
By Henry Hilliard

Published on Nov 14, 2020


Tristan by Henry H. Hilliard

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With considerable excited shrieking, Leesha and Rachel tumbled into the house. They both came from comfortable circumstances in the Dallas suburbs, but even they marvelled at the luxury of Tristan's father's `cabin' and more particularly at the possibilities that it held for an exciting New Year's Eve. Tristan gave them the grand tour and showed them the room they would share, whilst Colton took the big box of hard liquor that was their contribution to the festivities and tried to find space in the kitchen for it.

As Leesha went out to her car to retrieve her trombone, which she said would play to herald in the New Year, another car pulled up. "Hi Hetch!" she exclaimed, the noise bringing Colt from the kitchen.

"Happy, New Year, man!" Colton cried, wringing his hand. "So glad y'all could make it. We'll have a blast."

Hetch Gleeson was still a little shy around his fellow footballers, in view of his treasonous behaviour that Colton had chosen not to reveal. It was Tristan who advised Colt to make the sinner his friend. "Drove all day from Chicago to Memphis and now best part of six hours to get here. I'm beat!"

"Well, Tristan will fix you up with a drink. Your ass can't wimp out when there's a party! I'd better fire up the grill."

The conversation was a little awkward until Hollis arrived, calling out the ridiculous, "Howdy, y'all y'all" and then Jimmy appeared with a girl in tow--Anna who was studying to be an actuary and lived in the adjacent dorm. Then Parker rolled up just as the first of the steaks came off the grill and formed the foundation for a mountain that would grow on a big platter on the kitchen counter. Anna assisted Tristan in making some more salads, saying that she was convinced that the boys would eat only meat if left to their own devices. When Tristan returned to the big room, Deshawn and his girlfriend had arrived and were being plied with refreshments from rapidly emptying bottles. Her name was Poppy and she had been born in Hong Kong and had come to Texas to study aeronautical engineering. They made a sexy couple.

Tristan found that he was now compelled to do the grand tours of the house in groups and he hoped that the bed situation would sort itself out. Hollis, said that he didn't mind sleeping on one of the couches if the couples wanted more than bunk beds.

The house had a marvellous sound system and soon the music was pumping. Tristan felt that surely the neighbours would not complain on New Year's Eve, but kept an eye on his phone for messages from Mr Brayshaw just the same.

It was ten when Alexinia and Carlos arrived and the party was well under way. There was plenty to eat and drink and some weed was now being passed around by the non-footballers. Tristan hoped there were no harder drugs, but he felt his knew his dorm mates well enough to know that this was not likely and he tried to relax and not worry.

Colton cornered Leesha and Rachel on the deck where they were passing a joint between each other in the night air. "Thanks for being nice to Gleeson. I want him to know that people love him an' stuff."

"He's got a good body," appraised Rachel.

"Yeah a nice ass too," added Leesha. "Are we sure he's gay?" Colton shrugged. "Maybe we should...?" She looked at Rachel.

"I'd be obliged t'y'all, girls, if you used y'special powers to help out a fellow citizen."

"How obliged, Colty?" asked Leesha.

"Now, can't y'all just do y'Christian duty without looking for a re-ward?"

They frowned in unison. "Draw straws, Leesh?"

Tristan was letting his hair down and found himself dancing with a beer in one hand. Colton was doing the same, with his snake-hipped moves as sexy as any Los Vegas revue. He held his beer high above his head.

"It's almost time!" shrieked Anna above the din from her elevated position on the half landing. Instantly a party of experts gathered around the big television and tried to find the coverage from Times Square. It was all in vain; Texas was on Central Time, an hour behind. They rallied, and with help from Alexinia's phone, they chanted their own countdown.

Instantly there was an orgy of kissing, handshaking, back-slapping and the seasonal greeting. It was almost serious for just a few minutes while the room was worked and everybody connected. Suddenly Tristan felt a brief affinity with people all over the world who would be experiencing much the same thing. He had just taken his phone out to text his father when Deshawn, beer in hand, grabbed Tristan and slurred, "Happy New Year, Tris!" He tipped him backwards in a tango swoop and planted a big, sloppy kiss right on his lips, his thick tongue pressing into his teeth. Tristan started to giggle when...

"Leave him alone, fuck you!"

