
By Peder Pederson (D.V. Zomba)

Published on Mar 6, 2010


Chapter Four A Matter of Karma

Dick and I had decided to go to Chicago for the weekend to take in a revival of the King and I and to shop a bit. We had a great time, the musical was a knock out and we had great food. As we were leaving Chicago on I 90 when it started to snow. The farther we went the harder it snowed. When we turned northward near Rockford, the wind began to pick up. As we crossed over the Illinois-Wisconsin border it became really treacherous.

"Better find a place for the night," Dick advised.

"Yeah," I'll take the next turn off . . . think there's a motel there."

Sure enough, the next turn off was just a few miles, We crept into the motel's lot and i went in to see if they had any rooms. Luckily we got the last one.

"Got the last room," I informed Dick as I quickly slipped into the car and drove to unit #7.

We raced to the door, unlocked it and entered the room. It had one bed, a double.

"Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers." Bill snorted upon seeing the bed.

Happily the room was warm and it did have a TV. It was already dark out and I decided to shower and get into bed. Stripping down, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. It was great taking a hot shower after being in the bitter cold outside. I finished, towelled off and walked back into the room carrying a small bottle of body lotion which I used on my wind burned face.

"Your turn," I announced.

Dick, who was watching the TV, glanced over at me and slowly got off the bed, stripped and went into the steamy bath.

Luckily, the TV service was adequate, even had several pay for view movie channels, one of which was an adult channel with a number of offerings. One, a bi-threeway, looked interesting, so I choose it. I sat back against the headboard and started to watch it. As I did Dick came out of the bathroom, drying his hair. I glanced over and admired his considerable endowment and returned to the movie.

"What you watching," he asked.

"An adult movie. Looks kinda interesting."

He crawled into bed and turned his attention to the screen just as one of the male protagonists was sinking his hard dick into the female star's hot pussy. The other male star offered his cock to her and she ravenously started to suck it.

"Looks like he's having fun," Dick commented.

"Looks like every body's having fun!"

Then the guy pulled his cock out of the gals mouth and offered it to his fucking friend who gladly took it, swallowing the whole thing.

"Wow!" I said.

"Wasn't the bitch good enough?" Dick asked.

"Everybody knows a guy gives a better blow job than a chick."

"What are you, some kinda expert on the matter?" Dick asked.

"Not an expert, but, I've had occasion to make comparisons." I commented, "Haven't you?" I baited him.

Dick remained silent.

"Haven't you ever had your hard cock in some guy's mouth?" I asked more insistently.

"No," came a whispered reply.


"What do you mean, `Hah?'"

"I mean, `HAH!'" I stated flatly, and continued, "Dick, there's nothing to be ashamed of if some guy sucks your cock and you enjoy it."

"I wouldn't be ashamed if a guy sucked my cock!"

"Then why do you deny it?"

"Deny what?" he asked defensively.

"Deny liking it when a guy sucks you off," I stated simply.

"What are you talking about?"

We had backed each other into a corner. I guess it was partially my fault. However, I had promised myself that I would never bring up the semi-anonymous cock sucking incident in the basement men's room of the Student Union. But there I was!

"Well, what are you talking about?" he insisted.

"Nothing. Forget it."

"You're fuckin full of shit, ya know that? You make statements then are afraid to back them up!"

That did it! That pissed me off!

"Remember a year or so ago, you were in the basement men's room of the Student Union pounding your pud and a guy came into the next stall?"

Dick's eyes widened then narrowed to a bare slit and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Remember the note?"

"What note?"

"The note that said `If you want a great blow job . . . stick it through.'"

Dick was cornered and shocked and incredulous. "How did you know about . . . ? My gawd! It was you!"

I merely smiled.

"Dammit Rick, it was you! It was you who sucked my cock!"

I smiled and nodded my head, adding, "And, you liked it! Didn't you?"

Dick was shocked and a bit embarrassed, I guess. But, I wasn't going to let him off the hook!

"You liked the feel of you big hard cock in my mouth . . . DIDN'T YOU?"

He just nodded his head.

"What does that mean?"

"It means yes, I did," he muttered.

"You liked it when I pushed your foreskin back and twirled my tong around your hard knob. Didn't you?"

"Yes," came the low answer.

"And, you liked it when I swallowed your whole cock down my throat. Didn't you."

"Oh! Yes," came his plaintive answer.

"And, you groaned with delight when you shot your big load in my mouth. Didn't you."

"Yes. Oh! gawd, yes."

The initial shock that Dick experienced when he realized that I was the one in the basement men's room of the Student Union had lessened as he relived that sensual, erotic encounter. His face's color shifted from an ashen pallor to a deep blush and finally to an sensual rosy flush.

