Triumph; Push Forward

By David Young

Published on Mar 21, 2023



Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

Most of you will notice from my writing that most of my characters are always either looking for something or running from something. It's easy to draw from personal experience and I have been suffering from bipolar and PTSD for years and sometimes feel the need to run. I hope you enjoy my characters and be sure to check out my other stories.

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Chapter 1 One Long Ride and One Hell of a Blow Job

As Thomas pulled back the throttle on his 1979 Triumph Bonneville he was trying to get the thoughts of his past out of his head. Or at least the past few years.

Over the past four years, Thomas had been living with his lover John who was an abusive dickhead. John and Thomas met at a club and were smitten with each other from the start. For the first six months, everything was really good and they were like kids in love.

Then John started drinking heavily and coming home late. In addition, he was very verbally abusive to Thomas and it always seemed to get worse when he was drinking. Thomas knew John had a rough childhood and was estranged from his family and had been for some time. For years Thomas would make excuses for John's behavior

Today Thomas had plans to run for it while John was at work. Thomas didn't pack much other than a few changes of clothing and a watch his grandfather had given him when he was twelve years old. Thomas had no intentions of returning home from this ride. Part of him wanted to ride off a cliff and just get it over with. With John being so abusive Thomas was in a rough place with his own depression and suicide had been on his mind a lot over the past six months.

The other part of Thomas wanted to run off and start a new life. Now twenty-eight and not happy with his current situation. Thomas was hitting the road and he would decide where he was going as soon as he got there.

Thomas didn't have much in the line of family. His father couldn't deal with having a gay son and his mother died when he was sixteen.

Thomas had only come out of the closet when he was twenty-four years old. He had just gotten out of the Navy and was tired of living in the closet. That was when Thomas and John met.

Things were great for the first year and then John started becoming very possessive and jealous. John didn't allow Thomas to have friends or even go anywhere without him. It was like he was in prison or locked in a never-ending bad dream.

Like most victims of domestic violence, Thomas thought he was stuck in this relationship with John and had to do everything he could to make him happy.

That all ended this week when John had progressed from his normal verbally abusive behavior and this time he had hit Thomas.

It all started on Wednesday night when John was working late and arrived home after 8:00 pm. Thomas had dinner on the table only he had no idea John was going to be working late, so by the time John came home it was cold.

Thomas offered to heat it up and John just went off on him. John was yelling and cussing at Thomas. At some point, Thomas said, "If I had known you were going to be late I could have already warmed it up."

This really set John off and he just backhanded Thomas knocking him to the floor.

Thomas is not a big guy, but he is not out of shape either. He was five foot eight inches tall and weighed approximately one hundred and eighty pounds.

John on the other hand was six foot one inch tall and weighed around two hundred forty pounds. To say the least, he was a good-sized guy and with all his pent-up anger and rage he could pack a pretty mean punch.

Thomas decided right then and there that he was not going to be anyone's punching bag so he started working on his exit plan.

Even though he planned on not taking anything with him, he needed to get his Veterans Disability payments going to another account that John didn't have access to. Being Homeless would be bad enough but being broke would add a host of other problems to his situation.

The fight happened on Wednesday and Thomas knew John would be working late on Friday because he had to do inventory. Thomas decided Friday would be the perfect night to make a break for it. This gave him plenty of time to get what little affairs he needed to get in order.

Thomas hit the highway and pulled back on the throttle and had no intentions of letting loose until he hit the Louisiana border. At that point, he would still be only a couple of hours from Dallas, Texas but in Shreveport, he had plans to hit Interstate 49 and head to New Orleans.

To be honest there was nothing in New Orleans for him except the fact that John would not be there and he had never been.

Thomas's Bonneville was getting roughly forty miles per gallon and had a four-gallon tank. To say the least, he would be stopping frequently for fuel.

Thomas left at 10:30 in the morning and planned on being in New Orleans just after 7:00 pm. This is a good time to tell you Thonmas had never taken a ride this far and did not plan his trip very well. He made it as far as Alexandria, La before his ass was hurting so bad he had to get off the bike.

He had never taken into account that a 1979 Triumph was not really made for long road trips.

He pulled off into a truck stop and pulled way in the back where he would be unnoticed and parked his bike and took a nap under a tree.

After grabbing a bite to eat the next morning at the truck stop Thomas filled up with fuel and continued heading south to New Orleans.

Only a couple of more hours and he would be smack dab in the middle of a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. A land of debauchery matched by no other line with horny gay men and loose women.

Of course, Thomas had no interest in the woman, but he had a longing to fuck some guy. He wanted to get rough and have a no-strings-attached and no need to say I love you fling.

Thomas rode hard for the next four hours and finally ended up in New Orleans. The first order of business was to find a hotel for a few days. His needs were minimal, clean, and cheap. He ended up at a Motel 6 for a whopping $59 a night. He was only staying a few days before heading somewhere else so that would do for now.

Thomas had no plans on staying put for long for a little while to get him far enough away from Dallas, Texas, and his ex-lover John. He knew John would be furious about him leaving, Thomas was John's cash cow.