From across the room bounded a furious Colton. He grabbed Deshawn roughly by the shoulder. "Don't you touch him!"

Deshawn looked shocked and the room was hushed. "Man, I was..."

"Colt!" cried Tristan, sharply. "He was only mucking around. He didn't do anything."

Deshawn looked at Tristan. "Sorry, bro, I..."

Suddenly Colton had a look of horror on his face and Tristan quickly stepped in. "Look guys," he said to the room at large. "I had some trouble in Colt's hometown. Some rednecks gave me a rough time and Colt feels real bad about it. Don't you Colt?"

Fortunately Colton twigged. "Yeah, sorry De. Sorry, Tris. I overreacted." He too addressed the crowd. "They vandalised his truck. It was a hate crime--with bad spelling," he added to regain some lightness. He gave Deshawn a bro handshake and the party resumed.

It was not too long after when the room had emptied to watch Hollis and Parker light some skyrockets from the edge of the lake that Alexinia sidled up to Tristan. "I'm not sure what that was, but it ain't got nothin' to do with y'truck being scratched. That was..."

"Shut up!" snapped Tristan. But he couldn't help but give her a look that betrayed that he knew too. She squeezed his hand.

How predictable! By two in the morning most of the boys had stripped naked and had jumped into the chilly lake, now totally black except for the light reflected from the house. Rachael and Leesha modestly left their panties on. Hollis carried a squealing Rachel into the water and dumped her in while Leesha played a tune from Frozen out over the water, the stilted, brassy notes seeming to echo back from the darkness on other side. Another noise disclosed to Tristan that Deshawn and Colton were trying to hoist each other onto their shoulders, the incident seemingly forgotten. It was like the black and the white bull vying for supremacy and was unintentionally very erotic.

The fun could not last long because it was only about forty degrees and by general agreement the bathers made their way to the shore where Tristan had dumped a pile of bath towels. Conversation was halting because their teeth were chattering. Their feet were dirty from the buddy bottom. Nevertheless, Tristan thought how sexy the big men looked as they dried themselves vigorously and was almost sorry to see the last glistening drops mopped from the shoulders of Colton and Parker.

Tristan suggested they all should shower and they made their way across the pine needles back to the house. One bathroom had become the boys' while the other was for the girls'. Tristan, of course, thought this an excellent arrangement and it was, therefore, not dissimilar to Charles C. Selecman House. The downstairs one seemed to remain `unisex'.

Like the towel boy in Cotton Bowl Intern, Tristan was busy collecting the discarded towels from the bathrooms. A knock on the door saw the girls discreetly pass out three, while Tristan marched directly into the boy's bathroom where Hollis, Parker and Deshawn were sharing in a great cloud of steam. Colton was standing naked in front of a basin attending to his teeth. "That was ace, bro," he said, looking at Tristan in the glass. He threw a glance at the showering jocks and raised his eyebrows to Tristan. Tristan just smiled guiltily and took the bundle of towels to laundry room and brought back some fresh.

The party entered its last phase. Back in the big room, in front of the fire, they lounged around, having last drinks. The boys were mostly in their boxers, some bare- chested, except for Colton who had elected to wear only the navy blue skimpy briefs that had been Tristan's. They were quite indecent and every detail of his plumped-up shaft, which was dressed to the left and threatening and to poke out of the leg hole at any moment, and his big balls, was discernable whether one cared to look or not. "Jesus, Stone," laughed Parker, "Do we have to look at your junk?" He threw a pillow at the protesting Colton and Colton used it to cover up his groin.

There then ensued a discussion as regards to underwear and dorm life. Alexinia stated that while boys in just their boxers was acceptable, she thought briefs were not. All the girls made a disgusted noise when Poppy described one apparent oaf in her dorm who cooked in just a pair of briefs. The boys tried to counter with what was unacceptable for public female nudity, but were hopelessly divided. All they agreed on was that they didn't want to see girls shaving in the Common Room or wearing cosmetic peels and the like. Hollis hated the smell of nail varnish. The topic shifted to the untidy habits of both sexes and Tristan thought this discussion was an interesting insight into perceptions.

After three, the partygoers filtered away to their beds. Hollis and Parker were already passed out in the couches and Tristan made sure they were covered up. Colton tended to the fire. Tristan picked up an empty bottle then put it down again. Clean up would be in the New Year proper.

