Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Jun 15, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Eighteen

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Heading into the stable for the first time since he had been staying with Chiron XX and his son Tristan was glad to see that the Centaurs did not live like the horses he had known on Earth. Yes, there were stalls although instead of having straw on the floors and a feeding trough would be comfortable for the massive creatures to use. There were what looked what should be soft beds although without blankets. There was a table in each of the stalls and unlike what he was used to seeing what he assumed were toilet facilities that a Centaur could stand beside or in front as needed.

There was the smell of equines that lead him to understand better that the Centaurs, Unicorns and the Pegasus were mostly animal not whatever they had been crossed with. When they reached the stall where Annabella was recuperating Chiron called out to her softly and Aioles ran into the stall neighing softly. Tristan had heard stories about unicorns that always seemed to have the creature being pure white whether they were a horse or a goat descendant. Annabella lived up to that description, she was pure white about the same size as Chiron although possibly one hundred pounds lighter. Like any Mother she greeted her son with what to Tristan appeared to be love.

Both of the Centaurs moved close to her and rub their necks against hers. After greeting the Mother of his youngest son Chiron XX introduced Tristan, she bowed as if trained to greet royalty. He didn't know exactly what was expected for him to do so he stepped as close as he dared and rubbed her neck while explaining why he was there ignoring the facts of his pregnancy.

Chiron XX laughed at him. "Tristan you didn't need to tell Annabella anything, she is capable of understanding what you are thinking. She does wonder why you failed to mention the fact you are bearing a Sphinx's children."

Tristan was even more at a loss about what he should do. For a moment the kit inside him acted as if they were trying to contact her, too. If they continued that for long he was going to need to give them a second bath soon although he couldn't believe that so soon after being treated to Chiron's seed they would really need more sperm. Tristan thought she was one of the loveliest equines that he had ever seen but not speaking to him wanted to cut the visit short. When he turned to leave the stall Aioles ran between him and the doorway, Tristan didn't believe the boy when he reached over with his still horse shaped head and took his cock in his mouth. He didn't think any being, human or animal would do that in front of their Mother and Father.

When Chiron told him that Annabella approved of her son's choice he was left not completely understanding that she expected Aioles to stay with him. Chiron had done well taking care of his lady, she was close to being ready to leave the stable and head to her own home. For another few minutes Chiron and the Unicorn communicated. Chiron left the stall with a smile upon his face, Annabella was certain that Aioles would become a great Centaur like his Father. He had learned over the years to trust her prophecies, they were almost always correct.

The winged horse was occupying a stall on the other side of the stable from Annabella and Chiron, when Tristan thought it must be for privacy he heard the Unicorn and Centaur laugh. As often as Tristan had sucked and fucked while others watched he still thought he would prefer to make love where he and his partner were not being watched. Sure he had enjoyed being watched in the spa down-town and having Chiron watching while his son learned how to treat the man although he had been reluctant at first.

Chiron had told Tristan that the winged horse was there because of an accident but he hadn't told him how damaged the horse had been or what had exactly happened. Seeing the horse half suspended on wide straps much like those that had held him when in the viewing machine he assumed that he had at least one of his rear legs broken. Chiron whispered to him not to stare but it was nearly impossible not to when he saw the horse cock wrapped in bandages hanging nearly parallel to the horse body.

Chiron XX went through the same introduction that he had in Annabella's stall. The grumpy horse let him know that he had heard everything. The first thing he wanted to know was if Tristan was really from Earth. Then he questioned him about allowing the Sphinx to impregnate him, had it been voluntary or had the Sphinx taken him hostage and raped him repeatedly as they often did to Sumerian or Hittite warriors. The older horse had not been following events on other planets so he wasn't aware of much that had happened in the last four thousand years and didn't care. All he wanted was to be able to fly again and return Olympus and his fellow mythical creatures.

"Tristan, don't enter the stable without me as an escort. Pegasus may be strapped in place but he still wants to get at you and fuck your ass. It has been ages since he enjoyed mounting a human, from what he has told me the last few weeks he used to mount anyone that wanted to ride him into the sky. I suppose that means that he only had a few human asses but he remembers them fondly. His only real regret is that unlike the sphinx he was unable to make any of the boys pregnant.

