Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Apr 21, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Six

Please remember that Nifty relies on the readers to donate so it can survive and give you a place to read about alternative sexuality.

Back sleeping in the bed Pierre and I had been using I had a better night's sleep than I had had since we arrived in Morocco. The beds at his Mother's house had been too soft. The cot on the sphere was too narrow so we were uncomfortable together. In our bed I had to laugh at us, although there was space enough to spread out we always slept with our arms around one or the other. I had come to love having Pierre wrapping his arms around me as I fell to sleep. We left enough room on the bed that if Reynod came in after we were asleep he could join us, he preferred that mattress to the one on the bed he normally used.

It was great that we didn't have class the first morning we were back at the clinic, we spent most of the morning catching up with the other students. More than anything we heard the stories that had amazed the students about the mutants. There were things they could do that seemed unreasonable. They were in their first introductory class that morning, Admiral Broughton and Mr. Downing had stopped at our breakfast table on their way to indoctrinate the mutants in the ways of the Intergalipol and the planetary aliens at the clinic.

Our Flovian pilot had joined us that morning, it wasn't that odd but he had told me that he wanted to hear some of the feats of the mutants that had been gathered together. He had thought humans were rather limited in what we can do so learning that there were humans that could do much more he was curious to learn how much more. It was the only day he was going to be able to spend any time with us, the rest of the week he would be supervising maintenance of the spheres and begin to teach some of the shape-shifters that hadn't learned how to fly the basics of the spheres.

I had very little in the way of an introduction to either astrology or astrophysics. I was hoping that Pierre and I could find someone to talk to us about all the risks of traveling at near instantaneous speeds or at near light speed. I had learned years earlier that there were risks to the human body to travel in outer space at those speeds or even standing still, mostly radiation or bone wasting. The Flovian said we didn't need to worry about ionizing radiation in the spheres since the scientists on Flovia had learned how to filter out the radiation.

We had listened to a story about one of the girls that Mr. Downing's team had located in the southern most part of Eastern Africa. In a sense she was like us in the ability to shape shift but not that she could do it herself but that she could change people around her. Her neighbors had declared her a witch returned from the past to seek revenge. Twice she had suffered a beating that put her in the hospital and once her neighbors had tried to have her boiled in a pot that they had declared had been used by a local cannibal tribe hundreds of years earlier.

"From what we learned about her, her power is fearsome in that the people she changes are not able to return to their human bodies unless she changed them again." I thought it surprising that she was still alive to be gathered with the others. She was not only a threat to her neighbors but a possible danger to herself. I hoped her training involved her learning how to shift the other people into small nonthreatening species. Would she be able to shift people into any of the alien species we had learned about? If she could we would be able to have law enforcement with better knowledge of the laws go with us to different planets. I got lost in the idea of wondering how long it took a person to be shifted by this girl?

If instantaneous that could be a wonderful defense on alien planets.

At lunch Admiral Broughton returned to address both the mutants and the shape-shifters. "You may have heard some of the rumors that are running around the clinic about the Intergalipol extending to other planets. The rumor started, I'm certain, from some of the denizens of non-allied planets being seen passing through the new sanitizing station. The extra-planetary aliens have all agreed to come here so that we have the chance to learn their language and some of their cultural doings. Neither we nor them want there to be an unfortunate incident between our agents and their ships.

"The shape-shifters will get a day with each of them to learn as much about their anatomy and physiology as possible. Later in that day you will have a lecture on their laws, concentrating on ways they may differ from the laws we have agreed to enforce. If they have time they will try to explain differences with Earth laws also.

"Some of the new aliens are frightening in appearance. Please try not to panic when you see a Griffin walking down the halls or if you see what humans thought for hundreds of years were the only aliens, Greys. For many of you this is going to be a completely new experience, mostly those of you that we have determined to be mutants. Try to go along with what you are seeing and hearing, the shape-shifters will have already learned much of what you hear, about other planets and beings.

