Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Dec 18, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Twenty-Four

Olive and Tristan's Mother left with the King and the jeweler. Mother May was astounded that her son would be wearing the three different colored diamonds, she had only ever seen clear or yellow diamonds. "Mom, I'm glad I won't be going to the wedding. I don't have any clothes or jewels that would have me appear even a third as fancy as my Brother will be dressed. I don't want to appear like the poor relatives."

"I still wish I was going. I wouldn't be dressed as fancy either but still he is my son and is going to be married to the King of the Empire.

"I'm surprised about the jewels, I always had trouble getting him to even wear T-shirts."

"Do you know if Reynod has jewels for when he stands up beside his Brother?"

"No. Have you heard when he will arrive?"

Mother and daughter talked about the wedding and the twins until Olive broke off to find Tiimpo. Mother May went to get dressed for the family dinner the King had arranged for her son to host. At first she had thought it would be casual but Tristan had warned her that the dinner would be in the King's hall so they would need to dress formally for the meal.

Tristan had thought the meal would be served for his immediate family but when the King returned with the Traven he let his 'bride to be' know that he intended to attend the meal and thought he should invite his three attendants. Reynod was ushered into the room before Tristan had a chance to respond to the idea.

"I always told you that is the way I like to have you greet me." Reynod rushed to his twin and grabbed the naked man in his arms. He didn't have time to wonder what changes had come over Tristan that he was willing to stand in the center of a room with four clothed men around him. One thing hadn't changed, as soon as he was in Tristan's arms his twin lowered a hand to his butt and probed his asshole without asking permission.

The Quean's tour of the Empire had changed him slightly, enough that when his twin was pushing his finger into his asshole he didn't object. Not only did he not object he pushed back onto the digit with some enthusiasm.

"Terry, you haven't calmed my twin down at all, have you? (The King could see what the twins were doing.) Are you going to allow him to fuck anyone he wants?"

"You should have learned while touring the Empire that the Quean is a sexual idol for all the males on the different planets to bow down to. They are expected to be willing to bow down to the Quean any direction he wants." Reynod gently pulled away from the finger, he wasn't ready to have Tristan fuck him, he knew if he waited too long his twin would be maneuvering him to where he could fuck him. It had been awhile but he wasn't sure he wanted Tristan forcing his cock into him in front of the King and his slave.

"I am happy not to have to be wearing that wig. How can you leave your hair grow so long?" He was hoping to change the subject away from sex.

Tristan didn't answer him. "Mom will be happy to see you. Golard, find my everyday kilt."

"Tristan, I told your Mother that she needs to dress formally for the dinner tonight. You should wear the kilt the Major sent you." For a few minutes they discussed the fact that Tristan planned on giving the one kilt to his twin to wear to the wedding. Then whether Tristan should dress in a style his Mother and Sister would recognize as modern formality.

"I'll meet you in the dining hall when you are ready." The King and Jeweler left. The door was barely closed when Reynod dropped to his knees in front of his twin. He may have been reluctant to have his Brother fuck him in front of the King and the others but he had no hesitation to suck Tristan's cock where the three attendants could watch, after all they had all seen him suck Tristan's cock while he was still carrying the kit. Tristan was glad to have his Brother taking his cock in his mouth, he had gotten used to having Reynod sucking him when he was on the four to six hour schedule to have his balls emptied more than he had as a teenager.

With his cock deep in Reynod's throat he pulled Alex into his arms and kissed the boy before he let go, he promised the Enlil he would give him a load of piss before they went to dinner. Golard heard him, he wasn't sure he was pleased that his master was giving his piss to anyone other than the king or him; Aioles felt the same although he had only had two drinks..

"Reynod, we are going to have to work out a schedule, the other boys in the room also enjoy sucking my cock and drinking piss. Now that Alex is here I'll have an ass to fuck, too." The Enlil had never had Tristan tell anyone while he was able to hear that he enjoyed having his asshole fucked, he blushed even though he was in Tristan's arms. Aioles had never heard that anyone enjoyed being fucked, still he had been waiting for Tristan to finally take his anal virginity with the hope that he would enjoy having the man in him from the other end, too; hearing that the Enlil enjoyed having Tristan fuck him gave him confidence that he might enjoy the experience.