Reynod and the boys greeted them as they exited the stable. Atep and Aoul were acting much like any sixteen year old boys, playing grab ass and talking about everything they had seen by the river.

Unfortunately they had not learned whether there were supposed to be mer-people in the river so that quest had been a bust. Reynod let him know that unlike in the spa the only beings that they saw were a gathering of Centaurs with a couple Phrotines taking them food. Reynod had hoped to find a Tezan after listening to what his twin thought about the sex he had with the one he met in the spa. Atep and Aoul went to find the outdoor shower when Tristan told them that the river water had left them stinking.

Tristan convinced Chiron to take his twin into the stable to be introduced to the Unicorn and Pegasus. As long as his Brother was on the mission with him Tristan wanted him to learn whatever was possible. Over dinner Chiron and Tristan started a discussion of the right and wrong of holding other beings as slaves. Chiron had been upset when he heard Tristan say that he would have bought the Tezan if he had known more about them.

They generally agreed that it was an immoral idea that had no place in civilized society and should be outlawed throughout the galaxy as it was being on Earth and some of the other planets. When Reynod explained the way the Flovians dealt with the matter both Tristan and Chiron thought they were learning the benefits of the institution and paying the price of the inhumanity at the same time. Neither of them could understand selling yourself into slavery even if the payment was to aid your family survive under harsh conditions.

Alex didn't have anything to say on the subject. There were no slaves on Anki other than members of ones own family that had been dominated by the pater running a farm or ranch. Sexual slavery such as many of those being sold at the slave market on Grinix were heading into was unknown unless individuals practiced it in the privacy of their own homes. Tristan chuckled, he knew that if he had made an effort he would have been able to have Alex acting as his sexual slave even more than he already was, although he had no desire to punish the Enlil.

They talked freely watching the sun set and luminescent moths take wing. The boys played some game that Aioles taught them, Tristan was glad he wasn't trying to sleep, they were making a lot of noise. He pitied the Unicorn and Pegasus trying to recuperate in the stable. It was fairly late when Reynod herded the boys into the house. The silence felt almost oppressive. Tristan and Chiron continued talking but much quieter than they had been since now they didn't need to be heard over the boys. Aioles lay beside them and rested his head on Tristan's leg hoping to get a chance to suck his cock before the man went to his bed, not knowing that Tristan had been thinking about pissing in Alex's mouth so the Enlil didn't wake pale and matte.

He wasn't pleased with the timer that Khynm had implanted under his ear but it was doing the job it was meant to do. Although he didn't really feel like having sex every time the timer buzzed he found someone to empty his balls, usually Alex was close or Aioles was. A few times he had let his Brother indulge in sucking him like he had wanted to do for the last ten years, he knew every trick to make his twin cum either quickly or last as long as he wanted.

"Chiron, I guess I don't know that much about about families here, when you offered your son's mouth and then his ass to me I thought it just felt wrong. My twin and I have been having sex for years but I don't think our Mothers would have ever told either of us to go have sex with the other. They had us created to be gay but that might have been going a few steps too far, I'm sure Mother May would never have told either of us to go suck her brother the few times he viisited.

"As quickly as you came after watching Aioles licking my ass I was sure you enjoyed watching him. Or was it watching me stick fingers into him that ignited your fire?" Aioles had fallen asleep lightly breathing on Tristan's cock and balls, he hadn't planned on it but he was hard and his cock would throb against the colt's nose every once in a while.

"Tristan, it was watching everything the two of you were doing. I never thought I would be pleased to have a gay son although having boys that played around fucking other Centaurs had never upset me, it is just the way we grow up. All of my other sons played with the other young stallions they would be around at school or when we visited a friend. But that was it, play. They were never as serious about the sex as Aioles seems to be with you.

"But, are you sure you are going to be content having me fuck your son before you do?"

