Travel Time

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 1, 2021



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Travel Time


The old building on the movie lot had not been used for many years. It was terribly outdated for today's technology. The studio execs decided to tear it down and build a state of the art movie studio. The building had become a storage place for movie props from hundreds of past films.

The head of the studio personally examined the contents of the building to determine if there was anything there that could be donated to The Hollywood Museum. The museum displayed an assortment of iconic memorabilia from past movies. He decided that the props, which were truly junk, would be discarded, and anything important would be saved and donated to the museum.

Most of what he viewed was indeed junk; flower vases, fake telephones, cheap furniture made to look expensive, etc. He came across only one item worthy of the museum. It was the vehicle used to transport the inventor through time in the movie The Time Machine. It was featured in the version which was released in 1960.

The studio hired a salvage company to cart away all the contents of the building prior to its demolition. The son of the owner of the salvage company, Jake Carter, was instructed to handle the time machine with care, and to transport it to the museum. Jake grew terribly excited when he saw the prop. He was twenty-six years old now, but when he was about twelve, he saw the film on one of the movie channels, and it became his favorite movie ever. The thought of time travel excited him, and he longed to believe that it was possible.

When all the disposable items were removed, and only the time machine remained in the building, it was loaded onto one of Jake's trucks. It was carefully secured, but should it move, Jake lined his truck with pads of foam rubber. He was taking no chances.

He followed the truck to the museum in his car. The museum curator showed him where he had made room to exhibit the machine. Jake's men carefully placed it in the designated area. The curator had already provided a plaque describing the historical significance of the item.

Since he had come to the museum in his own auto, he told his men to take the truck back to his warehouse, and go home for the day. The museum was closed, and Jake found himself alone with the exhibit. He couldn't resist. He climbed into the time machine.

He had no memory of how the inventor got the damned thing going, but like a little kid, he started pushing buttons. Suddenly, he heard a whirring sound, and he stopped what he was doing. The machine started shaking and bucking. Jake noticed a blinking light on the dashboard. It read 1900, and he remembered that the action of the movie occurred at the turn of the twentieth century.

He felt woozy, and he felt like he was in an eddy of air, instead of water. Finally, the machine stopped bucking, and the air around him calmed. The flashing light on the dashboard caught his attention again. It showed a date exactly five years later than today's actual day. He smiled to himself. In the movie, the machine transported the inventor hundreds of years into the future. He assumed the old mechanisms had failed. However, if it advanced from 1900, the time machine did propel forward well over a hundred years. He believed he had played like a child long enough, and he left the museum.

His car was missing from the museum's parking lot. He chided himself for his childlike behavior, and called the police to report his auto stolen. Then he called UBER to take him home.


Jake stood in front of his apartment building, reluctant to enter. He was happy to be home after a grueling day, but he wasn't all that anxious to spend another lonely night at home. He wanted nothing better than to meet his knight in shining armor, and never be lonely again, but it hadn't happened yet. He had plenty of friends, and partied some on the weekends, but it was during the week that he was so lonely. He fortified himself with the knowledge that it was Friday evening. After eating a frozen TV dinner, he would dress sexily and visit his favorite gay bar in West Hollywood. All his friends would be there, and he wouldn't be lonely again until Sunday night.

He got himself together and entered his building. The minute he entered the lobby, he sensed that something was not quite right. The foyer always had a smell of disinfectant. This evening was no different. It still smelled of disinfectant, but the odor was different. It wasn't as offensive as usual. In fact it was almost pleasant. He was aware of the subtle difference, and was grateful to the building management for making the change.

It was going to be an evening of strange smells for Jake. He put his key in his door, and went into his apartment. His apartment never smelled of food, but tonight he was overwhelmed by an abundance of wonderful culinary odors coming from the kitchen.

Just as he began to think, "what the fuck," a deep baritone voice called out from the kitchen, "Is that you, honey? You're late." The body that went with the voice came out of the kitchen. He was naked except for an apron tied around his waist. He was a real hunk. His chest was ripped. His arms bulged with muscle. His face was prettier than an angels. His hair was straight and black, cut short, and his eyes were sky blue. Jake wondered what was beneath the apron.