The pair not being involved were jealous. Golard spread his master's ass cheeks and eagerly pressed both tongues to the pulsating asshole, with the larger of the two gradually sliding into the hole making it even more active the deeper he pushed. Aioles unwilling to be left out pushed his face under Reynod's licking at the bouncing balls, trying to take one in his mouth at a time. Aioles knew that the man that his parents were trusting him with loved having him lick, suck, and nuzzle his balls even if he wasn't going to suck his cock.

Dean had been hiding from all the noise. This was a sound that he knew, it wasn't as hearty as what Golard or the King made sucking his Father but he knew that there would soon be cum either on the bed or on the tip of the cocks he saw around him. None of the four beings knew what it was that licked at the tip of their cocks, they all thrust their erections at the extra soft tongue but were unable to force their cocks into the still tiny mouth. Dean was not happy that his Father's cock was not among those he was able to lick. He was confused that there was another cock that was much like it but tasted different. It was only the third time that he had been able to lick a cock, when he reached the colt's cock he wanted to lay there and lick until all the cocks shot their delicious fluid on the bed or the other men.

Having slurped at the cum his Father had swallowed for him for fifteen weeks Dean was always ready for the cocks to shoot, he was liking the taste of cum that hadn't been in his Father first even more than he had his daily drink. Unlike traditional Griffin raised together he would be eager to taste sperm for the rest of his life, neither he or his Father knew that Khymn had planned his life that way against the Great Sphinx's wishes.

Moments after shooting, the males regathered their strength, quickly showered and dressed to go to dinner.

"Don't you feel like a woman walking around in a skirt?"

"Reynod, if anything I feel more masculine. I don't have anything binding my cock so if I see someone I like I am free to get erect and flip the kilt up to let him know that I am ready to fuck him. Whoever chose to make kilts had a great idea, I like having my cock available to fuck or get sucked all the time without having to get undressed."

"Or flip up the back so you can be fucked."

"Not for long. Once I get married to Terry, the sperm you sucked out of the Empire I am expected to return to the men that bend their bodies to me. The Empire will believe that I have stopped sucking cocks other than my husband's. Unless my husband selects some of the chosen ones to join me for sex while he conducts other business.

"Of course the truth will be that I will have four cocks available to suck all the time, yours, Ai ole's, Alex' and Golard's plus my husband's."

"That's more cock than you sucked the whole time you were in school."

"Before I met Pierre."

"I've been thinking that I should head back to Earth. If I do then you will only have the other four to suck."

"Still missing our Mother?"

"Even more getting to talk to her over dinner.

"Although that was the most awkward meal I've ever had with you and our Mother." May hadn't had a chance to tell Reynod that Judith had died, she didn't want to ruin her other son's rehearsal meal. "Why did she seem to be angry with you?"

"She is. When the gods invited Therold and I to Oso Tre to be wed we were told that we were only allowed to have one attendant each. Mother May wanted to be my witness and is still upset with me for choosing you as my best man and witness. She also tried to get Terry to have her be his witness, he said that Timpo is his closest relative since the revolution that brought him to the throne; thus she meets the requirements of his government."

"I would have thought Judith would be the Mother that would want to be here for your wedding, she was always more involved on our special days, she was always there if you were to get an award. She showed up even if the store was open and Mother May had to stay at work."

"Reynod, May wanted to have a talk with you before the dinner. She thought she would be meeting with us both when she arrived via the Portal. She is here alone because she and Judith were in an accident, she didn't tell me what kind, they were both taken to a hospital in Houston. Judith died while being operated on, May was kept in a sleep state for a week.

