Triple J and I

By Cutter09

Published on Dec 6, 2018



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Triple J and I by09cutter©

Part 1

We see them everywhere. Bums, hobos, homeless, whatever you call them, they seem to be everywhere. Or the teens who want you to buy beer for them, worse still are the able bodied ones that are just too fucking lazy to get a job. I have no patience for moochers. I can't remember the last time I stoped for gas, that I wasn't accosted for change. Tonight was no different.

I was headed into the store to purchase my gas before pumping it. "Excuse me, sir?" I turned to see another one. He was somewhat neater than most, though clean is not how I would describe him. Hair and body dirty, clothes a shambles, obviously exposed to the elements a long time.

"I hate to be a bother, sir, but if you could spare any change. I'm really hungry."

I don't know why, maybe because he was so polite, I stopped and looked and him a moment. Normally I abruptly dismiss these people.

"You're hungry huh?"

"Yes, sir, really hungry."

"Well I won't give you any money. But, if you are hungry I will buy you a hamburger after I pump my gas."

"Thank you, that's mighty kind of you sir. Can I pump that gas for you, so I maybe earn that burger."

That was totally unexpected. Usually these guys just want money for booze, they certainly don't want to have to earn it.

I was so shocked "Uh.. Yeah, sure." I stammered. "It's that red Lexus right there. I will be getting forty dollars worth.

I went in to pay, and by the time I got to my car, he was already pumping the gas.

I slid into the driver's seat, and waited for him. When he had put the pump handle back, I looked over to the passenger's side expecting him to get in. A tapping on my window startled me. He was standing on my side of the car looking in. I pushed the button to roll down the window.

"There is a burger joint just half a block that way, get in and we will go there."

"Oh no sir. My clothes aren't too clean, sir, I wouldn't want to get the inside of this nice car dirty. I will just walk and meet you there."

Who was this guy?

Being divorced, I had frequented this particular establishment quite a bit, and had come to be on a first name basis with the manager.

"Hi Rosie, what's going on?"

"Hey Dave. The usual, same shit just different flies." she laughed. Just as she turned to go back behind the counter, he approached the table. "Hey! Don't come in here bothering my customers!"

"It's okay Rosie, he's with me." She gave me a look, and I nodded at her. "Give me double my usual order Rosie."

"Sure thing, Dave, but if he bothers you..."

As he pulled out a chair, I notice he had a slight limp. He sat there sort of uncomfortably, as if he knew he didn't belong. "Thank you sir, I don't know how I can repay you for your kindness." Damn, is this guy for real?

"Aren't you curious as to what my usual order is?"

"No sir. Whatever it is, I'll eat it and be grateful."

I turned to the counter "Rosie, make it three." She nodded and smiled.

I'm usually pretty good at sizing people up, and this guy had my interest.

"So what's your story?" I asked as I really appraised him for the first time. He had a scar on the side of his left eye, and I noticed that eye didn't quite move with the other. Same side as his limp too.

"Not much to tell sir. I was hungry and you were the first kind person I stopped." He seem so sincere, I was taken in again.

"Stop with the 'sir' shit. Name's Dave. What's yours?"

"My name is Jonathan Joseph Johnson, but my mama just calls me JJ. Back on the base, they used to call me 'Triple J' because of all my names start with J." Okay, so military, and a little slow.

"Is that where you got that scar, and the limp, the military?"

"Oh, you noticed that, uh yes sir. Afghanistan. I caught a bit of shrapnel. Laid me up pretty good too. I was in the base hospital for a couple of months, before they decided they didn't need me in the military any more."

"Well, don't you receive some sort of disability or something?" I was wondering why this young man was on the streets.

"Yes sir, I mean Dave sir. I get that direct deposit thing in my mama's account. I got a little brother and sister she has to care for, and since she got the cancer, she needs it more than me."

Our food arrived and I watched as he devoured two double burgers and fries and chocolate shakes. Now I'm no bleeding heart, but this guy's story had me almost weeping. A wounded soldier sacrifices what little he has so his cancer ridden mother can support his younger siblings. Jesus, just stab me in the fucking heart!

I went up to the counter to talk to Rosie. "Have you seen this guy before?"

"Yeah, he actually applied for a job about a month ago, but I couldn't hire him. I mean, look at him, he can't work here. But he is always polite and never bothers anyone. I was surprised when I thought he was going to bother you."

"I understand, Rosie. If he comes in again, and is hungry, feed him and put it on my tab."

I sat back down just as he finished the last of his fries. "Can I call you JJ?"

"Yes sir, I'd like that.. sorta reminds me of home."

"Well JJ, Rosie said you tried to get a job here. I assume you want to work?"

"Oh yes sir! I don't like being a bum. If my mama knew, she'd put a whelp on my behind as big as Dallas."

"I always have stuff around my house that needs doing, and I'm far too lazy to do them. Normally I have to hire someone anyway, how would you like to work for me till you get back on your feet? It wouldn't be much money, but you will have a clean place to sleep and food."

He got teary eyed, and said "Thank you, sir. I knew you were kind the minute I laid eyes on you."

When we got to my car, I saw him hesitate again. I went to the trunk and pulled out a towel I keep in my gym bag. I laid the towel lengthwise on the passenger seat. He smiled and settled in the seat. When I got in on my side, he was looking around the whole car. "I ain't never seen a more beautiful car."

It wasn't till we got in the car that I noticed a smell. I suddenly realized it was emanating from him. "When was the last time you had a bath JJ?"

"Don't rightly know sir.. I'm embarrassed to say it's been quite a while. I'm really sorry if I smell bad sir."

"Please JJ, you're no longer in the military, my name is Dave."

"My mama wouldn't like it if I was disrespectful, sir."

"Okay, how about if when it's just you and I together, you call me Dave, and when there are other people around you can call me sir. I would like that a lot better."

"Okay .. Dave."

part 2

If I thought JJ was impressed by the car, it was nothing compared to his expression when he saw my house.

"How many people live here?" he asked. I had to laugh.

"Just one, well now I guess it's two." He broke out in the biggest grin I have ever seen on a man. "Don't get too excited, part of your job will be to keep it clean. I assume you learned how to do that in the military."

"No sir, Dave. I was cleaning house long before I joined. My mama was much tougher than any drill sergeant I ever had." I was starting to like his mama.

As we entered and I turned off the security system, he was just awestruck. I showed him around the main part of the house. then took him upstairs.

"There are four bedrooms up here, each has it's own bathroom. There is a guest house by the pool that has two more bedrooms and baths, plus a small kitchen and a parlor. You may choose any bedroom up here except of course mine. If I have overnight guests, I usually put them in the guest house. That way I have my privacy and they have theirs. That door there, is my bedroom, so pick one of these."

"I can have any of them? Oh my.. uh.. can I have the one next to yours? that way if you call me at night, I can hear you."

"Okay JJ, that sounds good." I opened the door to his room and stepped in. When JJ entered he was stunned. I have to admit, my house is impressive.

"Oh no, I thought it would be smaller, and this is too nice for me. Which of the other rooms is the smallest?" He asked while backing out.

"Actually JJ, this is the smallest of the three. Over there is your closet, and here is your bathroom. May I suggest you make immediate use of the shower." It was more of a request than a question. "You should find everything you need in there already. Make liberal use of the soap and the shampoo."

