Transformation of Nicky gay male / beginnings

By Jay Williamson

Published on Jan 12, 2021



The Transformation of Nicky By Jay Williamson

It all started one day when I was out in northwestern Wyoming camping. I had hiked through the woods a while and got back to my rustic campsite in the middle of nowhere. I liked being away from it all and just enjoying the land and openness.

I was quietly celebrating my 25th birthday all alone. I had caught my former boyfriend cheating a few months ago and decided to just be alone for a while.

There was a stream close by that I got water from to purify and use for cooking. I had built a fire to cook on that evening and my dinner of a steak and roasted potatoes was done. As I was sitting there eating I heard a light rustling sound from the woods near where I was. I didn't pay much attention since all kinds of wildlife live out here and it was nice to just be alone with them.

I would occasionally have different birds, squirrels, rabbits and many others get curious and come to see what I was doing. Most kept their distance but some would come close a few times, so I figured the noise I heard were some of my "forest friends".

I was almost done eating when I noticed something larger than normal moving around. I kept glancing in the direction of the noise but could see nothing. After a while the noise stopped and I didn't hear anything more but the birds.

Before I went to bed that night I started my truck up and let it run about an hour to recharge the battery from my 12 volt cooler with my perishable food in it running. I later went to my tent and crawled into my sleeping bag and went to sleep.

The next morning I got up and took care of my bodily needs in the woods while some coffee was brewing on the fire. After several cups of coffee and just enjoying the morning I started making breakfast. There were several animals and birds watching while I sat there and ate my bacon and eggs.

Suddenly they all disappeared and I heard the rustling in the woods again. I saw something larger than normally was around moving through the brush. So I took the remainder of the bacon out of the skillet and put it on another paper plate and set the iron skillet off to the side to cool, just in case I needed to use it as a weapon.

It wasn't long before whatever was in the brush came walking out. It turned out to be a pretty large wolf. Probably a good 125 to 150 lbs. it walked around my area a bit then laid down next to a tree. The sunlight gleaming on this guy he was a beauty. Light silver and black fur with the strangest bright blue eyes I have ever seen. He also had what looked like a cloth bag tied around his neck like he was carrying something.

I stayed still awhile both of us just keeping an eye on each other. He didn't look to be a threat so I said hey boy are you hungry? He raised his head up and I could see his ears kind of perk up like he knew what I was saying. I got a piece of bacon and held it up, you want something to eat boy? I could tell he was sniffing the air and soon a he licked his lips with a very long tongue. So I tossed a piece of bacon over to him and he sniffed it and started eating. After he was done I tossed him a 2nd piece a little further away and he looked at me before he got up and got that one too. I had some extra eggs I didn't eat so I put them on the plate with the last 3 pieces of bacon and got a bowl with some water in it and said here boy this is for you. I got up and carried it about 20 feet from him, he kept a close watch on me the whole time.

After I went and sat back down he got up and ate the rest of the bacon and eggs and drank almost all the water. I went about cleaning the skillet and drinking the rest of my coffee while this seemingly strange but friendly wolf sat and watched me.

I had some friends that raised timber wolves and I know they can be skittish and take a long time to trust a human so I just let him be. I got my chores done and I decided to go on another hike and told the wolf to just relax I'll be back later. Once again he seemed to understand what I said.

I got my canteen and filled it with the bottled water I brought with me and set out for the day. Midafternoon I headed back to camp and when I got close I started picking up more dead branches for a fire for dinner. I made sure I made enough noise not to startle my new friend if he was still there.

After I got another fire started I stripped off my clothes and got a towel and headed to the creek to take a bath. I was relaxing in the creek when I noticed the wolf come to the edge of the water and he sat and watched me. It almost seemed like he was being my protector. When I got done with my bath I got out of the creek and got my towel and dried off, the wolf just sat there watching me. As I started back to camp he followed me again and but was keeping a bit of distance but was closer than he had been.

I knew from my friends that the wolf was becoming more comfortable around me.

After I got dressed I started getting the food ready for supper. I asked, you staying around for dinner. To that he just sat up and that big tongue was out again. So I made enough for both of us. I cut up 2 potatoes this time and wrapped them in foil with some butter and water and sat them right on the hottest part of the grate I had over the fire. When I pulled my knife back out he sat up quickly and kept a close eye on me while I poked a few holes in the foil to let some of the steam out. I guess he knew what I was doing because he laid back down when he saw what I was doing.

He seemed a bit confused when I started the truck again to charge the battery and I turned the radio on one of the few stations I could pick up out here. They were predicting a freak summer snow storm tonight with low temperatures. I moved the potatoes away from the hot part of the fire and went to find more firewood to stock up on. I made several trips and put it in a good size pile and got an old tarp and put over it to keep it dry.

I checked the potatoes and they were almost done so I set the skillet on the fire while I got a couple steaks. He saw me bring the steaks out and sat up and it almost looked like he was smiling. I cut the one I was going to cook for him in bite sized chunks and tossed them in the skillet. After it was done I put his on a plate and mine in the skillet and got him some of the potatoes out and let it set to cool. When he saw me do this he stood up with his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out again.

I sat his on the other side of the fire for him and told him, here you go boy but be careful it's hot. He came closer to it and sniffed and sat down. I guess he could tell it was really hot. When my steak got done I put it on another plate and cut it up and got the rest of the potatoes. It was pretty strange but he didn't eat until I started eating. Then we both dug in.

After we got done the strangest thing happened. He picked up his plate in his teeth and took it and put it in the trash bag I had tied to a pole. After I put mine in the trash he came over and sat down beside me. I said you decided to be friends? He looked up and at me gave me a big wet lick on the side of my face. I reached over and gave him a gentle rub on his head. He let out a belch and laid down next to my chair.

I could feel the air starting to chill so I started putting things away and piled more wood on the fire to hopefully keep it going. I said boy it's going to get cold tonight so I hope this keeps you warm. I got the coffee pot ready just in case the temperature dropped a lot the fire would melt any ice that would be in it.