"During that week the invitation to my wedding arrived, with Portal tickets, from the King to Be. Olive had taken over while May was unconscious, once she was allowed to stay awake Olive let her know that she had taken care of all the business that needed be done. May assumed that included notifying the two of us, she hadn't."

"Gentlemen. The Equality will be prepared to leave in two hours." They had learned at dinner that the nursemaid for Dean had gotten sick using the Portal so Therold had started the arrangements to travel by the Equality although they didn't have a star map of their destination. "Apollo is to arrive shortly, he will be our navigator. I told the King that if they sent destination coordinates I should have no problem getting the Equality to Oso Tre. The gods won't give up those coordinates."

"Thank you, we will be on board in plenty of time. Reynod, you haven't unpacked have you? I don't have much to take." He didn't say anything but Apollo was the god that he was the most anxious to meet, he had wondered since the first time he had read about the god's beauty if he was really as wonderful as was written? Were the statues made of him even close to showing his true beauty or were they better looking than him?

"Alex, get us ready to leave. Aioles, let your parents know that we will be leaving, are there any other guests that we need to let know about the time?

"Olive and Timpo? After only a couple days he was surprised how easily that rolled off his tongue.

"Everyone else the King told me would be going is being notified that the departure time has changed."

Tristan watched as Alex and Golard arranged what was going to be needed for the trip. He no longer cared if they packed any clothing for him, since posing with Pierre it didn't really matter to him if anyone saw him walking around naked. He doubted the gods would care if he was dressed or naked. Besides it was easier to get involved in the sex he wanted so often if his ass and cock weren't covered, he was glad the griffins had introduced him to kilts as everyday wear.

He told everyone that he was headed to the Equality and left the room, his guard, son and slave preparing themselves. Aioles was the first to react, before Tristan was out the door he was at his side not having anything of his own that needed to be packed.

"Will riding in your ship be harder than the ride here in the Portal?"

"It won't be as smooth at the beginning but once we're out of the gravity field the ride will be about the same. You will be fine as long as you strap yourself in when the Flovian tells everyone that we should prepare for acceleration. Have you even taken a look at the yacht?"

Aioles gave him a quick shake of his head.

"Once we're on board I'll give you a tour." He had told the Flovian that he would prefer if he and the King had the top floor to themselves, not remembering that the top most floor had been turned into prison cells.. The Flovian had kidded him about it being the bridal suite. Still now he was thinking he might like to have the colt with them on the way to the wedding and the suite to themselves on the way home.

"Tristan, do you like having a slave? I thought you had said something about thinking that owning slaves was a moral problem for you? Now you have two of them."


"Alex and Golard?"

"And you?"

"I'm not your slave?" Aioles hadn't thought of himself the same as either of the two men that served Tristan''s every need.

"What won't you do for me" He was rubbing the colt's nubs. The horn was growing quickly, the first day he saw the nub it was only a few inches long with a soft velvet coating. Now it was long enough for the tip to still be showing if he covered it to rub with both hands. The wing nubs had barely grown at all even though he had rubbed them as much.

"Are you ready for me to fuck you? Maybe the King, too?" They were at the door to the yacht. If Aioles was going to be his slave it was time to start teaching the colt how to act. "Take my cock in your hand and lead me up the ramp."

It took Aioles a few minutes fussing with the kilt to get Tristan's cock hard enough to lead him by the hand. He was happy that the man was allowing others see that he was not just a mouth to dump his cum in when needed, he had heard that after Tristan's trials. He loved the taste and feel of the man's cum but he didn't want the other Centaurs to think of him as a cocksucker.

He had spoken with his Father about having Tristan fuck his ass. He had been afraid that it would hurt or that he might shit on the man. His Father had promised that he would give his son an enema when he told him he was ready to have Tristan in his ass. He had been told that all it would take was a little grease for the man's cock not to hurt him, then Chiron told Aioles to remember that Tristan was able to transition his cock to a larger size if his natural cock wasn't enough. He couldn't understand what his Father was hinting at when he said that so he just didn't answer him with words although his cock had dropped out of the sheath and was mostly hard. Chiron had laughed at his son but didn't tell him why.