"It is not a problem. I have no intention of ever fucking this boy. He has already learned that sex with feeling is much better than any sex that doesn't include love. I don't know if he is in love with you although his Mother thinks he is."

"I hope not. I don't want to break his heart when I return to Earth. I will have to be sharing my love with the kit and Pierre, I'm not certain I'll have enough to have any left for him. He has years to grow up and find a full-time lover."

"You can say that although you have asked to take his virginity?"

"I sound a bit hypocritical, don't I? It will be for the best if the first cock in his ass is attached to someone that he had a crush on, that may be me while there is not another male for a long time. I want him to learn he can enjoy being mounted." Tristan thought he was being rather predatory in wanting to take the Centaur's young virgin son but Chiron had seen his son sucking his cock and willing push his asshole back on his fingers. He hated that he would have to wait a few more days if not weeks, the damn kit better get a good grasp on the womb. As much as he wanted to fuck the colt he also wanted to get a cock in his ass that knew how to fuck.

He regretted having agreed to staying with Chiron XX, he missed being with Pierre both in and out of bed. Pierre had been the one person to make him happy in every way possible. That he was the one that had learned how to make Tristan ready to have a cock inserted using his tongue and fingers was just another reason to miss him.

"Chiron, its time that I head into the house."

"That was the buzzer telling you its time to get your balls emptied that I heard?"

"Yes. I'm going to need to wake Alex or Reynod."

"Why not Aioles?"

"Don't you think he has had enough of my cum for one day?"

"No. I'm sure he would be happy if you woke him.

"Tristan, I've been thinking that perhaps I should help you out. I have never sucked a cock, as often as I have fucked men I never really wanted to do anything with their cocks. But. Seeing how much my son has learned to enjoy having your cock in his mouth I think it might just be time for me to change the way I think about men. I don't know if I can do it, but I want to give sucking your cock a try."

"Chiron, we have become friends. I wouldn't want to do any thing that would ruin our friendship. Shooting cum down your throat might just do that.

"I appreciate the offer but lets keep our relationship nonsexual." Tristan hugged the Centaur around the neck ruffling his greasy hair and starting to move towards the house.

"Aioles! Wake up!

"Boy its time for you to suck Tristan's cock again." Aioles shook his head as he attempted to stand, it was the way he tried to wake himself not a negative answer to his Father. He was glad his Father thought he should be available to suck the human's cock whenever the time was right. He had been dreaming about what they had done earlier. Tristan's fingers had made him feel different than anything he had ever done, now he dreamed about what it would be like to have the man stick his cock in his ass and fuck him.

"Tristan, do you want him to lick your asshole first?" If he hadn't been tired and Aioles hadn't been asleep Tristan would have eagerly been ready to bend over for the boy to lick his ass but it was time to get his balls emptied and head off to bed. He leaned down and kissed Aioles on the closest ear which had begun to shrink from the size of a colt's to a human's.

"I think I will be happy just to have you suck my cock." Aioles took him at his word and in one movement took all of Tristan's cock in his mouth and using his tongue licked his balls at the same time. He knew that Tristan had come to like him sucking his cock and licking his balls at the same time, he worried that the man was not pleased with the way he had been licking his ass but sucked the cock the best he ever had to give Tristan all the pleasure he could.

It was the first time that his Father had gotten close enough to them while he was sucking Tristan's cock to touch him. He had never groped his balls the way Tristan had, he didn't know what to think about having his Father playing with them but it was somewhat exciting and he sucked harder almost tearing the man's cock off his body at the root. Both older males told him to settle down and be careful that he didn't damage the cock, until then he had never thought it possible that he would hurt Tristan while sucking his cock. What were they talking about? He didn't get to think about the question for long, his Father had moved his other hand behind Tristan, Aioles couldn't see it but the older Centaur slid his fingers into the man's asshole one at a time until he had four fingers sliding in and out of him.

Caught between the two Centaurs it only took Tristan a couple minutes before he was giving the younger one the largest load the boy had sucked out of him. He was happy, too happy to head into bed. It was good that Chiron had done what he liked, he couldn't remember if he had ever told the Centaur that he liked fingers in his ass but he didn't want to let them pull out so he tried to hold on to them while Aioles sucked the last of the cum from his balls. He was going to have to ask Chiron if he was at least ready to allow the tiny dicked merman to fuck him, he didn't think he would make him too excited or bother the kit.

