
By Adam

Published on Sep 6, 2011



As the hot water ran over my body all I could think about was the hot guy in the next shower over. I had been "creeping" on him for the past week. He was on the same floor as me and only two rooms away.

Anyway his name was Troy and he was your typical jock in his looks. He isn't like a jock in his personality. He was tall about 6'3" and all muscle. He wasn't too beefy though. I don't like too much muscle, but just enough to satisfy my lust. He had nice round pecs and abs to die for. He had dark black hair and sexy green eyes. He always left his chin scratchy like a 5 o'clock shadow. I know this because he likes to walk around the bathrooms in just his towel before he gets ready for class. Luckily we have the same early 7:30 timeslot.

I usually avoid eye contact because of my shy nature, but once our eyes met and he smiled. "Hey! I don't think I've met you yet? My names Troy."

I averted my eyes and murmured my name. "I'm Adam."

"So Adam, what's your major?"

I answered quickly because I hate social interactions. "Animal Science."

He looked surprised. "So awesome dude. I love animals and I actually wanted to go into that, but my parents want me to be a pharmacist."

I smirked because he was surprisingly easy to talk to and he showed interest in my major. Most others would make a joke of it asking what I could do with that.

"Yeah, I've always loved animals and I can't imagine doing anything else."

He started to grab his things. "Well it was nice meetin ya Adam. That's cool that you love animals. I'll be seeing you around."

I awkwardly waved. "Yeah see you later."

After my blush was gone I calmed myself down. I told myself not to blow his image of me. So I basically limited the time I would see him....or let him see me.

Not today though I could feel my blood rushing to my dick as I thought about what he looked like lathering his body with soap. I pictured him running his hands over his beautiful chest and abs until he reached the object of my desire. I quickly finished cleaning myself and turned off the water. My heart raced when I heard his shower stop too.

I waited until I thought he was done before I appeared from behind the curtain. I didn't want him to be disappointed with my less than desirable body. I wasn't ugly by any means. I am skinnier than most girls if that sheds any light. I am only 5'9" with dark brown hair. I have clear blue eyes. People tell me that is my best feature. I am very young looking. People have pegged me about 3 or 4 years younger than I really am. Frustrating to say the least.

Anyway the floor was wet from water dripping from the curtain and when I stepped out I slipped and went flying forward. Troy was there in just a towel and he caught me from my fall. I was there in his arms with my face on his chest. I panicked and immediately tried to run away. I tend to run away from situations. He tried to warn me but I slipped again this time taking his towel with me. I slid to the floor on my back with my head looking up at his naked body. I had his towel in hand and my face turned as red as a tomato.

He wasn't embarrassed and didn't even cover himself. He quickly came to my side and helped me up.

"Adam are you all right!" He looked genuinely upset.

"Oh...." I put my hand to the back of my head. I felt a little blood and I started to feel woozy.

He helped me to my feet. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept saying.

I was shaky on my feet so he grabbed me in his arms and put me on the bench while he put his towel back on.

"I'm fine really." I said just before I passed out.

The next thing I knew I was in the office of the dorm laying on a makeshift bed. Troy was there still in a towel with one of the office ladies.

"You ok man? You took a hard fall. We bandaged you up but you might want a doctor to look at that."

I was a little confused. I realized I had shorts on and my face got red again.

"Don't worry dude. You should not be embarrassed about this." He put an emphasis on not, which made me blush more.

"I can't believe this happened. I feel bad that you had to miss class messing with this."

Troy gave that sexy crooked smile. "It is no problem at all. I'm just glad you're not seriously hurt. You scared me there for a second."

Seeing him concerned for me had a certain spot pulsing and I told myself not now Adam. You can't let that happen now. It happened anyway.....

I got a boner and I hoped that he didn't notice the tent. I pulled my legs close to my chest so he wouldn't see.

"Thank you Troy and I'm sorry again."

Troy shook his head. "Stop apologizing man. I'll see you after class. I will check up on you later."

He left and the woman came back. "You have a good friend there, Adam. He ran you in here frantically telling us to help you. You were bleeding pretty badly from your head. He stood right beside you in bed until you woke up. He must care a lot about you to miss two classes."

"Ma'am. I have one question....who put these pants on me?"

"He did."

I fell back on the bed and the blushing was burning my face. After I filled out the accident report and saw the doctor everything was fine. I was in my room sending emails to my professors when Troy came in.

"Dude are you feeling better?"

I couldn't hide my smile. I didn't smile very often, only when there was reason too.

"Yeah I need to thank you again for what you did. I really appreciate it."

Troy laughed. "Geez I'm wishing I wouldn't have to deal with all the thank yous I've been getting."

My mouth dropped. "I'm just really grateful."

He slapped my shoulder. "It was a joke. You can make it up to me by taking me out to eat. Maybe I can think of a way for you to thank me another way."

The end of his sentence put a dirty idea in my head.

"Sounds good."

That night at the restaurant we talked about ourselves and back home. I come from a small farming town and he came from a southern town that cared only about sports. It turns out he is here on a wrestling scholarship. He asked me about girls and I told him the truth.

"I am not too lucky when it comes to girls. I have only had one girlfriend and it turned out horrible. I was strung along just to be slaughtered like a lamb. I fell head over heels and realized how much it hurt to pour your heart out and then have it stabbed."

"Man that's rough. I've had a few girlfriends but they don't last because there just isn't anything there. If I don't see myself with them for the rest of my life, I end it."

I nodded. "I agree. If you don't want to be with them forever then what is the point?"

He laughed. "I guess sex kind of helps?"

I look down. "I wouldn't know....Laura and I didn't even make out. I mean we kissed but nothing past little pecks."

