Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 11, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Seventeen

Tristan noticed that when Alex woke the following morning that he was no longer the shining Kelly green that he liked so much but closer to the pastel green that he had faded to when not having absorbed any cum. He didn't think it had been that long for his Enlil minder, Alex had sucked his cock between dinner and time for bed although Reynod had his last load before heading off to sleep.

"You didn't wake me when your timer went off during the night."

"Alex, I thought you should have a full nights sleep, you haven't been getting enough this last week. Looking at you I want to give you my full bladder of piss."

"Do I need to try catching up on emptying your balls? We don't want anything bad happening to the kit."

"No, when I woke to the timer I went out on the porch. Aioles had laid down outside the door in case I wanted him. That was about three hours ago so you can wait for a while. Still I want to give you a load of piss so get over here on your knees." While Tristan had never wanted to force Alex to drink piss he found himself getting more demanding when he wanted to fill his mouth, especially if he had lost any of his shine. Chiron XX had explained that the Enlil carried a gene that while recessive reacted to the ammonia in piss to create the bio luminescent shine. He said that it wasn't something that every Enlil would do but it did run in families.

Alex was glad that Tristan hadn't been giving his piss to any one else. He liked to display the shine the man's piss gave him. Only Tristan and Chiron XX knew the reason Alex was shiny part of the day, while everyone on the farm knew why the Enlil changed his coloring to the bright Kelly green from the pastel neither he nor Tristan liked. It only took a few minutes for him to start shining after swallowing the hot waste water, changing to his dark green would take more than a single load of cum.

It wasn't that Alex had fallen in love with Tristan that he preferred his cum to any of the others, it was just that it had been the first cum he swallowed and taking it again made him think of how well Tristan treated him. For the last couple days, since they left Grinix, Alex had been expanding his appetite to include Reynod's cum. It didn't taste that much different than Tristan's, it was just the feeling he got when he sucked the pregnant man's cock.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Alex, I told you about calling me sir."

"Again, thank you, Tristan. I liked that.

"Is there anything that you have planned for the day?"

"Rodrigo sent some video information that he thought I should view before classes start the day after tomorrow. We haven't discussed it, are you planning on following me to class like a pet?"


"Well, Chiron XX and I didn't discuss having you in the class. It took his personal permission for me to attend, without that I don't know what he would say to you being there." Tristan really was hoping that the Enlil would allow him out of his sight for the time he was attending class although at three hours in length it was going to take a change in the schedule they had set for emptying his balls. He was sure he didn't want to be that much of an exhibitionist, being naked was one thing but getting a blow job in front of the rest of the class, all Centaurs, was completely different. Still if the timing was bad he wouldn't object to heading to a rest room during class for a few minutes to get his cock sucked, after all he had done that in both High School and college.

"What is the class? An introduction to the Emigration from the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy to Earth centered on the help other species gave to humans. I have been asking Chiron XX too many questions so he thought I should take the class that will give me more complete answers. Since you haven't lived with the unanswered questions men have had for millennium I doubt it would interest you."

"No, it doesn't sound as if I could stay awake through an hour of that. I will sit outside of the room reading these books you brought on law enforcement. I will be there anytime you have the need for me."

For the first time since he had left Earth on the trip to Grinix Tristan put on the uniform of Intergalipol. It was slightly snugger than he remembered it being, was he actually beginning to swell due to the three fetuses inside him? He missed the freedom the skirt had given him, both letting his arms move without being hindered and not having his cock swinging freely as he walked or sat.

"Brother, why are you in uniform? I haven't seen you in anything for ages."

"Reynod, its only been since I started living as a Griffin. Today I need to have a serious discussion with Admiral Broughton, I thought that the uniform would have her take me more seriously." He didn't want to tell his twin that he was thinking about deserting him by staying there so he just told him that it was mission related when he asked why he would talk with the Admiral.

Outside, Aioles came to greet Tristan immediately. Tristan had thought he was going to be the one that would become emotionally attached but it seemed that the young Centaur was falling in love, he insisted on helping the Phrotine cook serve Tristan breakfast and coffee. Tristan watched the Father give his son looks that said 'ease off, boy', there was nothing he could do to discourage Aioles. He chose to wait until he was alone with Chiron XX before bringing up the subject.

