Troubled Teen in Trouble

By Aaron Swanson

Published on Apr 27, 2009


I normally write celeb fiction, but this is hot so I thought I'd post it and see what people think.

It is, of course, a fantasy, depicting consensual (however contrived) behaviour between legal adults. This is the first section, I thought I'd get some feedback before posting the rest. Enjoy!

Troubled Teen in Trouble - Part 1

Ah, you're awake, that's good, we can start your conditioning now. Oh, don't look so worried - hush hush don't shout. Oh do stop thrashing, there's a good lad. You see, some would say that the restraints and the gag are too much, but every boy I bring to this clinic proves that such measures are absolutely necessary.

Well, I say 'boy' but you're a man now aren't you? 18 last week, you are indeed lucky that we caught you in time. It's a delightful age to be isn't it? Old enough to be a legal adult, but young enough to be labelled a "troubled teen". And I should warn you, your body is at it's peak of perfection at this age. Yours, in particular, is beautiful. I'll admit, I didn't think much of you when they first brought you in, but once the clothes came off I got a pleasant surprise.

MAybe you can help me with that. Why, when you have such an angelic face, such wide blue eyes, such smooth skin, do you lower your head all the time, and hunch down so your cap shadows you? And your wonderful dark hair, such a shame to hide it under a baseball cap. Then again, we removed your hair while you were sleeping, so best not to worry about that. Oh don't worry, it grows back. Anyway, as I was saying, your chest is so well defined, and your midriff is so toned, and yet you hide it all under a baggy striped shirt, with a collar to hide the graceful curve of your neck. Your legs are supple and long, but again, you were hiding them under a baggy tracksuit and some awful trainers. I forget what underwear you had on...

Anyway, as you can imagine - hush hush, shhhh... - as you can imagine, I insisted that we remove all of your body hair, it simply gets in the way, especially the coat you had on your legs, like an animal! You really should stop thrashing around you know. The table you are lying on is made of steel, as are the cuffs around your wrists and ankles. The table was selected to match your height so your body is stretched taut. The gag is also somewhat more sophisticated than a rag, so given these facts, struggle seems a little pointless, does it not? That's better. Your eyes give away your panic but at least your body is still. Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Dr Swanson. Of course thats not my real name, but thats the name you were referred to, so lets keep it. Now there are lots of institutes out there who cater to troubled teens. I say cater, because thats all they do. They analyse your problems, diagnose you with conditions and give you medication and counselling. And this country is proof that such methods do not work. Now, as a professor of psychology, I have formulated my own therapy, and you will be horrified to learn that I have a 100% success rate. Now, don't look like that, you agreed in writing to "submit to a rigorous course of corrective behavioural therapy", I believe is the wording in the contract. So, you know why you are here. Hmm, I can see that's angered you somewhat. Oh please don't start thrashing again, you'll bruise that firm little bottom of yours!

Now, I feel I should explain what these objects are on the table next to you. No doubt in the time since you woke up you've been imagining that they are all objects of torture. Quite the opposite. This bottle of water is just that, as you will be for several days and the demands of nature are such. It is quite the cocktail however. Not only does it contain nutrients (which will stop you from feeling hungry) it also contains your medication. Don't worry, it's not some harmful addictive drug. It's merely a course of pheromones and hypnotics, the first does of which you were given when you fell asleep. Now this instrument here may look like it takes your blood pressure but- are you even listening? Quiet will you?! Now, as I was saying, this instrument here is a muscle stimulator. No, no, nothing kinky, you dirty boy! I'll be placing this on your muscles and joints to give them some exercise. Otherwise you'd be incredibly stiff after a couple of days, wouldn't you? Oh my, another inuendo. Look what you have me saying! This next item will become your best friend before you're done. I don't think I'll say any more about that just yet. And finally, this implement - don't look so frightened! - may look like a dildo, but I assure you it is not! Think of the dildo as a horse and cart... and this little fellow... as a Ferrari!