"The lectures are going to be opened up to the aliens that have been living here, teaching and helping us with our efforts to coordinate law enforcement. The first planet you will be hearing from, sorry, the names of planets are not what the beings may call their home planet but what Intergalipol has determined will be identified by the majority of beings in the galaxy. Now the first planet will be Grinix, which is on the far side of the Perseus Arm of the galaxy. We believe beings from that planet have visited Earth but the little we have been able to find written has often read like fiction. The beings on Grinix document scientific knowledge but little else, the search for information about visiting other planets has begun but the ambassador does not promise any results within the next year.

"There are two sentient beings co-existing on Grinix both of whose images you may find in Egypt and parts of Europe. The most well known are the Sphinx, while we think of them as a hybrid of a lion and human they are actually a distinct being as there are neither lions or humans on their native planet. The other species is the Griffin who on Earth seem to be a mythical amalgam of three different beings, an Eagle, a lion and Unicorns. There are a number of different Griffins on Grinix with the one I just mentioned being the most numerous, the pure Griffin which has the appearance of an Eagle and a lion are rare and considered regal.

"Other than the depictions of the Sphinx that we see in Egyptian art it doesn't appear that they moved about Earth while the Griffin were depicted in art all around Earth. The two beings that have come here to educate us may condescend when speaking to you, the authorities on Grinix have promised that neither of those sent here will be aggressive although that is their natural state. Some of the class of shape-shifters will be allowed to speak with them away from the class of mutants, We ask that none of you attempt using any of your mutant powers around them, first not to spook them and second so that Grinix doesn't get an idea of what we are going to be able to do in the future.

"I am unable to pronounce their names so I will allow them to introduce themselves. Your translators will easily make it possible for you to understand what they have to say. Please remember that they have not agreed to have the Intergalipol involved in any activities on Grinix. First, the Sphinx will join us."

Tristan and Reynod had never seen any of the depictions in Egypt or museums of a life-sized Sphinx so when the being walked into the main room taking up more than half of what had been marked off limits to the classes they were in awe. Reynod whispered to his twins that he hoped that he would never have to face a Sphinx while doing their jobs. Tristan had shifted into some animals and other species that were larger than him so he was not as frightened by the size as his brother. He had maneuvered himself to the front row of the audience to get a good look at the physique of the two beings in case he ever needed to shift into them while on a mission.

How the two species had interbred was one of the first questions that Tristan wanted answered. There were others that he hoped the being would address such as why they didn't remain on Earth when they visited it in the past. He had never been near a lion so watching that part of the being while listening seemed natural to him. He was memorizing muscle structure and the unusual connection between the two species above the shoulders. It wasn't until the Sphinx had turned to leave the stage that he realized that it did not have the tail of a lion or the butt of a human. It was more evident than when the Sphinx spoke that it was male, his balls were almost touching his rear knees and swinging front to back slapping the sheath that covered what should have been his cock.

A few minutes later a Griffin landed on the stage. He looked out over the class and screeched as if he was seeing prey. The Griffin walked to the front of the stage so that it was within reach of Tristan, the young man did not back away. He didn't want the Griffin to think it frightened him although he would not want it to peck at his face or claw at him with the wicked front paws. After a minute of staring at Tristan the Griffin walked to the center of the stage to show the class how it was able to hover over the floor at any distance it wished.

He had much more to say than the Sphinx. It was fortunate that the translator could follow him as he rambled on about the history of the Griffins on Earth and the divisions between the Griffins and Sphinx on Grinix. Tristan had been waiting to hear anything the beings had to say about law and the differences between Grinix and Earth. The Griffin only had one thing to say about the law on Grinix, strength determined what was allowed. The strongest could do what they wanted and force the weaker to do what they wanted. One of the Mutant girls was brave enough to ask what that meant when it came to slavery? He cackled at the question then let them know that slavery was a natural state of affairs on Grinix for anyone either the Griffins or Sphinx cared to make work for them, from the way he looked at the girl that had asked it seemed he would have been happy to claim her as a sex slave (his cock had started to show at the end of his sheath).