I got ready to go to bed and he followed me to the tent. I started to close the flaps and he started to whine a little. You want to sleep in here tonight? He barked once. Ok come on in here. I figured I'd be ok since he had made no aggressive moves since I saw him yesterday. He came in and laid on the other side of the tent watching as I zipped up the tent flap.

I learned how to camp in the winter in the boy scouts so when it's cold I always sleep nude to keep any sweat from soaking whatever it was I wore to bed. As I was taking off my clothes he just sat there looking curious. I got in my sleeping bag and pulled my clothes in with me to keep them warm. I guess he was satisfied because he finally laid down himself.

I guess the temperature really dropped. I woke up to him whining. Are you cold boy? Another single bark. Ok come here. He walked over and he put his head down and acted like he wanted me to untie what I thought was a cloth bag but found out it was deer or elk skin pouch from his neck and laid it off to the side. It had the name Nicky on it. Is that your name Nicky? Another single bark.

I laid down and Nicky crawled in and laid beside me with his head on my arm. I zipped the bag back up and said try to sleep boy. That night I had a strange dream that a naked young man had woke me up and wanted to sleep with me to stay warm. He was maybe early twenties as far as I could tell and maybe 6 feet tall or maybe taller with a slim bronze muscular body and what looked to be some really strong legs also. With hair that was a combination of silver with black or dark gray streaks in it. And a very handsome face. Funny thing was his pubic hair was the same as on his head but surrounded a long fat uncut cock.

Since I have always been gay who the hell was I to turn down a young stud in need. So I let him in and when he snuggled up to me it was like his body was a furnace. We stayed toasty warm.

When I woke the next morning I was bewildered my wolf was still with me but had managed to get himself out of the sleeping bag. I pulled my clothes on and could tell it was pretty cold outside so I grabbed my coat too. When I opened the tent flap Nicky took off to the woods and while I was getting the fire going again he came back. Guess he had to go bad. A house trained wild wolf? Nah can't be.

After I had the fire going again I sat the coffee pot next to it and headed through the fresh 3 inches of snow to the woods myself. When I came back I started the truck again to let it run a while. As I was sitting by the fire staying warm Nicky came over and sat with me to stay warm.

As I was having my coffee I said Nicky I'm going home today. He turned to look at me and seemed to have a sad look on his face. I got to thinking this wolf is pretty strange he understands what I'm saying to him. After I poured myself another cup of coffee I started thinking should I ask him if he wants to go home with me. And what would people think in my small town and on the way home with a wolf riding in a truck with someone.

I finally decided to ask. Nicky do you want to go home with me? I was amazed he got up and had his front paws on the edge of my chair licking my face like the happiest dog in the world. I started rubbing his head and shoulders and back and said ok boy I'll take you home with me. He got down and started running in circles and barking and he seemed to be really happy.

I made us breakfast again this time sausage and eggs and he really seemed to like that. As we were eating I told him you know you have to be good and living in a house is different than out in the woods. He barked a couple times and went back to eating.

I was thinking. Am I going nuts I'm sitting here having a conversation with a wolf. For some reason he knew what I was thinking after he ate he came over and rested his head on my leg while I finished eating. I told him it's almost a 5 day trip back home and you will have to be good in the truck. And there's no way a restaurant is going to let me bring you into eat. He just raised up and licked the side of my face again. And you can't go crazy and tear the hotel room up either. This time he barked a couple times.

After I cleaned up after breakfast I shut the truck off and started packing things up to leave. When I got my sleeping bag rolled up Nicky came in and got his bag and was carrying it too. I put the sleeping bag inside the truck in case we ran into bad weather and Nicky just put his bag and whatever was in it on top of it. He saw me folding up the tarp that I put on the wood and when I started on the one I had on the tent he actually got the other end and helped me fold it.

I had a big plastic container in the bed of the truck I put all the camping gear in and then got an old blanket and put it on the passenger seat. And got a bucket and went to the stream and got a couple buckets of water to drown what was left of the fire out. Nicky had disappeared into the woods again but by the time I was done and the coals were all cool he was back. So I put the bucket away and said you ready to go boy? I got a loud bark as a response. I opened the passenger door and he jumped in.

I went and got in and he was sitting up in the seat and soon we were on our way. It was kind of funny to see him sitting there and looking at cars and trucks on the road. I told him to keep people from complaining I'm going to have to get a collar and a leash to put on you when we are out around other people. He gave me one of those sad looks but seemed like he understood. I stopped in Casper at a pet store and told him to stay in the truck I'd be right back.

I went in and got a black collar and a 6 foot leash. They also had one of those ID tag machines so I got him a tag that was silver with his name on it and my cell number. I came back out and showed them to him and got another big lick. He understood.

We made it down to Cheyenne that evening and stopped at a hotel a little ways out of town it just happened to have a Burger King next door. After I got a room and our things in the room I asked him if he was hungry. Another bark I guess he was. I got a bowl out of the truck and filled it with water for him and went to get us something to eat. I got him a plain double whopper and another for myself along with a large order of fries and walked back to the room.

After we had our dinner I was propped up on the bed watching TV and Nicky jumped up on the bed and laid beside me. He seemed to be really interested in watching TV. One of the Subaru commercials came on, the ones with the dogs driving the cars he raised his head up and looked at me oddly. I said they're not really driving, he just turned back and watched.

In a little while he got up and went to the door of the room and barked. You have to go out I asked. He just wagged his tail. I got up and got his leash and he looked at me funny, I said we're in town now we have to or there will be trouble. Maybe I should have got a longer leash he seemed sort of shy but did end up going. When we got back to the room I said good boy. I know you aren't used to that but we have to.

I decided to take a shower and he kept a close eye on me very interested when I started taking my clothes off. I said I'm going to wash and headed to the bathroom he followed me intent on watching. I'm thinking I hope this wolf isn't some kind of pervert. He was watching through the clear shower doors and I guess he realized I was doing the same as I did in the creek the day before. When I got out and was drying off I got a surprise with a cold nose sniffing my butt. I turned towards him and he licked his lips again. Then he got in the shower.

