Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Apr 5, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Four

The trip across the Atlantic was smooth, allowing me to sleep as well as I did in my own room the only problem being that it was too short to get the rest either Pierre or I needed. We were woke up by an Enlil that the Flovian had enlisted to woke as a steward from the men that were being smuggled on our last mission. Waking up to see the striking green youth at the side of the bed telling us that we had ten minutes before the Yacht would be landed on the beach close to where Pierre' Mother had her house confused me because of the lack of sleep.

Pierre jumped over me to get out of bed, he was that eager to visit his family. He let me know that I wouldn't need a shower. We were sitting in two specially equipped chairs by the same door we had entered the yacht by. The Flovian set the thirty yard long ship on the sand as softly as if he was putting marshmallows in his hot chocolate (the favorite Earth beverage he had found) seconds later we were lifting our two smallish bags out and the yacht was closed up. We had been given a three sided metallic shield to protect us from whatever sand the yacht sent sailing. At the same time the yacht lifted from the sand Pierre grabbed my pants and tugged them down while telling me that he wanted to get in the sea to get rinsed off.

When we walked out from behind the shield the sun was rising to the east giving us the wonderful show of its power over the water. We watched the sun for a few minutes until Pierre reminded me how anxious he was to get up the cliff to the family houses. I would have liked to stay in the warm salt water floating not awake enough to really swim. It didn't take long before Pierre was ready to get out of the water and get dry.

Climbing the stairway cut into the cliff Pierre stopped talking altogether. It took us at least ten minutes to reach the top. Pierre wrapped me in his arms and warned me again that his Mother may not be pleased that I am white but would not show it to me if anything was said it would be when she had him alone. I didn't worry about the last remnant of racism that wasn't condemned by every government on every continent. After about two minutes standing there looking at the magnificent houses people began streaming out the front doors yelling for Pierre.

He was soon swept up in so many sets of arms I would lose sight of him for minutes at a time. I didn't move or get introduced. As the crowd slowly made way for Pierre to walk towards the largest of the houses a teenager that resembled him but not so much as my twin. He walked up to me confidently and introduced himself as Pierre's Brother Aoul, when I told him I am Tristan he hugged me like I was a long lost member of the extended family. Still five or six years younger than his Brother Aoul was nearly the same height but thinner. I was surprised at the fact he was forward enough to squeeze my butt while I was in his arms, giving me that touch his cock rose up between us pushing the light weight shorts away from his body.

If we hadn't been standing where his entire family could see us if they looked our way I would have happily slid my free hand into the opening his cock was making between his body and waist band. What is happening to me? Why would I want to touch his cock? Up until Pierre I would have laughed at the idea of me touching it and done the same as he was doing, squeezing his butt.

"I see my Brother has found the best looking man in Africa. Be careful he may want to do more with that hand than just grope your butt.

"Tristan are you ready to come in the house and meet my Mother?"

I really would have rather stayed in Aoul's hug with the hand now caressing my butt as if he was getting it ready to be entered. I tore myself out of his arms and took Pierre's hand watching the interaction between the brothers. We weren't that far from the house so Pierre didn't get to say much more than he had been told she was making his favorite breakfast for everyone. Only then did I see that there were five or six tables set up in front of the house.

"Tristan, did my Brother warn you that our Mother is not fond of white people? I'll help him defend you if we have to."

"Thank Aoul. Pierre would you like me to shift to a darker color or a different race or species?" I would have been willing to do anything to make his homecoming easier for him.

"No. I want her to see the man I love as he is before you do any shifting. We will be getting enough requests for that once we are back out here. My family had so many questions when I was sent to the clinic, now I can answer some of them and you can help me there.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded in acquiescence. I had never taken anyone home to meet my Mothers but I had been there when Reynod had taken an older man that they hadn't approved of, so I knew what this might turn into. Aoul stepped in behind Pierre and I, whether he was attempting to get me to hurry or just wanted to see my reaction I'm not sure but he goosed me at the bottom of the steps leading to the front door. I jumped far enough to land on the top step, the boy had gone a long way since the last time he had gone to Pierre's bed.