He fell to sleep immediately upon laying down. Four hours later he felt a warm wet mouth surrounding his cock. He thought it was his Brother, when he opened his eyes he saw that he was right. As often as Reynod had sucked his cock over the years Tristan had easily guessed who was sucking him. Four hours later he thought he was dreaming that he heard the buzzer and felt a tongue worshiping his asshole. The tongue was on his balls before he thought to see if it was Alex priming his cock to shoot a load of sperm for him.

"Don't roll over, Tristan." The Enlil didn't believe he was telling the man that, until he had first touched his tongue to Tristan's ass he had never thought it would be enjoyable or have a taste that he would love to have in his mouth. Being the pregnant human's minder he forced himself to do everything that he thought Tristan might enjoy, running his tongue as deep into his ass as he could wasn't just something he thought Tristan would enjoy it was something that Tristan constantly told him that he loved having him do. Loving it Alex wasn't sure why Tristan didn't bare his asshole for him more often, since they had gone to the Centaur's home he was only getting to stick his tongue deep in Tristan once a day while he knew that Tristan would have enjoyed it at least three or four times.

The Enlil was much like Tristan in that he preferred to be seen as a dark green being that was so shiny that the sun seemed to reflect off of him. He had started to need ask Tristan for both cum and piss since the colt had learned to enjoy taking his cock. Still he was glad that Tristan hadn't taught the boy to drink his piss so Alex was the only one on the farm that would beg to have the man fill his stomach with his waste water.

Preparing for the classes he had registered to attend Tristan found that the uniform he thought was appropriate was too tight. He didn't believe that the kit were growing that fast so he asked Chiron if he would view his interior again. They arranged to go to the business building after Rodrigo finished teaching the first class.

As he had threatened, Alex sat outside of the classroom ready to serve Tristan in case the man needed either to piss or have his balls emptied. He was reading the books that Tristan had given him that explained the job the Intergalipol was to do. The second book explained the laws that the planets' authorities had agreed upon having a third party enforce. The third book had been lent to Tristan by the Flovian explaining not only how the Yacht operated but also where they were allowed to fly or land on any of the Perseus arm's inhabited planets.

Tristan had promised to lend him a book that was more Earth-centric, it had been written to help law enforcement understand the new continental laws that had been put into effect after first contact. The books were all written in the New Earth Language, on Anki Alex had not learned the language so although Tristan had been teaching him to speak it he was still having trouble reading the books. He had an audio version of the first three books that he was using to teach himself to read so that when he managed to get to the fourth he would be able to read on his own.

The young Centaurs passing him in the hallway on their way to class were astounded at the shine of his skin. Most of them had seen at least a few Enlil but they had all been a paler green that didn't have a gloss. He heard them speaking to each other about how he looked, Alex didn't respond to them, he was silently proud of how he looked but wouldn't tell the mighty Centaurs that his color and shine were due to what he did for his charge every morning at least once.

Tristan had always been something of a kiss-ass as a student so he had arrived early to speak with Rodrigo before the class began. Not being able to wear the uniform he had Alex help him with all of the items that the Sphinx had presented to him on Grinix, he didn't know what the Centaur youth would think about the royal skirt, necklace or armbands but he hoped they were suitable impressed. Just as everywhere on the planet the Centaurs wore little if anything, a few of the females wore a cloth that covered their rump and hung down so their teats were not visible. That was only a few of the females, most of them covered their breasts and nothing else.

He wondered what the males would think about having a being in the classroom that was not like them but completely homosexual. A human that would be interested in looking at their cocks and given the chance would stick his cock in their butts. Tristan planned on not letting anyone know that he was pregnant although he thought that morning if he was getting too big for the uniform they would soon be able to tell. Beside the Centaurs there were a few exchange students, two En,lils, two Phrotines and the Tezan that he had met in the spa. Still trying to talk to Rodrigo Tristan responded to the sight of the Tezan, the memory of his hot tongue burning into his asshole had his cock raising the skirt so much that had he seen Rodrigo glance at it, he would have been embarrassed at not having as much cock as the Centaurs milling around the room waiting for class to begin but he usually thought of them as horses, so what?