The pair of beings answered questions until the class was told it was time for dinner. Pierre and Tristan had taken a corner of the dining hall that they hoped would keep them separated from the mutants. They had enough of the sixteen year olds and their constant talking. They were discussing their final night of posing for the art classes. They were both glad they would have more free time although the money had been a blessing.

Tristan was giggling, he didn't understand why the one boy had insisted that Pierre keep his finger in his asshole, surely there wasn't going to be anyone that would want to buy his sculpture. Pierre let him know that if a buyer looked at the work from the front their bodies would very likely sell the work for the boy especially if the buyer liked hard cocks. They were laughing when Mehmet found them sitting by themselves and sat with them to talk. He wasn't happy that so far he hadn't learned anything about his mutation other than the fact that out of the class he was the only one that was able to convert an object to stone. Tristan was curious to know whether the boy was able to change objects to more than the one stone they had seen in Libya. He was hoping that the boy might be able to turn somethings into marble or granite. Mehmet said he would practice to see if he could do that. He hadn't discussed the possibility of turning the sculpture of he and Pierre into stone with the art instructor or the boy sculpting them, he wanted to give them a surprise.

They were discussing the Griffin while walking to the room where they would be posing for the last time when they confronted him. Tristan had wondered if the Griffin knew anything about his kind mating with humans when they were occupying Earth. He wasn't sure that he would have been willing to allow a Griffin to mount him but the idea had been in his mind since he first saw the Griffin's balls swaying beneath him. His real interest is what would have been the outcome of a mating? Was there anything currently on Earth that would prove the fact that the Griffins had once been there? He guessed he was thinking DNA.

It wasn't much of a conversation since the Griffin was not that well versed in the history of his kind while occupying Earth other than knowing that they had been there and were chased off Earth by the Sphinx who wanted humans for their own. The battles between the two species were heavier and documented by humans on the Indian peninsula. The result of the battle was that Earth was no longer habitable by either species.

The Griffin thought if Tristan was truly interested in what occurred while they had occupied Earth he should trace down the writings of the followers of Shiva that had witnessed the battle in the sky high over their country. He did tell Tristan that he didn't find either the males or females of the human species to be alluring although if the moment came when he had become enamored of either he would not be opposed to mating with a human.

While the Griffin told Tristan and Pierre about that possibility his cock stretched out of his sheath so far that Tristan knew he would not ever be able to accept it. He had wanted to run his hands over the Griffin's body and when he saw the cock asked the Griffin if he could put his hand on it. He knew that the following day he would have the opportunity to touch the Griffin's body anywhere he wanted but wasn't sure the Griffin would be exposed like he was to them right then. As soon as he touched the Griffin's cock he knew that it was much like a cat, the barbs at the end of the cock told him he could never allow him to mate with him.

He loved the feel of the Lion and of the Eagle. The Griffin left to meet with the Admiral and Mr. Downing. Tristan told Pierre to be careful the following day, he should neither fuck while transformed into a Griffin or allow any of their classmates to fuck him. Pierre laughed at him saying he had zero interest in mating with the Griffin or the Sphinx. Tristan chuckled knowing that once in a different species' body Pierre's interests were different.

"Have you heard what we will be meeting the following day?"

"It's another being that modern humans haven't believed in in two millennium. The last I know of men talking about them was in ancient Greece. Modern biology says that their existence is impossible since the number of genes is so different between men and horses."

"A Centaur?"

"That's the rumor I heard. It could be a female which I forget how it is named."

"Do you think horses actually bred humans at one time to father Centaurs? Or was it men that bred mares?"

"I suppose those are questions you can asked when we have the chance to be face to face with one of them. I don't even know what planet they supposedly populate at this time."

"Probably one of the numbered planets around Centari. My Brother is going to go crazy at the idea he is actually seeing a Centaur. He used to play around with our cousins pretending to be Hercules with a Centaur as a teacher. He also would imagine seeing Unicorns, do you think we are going to get a day with them?"