In their bedroom, Colton turned the key in the lock. "You'll have to be quiet jacking off, Tris."

"I'm too tired. I'm just going to sleep in the single bed. You can have the double."

"No, Tris. It's part of your training. Jump up here," he whispered.

Colton was on his back in just his briefs and now Tristan was straddling him. He could feel Colton's erection between his cheeks. "I'm not going to think of myself--well, not entirely--and I want you to pleasure yourself on Colty's hot bod. You liked the way it looked tonight?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't want you to cover up, but there are some I'd hate to see in the buff."


"Boone, for example."

"Yeah, well, if you're lucky you won't. I have to see him in the locker room."

Tristan was moving his bottom over the straining nylon of Colt's underwear.

"That feel good?" Tristan said that it did. "Feels good for me too. Clench." Tristan did. Then, "I want you to cum handsfree. Put your hands on my chest and leave them there. Concentrate on how it feels. Feel my big anaconda sliding backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. Make it give up its cock honey."

"Don't say that word, you'll make me laugh."

"Weiner weep? Saddle syrup? Dude dew?"

"Oh God! I can't do it, Colty. You're being too stupid and I'm so wacked."

"All right. We'll save it for another session, just use you hand. Tristan did. "Now I want you to shoot it all over these here undies."

"But it will touch you, touch your cock!" whispered Tristan in urgency.

"Yeah, but it will still be hot, like you getting' off on me."

Tristan frapped away while Colton did nothing. "Here it comes," Tristan said softy, between gulps. He pointed his cock downwards and soaked Colton's groin.

He made to get something to wipe it up with but Colton said, "No, leave it there. I want to sleep with your spooge on me."

"Happy New Year, Colt."

"Happy New Year, Tris."

Tristan's phone went off at nine and he found himself the first up. He hadn't drunk as much as the others, so he was feeling relatively okay. He started to clean up, marshalling several loads for the dishwasher, which would be running all morning. The laundry was a bigger problem as they were running low on towels. He wondered what the sheets would be like. By the time he had done one load and filled the dryer, several of the household had emerged.

Tristan marvelled at how they all pitched in, dividing up the tasks and cooperating. Colton cleaned the grill, getting ready for another cookout that evening. The footballers found it easy to move the heaviest of furniture and Tristan had to laugh when Hetch used a garden rake to gather dozens of beer bottle caps into a heap. Jimmy followed with the vacuum cleaner. Rachel and Leesha cooked breakfast for everyone and Poppy, Anna and Tristan each took a bathroom.

By 11:00 everything was shipshape. Just then Mrs Brayshaw appeared. She was a middle-aged woman with grey hair tied back in a ponytail. "Happy New Year, y'all she called as she came in through the French windows. "Tristan, I came to see if I could help you clean up after your party, but I see I'm too late!"

Tristan was surprised, but thanked her warmly. A few stains that had escaped the not very exacting eye of the young jocks were pointed out by the visitor, but she said that she would see to them when the house was empty. Tristan had some questions about the washing machine and they went that way.

"Now Tristan, I think you should be careful of the police. I'm sure some of you are underage and having liquor on the premises..."

"But this is a private house. We're not buying it underage," Tristan argued, conveniently forgetting that his ID was the work of someone called Rattler who lived above a body shop, "and we're not drinking in public."

"Don't matter in Lou'sanna. The police can enter if they think you are under 21 and no parent is in charge. 'Course the police aren't likely to come and bother you rich folks. Brad and me would do our best to keep 'em out too. Just don't take none in your truck or, heaven forbid, in a boat on the lake--six months prison."

"What are the police like?"

"Well, some are okay--my sister's boy for 'xample, but we're a long ways from N'awlins and Baton Rouge and they do tend to do things their own way. And they don't like outsiders much."

Tristan thanked her for the warning and determined to get his father's specific permission to be there in the cabin on a text at least.

The day passed pleasantly. People did their own thing, which Tristan as the host, was happy about. Colton and the other team members produced a football from somewhere and threw it backwards and forwards for hours. "Why is it called football if all you do is throw it?" he asked. He was suddenly set upon by a wall of young muscle, and they sat on him, debating whether he should be dunked in the lake for his impudence.