He had hoped that Rodrigo wouldn't, but the instructor had everyone introduce themselves including where they were from originally. After he had finished his short introduction he was asked if he was royalty. He must have looked perplexed, the female Centaur that had asked the question followed up by commenting on the style and jewels on both the skirt and necklace. He blushed, then explained the entire outfit had been presented to him by the Grand Sphinx on Grinix for his part in foiling the illegal slave trade in magically transitioned beings into human or Enlil.

The class wanted to ask more questions but Rodrigo put a stop to it and had the Tezan introduce himself. Tristan listened closely, he didn't know much about Tepocah other than the planet only experienced sunlight for three hours per day. Prince Peaky was royalty that had been sent to the university to study medicine from the great Chiron XX. He asked the class not to treat him differently since he had none of his retainers with him and intended to treat them as equals. As he finished talking he glanced at Tristan giving him an open mouth grin that reminded Tristan of the heat of his blow job. Tristan's asshole was beginning to twitch when he saw the fire red tongue licking the Tezan's lips.

"I hope that you all listened closely in your classes leading up to now. I will not be repeating what I think you should already know. I may answer a question or two from the human and the Enlil that if one of my kind asked I would mock. I will be much different than any other instructor you have had, I don't want you to bring your books to class. I expect that you will have read them and what I say will fill in what you don't already know.

"Settle down, I will start with a recap of the earliest Phrotine immigration to Earth."

For the next two hours Rodrigo paced across the front of the classroom talking about what he thought the Phrotines had done scientifically to ensure the progress of the different species of primates that they planned on ruling Earth. One of the Centaurs asked if the Phrotines had also been the beings that had first developed the ability to travel between planets. Rodrigo told the class what he called mythology since there was no actual proof that the Phrotines had done much the same that they had accomplished on Earth on all of the other inhabited planets in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way.

The mythology did not explain why there was sentient life in the other two arms of the galaxy since even the Phrotines had not managed to leave the Perseus Arm to visit either the Local Arm or the Scotum Centarus Arm which is thought to have more inhabited planets with beings more closely appearing any of the bipeds that were known. All of the sentient beings known to the Centaurs had created myths concerning those beings that had them producing civilizations and cities so far into the future that it seemed fictional. From the little known about any of those civilizations the only planet in the Arm they had visited was Earth. They supposed had contacted humans but all the contacts had been either violent or so quick that there was little to no proof that a reptilian race from Scutum Centarus had attempted to colonize the Oceans of Earth or still lived there.

Rodrigo asked Tristan if he had any more information about that group of beings. He denied any knowledge of the Reptilian race although there were unproven stories that had been told on Earth from a time in the late CE Era about space ships that would disappear into the oceans. There had never been a sighting of them once they broke the surface of the oceans. A rumor that they lived among men floated from one generation to the next, again with no proof.

He wondered if they were also shape shifters, able to transition into humans so they would not be discovered. That was a thought he did not share with the class.

Rodrigo went back to speaking about the Phrotines. The historians among the Centaurs believed that the Phrotines were millions of years ahead of the other planets. The Centaurs' own history had them being given the ability to travel between planets no longer than fifty thousand years earlier. Even having that ability the Centaurs had not been given permission to travel to Earth until less than ten thousand years previously. Beings from the different planets would travel to Earth to give what information they were the most adept on during different eras. When the Centaurs traveled to Greece to teach man about medicine the other beings were already thought to either be gods or sent by the gods. Each of the five 'great' civilizations known at the time had a different set of interplanetary visitors.

"Tomorrow, we will discuss the evolution from alien beings to gods. The following day I plan on discussing the devolution of those gods to mystical creatures that live on the edges of Earth's civilizations. Next week we will discuss what many consider taboo, miscegenation between humans and beings from other planets."