I had never seen furnishings other than what was used on the North American Continent so when I walked into the living room and all I saw was a low, circular bench I wasn't sure what to think. Pierre walked me through the dining room which was much like any I had ever seen, the kitchen was another story. Nothing was familiar, instead of a metal stove there was an open fireplace that took up almost half the room. I didn't recognize the cooler they were using as a refrigerator until Aoul walked over to it and pulled out a bottled orange juice. The prep table was less than knee high and covered with food and pots.

"Mother, would you stop for a moment? This is Tristan the man I have told you about when we talked. Tristan, this is my Mother the head of our family." She was striking, even taller than the woman that Mr. Downing transitioned into. She turned to look at me and froze in place. Neither Pierre or Aoul had any of her striking looks, she was much more angular than either of them and much thinner. She stared at me for a minute before greeting me, immediately after which she turned to Pierre and told him to go to her for a hug. After that she dominated the conversation talking to her son and giving the two women sitting by the prep table orders.

Aoul could feel the tension rising in the room and quietly asked my if I would like a tour of the house. To escape the regular glares coming my way I said yes. He lead me out of the kitchen with a hand on my back. There wasn't much to see, a few artifacts from the past family hung on the walls. Each room was dominated by the object that signified what it was used for. I had never seen a place with so little furniture, while sparse it was endearing too. After we toured what I would say is the main portion of the house we went to the top floor where there had been created a single room for the use of a large telescope, Aoul said that his Mother had the room made after Pierre went to the clinic to hopefully watch him crossing the galaxy.

Back on the ground floor we went out the back door to see two more room that extended outward from the main portion of the house. I could tell from the odor that one of the rooms was regularly used, when Aoul opened the door I saw that it was a room that was used for butchering their own meat, it held killing and butchering tools and a basin used to capture blood from the dying animals. I was glad to get out of there. I hoped the other room would be more pleasant but Aoul said that it was off limits to anyone other than his Mother and her Brothers. There wasn't much to see in back of the house since it faced an extension of the mountain we had climbed to reach the house.

When Aoul took me around the house to where I had seen the tables the breakfast was being brought out from the house by members of the family that I had seen greeting Pierre. He lead me to a table that only had one man seated. Once seated he introduced me to his Uncle, the one that Pierre had told me was a pedophile, while he appeared older I had the feeling that it was just the heat and wind that had aged him. Soon Pierre and his Mother joined us and after a few words everyone in the courtyard began to eat. I wasn't used to having fish for breakfast but I enjoyed it and finished everything I had been served wishing for a cup of coffee.

Pierre knew that I was used to having coffee with my breakfast and without saving anything to me or Aoul went into the house to bring coffee for he and I. I was so grateful that I had a difficult time keeping my hands from touching more than his knee and hand. It seemed odd to be sitting by him without touching. The few weeks we had been together had made us careless in the way we touched however sitting beside his Mother Pierre didn't touch me other than my hand on top of the table when he served the coffee. Soon the tables were cleared by the youngest of the family seated there, once they entered the house with their loads they didn't return, we were left with Pierre's Mother, Uncles and Aunts.

Pierre was correct. It wasn't long before we were asked to transition into some of the species we had seen from the other populated planets. He went first and transitioned into Neanites which had everyone laughing. I followed him with a transition into a young Flovian, I had seen the Uncle seated with us was not that impressed by Pierre's transition so I wanted to give him a boy that might draw him into the party. He made the comment that being the way I was I could easily disappear among the fishing boats tied up on shore, we had seen them from the cliff. The boats were painted on the inside a blue that was not far from the Flovian blue, he was right I could have jumped in one of them and become almost invisible.

We showed them a few more of the aliens. Before anyone left we were asked if there was a species living on Ganesh. It wasn't like I was showing my own body but transitioning into the trigendered Ganeshus with a cock that hung below the knee was embarrassing but Pierre leaned over to me and whispered that if his Brother wanted fucked he would be happy to lick my ass while I did. We had been doing the transitioning while only wearing a pair of loose shorts to make the shift as easy as possible, however shifting into a Ganeshus was harder and I needed to be naked to start.