"What do you think you could ask of me that I would refuse?" Aioles had sucked his cock and drank piss, he had watched Tristan fucking and taking a cock in his asshole. What more was there? He had nibbled at Tristan's toes with Golard, he hadn't liked that much but if Tristan asked him to do it again he would. Thinking about what he and the man might do had him hanging down, erect; he wished the man would bend under him and take his cock in his mouth.

Once they were in the Equality Tristan asked the colt to remove his kilt, the little they had talked about sex had him dripping pre-cum; he didn't want to get it all over the kilt he was going to have his Brother wear. Fortunately Aioles' hand had kept most of the cum off the kilt since he had been told to lead Tristan up the ramp. He couldn't believe how often he wanted sex, had being on a four hour schedule while pregnant conditioned him to it?

Aioles saw the liquid and wrapped his tongue around the man's cock without being told or asked. He had become so used to the taste that he would have had difficulty resisting. Tristan leaned against the one single seat in the gathering room. Although leaking pre-cum, he wasn't truly ready to unload fresh cum on the colt's tongue, his Pavlovian response to talking about sex had not only affected his cock and balls. Tristan pulled the colt's head back, he swiftly turned around and bent over the seat spreading his butt as far as he could without' using his hands to pull the buns apart the rest of his response was shown to the colt.

Aioles was getting impatient for more sex as he had been sucking Tristan's cock. He had been taught how to properly excite Tristan with his tongue within the last couple weeks he wanted to get his tongue on the asshole, he hoped he was able to force his tongue into his 'friend' or was he becoming his ' Master'? Tristan quivered from one end to the other as the broad tongue swiped across the asshole then ran around the rim before lapping at the hole hard.

"That's the way. You are going to make me want your cock in me." If the colt had been more experienced Tristan would have admitted that he already would have gladly opened his asshole for the colt's thick cock. He stretched an arm back under the Centaur trying to get his hand on Aioles' balls, he always loved playing with balls before being fucked. He could reach the colt's cock but not as far back as his balls. Unintentionally he immediately began to transition his asshole to a tunnel that would be able to accommodate the colt's still growing cock but give them both enough friction to enjoy their first fuck. He was wanting to get the cock into him soon, before the guests arrived at the yacht but he was not thinking of them as Aioles' tongue began to slide into him.

"Slow down and control yourself Aioles. You don't want to lose your load before your get your sweet cock deep inside me." Alternately he was wiping the slick pre-cum down the shaft of the willing boy, He wasn't getting his tongue as deeply into Tristan or Golard would, the pierced man was enjoying every push of the thick, slick tongue, he needed the colt's cock in him!

"Step to the side and back a few." The colt wondered what he was doing wrong until he saw that Tristan get on his back with his legs in the air. He grabbed Tristan by the ankles and went to return to licking his asshole.

"Aioles, I need your cock in me. Don't fuck me hard, I just need you to plow my ass gently." He held the young colts cock as he stepped over him, helping him to line it up with his asshole then rubbing the pouring pre-cum on the rim of his hole, numbing the skin to the stretching it was about to endure. He could have taken a hard equine fuck but he was afraid of what that might do to the colt and his asshole.

"Slowly" For a moment Tristan wished he had chosen a being with a smaller cock for his return to a full sexual life. His swearing and cursing put the colt off, he pulled out before getting the chance to stroke his cock all the way into the man once.

"No, Aioles. Slow, not stop." Tristan managed to grab hold of the colt's cock again and hold it to his asshole until the colt pressed down on the widening asshole. The Centaur pressed his cock into Tristan inch by inch until he was more than halfway in.