I said you want to wash up too? Another bark so I turned the water on and got it warm without being hot and grabbed the shampoo and started lathering him up. He seemed to love this but with his fur it took forever to get him rinsed of the suds. I had to rinse off again myself. After I dried off I took another towel and dried him as best I could and he just seemed to like this a lot. I used the blow dryer to get him all the way dry.

After I was done with him I pulled the covers on the bed back and got in naked and pulled them over me and watched TV some more. Nicky once again got up right next to me and appeared to be intently watching TV himself. About 11 I decided it was time to go to sleep and turned the TV off and said goodnight boy and turned the light off and rolled over.

That night I had the same dream as the night before. But his time when I woke in the morning I had a very strong arm wrapped around me and something big and hard pressing on my butt. I managed to turn onto my back and there was the guy from my dream last night now with his arm across my chest. I looked around the room and Nicky was nowhere that I could see.

I turned the light on and shook this strange man awake. Who are you I asked

I'm Nicky

Wait, who

I'm Nicky

No Nicky is a wolf

I am Nicky I'm a wolf boy

This is a nightmare I'm going back to sleep and shut the light off

It isn't a nightmare and I am real. Turn that strange candle back on

What candle

The candle that made it daylight

Oh you mean the lamp


I turned it on and he was still there. Where did you come from?

The woods where you camped and I found you

No that was a wolf

I am a wolf, I am a boy or man now

You can't be real

He took my hand and ran it along his face and through his hair and down his chest and stomach and then further and rested my hand on what was now a very hard dick. Are you convinced?

No I'm not

He leaned over and gave me a huge lick up the side of my face. How would I know to do that?

Then I finally noticed he still had his collar on. But how I asked?

A curse was put on me many moons ago by the tribal medicine man. I can only reveal myself to one I am supposed to be with. I have been wandering the woods for I don't know how many moons.

Why would he do that to you.

One day when I was a young boy the chief's son and I were born the same year. We were almost at the time of the warrior test. But as young boys our bodies started to change. The chief caught us in his teepee one day we were comparing our bodies. The chief was mad we did this and had the medicine man cast a spell on me that turned me into a wolf and I would only be able to reveal my true self to someone I was meant to be with.

So you like men

Yes it appears I do. The medicine man saw this in his vision and said I would be no use to the tribe and I could never be a warrior and was cast out.

So how many times have you revealed yourself to someone?

Two times before you

Then why are you not a man then

I have to make sure the person will want and take care of me. Then I can reveal myself to him, if he rejects me I am returned to a wolf until that man goes to the spirit world. The first was many years after I was cast out but before we could be like warrior and squaw he was killed by a bear.

The last one was a soldier who was lost after a war. He said he was tortured and said he could never do to someone that he was forced to be done to him. He must have gone to the spirit world. Because for many cold winters I have been lost again.

I sat there dumbfounded. I mean I like you it is why I asked you if you wanted to come with me, but I thought I was taking a wolf home with me.

You do not want me then

No that's not what I mean. I wasn't ready for this. I knew the wolf knew what I was saying but I never thought of this. But yes I like you. You're handsome and you have a very nice body but we really just met. You don't even know me, I'm just a guy who went camping

I know you are nice. You weren't scared of me when I came to your teepee. You fed me, gave me shelter from the storm, we kept the other warm. And you talked to me. And did not leave waste in the woods. And you only used what you needed from the woods. And the other animals liked you too.

How do you know all of that

They told me and the rest I see myself. I tracked you for 3 days before I found you.

Oh I have to think about this

He took my hand and put it back on his hard dick, and said I know you like this and it lets me know when it turns like stone when I have the right one.

How long do I have to decide

As many days as you like but in 5 more nights I turn back into the wolf if we do not be like warrior and squaw.

I need coffee and to think for a while. Don't worry it will not take that long

So we get out of bed now

Yes we get out of bed now. I put some shorts on and got the coffee maker going and Nicky was just sitting on the bed naked with that big hard on of his. Doesn't that ever get soft

Not until I change back to wolf or it spits out the white stuff

Well go ahead and make it spit if you want to

I do not know how that happens

I thought what the hell. This guy is at least in his twenties and he has no idea how to jack off. Nicky how old are you really

I only know they told me I was born the year after the war with the yellow haired horse soldier. We walked or rode ponies then. Not the strange wagons like you have. My people had to move the horse soldiers were after us and took our land. And we found a place the spirit gods told us would be safe, the horse soldiers never came again.

Nicky that would make you 142 years old, but you look like you are only 23 or 25 at the latest.

I guess it was life as the wolf. Is that good or bad

I'm not sure but it will be hard to get you any important documents

What are documents

Like a record of your birth, or any kind of identification. A card to say who you are. I looked and he was still just as hard. Nicky I'm going to help you spit so you will be able to get soft

You going to make like squaw?

Not really but I promise you will feel good just relax this won't hurt. I got on my knees between his legs and started licking his very big and thick cock. He started talking in a language I didn't understand and it didn't take but a few minutes with the new stimulation and he howled and blasted what seemed like a gallon of cum into my mouth and throat. After he settled down I got up and got a cup of coffee and sat over by the table having a drink.

He came around and said I think the spirits talked to me again

I kind of laughed and said do you have any clothes to wear

You mean like you wear


Only loincloth from my boyhood in pouch

Well we need to find you some clothes to wear because you can't go out these days in a small loincloth

Yes I have grown since boy

I have a question. Can you change back to the wolf whenever you want and come back again

I do not know, I have never tried

Ok so we have to find something that will fit you to wear. You can't run around outside with no clothes on. I think mine would fall off of you, but it might be enough to get you out of here and I can stop at a store and get you something that will fit better.

I can do whatever pleases you. But right now I need to go outside. I can't hold it much longer

Nicky you remember last night when I showered and then bathed you


That is what that little room is for, come on I'll show you how it works. I took him into the bathroom and explained the toilet and how it works and also explained toilet paper to him. I said you do what you need to I have to get something out of the truck I will be back in a few minutes.

I went out to the truck and got a small tape measure from my tool box and a pair of sweat pants for him and an extra pair of shoes. And went back in. He was done in the bathroom and trying to figure out the sink so I showed him.