I asked Pierre to stand between me and his family, when he stepped between me and his Mother Aoul stood up to stand beside him telling Pierre that he wanted to see what we were protecting. It was both good and bad, it gave me more room to undress but it also let Aoul see my cock and balls which he grabbed at only to have his Brother slap his hand. When Pierre pushed Aoul out of the way the family gasped, while I am sure many of them had seen a cock that was at least a foot long none of them had ever seen anything like a Ganeshus' three feet of cock waving in front of me. I could have given them a look at what the Ganeshus would be like to have sex but taking the cock in between my lips in front of Pierre's Mother felt disrespectful. I had to argue with the horal to come out of his home for the family gathered to see him. I didn't stay that way for long, I found myself wanting to have sex with my horal and had to tell him, 'later'.

Behind a barrier of Pierre and Aoul I took my time transitioning back into my natural state. I was bent over pulling on my shoes when Aoul asked if I was able to transition into a female as well as all the males I had shown. It was shocking, until that moment I had thought the boy was attracted to me as a white man. Dropping my shorts once more I transitioned into the closest I could to being like his Mother, I don't think I was able to match her tits but I was close and Aoul's cock finally poked all the way out of his light weight shorts. He pulled Pierre to the side leaving me exposed to the entire family including his Mother, damn I wished I had thought to shift into clothing when I transitioned it was incredibly rude to show her off to her family like that.

Her coloration was a shade or two darker than Pierre so I had less trouble with it than I had the first time I shifted into a Flovian. It took Pierre a couple minutes to realized the similarities between his Mother and I, when he did he rushed over with his Brother in tow. Once they were between the family and me he quickly asked me to shift into a Huitzil, I had never tried clothing one of the cat women so the shift was quick. Everyone marveled at the new look. Pierre let them know that was as many of the species that we had tried shifting into so the show was over. I was left walking around as a Huitzil and he a Canod. The breakfast had lasted until midday. I was ready for our midday run and asked Pierre if he would join me.

He thought that he should stay with the family but if Aoul wanted he could join me. The younger Brother was glad to get away from the adults and ran inside to get running shoes and out of his shirt. When I told Aoul how far I wanted to run he tried figuring out a path but soon gave up, that was fine with me I had a pedometer that would give me a warning when I was close to the distance I wished to run. Pierre's brother was easily able to keep up with me for the first three miles then he started to lag behind and complain about how fast I was going even though I was back in human form.

We were coming back the beach towards where Pierre and I had landed when we first arrived when Aoul was no longer able to run. He threw his shorts on a large boulder and jumped into the sea, I thought that looked good and followed him although I had another mile to run before I would have accomplished my daily goal. Running that far had exhausted Aoul more than he realized and the waves soon had him struggling to keep his head above water. I had not been swimming that much, I loved the waves and was doing my best to body surf. Not far from us were board surfers and men and boys on sailboards. I was worried that we were breaking some kind of African law by swimming without clothes but fortunately we were not disturbed by the police.

I thought I would have to resuce Aoul if the waves overtook him but he let them take him to the shore well before me. Stretched out on the same boulder where we had thrown our shorts I enjoyed the warm sum but wasn't able to stay long due to the wind driving the sand into my naked body. When I finally asked Aoul if he was ready to finish our run he said he would climb to the houses and I could go on my own.

"That is if you don't want a blow job." He had come over to the boulder to get his shorts before he said that, with his shorts in one hand took my cock in the other and started to bend over the few feet that he would need to reach my cock with his mouth.

"Aoul, you can tell by how fast I got an erection that I'd love a blow job but your Brother and I are in love and I don't want to upset him. He has told me that if you want me to fuck you that it's okay but didn't say anything about letting you suck my cock." I was slowly sliding off the boulder to get away from him. He didn't let my cock go but stopped trying to get his mouth on me. I wondered if he would let me fuck him, I had enjoyed watching his butt every time he had gotten ahead of me while running and more when he threw his shorts on the boulder.

Why didn't I get more forward? I don't know. I guess I thought whatever happened between us would have to come from him. I wouldn't want Pierre thinking that I was doing anything that was inappropriate. Still, I had a hard time not running my hand on his butt and fingering his asshole. Some of the surfers were getting closer to us so I pulled on my shorts and took off down the beach after getting directions that would take me to the top of the cliff without going up the stairs.