"Yes, please! Give me more!" This time Tristan was ready for the thick equine cock. Aioles' cock may not have been fully grown but it was twice as thick as any man's cock he had ever had in his ass and nearly fourteen inches long. As far as Tristan was concerned Aioles could have rammed the cock into him even though he had asked the colt to go slowly. His mind was in a new place until he felt the smooth, young balls bounce against his hand, they were already twitching. Part of him wished that he had his tongue on the colt's balls, they felt that good. Now that Aioles was becoming more to him than just a mouth he was determined to suck his balls.

Knowing that the first time was not going to last for the colt Tristan let him know that he could stroke in and out for a minute or until he felt his balls release the cum that had built up. Tristan didn't know whether the first time the colt was going to release his cum in a man would be like his Father, flooding his asshole, he held onto his legs so that he didn't instinctively pull away when he felt the cup of cum filling him.

"I certainly didn't expect this." Chiron XX had gone to the yacht with Dean on his back, Alex and Golard at his sides.


"Don't let us stop you. Our Quean must be feeling the need." He stood back a length or two watching his son, giving him hints, proud that the boy was fucking a human before he got to fuck a mare.

"Give me that cum!" As soon as Tristan felt Aioles' balls begin to throb with the pain of shooting his first load of sperm he was overwhelmed with the need to have every ounce of the liquid filling him. He squeezed the big balls in his hand and contracted his ass muscles around the cock with a desire as strong as any he ever had, he wasn't going to lose a drop of the precious Centaur cum. He didn't know if the son was going to be able to boast his natural state like the Father but that wasn't what mattered at the moment, he wanted to feel the boy cumming in him.

He turned to smile at the Father. Tristan had been so engrossed with the cock in his ass that he hadn't seen there had been others join Chiron XX watching him be fucked by the colt. He felt a flush creep up his body until Terry stepped over and stuck his cock in Tristan's mouth. Soon he was full of cum and not caring who saw that he sucked cock or that he loved to get fucked.

"My Quean you should get cleaned up or you will have an orgy started before we leave the surface of the planet." If there hadn't been females coming on board for the trip he may have let an orgy start but he didn't want to see. either his Mother or Sister involved with any of the other guests. Alex was wiping Tristan's cum from his chin, he had been happy to get to the ship before Tristan lost his load on his chest. He was holding out his other hand to help Tristan up from the floor.

"Alex, I'll need a plug or a towel before I stand. I don't want to spread Aioles' cum across the floor." The Enlil offered to eat the cum from his ass but Tristan said he preferred a plug to hold it in. He had waited so long to get fucked he wasn't going to give up his reward that easily. That was his first thought although while Alex searched for the butt plug he thought how nice it might feel to have Aioles licking his own cum from his asshole.

"So it is the way you greet your guests." Mother May was the first guest to arrive as the colt backed away from her son's ass.

"Well, you saw me finish the trials to become the Quean of the Empire. Didn't anyone tell you that meant I was to give up sex to the Empire?" It was the first time that he had mentioned the primary duty of the Quean to anyone that wasn't there when Terry had explained his duties to him. Growing up he had wondered what it would be like to travel the universe having sex with all the different species of beings. Being the Quean wasn't quite the answer to his dreams but it was close.

"But you are getting married."

"I am. That means that once the gods have blessed us that I am not to give my ass up to anyone other than my husband. My cock and mouth are the property of the Empire, anywhere I go with the King I am expected to give the chosen of those planets, both. Yes, that means that I will be allowed to fuck beings other than my husband, unfortunately this may be the last time that anyone other than him is permitted to fuck me." He didn't think it necessary to tell his Mother that was only their public position, Terry had agreed that Tristan would be allowed to be fucked any time he wanted as long as it was in the privacy of their quarters in front of him. That was one of the reasons he had hoped that Aioles was becoming one of his slaves.