"Chiron, yesterday when we were exploring the city we went into a spa for men. It reminded me very much of what we have heard rumored to have been places for men in Ancient Greece. I think Alex, Aoul and Atep enjoyed it very much, Reynod and I had a great time with a merman. Are they native to the planet?"

"Like Earth the mer-people are rumored to exist here but I have never seen one. Was the one you met native?"

"No, he had been shifted into the beautiful merman form from what he thought was an ugly crossbreed of Anubi and Neanine. He sounded lonely, but was unsure if he wanted to be transitioned back unless I could shift him into either half of his parentage."

"How did he get transitioned?"

"There is supposedly a being wandering in the maze on the lowest level of the spa that was once seeking revenge on the owners for not hiring him to manage it. Something magical happened that he was able to siphon off enough magic to make himself into a wizard that is abler to shift beings in the maze that he deems rude or unruly. He lives there since he first took the magic from a Pakaban chant that left him covered in scabs and terribly horrendous appearing.

"The wizard heard some of the spa's clients teasing the cross-breed and took pity on him. He shifted him into the most beautiful creature he could imagine. Unfortunately he didn't have any experience with mer-people so some of the shift left the poor man with a tiny cock and balls that don't come out from under his scales."

"While you are studying those videos that Rodrigo sent with me your friends could go by the river to see if they can learn any more about possible Mermen sightings. If he wants to stay on this planet that would be his best choice. Having you transition him back to the half-breed or either of the parents would leave him in a position where he would endure teasing for the remainder of his life.

"But why are you willing to help him?"

"Chiron XX, I'm sure you have had many wonderful blow jobs in your life. The merman was able to draw more cum out of my balls than anyone else I have ever met.

"Yes, Aioles, even you." The colt had nuzzled up against Tristan's shoulder and his head slid under his arm. Tristan wanted to do more than just rub his head but he wasn't sure what kissing him on the lips would entail.

"Well, Reynod, do you want to take the boys to the river? Wait a minute, Chiron XX are there any beings in the river they need to avoid?" He didn't want any of them to come back missing parts of their bodies.

"No, I'll give them directions to a part of the river that is used for bathing when the boys have found out they are too dirty to head to their Mother's home. It's been used since my Great-grandfather was a child. Although since I have never heard of any mer-people sightings there they may want to go elsewhere." Aioles still had his head under Tristan's arm, he was rubbing his floppy lips against the leaking nipples. Tristan wondered if he thought it tasted like his Mother's milk. He didn't believe that such a light touch from the colt was able to get his cock to harden to rock.

Alex saw the erection and was jealousy that the colt was stirring desire in the man he was supposed to keep drained. Sure he had finally had Tristan fucking him, he wondered if the man wanted to take the colt's virginity the way he had taken his. Had Aioles had Tristan's asshole exposed to his tongue? Why was a human that enamored with an ungainly soft animal?

"Back off, Aioles. I need to get inside to start studying for my first day of class. Rodrigo will be sorry he is allowing me to listen in on his lectures if I'm not fully prepared.

"Reynod, be careful at the river. I don't want to hear that you drowned or that the fish ate Aoul's dick."

They all laughed as Alex and Tristan entered the house. Aioles didn't know what to do. Should he stay close by the human that seemed to love his blow jobs or go with the others to play in the river? He had never heard of a merman so he didn't know what to expect, that was enough to raise his curiosity. He left with the others.

"What are those?"

"Centuries ago humans used these discs to record information. They were able to put audio, visual and written information on them, they didn't hold nearly as much information as those gel sticks you used at the Grinix law enforcement office. Still for their time it was a remarkable achievement in technology humans were able to do without any alien assistance.

"Why Rodrigo has the machine that plays them is a better question, I don't remember seeing any of the machines when I was growing up. By then they had been obsolete for at least two thousand years."