John worked as a night manager at a grocery store and made barely any money at all so they primarily lived off of Thomas's VA check of $3000 a month.

Thomas got checked into his hotel room and taking his things up to the room was easy since he didn't have anything but a few changes of clothes. He had already thought of more ways of downsizing his load. He figured since all his underwear had done was get bunched up and make the seat more uncomfortable he would just toss them all and go commando from now on.

After checking into the room Thomas took a nap for a few hours and looked around to see if he could find a nice club to pick up a trick at.

After napping for a while and doing a little research Thomas decided to head down to Bourbon Street at 9:00 pm and planned on hitting up a club named OZ.

Just like any other club, OZ was empty at 9:30 pm all you had was the local guys stopping off for a cocktail on their way home. The place wouldn't heat up until at least 11:00 pm.

This gave Thomas the time he needed to gather up his liquid courage so he could tackle the world. Being at least half drunk would give Thomas an edge on either side of the fence. He would have the courage to hit on guys he felt were out of his league or it would give the no-care attitude to fuck whatever was laying there if the hot guys never bite.

Thomas found a high table with two chairs just off from the bar and far enough from the entry that he could see the entrance.

With his PTSD he always needed an escape route and his eye on the door. From this vantage point, he could see most of his immediate surroundings well enough to detect potential threats.

As suspected about 10:00 pm the evening crowd began to trickle in and Thomas found several boys that caught his eye but none that felt just right until around 10:30 pm a blonde boy, well to Thomas twenty-nine years old the guy looked very boyish. He was obviously old enough to get in the place making him legal for Thomas to chase.

The blonde boy was about five foot eight inches tall and weighed around one hundred forty-five pounds. This boy looked like he was ready to dance as well. He was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt that didn't cover his belly button.

As Thomas kept his eye on the young man he couldn't help but wonder what that button tasted like. The boy was dark-complected and his arms were toned, not like a gym rat more of a swimmer's body or something.

At one point Thomas was ordering a drink and was able to get close enough to see the boy up close. He had light brown hair, blue eyes, and a diamond-shaped face that made him look amazing. Thomas noted the boy was definitely sprayed down with some Ralph Lauren Polo Black. How did this stranger know what Thomas's favorite cologne was?

After he made his way back to his seat Thomas felt the annoying buzz of his cell phone in his back pocket. Part of him wanted to let it go and continue to watch the boy and part of him wanted to see who it could be. He had changed his number after leaving so he was the only person who had his phone number.

Overall the phone buzzing won out and he pulled his phone from his pocket to see a message on Grindr.

Since Thomas had been in the Army and then with John and never really dated he had absolutely no experience with Grindr, but he knew he might need some help locating guys along the way so he downloaded the app.

There were actually three messages on his phone when he finally was able to get it out of his back pocket.

One from a guy in his 60s talking about wanting Thomas's dick in his mouth. This guy sent pictures as well, he appeared to be about five foot four inches tall, fat, and hairy. Really not Thomas's type.

Another was from a guy wearing a leather harness that had a mustache and facial hair. The guy was muscled up and looked pretty good. He actually included a picture of his uncut ten inches of man meat. It was amazing looking, thick and pointy at the end making it easy to take up the ass.

The final message was actually from the boy he had been watching whose heading was justlooking. The message read: "I see you circling me and I continue to wait for you to pounce, but then it seems you retreat back into your corner."

Thomas actually giggled a little because he didn't know whether to commend the guy on his forwardness or be enraged the guy believed Thomas was looking at or even interested in him.

Thomas decided to play nice and respond by saying he was getting a drink and the bartender just so happen to be right by the guy.

The next message started a barrage of the two men going back and forth for a minute or two. Thomas's screen name was outandabout

Justlooking: So now that we have established you are not stalking me, my name is Brandon.

Outandabout: Hello Brandon it is nice to meet you I am Thomas.

Justlooking: What brings you out this evening?

Outandabout: NSA, I am just passing through and passing the night away.

Justlooking: Where ya from?

Outandabout: West

Thomas had no clue why he was keeping his messages so short and vague. Other than he was ready to get laid by someone who was not going to treat him like shit afterward and if they did, both parties would know what they were in for.

Justlooking: Nice, well you mind if I come over and sit with you so we can stop texting each other from fifteen feet away?

Outandabout: Sure come on over.

Brandon picked up his drink and coaster and moved over to where Thomas was sitting by himself.

The two men chatted and people watched for the next twenty minutes about mostly nothing except the scenery at the club.

Brandon looked at Thomas and said "You want to go up to my room? I actually live above the bar."

Thomas agreed and noted to himself that it didn't take long for Bradon to bite. Thomas had never really realized how hot he was since he was constantly being put down and shit on by John he just found himself to be gross.

The entire walk up the stairs Thomas was running through his mind several scenarios that could play out once they were in Brandon's room.

Plan A: Brandon could just push him to the wall and they could fuck in the entryway of the apartment.

Plan B: They would talk and never get to the sex part

Plan C: Everything could end up somewhere in the middle of the other two, where they could talk and relax and then fuck like wild animals who would probably never see each other again.

As the men entered the door they continued through the entryway which meant plan A was out.