"I have no idea. I would not have believed we would see the species we have already, why couldn't it be real that the Unicorns existed, too?

"I talked to Mehmet today. I want him to turn the sculpture to stone for our boy that has been so interested in you having a finger in my asshole."

"I hope he wants that again today. Won't that make you happy?"

"Not as happy as your tongue or cock but better than nothing. Did he say why he wanted me to take your cock in my hand the last time we were here?" Tristan hadn't been bothered to have Pierre's cock in his hand in front of the boys like he might have been when they first started posing. He was comfortable with his cock hard and being touched unlike he had imagined he would be, the boys sculpting them had put their hands on every inch or their bodies. Tristan was glad they hadn't attempted putting fingers inside either of them so was Pierre.

None of the sculptors were waiting when they arrived. So used to being naked for them they stripped and put their clothes on a hangar. They had trouble keeping their hands off each other, Tristan was more anxious to have Pierre fucking him than he was to-be posing even though the money had been good so far. Ten minutes later they were still alone. Pierre had been enjoying the time with Tristan, kissing and caressing his body had him anxious, also. Suddenly he turned Tristan so he was facing away from him. Pierre took a quick look down the hall, closed the door and slid to his knees behind Tristan. It had taken him a couple weeks but while they were on the search for mutants he had decided that he loved tonguing Tristan's asshole.

He spread his lover's cheeks so he could force his face between them and get his tongue on his asshole. Tristan gasped at the feel of Pierre's wet tongue sliding up and down his anal ring, after a few seconds he bent over and grabbed his ankles. Pierre pushed his tongue in deeper and wiggled it across Tristan's prostrate then in and out again. Tristan couldn't believe how good Pierre had become at getting his ass ready to be fucked. He was about to scream out for his lover to fuck him when the art instructor walked into the class room.

"Do you have him wet enough to slide your finger in easily?" Pierre almost fell on his butt upon hearing the man. He stood up, helped Tristan to stand and smiled.

"We're ready. Where are the students?"

"They are coming down the hall." It was the first time he had touched either of them, he lightly touched Tristan on the butt and Pierre on his cock. I wish you had time to fuck your friend, I would love to watch that. Maybe one of the students could change his sculpture."

"I would rather sculpt one of them in one of their transitioned forms. I saw a Griffin striding down the lower hall after dinner, that would be a great start."

"You would be repeating what hundreds of artists have done over the years. You can go into almost any museum in the world and see an example of that."

"But that wouldn't have a man touching him. Actually I have seen some of the sculptures you are talking about, but they have never had balls so I wondered if they hadn't seen a male Griffin or if the males are visible." Since the other two students hadn't arrived Tristan decided to give the boy a treat, he shifted into his best image of the Griffin he had touched before arriving in the classroom. He was the new member of the class that had only had one day with the pair of lovers, he had wanted to put them closer together for his sculpture, he had done little other than collect as much clay as he thought he was going to need and get it wet.

"Pierre,would you step in behind Tristan." The body he had occupied was objecting to Pierre stepping in behind him with a hard cock ready to press into his body. Pierre didn't give him time to object and rammed his cock all the way into him. The student was thrilled, he doubted they would stay that way once the other two students arrived so he created four holographic images he could use as the subject for his sculpture. Tristan attempted to throw Pierre off of him and gave out a screech that reminded everyone of a cat having a barbed dick being pulled out of her butt. Before Tristan had the chance to shift back to himself the boy knelt where Pierre had been standing to get a good feel of the Griffin balls and cock.

The other two students arrived while the first boy had the Griffin's cock in his hand examining the barbed end. "If I knew this was what happened before class I would be sure to get here early. Pierre, had you given them an example of another species?"