I couldn't believe it! I couldn't believe that it was Dick who ha sucked me off that day! His forcing me to recount my experience brought a rush of luxurious, lascivious, licentious and purely carnal sensual relicts washing over me. I wanted to lash out at him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to give me those feelings again. Knowing this, I suddenly became aware that I had sprung a massive hard on! I lifted my knee under the covers to mask my state.

"No use trying to hide your hard cock from me," I said as I saw him lift his knee, tenting the bed spread over his rampant cock.

I took the bed covers and threw them of us and onto the floor. There the two of us were laid bare, naked with our two cocks obscenely hard, and pulsing, and swaying. Quickly I reached over and grasped Dick's massive pole and squeezed it.

"Ahhhh!" escaped from his mouth but he made no move to stop me. Slowly I lowered my hand and completely exposed his glistening knob. Dick watched my hand, mesmerized with passion as I fondled it. Releasing my grip, my finger moved to that swollen know where a glistening droplet of pre-cum crowned its tip. Smearing that amorous dribble over and around his satiny cock head elicited another gasp.


Looking into Dick's glazed eyes, I smiled , bent towards him and planted a quick, light kiss on his trembling lips.

I still couldn't believe it! But there we were, in bed together as if we were fated to be there. Rick's hand was playing with my cock and I did nothing to stop him. In actuality, I revelled in the feel of his fingers grasping my hard, pulsating shaft and in his finger delicately tracing over the form of my ruddy, exposed cock head.

Then he leaned over and gave the lightest kiss imaginable. But, it was a kiss that sent mega-volts through my erotically charged senses. The years of close friendship suddenly blossomed before my eyes exposing a heretofore unknown, unrealized aspect. I remember when Rick and Al would comment, would expound on one of their conquests or another, it would grate on my nerves. I guess it's just part of my natural reserve. As I've said before, I'm not against sex. But, I'm not into broadcasting it around. But, were part of my feelings an indication of envy? Could it be that I wanted in some part to be the recipient?

Our eyes locked as Rick gently fondled my hard, quaking cock, urging me onward. I reached over and drew Rick's face to mine and without considering the consequences I kissed him, passionately, ardently. Actually, it seemed quite natural. Our tongues searched each other's, entwined and danced within our mouths. His hand which had been caressing my cock suddenly wrapped around me and we fell back, locked in an embrace that was to define our future.

We broke that luscious kiss, drew back a bit, looked into each other's eyes, smiled and kissed again. Our bodies touched along their whole length. Our hands roamed over the warm, quivering surfaces of the other's form in erotic exploration. We became a writhing mass of arms, legs, bodies and tongues as we sampled the most delicious smorgasbord imaginable. I ended up on my back and Rick on top of me. He insinuated his legs between mine and slid downward `til his head was over my quivering cock.

He looked up at me and saw that I was watching him intently and said, "Watch me! I'm going to suck your cock again!"

I watched! Oh! Gawd, I watched. I watched him push my cock hood down exposing my ruddy, pulsing cock head. I watched as his lips moved over that satiny, glistening surface and over the flared edge of my knob. I watched as my cock disappeared into his mouth.

"Oh! Gawd," I gasped. "I've wanted that for so long!"

I may be reticent in discussing my sexual exploits with others, tight lipped. But, in bed I become quite verbal. I don't understand it! Crazy!

"Oh! Yes! Suck it . . . suck my cock!"

Our eyes were locked on each other's. That in itself was highly erotic, especially in this circumstance. Rick pulled off then slipped his hot lips over my cock head again and swirled his tongue around it before plunging all the way down. His node buried in my bush!

"Oh! Gawd," I gasped, "Your mouth feels so good!"

Popping off my cock, Rick asked, "Better than the last time?"

"Yes, yes! My cock feels so good in your mouth!"

Then Rick began to furiously bob up and down on my trembling, hard shaft. Normally, I am not a quick cummer, but tonight . . . suddenly I felt those tell tale electric charges racing up and down my spine and focusing on my elemental chakra. He fondled my balls and rolled them gently in his hand. That set me off!

"Oh! Gawd, Rick . . . I'm gonna cum!" I gasped. A thousand fireworks erupted deep in my being and I rocketed into the erotic cosmos. My back arched as I lifted my hips off the bed, thrusting deeper into his throat.

"ARGGHHH!" I bellowed as I felt my cum jet into that moist, hot cavern of Rick's mouth.

"Oh! Geese, oh, geese," I wheezed as I fell back, totally spent, satiated, gratified and limp.

Rick slowly pulled off my softening cock. I reached down, cupped his face in my hands and pulled him up to me where I kissed him deeply, tasting my own essence as our tongues swirled together.

"That was spectacular!"