Brandon led Thomas over to the couch where they sat close but not touching. Brandon offered him a drink and Thomas accepted one reluctantly due to how much he had already drunk this evening.

Brandon poured himself and Thomas a Malibu and Sprite on the rocks and walked back to the couch and sat just a few inches closer to Thomas. This time the boy's thighs were touching but just barely.

The talking resumed and Brandon started rubbing Thomas's thigh with these soft stroking motions. They laughed and got to know each other over the next hour or so and surprisingly the soft feathering of his thigh was the only move Brandon appeared to be making.

Thomas didn't really mind the conversation was nice to have as well.

At around midnight, Brandon excused himself citing he needed to use the restroom. He was only gone a matter of minutes but when he returned he was only wearing gym shorts and a tank top which still did not cover his navel.

Once Brandon had sat back down on the couch he was now facing Thomas but still lightly rubbing his thigh.

Thomas could see the outline of Brandon's cock in the shorts and knew he was hard. He decided it was now or never and he laid his hand on Brandon's thigh and began to push his hand up closer and closer to the opening at the thigh of Brandon's shorts.

As soon as his fingers breached the synthetic material of the gym shorts Thomas touched the head of Brandon's cock and was able to confirm a rather sizable erection.

Brandon let out a low moan and lay back on the arm of the coach to allow Thomas more access to his most private regions of his body.

Thomas took things very slowly and rubbed the head of his cock and then ran his hand down the length of his cock. Thomas guessed it to be around seven inches give or take. When Thomas's hand found Brandon's testicles he felt a shudder from the boy and another soft moan.

Thomas's dick was aching to get out of the confines of his blue jeans but he was also enjoying stroking his new friend and watching him wiggle around when it tickled.

Thomas was able to feel around and note that Brandon trimmed his pubic area with detail. There was a small strip of pubes above his penis and the sides and his balls were smooth as a baby's bottom.

Thomas guess he must have finally had enough because Brandon stood up and grabbed Thomas by the hand and led him over to the bed.

The apartment was small and only consisted of a small sitting area where they had been sitting until now, a bed off in one corner, and a small kitchenette that was definitely not made for entertaining guests.

Brandon took over and started by unbuttoning, unsnapping, and then removing Thomas's blue jeans. He left Thomas's underwear on his body but jerked them down under his large balls and took Thomas in his hand and started to fondle him.

Brandon had some fairly skilled hands because his soft touch was almost instantly driving Thomas crazy.

Standing there in his t-shirt and his underwear tucked under his balls Thomas's cock was now being engulfed by this hot young boy he just met in the club downstairs.

As his cock entered Brandon's mouth Thomas made an echo of the same soft and low moans Brandon had been making on the couch.

Brandon was equally skilled with his mouth and tongue as his hands. He was driving Thomas crazy almost instantly. The chemistry was almost magical the way the two men were not talking but both moving in the right direction and doing the right things.

Over the next few minutes while Brandon sucked Thomas's dick he somehow lost his shorts and removed Thomas from his mouth to pull him onto the bed.

Thomas lay on his back as Brandon pleasured him for the next thirty minutes with only the use of his mouth and tongue. It was the best blowjob he had ever had and part of him thought it might be the best he would ever receive.

Thomas felt the familiar tingle as his balls drew up to his perineum and his face started to get flush as he held off the orgasm as long as he could intensify the outcome as much as possible. Holding his breath Thomas release four ropes of creamy man milk directly into Brandon's mouth and Brandon swallowed with all his might to make sure to not spill even the tiniest drop of his bounty.

Brandon moved over and lay next to Thomas and the two men cuddled for the next few minutes before Thomas got into position to return the favor.

Thomas was immediately in heaven by the taste of Brandon's body. He tasted a bit salty but so much precum had already leaked out there was a sweetness to him as well. Thomas wasted no time engulfing Brandon's cock to the hilt in an effort to see if he could possibly ever show Brandon how much he enjoyed the blow job.

Because of the intensity, Brandon was not able to last more than ten minutes and he rewarded Thomas with a healthy dose of Jiz shot straight down his throat.

The boys lay naked for the next twenty or thirty minutes with no conversation just the soft touch of rubbing each other. Slightly grazing hands over thighs or stomach.

It was nearly 10:00 am when Thomas woke up the next morning and quickly noticed Brandon asleep next to him but facing the other way.

Thomas eased out of the bed and started to get dressed when Brandon must have felt him get out of bed because he turned and said, "leaving so soon?"

Thomas made up some lame-ass excuse about having some errands to run and the boys exchanged phone numbers and parted ways.

Thomas was in heaven after having the best night of oral sex he had ever had and was now feeling positive about the future. He was still concerned about where his life would go from now. He knew it would not have Brandon in it, but for one night in New Orleans the boys did have a fling and it was amazing.

Thomas got back to his hotel and almost immediately fell to the bed and slept for the next few hours. There was very little sleeping going on the night before and he was tired.

Come back and let's see what lay ahead for Thomas, will he stay in New Orleans for a few days and ride out the waves with Brandon or will he hit the road and find his next fuck?

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories.

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