"We thought you had gotten lost."

"Didn't Aoul tell you I would be back after running the last mile?"

"He's not with you? We saw the two of you own on the beach."

"He didn't want to run any further and said he was going to climb the stairs up the cliff. The way we first came up here. Do you think we need to look for him?"

"I'll ask our Mother but he knows his way so I doubt we need to look." I thought about how tired he had said he was and remembered how steep the stairs were. It wasn't a good combination, I hoped he wasn't in trouble.

"You saw that I didn't let him suck my cock, didn't you?"

"Why didn't you? I told you how much he likes cum." I looked at Pierre a moment before I said that I didn't want him thinking I was taking advantage of his Brother.

It couldn't have been even fifteen minutes later that one of Pierre's nieces ran into the house to let his Mother know that Aoul was with his Uncle looking for a young goat for dinner the following day. She frowned at the idea her son was with her Brother that was known to rape younger boys not knowing that Aoul was already too old for him.

I couldn't believe that it was already time to eat again. The three of us went over two houses to one that belonged to Pierre's youngest aunt, a woman that he had told me was the closest to him growing up. She was only four or five years older than Pierre and until he went to the African equivalent to the FBI academy had been around nearly all day every day. I was glad to see that we wouldn't be having our meal with everyone from his family. I don't remember what any of the dishes were named but it was a completely vegetarian meal that everyone other than me consumed in a few minutes. I wanted to remind Pierre that we were on a high proteins diet but didn't want to insult his Aunt or draw too much attention to myself.

The sisters talked like they were not neighbors that saw and talked with each other every day, I was happy to sit back and allow my translator to do its job. Pierre would a answer a question or ask one if they had lost him in their conversation. It would have been easy for me to fall asleep after running and swimming but I stayed awake hoping the family would leave soon. Walking back down the street Aoul and his Uncle came up behind us carrying the kid they had found for the next days meal. I am not naturally attracted to animals so finding the kid cute was startling, I found it even worse that the Uncle called the kid by name. We were going to eat him? It sounded like he was a pet.

They tied him outside of the room used for butchering. The scent of blood had him upset and trying to get loose but he was unable so we were treated to him bleating the rest of the day. Aoul and his Uncle went to eat while Pierre took me to the side and talked about what we could do for the rest of the day. He would have liked to visit with his Mother but she had told him that she needed a nap since she had been up before the sun fixing the breakfast.

Essaouria was an old town where most of the building had a red roof which we saw as we headed into the main part of the town from the family enclave on the cliff. I had thought all of that portion of Africa was the Sahara desert but was soon corrected. There was desert a short ride away but if we wanted to see the Sahara we needed to take the shuttle which would run for about three hours before we would see anything worth the time.

I passed on the trip so Pierre, Aoul and I wandered around the city. It was the first time that Pierre had gotten to talk with his Brother without his family being around so they had a lot to catch up on, not surprisingly I was a big part of what Aoul wanted to know about. Pierre kidded him about offering me a blow job on the beach, I went to the boy's rescue and said that he would have done the same if we had been skinny dipping the way Aoul and I had.

The joking moved onto fucking and getting fucked. Aoul couldn't believe his Brother when he admitted that he had allowed me to fuck him. That Pierre and I would do almost anything for the other had Aoul shaking his head. He had never thought people were like that, where he lived there were gay men but they would either be totally dominate or feminine. Aoul admitted that he had not tried anal sex yet, neither fucking or being fucked. Pierre let him know that I would be happy to be the man that busted his cherry.

I hadn't said anything when Pierre had offered me his Brother earlier, this time I stepped up to get beside him and slid my hand in the side of his running shorts until I had a finger o his asshole. Aoul turned his face towards me and smiled the friendliest smile I'd seen on his face, he might be a virgin but he sure seemed willing to give up his asshole to me. We were coming to a place in the city where there were other people so I pulled my hand away, I wouldn't want his neighbors knowing that he could be fucked.

