Tricia the Trashcan

By Raphael Rake

Published on Apr 8, 2020



This story is copyrighted by the author writing under the pseudonym of Raphael Rake. It should not be read by anyone under the legal age for doing so, and any acts depicted that are dangerous or illegal should not be attempted in real life.

Please send any feedback, good or bad, to We only grow as artists when we receive honest criticism, and the nature of this work means that I will probably never be able to show it to anyone personally. Your comments are my only evidence that this work has reached anyone.

Tricia the Trashcan, by Raphael Rake

Ch 1: The Snatched Squid (Fg, ped, gross, no sex)

Lisa Tong smiled as she sliced vegetables in her new kitchen. She'd moved into the house just last week, and unpacked boxes were still sitting in some corners. She decided to ignore them for the moment, and focused on the noodles she was making, the first meal she'd had a chance to cook since getting her pans out.

Her calm was interrupted by the doorbell, and she put her knife down with a sigh. On opening the door she found the woman who lived next door, with her young daughter. She'd seen them going in and out of their house a couple of times since moving in, but hadn't gotten around to introducing herself. The woman looked to be around 40, with a full figure that wasn't quite disguised by the sensible flannel shirt and jeans she was wearing. Her shoulder length, wavy dirty blond hair also had a sensible air to it, but there was something in her ice-blue eyes and the way she carried her head that suggested something more than the normal housewife.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you like this," began the woman, "I'm Suzanne, Suzanne Jensen, and this is my daughter Patricia..."

"Tricia!" piped up the young girl. She looked to be around ten, with golden blonde hair and soft blue eyes that suggested innocence yet with a twinkle that promised mischief as well. Her body was coltish, just losing its last traces of baby fat in preparation for a puberty that hadn't arrived yet, and by the way she bounced lightly on her toes even while standing still she seemed to still have some of the manic energy of a younger child, slightly tempered by adolescent shyness.

"Tricia", continued Suzanne, rolling her eyes and smiling, "And I guess you should call me Suzy, since we're neighbours."

"Lisa Tong", said Lisa, smiling in return and shaking Suzy's offered hand. Suzy sized her up: she seemed to be in her late twenties, a slim figure with small, perfectly rounded breasts, clearly visible beneath the tank top and yoga pants she was wearing. Light caramel skin, straight black hair, and liquid brown eyes that Suzy thought looked kind and reassuring.

"I'm so sorry to impose, but do you think that you could look after Tricia for a little while?" asked Suzy, "Something urgent's come up and I don't have anyone else I can ask on such short notice. She won't be too much trouble, will you Tricia?"

"Nope!" declared Tricia, giving Lisa a winning smile.

Lisa grinned at her, and said "Alright then, I'm not doing anything special right now anyway."

"Thank you so much, I promise I won't be long." said Suzy gratefully, and walked back over to her own house, leaving Tricia to follow Lisa inside to the kitchen.

"What are you cooking?" asked Tricia.

"Noodles with squid," replied Lisa, "though you probably wouldn't like it very much. Most American kids I've met think it's gross."

"Most American kids are wimps," scoffed Tricia, "but I'm different. I can eat anything!"

"Really?" asked Lisa, "Let's see it then."

Lisa picked up a piece of the stir-fried squid with her chopsticks, and held it out to Tricia, expecting her to take it with her hands. Instead, Tricia leaned forward and grabbed it with her teeth, pulling it from the chopsticks and sucking it into her mouth, which Lisa found cute. Tricia chewed the squid, taking a while due to the rubbery texture, but swallowing at the end without any sign of disgust or hesitation.

"Very good, I'm impressed." said Lisa, raising her eyebrows slightly

"That was nothing," Tricia boasted, "I told you I can eat anything. I bet I can eat things so gross that you wouldn't even touch them!"

This time Lisa's eyebrows really rose.

"Alright," Lisa said, amused, "I'll take that bet. But first I have to warn you: I'm Chinese, and Chinese people eat everything, from organs to sea slugs to tiger's penis."

Tricia giggled at the word "penis".

"And even among Chinese people I'm considered pretty adventurous, I would eat the fish eyes when we had a whole fish even though no one else in my family would touch them" continued Lisa, "so whatever you have in mind had better be pretty damn gross."

Tricia reached over the counter into the container of raw squid that Lisa hadn't cut up yet, and picked up a whole one with her bare hand. The raw squid was incredibly slimy, and still cold from the fridge, but Tricia shoved it right into her mouth and began to chew, extravagantly gnashing her teeth with her mouth open, staring defiantly at Lisa and clearly trying to disgust her. Lisa could perfectly see the partially chewed squid churning around. It filled up all of Tricia's mouth and as she chewed some chunks threatened to fall out, but she pushed them back in with her fingers, licking the slime off her fingers as she did so.

Lisa was transfixed, the sight of such a small and innocent looking girl doing something so disgusting, and openly revelling in it, was deeply shocking. Following the shock, however, came some other feelings, a twisting in her belly, followed by a heat even farther down. It look Lisa a little while to really understand what she was feeling, but once she did she tried to repress it, disgusted with herself for getting aroused at the actions of a prepubescent girl. The disgust only seemed to increase the heat in her loins, and she began to feel a moistness too. The heat was also spreading to her cheeks, and she thanked fate that her darker skin didn't show blushes easily.

