when Chiron XX explained that if he missed fucking Alex or anyone that he could lay down and allow the Enlil to ride his cock but only if he faced his feet until Tristan had cum.

"Sophia, don't be that way. It isn't like I'm going to have sex with the human, I am just going to give him the cum you collect. I know that you have never mastubated my cock but why do you think it is disgusting? You have licked it to help me get hard, are your hands that much more virginal than your mouth."

"What are you going to shoot in? My hand?"

"No. Pick one of those specimen jars from a box. You can aim my cock at the opening before I start shooting."

Tristan didn't see it but Sophia lowered the front half of her body on her front knees and tentatiely reached for her husband's half hard cock. Theo wasn't sure if it was the idea of having the human drink his cum or his wife doing something new with his cock but he was completely hard before her second hand touched him. Neither of them had masturbated a cock before that so it was a few awkward minutes as Sophia learned how to make the cock respond to her touch and only another minute after that until she saw the flare at the end of his cock swelling. She put the specimen jar to the end of his cock, Theo came so hard that it nearly knocked the jar from her grip.

Sophia stood and showed Theo the full jar and the cum that had spilled out onto her hand. When he told her she should lick up what was on her hand she thought back to the one time he had cum in her mouth and wiped it on a rag sitting on a work table. She felt sorry for the man that was going to have to drink her husband's cum, there was a taste that she had never known.

The jar held more cum than Tristan thought he had ever drank. Maybe even more than the Sphinx had left for him in the jars. He tried not to look at the swirling mass of white and clear liquid when he was handed the jar. Chiron XX knew that Tristan had swallowed cum from many species so when he hesitated to turn the jar up and swallow his Brother's cum he was unsure of what the problem was, he didn't know that any cum he didn't work fo was not as pleasant for the human. Tristan was overcome by the smell of the cum he was holding, the kit were aggravated and Chiron XX was getting anxious to get the test underway. Finally he put the jar to his lips, closed his eyes and tipped it up and emptied the jar in his mouth. He wasn't happy with the taste but swallowed as much of the liquid as he could hoping it was all the kit needed.

Froim what Tristan could remember of anatomy from his High School studies he didn't understand how drinking cum was going so directly to the kit. He planned on asking Chiron XX when the Centaur was looking inside of him to check the kit. He wasn't sure but there must have been a change come over him when the Sphinx impregnated him, he had been told that the barbs on the end of the Sphinx cock would make him ovulate so what other changes happened?

In less than two minutes the kit settled down as if they were going to sleep. That always surprised Tristan, was there a sedative in cum? Any he had swallowed didn't put him to sleep so what was the difference for the kit?

"Alright, have the kit settled? If they have lay back with your head towards the machine."

After that all was silent. The table he had to lay on was obviously made for a much larger being, possibly even a Centaur, when the solid table dropped away leaving him on a few straps he was uncomfortable hoping that the Centaurs had adjusted the straps for his size and weight. Twice they had to ask him to relax, that tensing up like he was doing was interfering with their ability to see his interior. He had so many exams either for going into the FBI or the Intergalipol that having them able to look inside his body to determine what was happening was new but not that disturbing.

"You did say that Horus told you that there should be two kit, isn't that correct?"

"Yes, that is what he told me and what Khynm confirmed."

"We are going to have the machine turn you ninety degrees. I would like to have a better look behind the kit."

While the machine turned him on his side Tristan asked Chiron the question he had about how the kit were settled so quickly by having him swallow cum. The wise Centaur wasn't certain but promised an answer before he was out of the machne. Both Centaurs were equuipped with a set of optical devices that were attache to the outside of the machine where Tristan lay. They didn't say anything about his body until he had been on his side for a minute or two.

"Tristan, you are actually one of a set of triplets, correct?"


"We can see three fetuses inside of you. At this stage of development I can't tell you they are all Sphinx. Would it be possible for you to have been pregnant already when the Sphinx made you part of the birthing ceremony?" At first the idea angered him. He thought about the question and all that he had done at Major Mangrel's place. Then he recalled that the Major had scratched him with the barb at the end of his cock at least twice, when he told the doctors that they explained that the first time might have made him develop the equipment inside his body to develop eggs. The second time the Major scatched him he might have caused Tristan to release an egg which his cum fertilized.