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking around the market. Aoul told us that it was one of the oldest in Africa having been in the same place for more than two millennium. We didn't buy anything although I did see a few things that my Mothers might have enjoyed owning, I was saving up to buy them souvenirs from other planets.

Back on the cliff Aoul and Pierre said that I should get to know their Uncle. I didn't know why since I had zero interest in pedophilia. I had been introduced to Felipe at breakfast and thought that was probably enough for me. His house was furnished more like a western hemisphere house so I was immediately comfortable when he offered us a seat and a beverage. There was nothing visible that would let anyone know his interest in young boys. We had been talking for thirty minutes or more when Aoul started to tell his Brother what Felip had done to teach him about sex.

"But, up were already watching me jack off and licking my cum by that age." Pierre didn't seem to think it wasn't appropriate to say that in front of Felipe. The Uncle snorted when he heard what Pierre had to say.

"Yes, he had seen his older Brother jacking off but he didn't have any idea what that felt like or that a man could take a cock in his mouth."

"Aoul, if you had wanted I would have allowed you to suck my cock."

"Until Uncle Felipe showed me what that was I had no idea that men could do that for other men. I hadn't even heard anyone at school mention a blow job. Licking up your cum was already what I considered incest and I doubt I would gone any further."

"The way I remember you in those days you would have done anything I asked you to do. You were lucky I didn't know what getting my cock sucked felt like. Or fucking an ass, yours was always tempting me; you didn't like to wear pants back then no matter how often our Mother beat your butt with a switch. That's probably why I enjoy fucking a red butt, its a shame I didn't know how nicely she was warming you up.

"How old were you when you first let Uncle Felipe suck your cock?" Although he was asking Aoul Pierre was looking directly at his Uncle and stroking his own cock. I was getting hard, too, and wished his hand was on my cock while pushing into my asshole.

"I can remember the exact day although I'm not sure how old I was. School was out for the season and you had brought your friend Mehmet to the house. You wouldn't let me stick around so I was spying on the two of you and saw you wrestling and after you won sticking your cock in his mouth. I didn't believe what I was seeing, I ran over here to tell Uncle Felipe. I remember him asking me if I thought it was exciting to see my Brother's hard cock in another boy's mouth." Felipe seemed as interested in Aoul's story as Pierre and I.

"When I told him that my cock had stood up hard when I saw you stick your cock in Mehmet's mouth he asked if I was finally ready to stick it in his mouth. I thought if its okay for my Brother I must be good enough for me, too."

"Aoul, you didn't know that was the first time I was getting a blow job? Mehmet had been getting teased around school for not being as strong as some of the other boys or taking any of the girls on dates. I hadn't been dating very often but the girls I dated spread the word that I tried fucking them the first time we went out.

"I don't think he had been sucking too many cocks back then, he didn't do well but then having a cock stuck in his mouth at that angle was probably new. It was the only time I let him suck my cock, I started having girls suck my cock or let me fuck them. I was surprised that I never was accused of being a Father." Pierre hadn't moved other than to shake his head at what he was remembering and telling us.

"Uncle Felipe, why didn't you ever try to suck my cock?"

"We had all moved here when I first saw that your cock had started to grow. When your Mother saw that I was starting to try hanging around you when the family gathered she laid down the law, if I ever touched you she threatened to castrate me in public. When she said that she waved a butchering knife in my face. I decided there were enough other boys around the beach or town that I didn't need to suck your cock."

Pierre was first to strip out of his shorts and show his Uncle a close up view of his favorite species, the Enlils.

He asked me to shift but into a much younger body for his Uncle. I didn't want to tempt the man too much but when he asked I chose a Phrotine in his early teens, I didn't know what his cut off age was so I hoped he would be happy with that.

"Tristan is the best in the class at shifting age. He has gone as far as a baby in diapers to an old man using a cane. The instructors think we should all practice that skill since it may be the most useful of all the shifting we can do.

"His only weakness is getting his coloration right the first time he shifts." I laughed thinking about going green instead of blue when I was attempting a Flovian the first time. I thought I had overcome that weakness but I didn't say anything to Pierre. I had chosen a Phrotine because of their dualgendered body everything I had heard made it sound like Felipe was only interested in boys. While the Phrotine had a beautiful cock and set of balls he also had the beginnings of a set of tits and when you looked a vagina hiding under the balls.