", I don't have any clean clothes. I'm afraid this is all I own."

"I'm sure I have something that will fit you, but I'm throwing those in the trash."

I dug through my closet and came up with some pajama pants that had elastic in the waist. I don't even remember buying them since I usually sleep nude. Must have been a gift from my ex wife, she would have preferred I didn't sleep nude, less chance I would be likely to expect sex.

I also grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from under the sink. I didn't want to touch his clothes with my bare hands. No telling what might be lurking in there. Then it dawned on me. He could have lice. I remember a hairdresser told me once that the active ingredient in flea shampoo was the same as for lice. I ran to the laundry room where I kept Buddy's shampoo. Buddy died last summer, so he wasn't going to need it.

Entering the steam filled bathroom, I noticed two things. One, JJ was still in pretty good shape. The military had been good in that regard for him. Two, JJ was a large man. Taller than I had first thought, and well, larger than my modest to average endowment. Not freakishly huge, mind you, but certainly porn star quality. Or I guess more accurately, quantity.

"Uh.. JJ by any chance do you know if you have lice?"

"No sir... I mean no I don't know. It's been itching, but that could be 'cause it hasn't been washed in a while."

"Well just to be safe, use this." I could see him through the large clear glass shower enclosure. When he opened the door, I got an even better view.

"Dog shampoo?"

"It will do the trick." I watched as he read the label and followed the directions. "You know lice lives in hair,JJ, any hair." He looked at me with a big question mark on his face. I repeated "Any hair."

A light bulb went off " Oh shit er sorry sir. You mean down there too?"

"Yep any hair."

He applied a very generous portion to his pubes, and scrubbed like mad. I guess the thought of bugs crawling around on his junk was very motivating. I was about to laugh out loud when I noticed his cock starting to respond to the stimulation. It seemed to be fully erect almost instantly. It had to be eight inches, probably closer to nine. Nicely thick too. If he ever got his shit together, he would make some woman very happy.

Because of the shampoo on his head, he had his eyes closed. I had the opportunity to look without being caught. I hadn't even thought about another guy's cock since college. Then it was only because of a bad poker hand. Another reason I hated to be poor. I had to give four blowjobs because another guy's full house beat my full house. Yet here I was staring at JJ's cock with admiration. Those other four didn't compare either.

Then JJ realized that he had boned up. "Sorry sir.. Dave. I guess I haven't been able to give it any attention for a while."

"That's quite alright JJ. It's understandable, and a natural response. May I say, that is quite a weapon you have there." Damn did I just say that? Do guys compliment other guy's cocks?

"Heh heh.. Yeah some of the guys on base said that the three J's all stood for Johnson, and only one of them was my last name."

"Yes it looks like you have a double dose of Johnson there."

Why was I still looking at his cock? Too late I discovered he had rinsed his head, and saw me looking at his cock.

"Good lord, look at the dirt on the bottom of the shower." I said trying to make it seem like that was where I was staring.

"Yeah, sorry, but I haven't had a shower in a long time, and I ain't ever been in one as nice as this. I hate to leave it."

"I know what you mean. I love a good shower too. You should see mine. It's twice the size of this one, and has eight shower heads that work one or all at a time. You can stay in there as long as you like. I brought you some pajamas that should fit you. If you know your sizes, I will pick you up some clothes tomorrow."

"You sure have been nice to me. I will work real hard for you, I promise."

If he can do a decent job of cleaning this place, I won't need the service that comes in twice a week. That would save me more than enough for his salary. If he can do odd jobs too, then I'm ahead.

He turned off the water, so I handed him a towel. As he dried himself, his unruly cock swung back and forth. Still at more than half mast, it was a sight. Having cleaned up I could see that he was younger than I had first suspected as well. And, but for the scars on his eye and his knee, was rather handsome.

"Dave could you check and see if I got any lice, I don't want to get any on your nice bed. If there is some I want to get back in the shower with that there dog shampoo." He asked while bending his head down toward me.

Of course I'm no expert, but I kinda wanted my own peace of mind as well. I figured if I saw any movement on his scalp, he was going back in the shower. I looked through his hair and all over his scalp pretty well, and didn't see anything suspect.

"No JJ. I don't see anything." I was a little disappointed, I would have liked to watch him shower again. He straightened up and just stood there.

After a few seconds I asked "Is there something else?"

"I don't see too good, do you think you could .. you know check my hair" He said glancing down.

At first I thought he was pulling my chain, because he saw me looking at his cock. After a moment I decided he was genuinely and innocently worried about lice in his pubes. Now this is something I hadn't considered happening. I could kill two birds with one stone. Find out if he had crabs, and placate my curiosity about his cock.

I sat down on the toilet and motioned for him to come closer. His cock had somewhat softened, so it wasn't directly in the way of his pubis. It had been fifteen years since I was this close to another cock.

I leaned in and inspected his hair, though I had trouble looking where I was supposed to be looking. I tentatively reached up and separated his rather thick pubes and tried to search there. I pictured in my head, monkeys grooming each other.

As I moved my fingers around in his bush, my palm rested on his cock. I became aware of how wide it was. The base of his cock was about three quarters the width of my palm, maybe a little more. I continued my search around the left side of his cock, purposefully keeping my palm on it's resting place. I looked at his balls from the side taking note of how big they were and how low they hung.

I removed my hands so I could move to the other side, and his cock sprang right up. As upright as a teenager's. Well of course I had to move it out of the way now, to finish the inspection that is. I grabbed it with my right hand and sent my left to pick through his pubes. I could feel the heft and power in his cock. I had never wanted to touch another man until now, and I wouldn't have let go if the toilet beneath me exploded.

I heard a slight moan escape above my head. I continued down the other side, my hand may have moved up his cock a bit. I lifted his balls to look around there, of course. I may have bounced his ball sack a bit, that would have caused my right hand to move up and down his cock, wouldn't it. I needed to look underneath really well so I propped his cock against his belly with my entire palm running lengthways along his cock. I bent down to be able to see better, and my right hand probably moved up and down his length a few times as I moved. Of course I had to make a final, thorough inspection of the area just above his beautiful cock. Pulling it down toward my shoulder, with me leaning in close, his plum sized crown was behind my ear. And during this thorough inspection, my hand probably stroked up and down his shaft a few times as well. I first felt a pulsing with my right hand, then heard "AAHH" and then felt something splat against my back, almost to my ass. Several more splatts and a shiver from JJ.

"Oh Sir, Oh God Dave, I am so sorry. I done ruined your nice shirt too. Oh God you probably hate me now." I glanced up at him, he looked horrified. The poor guy really was clueless.

"That's okay JJ. The shirt can be cleaned" I said, pulling it off. "These things happen. Like you said, you haven't been paying enough attention to it lately. You were just backed up a bit. On the bright side, I don't see any lice. But if you're concerned, I will check again tomorrow." I still had a grip on his cock, and it hadn't receded in the slightest. "This thing is like an iron bar, How old are you JJ?"

"I turned twenty six last week. How old are you Dave?"

"I will be thirty four next month."