Pierre looked at the boy but didn't answer him. I told him that the Griffin was the only species I had shown them. I was already back in my human form when I answered. I would shown him an Enlil but the other two boys were already uncovering their clay so grabbing Pierre by the hand we stepped onto the platform where we posed and told the first two that it was time to start if they could tell us the pose they wanted. The more aggressive of the pair held out a handful of glass rods and asked if I was willing to allow him to find the rod that would slide into my urethra.

Hell! What was he thinking? I had never played with a rod in my cock although there had been a boy just after I graduated from the FBI academy that tried talking me into doing it. I found nothing about the idea sexy or even interesting at the time and had lost the erection he was holding. Why would he want that? I asked him and the only thing he could say was that he found it exciting to do to himself and wanted to try it with another man. I refused although I would not have objected to seeing him stick a rod in his own dick.

The instructor joined the young man after a quick discussion they told me that he was attempting to gauge the size of the hole he needed to make inside the clay to be the most realistic. I wasn't so sure that I wanted him being that realistic in showing my image although I had let him hold my balls with one hand while modeling the clay with the other, he had wanted to take them in his mouth but Pierre had agreed with me that I wouldn't do that.

While we were discussing the idea of him sticking a glass rod down my dick the last student began to take off large chunks of the clay he had used to create a block. He piled them up behind the narrow end of the block until he had a stack almost as tall as Pierre. He was working faster than the other two boys so I was able to see that he would soon have the basic outline of a Griffin in main block, he was not trying to create a sculpture that was as realistic as the other two, still it was close enough to show he was creating a Griffin.

That piece of clay interested me more than the two that were showing Pierre and I although seeing myself with a finger in my ass was amusing. I was glad they had both chosen to show us kissing, if our relationship didn't last at least there would always be these images that I could search out if I was feeling nostalgic. Using the rod as a measuring stick had not been part of the agreement to pose naked for the class, finally the substitute instructor was able to reach Lyla who negotiated an additional fee to be paid to me. I didn't say it to Pierre but the additional fees we had negotiated for frontal nudity and now the rod in my dick was beginning to make me feel like what I imagined a whore felt like when bargaining with a John for more than straight sex.

At the end of the evening I had a chance to examine all three statues. I was glad that I had finally agreed to the rod, my erection looked exactly like it does while waiting for sex. The other statue that was nearly finished wasn't as interesting although I imagined if the sculptor wanted to sell it he would have more luck than the first boy.

When I got a look at the Griffin I suggested that the instructor or the sculptor speak with the head of the clinic to have him speak with an authority from Grinix that could give permission to show a Griffin as a receptive partner in the sex act with a human male. From everything we had been told that afternoon the Griffin and Sphinx were extremely protective of the images that were exhibited off planet. It was the first time that I had a memory from a species that I had shifted into, it was telling me that I should destroy the piece of clay.

We spent the following morning shifting into the Griffin and the Sphinx, only Reynod and I were able to successfully shift into a Sphinx. I tried helping some of the others but had no success. About an hour before we were to head off to lunch a group of mutants was brought into the room where we had been exercising. We were told to pick one of the mutants and attempt shifting them with us. I had never attempted to shift with a hand on another person so I didn't know what it would take to do it successfully. I picked Alep thinking since he was from Egypt he might have a better idea of what the other species would look like if that would be helpful. Reynod had Aoul stand beside him while an explanation of what we were to do if successful, Pierre asked Cali to try with him.

The first time I tried to take Alep through the transition we both almost lost the arms that were connecting us. Reynod and Aoul had the same problem only it was more exaggerated so that they nearly lost an entire side of their bodies. Our second try I had my Brother stand in front of me. When I told him that I would talk us through the transition of sections of the body one by one starting with our legs he and Aoul dropped so that all four of us were propped on our hands and feet. One by one we transitioned a leg and followed them with our torso. None of us were experienced with the feel of a feathered head so we took it slow going up the neck, shifting ears covering our heads with feathers and finally shifting our faces to the face of the Eagle.