Aoul was much more interested in the Phrotine than his Uncle which was fine with me, I enjoyed having the boy running his hand on all the outward signs of the gender. He was easily able to get the cock hard even though I was in front of a stranger. When he tentatively touched the vagina it sent a shiver through the body that was enough to make me feel cold although the day was scorching hot.

"When you all transition into those other bodies are you capable of having sex? I mean Tristan is in a body that has both male and female organs, are they both working." He already had my cock hard so I couldn't understand why he was asking.

"They do. Are you interested in getting in the vagina?"

"NO. I was thinking that if you get fucked could you get pregnant while shifting like this?"

"We have been told that it would be possible. Before we began the training into being other species we were required to undergo a medical treatment that supposedly has left us incapable of creating children, either human or any of the other species. Although my Mothers want grandchildren I was happy to undergo the treatment, I don't want to get pregnant even by your Brother."

Pierre blushed at the thought of being the Father to my children. Felipe and Aoul laughed at him and reminded him that their Mother wouldn't be happy to have a grandchild that would be half white. I thought it more likely he would have one that was half green as much as he liked having an Enlil in bed with him. The Enlil were the only species we had met that only presented as one sex, how they propagated our instructors had not known. Would they bear the children, impregnate another either male or female, or did they grow their children as if they were more plant than mammal. I had wanted to ask the last time I was with one but decided it would be rude.

We had been talking for close to an hour when Felipe asked if we knew anything about the supposed proliferation of mutants. I knew there were a number of odd mutations happening in our world but not from the children that were artificial created only from Mothers that were virginal prior to the Father and she mating. He wanted to know more specifics, what were the mutations and how wide spread were they.

Pierre jumped in the conversation again. "We probably don't know too much more than you do Uncle, there have been some conversations at the clinic but they were just like what you know, second hand information from someone's family. The only guaranteed mutation I know of is Sally's, she is from one of the islands around Australia, younger sister. Supposedly the girl could speak three languages by the time she was four years old and had graduated High School although she is only ten. Sally hasn't said much more about her other than she hasn't started to go through puberty.

"Pierre, your Brother may be one of the mutants, too. He can do things that no one else I know can do." We sat staring at Aoul, could he really be one of the mutants? He didn't fit the history that we had been told all mutants had. Finally Pierre asked what he could do? I think Aoul was happy to show off for his Brother and the visitor, not having to hide his gift.

"Fire!" He pointed at an object about ten feet away that burst into flames. A minute later he did the same thing but to a stone that I had accidentally kicked when we sat down. The stone went from a slight flicker of flame to burning as high the other object.

"That's really, really strange, as a child we had to keep you away from a fire or you would start crying. You hated the flames and the heat. When did you learn you could do this? You weren't doing it when I left for the clinic."

"I learned I could do this about two years ago when I went on a desert camping trip with a group from school. We were setting up camp and I was put in charge of making a fire to cook on. I had the wood in place when I realized I didn't have a match or a lighter. I pointed at the pile I had made for the small fire we would need and shouted fire! Almost instantly the wood started to burn.

"I didn't let anyone with the group see what I could do, I wanted to see if I could do it any time I wanted so the next morning when I went to take a piss I made sure there was nobody around and tried to see what I could make burn. It turned out I could make anything flame even sand. I rushed here to talik to Uncle Felipe to see if he could explain what was happening. He didn't know any more than I did but promised to see if there was a way to learn what was happening."

"It took me a few days in the library to learn about the mutants that had started to appear around the world. I learned about super-brains, extra-ordinary strength, ESP, and other oddities but your Brother was the only one I learned about that was a fire-starter. We agreed that he shouldn't tell anyone until we could learn more."

"I thought maybe since you have the ability to shape-shift you might be able to tell me something about what is happening and what if anything I should do about it." Aoul sounded as he was begging his Brother to help him get rid of the power.

"Aoul, I don't know anything but I'm willing to ask the people at the clinic if they do. There are many more people there than work with us on transitioning. They may be aware of this mutation and be working with it. Do you want to go with us when we leave?"