I reluctantly released his weapon, so he could get dressed. When he turned to get the pajamas from the counter, I adjusted my own hard dick in my pants as I stood to leave.

It was by now only a little after nine o'clock on a Friday night, so I went to the living room and turned on the TV. This is probably my favorite room in the house. Soft lighting, soft sofas with cushy pillows. A fireplace dominates one side, across from it is a wall of glass with wood and glass doors leading to the pool. There are matching folding doors that can close it off from the rest of the house, or left open expands the area nicely for parties and such.

I sat on a sofa in front of the fireplace, with the extra large screen TV mounted above. I had a lot to think about. I had always been straight, not including that time in college. I hadn't enjoyed that particular experience. Tonight was different. I not only enjoyed playing with JJ's cock, I instigated it. Covertly, but still it was I who did it. I had been staring at his cock the whole time, he just gave me an excuse to act upon my desires.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I was paying no attention to what was on the TV. JJ had followed me downstairs and was sitting beside me on the sofa. Though it had softened, I could still make out the bulge in the pajamas. Did I just unconsciously lick my lips. What the fuck?

"Dave, you're a nice guy, and nice looking, and you make good money, why aren't you married?" JJ asked the obvious.

"I was for three years, didn't work out though."

"Do you mind if I ask what happened?"

"She started going to the gym everyday, and decided she liked her trainer's equipment better." I said rather venomously. JJ looked puzzled. "He was better equipped than I. Not as big as you, but more than I had to offer." Again you could actually see the light go on in JJ's head.

Trying to change the subject, I told JJ he could find snacks in the pantry. I'm sure after being on the streets, he was hungry again. JJ gave me a big smile, and raced to the kitchen. When he returned, I saw his junk swaying in the pajamas. Even if I hadn't been looking, it would be hard to miss. The pajamas that would have swallowed me, were snug on him. I could see the outline of his penis, and the jewels beneath that played trampoline for it with every step JJ took.

He sat beside me again, with his bag of chips. I must say, I would have to teach him to chew with his lips together. At first I was annoyed, because that is one of my pet peeves. Crumbs were falling onto his chest. Watching the crumbs fall, drew my attention back to his package. Then back to his chest. I realized I wanted to hoover those crumbs with my mouth.

"I need to get that shirt in the laundry. Then I'm going for a shower, I feel like I still have your spunk on my back."

Standing under the warm spray, my mind drifted back to how his cock felt in my hand. I was hard again, so I went to work on it. Just getting into it good, when I opened my eyes and was startled to see JJ standing there watching me through the glass. It was too late to pretend innocence, so I just opened the door "Is there something you needed JJ?"

"No sir..Dave. I just came to apologize for getting you all spunky." Then he grinned real big "But I see you are working on getting spunkier." He laughed at his own joke. Then I did too.

"Yes, well you caught me. I guess I might have gotten a little excited earlier too."

"You got excited? How?" Did I mention JJ was a little dense?

"Well, you know.. holding that big cock of yours. I've never done that before. It was kind of exciting to handle one that big. As you can plainly see, I'm not nearly as big."

"Oh Dave, yours looks fine to me. I'm sure it worked good for the Mrs. too. She just didn't appreciate you rightly."

"Be that as it may, yours is bigger soft, than I am when hard. It was very different than I'm used to, so it was exciting for me."

JJ looked thoughtful for a moment, then his face brightened. "Will you check me for bugs again now, Dave?" Then he grinned at me. "I don't want any of those little critters running around on me."

I smiled back at him and nodded. He shucked his pajamas and stepped into my shower. He is such a good guy. He was doing this to make me happy. He would enjoy it too no doubt, but he was doing it for me.

I watched as it started to plump up. I couldn't help but be impressed. I reached out and took hold of it. It quickly matched my own hardness, and of course outdid my size considerably. I stroked it slowly at first, I really enjoyed how it felt in my hand. I guess I was envious of it. I wished I had one like it to play with all the time. I could imagine going into a public restroom, and whipping out that big thing. Not standing as close to the urinal as possible, so not to be seen.

I got to my knees, and started to stroke it in earnest. Being eye level with it made me want it more. I paid special attention to the nice plum at the end, JJ really seemed to like that. He would moan out loud as my hand worked on his fat knob, and I watched as it got even fuller and turned crimson. All too soon, JJ's legs started to quiver. I wanted to postpone the inevitable, but I knew he needed release. I hadn't noticed how much cum he produced that first time. This time I had a front row seat as he geysered out a huge load, decorating the tiled wall of my shower.

As the last few spurts dripped down my hand, JJ said "Oh Lordy, Dave, you do that better than I do myself."

"Thank you, it was my pleasure."

He looked down at my hard dick and said "Are you sure, 'cause it don't look like it." He was speaking of my not cumming. I started to say it was alright, when he turned me around with my back towards him. He reached around and grabbed my dick. I was somewhat startled, and reflexively hunched backward. Looking down I could see his big hand enclose my five incher. As he began to stroke me, I could feel his large cock against the top of my ass crack. It didn't take ten strokes before I shot the biggest load I could remember.

I turned off the water, and grabbed two towels. Why had I just had one of the greatest sexual experiences of my life, with another man? I quietly dried myself as I watched him do the same. His cock still bobbing around held my attention. What the fuck is wrong with me. Then I just reached over and dried his back for him, admiring his strong shoulders, down to his muscular legs. Shit, is this really happening, or will I wake up.

I took two fluffy robes from a nearby drawer, handed one to JJ, and left the bathroom. In the kitchen, I prepared two glasses of ice cold cokes, then returned to the living room. JJ was already there, standing by the sofa, appearing to be worried. I handed him a glass and sat down.

After a minute JJ asked "Are you mad at me Dave?"

"No, JJ, I'm not mad at you. You've done nothing wrong."

He thought for a moment. "Have you ever done that, with another man I mean. I know you've done it to yourself.

"No, JJ, I've never done that with another man." I said suppressing a smile.

"Me neither. But I liked it, and I'm not mad at you"

"I liked it too, JJ. It's just that I'm used to doing stuff with women. You know what I mean."

"No, I don't know Dave. I ain't never done that with a woman neither."

Maybe I misunderstood him. "Are you saying you have never done anything with a man or a woman? Not even before joining the military?"

"No sir, my mama would have turned me into a greasy spot on the floor if I got some girl in trouble."

He had to be shitting me. A twenty six year old virgin? Give me a fucking break. I studied his face for a moment. Shit!! I believed him!

We sipped our cokes in silence. The TV was on, but I have no idea what was showing. Before I knew it, it was midnight. I had to clear things up before this went any further.

"Look,JJ, I didn't bring you here expecting you to do that. I really want you to work for me, and that isn't part of your job. I don't want you to feel like you have to do that to stay here."

"No sir, I mean, Dave. I did it 'cause I like you. I wanted to do it for you, and for me too. It ain't never felt that good before."

"Really, JJ? You liked it?"

"Yes I really liked it a lot. In fact I think I feel a couple of bugs running around down there right now." he said grinning.

Well he didn't have to ask me twice. I reached for the opening on his robe, but JJ beat me to it, throwing it open like it was on fire. Seeing his magnificent cock, I slid off the sofa, and onto the floor in front of him. He slid down a little to give me better access. I could see his smiling face and his cock at the same time.