The Enlil sat a few feet away from Tristan stunned at the vision that had come alive on the wall. His translator was having trouble with the old English with its different accents and variations. Still, through the first video Alex didn't say a single word. He had lots of questions about what he was seeing but was so enthralled by seeing visions of Earth that he had nearly bent far enough in two to fall out of his seat.

While Alex was thrilled with visions of Earth Tristan was more thrilled watching the images that humans had created depicting beings they assumed were not from Earth but from somewhere else in the galaxy. Many of the creatures he had neither heard or read about while growing up as a child outside of Houston, most of them were beings that had only been seen in Europe or the Mideast. The video showed a few that were supposedly seen in India or China which he had never heard about before the video.

Tristan was surprised that many of the beings were cross breeds of different alien species that he had already seen. The idea that early humans had seen some alien and added features that made them seem more Earthly was an idea that made the most sense to him as he watched. Through the first and second videos they saw these beings in the odd representations that humans had drawn, he began to wonder how many of the beings had actually existed.

The third video had been created by one of the last Centaurs that had lived near the human settlements in Greece. He tried to explain the odd drawings that were found in caves and chalk hillsides. Tristan wasn't sure the Centaur knew what he was talking about. He hoped that this was where Rodrigo would start his class, there were many questions that he had that none of the videos had answered. His questions were not just about the beings but many of the ancient mysteries scientists had discovered but had not been able to explain the true origins. There were some that had been thought to be created in the time of the mass visitation to Earth by the Aliens but there had been little proof that men and the beings from the sky had really interacted.

Near the end of the third video the narrative switched from places and beings on Earth to a male Scientist from Aphrotites that explained how they had been allowed to experiment on the mammals that had the greatest likelihood of evolving into a species that would be able to become sentient. He said they had first been on Earth millions of years earlier when they recognized there were beings in the oceans that were attempting to crawl out of the water and live on land. Their first experiments had been with those beings, the experiments had not been entirely successful because they had used genetic material from the Neanines that was not completely compatible with any Earth beings. The beings created survived for only a sort time leaving the Phrotine scientists confused as to whether they would be able to find a being on Earth that they could help evolve.

A Scientist found the primates living in the forests of Earth, without anyone to help him he chose to tame a pair and see if he could gradually have them change into the beings the planet hoped to see. It took him six generations to change them to a being that walked on two feet and was able to speak his language. They were still primitive so seeing the success he was having the scientific community on Aphrotites agreed to help him develop the brain and body of the primates into a more sophisticated being. For close to a million years they lived and worked with the beings the first scientist had called Cains. One of the first hurdles they needed to overcome was that the beings only lived a short time, carefully grafting in genetic material from the Giants the Cains grew from the short and short lived primates to a being that lived long enough for them to see the progress they were experiencing.

During that time there were two of the Cains that had grown to nearly twice the size of the beings they intended to work with, they escaped from the place where the Phrotines were experimenting on them. The scientists were unable to recapture them, mostly due to their ability to cross vast spaces of land with a speed the Phrotines were unable to match with any equipment they had taken to Earth other than their transports from Aphrotites.

They continued to gradually help the humans grow a larger brain until they started to ask their purpose. When the Phrotines heard those questions they chose to leave the beings to themselves and found a home on the opposite side of the planet where they started again with two pair of the Cains that had not yet grown in height but had picked up the use of their brains. Once again the Phrotines were unsuccessful, they had unwisely chosen a place on Earth where there were still beings from an earlier more violent era. The beings which the humans would later call Dragons forced the Phrotine transport ships off the planet, a few of the scientists remained but soon they wanted to return to Aphrotites.

It was the third generation of Phrotines that lead the small group of Cains to the area where they had first landed. They spent years in a high desert laying out landing guides hoping that a rescue party would return to take them home. In the meantime the Cains had grown from thinking of the Phrotines as their masters to thinking of them as Gods. He went on to describe the years they waited to be rescued as peaceful years when they were able to teach the Cains about the skies and many other new things that they could use to survive the harsh conditions in the mountainous regions of the planet.