"Yeah," he whispered and nuzzled his head against my neck.

Dick's reaction was more than I expected! It was a wonderful surprise. His passion was epic. He may have been closed mouth when discussing sexual matters, but his reticence disappeared when and while I sucked him.

As we lay there in the afterglow of his wondrous, lustful release, I felt his hand insinuate itself between our bodies as he searched out my still hard cock nestled against his now soft wonder. Finding his quest, he tenderly, tentatively grasped it and turned his body `til we were on our sides, facing each other.

His passion glazed eyes were locked onto mine as he began to fondle my cock.

"Mmmm! It's so hard . . . and thick," he murmured as he caressed it.

I reached over and planted a soft kiss on his nose. Dick smiled.

"Ya know, this is the first hard man cock I've ever . . . ." Then he broke off and snaked down `til his face was opposite my cock.

I wasn't silent out of surprise or shock. I decided that it was best to let Dick take the lead in what I hoped would happen. I looked down and watched Dick as he visually assessed what was in his hands, as he regarded my cock. He glanced up and me and smiled. I smiled back and then watched as his tongue snaked out of his mouth and flicked over the head of my cock and again glanced up at me. Again I smiled my encouragement.

"It's even thicker up close," he murmured as if in wonder.

He licked my cock head a second time. Gazed at it again then opened his lips and tentatively slid them over my flared glans.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped.

Spurred on by my reaction, he went down all the way. His eyes widened, he gaged and rocketed off.

"Sorry!" he apologized, then confessed, "This is the first time I've ever sucked a guy!"

"Just take it easy. You'll get used to it," I murmured.

I wasn't to surprised at his confession, but I was surprised at his readily admitting it verbally. He grasped the base of my cock with his fingers, opened his mouth and took that portion that extended beyond. His hand moved up and down in concert with his mouth as he half sucked my cock.

Every once in a while he'd gasp as he came up for air. Some guys are natural cock suckers, some aren't. Dick fell in the latter group. Still his effort, the fact that I was the first one he had ever sucked filled me with a feeling akin to love. For long minutes he bobbed up and down on my cock.

Then, I reached down, clasped his head in my hands and drew him back up to me and kissed his glistening lips.

"Why?" he asked, then added, "You haven't cum yet."

"That's not important," I murmured and continued, "You have just given me a most wonderful gift. I . . . don't need to cum."

"I want to make you cum!"

"There will be other times when you can make me cum," I murmured and added, "Won't there?"

Dick's answer was a long searching kiss.

"You're wonderful."

"So are you."

I reached down, pulled the bed clothes over us and turned on my side, pulling Dick up against my back, spoon fashion.

"Hold me," I whispered.

Dick moved up against me, put his arm around my chest and drew close. It felt wonderful. We fell asleep.

Sometime during the night I awoke from a rather sensual dream with a hard cock. Dick was deeply asleep, still up against my back, his arm loosely draped over my chest and his erect cock lodged in my ass crack. I was instantly eroticized.

"Damn," I said to myself and smiled. Quietly I reached over to the bed stand and grabbed the small bottle of body lotion, poured some onto my fingers, carefully reached behind me and slathered it over my bud and even slipped a finger in. Ever so carefully, I maneuvered Dick's hard cock to my sphinctered opening and bore back. With little trouble, by a sleep relaxed body and my lubed hole admitted Dick's cock easily. I pushed back a little. That triggered a subconscious thrusting of Dick's hips and more of his cock was driven into me. Slowly my hips began a thrusting motion which was reciprocated by Dicks subconscious, primal movement.

Dick stirred and thrust deeper. "What are you doing to me?" he murmured in half sleep.

Quietly, I answered, "The question is what are YOU doing to me!"

"You're fucking me!"

"Huh uh," I said, "You're fucking me!" and added, "And don't stop!"

"Geese!" he chuckled, "In just a few hours you've made me into a fuckin sex fiend!"

Then he thrust as much of his cock into me as he could.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped.

Slow and easy he entered me and withdrew, only to enter again. It was a warm and intensely erotic coupling that continued for long minutes. Then I pulled off and came to rest on my back, spread my legs and flexed my knees.

"Fuck me this way," I begged.

Ah, the good old missionary position! It was my favorite. That way we could gauge each other's pleasure by their face.

Dick moved between my legs while I positioned a pillow under my hips, elevating my Love tunnel to better accommodate him. He looked down, grabbed his cock and brought it to my waiting hole and thrust it in.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped and added, "Fuck me Dick!"

"Oh! Yeah! This is the best."


"Gawd, I love the feel of your tight ass! Better than any woman's I've ever had."