It was dark early and Colton got his guitar out. A duet was attempted with Leesha, but it was not a success, musically. Colton, however, played and sang songs by Eddie Esler and once again Tristan was in awe.

"Are you alright, Tris?" asked Rachel through the bathroom door, knocking lightly with her knuckle. Tristan had been doing his exercises, touching the back of his throat with his toothbrush and on one pass he had gagged noisily.

Tristan opened the door and lied about a sinus condition. "Did anything happen with Hetch Gleeson?" he asked in a low voice. She gave a little smile but did not speak. Tristan went back to working on is gag reflex, left to wonder about what it would take for him to have any thought of sex with a girl. Then he thought about what it would take for a straight dude--say, a football quarterback--to have sex with a gay boy. He pressed the toothbrush in again and held it there.

The next day it rained so the household amused itself watching movies and playing board games. The thought of another barbecue was not attractive but pizza, a perennial favourite with the college set, sounded good and was the perfect accompaniment to beer, which was holding out.

Deshawn and Poppy agreed to go with Tristan in the truck. The next town was about fifteen miles further into the state down a narrow two-lane road. It was not a particularly distinguished settlement and its treeless main street had many shuttered buildings. An old cinema had been turned into a community centre but the only lively place was on the outskirts where there was a Burger King and a branch of a well- known drugstore chain. There was, however, a pizza shop, again part of a chain, and they went in and placed their large order, trying to remember their instructions.

They had to wait and the rain compelled them to stay indoors, so they sat and drank `lemon cokes'. In the store there were several tables with checked plastic cloths. At one sat a farmer and his wife enjoying a night out, Tristan supposed. At another sat a young man who kept taking pulls from a hipflask. He may have been waiting for his order, but Tristan couldn't tell.

Tristan was just contemplating the water tower seen through the rain when the young man said something. Before he knew it, Deshawn was on his feet and had the guy by the shirt. "What did you call my girlfriend?" he demanded.

He repeated it, adding, "Well she is-- has to be-- if she's bein' bedded by a nigra."

He seemed completely unconcerned that Deshawn was bigger and stronger than him and had the advantage of not being drunk. Tristan felt paralysed and thought that surely Deshawn would put the creep in hospital. But then he noticed that the farmer had leapt to his feet and had interposed himself between the combatants. Tristan found his feet and ran over and tried to restrain Deshawn. The proprietor came around the counter but just stood there, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Don't hit him son,' said the farmer to Deshawn. "I hear'd what he said to the young lady. Let me." The farmer struck him a blow with a right arm that was like ripcord. The young man was taken by surprise and slumped half off the chair that he'd been lounging on. "Now git out afore I tell yo' momma, y'no account."

He attempted to rise but was further assaulted by a well-placed kick to the groin. Tristan was astonished to see that it came from Poppy who looked furious rather than distraught.

The second time he attempted to get up he was allowed to and before you could blink he had slithered out of the door and into the rain.

There was a silence. Then the farmer spoke. That was Bobby Le Poeur. He's no account but his family own half the town--this store included. His uncle is the sheriff. It wouldn't go down well if a black boy was to strike a Le Poeur. Just trying to protect y'all. Sorry, Miss," he said turning to Poppy. "Not all folks round here are like Bobby Le Poeur, so please accept my 'pologies. Sorry, son," he said to Deshawn. "Y'all were only tryin' to stand up fur y'girl and rightly so."

The pizzas were now ready.

The farmer's wife now spoke. "If I were y'alI, I would leave quick smart. If Bobby goes to his Uncle Milburn the police might just find a reason to search y'truck or find that y'drivin' with a busted taillight or somethin'.

"We're not staying," said Tristan. "We're from Texas. Won't your husband get into trouble for what he did?"

"No, Wilbert will be okay," she looked briefly at him. "You see, I'm a Le Poeur too--a second cousin once removed from Bobby. Shamed to admit."

It was a silent drive back for the first five miles. Tristan then heard Poppy quietly sobbing in the back seat. He pulled over so that Deshawn could get in next to her. He held her tight. "Y'see what its like bein' in a minority, Tris?" said Deshawn. Y'never knows when somethin's gonna blow up. Always y'gotta be mindful of how other folks is goin' to react. Are our kind gunna be welcomed someplace or is it somethin' jist for white folks an' we're 'sposed to know some rule? White folks never have to think like that--they've made the rules long ago."