I was glad Pierre was aware that it probably wasn't good for his Brother to stick around there with the mutation that might cause people to get scared of him. Scared people will do strange and dangerous things. My own Mothers were scared of me as a child and only when they knew I could control the shape shifting did they settle down.

"Uncle, may we use your spare bed? I am not comfortable having sex with Tristan around my Mother and she has already made it clear we are not to sleep in the same bed tonight." He had run his hand all the way up my leg and had it resting on my balls. I was anxious to have him in my ass and was happy that he was looking for a place for us. The smile he gave me let me know it was not going to be a simple fuck, he was ready to make love.

"Sure, I have some things I would like to discuss with your Brother."

Pierre was standing with his crotch in my face before I had the chance to even start getting off the lounge. That was perfect, I was able to get a good whiff of his enticing scent. Every time I had smelled that scent I had been ready to fall on my back and wrap my legs around Pierre, he knew that if I got a whiff of that smell he would be the one fucking. He reached for my hand and pulled me up, not that it took any strength since I was pushing myself up anyway. I didn't know how to feel about walking into another room when the men sitting where we were leaving had a good idea about what we were about to do.

Laughing, Aoul called to his Brother and when he turned threw him a tube of lube. That was enough to make me blush. "Don't worry, Tristan, they aren't upset that I'm going to fill your ass with everything I have and maybe a little more from one of the other species? Do you want more than my seven inches, I can try to give you the thickness of a Neanine or the leafy branch of an Enlil o just a couple extra inches."

While we had fucked as other species it was the first time that Pierre wasn't asking me to shift before he did. I wanted him as his natural self although a couple extra inches had never been more than I would enjoy. We hadn't had any sex since getting on the yacht, I let Pierre know that I would love whatever he thought was best for me and he would enjoy the most. I worried about saying that last thing, he might just want to use a Canod cock and knot on me to enjoy for the rest of the day.

The spare bed looked like it was where Felipe took the children he had abused. He had told us that he was no longer able to fuck the children since while in jail he had been given a permanent course of shots that left him unable to get an erection for the rest of his life. Still, I didn't doubt this was where he brought children to suck their cocks. There were many things around the room that would have not been for an adult but would have interested boys from maybe ten to fifteen. Looking around the room I took my time to shift back to a human, I had almost forgotten that I had shifted for Felipe and Aoul, Pierre looked like he was happy to see me in my natural state. Although he had basically been straight before I first fucked him he didn't like flipping up my balls and seeing a cunt and told me that when he wanted a female he would let me know.

I helped him undress, I wanted to be close enough to sniff his scent and touch whatever I wanted. That was fine with him since he wanted to touch me, too. Except he was concentrating on touching my butt, I was happy to know that what he wanted was to get his cock in me. We spent more time standing and kissing than normal, sucking each other's tongue and swallowing our partner's saliva. I loved resting in his arms, lips to lips and cock to cock.

While kissing Pierre had worked a hand into the crack of my butt and was pressing a single finger against my asshole. He knows how to make me beg for his cock. A minute after the tip of his finger slid into me he broke our kiss.

"This asshole feels like it wants more than just a finger." Pierre was moving us to where I was on my back almost in the center of the big round bed. He helped me get my legs in the air, for at least two minutes he knelt there staring at my asshole. 'What was wrong? Had I not wiped well enough? Had I let my hair grow out?'

"Do you want me to put another finger in your love tunnel or do you need my tongue." He had really shocked me, it had been at least a week since he had licked my ass before fucking me. I wasn't sure I should say that was what I needed since his Brother and Uncle were less than twelve feet away but his finger had me needing him.

"Please, your Tongue." For a few seconds he smiled at me, I was always happy to have his tongue in me but I wasn't sure he was that happy about licking my shit hole as he usually called it. But he looked almost crazed with lust as he pulled my feet higher in the air and pushed his face between them until he was able to kiss my ring. He gradually worked his tongue around my anal ring, teasing me the best he could, then using a little pressure ran his tongue around the ring a few times harder before tapping his tongue on the center of my asshole. I knew I was prepared to open for his tongue as he tapped my asshole, slowly he increased the pressure until his tongue had opened me enough to slide in and work its way around in circles and in and out.