I was thinking this is going to be a real challenge he has no idea about modern things. He got done and got the water turned off and sat next to me.

I really like you and want you to be like squaw to me

I like you too Nicky but instead of calling me your squaw how about for now calling me your friend. Too many even now would not understand me being your squaw.

Because we are both men

Yes, so while we are traveling or around strangers you can call me Tom that is my name and just for now you can say we are friends. I will explain more later on as we go.

Ok I call you Tom

Good now I need you to stand in front of me so I can take some measurements to see what size clothes to get you. He stood up and I swear he was hard again.

I think my breeding stone likes you

You sure it likes me or just what I did to it earlier

Both and it really wants to be in you like squaw

How about we do that tonight after we stop for the night. And so you know it's not breeding stone. The medical term is penis, but most people call it a dick or cock. And treating me like your squaw let's start using have sex or making love or if we are alone fucking.

So much to learn

Yes I understand, but step over here so I can measure you. He did and when I got the leash he stepped back. Calm down I'm just using it because it flex's I showed him the metal tape and said see this won't go around you good enough.

Ok I stand still

I had him raise his arms so I could measure his chest, then down to his waist and finally his inseam. Nice body 46 chest 32 waist and 34 inseam

That makes Nicky feel good you make my cock hard

I wasn't trying to make it hard. But let's see if we can get some clothes on you.

You don't like me like this

I stood up and said Nicky I like you naked like you are. But you can't be naked all the time. Lean down here a minute, and I kissed him he didn't seem too sure at first but when he realized I wasn't trying to eat him he relaxed.

That was nice what do you call that

That was a kiss

Can I kiss you when I want

For now only when we are alone. Some people do not like 2 men being together like that. But we should get some clothes on and get out of here.

I got two pairs of socks out of my bag and showed him how to put them on, good thing our feet are close to the same size. Then I got him a t-shirt and let him watch how I put mine on. He did pretty good.

It feels like another skin on my body

I will get you some that fit better today at the store

Then I helped him with the sweat pants and showed him how to tie the drawstring so he could undo it when he needs to. I didn't bother with underwear since mine might fall off of his slim hips

These make my cock feel good

Well hopefully it will get used to the feel quick. Now for the shoes, I know you may have never worn shoes so be careful until you get used to the feel and you may have to learn to walk again

He got up and took a few steps. This is strange

I know but you will get used to them. Once we get you some clothes to wear we will get you some shoes of your own that will fit better

I think I can do this. Is this what people wear today it seems like a lot

I laughed and said yes except at certain times like swimming or down where it is really warm.

He kept walking around the room and was getting better and finally said I think I can do this

Good are you ready to get out of here and get back to going home

Yes I want to be with you

Ok come here a minute. He walked over to me and I reached up and took the collar off

Can't I keep wearing it

No it wouldn't look right, but I will get you a chain we can put the tag on and you can wear it like jewelry if you like

I would like that

We took our things to the truck and I took the blanket off the seat and dumped out the bowl of water. I showed him how to put a seat belt on and told him why he had to wear it and I got in and we were on our way.

He had all kinds of questions along the way. Mostly about the horseless wagons on the road and I explained it to him. I thought he was going to shit himself the first freight train he saw. And explained that too.

I missed so much being in the woods

Yes you did. But do you realize with what you told me you are 142 years old. People just don't live that long. A lot has happened in all those years, things are a lot different

Like the cars and trucks

Yes that and a lot more, it will take a lot of time to explain and teach you all of it. So please be patient with me if I can't answer some of your questions. We are going to stop in a couple of hours for some food and I will go into a store and get you some clothes for you to wear.

I can't go with you

Not this time, there will be many, many people in there. And I don't want to have you around that many people all at once. I would rather do things slow at first. But this evening when we stop we will go out and eat in a restaurant that way you can get use to people slowly.

Ok Tom I will trust you

Good I don't want you to be scared of anything. And if we go slowly it will make all the changes in the world easier to understand. It can be pretty crazy at times

I stopped in Grand Island Nebraska and found a Walmart and said Nicky stay in the truck here and I will get you some clothes and bring some food back for us. And Nicky don't get out of the truck because the doors will lock on their own and you won't be able to get back in.

Ok Tom I stay right here and take nap

I went in and got him 3 pairs of jeans, a belt, some t shirts, a couple muscle t's, 3 pair of boxers and 3 pairs of briefs since I didn't know which he may like better, a package of socks, 3 nice shirts, and a pair of shoes one size bigger than mine, and a light jacket. I also got a bottle of lube because as big as he is there's no way I can take him without it. After paying I stopped at the McDonalds at the front of the store and got us lunch.

When I got back to the truck he was sleeping and it startled him a little when I unlocked the truck and opened the door.

You ok Nicky

Yes I was dreaming this was a dream

Now you know how I felt this morning. I'm just glad you didn't change back into the wolf. I like you both but I like Nicky the man better

I like being man too

I got us food to eat. It's almost like last night but a little different

He looked and said smells good, but what is in cup

It is coke, it's made mostly with water but it is sweet. I showed him how to use a straw and told him suck on it but not real hard

This is not like anything I have drank

He noticed when I put my drink in the cup holder and put his in one too. He tore through his quarter pounder with cheese and started on his fries.

These are good what are they

Those are called French fries, just potatoes but fried in oil. Not like the ones I made in camp

I like those too

Good we will try something different for dinner tonight. We got done eating and there was a trash can in front of the truck. And I said Nicky would you put this in the trash

I do so for you Tom

Just watch when you open your door that no one is pulling in next to us. He did and when he got back in we were on our way again

We got close to Omaha and I said Nicky we are going to be coming into a very big city soon. There will be lots of other cars and trucks all around us and very crowded. Don't get scared I am used to driving in big cities

Ok I will trust you to keep me safe

He was amazed at the traffic and all the big buildings and couldn't believe towns got so big. I looked over a few times and he looked scared and I told him to not worry this is normal through here.