Oh dear, I think I've upset you. Calm down, let me explain the therapy process. I'll chuck a cloth over the rest of those items. There we go. Now. I'm sure I don't have to explain to you what the typical troubled teen is like. Physically impressive, but lazy. Quick-witted in some areas, but hopeless at academia. Good-looking, but constantly snarling or frowning. Social, hanging about in gangs, but fiercely aggressive to outsiders. The problem stems (as so many do nowadays) from sex. You, young man, are gay. Don't argue with me, you are. Now listen. As you are bumping your torso helplessly up and down on my table, your limp little penis is thumping about on your scrotum and crotch. Now I am a male, passably attractive but a little old for your tastes probably. However, if I was to take hold of that penis right now... sorry, cold hands... and begin to play with it - nothing much, just a gentle pull to shift your foreskin, maybe nuzzling the end with my thumb - ah! see? it's begun to grow. Little by little, it gets longer, and thicker, and starts to stand up. Now I just increase the length of my stroke, and the pressure of my thumb, and look - it's standing to attention. I'll let go now. But you see my point. All I have to do is keep going and you'll eventually climax.

So as I was saying, you are, in fact gay. You are attracted to your mates. But you despise both of these things, and so you are terribly aggressive. You mask your sexual attractiveness and make certain that nobody mistakes you for a sexually alluring creature. What sex you do have involves lots of alcohol and other substances to numb the experience, and afterwards, graphic descriptions to your friends as evidence that you are not, in fact, lusting after them instead. You are homophobic, to separate yourself even further from your sexual truth. So, these therapists will delve into your past and blame your early childhood. They will attribute your anger to a medical condition and medicate it as best they can. But in reality, you are simply in denial. My job, my young buck, is to bring about acceptance. Over the next few days, you will come to realise that you are gay. There are 3 phases to this realisation. Oh stop yelling. Look, your penis is softening, you're spoiling your mood. Ahem, 3 phases!

The first is the covert realisation. Deep down you suddenly click, and it all makes sense. But you will reject the conclusion of your deepest desires, and consciously fight to restore your control over your mind. This is the longest phase to initiate, but also the quickest to pass. Because, depending on your strength of will, you swiftly move to phase 2. As your deep realisation is reinforced so-to-speak, your defenses will slowly lower, until you visibly accept that you are gay. Trust me when I say, this is bliss to the subject. Yours isn't the first pair of cheeks that have slapped against that table, and all the other boys before you thoroughly enjoyed phase 2. From phase 2, the subject has to be reassured that his new attitude is the correct, truthful one. He is counselled, medicated and trained to believe in his own conclusions.

Phase 3 was initially difficult to spot, from my point of view, and believe me when I say, the trial and error involved in the first boys almost shut me down! But rest assured, I have had sufficient practise by now to ensure that by the time you leave here, you will be completely and utterly rehabilitated.

Now, lets begin shall we? As you haven't stopped writhing and shouting since I started talking, I doubt most of this information will have gone in. I have taped the information, so eventually it will sink in. Hold your head still while I put these ear-pieces in. Look what you're making me do now, you'll bruise if I have to keep pinning you down like this. There we go. And now I'll just apply some tape so they don't fall out. Perfect! Before I press play, a couple of other things. There is a fan blowing a breeze over you so your nipples should be stimulated. The tape has some moaning sounds and slurping and other such pleasantries between my reciting the information. This is because your first step has to make 2 points. One, that the young male body is attractive. Two, that your body is attractive. For this reason, I have attached a mirror to the ceiling. Ah, also, you've probably guessed by now, that the gag has a small phallus mounted on it. It's very durable so I wouldn't bother trying to bite it. Just suck. Hopefully you won't get too thirsty, but anyway, I'm rambling now. Don't look so scared, the sooner you relax, the sooner you will enjoy it, and the sooner you'll walk out of the rehab centre and tell everyone how helpful this therapy was to you! I'll dim the lights, see you tomorrow! Oh, one last thing - I won't be using your name, it's unhelpful to the therapy. I'll have thought of a better one tomorrow. I'll just press play and... there we go. Don't look at me like that, I'll be back soon! Watch the mirror, boy! Urgh, you can't hear me. Hmm, two more initiations to go before lunch, I think I'll let one of them sweat until the afternoon...

Next: Chapter 2

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