Troubled Teen in Trouble

By Aaron Swanson

Published on May 11, 2009


Thanks for the feedback, I didn't expect such a popular response! As requested, here is part 2.

The usual disclaimers apply, this is a fictional story between consenting adults. If this offends you, then you really should have read Part 1 first, shouldn't you?

Troubled Teen in Trouble - Part 2


"Good morning! Oh, of course, the earphones... there, hello. You look cold, let's turn that fan off. Thirsty? I thought you would be. Ah, you need to work on your poker face, young man. I am about to remove the gag, and you have 5 seconds to drink. This will be all the drink you will have for the next 24 hours so I wouldn't waste my 5 seconds in pleading, shouting or threatening. Besides, the room is sound-proofed. Understand? Good. That's right, drink up. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... enough, enough. There now.."


"How did I know you would try something like that? Well, enjoy the gag, I don't think it will be coming off for a while. I hope you aren't allergic to needles. Don't look at me like that, it's your fault! But rest assured, I'll get the drink into you somehow. Now, I'm going to apply some of my equipment to your body. The stimulator, as by now I'm sure you are full aware of, will start on your calfs, then thighs, then your arms and shoulders. I can see you are rather fond of twisting your abdomen, so no doubt it is getting some exercise. No talking for this bit, from either of us I think...


Now, you're all loosened up. I'm now going to apply some patches to your body. They are a little cold, I apologise. One on each of those hard little nipples.. one on the sole of each foot... and one underneath your scrotum (my personal favourite). Now, these are all wired back to the device on the table next to you. They will softly stimulate your pleasure centres. Nothing much, just a faint electrical impulse. The settings do go higher, but you'll have to behave very well before I let you sample that. The lowest setting will do nicely for now. Yeeesss, doesn't it feel nice? Waves of shivering pleasure rippling along your body. If there was a single hair left on your body, it would now be standing on end, my boy. Now, listen to me. I can see the resistance in your frown, the way you keep staring at me, challenging me. But you are part of this machine now, and it can outlast any human endurance that you can muster. And you know that you didn't choose this, but the fact is that here you are, so all you can do is enjoy it. What else is there to do? You are bolted to the table, nobody is coming for you, and I am going to wait until you enjoy it. And I mean truly, enjoy it. See? That last wave made your eyes roll, you can't even keep that stare up. Now, I'm just going to reach over to your gag... don't panic, its perfectly safe. The phallus mounted on your gag is designed to extend. I've added half an inch to it's length, as you seem quite comfortable with the initial size. But ah, you aren't listening, the pleasure is too much. See how irrelevant everything is when the body is being true to itself? If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back..."


"It's just me. Ah, you're putting on quite a show there. Bucking your hips gently, clenching your fingers and curling your toes. Please, don't let me stop you. Actually, do. Ah, yes, it's terrible when the machine switches off isn't it? Now, listen to me. Look at me. Good.

Your penis is now fully erect, and I can actually see it twitching with your hearbeat. You are coming down from the very peak of sexual arousal. Now, I've taken the liberty of warming and greasing my hand up. Now I'll just wrap it around your penis like so... Yes, feels good doesn't it? Now, I'm going to slide it up to the end of your penis... Now. I'm not going to move it any more. It's excruciating isn't it? A ring of flesh around the tip, but nothing to release it? Well there is. Look into my eyes boy, and submit to me. Start thrusting. You need to do it, you need the release. Your balls are aching with the amount of sperm they've generated. Your whole body wants it, your mind wants it. You need to. What are you giving up? Look into my eyes. I can see deep down into you, lad, and you want to. Now, fuck my hand. The sooner you do it, the sooner it is all over. Come on, your penis isn't going down, and if it does I'll just leave you hanging for another 30 minutes. And so on and so on until you submit, which, eventually you will. There is no choice here, boy. Do it.

Ahhhh, good boy. Good boy. Faster, faster. Harder. Thrust, boy, thrust! Goooood, good. Goooood, shhhhhhh, shhhhh...

Let me wipe that up... there. And now isn't this the amazing part? Your penis shrinks back, your body melts into the table, and your mind sharpens. Well let me summarise. You were just, how do you say? Jerked off by a guy? And not just forcibly molested. You agreed to it, you gave in to the need your body had. Congratulations. Phase 1 is complete!

Now, I have two friends to introduce you to. They don't have names either at the moment, but I call them 1 and 2. Yes, boys, stand in front of this lad for me. Now, you've probably noticed that these nude boys bear a slight resemblance to you. They have no hair, but they are identical in height and weight. Their eyes are even the same colour as yours. These are past subjects, like you. I keep a selection of my triumphs handy, as part of the initiation. The only difference is, these two have been conditioned to be mute. Rest assured, you will find no sympathy, help or support from 1 and 2. Now that you know you are gay, these 2 will serve as a focus for your new attention. They will also take care of the day to day procedures of muscle stimulation, feeding and bathing. Yes, bathing, you worked up quite a sweat there, you know.

Their first task however, is a little more hands-on. The electrical impulses, together with your own writhing, have tensed up all of your body. These two have lotions and training, they will provide a full body massage. Oh, don't worry, they won't go near your tackle, although your buttocks will need some attention. Also, whilst I can prevent you from defecating, urine is still a problem I haven't solved. What little of it you produce will either be collected or cleaned up by these two.

Now, I'm going to apply the headphones again. Don't worry, it's a new tape, one more suited to your current progress. And please, don't get your hopes up. Whilst I know that you have reached phase 1, perhaps you don't. So, to make sure we will repeat this little activity every day for... let's say a week to begin with, and we'll reassess you from there. Ah look at that face! You don't know whether to cry or get hard. Don't worry, by next week you'll know. I'll leave you in the capable hands of the tape, and the boys. Until tomorrow, my boy."

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