After we got out of town I said that wasn't so bad was it

No I am glad I am with you, you make me feel safe. But can we stop somewhere that coke you call it wants to leave my body

Yes there is a place not too far up here we can stop a few minutes. We stopped at a rest area and it was empty. So I went in with him and we got in the men's room and he was confused.

It's not like the hotel

No do you need to sit to go or just stand

Just yellow water

Ok can you get the string untied


So I showed him how to use a urinal and anyone who would have come in would think we were fooling around. But he remembered I guess from when he was a boy. And he got hard again

Nicky you need to see if you can control that a little more

I will try but after many years not easy to do

I understand and I have a way tonight to help with that

You gonna be squaw tonight and he smiled

Only for you, but don't think about that now or that dick of yours might scare people

We got out of there just in time a bus load of people pulled in

What is that and he pointed at the bus

Did you ever see a stagecoach as a boy

Once maybe

That is like a big motorized stagecoach it carries lots of people. And we sat there a while and he saw like 40 or 50 people get off of it

Yes lots of people

We got going again and I managed to stop in another small town and got a hotel room and a small diner was next door. We took our things to the room and I showed him the clothes I got for him and the shoes.

Is all that for me

Yes it is. I hope it all fits. He saw the boxers and briefs and asked what are those?

This is called underwear they go under your pants you might like them and they will keep that big dick of yours a little more under control

You don't like my big dick Tom?

Oh I like it Nicky, but you don't want to go around showing it off all the time

Ok I try

Now do you want to take your clothes off and we will see if what I got you fits

I will for you

Good how did the shoes fit

They are a little tight

Well I got you a pair that is bigger. When he was naked it was like nothing to him and yes he was hard again

I think cock likes you

I'll make you a deal. You keep cock under control until we get back from dinner and I will make you and it feel very good tonight

You be like squaw for me tonight

Yes I will be like squaw for you tonight but I am in charge. I want to show you how to love someone not just breed them

Ok me be good warrior for you

He liked the boxers better than the briefs and the jeans fit just right after I showed him how a zipper works. I was sure the t shirts would fit so I had him try on one of the nice shirts and how to button it. I had him stand up and go look in the wall mirror.

See how handsome you are

I look like cowboy

Yes and no, but you look like a nice young man most of all. And I put my arms around him from behind see how nice your chest looks and I ran both hands over his chest then worked my way to his flat stomach. You are like the perfect man and then I went lower and cupped his cock and the bulge of his full balls. And you see you show just enough to look very good.

Tom you do that more I get like stone again

Ok I'll stop for now. Now how about you try those new shoes on

He sat down and put the shoes on and then got up and walked around. Feet feel better now.

Good they will loosen a little the more you wear them.

We go eat now Tom, Nicky hungry

Ok we'll go eat. But I know you can't read so I will tell you what they have and then you can tell me what you would like. How does that sound, and you have to be good for me. And if you aren't sure what to do just ask me

Ok I will be good, let you teach me

We walked next door and there were only a few people there. We got a table and the waitress brought menu's to us. It even had a couple pictures. Nicky saw something in one of the pictures and asked me what it was. That is meatloaf, its ground beef like we had for lunch but with a few things added and baked in an oven and next to it is mashed potatoes and there is gravy on it.

Could I have that

Sure you can, it looks good I think I will have the same

The waitress came back and asked if we decided

Nicky impressed me when he asked for the meatloaf and mashed potatoes

She asked if he wanted rolls or cornbread and he looked at me like HELP

So I said rolls please and I'll have the same thing and water to drink

After she left he said what is rolls or cornbread

They are both a type of bread to eat with your meal

I will watch what you do then

When she brought our food I could see the look in his eyes he liked the smell

He copied what I did with the fork and how I ate

Tom this good

Yes it is and you are doing very good too

Me try, never eat like this before

It is easy once you get used to it

We got done eating and I paid the bill and we walked back to our room. When we got inside he turned to me and asked can I kiss you

Sure you can. And he did too he learned very good this morning.

He broke the kiss and said cock hard as stone now. You take care of like squaw

I will Nicky but let's take this slow. I want to make your first time real good for you

Ok I let you this time

I started unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it out of his pants and licked and kissed his chest and worked my way down and was doing the same to his stomach. I took his shoes off first then came back up and worked on his jeans which were about to burst open it seemed. After I got his jeans off I ran my lips and tongue over his boxer clad cock and he just moaned

Tom go fast me about to spit

I rubbed his stomach and said calm down boy and got back up and kissed him some more after a few minutes I started back down again and this time went straight to his huge cum filled balls and started licking and sucking, At the same time I started slowly jacking him, his balls started churning and he was moaning, so I took him in my mouth and was rewarded with another sweet load

He pulled me up and started pulling my pants off and then pulled my shirt off and pushed me on the bed. I make you squaw now

Oh no you don't, not so fast. Nicky I know you want me but we have to be careful the first few times. Your cock is very big and you could hurt someone very easy. I want you in me but the first few times I am going to be in charge and you just lay back and relax and enjoy.

Tom if we don't do this soon I go back to wolf again

I pulled him down to me. Nicky you are not going back to the wolf we are going to do this trust me we are. But take it easy and be patient. Do you want to hurt me?

I never want to hurt you Tom

Then let me do the work until I get used to how big you are, or you will hurt me and hurt me bad

Ok you be in charge

Good you promise to do what I say

I promise

Good now lay back on the bed. I have to get something that will help. I promise you will like it.

Ok I do as you say

I got the lube out of the bag and then got on top of Nicky. Now I am not going to be like squaw but I am going to teach you how to fuck first then to make love to someone. Do you understand?

I think so

Ok just be gentle and let me do the work. And with that I started kissing him and working on his dick at the same time. He got hard in almost an instant. I put some lube on his dick and started jacking him slow. Then spread some on and in my ass. After putting more lube on him I straddled him and said Nicky don't move just stay still.

I will Tom, I like this

Good just don't get excited. I lowered myself on to him and dam I knew he was big but he seems to be bigger than what I thought. I got his head in and thought I was going to pass out. When I looked at him he was smiling and his eyes were shut. I pulled up a little then sank back down a little bit more. Dam this boy is big. It took a good half hour to get him all the way in and all I could do is just sit on him for now.