I had to laugh when I looked at Aoul and my Brother, when I took a second look at Alep I knew I had forgotten to shift our crotches so all our of us were standing there with our cocks hanging out. As I talked us through the final step Aoul and Alep lost their male organs gradually shifting into female Griffins. I didn't know what I had done wrong. When the instructor stopped by us to see how we were doing he explained what had happened, it seems that when shifting into a being with two sexes the primary shape shifter is only able to shift one body to his or her sex, the other body will always be of the other sex.

I was having a battle to control the Griffin body, he wanted to mount one of the females. It didn't surprise me that both of the female Griffin were willing to allow me to mount them. I forced him to control himself and not embarrass either Aoul or Alep by mounting them in front of the friends they had made among the other mutants. My Brother didn't have as much control over the Griffin body, it was only a few minutes before he crawled under my Griffin and went for the barbed cock that almost sprang from it's sheath at the touch of his raspy tongue.

Both of the female Griffin were angry that Reynod went for my cock, they pecked at his body causing him to screech while licking and sucking. He had my cock down his throat so even had he wanted to leave go he wouldn't have been able since the barbs would stick to his throat every time I attempted to pull back. I had never felt that much cum flowing through my cock, it was almost as if I was pissing: I was unable to distinguish what I was feeling, whether it was human or Griffin. I slowly receded from my Brother's throat, as I did I had trouble holding the form of the Griffin but I managed by laying down.

I hadn't completely gathered my breath when the true Griffin called me to the empty portion of the room. He had me run alongside him while he gave instructions on how I was to use my wings, then we were flying around the room. Flying felt wonderful, no longer was I feeling the weight of the body pulling me to the floor. We were flying straight towards the far wall when he flicked his tail to maneuver telling me to do the same. I thought I had no tail but the Griffin body followed his instructions, suddenly I knew I had developed a tail while flying. Two circles around the long room and I was able to fly on my own without any further instructions. The true Griffin told me to keep going until my wings began to tire then signal him and he would teach me how to land without going tail over head when I touched down.

I didn't think I would ever tire of flying, a few more circles of the room and the muscles that flapped the wings were beginning to tire. Once more around the room with the true Griffin and he explained how I could slow down to a stop mid-air and while hovering drop to my paws. I was exhilarated, I wanted to spill out how it had felt to fly but once I was down he took the rest of the class for a single circle of the room. While they circled the room I felt a new hunger in my body, I knew at that point I could have eaten any animal that crossed my path. Once everyone was on the floor we were off to lunch, I was looking forward to food so much that I was first in the dining room anxiously demanding food. Before we were served we were all told to transition back to human; the hunger remained, I needed protein.

"Tristan, Reynod, Alep and Aoul report to the training room when desert is being served." It wasn't often that anyone used the PA system so hearing the Admiral's voice echoing in the dining hall was completely new to the mutants and almost to Reynod and I. I was still needing more food even though I had eaten twice what I normally would, I snatched a desert from a waiter on my way out of the room.

"Tristan, do you have any idea what is going on?"

"No, but since it was the Admiral speaking I have a feeling it might be a mission. Are you ready to go off planet?" The Mutants and Reynod couldn't stop asking questions that I had no answers for until we were standing in front of the true Griffin, Mr. Downing and Admiral Broughton. I hoped I was right, I had enough time in the training room. There was one thing wrong, the Intergalipol was not to cover Grinix, had something major happened in the Galaxy that we hadn't been told about?

"Gentlemen, the Griffin that has been involved in your training is Major Mangrel. He is the chief of the law enforcement force in Tailcot. He has picked you out of the trainees to do a mission on Grinix, if you are able to do it successfully Grinix has agreed to reopen discussions about joining Intergalipol. Mr. Downing has agreed that Tristan and Reynod are the shape-shifters that should go on this mission, not only because they are identical but because of Tristan's experience with law enforcement on Earth. Aoul and Alep you have been chosen because you already have some form of a relationship with Tristan and your mutation may be helpful on Grinix." Hallelujah, I was going off planet and getting to work again. Although I had never worked with my Brother I was sure I would be able to take him through whatever legal steps we required.