"Golard, did you find the plug?" When he left Earth Tristan had packed a few butt plugs although being able to shift the size of his asshole meant that all he really would need on the trip was one. There was enough of the colt's pre-cum and cum remaining around his asshole to allow the slave to easily insert the butt plug, he shifted his asshole until he was firmly holding the butt plug with no chance for it to slide out or be pushed out by the massive load it was holding in. He couldn't remember feeling that good since the two Sphinx had impregnated him. He wouldn't tell Chiron XX. but his son has flooded his asshole with more cum than he had

He and Aioles went to one of the cleaning stations. Although Terry had suggested he clean up he wanted to be certain that the colt's cock had neither a smell nor any cum sticking to it. He went to wash the boy's cock before Aioles understood what was happening to his softening cock, Tristan examined it closely before kissing the tip and shaft until it disappeared into it's sheath. He did get a slight taste of the fresh equine cum, a more earthy taste than any of the human's.

"Tristan, if you didn't have your asshole hidden by the flange on the butt plug I would gladly lick up any cum that has spilled while we we're here." He had never tasted his own cum since that had been the first time that he actually shot a true load of cum but he had licked his own pre-cum off his hand. He had a clean warm cloth in his hand preparing to take his turn at cleaning his partner, a matter he had learned Tristan expected and enjoyed while still on the farm. He was glad he had watched Alex and Golard closely.

"And you never answered if you were becoming my slave. Does anyone other than a slave wash a man's ass on your home planet?" He didn't truly believe that the boy wanted to become his slave but he had begun to think that he wouldn't object to having Aioles as a permanent part of his entourage. He liked the youthful look on sex and the willingness the boy had to do anything he wanted, especially licking his ass.

"Are you going to dress before the other guests arrive?" Aioles was holding onto Tristan's cock the way he had lead him onto the yacht. He looked down at the smooth hand that was gripping his cock and thought there was going to be some training necessary if Aioles was to stay with him, not everywhere was as sexually free as the only planet he had known up until then. He headed up the stairway to the upper level leaving the colt behind to join the others in the gathering room, he was half way up the stairs when he realized that he had a promise to fulfill, he decided to wait until he was in the upper chamber to find an intercom and call for the Enlil.

Alex rushed to Tristan's side to get his drink. He was on his knees in front of Tristan as soon as he saw where he needed to go. Tristan was reminded of a bird in its nest waiting for the Mother to bring back its dinner, Alex knelt there with his mouth open waiting for Tristan to fill him with piss. It was obvious that they both enjoyed this.

"I'm certainly glad there is not to be a restriction on this once I marry Terry."

Alex only looked up at him and slowly tried to nod his head. He didn't want to spill any of the piss he was thoroughly enjoying. He was going to need to talk to Tristan about the possibility of giving him piss more often, he would give up one of the times he was going to get on the schedule for sex in exchange for another load of piss everyday. He hoped he was shining by the time they went down to join the rest of the passengers.

"Tristan after dinner will you transition into a colt like Aioles? I would love to feel what your hole felt when he was fucking you."

"Terry if I fuck you as a Centaur you will be getting more of a fuck than I got from the colt, I know how to fuck unlike Aioles and I won't have to worry about cumming as soon as my cock is in your asshole. Is that how we are going to avoid getting bored? Transitioning into other species to fuck each other?"

"I have been thinking that is what we should do. We'd both get variety in our fucking while you spend the rest of the time with boys from other planets." He had been hoping for this since the moment he learned that Tristan could shift into any being he wanted when he learned that Tristan could also shift him he had decided that he was the right man to be his Quean.

"Only while visiting them."

"Didn't I warn you that each of the planets will be giving me a tribute when we visit while on our "Honeymoon". Traditionally that has been a girl for the King's harem however since there is a Quean again they will be giving a boy that is to serve as your slave.

"I hope I picked well, you will need to have a lot of cum to satisfy all your slave boys."

"Do you know if that includes Oso Tre? I would love to have Apollo as one of the boys that will be there to serve me, he has a beautiful ass."

"And he is good looking, too. It would be easy to get hard for him no matter how shortly before him you had been sucked or had fucked one of the slaves. I doubt the gods will be giving you one of themselves. Maybe one of the Phrotines that does their labor but not Apollo he would be able to leave too easily."

""Guess I'll have to take a chance while he's navigating my ship."