After a little bit I started pulling off and his eyes shot open. I stopped and sank back down and he realized I wasn't going to pull off and stop. Just relax Nicky and let me do this.

Tom warrior supposed to do the work

But warrior needs to learn the right way first. I hope you like this

I like almost about to spit again

Nicky it's not spitting, it's called cumming

Ok so I about to cumming again

I had to laugh. It's just cum baby

I no baby

Oh I know you're no baby. It's a term for affection like lover

Ok lot to learn

I am going to speed up and if you need to cum just go ahead and do it and as many times as you want to and I speeded up. He started talking and I couldn't understand I'm guessing it was something in Cheyenne and I said Nicky no howling this time ok

Ok, me no howl but me cum big and he did.

And cum he did, it was so much it was squishing out of my ass around his dick but I just kept going. In a minute or so he was hard again and this time was easier. I managed to get him off 6 more times

Tom this is good but Nicky cock worn out

( Finally. I thought) ok Nicky I will get up in a few minutes

You ok Tom

Yes I'm ok I just need to take my time

Good Nicky feels good too

After several minutes I managed to get up and get to the bathroom. All those 7 loads he shot in me felt like I had been given an enema.

Nicky came in and I had my head in my hands

Did I hurt you

No you didn't hurt me. I will be ok but you don't get any of my ass for a day or so. It needs to recover. But I promise once I get used to the size of you I will let you be in charge

That be good for me. Let me clean you up. He picked me up off the toilet and we got in the shower and he really surprised me. I guess he remembered from last night because he soaped me up nice and gentle and was really careful with my butt. He was even kissing the back of my neck at times. He even dried me off and then picked me up and carried me to the bed. Nicky knows how to take care of squaw.

Nicky how about me not being your squaw but your lover instead.

Ok so Nicky knows how to take care of lover

That's better come to bed with me I want to hold you

Me like that

We cuddled and kissed a bit and we both fell asleep

I woke the next morning to Nicky's strong arms wrapped around me and his hardness poking me but I could tell he was asleep still. I managed to pry myself loose and went to the bathroom and started the coffee and crawled back in bed next to him. He had rolled on his back so I laid my head on his chest and put an arm around him.

Nicky finally woke up and said good morning lover

That sounds better. I made some coffee already would you like some

Yes but I have to let water loose first

He got up and after the bathroom we sat around naked having coffee. But I did notice he has a fantastic looking ass.

Tom did I hurt you last night

No you didn't, but I am a little sore this morning. But don't worry its normal and taking a dick as big as yours especially when I haven't had anyone that big for a real long time

I am glad. I am glad you made me wait. As much as I wanted to breed you and not be wolf anymore I might have hurt you. I don't want to hurt you

That is good. I want you to be in charge one day but I have to get my body used to the size of you first.

When you ready you tell me. I think I can go easy. I never felt so good as last night

You know one day I might want to make you MY squaw

He smiled and said you know Cheyenne Dog Soldier never be a squaw, but I might let you pretend

I would go easy. It might make you a better lover. You would know what I feel with you in me

Would you do it to me tonight

Not tonight but maybe. Depends on if I am still sore

We got dressed and our things in the truck and went to that diner and had breakfast. After we sat down he asked me what I made at the fire that first day

I said bacon and scrambled eggs

That was good do they make it here

Yes that is a normal things for breakfast everywhere

The waitress came back and took our order and Nicky did good and ordered for himself. When our food came he watched again what I did and took his time eating. After we ate we got on the road again and I told him we have a couple of big cities to go through today and they are a lot bigger then the last one

I will be ok with you in charge

When we got close to Kansas City he noticed all the traffic and more houses, businesses, and big buildings. He was amazed all over again at all the cars trucks and busses.

I have been as a wolf too long

Well you will get used to it. It takes a while

Tom where are all the people of the land now

You mean the Indians like your people


There are pockets of Indians all over. Everyone learned how to live together. Some even have their own ranch's now and raise cattle and grow crops

You mean no more wars with the horse soldiers

No Nicky not for over a hundred years

That is good then?

Yes it is

He was pretty quiet for a long time. I guess he was thinking about all he missed maybe. We stopped for lunch between Columbia and St. Louis. Nicky is there something you would like to eat that you haven't had in a long time.

I remember eating some fish as a boy. I not eat fish since being a wolf

Ok I know where we can get fish. And I found a Captain D's and told him this won't be fish like you remember. It is fileted and grilled and you get some vegetables with it. Do you know what you might like.

I have been eating anything I can as wolf. So you get me what you think I would like

Ok this is a place where we order then go sit down. Do you know what you would like to drink

Can you get me more of that stuff you called Coke

Sure I can. Just go in and sit at a table and I will be there after I order our food. I got him grilled fish and cole slaw and steamed broccoli. And got myself a regular fried fish dinner with fries and green beans. And I got our cups and called him over to the drink machine and showed him how to work it and the Coke logo on the dispenser. He couldn't believe the way it worked.

When our food came he looked at it and said it is all so strange

I know, you have a lot to get used to

Why is yours not like mine

I thought you might want to try different things and pointed out what was what. He started eating and it looked like he was enjoying it. How is it Nicky

It is good just different than I remember

That is because this fish comes from the ocean, not a lake or stream

What is an ocean

Have you ever seen a real big lake


An ocean is like a very big lake but the water is salty so the fish taste different. And it's a different kind of fish than what lives in a lake or stream

Ok, why is yours different than mine

I got you grilled fish since I thought it would be more like you had before. Mine is battered it's covered with a coating made with flour, milk, and some other seasonings

Can I try it

Sure and I broke him off a piece and handed it to him

He ate it and looked like he was thinking. They both good

We got done eating and he said Tom I have to go to the little room like hotel has

Oh you mean the restroom


We dumped our trash and I took him to the restroom and I asked sit or stand

Sit this time

So I took him to one of the stalls and showed him how to lock the door and how the toilet flushed and where the toilet paper was. I'll wait outside for you

He came out in a few minutes and said I all done now

We got going again and made it through St. Louis just at the beginning of evening rush hour and when we crossed the Mississippi river he was amazed that a bridge that big could be built and the river was so big.