"Now, Gentlemen, you will no longer be working for Intergalipol until you leave Grinix to return to Earth. You are under Major Mangrel's command and will follow orders only from him. For this mission Tristan will be his direct contact and will provide the others with their orders. Alep and Aoul, you may be of help in getting Tristan and Reynod adjusted to the mannerisms of Grinix since it has followed the path of ancient Egypt.

"Mr. Downing."

"While we think the four of you will be a good team and will be able to do what Major Mangrel thinks is necessary you have more training to do directly with him. For the next week Alep and Aoul you will be serving Tristan and the Major as female slaves, I see your hesitation, Tristan and Reynod will be able to transition you in a few minutes. As the Major works with you it may become necessary that he asks either of the shape shifters to also live as a female.

"Before I turn you over to the Major are there any pertinent questions?"

"Mr. Downing, when the shape shifters first reported to the clinic we were rendered infertile. Has the same been done for the Mutants?"

"Tristan, it really doesn't matter if they were. I have had our doctors look at their blood work, if while a female humans are mated with a Griffin they can be impregnated with a Sphinx fetus. The Griffin sperm is potent and will impregnate a male or female human. I am saying this as a warning to any of you that enjoy being mounted by a male or are forced into sex slavery.

"For the next week you will be going through intensive training. Some of you will be trained to fly the Yacht that was donated to the clinic while the rest of you will be trained on specific jobs that need to be done on the yacht while in space. The Yacht will make a big splash when it arrives on Grinix then it will disappear to orbit the planet while the four of you do your job.

"I'm sure you are asking what that job will be. All four of you will be undercover, Aoul and Alep will accompany Reynod to the slave market. Hopefully you will have two days in the market before being put up for sale, during that time you will be expected to find out where the majority of the slaves for sale have come from. While they have the appearance of humans or Enlil we think the majority of them are beings that have been transformed through scientific or magical methods to fool the Sphinx and Griffins purchasing them.

"Reynod will be expected to circulate and converse with the other slave sellers to learn what he can. This is the prime time of year for purchasing field slaves so we expect there to be the maximum number of sellers and slaves in the market.

"None of you showed the physical attributes that the buyers will be searching for when you are put on the block. We will try to build some muscle every morning while in training and on the flight to Grinix. Tristan and Reynod you, too, will need to build muscle: mainly you need to build up how long you will be able to fly. The gravity is lower on Grinix so flying will be easier, still it takes muscle to lift off the ground and last more than a kilometer or more in the air."

"You have the rest of the day to finalize any projects you have in the works. To let the instructors know that you will not be in class any more. I would suggest speaking to your families so they know not to try contacting you for at least the next six weeks.

"Tristan and Reynod, since you will be living as Griffin once you leave Earth orbit I think you should attempt living as one through the next week of training, especially when you are training in the operation of the yacht. Aoul and Alep you will be provided with slave cloths in the morning before you start your physical training so you can come to class with out any of your normal clothing. If you are ready we can have you transitioned into the female form you will occupy while on the mission before you are finished for the day."

Tristan and Reynod met with the Major while the two mutants determined how they would look and were transitioned to females. Tristan thought that Alep would make a sincerely cute girl without bothering to transitin, when their briefing on the smuggling operation was complete he saw that he was right. It was one of the few times in their lives that the twins thought that they might like to try sex with females. If the Griffins had any appreciation of human femininity they would be paying top price for the pair.

Later that evening Tristan found Mehmet and asked him to go with Pierre and he to the art class. He hadn't told Pierre but he wanted Mehmet to turn one of the sculptures into two tone stone, the boy had been practicing that trick since he was first approached with the idea. He hadn't told Tristan but Mehmet wanted to see he and Pierre preparing for sex. He had the opportunity to spy on them while they searched for the mutants but had been thwarted when Cali put up the barrier. Until they were in the art room with the three boys doing the sculptures he didn't know it was the last day he would be seeing them for more than a month.

Next: Chapter 7

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