Trash Punk World

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 16, 2017


*** 14 Looking for Bliss ***

Fucker grinned. "Thanks for buying us out, Harda- M-Master?"

"Oh fuck off with that," Hardass said. "You're still the ass raider punk leader. We'll get you out of the collars once we find a way. But first we need to get your face tatts removed somehow, or you'd just be mistaken for escaped prisoners without the collars."

"I have so many questions... How?"

Hardass chuckled. "I told you I have friends in Rocket City. When it became clear, the people whose job it is didn't care, I turned to those friends. I owe them a lot of money now. Had to sell the bikes, too. And anything not confiscated. Just had to make sure I can buy all of you at once in case you show up at the auction house."

"Okay, thanks," Savage said. "But..." He pointed at his dick cage. "Were those really needed?"

Hardass shrugged. "My friends wanted to make sure I don't waste the money so I had them do the paper work. They know my preferences."

Fucker was sure the boy could have foregone the chastity devices easily – Hardass grin gave him away. There was no pint in fighting over it, though. They had no way of going back now.

"Pisspig told me," Hardass said, "he went mad with horniness for the first month or two. Then I reached a constant. You'll probably want to get anally stimulated whenever possible to take some pressure off. You're all leaking already."

Fucker noticed that he and the other two had strings of pre-cum hanging from their tips, occasionally dropping down.

"Ah," Pyro made. "That's got to be the effect from the power increase. Still holding up, huh?"

"By the way," Fucker said. "Do you know where the other two went?"

"Nope. Didn't try to look for them yet. Was too busy collecting the bottle caps to buy you out. But there are only a few places they could have gone."

Standard protein bar number 5 taste pretty good after getting only the ancient number 4 over half a month.

They wouldn't really get much else to eat with their funds in the negative.

Item one on the agenda was prison ID removal. Luckily, Hardass' friends could point them in the right direction. The highly illegal technique was likely availably at the same location as equally criminal stuff – Bliss.

The independent city of Bliss didn't so much operate within or outside the rules of NewLaw, they worked kind of around it. With the money flowing in from drug sales, Bliss was probably going to stay de facto independent for a while longer.

How were there (partly) reunited ass raiders going to get there?

"Well," Hardass said. "I kind of got a solution for us there. One option is walking. It would take about a month to get this far east along the coast. Or..."

"Yeah?" Savage asked. He was unusually tame since Hardass had fucked him in the ass minutes ago.

"We do a little job for a contact."

"A contact?"

"To Bliss."

"Drugs," Fucker said. "They want us as smugglers."

"Not quite," Hardass said. "Drugs are supposed to come out of Bliss. We have to get something from here to there. And by `something' I mean people."

"Illegal slaves!"

"Yeah. You three are the perfect cover."

Pyro chimed in. "Wouldn't that make things harder?"

"Not if we take the offer. We'll be given a buggy."

"Can you drive?"

"I watched Pisspig do it."

That was a `no', but it could make the journey last days instead of weeks. There was no debate. The ass raider gang got to work. They had people to smuggle.

Their buggy was one of the oldest Fucker had ever seen, but outfitted with a brand new engine, sitting right at the front. The mess of browning pipes spanned in arches over the huge wheels left enough space for a driver's seat and a platform where the enslaved trio could sit down. It would take some strength to hold on once they were shaken around, but for now they just waited on the slowly heating rubber while Hardass got the unlucky victims to be sold.

There were three of them, so a total of six slaves had to share the space meant for two people plus cargo. And since they had to take provisions, too, it got really crammed.

Tightly pressed against the hot skin of two unknown boys, Fucker held on as Hardass figured out the controls. The only free person on the buggy had opened a reflective plane to shield everyone from direct sunlight.

While the bulwark faded from view, Fucker introduced himself and his friends.

The other slaves had to assume Fucker's gang also consisted of unwillingly kidnapped guys and were thus fairly friendly, probably hoping to organize a common escape somehow.

The eldest at 18 was Ghost, who had been kidnapped from a farm much farther north. The boy was decently muscular and had an olive mohawk. His skin was unusually pale, considering the desert environment – which explained the name. He did most of the talking.