As the young Centaurs pressed to leave the classroom Tristan sat in his seat to avoid being crushed although he was fairly sure the extra strength he had been given would allow him to force his way through the crowded doorway. He had been paying strict attention to Rodrigo so getting a chance to look at his fellow classmates, especially the Enlils, Phrotines and the Tezan was welcome.

"Mr. Anil, come to the front of the room for a minute. Tristan, I don't know why you left the room during the lecture, would you like to give me your reason?" Neither he nor Chiron had explained to Rodrigo the fact he was carrying a Sphinx's kit or that came it with certain restrictions on his time, he thought the lecturer would not appreciate the idea of his student leaving the room to get his cock sucked so he asked him to Chiron's that evening where the Doctor could tell the reasons more understandably for a Centaur.

Alex had left shortly after Tristan had come out of the class to have him suck his cock.

Getting from the university to Chiron's was a long walk. After having sat for four hours Tristan felt the need to get some exercise that was more strenuous than walking. He was glad that Chiron had told him that he should be able to shape shift as long as he was careful to choose a larger being. Looking around he didn't see any other students going between the buildings. Slowly he descended the ramp from the history building trying to decide whether to shift into a Centaur or a Griffin, flying and running both were exercise that he enjoyed although his Centaur body was not perfect.

He had felt the kit inside of him before but that was the first time that he thought they were trying to communicate with him. He was hearing murmurs that sounded if they were saying 'fly!' Tristan didn't want to be seen by the students gazing out the windows so he searched for a few minutes to find a spot where he wouldn't be seen shifting bodies or taking to the air. Chiron had warned him that the natives of the planet were not thrilled to see Griffin since their history had included at least three major wars and violent skirmishes on Earth.

If only he had the Sphinx ability to become invisible when his feet left the ground. The Sphinx were also able to fly higher than the Griffin which he had not understood seeing that the Griffin were a cross with the high flying Eagles and the two species had wings that were approximately the same span. The few times that he had attempted to shift into the body of a Sphinx he had failed miserably so he was content to be a Griffin although the kit might be more at home in a Sphinx.

"Have you enjoyed being in the body of a Griffin?"

"Chiron, I love the ability the Griffin have to fly. Being an Eagle and a Lion is a dream for a boy that grew up where the only living animals were Armadillos, Alligators and wild boar. We would see geese and ducks migrating but never close up." Telling Chiron XX about his life on the plain outside of Houston made him feel homesick for the first time while off planet. He knew his Brother had to be feeling that way even more strongly since he hadn't ever gone as far as Tristan while in college. He decided that he should get with Reynod and arrange to talk with their Mothers when they thought the women might be free from their business.

"Theo and I have never had the chance to have a Griffin in the Neutron Viewer, we should take a look to see how the kit have settled in to flying."

"Chiron, I don't know how to say this, but I thinking I was being told by the kit to fly when I was trying to decide to come here as a Centaur or Griffin. Do you think I was imagining it or are they conscious enough to try communicating"

"When we take a look, I will have my Brother examine the kit more closely. I have never heard of Griffin or Sphinx fetus speaking to their parent but with you and the Great Sphinx who knows what might be possible."

Chiron let Tristan fly to the business building telling him that as long as he landed behind the building there would not be a chance of him being seen. Tristan was glad to continue flying, the first flight had exercised his body some but he wanted to loosen up more. Between sitting in class and the restrictions he had on activity he had become stiff and lazy. Theo was standing at the rear of the building waiting with a door open to let Tristan enter.

"Tristan, we are glad you are in the form of the Griffin, we have never had one in the viewing machine plus we wanted to know if the kit reacted to that body differently than they had your human body. When you are on the sliding platform find a position that is the most comfortable, I know that a Griffin does not like being on its back so try your stomach or your side. Once we drop the platform and have you suspended on the straps in will not matter any longer where you started."