Taking hold of it, I again marveled at it's splendor. I knew what I wanted to do for him, and this time not because of some stupid wager. I wanted to do it for myself too. I saw the look of surprise on his face as I engulfed his thick knob in my mouth. I saw his expression change to ecstasy as feelings, never felt before, washed over him. I was looking into his eyes as I tried to swallow his cock, only managing about two thirds. So I held on to the base and work on as much as I could handle

As you can imagine, his first blow job didn't take long. I would like to think it was because I did such an excellent job. All too soon, I felt the throbbing in his urethra, sending the first blast deep into my throat. I fought my gag reflex as the second, third, and fourth vollies quickly followed. I eased back a little so I could taste his offering. This time by choice, and his was far better tasting than theirs.

When his breathing returned to normal, he said "Oh God Dave, that was... that was.. I don't know.. wonderful." I was delighted to have pleased him.

I continued to nurse on his cock long after it went soft, I wanted my lips to still be around it while he cleaned the house tomorrow. Maybe I'm a natural born cocksucker, I thought to myself. I am certainly enjoying this more than I ever enjoyed some post coital squeezing of my ex's floppy tit. To his credit, JJ never pushed me away, allowing me to quit when I wanted.

Finally I relinquished his cock, and stood. JJ said "Dave, you want me to do you? I might not be as good at it as you are, but I'll try."

"Thanks JJ, but some other time. It's getting late, and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I left JJ sitting naked and sated.

Part 2

Saturday morning I awoke after dreaming most of the night about JJ. He seemed to me to be honest, sincere, and genuine. All qualities I admire very much. Under any circumstances, I would have liked him, even be proud to call him a friend. But why was he on the streets? By he, I mean a person like him. Military, willing to work, able bodied. Something was odd here, and I don't mean just the fact that I sucked his cock.

Halfway down the stairs I smelled coffee. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. "Good morning JJ." I had barely sat down when he placed a plate of scrambled eggs, french toast, and a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"Morning Dave. I didn't know how you liked your eggs, but my mama said 'No matter how they prefer 'em, everybody likes scrambled too' so I did scrambled." He said as he poured my coffee.

"Thanks JJ that will be fine. I have some errands to run, I should be back around three. If you give me your sizes, I will pick up some clothes for you. You can't wear those pajamas forever, no matter how good they fit you." I said while eyeing his full basket. Maybe I was just really hungry, but those eggs and french toast were very good.

I got to the mall, and after I parked, I called my friend and attorney, Jim. He had been my friend since freshman year of high school. He turned out to be a very good attorney, had good contacts too. I gave him all the pertinent information, and went into the mall.

Normally I am not a fan of clothes shopping. Somehow buying them for JJ was a pleasure. I got him a bunch of jeans and shorts and enough shirts to last him a year probably. Of course he would need shoes, so two pair of tennis shoes and a pair of dress shoes. Some dress slacks and shirts, socks and a belt. I had noticed he had on boxers last night, so I picked up a package of those. Then I spotted some very sheer boxer briefs that would leave nothing to the imagination, and my imagination was running wild. He had to have a pair in every color, now didn't he.

When I entered the house, a delicious aroma invaded my senses. "Hi Dave. You don't have much in the kitchen, so I only managed to make some soup. It's a little warm for soup but I did what I could." Being single, I don't grocery shop much. I was surprised this morning when he found eggs to cook. But this was incredible. Bringing two bowls of soup and a plate of homemade bread, he sat down with me. If it was this good with nothing to work with, what could he do with a full kitchen?

Eventually I remembered his clothes. "There are a couple of things for you in the car." A couple? Hell it will take both of us to carry it all in.

To say that JJ was pleased would be an understatement. He was overjoyed just from seeing the amount of clothes I got for him.

After I calmed him down, I told him "You try everything on, if it doesn't fit or you don't like it, set it aside and we will take it back. Everything else hang up in your closet or put in a drawer. I'm going for a swim while you do that."

Unless I have company, I swim nude. My pool is completely enclosed or blocked by trees. I had been in the pool about thirty minutes when JJ showed up. He was wearing nothing but a pair of red sheer boxer briefs. I was right...nothing left to the imagination, and he was HOT.

"JJ, those look great on you." I managed to say after reeling in my tongue.

"You got so many of these, I guessed they were my work clothes. Would you like a cold drink?"

"I would love a cold drink, and I'm gonna need a cold shower."

JJ looked at me funny, then the light went on and he smiled at my joke. I watched his ass disappear into the house, then watched his package return. I climbed the steps, and he handed me a towel, smiling at my erection. "Looks like you might have some bugs too." Referring to our private joke.

I picked up my ice cold drink and took a sip. I set the glass down and said "You're so hot, let me cool you off." and I grabbed his junk with my cold hand. I didn't let him get too cold. I got to my knees, peeled down his briefs, and took him into my mouth. I came to grips with the fact that I belonged on the end of his beautiful cock.

JJ moaned as I sucked. He placed his hands on my head and held me in place, then proceeded to face fuck me. I didn't resist, I was his to do as he pleased. I took all that he gave me, but he never gave more than I could handle. He seem to know just when to pull back and how much to push in. He could have choked me to death and I wouldn't have made a move to stop him. My hands stayed on my knees, my mouth locked on to his wonderful cock. He blasted my throat with his delectable seed. I didn't get to taste much, he shot it all down my gullet. I was delighted that he stayed in my mouth while he shrunk. I was able to draw out the last few precious drops to taste.

I pulled his briefs back up his muscular thighs, and said "You're right. I'll take all the other clothes back, these should be your work uniform."

"If it causes you to do that every time, I'll sure wear 'em." He laughed.

JJ is a beautiful man. Sure he has scars, we all do. He's a little slow, but the kindest, and most sincere person I've ever met. Nobody meeting him that Saturday afternoon, would have believed he was begging on the streets just twenty four hours before.

"Can I do that for you now Dave?" I was as hard as stone, but I turned him down.

"Actually no. You need to go grocery shopping. Here are my keys, and my wallet. Take the Jeep, it will hold more. Get whatever you need. There should be enough money in the wallet, if not, there are a bunch of credit cards."

The look on JJ's face was priceless. Absolutely no way to describe it. Then came the tears, and he collapsed on my shoulder, sobbing. He realized that I had just shown enough trust in him to hand over access to a lot of money, knowing that it was completely safe in his hands. He raised up for a second and looked at me, then started sobbing again.

"It's okay JJ, you don't have to wear your work uniform to the store." I said trying to ease the tension. I think it was the funniest thing JJ ever heard, considering his reaction. "Now get going, you still have to cook dinner when you get back."

I watched JJ pull the Jeep out of the garage. I had no doubt that he would return, and every dime would be accounted for. Then my phone rang, It was Jim.

"Why are you asking about this guy, Dave?"

"Well I sort of picked him up last night. Why? What's his story?"

"So far I can tell you, he is a parent's wet dream. Graduated with honors, accepted at several Ivy League schools. Never in trouble. Wanted to serve his country so he joined the military."

"What do you mean he graduated with honors? The guy I'm talking about is a little slow in the head."