The hunk approached Jake and threw his arms around him and he began to kiss Jake with his mouth open. Jake may have been stunned, but he was not about to stop him.

"How's my favorite hubby this evening?" the man asked. "Did you have a good day? Mine was brutal."

Jake was too shocked to say anything. Was he losing his mind? He was married to this man. Somehow, he managed to mumble, "It was okay."

"Dinner's not quite ready," the hunk said. "Why don't you go get comfortable? You have time for a quick shower if you'd like."

A flash of lightening hit Jake's brain. "No, it's impossible." he thought. Did the time machine really project him into the future? If it did, he was angry at losing five years of his life. On the other hand, he was grateful for this vision of domestic bliss with Mr. America.

"I'll get comfortable in a minute," Jake said. "I have to check something first."

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and looked at it. The day was Friday, as it should have been, but the year was five years into the future. Jake ran to his bedroom in a panic. His mind boggled when he realized that he now shared his bedroom with another person. The naked man's wallet was on the dresser, and Jake grabbed it. He needed to identify the stranger. His driver's license identified him as Roger Plummer. He was the same age as Jake. The address on Roger's ID, was the same as his.

Jake was sweating, and he decided that he needed to shower after all. He stripped and opened his closet door. There were articles of clothing in the closet he didn't recognize. In the shower he made a decision. He vowed not to do anything to upset Roger or to appear to be senile. He would act like the perfect husband. Hopefully he'd get laid tonight, but somehow he believed he'd get loved tonight.

Then in the morning, he'd run to the museum and jump on the time machine. He'd try to get back to his own time. Easier said than done. He didn't know how to work the damn machine. What if he went too far back or too far forward in time? He'd have to give a lot of thought to his idea of using the machine again. If by luck, he did get to his own time, he'd keep his eye out for Roger. He had to learn more about him at dinner, so he would know how and where to look for him.

At the dinner table, he kept to his plan, and he started to probe.

"You said that your day was brutal. What happened?" He hesitated and then added, "sweetheart."

"I won a big case today, but the jury was deliberating for so long, I nearly had a nervous breakdown."

That gave Jake a lot of information. Roger was a lawyer, but was he the defense attorney or an assistant DA?

His question was answered. Roger continued. "When I got back to the office, the senior partner of my firm, hinted at a partnership in the near future."

Now he knew that Roger was in private practice.

"That's fantastic," Jake continued to act. He got up from the table and gave Roger a very passionate, very sloppy kiss. Why not? He had been dying to do that since he got home that evening.

As they were loading the dishwasher, Roger asked, "Do you want to go to the club tonight. A lot of our friends will be there. We'll celebrate my victory."

Jake was afraid he wouldn't know any of their friends, so he asked, "Couldn't we stay home and celebrate your victory in our bed?" He almost said, "my bed," but caught himself just in time.

"Of course, I'd prefer that," Roger said. "Every time we make love, I think of it as a celebration. I love you so much, my darling."

Jake was very touched, but he didn't know what to say, so he just smiled at Roger and stroked his cheek.

"Let's shower," Roger said. Jake had just showered, but he didn't object to showering again with this hunk.

In the shower, Roger wrapped his arms around Jake. "I love you so much," he said, and he proceeded to bathe Jake's entire body, paying particular attention to his cock, balls, and ass hole. Jake was having trouble breathing. He had been transported five years into the future, and had seen what lay ahead for him. All his dreams would come true.

"Please," Jake begged, "let's dry up and take this to bed."

Roger laid himself on the bed first, and Jake began to assume a sixty-nine position.

"No," Roger said, "it's my turn to do all the work. Your turn will come tomorrow."

He turned Jake on his back, and kissed every part of his anatomy. He didn't miss a square inch, front and back, and Jake was writhing in ecstasy. When Roger was sure that Jake was beginning to cum, he stopped what he was doing. He opened the bedside table and removed a tube of lube. He coated Jake's cock and put a glob up his ass. He sat on Jake and directed his husband's cock up his male love canal. The two men brought each other to ecstasy in just a few short thrusts.

