Trash Punk Tide

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 17, 2017


*** 7. Mutant Island ***

Getting away wasn't as easy as imagined.

Wherever the trash punks went, they ran into Jolly members. Some even recognized them on sight thanks to the pure black freak eyes.

For the most part, the boys had to camp out in the jungle which wasn't want you wanted when you had sacks of drugs to sell and needed missions from the townsfolk to get an income rolling.

Plus, on a very different note, they were desperately horny. Without a steady supply of fuck-willing men, the three were reduced to near constant fingering.

"Fuck! We can't keep doing this," Cumshot said and got up from the high grass. "The whole drug thing was a fail. If we can't sell them soon, we're bound to run into NewLaw enforcement and we got absolutely no fucking funds for a bribe."

"We could run away." Dumbfuck was rubbing his nipples. He had been in chastity for so long, his body was basically one erogenous zone. "Get deeper into the mainland. Where no one knows us."

"I guess there's no helping it..."

A hot red line shot into the tree behind them. "There they are," yelled a Jolly. The drug makers had come. And they wanted blood.

"Fuck," Cumshot yelled. "This way. No wait, there are more. This way. No, fuck. We're surrounded."

He produced as much smoke as he could but the enemy only had to keep shooting into the cloud and was eventually going to hit someone not armored. They had to keep moving.

"Back to the city," Cumshot said. "Into the suppressor field."

They slipped past the advancing Jolly army and raced off with all their possessions staying behind. Once again, they had lost everything. The drugs were back in Jolly hands.

If they were lucky, this would end the constant chase, but probably not.

Soon, the scavenger gang noticed they had lost sight of their targets and figured out where the punks were headed. The enemy was in pursuit.

Even within the city, Cumshot didn't stop. They had to go. Take the train and... they had no money for tickets.

"The Harbor!" Cumshot yelled. "Get to the docks."

Perk was nowhere to be seen and neither was his ship. They had to take a different route. Without money to buy their way out, they had to slip deeper into crime.

The punks jumped on the first best transporter raft. It was barely big enough to hold all three and wobbled dangerously when Dumbfuck hopped on.

"Anyone know how to drive this?" Xyz asked.

"Can't be so hard," the slave said. "I watched Perk do it a couple times."

When the Jolly arrived at the docks, they could only spot the motorized metal plate vanishing beyond the horizon.

When the coast was no longer visible, Cumshot dropped down and took a deep breath. "Now what? We don't know how to get to Cypher Island, we can't go to Illusion... Maybe we should drive along the coast and see if there's a settlement far away."

"I dunno," Xyz said. "Cypher was always at the outskirts, and Buster territory is kinda the border for civilization this far east. Not sure there's a lot around."

Dumbfuck was still steering. "My last owners took me to an outpost with a train station somewhere around here before we were kicked out. Then we looked for a new place. It's why we landed on Cypher."

"Yeah," Cumshot said, "but they put outposts inland. We wouldn't see it from the coast. Speaking of which, turn back left so we can have an eye on it."

"Nah," Dumbfuck said. "I'm already heading for it."

"Nope," Xyz said. "You steered too far left as it is. You need to go right or we'll get farther out."

"Wrong," Dumbfuck said. "Look at the compass here. I went straight north when we left, so now... Um... I think this compass is busted. Fuck."

Cumshot started rummaging in the containers scattered at the metal raft's edge. "Just keep going in circles and make them bigger and bigger. We can't be that far out, right? Yo, a bunch of Hydro-Cola. Ocean flavor. Gotta be all the rage on sea, huh?"

They ran out of fuel within an hour.

Three punks, on a tiny ship, in the middle of nowhere. And it was getting night.

At least they didn't have to feel the relentlessly burning sun, yet.

Once a new day dawned and all their tummies grumbled, Xyz spotted land. It was a sizeable island with a thin, sharp mountain in the middle.

The ship threatened to move past it with the currents, so the boys waited until they were as close as it would get and swam the distance. Growing up on an island, Cumshot and his Buster friend considered themselves decent swimmers, while the slave's massive muscles' strokes made it look like the waves were carrying him.

Dumbfuck carried their only bag. Of all the things to rescue, Cushot had taken care to pack the tagger before they left the raft. There was still some fun to be had.

At the beach, the trash punks took a moment to calm down, then they wandered a few steps into the tall ferns that framed the palm tree clusters.

There was a trail. Someone had been going back and forth across the area.

One end of the trail ran into the sand at the beach, but there was nobody left, least of all a boat.

Cumshot followed the other path to its other end, much deeper into the island. The other two kept their distance behind him, more concerned with spotting food and water than people.

Eventually, they stumbled upon... what looked like an arena. A thick concrete ring ran around a hole the width of a village and about as deep as all three of them on top of each other.

All along the hole's wall was concrete reinforcement, having sustained impacts from inside. One part of the wall had crumbled completely, with debris serving as stairs inside. There was no reason to climb down, though.

"What do you think this is?" Cumshot said.

Xyz shrugged. "No idea. Weapon testing? A secret place for freaks to fight?"

"Yo, over there," Cumshot said. "Whatever happened in the ring, the audience had to be in there."

It was a concrete building with a glass front pointing at the hole. The door was rusted out of its hinges.

Inside were metal chairs for the onlookers and a few places where equipment had been hung on the walls or put on the ground. Everything was gone now and grass had managed to break through cracks in the floor. The upstairs contained mats and defunct bathroom facilities.

"Can't even guess what this is for," Cumshot said as they left the building. "Maybe if we follow the path there's more to see that'll... hey, bananas."

There were indeed bananas growing at the side of the ring. Xyz plugged a ripe one. "Those are the big, engineered ones. Someone had to sow them. I bet this is an island prepped for habitation once Big Daddy has produced enough guys and needs to expand civilization again."