He leaned over and kissed me while thrusting deep in me with regular, measured penetrations. I may be the first guy he ever fucked, but he was a born master. His gyrating his hips, coupled with slow and easy thrusting sent me into erotic nirvana.

"Ahhhh! Dick, you make me feel so good," I gasped.

"Oh, man, not as god as my cock feels captured in your muscled tunnel!"

As I looked into he sensually glazed eyes, I saw that he was completely dedicated to his task.

"Geese, I could do this forever. You are a wonder."

The feel of Rick's muscled sphincter as it rubbed up and down on my pistoning cock was incredible, beyond compare. Never had I ever envisioned that fucking a guy could be so absolutely delicious. He wrapped his legs about my waist and his heels urged me onward, deeper and deeper. I became a consumed fucking machine. In and out, in and out I shoved my cock, increasing the frequency of my thrusting `til I was breathless.

Rick groaned, "Oh! Gawd! You're making me cum!"

I looked down and saw his thick cock taking on new dimensions. Suddenly his hot lustral fluid spewed out of his cock slit in long ribbons of opalescent fluid.

"ARGGHHH!" Rick groaned audibly.

At the same time, his sphincter spasmed about my cock.

"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'm GONNA . . . ARGGHHH!" I bellowed as I let loose a torrent of my own cum deep in his being.

I have had a few really memorable orgasms, but none compared with this release. It was cosmic, sweeping in its intensity and duration. I was exhausted.

Still imbedded in him, we rolled onto our sides and fell into a deep, cleansing, rejuvenating slumber.

When I awoke the next morning, Dick and I were still locked in an embrace. Sometime in the ensuing hours his great cock had slipped out of me and now nestled, softly between us, next to mine, like peas in a pod. Slowly, I untangled myself from Dick's arms and legs and quickly ran to the bathroom for an urgent morning piss. I showered, looked outside at the drifts of snow and walked back to the bed.

Dick was just rousing himself from his deep sleep, stretched like some great cat, opened his eyes and smiled.

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning," came his reply as he stretched again.

Then he bounded out of bed and ran to the bathroom, his prodigious cock swinging wildly. I heard him peeing and then the shower was turned on. I crawled back into bed, covered up and luxuriated in the residual warmth that our two bodied left. Dick came out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam followed him, he crawled into the bed and snuggled up to me.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Wonderful," he answered, then added, "And you? How do you feel?"

"Wonderful too. Wonderfully fucked!" I said with a chuckle.

Dick reached over and pinched me playfully.

"Can I say something?"

"Sure," I said.

"I had no idea that sex with . . . a guy . . . could feel . . . so good."

"Want to try it again?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not before breakfast," he answered dryly.

It was my turn to pinch him.

"Seriously though . . . have you been into this a long time?"

"Into what?"

"You know! Sex with another guy."

"Since my senior year at the university and then only sucking. Didn't get into the fucking business `til a few years ago."

"Fucking business? Some business!" he snorted.

"Well, all I can say is you are one hell of a C.F.O!"

"C.F.O?" Dick queried.

"Yeah! Chief Fucking Officer!"

I got another pinch.

"Ya know . . . last night . . . I really didn't know if I really wanted to . . . suck . . . you . . . your cock. But, once i started . . . I kinda liked it!"

I smiled.

"Except . . . I felt like a fool when I gagged."

"That's not unusual. You just have to get used to it. I gagged the first time too."

"Ya did?"

"Yeah, but learned a trick First breath through your nose and after you have started sucking a cock, open your mouth wide and slowly go down on it."


"Wanna try it again?" I smirked.

"Not before breakfast I told you."

The phone rang and as Dick reached for it, I scooted under the covers, grabbed his soft cock and started to suck on it.

"HELLO!" Dick yelled into the receiver in surprise. He vainly tried to dislodge me. "Oh, OK, THANKS," he bellowed again and hung up the receiver.

He threw back the covers and forcibly pulled me off his hardening cock.

"You damned fool!" he said in mock seriousness. "The guy must think I'm a fuckin nut . . .the way you made me holler!"

"You have a message?"

"Yeah! Don't do that again when I'm on the phone!"

"Don't you have any control"

"Not where your mouth on my cock is concerned!"

Then he pushed me onto my back, opened his mouth, bent over and swallowed my whole cock.

"See!" he said, "I knew I could do it! I took your whole cock into my mouth."

"Next time, buddy . . .try it when I'm hard!"

Dick jumped off the bed and started to dress quickly.

"Where you going?"

"Well, if you weren't such a sex fiend, I would have told you that the motel owner said the roads will be open in less than a half hour!" He took out his cell phone and called his office and informed them that he wouldn't be in today and explained the reason why. Then he called Al. He was supposed to have lunch with him. He cancelled him telling of our getting stranded in the blizzard just north of the I;;inois-Wisconsin border.