"Yes, I see all right, De. That's exactly what it's like."

It was decided not to mention the unpleasantness to the others and the house party continued on as before. The next day was finer, although still cold, and one of the boats was taken out on the lake. Colton and Hollis were anxious to fish. Tristan warned them against taking alcohol with them and they begrudgingly returned the sixpack to the refrigerator and went off in a bad mood. Tristan chased after them and begged to go along, even though he didn't have a rod. They clambered aboard and Colton took the oars and pulled out towards the opposite shore. Tristan admired his muscles at work. A discussion with Hollis saw them select a position, just drifting slightly, and then they compared baits and lures for several minutes before casting their lines.

Tristan waited and waited. He took to asking them if they felt any nibbles. They grunted in the negative. Tristan waited some more, looking up at the patterns the clouds made. Then he pointed out the various cottages on the shore that were much more readily observed form out there. Hollis seemed uninterested and Colton was positively rude when Tristan took to telling amusing stories from when he was a little boy.

Tristan was just beginning to tell them of a dream he had recently about boats when a look passed between Hollis and Colton. With a terrible suddenness they made a grab for their interlocutor, threatening to overturn the boat. For that reason Tristan dared not struggle too greatly.

"Waawhat are you doing?" he cried.

"We're out here fishin'," said Hollis, an' y'all flappin' y'gums, disturbin' the peace."

"Always said the dude had a bell clapper instead of a tongue. When dudes fish, they fish. They don't talk lessen they seen a whale or somethin'."

"That's the beauty of fishin'," explained Hollis who still held Tristan dangerously close to the freezing water. "Y'gets away from yakin' folks--like girls."

"Are you saying I'm a girl?" demanded Tristan crossly, despite his situation.

"Not plum, but pert near."

"Why you...."

Just then Hollis' abandoned rod lunged and he just caught it just in time, almost allowing Tristan to fall. Colton grabbed him smartly and held him in his lap, with his arms about him in a protective gesture as they watched the action.

Hollis was fighting with a fish on the line. He did all those things Tristan had seen in films: he let the fish run, then slowly wound it in, repeating this move many times. The rod was bending as if it would snap and Hollis was sweating and struggling to maintain mastery.

Suddenly the fish was on the bottom of the boat. It was an enormous bass, maybe getting close to twenty pounds. Hollis gasped that he'd never seen one as big. It was still flipping and flopping on the bottom--plenty of fight left in it yet. Then it leapt on the seat next to Hollis. He shrank back.

"Kill it, Hollis!" shouted Colton. "Quick, before it jumps overboard!" He threw his knife to Hollis who was so flustered that he flubbed the catch and the knife ended up below the fish's writhing form. "Come on, stab the motherfucka!"

"I can't, I don't want to touch it. It's slimy and has teeth."

The fish was now doing flips, as if to make for the gunwale and freedom.


"No, I don't like killin' stuff!"

Tristan leapt free of his embrace and across to the rear seat, seized the knife and, like a Viking warrior, plunged it into the monster's head. It moved no more.

"There's our dinner fixed," said Tristan in a calm voice. He wiped the bloody knife on his jeans. "What were you saying, Hollis?"

"I was sayin' you the man, Tris!" He grinned.

Tristan only snorted and bent to lift the defunct bass into the plastic box. He didn't see the wink that Hollis gave to Colton.

A few days later the party broke up. Some filtered back to their homes while others returned to the university. The second semester would commence in mid-January. Colton and Tristan stayed on to put the house to rights.

"I've had the best time," said Tristan enthusiastically as he transferred yet another load of washing into the industrial sized dryer. "It was like our dorm, but better."

"Yeah, I see what you mean, Roomy. They're great guys. But I'm lookin' forward to football again. Not to m'Calculus exam though." Colton was searching for the cleaning materials. "Let's get some chicken for supper. I've cleaned the grill n'I don't wanna do it agin."

Their tasks were nearing completion and so they set off in the truck for a fried chicken outlet. Colt was puzzled why they were going to another town, further away and in a different direction. Tristan told him about Deshawn and Poppy. Colton was furious.

As if they had been overheard, it was not long after that a police car came up behind them and with a burst of lights and siren, indicted for them to pull over. Tristan did. He sat there for several minutes with the window rolled down. Colton kept looking behind and eventually said, "There's two of 'em."