When they could breathe again, Roger turned and faced Jake. They kissed and fell fast asleep.


When morning came, Jake felt someone shaking his shoulder.

"Wake up, sir," a kind voice said. Jake opened his eyes. The face in front of him was that of the museum's curator. "You must have fallen asleep in the time machine and you've been asleep in it all night. I guess nobody noticed you, and you got locked into the museum. I have to ask you to please go home now. We have to get ready to open for business."

Jake wanted to cry. Roger had only been a dream, but he felt so real. Their love making was off the charts. It had to be more than a dream.

"It was no dream," he mumbled, as if to reassure himself.

By the time Jake got to work on Monday morning, he convinced himself that he had been dreaming. Nevertheless, he booted up his computer, and he googled all lawyers in Los Angeles. How lucky can you get? Only one Roger Plummer appeared in his search.

He zeroed in on this Roger Plummer. He learned that he worked for a law firm named Alfred and Saunders. He was the same age as Jake, and he was a recent graduate of Harvard Law School. Roger lived on a street in West Hollywood that was in a pretty seedy section of town. That surprised Jake. But then he remembered that he had to go back five years from his dream.

"Now," he wondered. "How can I meet him?"

A voice deep within him scoffed. "He's only a dream you know," he imagined he heard the voice say.

Jake formulated a plan.

Late that afternoon, he got a call. "Is this Jake Carter?" The caller asked.

"Yes, it is. Who's calling please?"

"This is Roger Plummer. I'm sorry to call so late, but I just got back to my office. I've been in court all day. I picked up your message, and I try to return all my messages as soon as possible."

"That's fine, Mr. Plummer. I assure you, it's not too late."

"What can I do for you? And please call me, Roger."

"Sure, and I'm Jake. My dad and I own a salvage company. Up to now we've conducted our business with a handshake, and an informal estimate. Our business is growing rapidly, and I'm getting bigger and bigger jobs. I think it's time to protect myself with legally prepared estimate forms and contracts. I thought you could help me there."

"Absolutely," Roger said. "It's very wise of you, by the way. Let's make a date."

"Well," Jake said, "we're both busy men. Could you meet with me at the end of the day sometime soon. We can have dinner together, that is, if you don't have to rush home to your family."

"That sounds like a plan," Roger said. "Nobody is waiting for me at home. I'm single. What are you doing right now?"

Jake's heart started to pound. "I'm free if you are. Where can we meet?"

"How about Rickey's on Hollywood Blvd. at 6 PM? You're a prospective client, so dinner's on me."

"I accept, but if we become lawyer and client, the next one's on me," Jake said. "How shall we know each other?"

"Check in with the maître d'. He'll match us up."

The two men met that evening. Now Jake knew that he had actually travelled in time. Roger was the man he found in his home. He also knew that he had to calm down, and not be too aggressive. He didn't want to blow his chances, but he couldn't resist hinting to Roger that he was gay.

Jake could not help noticing that Roger seemed just as nervous as he was. He wondered why. After introductions were made, he said, "I could tell from your voice on the phone that you were good looking. You're better looking than I imagined."

Roger blushed. "Thanks," he said, "You're not bad either. Let's have a drink at the bar before we get seated. We can get acquainted."

For sure they sounded like two gay men talking.

They didn't say much at the bar, but once they were seated for dinner, Roger took Jake's hand, and said, "Please don't freak out on me, but I have to tell you something. You won't believe me, but I swear, it's true."

"Go on," Jake mumbled. He was afraid of what he might hear.

"I dream a lot," Roger said. "I know I do, but two seconds after I wake up, I can't remember the dream to save my life. The other night, I had a dream. It was very vivid, and I remember every last detail of it."

Jake's eyes and face conveyed the desire to hear more.