"That's just it, he didn't used to be. In Afghanistan, he got into some heavy firefight. According to his fellow soldiers, he is responsible for saving his entire platoon. Even dragged two men to safety after being shot in the knee. Was dragging a third man in when he caught some shrapnel in his head. This guy is a fucking hero. He's been awarded the Purple Heart, Silver Star. and a bunch of others. He could receive the Medal of Honor if he got the right people behind him. They fixed him up at the military hospital, but decided he was no longer fit for service, so they cut him loose. Nobody has seen him since."

I couldn't speak. I knew there was something about JJ. that just didn't sit right. This man does not belong on the streets and abandoned by the very people he fought for.

"Dave?... Dave? Are you there?"

"Uh yeah, Jim, I'm here."

"So, do you know where this guy is?"

"Yeah. He's with me. I mean he is working for me."

"What do you want me to do, Dave?"

"Keep working on it, and do whatever you can for him. Keep me informed. Bye, Jim."

I had admired JJ's finer qualities, and I certainly admired his body. Now I find he is a hero who sacrificed everything for his country and his family. I broke down and wept. I wept for the man I know, I wept for the man we all lost, and I wept for the man who lost the man he was.

Part 3

JJ returned, bringing in several bags, left again, brought in more, then twice more. I've never seen anyone look so happy. I was glad about that, because I hate grocery shopping even more than clothes shopping. When he finally sat down, he started telling me all the goodies he had bought, and what he was going to cook.

"You really like cooking, JJ?"

"My mama said I started cooking as soon as I could pull a chair up to the stove to stand on. Been cooking ever since. By the time I was twelve I was cooking all our meals, which helped mama out. She spent her days cooking at work, she didn't need to be cooking at home too. Shoot, it's getting late, I gotta get dinner started."

He turned to leave, and stopped. "I almost forgot. Here you go." He held out his hand with my wallet and keys. I didn't need to look in the wallet, I knew everything was there.

"Hey, JJ." He turned to face me again. I tossed the keys to him. "That's your set, I have a spare." Oh shit here comes the tears again. "Go cook my dinner, ya big cry baby."

He came and hugged me anyway. "Dave, you're .. you're special."

Right back at you JJ, I thought.

I won't even try to describe dinner. All I can say is, with JJ cooking for me, I might need to replace the front door with something big enough to get my fat ass through. I will have to tell Rosie she missed out by not hiring him.

After dinner, we both went swimming. I love my pool at night. The lighting around it and in it is adjustable to be bright for parties, or low for more intimate occasions. Tonight they were low. We swam, and chatted, and of course groped each other. JJ, I found, likes to talk. He's a friendly guy, but hasn't had anyone to talk to lately.

We left the pool and headed to my shower. Yes we showered together. Okay, and yes I went down on him again. I can't help it, his cock is just so delectable. Afterward, we donned our fluffy robes and we went to watch TV In my bed. It's funny that I didn't feel strange at all, laying in bed with a man spooned in behind me. In fact, with my war hero's arm around me, I felt pretty fucking safe.

After a couple of inane movies, I asked JJ "Did you buy any olive oil today?"

"Yes, only a small bottle of the extra virgin stuff. It was kind of expensive, should I take it back?"

"Expensive huh..maybe you should go get it so I can see it first."

JJ had a worried look on his face when he returned. I examined the bottle, opened it, smelled it, "Yeah, that's the good stuff alright." and I sat the bottle on the nightstand. JJ crawled in beside me. I opened his robe, and engulfed his cock again. It quickly became an iron bar.

"JJ, would you do something for me?"

"Anything Dave"

"Would you fuck me." I wanted to give myself to him completely.

"I don't want to hurt you, Dave." He said with all sincerity.

"I trust you. I know you will be as gentle as you can. I want to do this for you, and for me too." He nodded. I took the olive oil and prepared us as much as I could.

Now, I'm not going to romanticize this, and say what a beautiful experience it was. It hurt like a mother fucker. Especially trying to get his fat knob passed my virgin sphincter. Still, I was determined to make it happen. Also, at that time, I wasn't aware of things that can be done to make it less gross. That being said, it wasn't a horrible experience. JJ was very gentle and understanding. Once we got into it, I was uncomfortable but, I was pleasing my man, so I liked it. Being his first time, and in a very tight and receptive orifice, JJ wasn't able to last very long anyway.

Too soon, I heard him groan behind me, and felt him filling my bowels with his spunk. He always shoots a nice load, but this felt like a gully washer. Let's be honest, I wasn't really ready for all that went on down there. I had to jump up and run for the toilet. When I was able to return, I brought a wet towel for JJ... which I threw away, after.

We slept together for the first time, both of us nude. I liked that. He snuggled up behind me, put his strong arm around me, and kissed my neck softly. I really liked that. God, I am so gay now.

I awoke slowly, as I always do on Sundays. JJ came in carrying a tray with coffee and croissants. I was surprised to see that they weren't store bought, but homemade. "Did you sleep good Dave?" He had to ask?

"Very well JJ, and you?"

"Never better." he said handing me a cup and a brilliant smile. I noticed he was wearing his skyblue work briefs, so I said "It's Sunday, your day off. You don't need your uniform today."

The briefs quickly disappeared, and he hopped into bed with me. Taking the cup from my hand and setting it back on the tray, he spooned in behind me.

"If it's my day off, I can do what I want, spend it here with you." Why did I just turn into a pile of mush?

He kissed my neck again, and I could feel him getting hard. That was all it took for me to reach for the olive oil again.

This time my body was much more pliable, he entered me noticeably easier. Once he was seated, he withdrew. I was about to complain, when he pulled me over onto my back and mounted me missionary style. He leaned in and kissed me as he reentered me. Before today, the thought of kissing another man on the lips would have repulsed me. It was my JJ, I wasn't the least bit repulsed. Quite the opposite in fact. I had never felt that level of intimacy before.

I raised my hips and spread my legs and surrendered. My war hero knew he had won. He had conquered me, and was taking the spoils. He built to a steady rhythm, possessing me completely. He seemed delighted when he felt my dick pulse between us, shooting my load onto both our stomachs. He smiled and kissed me again. JJ never let up, continuing to pound me to a second orgasm. Then he released at the same time, once again filling me to overflowing.

After last night there was nothing in me but him. I was able to lay there basking in the afterglow. I could feel him slowly receding, as his breathing returned to normal. My heels on his ass, my arms around his back, I was, for the first time in my life, completely sated.

We lay there a long time. Neither of us wanting to break the spell. Our lips met again, this time in a long luxurious kiss. I felt him growing inside me. I wasn't about to stop him as he began to rotate his hips, gradually turning it into thrusts. My God, could this man fuck! And I fucked him back. I gave it my all and we both came together again.

I thought I had been happy in my 'straight' life, but nothing like I felt now. I know it is only because of my admiration for this wonderful man, this self sacrificial hero. I didn't want to belong to anyone but him. In just three days, he had made me feel more alive and happy than ever before. Sex aside, I am more contented from just knowing him.

JJ collapsed beside me, leaving me feeling empty. I was going to get us a towel, but he didn't want to let me go. Pulling me close into his arms and holding me. Damn I felt so girly. Definitely not the old me.