We made it through Illinois and into Kentucky and I found us a place to stop for the night. We got our things in the hotel and were relaxing when he came over and laid next to me on the bed and just put his arms around me

Are you ok Nicky

I sort of lost. All I know was the woods and wandering. Now the last few days and everything I see. It makes me like little boy again. I even need help emptying myself

Baby don't worry. I will help you learn. And I know everything is new to you. It's not only learning how to live like a man now, but everything you remember is different. But I am happy to teach you

I not too much trouble for you

No you're not too much trouble. I just need you to do what I ask you to do to keep you away from danger. That is why I had you wait in the truck when I went in the store to get your clothes. And why I have been taking you to where there is not many people so you can get used to things slowly

I knowed you be good squaw

Hey you keep calling me squaw and I will have to let my warrior out

Ok I call you friend instead of squaw

That sounds better

Can I kiss you

Of course you can. He moved up and started licking my face like the wolf would. Then raised up and smiled and leaned back down and really kissed me. He shifted his weight a little and I could feel he was very hard again. Then he whispered in my ear Nicky hard needs to cum again

Take your clothes off. I'm going to show you something new. Surprisingly he took his new clothes off carefully and laid them on a chair and waited while I got mine off.

Now come lay on the bed next to me and he was standing tall and leaking already.

When he laid down I reached over and took ahold of his cock and started jacking him and he started to moan a little. I took my hand away and he gave me a puzzled look. Now you do it to yourself and just do what makes you feel good. He jacked himself off a bit and saw I was doing the same.

Tom can I do you

Sure Nicky

He reached over and started jacking me and I had to tell him not to grip so hard. In a few minutes he looked at me and asked if he could taste me

Sure baby just go slow and be careful of your teeth

He started my licking my cock and then put me in his mouth and was gently sucking. I was running my fingers through his hair telling him he was doing good. He looked up at me and smiled then went back to my cock. He was doing a good job for what I suspected was his first time. He had me getting close and I didn't want this to end yet.

Nicky stop for a minute. He looked up at me

Nicky do something bad

No baby you were doing great, but I want you too. So turn around and let me have your cock and you can have mine at the same time. He smiled now. I got him around and told him ok we can go again. It was a good thing his legs are long or I wouldn't have been able to breathe with as big and long as his cock is.

As I was sucking him I started rubbing all over his tight muscular butt and he seemed to suck me harder so I worked my way to his hole with a finger and just rubbed around it a bit. I think he really liked it because he started fucking my throat. It had me turned on so much I blasted in his mouth and I was surprised when he swallowed my load and kept sucking me. He soon pulled back to where just the head of his big dick was in my mouth and flooded me with a huge load of his tasty man cum. And I made sure to get every drop and licked him clean before he pulled all the way out.

He turned around again and laid beside me. Did Nicky make you feel good

Yes you did. Was that your first time

No, I not tell you before. Me and chief's son did it to each other a couple times before chief caught us. I not want you to think bad of me

I wouldn't have thought bad of you. A lot of young boys do the same thing.

You not mad at Nicky

For what? Doing what is natural with a lot of boys

Chief not think like you

He probably did the same thing as a boy. Most grow out of it and then some think badly of anyone who does the same thing.

Me not know that

Well it's true. It's a part of growing up. Boys are just curious

You know it made Nicky feel good when you played with backside

I kind of thought you liked it

Tom would you make me like squaw so I know what feels like

Sure I will do that for you

Can we do now

How about tomorrow night. I'm still a little sore from last night

Me sorry I make you sore

Nicky it's nothing to be sorry about. Like I said you are really big. Nothing to be ashamed of

Ashamed? What's that

Sorry or embarrassed about

So you like Nicky's big cock

Yes baby I do

Me happy now

I'm glad because you do make me happy and I like teaching you about new things

We laid there a while holding each other and a few kisses now and then. Nicky got hard again but didn't say anything about it. He seemed to be happy just being close. In a little while he moved and was over top of me and leaned down and kissed me for a long time before he stopped.

Tom would you wash me again

Sure I like to do that

Me too makes me feel wanted

We went and took another long shower together and actually made out a while under the flow of water and when Nicky was washing me he got his dick soapy and was just running it up and down my crack occasionally stopping at my hole

Be careful back there

I not go in just make Tom want Nicky more

Oh Nicky I do want you but I can't handle you again right now

Tom would you do me like I do to you right now

Sure turn around and bend over a little. He did and I got my hands soapy and started playing with his cute butt and sliding a finger over his hole from time to time. Once he was all soapy he said Tom put finger in hole. You sure. Yes, so I slid a finger in his hole and started working it back and forth.

That feels good. Put dick in me Tom. Please

Ok Nicky but just a little. I slicked my dick up and managed to get the head in his super tight hole when he let out a howl. I held still a while and was rubbing his sides. In a few minutes he said Tom go all the way make me your squaw. He had me worked up now so I said remember you asked for it. It took a few minutes but I got all the way in him and he started his strange talking and I just told him stand up. When he did I grabbed his hard dick and started jacking him.

He was actually chanting something now and had his arms trying to pull me in him more. I was kissing the back of his neck and I felt his hole tighten around me and he shot out so much and so hard his cum blasted the shower wall with splat, splat, splat, splat, splat and he let out an ear deafening howl as I started filling his ass.

He pulled himself off of me and turned around and pushed me gently to the other wall of the shower and started kissing me so intensely I almost thought I'd pass out. He pulled back smiling and said Nicky feels great. And pulled me back to him under the spray and we washed each other off again.

After we got done and were laying in bed again. I asked him what happened in the shower and the chanting and the rest

Tom you made me feel so good I asked the spirits to release me and they did. The wolf is gone and I am yours forever now. That was the wolf leaving my body

But I thought you had to fuck me in order to be released

The spirit gods have been watching and saw how you care for me and how much I care for you. And told me Nicky Lonewolf you are now a man and will be forever.