Ghost had been brought together with the other two slaves in Rocket City. They had tried to run away at some point, but even unbound collars still had security functions and they had ended up getting choked until they begged to be let back into the kidnapper's base.

Ruh and Ahg were brothers just barely in their teen years and had shaved heads. They probably didn't quite understand the full extent of their situation and behaved like regular kids for the most part.

The ass raider punks didn't spend too much time on introductions because they all were pretty horny already.

It took some gymnastics to stay safely on the back of the vehicle, but Savage got Ghost to fuck him up the ass. Pyro picked Ruh and Fucker had to take Ahg who had the smallest dick.

The young boy cummed way too soon and Fucker kept fingering himself. It was no use, he couldn't get an orgasm going. Maybe he'd have to be a lot hornier. As it stood, he could only watch his dick leak obscene amounts of pre-cum and envy Savage for getting all the way to climax.

It turned out the brute was amazingly good at giving himself anal orgasms as long as he was fucked hard enough. Ghost barely had the energy to keep up with the muscle freak's demands, but did his best to fuck and fuck and fuck the whole drive long.

Their first of four night on the way to Bliss was spent at a small tent collection along the way. They didn't have the budget to rent one of the tents but trash punks rarely had that luxury so Fucker didn't mind sleeping in the sand. They just enjoyed the protection the temporary settlement offered.

As morning dawned, he was approached by an inhabitant.

The man pulled his hip scarf down and said, "Open up."

Fucker was confused for a second before remembering he was a slave. Technically the man had to ask permission from the owner, but Hardass was not in sight and Fucker didn't want to risk making a fuzz.

He opened up and got a mouthful of dick. For the first time, he got to drink piss – lots of it.

It wasn't exactly his preferred drink but the morning air had dried his throat.

The man pulled out. "Now turn over, little bitch. Show me that hole."

Fucker felt hornier than yesterday. Maybe he'd get off now. "Pl-please, sir. Fuck me really hard."

It was great sex, but he still didn't get off. While his legs were crusted with streaks of his pre-cum, he was only hornier than before. He wondered if Hardass had sold their rinse-gel, too.

At the start of the fourth day, they had made it so far south-east, the landscape reflected their proximity to the coast.

Greenish-brown vegetation covered almost as much ground as it left empty. Cool winds drifting inland from the ocean made the air fresh and even more bearable than the airstream from driving had done.

It was almost nice.

The settlement's had changed, too. Gone were the rigid, standardized safety towers and SuperSpark wall modules. Instead the wealth and independence of the region became visible in experimental and even ornate designs keeping intruders out. Hip scarfs were made from multiple mismatched colors and thongs were studded.

Fucker was in a good mood, mostly because his suppressive neurotoxin patch had fallen off. Without the monitoring of a guard, wear and tear had to make it drop eventually. Pyro's was still attached.

"I can't do this anymore," Pyro said. "I want it off."

"We could try to rub at it or something."

"No. I just want it gone. I want to be a real freak again. Just pull it."

"Are you sure? It's not going to be pretty."

"I know," Pyro said with annoyance. "I'll be out for the rest of the day. But then it'll be over."

"Aight, here goes nothing."

Fucker pulled and got rid of the pack, which poisoned Pyro in the process. The boy vomited his last few protein bars out and collapsed into his leader's arms.

With the fire freak stowed away on the buggy, Fucker walked into the village they were resting in front of. Hardass had to be somewhere on the marketplace and probably wanted to know that Pyro was not going to wake up for a while.

"Yo," Hardass said as he spotted Fucker first. "I got us a quick mission."

"Yo, just letting you know Pyro is out for the day."

"What? I was counting on him."

"Pulled off the suppresser."

"Ah. Fine, we can still do it. There's a guy who needs us to get rid of some... incriminating evidence. He can't be seen going there, so he offered to pay a little."

"Let's be quick then."

The two returned to their buggy outside, to grab Savage. He was on all fours, getting pounded by a worker who clearly enjoyed the muscle freak immensely. He'd be cranky if he didn't get to orgasm so they let the couple finish their round of sex.