Rick drove the rest of the way to Madison. The roads weren't too bad, just compacted snow, no ice. I sat there, watching the white landscape go by and thought of the past day.

"You OK?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"About last night, I mean."

"Yeah, I'm fine with that too."

"Just hope you didn't do anything that you really didn't want to do."

"Rick, I'm a big boy. I can always say, `No!'"

My mind returned to when I woke up early this morning and Rick had manoeuvered my dick into his ass. That feeling of having my hard cock in his tight warm ass was fantastic. Just the thought of it made me spring a hard on.

"Rick, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What?"

"Doesn't it hurt when a guy sticks his cock up your ass?"

He chuckled, "The first time or two it can be a bit uncomfortable at first. But if a guy prepares you right and uses plenty of lube it's not too bad. You have to learn to relax your ass muscle," then he added, "Haven't you ever fingered yourself in the ass?"

"Yeah, a couple of times . . . but it hurt too much."

"What did you use?"

"My finger."

"Well, I didn't think you used a broom handle . . . I mean what did you use for lube."


"Well, there you are! You need lube . . . crazy guy!"

We continued to drive. After a time I was thinking of all that has happened again and Rick's explanations. I started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Rick asked.

"Well . . . I've just been thinkin all of what you have introduced me to these past twenty-four hours . . . all you have taught me. Think I'll call you my `guru,' my sex guru!"

"Well, I couldn't ask for a more willing student . . . certainly not a better hung one!"

"So you're interested in cock?"

"Yeah! Aren't you?"

"Never thought about it much," I admitted.

"You never looked at guys' cocks in the showers or locker room?"

"Sure I did. Everybody does."

"And didn't you ever imagine what it would be like to play with them?"

"Only a couple a times," I admitted.

"Did that make you hard?"


"Mmmm," he mused. "So you've never felt a guys cock before?"

"Yeah. Yours"

"I mean besides mine?"

My mine flicked back to that second time in the basement men's room of the Student Union. "Yeah one other time."

"When was that?"

"A few months ago in the basement men's room of the Student Union," I admitted. I felt my face blush.

"After me?"


"Can I ask you one more question?"


"Are you hard now?"

I didn't answer. I was a bit embarrassed with my condition.

"Can you answer me? Are you hard now, Dick?"

"Yeah," I murmured.

"Well there's hope for you yet!" he chuckled.

We pulled into the apartment house parking lot, took our bags and walked into the lobby. Al was coming out of the elevator.

"Hi!" he said brightly and added, "You guys seem relaxed after having to contend with the blizzard. Have a good time . . . in Chicago?"

"Yeah," we both answered in unison.

Al's eyebrow arched, questioningly.

Rick explained, "Had to spend the night in a motel . . . the damned blizzard!"

"I know," Al answered cryptically.

I went to my apartment, stripped, took a long hot shower, then relaxed after making myself a sandwich. About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. I quickly wrapped a towel around me, looked through the peep hole, saw Rick and opened the door.


"Hi, Rick responded, then asked, "Wanna go out for lunch?"

"Just fixed myself a sandwich. Can I make you one?"

"Sure, that would be great."

He followed me into the kitchen where I busied myself with the sandwich fixings. Normally, I don't dress in my apartment. I'm more comfortable nude and besides my spontaneous erections are subsiding.

"Why the towel?" Rick asked.

"Didn't know who was at the door," I answered.

"Didn't want to shock me, Huh?"

"Yeah. Something like that."

I remembered some time back, on a Saturday while I was making dinner, there was a knock on my door. Usually it would have been either Rick or Al and I would make no effort to cover myself before answering it. I answered it, blocking my body with the door, just sticking my head out. There stood two guys in black suits, white shirts and ties, both carrying satchels. I knew from experience that they were probably Mormon missionaries. They always came at the most inopportune time, always wore the same 'uniform', always had rosy cheeks and a short haircut.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We'd like to talk to you about your eternal future," one announced.

Damn! The worst possible time. Then I swung the door open displaying my all together and invited them in. They stood there poleaxed, stunned into total immobility and silence. Their mouths fell open as their gaze ran over my naked body and came to rest on my cock and balls--just hanging there.

"Come on in," I said again.

Still mute, they glanced at each other, turned and hurried down the hall. Ever since that time, I have never been bothered by the missionaries again.

"Well, the towel shocks me!" Rick announced and with one deft move stripped it from about my waist.


"That's better," he said.

Turning to him, "Here's your sandwich," I said offering him a plate with the sandwich on it.

Rick took the plate, set it on the counter, stepped up to me, pinning me against the counter, grabbed my cock and laid one hell of a kiss on my mouth. At first I resisted, but one nanosecond later I succumbed to his probing tongue.