We fell asleep, but by two o'clock, he was fucking me again. Isn't youth grand? Being a recently deflowered virgin, he was trying out his new toy. Or maybe I should say, trying to wear out his new toy.

Later he made us a wonderful meal, which we ate by the pool, nude. "This is delicious, JJ."

"I'm glad you like it. If it's gonna be like this living here, we both need to keep our strength up." He laughed, giving me a knowing smile. He cleared the table then returned. He picked me up and threw me in the pool, jumping in after me. As I coughed and sputtered to the surface, I felt his mouth on my dick for the first time. He lifted me up and set me on the side of the pool, then he did the best an inexperienced cocksucker could do. It was better than any girlfriend ever did, and certainly better than my ex wife's placating attempts. When I came, he smiled at me as he swallowed my cream.

"I'm glad you finally let me do that for you. It's been sorta one sided till now." I guess I assumed he really didn't want to do it, that he was only going to do it because he thought I wanted him to. I am damn glad he really wants to.

We swam for a while and then showered together. I love washing his muscles. Especially one in particular.

As we lay watching TV, his arms around me, he said "I enjoyed my day off."

"Well It's not after midnight yet. You can still do what you want." I said with a little nudge. He took the hint, and my ass again. He was behind me, but after a while he said "I like seeing your face when I make you cum." With that he rolled me over and mounted me again.

He had discovered my espresso machine and learned how to use it. Monday morning he woke me with bacon, eggs, fruit yogurt, and a four shot espresso. He knows how to spoil me, in every way. Did I mention he was wearing his black uniform briefs?

As he stood in front of me with the tray, I pulled his briefs down and sucked his cock into my mouth. This is the breakfast I wanted. He grew instantly and incredibly hard. It wasn't long before he had to set the tray down and grab my head. I was ravenous. I needed the nourishment that only his cock could provide.

I spent most of the day in my at home office. I hardly ran into JJ at all. When I did see him, he had his arms filled with laundry or cleaning something or other. I got a lot of work done, and made some calls to Jim and Brady my banker, and Vicky my accountant. I put JJ on my payroll and had accounts set up for him at my bank.

JJ brought me lunch which was delicious, and I followed with a cum chaser. At dinner time, I left my office. JJ had set out an incredible table, candles, soft music, and food that was to die for.

"JJ, it seems to me that you love cooking, and are very good at it. Your mother taught you all this?"

"Mostly, plus I used to read cookbooks at the library."

"I think there are a few in the cupboard above the stove. My ex bought them, but obviously never opened one."

"Yes sir, I found them, I mean Dave"

Tuesday and Wednesday were relatively uneventful, other than mind blowing sex. Somehow, JJ just keeps getting better. I guess that's true of all of us. From our early fumblings to eventual abilities. Difference is, JJ's early fumbling was great.

Thursday, I got a call from Jim.

"The fucking thing is still in there."

"What are you talking about? What thing is where?"

"The fucking shrapnel is still in his head. I managed to get his medical records... don't ask.. but you will find it on my bill... Anyway, the military doctors decided that JJ wasn't going to be of use anymore, so they didn't bother to take it out."

"You're joking, right?"

"I wish I were. Seems they figured it might do more damage to remove it, and with it still in there, a bump on the head could kill him. If he dies, the government will save on his disability payments. So they left it in and cut him loose."

"God damn! What's the next step, Jim?"

"Already working on it, I know you don't do anything half assed."

"Thanks Jim. Bye."

Friday, JJ woke me with another great breakfast. Of course I had my usual protein chaser. Later I called JJ into my office.

"It's Friday, JJ, payday." I handed him a wallet. Inside were a debit card for his account, a signature card he would have to sign for the bank, a temporary driver's license that I renewed online, one of my credit cards, and a little cash. "I took the liberty to renew your license with your new address on it."

Again came the Niagara tear flow. "You're the kindest person I've ever met"

"Now that you have your first paycheck, what are you going to do"

"Well, it's friday, most guys would take their bestest girl out on a date. I think I want to do that."

I'm sure JJ could see the hurt expression on my face as that sunk in. "So, would you like to go to the movies with me?" He added. I think I might have torn his hunter green briefs getting his cock out. I know he got the best blow job ever.

"Which car do you want to take?" I asked as we walked into my garage. I have three to choose from.

"I know that the Lexus is your favorite, and the Porsche is very pretty too, but I like the Jeep best."

"Consider it a late birthday gift. You have the keys to all three anyway, but the Jeep is yours."

I know it would seem strange to an outside observer, giving a car to someone I had just met a week ago, but as far as I was concerned, no one was more deserving than JJ. I grew up poor. I know how being without nice things feels. Now that I have money, there isn't much I won't indulge myself. JJ is something I certainly indulge myself.

We saw the latest Sci Fi thriller, and had burgers at Rosie's place. She called me over to the counter. "Are you sure that's the same fella? Sure did clean up nice, he's a hunk."

"Yes, Rosie I'm sure. He's a great guy."

"You know, my daughter is single, maybe I should give him her number."

With a wink I said "Sorry Rosie, but he's taken." I thought her teeth were going to hit the floor, but then she gave me a little smile and nodded.

If I wasn't already his 'bestest girl', he made sure I was that night. When we first got home, he made love to me missionary, the way we both love it. Later, he fucked my brains out doggy style. That was the first time we tried that. Damn, that was good too. Early Saturday morning, spooned in behind, he took me slowly, before he brought my espresso.

Wednesday brought another call from Jim. " Dave, do you know a guy named Harold Larson?"

"Yeah, he's a fraternity brother, and I handle his investments. Why?"

"He is the director of surgery at the Metropolitan Hospital here. I took JJ's medical records to him. He had his best guy take a look at them. They wanted to talk to his next of kin. So I put them in touch with his mother. She has already agreed, so if you can get him to sign off on it, he can have the surgery on Monday."

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around Jim. You're the best." We talked a bit longer so I would have all I needed before I talked to JJ.

Part 4

"What do you think I should do, Dave?" We were laying in bed, after another great lovemaking session. I was on my back, he was on his side, propped up on his elbow.

"I'll be honest with you JJ. There are risks, but I think the risk of you dieing from a slight bump to the head far outweigh them. I would hate to come home and find you on the kitchen floor dead from a little bump on the cabinet door. They said that you may, or may not, regain some of your previous faculties."

" don't like me the way I am, Dave?" Oh my God. It never occurred to me that he would think that. The hurt in his eyes ripped my heart out.

"Oh God no, JJ. I love you no matter what. I'm more concerned that you will come to your senses when you wake up and not like me." It just dawned on me that maybe I should be concerned about that. Wait a minute, did I just tell him that I love him?

JJ chuckled a bit, then rubbed his renewed erection against my hip, and said "Does that feel like I don't like you?"

His mother and his siblings landed at the airport while JJ was in surgery. I sent a Limo for them and had them brought directly to the hospital.

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm Dave."

"It's nice to meet you Dave. Thank you for what you did for my boy." She was very gracious, though she looked at me suspiciously.

I decided to direct her focus off me. "They said he will be in surgery for at least two more hours, then recovery for a while, before they will let us in to see him."

I turned to her other two children "Hi, my name is Dave." I extended my hand to a beautiful young lady and then to a handsome boy.