"I dreamed that I was a well-established attorney, and I had just won a big case. I was too excited to work, and I came home early, but it wasn't my apartment. I've just now begun my career, and I rent a small furnished efficiency in West Hollywood, not far from here. The apartment I entered was a spacious two bedroom in a good neighborhood. Somehow I knew I shared the apartment with someone. I stripped, put on an apron, and started dinner for the two of us. I heard someone come into the apartment. I went out to greet him, and I called him hubby. The man I greeted was you. I swear.

"After dinner, we made love. It was the kind of love I've always dreamed of, and when you fucked me, I felt everything. It was all too real. When I woke up, I was alone in my apartment, and I literally cried for you. But here's the kicker. I went into the bathroom to do my morning things. Not only did my ass feel like I had been fucked, but when I started to shit, semen came out of me. I thought it was a great dream, but all the evidence told me that it hadn't been a dream at all. I would have sworn an oath that it was real."

Roger seemed to have concluded his narrative. They didn't realize it, but they were both clutching their hands tightly together. Jake began to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Roger asked. "I swear, I'm telling the truth. I made love to you a couple of nights ago."

"I believe every word of it," Jake said. Without mentioning the time machine, he continued, "You see, last Friday night I had the exact same dream, right down to the smallest detail. I got your name from your wallet when I was alone in our bedroom, and I sought you out today. Now, I must ask you to believe me."

This time, it was Roger who started to cry. "After dinner, will you please come home with me? We can walk from here."

"Of course I will. I don't want us ever to be separated again. Move in with me, Roger."

"It's too fast. It's too sudden. We just met."

"We met thousands of years ago," Jake said. "We're soulmates, and I bet our souls arranged for both of us to have the same dream, so we would hurry up and meet each other in this life time, without wasting any more time."

"If we do commit to each other," Roger said, "I have one request. Let's keep this whole series of events our little secret. I'd hate to end up in a strait jacket somewhere, unable to make love with you."

"That's a deal." Jake and Roger smiled at last, and their hands gripped tighter.

After dinner, they didn't walk, they ran to Roger's efficiency apartment. As soon as they locked the door behind them, they stripped in record time, and began a marathon kissing event. In their dreams, they were so busy making love that they never checked out their endowments. They did now. They were both hard, so flaccid sizes would have to wait to be determined. They were both circumcised. Jake was about six and a half inches, and he was pointing to the ceiling. Roger was about seven inches, and he was pointing straight out. Jake was a little bit wider around than Roger.

The apartment had a sleep sofa. Since Roger lived alone, and until now he had never entertained, the sofa was open. It was inviting, begging them to make love on it. Ignoring the crumpled sheets, they fell on the bed without separating from their kissing.

Jake whispered in Roger's ear, "In our dream, you did all the work. You sucked me, and I fucked you. You promised that I could do all the work next time."

"That's okay for now," Roger agreed, "but after that, we are going to make love jointly, as a couple. Otherwise, I'll get a court order to force you."

Jake laughed and jumped on Roger's prone body. Starting with Roger's lips and descending downward, his tongue bathed every square inch of Roger's front side, carefully avoiding his cock and balls. Then he turned him over and serviced Roger's backside. He spent way too much time rimming his new love, or his ancient one, whichever the case may be.

Finally, Jake turned Roger over again, and began to slobber his cock with his tongue and lips. When he felt Roger beginning to cum, he stopped.

"Where's lube?" he asked.

"How about condoms?" Roger wondered.

"Never again in our lifetimes," Jake said adamantly.

"How do you like it?" Roger asked.

"Missionary style. I want to see your face when I cum inside of you."

After they exhausted themselves, they dozed off, but about two in the morning, they resumed making love. This time it was a joint effort, as they promised each other it would be from here on out.

Roger moved into Jake's apartment as soon as possible. Not a night went by that they didn't make love. They amazed even themselves.

One day Jake found himself close to the museum, and he stopped in to see the time machine. In addition to the plaque describing its history, a new plaque stood next to it. It read, "Please do not touch the exhibit."

Jake threw a kiss at the machine, and rushed home to his husband.

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