Breaking the kiss, I gasped, "Thought you were hungry?"

"I am . . . for this!" he stated as he fondled my cock. "You owe it to me!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You wouldn't let me have it this morning! Now I'm taking what's due to me!" he explained with smirk.

Rick squatted down and took my lengthening cock into his mouth!

"Ah! Damn!"

Within no time my cock had swollen to its maximum length and width. I looked down in amazement as I saw it appear from and then disappear into Rick's encircling lips. I surrendered myself to his glorious, hot, moist mouth., . . . resigned to this delicious fate. What could I do???

A few minutes later after a lightening blow job, we sat at the table as Rick ate his sandwich.

"Seriously, Rick, why did you do that?" I asked.

"Didn't want you to forget what a good blow job felt like."

"Fat chance that would happen after the two . . . now three times . . . you have sucked me off."

"Also . . . I just want you to know . . . that what happened . . . last night . . . was not just a one-night-stand as far as I'm concerned."

I stared at him and tried to digest the implication of his statement.

"Gotta go," he announced and walked to the door.

I followed him and planted a light kiss on his lips before letting him out. Then I went back and sat on the sofa.

"Inventory time!" I said out loud.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. I really don't know."

"Did you enjoy it when he touched you . . . touched your cock?"


"Did you enjoy it when he kissed you?"


"Did you enjoy it when he took your cock into his mouth?"


"Did you enjoy it when you touched his cock?"


"Did you enjoy it when you took his cock into your mouth?"

"Yes . . . sort of."

"Did you enjoy cumming in his mouth?"

"Oh! Yes! And in his ass too!"

"Do you want him to suck you again?"


"Do you want to suck him again?"


"Do you want to fuck him again?"


"Do you want him to fuck you?"

"No, I don't think so."

For long minutes I sat there taking inventory. I've done that for a long time when I am confronted with a problem. It helps calm my mind and often helps me reach a decision.

"What do you think now?"

"I don't know. I still don't know."

A week after Dick and I had connected, I got a call from Al.

"What are you doing Thursday night?"

"Nothing, why?

"Well, I thought I'd invite you and Dick down for drinks and then dinner after."

"Great! What's the occasion?"

"Thought I'd like you two to meet Bill."

"He's going to be there?"


"Al, is this getting serious?"

"Getting," he answered cryptically

Thursday night Dick met me at my apartment before going to Al's.

"What do you think about this?" Dick asked.

"Think it's great if he a nice guy and good for Al."

"Yeah, that's what I think too."

On the way down to Al's apartment, I asked Dick, "You have any plans for after supper tonight?"

"No. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would like to spend the night with me since tomorrow is a state holiday."

He threw me a quick questioning glance.

"Sure," came the simple answer.

"That was easy," I said to myself.

We knocked on Al's door and he let us in.

"Bill's not here yet. Should come any minute. Can I fix you a drink?"

"Scotch and water for me," I said.

"Scotch and soda here," came Dick's reply.

Al had just served the drinks when there was a knock on the door. He answered it and Bill stepped into the room. I heard Dick gasp.

Al introduced me first. "Bill Dandridge, this is Rick Smithson."

"Hi. Nice to meet you," we said in unison then be both chuckled.

Al turned to Dick, "And this is Dick Balfour."

"Well, hello, Dick!" Bill said, "This is s nice surprise!"

I thought I'd have a heart attack. It was the same Bill I had met at the conference and the one who invited me to the party, the orgy!

"Hi," I smiled and shook his hand.

Al looked a bit puzzled. "You two know each other?"

"Not really," Bill stated and then added, "We met briefly a year or so ago . . . at a . . . party . . . after a conference."

The rest of the night was uneventful. After the initial shock, I relaxed and enjoyed the drinks and the following dinner.

When Rick and I entered his apartment later that night, he asked me, "Do you know Bill?"

"Not really," and I related to him the whole circumstances.

He smiled, and then asked, "Are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah," I answered.

We walked to Rick's bed room where we stripped and fell into each other's arms.

"You got any special plans tonight," I asked him with a smirk.

"Only you," he said giving me a kiss, then added, "And this!" as he fondled my growing cock.

"Suites me just fine," I answered as I fondled his rampant cock in return. Then I asked, "You going to teach me something new tonight, guru?"

"We shall see."

I pushed him on the bed, crawled between his legs and started to suck his cock!

"Whoa! You may be quiet and reserved in public, but in bed you're a roaring tiger!"

I pulled off and said, "Mom always said, `still waters run deep'"

And I returned to his cock. In the week after the blizzard i purchased a copy of `The Joy of Gay Sex' and read carefully the sections on fellatio. I licked the underside of his thick cock from his balls to the flared head.