The Phrotines had divided up through the years, so when the rescue ships finally arrived they had to spend a long time finding their surviving descendants. Sometimes when the Phrotines left the Cains abandoned the cities where they had ruled scattering into the forests and losing much of the knowledge they had been taught. In less than a hundred years the Cains began calling themselves by other names and began warring with groups that had followed a different Phrotine. The scientist attempted staying in touch with the Cains mostly through observation and occasional conversations with those the Cains had appointed to be their priests. When the Cains began to sacrifice their children and virgins to the Phrotines they remembered the scientists abandoned the Cains.

They had taken the Cains through a period where they needed to kill violent animals of huge size to a time when they were able to decide for themselves when to plant what to eat and how to live. The one regret the Phrotine scientists had was that they had taught the Cains how to kill. They promised authorities on Aphrotites that should they ever be allowed to experiment with another species on another planet that they would do everything possible not to teach violence.

"Chiron XX how is it that you are able to stay home? Don't you have to go to the place where you and your Brother do business?" Tristan was happy that the Centaur had joined them for lunch, he had brought his son with him. Aioles nuzzled up to Tristan letting him know that he was available to suck his cock again he pushed his head under Tristan's arm and lowered it enough to lick at his balls.

"Most mornings I have been spending my time teaching Aioles his basic lessons. He has a family reputation to uphold once he starts to school, our family has always been number one in any school we've attended. I have hopes that of all my sons he is the one to follow me into medicine. He is too young to make that decision but he is the last chance for the family to continue the line of great doctors and teachers. How Chiron knew he would have no more sons baffled Tristan.

"As interested as he is in your cock I wonder whether once he goes through puberty if he will have time to study."

"I wasn't interested in boys until I was close to heading to college, so I'm not one that can help you with that. Reynod was sucking dick long before puberty, he still is. Alex was out of school before he sucked his first dick, working for law enforcement on Grinix.

"My cock was the first one you sucked wasn't it, Alex?" The green man had regained most of his color since the morning and was shining so bright that Chiron XX laughed at his discomfort at the question.

"Aioles, there is more to being gay than just sucking cock. Are you ready to have your anal virginity taken?" Tristan didn't know what the boy's Father would say at the proposition although he had taken human assholes.

The boy shied away from the table. Leaving his Father talking with Tristan about the videos that he and Alex had been watching that morning. Tristan hadn't been aware that he had been thinking about fucking the boy, Aioles was younger than anyone he had ever stuck his cock in but the way the boy nuzzled into him he had the feeling he wanted to do more than to just suck his cock.

"Tristan, I don't know why you have me thinking so differently than I did while teaching my other sons. I would never have offered their mouths or asses to anyone, let alone a human. Perhaps its the love I see my son express for you or I'm getting old and changing my mind about sex between species. I have to say I'm happy you don't have the barbs on your cock that let the Sphinx impregnate you, Aioles is first too young to bear your children and second we don't have any Crocotta here.

"Besides all that, I don't think you will be staying here long enough to teach any child he would bear and I am getting too old to raise another generation.

"I say that but it doesn't mean that I would stop you from taking his anal virginity if he agrees that is what he wants. You will be in shape with the kit in about another week, you have already said how much you miss fucking. I hope having Alex ride your cock has helped you get over that need."

"You won't be sorry that I was Aioles' first? The way you look at your son when he is pushing against me has made me think you want to take him in the stable and mount him." Tristan knew what he was saying could make the Great Centaur angry but he needed to know that when he finally broke down and mounted the boy that the Father would not think poorly of him or run him off the planet.

"Aioles, come over here.

"Now, turn around." The colt was skittish at having his ass facing Tristan and his Father but since his Father had told him to do that he wouldn't disobey him.

"Tristan, have you ever had to mold a boy to let you take his ass?" He thought back to the time before he first fucked Pierre. He had forced his boyfriend to learn to do more to him than suck cock and fuck. Was Chiron suggesting that he do the same with Aioles or was he suggesting that he push a finger or more into the boy so they would both get used to what it would feel like before he pressed his cock into him? If he had been a human or an Enlil he might have licked the boy's asshole but the idea of licking the horse butt repulsed him although he still wanted to fuck the boy.