"I'm sorry I should have introduced you. This is Jennifer, and Jacob." I couldn't help but wonder what was with this woman and the letter J?

Trying to lighten the atmosphere, I said. "Let me guess uh Jennifer Jean and Jacob John"

Mrs. Johnson chuckled and corrected me "Actually it's Jennifer Joanne and John Jacob. He prefers to be called Jacob." Everyone smiled for a minute. Then she said "Do you know if there is a clean inexpensive motel near the hospital?"

"Motel? No no, we...uh I have plenty of room at my house."

"Thank you Dave, but I wouldn't want to impose."

"It's no imposition at all. I insist. After all it is my fault you're here."

About that time a Nurse came out and told us it would be at least six hours until we would be allowed to see him. I told her we would be back in five. I told the Limo driver to take their luggage to my house, and we all piled into my Lexus.

When we pulled into my drive, Jacob said "Holy shit!"

"Jacob, watch your mouth." scolded Mrs Johnson. "It is a very nice house though."

"There are two bedrooms on the right upstairs that are available, and Mrs Johnson, there are two bedrooms in the pool house if you don't want to traverse the stairs." Jacob dashed up the stairs followed by Jennifer.

"Holy shit." drifted down to us as I showed Mrs. Johnson to the pool house. "Jacob!"

We got the kids settled in front of the TV in the living room, and Mrs Johnson and I sat down for coffee by the pool.

"Tell me Dave, why did you do this for my son?"

"Um.. JJ works for me, and when I discovered his condition, I felt I should help"


"Oh uh yes he told me you call him JJ, I hope you don't mind if I do also."

"So, JJ works for you. What is his job?"

Damn I was afraid she would ask that. "Well it's hard to say really, We have several projects we are working on. JJ is very talented at so many things." I stumbled hoping that would suffice.

"Does he have a job title?" Damn! Does this woman ever quit?

"Well.. I guess I would call him my assistant."

Thank God Jacob came out to the pool "Mama, can we go swimming?"

"Not today son, and we didn't bring your suit." He looked a little dejected.

"If we have time and it's okay with your mother, we can get you a suit tomorrow." I offered.

When we arrived back at the hospital, the nurse informed us that JJ was in recovery, but they would be moving him to a private room shortly. Mrs. Johnson looked worried and muttered something about a private room. I patted her shoulder and told her not to worry.

I was on one side of his bed and his mother on the other, Jacob and Jennifer were at the foot, when he opened his eyes. He saw his mother and his face lit up. "Mama ..what ..what are you doing..?" He turned and saw me, and grabbed my hand "Dave did you do this?" I nodded and he squeezed my hand as a tear rolled down his cheek and into his bandages. When he saw his siblings "This can't be Jacob and Jennifer Look at how much you've grown."

"How are you feeling baby?" His mama asked.

"I'm great Mama." he lied "How are you doing?"

"Good, baby, I'm real good." she lied too. I had Jim check on her condition too. It wasn't good. I left them alone and called Jim to tell him JJ was awake.

"I'm glad you called. I've been threatening the military lawyers with a negligence suit, I think they are gonna cough up for his medical bills. Next I'm going to threaten to tell the media how they treat our heroes, so I can fuck 'em with my bill as well, and it ain't small."

"Go get 'em tiger. Remind me not to piss you off."

We visited JJ twice a day. Between visits, the kids swam. Mrs. Johnson prepared all our meals. She's not as good a JJ, but much better than I could do.

Thursday morning I woke up to Mrs. Johnson smiling down at me. "JJ told me you like espresso in the morning." She held out a cup.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson, you didn't have to do that."

"Nonsense." She glanced around the room a bit and left.

Friday, "Your espresso." She startled me so I almost jumped out of bed. Grabbing the sheet, I was able to cover my morning wood before she saw it. Though the tent was visible.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson." She glanced at the tent, turned and left.

At the hospital, we were instructed on how to change the bandages, and treat the wound, and JJ was allowed to come home. When we arrived, we helped JJ to his room.

"JJ lives here then?" Mrs Johnson asked.

"Well.. yes. He has for a while now." I answered

"Could you take the kids somewhere, while I get JJ settled and change his bandages?" I knew better than to argue with JJ's mama, and I also knew this couldn't be good.

I took Jacob and Jennifer to the movies. They are really delightful children. Jennifer is fifteen and Jacob is thirteen. They told me that they were very little when their dad left. Mrs Johnson raised them and JJ on her own. Of course JJ, being JJ, helped out as soon as he could. That is probably why he joined the military, so he could send money home.

When we returned, Mrs Johnson looked upset. We sat in silence by the pool, as the kids had one last dip before bed.

When they had gone, she turned to me. "You found JJ on the street?"

I suddenly felt like I was being interrogated. "Well..uh"

"Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.

I almost lost my temper. Instead I calmly said "Mrs. Johnson, please.. sit down." She sat and glared at me. "Mrs. Johnson, you have raised one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. I will never say an unkind word about JJ. I thought it best if he told you in his own way. Do you know how he got wounded?"

"No." She said, still rather gruffly.

I told her what I knew, half way through, tears were forming in her eyes. By the time I finished she was a complete mess. She literally fell across my lap sobbing. I tried to comfort her, but it was useless. Twenty minutes we stayed like that.

"I didn't know. Why didn't he tell me?" she wailed

"I believe he thought you already had enough to deal with. Raising Jacob and Jennifer, and the cancer." She was shocked that I knew about that. "He is an extraordinary man."

"He said exactly the same thing about you."

"Did he?" I was touched.

"You know, I'm not blind. My son loves you."

"I'm very fond of him too." I said guardedly.

"Let me rephrase that. My son is in love with you. Now if you think I'm gonna just sit by and..." I held up my hand

"I assure you Mrs Johnson, I love JJ too."

She studied me a moment then asked "Do you..well .. have you two um?"

I was worried about how she would react, but finally I nodded. She reached for my hand. "Why the separate rooms?"

"With the children being here and all, I thought it best." She was just staring into my eyes "Mrs Johnson I.."

"Are you in love with my son?" I nodded again. "Then I think it's time you started calling me mama, and drop the Mrs. Johnson crap." Then she gave me a brilliant smile, and hugged me.

"Now Dave, there is just one more thing we have to discuss."

Saturday morning she woke me, "Your espresso."

"Damn, Mama, you about unnerved me."

She smiled and glanced at my morning tent. "And put that away, son, I'm not JJ."

I took my coffee into JJ's room and sat with him while I drank it. He had a cup too. We talked a bit and then I took our cups to the kitchen. I was immediately attacked by two teenagers, each wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Is it true? Huh? Are we really gonna live here?"

"I think that can be arranged. How would you feel about it?"

Jennifer was the first to answer "I don't want to leave my friends, but we can chat and email. I still have three years of high school left so I can make more friends too." She is such an optimistic young lady.

Jacob is a lot more adventurous. "My school back home sucks anyway. I'm the best player on my baseball team, the rest suck. Maybe I can get on a better team here."

I turned to Mama "Have you told JJ?"

"Not yet, I was hoping for a little alone time "

It was something that needed to be done. I couldn't help with it and I didn't want to be around for it.