Chiron told him it was too early to tell if the fetuses were different species. That would take at least another three or four weeks. By that time the Sphinx kit would be larger than a griffin kit so they should be able to tell, right then all they could tell was that there were three fetuses in him fighting for a home to use to grow. Theo thought that two of the three were male but he wasn't 100% certain, they could ddeterine that when they examined him again in a month.

He had been worried about how large he would grow with two Sphinx kit inside him developing but three? He would be enormous. He had planned on heading to Earth the next week but now he didn't know if he would want anyone he knew seeing him that way. Chiron XX seemed to read his mind, "Tristan, if you want it might be to your advantage to stay here with us. Theo and I can be your doctors. I will conntact Horus, if he still wants the disciple of Khynm to be at your side while you are pregnant she may come here, too."

"Let me think about your offer. I trust you caring for me so I think I will have to have a conversation with Admiral Broughton. If Intergalipol is willing to have me stay I probably will, although what will I do for the next three months."

"Besides drinking a lot of cum?

"You have asked me many questions about the species of beings that have visited Earth and what they were able to do to help or hinder the development of civilization. Our Nephew, Rodrigo, is to start a class at the University that should be able to answer many of the questions. I will convince him to allow you to sit in on the classes if you promise not to embarrass me by asking too many questions that a young Centaur would already know about

"You will also continue transitioning into that female form you showed earlier. I don't want to be forced to cut you open.

"In answer to your question about settling the kit with cum. Yes your body has changed since you were impregnated. Sphinx sperm must be more pow,erful than I ever suspected, in addition to giving you ovaries it created two nipples at the bottom of your stomach that the fetuses are able to suckle through the womb. That is something that I had never seen before examining you with the Neutron viewer.

"Why there are three is a question I can't answer unless it means the third fetus is not a Sphinx, possibly a Griffin as you were imagining."

After telling Theo to visit them at his home Chiron XX called for a chariot to carry Tristan back to his place. On the way they stopped at a small meadow where Chiron introduced Tristan to his nephew. It didn't take him much to convince the professor to allow Tristan to attend the class about the emigration to Earth and the history of the non-humans there. Tristan felt like Chiron XX was bull dozing him into staying but he had to admit that he thought it would be the best thing he could do.

"If you can contact Alex from here tell him to meet you out in front of the place you first saw me at my place. We have taken longer than we should, you must be close to the time when you need your balls emptied." Tristan hadn't been thinkinng about his balls. His mind had been on the idea of having three fetuses not two and staying with the Centaurs while his Twin headed to Earth. Another three months without being around his twin was going to be difficult for them both but he knew as long as he had Alex with him he should be okay.

He and Chiron XX made it to the Centaur's home before Alex and his Brother arrived. Since talking to Alex he had ben thinking of nothing but the fact that Chron had told him he would be able to fuck the Elil as long as he let Alex do the work. His cock was like it had a mind of its own, from the moment they left the equipment room it had been straining against the skirt. If he hadn't known that Alex was going to be just as excited about the chance to get fucked by him as he was about getting in the green man's ass he would have masturbated while in the chariot. He restrained himself but as soon as they reached Chiron XX's home he lay in the soft grass in front of the building Chiron used for sleeping, using the skirt as a light pillow.

"Alex, I told you he needed to have his balls drained." Reynod was a few steps ahead of Alex so he saw Tristan's erection waiting for them. He dropped between his Brother's legs and dove down so that he was able to lick at his balls and take the cock in his hand. Tristan loved having his balls licked

and wasn't about to stop his Brother while he explained to Alex that he was able to sit on his cock and ride it although Tristan wouldn't be pushing his cock in to him.

Just as he thought, Alex was glad to get the chance to have his cock in him. He knelt over Tristan and Reynod, his balls laying on Reynod's head as he greased the head of Tristan's cock and his own asshole, he didn't say anything but it must have closed after having the Canod pull his knot from the normally tight hole. Lowering himself on the erection waiting for him Alex moaned so loudly that Chiron XX stepped out of his stable to see what was happening. The three men laying in the grass enjoying themselves was enough to get his enormous cock to slide from it's sheath. Reynod wasn't able to remain where he could get at his twin's balls once Alex began to ride the cock.