As he began to reach for Aioles' ass he thought better of what he was doing and using his other hand reached between the boy's legs and groped his balls. Although Aioles had not gone through puberty the boy's balls were already at least three times the size of his own. He spent a few minutes being sure Aioles was accustomed to having his hand in places he had never been touched by anyone else. Not only was he getting accustomed to it but his cock was sliding out of the sheath, Tristan was sorry that the boy was not mature enough to produce the sperm the kit would love bathing them still just thinking about that he leaned down and kissed the only partially mature cock. It was surprising how much he enjoyed the smell of the cock and balls. He did a little more than just kiss the cock, he ran his tongue from the tip down to the balls before pulling out from under the boy.

"Yes, Aioles, you have that to look forward to as you mature." Tristan wet a finger, he thought it would be better if he had some lube but since he didn't he made sure his finger had a glob of spit on the end when he touched the boy's asshole. It must have been a natural reaction, Aioles kicked back with both of his hind legs and stepped forward too far for Tristan to reach a moment later he did what Tristan said and stepped back until he had a hand on his rear. Tristan was gentle, he thought the asshole was large enough to push his finger into without causing pain but to be careful he rubbing the spit up and down the slit before pressing the end of his finger between the sides.

The first inch of his finger going in required him to press hard, then it slid down to the knuckles without any resistance. He went slow but wanting the boy to enjoy what was happening was sure to move around the entire opening before adding a second finger. He hadn't known whether the boy would react in any way other than kicking so he held his body out of the way of the sharp hooves. Instead of kicking Aioles made a noise that he had never heard come from the young Centaur. He wasn't sure to think whether it was caused by pain or pleasure until he felt Aioles pressing back against his hand and making the noise again.

"That's enough for now. You might make me forget that I'm still not allowed to fuck you." Tristan slapped his rump after pulling his fingers out of the warm interior. He found an easy place to wash his hand before Chiron XX suggested he remove his uniform and take a walk with him, he warned Tristan that it would be a warm day and going naked might be more comfortable. Tristan snickered, he knew that Chiron XX enjoyed seeing his naked body more than anyone he had ever known even Pierre.

Alex returned to the house to watch the third video another time. Tristan took a quick break from the Centaurs to have a talk with Admiral Broughton while he was still dressed, then he went out to join the Centaurs.

Tristan had more questions for the Great Centaur from having seen the scientist version of their interventions on Earth. Aioles was following along behind Tristan every so often pressing his wet nose to his butt. His Father laughed at the young boy's actions and promised Tristan that he would teach the boy how to please him more than just sucking his cock. Aioles begged his Father to start that lesson as soon as possible.

Tristan was still missed having cocks rammed into his ass. After the Tezan and Enlil had tongued his asshole the previous day his need to be fucked had lessened although he would had bent over and allowed the pair to lick it for as long as they wanted had the Tezan gone home with them. They were a few minutes away from the house when he asked the Centaur if there were many of the Tezans in the city. He had to say that if he had known how a Tezan tongue would feel in his ass he would have insisted on buying the one he had seen in the slave market.

The Centaurs imported willing workers from other planets, mostly from Aphrotites, the government there was happy to be rid of the least intelligent of their kind and shipped many of them to the Centaurs. Chiron wasn't aware that there were any of them being sold as slaves although the slave market in the Perseus arm of the galaxy was not always legitimate. When Tristan explained to Chiron the heat of both the Tezan's mouth and tongue the Centaur responded by allowing his massive cock to slide out of his sheath.

"Dad, may I?"

"No, son, you aren't ready to take my cock in your throat.

"Tristan have you noticed that Aioles' face has started to transform. Its the first sign that he is beginning to go through puberty. In the next few months we will learn if he takes after his Mother or me."

"Is his Mother not a Centaur?"