"I think we need to go shopping. If you two will be emailing and chatting, you will need a computer, mine is off limits."

These two kids are smart and funny. I can see the family genes similar to JJ. At the computer store I bought them matching systems, so there wouldn't be arguments about sharing. I was in spending mode, so I also surprised them with the latest gaming console. I arranged for a tech to come out and set up everything properly.

At home, I looked a Mama questioningly, she nodded. I said "Hey kids why don't you hit the pool before lunch?" Yeah, like they really needed incentive.

I went up to JJ's room and found him upset. "How are you JJ?"

He latched on to me and began to cry."My mama's dieing. She only has a few months."

In situations like this I am always hard pressed to know what to do. I feel helpless because I can't fix it. Words don't help. You can't even commiserate unless you've been there and so seem patronizing at best. There is no action that will resolve the problem. So I just held onto him and let him sob. I would like to think that is what I can do for him, just be there.

"She said she talked to you. What about?"

"Well, she told me about her condition. There is really nothing I can do for her, and she realizes that. What she was concerned about was her children, all three of her children. We came to an agreement and it is all taken care of." I hoped that would placate him, of course it didn't.

"What kind of agreement?"

"She wanted to go back home, and I assumed you would want to be with her as much as possible. So I convinced her to stay here."

"You're not telling me everything." he said defensively.

"Okay! Look, JJ, I love you. I don't want to lose you. I know that you would feel responsible to your brother and sister, so I suggested they all come live here. Your mama is a very hard headed woman. The only way she would do it, is if she could work for me as long as she can, in trade for raising Jacob and Jennifer. I don't expect her to work, I just don't want you or them to leave."

He sat in silence for a moment. "Does she know about us?" I nodded. He looked afraid. "What did she say about that?"

"She said I should start calling her Mama. She is a fascinating woman, quite insightful."

He gave another or his wonderful smiles. "Now I know why I love you. You did all that for me, didn't you?"

I reached for his cock. "I have a few selfish reasons too." It didn't take long before I was swallowing his built up load. Man, can he shoot a load.

By the next week, JJ was up and around nicely. Mama and the kids flew back to finalize things there. While they were gone, I had workmen come in and cut a doorway between mine and JJ's room, and repaint them. Jim drew up legal guardianship papers for Jacob and Jennifer to be JJ's and of course mine if something should happen to him.

We slept in the pool house while the work was being done. Though slept is a bit of a stretch. There probably isn't a piece of furniture in the house that doesn't have cum stains.

Sometimes JJ makes passionate love to me, sometimes I just want to be his cumdump. He always seems to know which I want.

The morning after they returned, I was sound asleep. "Your espresso."

"Damn it Mama, you have got to stop scaring me like that."

"I will take that under advisement, Boss." She said, again looking at my morning tent. She looked at the opposite wall. "I don't recall a door there."

"I thought it more appropriate, with the kids living here."

Knowing I had her kids best interests at heart, she gave me a big hug. "I know now why my son loves you.


Mama passed soon after. Her last days were spent with all her children around.

Christmas five years later, I am now a 49% owner of "JJ's Bistro inc." which is doing remarkably well.

Jennifer is a pre-med student, and Jacob is studying Engineering on a sports scholarship. Baseball and swimming. You should see that kid in a Speedo, those family genes are strong.

They were home for the holidays, we love having them around. We were in the living room after a long day of shopping, "I'm going to bed, I'm beat" said JJ.

Jacob said "Which room?"

We were both gobsmacked. "Don't look so astonished, we have always known." offered Jennifer. "We're not stupid, and besides, sometimes you're none too quiet Dave."

"Don't worry. You've both been excellent role models for us, but it's time to drop the pretence. We love you." said Jacob. I told you these kids are smart.

JJ and I retired to our room. Report Story by09cutter© 12 comments/ 16843 views/ 50 favorites Share the love

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At home, I looked a Mama questioningly, she nodded. I said "Hey kids why don't you hit the pool before lunch?" Yeah, like they really needed incentive.

I went up to JJ's room and found him upset. "How are you JJ?" He latched on to me and began to cry.

"My mama's dieing. She only has a few months." In situations like this I am always hard pressed to know what to do. I feel helpless because I can't fix it. Words don't help. You can't even commiserate unless you've been there and so seem patronizing at best. There is no action that will resolve the problem. So I just held onto him and let him sob. I would like to think that is what I can do for him, just be there.

"She said she talked to you. What about?"

"Well, she told me about her condition. There is really nothing I can do for her, and she realizes that. What she was concerned about was her children, all three of her children. We came to an agreement and it is all taken care of." I hoped that would placate him, of course it didn't.

"What kind of agreement?"

"She wanted to go back home, and I assumed you would want to be with her as much as possible. So I convinced her to stay here."

"You're not telling me everything." he said defensively.

"Okay! Look, JJ, I love you. I don't want to lose you. I know that you would feel responsible to your brother and sister, so I suggested they all come live here. Your mama is a very hard headed woman. The only way she would do it, is if she could work for me as long as she can, in trade for raising Jacob and Jennifer. I don't expect her to work, I just don't want you or them to leave."

He sat in silence for a moment. "Does she know about us?" I nodded. He looked afraid. "What did she say about that?"

"She said I should start calling her Mama. She is a fascinating woman, quite insightful."

He gave another or his wonderful smiles. "Now I know why I love you. You did all that for me, didn't you?"

I reached for his cock. "I have a few selfish reasons too." It didn't take long before I was swallowing his built up load. Man, can he shoot a load.

By the next week, JJ was up and around nicely. Mama and the kids flew back to finalize things there. While they were gone, I had workmen come in and cut a doorway between mine and JJ's room, and repaint them. Jim drew up legal guardianship papers for Jacob and Jennifer to be JJ's and of course mine if something should happen to him.

We slept in the pool house while the work was being done. Though slept is a bit of a stretch. There probably isn't a piece of furniture in the house that doesn't have cum stains.

Sometimes JJ makes passionate love to me, sometimes I just want to be his cumdump. He always seems to know which I want.

The morning after they returned, I was sound asleep. "Your espresso."

"Damn it Mama, you have got to stop scaring me like that."

"I will take that under advisement, Boss." She said, again looking at my morning tent. She looked at the opposite wall. "I don't recall a door there."

"I thought it more appropriate, with the kids living here."

Knowing I had her kids best interests at heart, she gave me a big hug. "I know now why my son loves you.


Mama passed soon after. Her last days were spent with all her children around.

Christmas five years later, I am now a 49% owner of "JJ's Bistro inc." which is doing remarkably well.

Jennifer is a pre-med student, and Jacob is studying Engineering on a sports scholarship. Baseball and swimming. You should see that kid in a Speedo, those family genes are strong.

They were home for the holidays, we love having them around. We were in the living room after a long day of shopping, "I'm going to bed, I'm beat" said JJ.

Jacob said "Which room?"

We were both gobsmacked. "Don't look so astonished, we have always known." offered Jennifer. "We're not stupid, and besides, sometimes you're none too quiet Dave."

"Don't worry. You've both been excellent role models for us, but it's time to drop the pretence. We love you." said Jacob. I told you these kids are smart.

JJ and I retired to our room.

The End Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com

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