"Hey Fucker," Hardass said. "Where's the rest? Ghost and the two kids."

"Um. They were with Pyro. Savage was supposed to keep an eye on... Fuck."

"Yeah. Those assholes bailed. Probably don't know the safety still works. They'll come crawling back. But it means I have to stay here to turn the collars off or they might take permanent damage."

"Permanent damage?"

"After their first escape attempt, their collars were turned way up. You've got to grab Savage and complete the task without me. It's not hard. I'll give you a description."

The team made up of a telekinetic freak and a muscle brute marched over the rocky terrain. Grass tickled Fucker's legs. His bare soles were in pain every time he stepped onto a sharp stone.

When the settlement was no longer in sight, he said, "Yo Savage. How do you walk without shoes?"

"Never needed any. Went barefoot from the day I came out of Big Daddy's tube series K."

With the enslavement they had lost all their possession. All Fucker wore were the dick cage and his collar – unless the prisoner ID counted as headwear. He missed his sneakers almost as much as his phaser, but it would take a while for the ass raiders to pay their debt to Hardass' friends before they could buy new gear.

"Yo, over there," Savage said.

He wasn't pointing at their target location but a trio of people. The runaway slaves. All three were on the ground, wiggling in despair. Why weren't they simply walking back to the buggy?

As Fucker got close, Ghost spotted him and tried to get up on his knees. The eldest boy spoke through the brutal choking and the electroshocks, alternately torturing him.

"I just wanted –Aaaah!- to follow the –hnghhhh- two when they bailed so I could –Aaah!- Fuck! It hurts so bad. Please hel- hgrnhhh- just wanted to bring them back to –Ahhhh!"

Ruh and Ahg were barely moving. Had they already taken `permanent damage'?

Then Fucker saw their actual target in a ditch right behind the three suffering boys. That guy in the village had asked them to get rid of drug paraphernalia so he could go back to being (relatively) clean, but since nobody knew about his addiction he wanted it to stay secret that the stuff belonged to him.

With Pyro it would have been easier.

The ass raider leader ignored Ghost and looked at what was there. A simple hypo-spray (to inject drugs painlessly), an oral dispenser (a tiny disk you could stick to the gums to have drugs slowly ooze off it) and three bottles of Nirvana's Pride – heavy stuff.

One bottle was open and half empty. The hypo-spray's opening glistened wet.

"Those kids used Pride, didn't they? No wonder they're knocked out."

"Please," Ghost said. "Just help me get them –hrgrnhhh- It can only be turned off if –Aaaaaah!- we're all in the same –gnhhhh- Please!"

"Yeah yeah, just a second."

The bottles were easy enough to empty out and destroy, the dispenser broke under Savages might, and the spray... well, it was medical equipment, not just useful for drugs. Fucker took it back to the buggy.

Savage carried Ruh and Ahg over his shoulders, while Ghost had to walk on his own, more crawling than moving upright.

Fucker noticed that he and the brute were not subjected to collar punishment even though they were separated from Hardass. Their `Master' had chosen the widest radius for them to move around him. He really had meant it when he had said his goal was to see them free.

The ride was quiet, with most members soundly asleep. Savage wasn't using Ghost so Fucker got to have sex with the boy's sizeable dick. He finally got his first anal orgasm. It fixed maybe one percent of his horniness. At least now he knew he could still get off.

The night was spent in the middle of nowhere and Savage had monopolized Ghost again, so Fucker got Hardass' dick to stir his insides. He was kind of getting the hang of cumming anally, but it wasn't satisfying. The horniness built up faster than he could fuck it out.

The chastity was certainly the biggest change for him and he could feel it take over his mind. It wasn't even a full week in but he could hardly imagine it getting any worse. He would have done anything at all to jerk off normally.

For a second he pondered... If they found a way to get the cage off, and if they found Pisspig and Licker again... would he free them from their chastity, too?

Nah. Honestly, he wasn't even sure he'd let Savage out, if given the choice. The brute was a lot easier to handle now that he couldn't get his lust satisfied at every corner in under three minutes.

Tune in next time to see our heroes arrive at Bliss. Everything will go totally as planned from now on...

Next: Chapter 15

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