Chiron XX saw that Reynod's mouth was no longer occupied and stepped up close enough to rub the flare at the end of his cock against the man's face. In a few minutes Reynod was doing everything he could to get the cock wet and sliding into his mouth. Chiron hadn't thought the man would be able to take his cock in his mouth, he had hoped Reynod would give him a hand job so that he would be able to unload his heavy balls in Tristan's mouth but with his cock in the twin's mouth that thought disappeared. Having Alex riding his cock and watching his Brother sucking on the enormous Centaur cock had Tristan strraining not to cum too fast, he wanted to enjoy the asshole and knew that Aex enjoyed having his cock in him as long as possible.

Alex wasn't paying any attention to what was happening beside him, with his eyes stuck on Tristan's feet he gave in and bent over to take his toes in his mouth. That moved him to where Tristan's cock was hitting differently as he rode him but that was good, almost as good as what he had in his mouth. It had been a few days since the last time he had enjoyed sucking Tristan's toes, running his tongue between them when he pulled away he vowed that he would do anything possible with his tongue to please the human he was to be caring for. Having been fucked in the spa didn't make taking Tristan's cock any less beautiful for him.

Alex's true wish was that Chiron XX would tell Tristan that he was far enough along with the kit to have Alex run his tongue into his ass. The Centaur knew that Tristan had allowed Alex to do that, that really they had both enjoyed it. He promised himself he would ask the Centaur Doctor about when he would be able to lick his Tristan's asshole again.

Reynod gagged as he tried swallowing all the cum the Centaur shot in his mouth. He couldn't believe there was anyone that would be able to swallow his entire load. He didn't know that his Brother had swallowed the full load from Chiron's Brother. Seeing the Centaur cum shooting out between his Brother's lips Tristan shot his own load in the squeezing asshole riding him. Both of the men receiving cum responded by shooting their own loads in the grass.

Chiron XX whistled for his youngest son. The colt ran over and immediately saw why he had been called. Without being told what to do the young Centaur licked his Father's cum off Reynod's face and chest then without stopping moved down to the freshly cum covered grass and had a few bites of grass and cum. He wouldn't be eating grass much longer, Chiron XX had told Tristan that the boy's upper body and face would start changing within the next few weeks as long as he was given enough exposure to humans.

Tristan took that to mean that the boy needed to have human cum to aid in the transition.

None of the men put their clothes back on, both because it was fairly warm and the fact they knew that Chiron XX enjoyed looking at their bodies. Only Tristan knew that the Centaur preferred looking at them from the rear. Just thinking about it made him sad, he would have loved to have the huge cock slide into him again.

The men and the Centaurs went to the house where the Phrotine cook had set a table outside for them all. Tristan hadn't learned her name yet but that didn't seem to matter, if she couldn't read his mind it certainly seemed like she did. Anything he wanted appeared within a moment. Over most of the meal they talked about what Chiron XX had seen when he viewed the interior cavities of Tristan, the man was slightly embarrassed to have everything explained in front of Chiron XX's son. As they were getting up from the table Aioles stepped in front of the cook/maid and hugged her with his short arms and his head buried between her breasts.

"He's still battling the habit of suckling nipples. The maid understands his problem but won't allow him to do any more than rub his head against her breasts. If any of you need to have your cocks sucked you may give him desert."

Although Tristan was partially used to incest since he and his twin had done almost everything with each other he was not accustomed to hearing a Father speak that way about his son. He wondered if his own genetic Fathers would have said anything like that about Reynod or him. He was glad he would never know. Their Mothers had them designed to be gay so they might have said something like that but he didn't believe they would have been pleased to know that the boys were having sex long before puberty like the young Centaur.

He had been disappointed when Chiron XX had let him know that the boy was still too young to give him a load of sperm. He had hoped the boy would be able to be part of his diet. Stil just having the young Centaur suck his cock at least once a day was enough to keep him from needing more.

Next: Chapter 17

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