For just a moment the kit reacted to what Tristan had heard. Once he was laying on his side in the machine they settled down. He had thought it might be necessary for him to give them a stomach full of cum but they didn't seem to need it this time. The brother let him know that it would be the first time either of them examined a Griffin so it would take them longer than the other time they had him in the machine. He did the best he could to relax remembering that tensing his muscles had made it difficult for the doctors to see the kit well.

The brothers spoke more while viewing the interior of the Griffin than they had when viewing the human body's insides. It seemed that there were two organs inside of the Griffin that they did not recognize or know why they existed, much like the human appendix had confused them. Tristan was glad to hear that the kit had settled into the Griffin wrapped around each other almost as if they were making love to the next body. They didn't tell him exactly how but they were able to differentiate the two Sphinx kit from the Griffin kit, they exclaimed that they were now sure that the three kit were two species. The first thought Tristan had was that he hoped the Sphinx would not be angry that he was also carrying a kit that belonged to Major Mangrel a few seconds later he indignantly thought the Sphinx had no tight tp be angry, it was his body.

Theo was more anxious to explore the Griffin body than Chiron, he had not been on Earth to see a Griffin like his Brother so he was more curious although Chiron admitted never having touched a Griffin or Sphinx. Theo asked his Brother if he knew why the Griffin had balls that hung away from his body rather than having balls like a lion that were held tight against his body for protection in battle. He rolled the balls around on his palms enjoying the feel of the cum filled balls. Although Theo had his wife with him the for the first examination he had no reluctance to stroking the Griffin cock before asking Tristan if he minded that he was going to push his hand inside of him to touch the kit. Tristan was amazed at how freely the Centaurs switched between other's genders.

"Chiron told me that you are able to morph any portion of your body at will. It may be better if you expand your anal opening so that I don't damage you when I slide my hand into you." Tristan knew that he had cocks that were close to as large as Theo's hand, it had worked better for him if he did just as the doctor was asking. Still the idea of a hand instead of an elephantine cock was disturbing, he let Theo know he was attempting to expand his asshole but that he was tense at the thought of him pushing his hand and arm into his ass.

Tristan was glad he was strapped into the machine tightly. When Theo first touched him with the cold lubricant his body jerked forward as if he wanted to get away from the Centaur. It must have been instinct, Tristan had been hoping to be fucked for a week wasn't a hand going to be better than nothing? Theo only had two fingers into him when his mind went to having Alex's giraffe like tongue sliding into him and he gradually opened enough to take four fingers. If Chiron hadn't stepped in front of Tristan face and let his now hard cock bounce against his face, he would have clamped down on the fingers but the smell of the cock and balls relaxed him enough that he admitted Theo's entire hand without objection.

"Tristan, rumor has it that Griffin won't suck cock. If you are to spread the message of sexual liberation the Sphinx plans on you giving Earth I think you need to overcome whatever it is in the Griffin pysche that inhibits them from sucking cock and taking all of mine into you mouth and throat. Please be careful with the sharp incisors, I want to remain fully intact."

Tristan could have let him know that he had been sucked off by more than one Griffin once they saw another one taking him. But he left the Centaur believe that he was a new experience for a Griffin even though he should have known that while in a Griffin body Tristan would have acted more like himself than them. Before he could open his mouth to lick at the equine cock the kit begged him for another load of sperm to suck from his stomach. At least this way his throat was wider and more able to allow the thick, long cock to shoot straight into his stomach.

It didn't take Tristan too long to get his ass accustomed to the girth and length of Theo's arm, as soon as he did he wanted to do more with the arm than lay there like a beached whale. Theo was being careful not to tickle Tristan, he understood that the Human would become excited and attempt fucking his arm like a huge cock. What he didn't know was that as soon as he stroked the kit they thought it tickled and although not able to laugh they were letting Tristan know the feel was like nothing they had yet experienced.

They began moving around, not upsetting him but enough that he wanted to see if there was a way he could control them. He had already swallowed Chiron's load so the kit were trying to get at the stomach teats, while they did they spoke to him again telling him that he should do what would make him feel good. Use the arm like a huge cock and fuck it, Daddy!'

There was nothing Tristan wanted more than to do just that.

Next: Chapter 19

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