"No, Annabella is a Unicorn. If you would like I'll take you in the stable where she is recuperating from an attack by Herans that wanted to steal her off to Pagaroma and put her in the royal zoo. They have a legend that a unicorn can give a virgin child the knowledge she will need to rule the planet. Annabella was fortunate that Rodrigo and Theo were nearby, they heard her yelling for help and were able to chase the Herans away. She was pregnant at that time so they brought her here for me to check her out and care for." Aioles was happy to hear his Father speaking of his Mother since she wasn't often mentioned outside of the stable. The boy wished that he would be able to determine which parent he resembled but honestly didn't know if he could make that momentous a decision.

For the first time since they met Aioles nipped at Tristan's butt causing the man to trip, falling to his knees. He was on the verge of getting angry with the boy when Chiron XX told him to lean over a fallen tree. What was going on? He certainly didn't mind spreading his cheeks and exposing his asshole to the Centaurs but was Chiron XX really going to teach his son to lick it? He had reached back to pull his cheeks further apart when he felt the first huffing of air on his hole. It was warm, one of the Centaurs was close enough they could have stuck out a tongue to touch him.

"Tristan, the area around your asshole is red. It looks like you were trying to get a sunburn. Are you healthy?"

"Chiron, it was the Tezan. His tongue felt hot enough to burn me a second asshole. Did he damage me?" Chiron had commented about how good-looking he thought Tristan's asshole was the first time he had seen it although it had been shifted to being large enough to take a Centaur's enormous cock. He wondered if the Centaur wanted him to expand it the way he had to accept his cock. He was getting ready to ask when he felt Aioles' soft tongue between his cheeks.

The boy had tried doing exactly what his Father had told him but had not quite managed to touch on the asshole. Tristan had almost jumped over the fallen tree but Chiron had caught him before he was able to get away from his son's face. Aioles couldn't understand why either he or Tristan was supposed to enjoy what he was told to do but he listened to his Father and pressing in tighter against the cheeks and first fluttered his lips against the opening then licked at it. Tristan pushed his butt higher in the air hoping that Aioles would not stop but push his tongue so that instead of just liking his asshole would be able to get it inside of him.

"Chiron, I could expand the hole so Aioles is able to push his tongue into me. Is he ready for that? Okay?"

"Not this time. Just let him work his tongue on your asshole the best he can. If he is able to make a point at the end maybe he will try pushing into your ass. It may be just too soft to do that so the next time he wants to do it you can expand the hole for him."

Tristan was disappointed that Chiron wasn't going to have his son licking inside of his asshole but what he was doing was a good start. He thought the boy would back away fairly quickly but was surprised that he kept doing what he was until the asshole started to open enough that his tongue was hitting the inside. The boy may not have know what was happening to Tristan but he tried to push his tongue against the different feeling skin only to sink the tip into him.

Damn, damn he wished the young boy was able to stick his cock into him. Time needed to move fast, he was wanting to get fucked more than anytime in his life. Was it a reaction to having been forcibly made pregnant as a man, his feminine side? He tried relaxing as much as he could and Aioles kept pressing in, not much but enough to have Tristan's cock start leaking pre-cum.

The Centaurs smelled the pre-cum, Chiron told Tristan to turn over. He hated losing the tongue in his ass but knew turning over meant that his cock was going to be the center of attention. As soon as the son had the human cock deep in his mouth the Father stepped over Tristan's head and pressed his length against the man's lips. Tristan knew he wouldn't be able to take the flare into his mouth so he reached up and began stroking the full length of the shaft while licking the hole in it.

Watching his son licking the man's asshole and now sucking his cock had Chiron XX ready to shoot his cum. He was the first of the three to unload. Tristan tried to swallow all the cum being shot into him but there was just too much. As the cum flowed out of his mouth over his chin and down his chest he followed the Centaur and came in the boy's mouth.

Done swallowing the man's cum Aioles went for the cum that had been spilled on Tristan's face and chest. He licked his Father's cum up nearly as greedily as he had swallowed Tristan's although he liked the human cum best. He didn't know what his Father would say but he wanted to get back to Tristan's asshole even though he was not in the right position, he thought he had felt something happening in his cock when he had his tongue in the man; he wanted to know if that was what would happen when he matured.

Next: Chapter 18

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