Mornin' young sir, said the less fat of the two officers. Mind if I see y'licence. Tristan reached. "Take it out o'y'wallet." Tristan did. He examined it.

"This here's an international licence."


"You from New York?"

"No, I live in Texas.

"But y'weren't born there. You got a weird ac-cent."

"I was born in England."

"Do you have your passport and visa?"

"No, not with me."

"This your truck?"


"Do you papers to prove it's yours?"

"No, I didn't think I would need them. Check the number plates--the licence plates."

"Them's Texas plates."

"Yes, I live in Texas, as I said. I go to university there--to college there."

"What are you doin' in Louisiana?"

"On holiday with my friend. We're at my father's cabin."

"You paw there?"

"No, he's in Dallas. He's a lawyer with Globoco."

"A big shot."

"Yes, a big shot. Pal of Huey Long."

"Now don't get smart with me."

"Out o'the truck, both of ya. You got any ID, kid?" Colton handed over his licence, fortunately bypassing the fake ID."

"Any drugs, alcohol or firearms?"

"No, take a look."

"Oh, we will. Stand against the truck. Arms out, both of ya."

They were frisked.

"Kid packin?" the less fat asked the grotesquely fat.

"Yeah, but it ain't no gun." The first one snorted.

"You boys ain't seen a Chinese girl with a big nigra buck? S'posed to be college students. Caused some trouble."

"My dash cam is on, officer," said Tristan with deadly calm.

"Turn it off."


"Search the truck." The fatter officer struggled. After a few ineffectual minutes he emerged with a shrug. Tristan felt as if he might have planted something had not the dash cam been in operation.

"Look," said Tristan slowly reaching for his phone. Here is my father's letter of authority for me to be in his cabin. My licence is in order. My truck is not stolen. I don't have anything illegal. I am wondering why you have stopped me, Officer..." He looked at his badge, "Winn."

"We're just looking out for young folks like yourselves. Decent folks. Keepin' y'safe is our priority, ain't it, Clarence."

"Yeah, Roy. Them's the 'xact words what's in a frame on the wall back at the station."

"Well, I am much obliged to you. I will tell my friend Mr Le Poeur, Mr Earl le Poeur that is, that you have been so helpful."

That seemed to do the trick and they were released and got back in the truck. They sat there as the police car took off around them in a hail of gravel.

"What a pair of fat cunts those two were. You were fantastic, Tris, so fuckin' calm. Maybe you should be a lawyer like y'daddy. Y'all be great in court--I can just see you."

"Not for me, Colt."

"Say, you told me about Bobby Le Poeur--that was right? But who's this Earl Le Poeur you know?"

"I don't know any Earl le Poeur. I just made him up. There is always an `Earl' in those stories like Ponchatoula Prison Bitch."

"Never read it."

"Well, there is and it's just as well I know these things."

They ate their chicken and fries in front of the fire. Tristan was scathing about `The South' and Colton felt he could not argue with him. There was a rottenness and decay there that was the obverse of all the gallantry and romance of polite fiction. It went back to the Civil War and beyond. A defeated nation. Was it a product of the foetid climate of the swamps? No, such geographic stereotypes didn't hold. Was it the inevitable product of a plantation society once supported on slavery? More likely. Tennessee Williams knew it, so did William Faulkner.

Then Tristan though about the North, the chilly, puritan, raw-boned North. Maybe they were just as degenerate, but perhaps just in other ways that Tristan felt he could not put his finger on at that moment. He thought of those Swede towns in the Midwest. He thought of isolated towns in Vermont and Maine.

"How would Deshawn and Poppy have got on in a pizza store in London, Tris? Or in some small town." asked Colt.

"Not like here, of that I'm almost certain. I can absolutely say the police are better there than they are here and the average British person is not nearly so racist as they are here. London has a big black and Asian population and is full of people from all over the world. I'd be lying if I said to you that people were just the same all over. They're not! That would be a cop out."

"Don't let it spoil our vacation. Let's hit the sack. Bring the bottle and the glasses. Y'all have training to do and we can make as much noise as we like."

Please look for the next chapter. Henry would love to receive feedback and will endeavour to reply. Please email and put Tristan in the subject line

Next: Chapter 15

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