I took that flared helmet into my mouth, laved the slit and swirled my tongue around the firm, pulsing head.


Then I opened my mouth wide, stuck my tongue out along its bottom ridge and slowly went down on it `til my nose met his thick, curly bush.


Finally, with his cock firmly planted in my mouth, I stuck my tongue out and laved his quaking balls!

"Ahhhh! My gawd! Where did you learn that?"

Pulling off, I said with a grin, "Been taking lessons!"

Sucking and licking and fondling his balls, I edged Rick for a quarter of an hour. Finally, he pulled me off and he crawled between my legs. Pushing my hood back with his lips, he licked my bared head!


I loved it when he played with my foreskin. It seemed to fascinate him. Swallowing my whole cock, Rick began to suck me in earnest. Twice he brought me to the edge of release then backed off. It drove me crazy! Then when my cock started bobbing downward, he started again.

This time he pushed my feet up against my buttocks, knees in the air and spread and attacked my cock again. There was an added attraction. He ran a finger down, behind my hanging balls and lightly ran it over my sphinctered bud. The touch made me jump, not from surprise, but because of the incredibly lascivious electric feeling it transmitted. Now as he sucked me, he massaged my now quaking tight gate. Then I felt him spread a slippery substance over that place. Rick applied some pressure with his finger and surprisingly, my already eroticized bud gave way and his finger slipped in.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped and was about to reach down and pull his offending finger out when I realized that the intruding finger felt quite nice. I allowed it's penetration.

Dick began to rhythmically suck my cock and finger fucked my ass. With every thrust, he pushed his finger in a little deeper. Soon it was deep inside me, exploring my inner surface. It was marvelous. It felt like nothing I could ever imagine. I was being transported by a sucking mouth and a fucking finger.

Suddenly, almost with out warning, I exploded!

"ARRGGGHHHH!" I bellowed. My whole body spasmed as if the victim of some primordial spasm, some elemental convulsion.

I gasped for breath and panted like a long distance runner.

"My Gawd, what did you do?" I chuffed.

"Did you like that?"

"YES . . . . what did you do?"

"I sucked your cock and massaged your G-spot."

"G-spot!" I puffed, "I thought only women had G-spots."

"Now you know that you do too . . . men . . . all men do."

I was one satiated guy, satisfied, gratified! I was limp. Rick had not removed his finger from my hole and he started to slowly finger fuck me again.

"Oh! That feels so nice!"

He smiled and continued. I was totally relaxed.

"Ya know, after I cum, I can hardly stand anything touching my cock head . . . it becomes too sensitive. But this is so nice!"

Then he bent over and licked the inside of my thigh.

"Oh! Geese!"

And, he continued the rhythmic motion of his finger. I started to rise into that rosy realm of eroticized splendor.

My body, not my mind spoke, "You know what?"


"I really want you to fuck me now."

Rick merely smiled and I felt him insert a second finger and continued the rhythmic movement . . . slowly in and out.

"Oh! Geese! Oh! Geese! Your fingers feel so good." I moved my hips in concert with his thrusting fingers and torqued my body.

Begging, I murmured, "Rick, please, I really want you to fuck me."

Then I felt a third finger.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped.

Still he did not fuck me. Still he gently probed my relaxing hole with his fingers. I felt my sphincter relax as it spread to accommodate his three fingers. My hips moved to meet his thrusts. My head rolled in time with his fingers. I was being transported. Deftly as he fingered me, he tore open a condom with his teeth and other hand and rolled it down his waiting cock. I was going to get my wish. First one leg then the other he placed over his shoulders. Moving up close to my spread sphincter Rick grasped his cock, removed his fingers and immediately replaced them in my ass with his cock head.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped out loud.

"You alright?"


"Does it hurt?

"Just a little."

"The pain will go away . . . just relax and take deep breaths."

I did . . . and . . . it did. Luckily my relaxed state after my monumental orgasm and Rick's thorough preparation made the whole process easy. With my legs on his shoulders, I raised my hips slightly. That caused his thick cock to enter me a little way more.

"You alright?"

"Yes, it feels good."

"Wrap your legs around my waist," he suggested.

I did and was able to force him a little further in with my heels. Rick then pulled out a little and moved back in a little farther.

"Oh! Yes!"

He repeated his movements again and again until his whole massive cock was buried in my love tunnel.

"I'm in," he announced.

"All the way?"

"All the way," came his simple reply.

And, slowly Rick began to fuck me. Slowly in, slowly out, in and out.

"Oh! gawd, that feels fantastic."

"You like me fucking you?"

"Yes. Fuck me Rick!" And I reached up and pulled his face to mine and we kissed, long, probing, completely.