"Do you really believe that Intergalipol will allow you to keep this ship? It must be worth billions of credits."

"I was the one that seized it from the smugglers and convinced the Intergalipol powers to have it at the clinic. They may. Now that they can use the Portal they may not want the expense of maintaining a ship like this." He and the king had fallen into talking about possessions as if they were playthings. He didn't have any idea if he would be allowed to take the ship with him IF they accepted his resignation. With a slave from each of the planets in the Empire he would be able to fly the ship anywhere he wanted if he left the King. With the gold Golard gave every time he was fucked he should be able to maintain the ship.

When had that changed from when to if?

"I have felt your desire to meet me. I am Apollo."

Tristan didn't know what to say, the god was the most beautiful being that he had ever seen. If the god had told him to do anything he would not have hesitated for a second. He couldn't imagine anything the god would say that he wouldn't do.

"I will be officiating at your wedding. Rumor on board has it that you allowed the young Centaur/Unicorn to fuck you. If you like being fucked that much how are you going to obey the wedding vow to remain faithful to your spouse?"

"King Therold is not going to expect me to be faithful. He expects me to fulfill the duties of the Quean of the Empire only maintaining my asshole as his alone." Tristan could feel Apollo rooting in his mind so he continued. "As long as I only give up my ass in the privacy of our quarters while he is there to see a,m I to be allowed to have anyone else fuck me. Its the agreement we came to that made me say yes to the marriage."

Tristan didn't know why he told the god that much but he knew that the god would not punish him for the agreement..

"You would remove that skirt to allow me to fuck you?"

"Today I would remove the kilt right here and allow you to fuck me in front of all the King's guests. He knows I want to fuck with you, not only have you fuck me but fuck that beautiful butt of yours also. We have already talked about it." Apollo promised to meet with him later. He said that he had already promised the Flovian the next hour. Before he headed to the pilot's cabin Apollo lifted the rear of Tristan's kilt and ran a hand between his buns.

"That will be exactly what I have been needing." Even having the colt fuck him hadn't quelled the desire to be fucked.

"Who is that?"

"You sound jealous Alex. That was the god Apollo. He admitted that he wants to fuck me and is willing to allow me to fuck him."

"What do you think the King is going to think about that?"

"He has already agreed to it. Fortunately its today not after the wedding. I hope he is willing to open my asshole with his tongues for the god."

"If not I will, Master." It was the first time he could remember Alex calling him Master, he wondered what had changed for the boy.

"That had to be the god you spoke about. His skin is as smooth as any I have ever seen, his cheeks and lips are kissable, his chest shows how powerful he must be, and I'm going to admit this to you, no one else. If he said the words I would drop to my knees in the middle of our guests and lick that strong, perfect ass." That declaration by Terry almost had Tristan flat on the floor.

"WE WILL BE SET TO DEPART IN FIVE MINUTES." The Flovian's announcement got everyone in the gathering room moving to the seats they had claimed for the time the yacht would be leaving the planet's gravity. The King went to an intercom and let everyone know that there would be food in the dining room ten minutes after the Flovian let them know they were allowed to unfasten their seat belts and harnesses.

"Tristan, have you seen Aioles? He needs to come with his Mother and I to get our safety harnesses fastened."

"Chiron, I haven't seen him in a half hour. He said he was tired and going to lay down."

"If you see him will you please send him to us?"

"Of course, if he has time I will. If not I'll be sure he is clamped down close to the King and I." Tristan was getting prepared to climb the ramp to the upper level.

On the floor beside the pair's bed lay Aioles, sleeping. The King told his guard to be sure to fasten the young colt to the side of the bed so that he would be safe when the yacht launched. The royal pair took their places on the bed where they were quickly able to be strapped down. The guard stepped to the wall where a mechanism much like the bult pulled him into his safety net.

"I saw you had a chance to talk with Apollo. Are you going to fuck?"

"In about an hour. Are you going too watch or join us?"

Next: Chapter 25

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