Tricia, oblivious to Lisa's turmoil, continued to chew, the slurping sounds of the chunks of squid sliding together giving way gradually to the squishing of the paste it was becoming. Finally, once all the lumps were gone, Tricia closed her mouth, tilted her head up and swallowed the whole mass, which made a visible lump in her throat as it slid down. She stifled a couple of retches and took a few deep panting breaths before she was sure she was going to keep it down, and then she looked back at Lisa while opening her mouth and sticking out her wriggling tongue, giving a big "aaaahh" to show how empty it was.

"Sooooo, did I win?" Tricia asked mockingly. "Told you I could gross you out!"

Lisa took a second to register Tricia's words, and, trying to answer, realised that her mouth was dry. She swallowed, regained some of her composure, and tried to decide what to do. The rational part of her mind was screaming that this had gone way too far already, that she never should have encouraged such stupid behavior in a young girl, a very young girl, that she'd barely just met, and that she should be scolding Tricia for eating raw seafood. She was anxious too, about what Suzy would do when she found out that Lisa had let her daughter do something so unhygienic.

But Lisa had always been competitive, and the sight of Tricia's mocking face was spurring her instinct to win, her own defiant nature. She'd also been a risk taker and boundary pusher when she was young, though not quite like this, so she saw something of herself in Tricia, and didn't want to suppress it. And there was that fire still burning where her legs met, which made her want to tell the world to go to hell, made her want to shove her hand down her pants right there and rub madly. Besides, she told her conscience, it doesn't much matter what I do at this point, since as far as Suzy's concerned the damage is already done.

But in the end the tongue was the straw that broke the camel's back. Tricia's small, pink, wriggling tongue, protruding from her sweet little mouth, broke through all of Lisa's rational thoughts. Her body was seized with an electric sense of excitement, of transgression, of total libertine freedom, and she grinned wickedly at Tricia.

"Oh no, my sweet little Tricia," Lisa said, "you haven't won. I haven't even taken my turn yet."

Lisa reached out and picked up a raw squid of her own, holding it delicately by a tentacle between her thumb and forefinger. She languidly raised it up, then tilted her head back and slowly lowered it into her mouth. For all her bravado she'd never had anything in her mouth with such a cold slimy texture or with such an overpowering taste, but a kind of haze had descended on her brain and the more disgusting it felt the more she was reminded of just how naughty she was being.

She looked back down at Tricia, opened her mouth slightly and let the squid slide almost all the way out, before slowly sucking it back into her mouth. Tricia laughed and clapped her hands together, clearly delighted by the show Lisa was putting on. Spurred, Lisa leaned in close to Tricia's face and slowly began to chew the squid slowly, opening her mouth as far as she could with each chew, squishing the squid around her mouth noisily and smacking her lips together obscenely.

This time it was Tricia's turn to be mesmerized. She'd never met anyone, kid or adult, who seemed to have the same lack of fear and disgust that she did, and she felt drawn to Lisa in a way that she couldn't really understand or articulate, but felt deeply nonetheless. The sudden rush of emotion made her feel shy, and she brought her hands to her mouth as she smiled and blushed, but never took her eyes off Lisa.

Lisa's slow chewing had prolonged her grotesque display, but eventually the squid was mush, and she swallowed it in one gulp without even a hint of a retch. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue as Tricia had, then sucked the squid slime off the tips of the two fingers that had been holding it before blowing Tricia an exaggerated kiss. Tricia tittered, still holding her hands in front of her mouth, but now twisting and squirming her body unconsciously, revealing how deeply she'd been affected.

"I've never met anyone else as gross as me before." said Tricia, the strange nervous excitement that she was feeling making her blurt out the first thing that came to her mind. Lisa laughed and said:

"Well there are other gross people out there, so don't get so cocky when you challenge people to bets. Now, what should your punishment be?"

"P-p-punishment?" said Tricia, stammering and suddenly feeling a swooping anxiety in the pit of her stomach. The excitement was still there though, as though a part of her was looking forward to being punished by this new friend.

"Yes, punishment." said Lisa, "You lost the bet and now you'll have to face the consequences."

"I don't know what punishment I should get, I've never done a bet like this before!" said Tricia, sounding genuinely concerned.

Lisa chuckled, and then put one finger to her lips and gave Tricia a look that did nothing to assuage either of the emotions she was feeling. But her contemplation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, and the spell of heightened emotion that they'd both been under was broken. As they both walked towards the front door, Lisa suddenly felt a rumbling in her stomach, and a thought came to her that made her smile. She turned to Tricia and said:

"I have a little advance on your punishment"

Tricia looked up and saw Lisa lean down towards her. When their faces were almost touching, Lisa smiled and let out a large belch right into Tricia's face. It was a foul burp, and Tricia could clearly smell the raw squid that Lisa had just eaten. She shrieked and then began giggling so infectiously that Lisa couldn't help but join in. Their mirth was interrupted by a second ring of the bell, and they both walked over to the door and opened it, finding Suzy standing there as expected.

"Hi Lisa, thanks so much again for doing this, I hope she wasn't too much trouble." said Suzy.

"Oh no, not at all." replied Lisa, "She was very well behaved. She's welcome to come over anytime."

"Well that's a pleasant surprise." said Suzy, giving Tricia a searching look. "She's usually the bane of babysitters, but I'm so glad you two had fun. It's always nice to get along well with neighbours."

Suzy took Tricia's hand, and they walked back across the lawn to their own house, Tricia waving back at Lisa all the way.

Next: Chapter 2

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