Rick established a rhythm and I flew to the stars.

Faster and faster, deeper and deeper as my legs and heels urged him onward and inward. We both passed the plateau of conscious volition.

"Fuck me. FUCK ME!"

He pistoned my ass.

"Yes, Yes, YES!"

"AARRGGHH!" Together, we rocketed skyward like some cosmic firework and exploded in a thousand luminous, incandescent sparks, raining down over our joined bodies. We spasmed, convulsed together. Then fell back to earth, to be mere mortals again. Together we turned on our sides as one and fell asleep.


"Morning," I answered.

"How do you feel?"


"Mmmm, it's a amazing what a little sex can do for a person!"

"Hah! I'd say we had more than a little sex!"


I yawned and stretched, "Mmmm." I felt a twinge from the erotic bout of the night before.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, a bit tender though!"

"That's to be expected."

"Yeah! Especially when your first fuck is with a monster like yours."

Rick chuckled, "Well you asked for it!"

Smiling, I answered, "Glad I did. It was awesome. And, ya know what? It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would."

"It's all in the preparation."

"Thanks to you."

Chapter Five Epilogue - Union

"Ya know something?" I announced one night in the spring while reading the evening paper, "I always thought that you were some kind of a sex fiend the way you talked about sex all the time. But, since that blizzard, all I want to do is to hop in bed with you!"

"I'm glad!" Rick said, "You may be reticent about talking about sex in front of other people. But once our apartment door is closed . . . ."

"Are you saying I'm a sex fiend?"

Chuckling, "No, I can handle that. It's just that you have surprised the hell out of me. You've become a real . . . an accomplished lover."

"Thanks to the `Joy of Gay Sex.' My copy is well worn. I remember after that night when you fucked me first . . . I read and reread the sections on anal sex."

Rick guffawed. "No wonder you adapted so quickly! I was beginning to think that you were being coached by somebody."

"That's uncalled for! I gotta tell you something. I have absolutely no desire to be with another guy! Honest! Even when I'm in the locker room at the gym, the sight of a naked guy does nothing for me. But, when I see you naked, like now . . . well . . . you know!"

"Know what?"

I lifted the newspaper off my lap, displaying my boner.

"Damn! What are you reading in that paper?"

I lifted the paper and recited, as though I was reading a printed article, "Brodrick Smithson, of Amster Apartment, Middleton, is know to be a sexy and horny hunk with a big cock, hot mouth and a great ass! He knows how to use all of them, and . . . ."

Rick batted the paper out of my hand. "You nut!" and then dropped down between my legs, grabbed my upstanding cock and started to suck it.

"See! I told you!"

Al and Bill had decided to live together, to make a commitment. Al moved into Bill's condo which was ample for the two of them. Bill couldn't, at first, get used to Al walking around the apartment nude when they were alone. The sight of Al's magnificent cock and low hanging balls kept him i a state of perpetual must. But after a while he got used to it.

"Ya know," Rick said one evening while they were in my apartment, sitting on the sofa, "Lately we have spending so much time in each other's apartment, we ought think of sharing one . . . what do you think?"

"Not a good idea!"


"Your apartment is too small for the both of us and so's mine!" I answered with a grin.

"You ass!"

"You want it?"


"My ass!"

"Yeah, I do! But, only if you agree that we live together."

Serious, I looked at him and inquired, "Are you asking for a commitment?"



"OK, what?"

"OK, you gotta commitment!"

"Now can I have your ass?"

"Is that in lieu of a hand shake in sealing our bargain?"

"Can you think of a better way?"

"You got it!" I said sliding to the edge of the cushion, leaning back, spreading and lifting my legs in invitation.

As usual, Rick and I didn't wear clothes while we were together in either apartment.

"Don't go any place," he said as he ran to my bedroom only to appear again with the trusty tube of K-Y and fondling his growing cock.

Deftly he prepared me for the onslaught of his opulent cock and slipped it in. He did everything he knew I liked, including popping his mushroom helmet in and out several times before plunging all the way in me.

After five or so minutes of strenuous activity, Rick pulled out of me with a pop, turned around, got on his hands and knees, K-Y'ed his sphincter and said, "My turn!"

I fell to the floor, behind him, slathered my cock with the slippery goo, fingered him a while and slipped my cock into his hot, tight, love tunnel.

We sealed our bargain in magnificent style that night.

When we told Al and Bill of our decision, they were pleased, not to mention a bit surprised.

Al commented, "Isn't this a bit hasty?"

"Not really," I answered, Rick and I have known each other for around ten years and besides we were room mates at the `U' for five years."

"Makes sense," Bill commented.

The trimurti, the triumvirate, plus one had found what most yearn for--a near perfect union.

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