"At least we won't starve," Dumbfuck said and grabbed a banana. "Yo, there are coconuts over there. Do you think someone will come by and check up on the trees?"

"No idea," Xyz said. "Never cared much about colonization. We may be stuck for years."

Cumshot shivered. "We should keep going. The path isn't over. And we need a fresh water source before- Yo, did you hear that?"

The bushes rattled.

Dumbfuck chuckled. "You think E stalked us again? Hehehe."

An upright blob of sickly green flesh burst through the trees. It was more than twice as tall as a human and limped on three legs.

They had found a mutant – or rather, it had found them.

"Fuck! Run!" Cumshot hopped back on the narrow trail.

Another mutant stepped into his way. The grotesque figure had arms with multiple elbows, swinging wildly in the punk's direction.

Cumshot ducked and the arms hit Xyz. The boy went over the ring and dropped into the arena. His skin armor might have saved his live unless he landed on his head, but Cumshot had no time to check up on him.

A few thuds let him know Dumbfuck was raining his fists down on the first mutant. The creature groaned but didn't seem too impressed.

Cumshot burst into smoke. The second mutant flinched backward at the explosive expansion, but it was not scared off my any means.

"The head," came Xyz voice from below. "Remember you have to hit the head."

"It's too far up," Dumbfuck shouted but tried to grab the creature's arm to pull himself up.

Meanwhile, a third mutant showed up and Cumshot saw him close in on the slave from the side.

"Dumbfuck, run!"

The slave hopped onto the mutant he was battling, after finding a place to grab it. He swung himself onto the head and did his best to crush it between his thighs while still smashing it's skull in with his fists.

The beast fell to the side and Dumbfuck slipped off, he rolled away from the falling body and smacked into the ring's wall.

With two mutant focusing on the smoke cloud, they gained the confidence to advance in Cumshot.

Rusting bushes told of reinforcements arriving.

"We have to run," Cumshot yelled. "Dumbfuck, follow me."

The slender punk climbed the ring and held onto the remains of a rough concrete pillar. He slid down along the downward thickening material, but it was more of a slowed fall than sliding.

He got down without breaking anything. Xyz was there, rubbing an elbow but otherwise intact.

The brute jumped off the wall and swung himself down on a steel bar sticking out of a destroyed part of the wall.

Cumshot looked up at his mist and made it grow thicker at the same time as he expanded it.

"When this covers the exit," he said, "we run. Go slow so you don't trip coz you won't see anything, but don't stop until we're far away. Pretty clear what they were observing in here. This is a mutant research station."

The boys headed for the crumbled part on the other side to make it out under the blanket of smoke.

If this island was in fact crawling with beasts, they were extremely fucked. And if they were truly stuck for years, they might have to improve their mutant battle techniques, to take the creatures out one by one.

Stakes in the ground indicated where tents had once been, scattered around the clearing. The only remaining structure was a dome of transparent hexagons.

There was no person inside, but a bunch of working equipment. The punks could see blinking lights and screens.

"Checkpot," Xyz said. "But where is everyone?"

"Yo," a voice said. "Hands up in the air. One you knees."

Cumshot followed the order, without turning around. Whoever was so confident in giving orders, probably had a way of backing it up.

In fact the voice belonged to a man in a white uniform, consisting of shoulder pads, knee pads, two utility belt crossing over the chest and a loin cloth.

The man was accompanied by three more, and he carried a phaser as expected. In fact, they all had identical uniform and were all armed. One of them even held a phaser rifle.

"Yo," Cumshot said. "You're scientists, ain't ya? I've seen that uniform when Sunbreaker guys left the island for research."

"True," the main scientist said. "How did you get here? Our equipment should have picked up any ships closing in."

"Yeah, about that... we kinda ran out of fuel and were just drifting, so when we saw dry land, we swam over. By the way, can we have something to drink? Went all day without water."

Xyz sighed. "I'd take piss, too."

The three man not aiming guns took turns pissing into Xyz's mouth, while Dumbfuck and Cumshot got a fresh water bottle each.

"...Okay. And where are you from?"

"The stretch between Lightb... Um." It was probably a bad idea to tell the full truth. They had been trying to get away from that place after all. "Originally we're from Cypher Island."

All scientists looked at each other. The main speaker stepped closer to the slim punk. "Cypher, huh? Well, that's where we're from. And we don't recognize you."

Cumshot shrugged. "Never got into Sunbreaker beyond the lobby. Doc Kay wouldn't let me."

"You know Kay? Interesting. But I'm not convinced."

"All right," Cumshot said and lowered his arms which were starting to hurt. "I can tell you stuff about Big Daddy. So... the tower is actually not the main part, it's mostly inside the mountain. Boys grow in green liquid to puberty before they get out."

"Also interesting, but that doesn't mean you've even actually been inside the place."

Fuck, what did that guy want to hear? Cumshot pulled his hair in frustration. The hair!

"Mohawks," Cumshot said. "Humans had hair in a lot of places during the precursor days, but the retrovirus fluid in the breeding tanks kills it off. Except for the strip where the brain tube thing is attached. The one that teaches us while we're maturing in the tubes."

"Hm," the scientist involuntarily touched his own mohawk. "Most people assume the retrovirus just makes it grow like that. You have actually been inside, then... I guess we can take you with us."

"Thanks a lot. If you want a proper thanks... I'm so horny I could die."

"We'll take turns on you when we're on the boat. Now that you're here, you can carry the equipment for us."

This day taught the punks it's best to stay out of trouble. Home sweet home.

Just kidding. Tune in next time for killing and enslavement in the final installment.

Chapter 8: A New Era

Next: Chapter 8

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