How my life had change in a little over a month. When I went to the clinic I had never been fucked but now I not only loved having Pierre fuck me I begged him to do it, then he had changed the same way. As the uncut tip of his cock pressed against me ass I breathed a sigh of relieve that the man I loved was going to be in me. Pierre didn't press his way into me hard, instead he made his cock slide into me little by little enjoying the look on my face as I loved the way my ass was feeling. I closed my eyes and waited for him to stroke in and work his cock around in me the way I had taken to imitating when I fucked him. I wondered how he was licking at my neck, my tits and armpits while fucking me but I didn't look up to see, I was feeling so good that I didn't want to do anything that might make him stop or change what he was doing. It wasn't a long fuck before I heard him say "Aoul."

Was he thinking about fucking his Brother? I opened my eyes when he asked Aoul if he wanted a load of cum, he had started to throb in my asshole so I knew he was close. He had never asked if I wanted his cum in my ass what was going on? I saw Aoul sitting beside me and then Pierre pulled his cock all the way out and coated my cock and ball sac with his hot cum. A second later Aoul was lapping up his Brothers cum from my ball sac.

"Pierre, will he fuck me?"

"Aoul if you want me in your ass you should ask me not your Brother."

"Will you, please."

"You know if this is your first time it might hurt."

"Yes. But please." Pierre was off to the side of the bed by then, he nodded his head to me. I was glad he was still willing to let me fuck Aoul.

"Spread what cum is still on my cock around the shaft and in your asshole." That was going to be a test of whether Aoul really was ready to get his first cock or not. He did exactly what I had told him plus kneeling over me.

"Aoul, you are going to be in control of how fast my cock opens your asshole. Move back far enough that you feel the tip of my cock on your anal ring." I was holding it straight up so there was no chance he would be not in the right position. Pierre's cum was getting sticky, I hoped Aoul didn't waste any time or we were going to need to start again with the lube, I really wanted to fuck him with his Brother's cum but at least he had wiped some on his asshole.

"You are doing good, Aoul, now straighten up." He had been leaning over me far enough to get his mouth back in my armpit, I loved that but he was going to need to concentrate on what he was doing. "You are going to want to go slow at first, if you don't its going to hurt too much to take it all. Spread your butt cheeks, do you feel the tip of my cock?"

He gasped and almost shouted out that he did. Pierre's cum was still wet on his asshole so I told Aoul to gently lower himself on my cock. I had never popped a boy's cherry this way but I had been told it would be the easiest for a boy to get used to having a cock in him. Aoul hadn't made a sound of pain since the head of my cock slid into him, with at least half the shaft buried in him I could see by the look on his face that he was starting to either feel pain or get uncomfortable.

"You are doing great, Aoul. Bend down to where I can kiss you. It wasn't that I was feeling romantic towards the boy, I just wanted to give him a break and a special treat. Pierre caught on fast, before Aoul was close enough for me to kiss he kissed his Brother and licked his lips dry. Done Pierre pushed down on Aoul's back to where we could kiss. When I let the boy go he sank three inches further down my cock shaft, the look of shock on his face was amusing but I didn't laugh at him, I wanted to grab him by the legs and push him the rest of the way down my cock or ram it up into him.

"Aoul, I think you should stop pushing down. As soon as you are used to the full feeling you can begin to raise yourself off my cock and then sit down again." I was amazed at how tight Aoul's asshole was, still it felt great and I was close to cumming before he ever really had me fucking him. I wasn't the only one, after one spurt of cum shot out of Aoul's cock Pierre took his cock in his mouth to catch everything else he had.

Pierre turned to me and locked his lips to mine to share the boy's cum, as soon as I had the first taste I began shooting in his ass. It was one of the strangest sexual experiences I had with Pierre and although it was incestuous I was still impressed at how good I felt. Pierre gave me most of his Brother's cum, whether that was due to gravity or desire I'm not sure but it tasted as good as his Brother's and I was glad to swirl it around my mouth until there was no taste left and swallow.

Next: Chapter 5

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