So if I understand the rush to make me your squaw is over

Yes but I never wanted you as a squaw. I wanted a lover. You made me understand the words that I did not know how to

So then lover can I have another kiss like in the shower

Anything you want. And with that he laid on top of me and we made out quite a while I could feel his hardness again, for that matter so was I. I pushed him back a bit and asked

Nicky do you think you can make long slow love to me right now

If you will help me and tell me what to do

Ok get in my bag and get that bottle of lube

He found it and asked is this the stuff

Yes stud. Now get over here. He just smiled. I said walk up here on your knees and he did that huge dick bouncing all the way. I showed him how to lube himself and my ass up. I said now put some of the lube on your finger and slowly slide it in me and work it gently to spread the lube around. Even his finger felt good. Ok now pull your finger back out and put your dick at my hole.

He instinctively put my legs on his shoulders. Ok Nicky go slow but put some pressure until you just slide in me. I must have wanted him more than I thought when my ass gave way he sank about four inches into me. I gasped and almost yelled but he stopped quick.

Did I hurt you

No Nicky just wait a minute

I finally told him to go easy again. Just put a little in and pull back a bit and keep doing that. He got the hang of it and was only feeding me about half of his huge cock. After a while I said Nicky my love give me some more each time. I could finally feel his silky pubic hair on my ass and told him to just keep going slow and pull almost out each time then slowly all the way back in. This young stud that found me started long dicking me nice and slow I was in heaven. He leaned down and started kissing me and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

After I don't know how long, I said Nicky, baby make me yours

He looked at me and smiled. If I go too hard you tell me

I will

He sped up a little but was slamming into me on every thrust. He had me moaning and he smiled and sped up more. He shifted his weight just a bit and I just yelled OH GOD and started spraying cum all over myself. He slowed down a bit but kept going. When he saw me relax he sped up again. He got me going again and moaning and I didn't even realize I was hard again. My lover is a quick learner because every few minutes he would shift and go at a different angle until I was thrashing my head back and forth. I let out a long moan I'm cuuuuummmiiinnnggg and started shooting again and this time I felt him bury himself deep in me and blasted the most powerful load into me I ever felt.

He slowed down and gently pulled out of me and smiled. You my squaw now and leaned down and kissed me ever so gently. I wrapped my arms around him and just held on to him.

I finally had to ask him to get up and he seemed to know out of instinct he went to the sink and got a hot wash cloth and came back and cleaned me up then cleaned himself up and crawled back in bed next to me.

He was holding me in his strong arms and said. Tom I love you

Nicky I love you too

I looked at the clock and it was 3 am we had been at it for almost 5 hours.

Nicky I think we should go to sleep. He just reached over and turned the light off and held me safe in those strong arms all night.

We woke up the next morning and showered again and I noticed during the night the silver left his hair. It was all black now. When I said something to him he just said, the wolf is gone.

We took another 2 lazy days getting the rest of the way home. He loved it when I pulled in the house and he saw that I lived on 10 acres and trees surrounded the house. Nicky loves the warm weather and most days he is just in a pair of shorts that show off his cute butt and big cock which doesn't bother me one bit. He seems to have a way with the local wildlife and many times he will be in the yard and have all kinds of wild animals sitting around him. They even got used to me being there with him.

When he watches TV it is mostly educational shows or history. I did manage to find some old school books and have taught him to read and write. He has also got more comfortable out around large groups of people and we even went to the state fair a month ago.

We even met some of the Indians from a local tribe and after hearing his story they are keeping it a secret but are also trying to get him a birth certificate so we can get him an ID.

Everything has worked out pretty good for us. He even got to liking old westerns and laughs at how some of the Indians in the old westerns act.

He has gotten a lot more comfortable with sex. He makes love to me for several hours many times a week. And one day he came he came in the kitchen when I was cooking. He was naked and hard as a rock. He reached around me and turned the stove off, unbuttoned the shorts I had on and made slow love to me bent over the kitchen table. He whispered in my ear I love my squaw and laughed. Which he only does at home when we're alone. And I always tell him I love my warrior stud.

Sometimes when it's warm and there is a full moon we will sleep out in our woods all night. He will make love to me for an hour or two then just fuck my brains out for a while before he fills my ass full of cum while letting out a wild howl like a wolf. Then he holds me in his arms the rest of the night.

The neighbors down the road mentioned hearing a wolf the other night and I just smiled and said yes I know.

I have been doing some research on the dog soldiers and with the help of a university researcher in Montana that is very open minded helped me in finding some of his descendants. When I told Nicky of this he couldn't believe his people were still around. We have made plans to go visit them this summer.

When we went to visit them it was like a hero coming home. We were given a cabin the people of the village made just for us to live in. Our first night there a young man knocked on the door and Nicky answered. It was a descendant of the old chief's son. He was in his mid 20's like Nicky and told him it had been handed down through the family over the years what happened. It turned out that the boy Nicky had been caught with grew up and had 4 sons of his own and all 4 turned out to be gay. They had also been told of the curse the medicine man put on him and were very sorry it happened.

The result of what happened turned the minds of the tribe or at least that part of it and all its members were accepted no matter who they slept with. And the tribe also quit hunting wolves. The area wolves were treated like family hoping that Nicky would come back to them.

I explained to the young man that we found each other over 400 miles away and what had happened since. He could not believe Nicky had been a wolf until just the last year. Seems Nicky was just a legend until the professor at the university contacted them. The odd thing is they are still on the land that he was forced to leave. If he had only come back home he may have found a lover with his own people.

We spent 2 weeks there and then headed back home. But we returned every year to the land of his people. Some even came to visit us, especially the young boys that were also gay and even several straight ones. They never had sex with us as that would have been taboo with the tribal elders but on the few occasions in the summer during a full moon when we would sleep outside, they had smiles and some smirks on their faces the next morning after hearing the wolf howl.

It has been 40 years since we found each other and still make love with the other as much as we can. Nicky has learned a lot and even learned enough to get a G.E.D. and also got comfortable enough to learn to drive. The tribe also adopted me and in a couple years we are going to move and spend the rest of our lives with Nicky's people, until we are taken to the spirit world ourselves.

The End

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