He stared at me with his mouth open.

"Feel free to laugh at me. I don't tell people just for that reason."

Troy sat back. "Dude I am gonna get you so many girls this year. You are working out with me at the gym from now on. After our classes are done you are going with me to the gym. Then we will work on your social skills."

I held back a smile. I wasn't telling the full truth. I liked the idea of spending time with Troy but I could never tell him I was gay. He would end the friendship immediately.

"I'm in."

Over the next few weeks we hung out together a lot. We worked out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We ran the other days. The weekends were dedicated to my forte, video games.

The more time I spent with Troy the more I fell for him. He wasn't your typical jock. He looked the part, but was nice, funny, and sincere. He made me feel like I belonged. My crush on him grew more intense. It became harder to hide my hard-ons around him. One time he was my spotter and my pants started tenting. I had to act like I couldn't handle the weight so I could cover it. Another time I hated and loved was the showers after the workout. I love it because I got to see his amazing body and I hated it because I had to act cool and normal when I wanted to mount him like a rabbit and give it to him.

Certain moments made me question his sexuality too. Like how friendly he was with me. How he emphasized not when he talked about me being naked that one time. Was he complimenting me? I don't like to brag but my penis is a pretty big size for how small my body is. Maybe the disproportion makes it look impressive. I know I like it.

The next morning I got on the bus because my legs were sore from our run yesterday. As I was walking back the bus took off with a jolt. I flew forward and an arm caught me. It was Troy.

"This seems to happen to you a lot Adam."

We both laughed and he scooted over so I could sit down.

"Hey I'm going to this party tomorrow. There should be lots of girls. You should come."

I looked away. "I don't know how big crowds are for me."

"There will only be a couple friends. Trust me."

His green eyes bore into me until I gave up. "Fine, but don't expect a party animal. I don't drink remember?"

"Thanks! You don't know what this means to me. You are making progress."

I decided in my mind just then that I would never compromise our friendship because of my feelings for him. He was too great a friend to lose. I just loved being around him.

At the party I did better than I thought I would. I held conversation with a few girls and even some of Troy's friends while he was drinking. A slow sultry song came on and a girl grabbed my arm. We danced pretty sexy and in front of Troy. I expected his eyes to be on the girl but he was looking right at me as he grinded on his girl. The girl was grinding on me but I was imagining it was Troy.

After the song I sat down with a couple of Troy's friends.

"Dude Troy talks about you all the time. If we didn't know better we'd think you two were fucking."

We all laughed but maybe he did have feelings for me? I know it seems impossible for a stud like Troy to be attracted to a short nerdy guy like me, but I have bulked up a bit. I'd like to think I'm funny.

I drove Troy home and on the way he passed out. He started to mutter things in his sleep. One of them caught my ear.

"God you're so sexy Adam and you don't even see it."

We arrived at the dorms and I helped him to his room. His roommate went home for the weekend and he pulled me onto his bed and whispered in my ear.

"Let's fuck."

My heart raced. As much as I wanted this I couldn't do it with him in this state. It didn't seem right. It took everything I had to refuse.

He went for my lips and I didn't stop him. The electricity between our lips ignited a flame in me. It was hard to resist but I stopped him and pulled the covers over him. I turned out the light and left. I crawled into my own bed and cursed myself for saying no.

The morning brought shame and embarrassment. Troy came into my room and asked about last night.

"Adam, about last night."

I stopped him. "You don't need to..."

"Yeah I do. I meant what I said."

I was shocked. "What?!?

"Yeah and you need to stop doubting your feelings. I like you and you would never have known if it wasn't for last night."

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there on my bed. Troy walked over to me and kissed me again. The electricity was back and I kissed back this time. We slowly locked lips until he had me on my back. He slowly went down to my neck as I moaned a little. He leaned back and took his shirt off.

He was like a roman god. He looked sculpted to perfection. I kissed his abs worshipping his body. This was all new to me, but I went with what my body was telling me. He lifted my shirt off and continued to explore me. He reached my pants and undid the button and unzipped me. He pulled my pants off and I laughed.

"You are so sexy." He growled.

I smiled. "Look who's talking stud."

He unleashed my dick and filled his mouth with it. He began to lick it gently and then take it all in and suck. He watched my face as I leaned back and moaned with each flick of his tongue.

"You know what you're doing."

It felt amazing. He slapped it against his face and then took it all in again. I began thrusting and pushing my hips to the rhythm. I didn't want to be selfish so I made him stop.

"Your turn."

I undid his pants and began work on his tool. His was a little bigger than mine and really thick too. It was hard to get it fully in my mouth but I did my best. His moans and movement told me I was doing well. I sucked and pumped until I got him pretty wet. I ran my hands across his abs and thighs as I sucked. Feeling his hard body got me going.

I spit on his dick and started to move to ride him. He stopped me though.

"What are you doing?"

I was ashamed. I thought we were going all the way. Maybe he wasn't ready?

"I'm sorry I just thought."

"It's ok. I just don't want you to do something you're not ready for."

"I want to do this Troy."

I slowly went down on him until he was fully inside me. It didn't hurt as much as I imagined it would. I slowly rocked and rode Troy. He looked so turned on as he thrusted into me. I put my head back in ecstasy many times. The pressure inside me was bursting. It wouldn't be long before I reached orgasm.

"Oh Oh Oh Oh. Don't stop it feels so good." I moaned as Troy went faster.

"Adam, ride me! That's it! Oh yeah. Oh yeah."

All he had to do was look into my eyes. His face told me everything I needed to know. This moment was perfect. I held onto his chest and I felt the euphoria spread as I shot my load on Troy's chest.

He smiled. "That was hot. I'm close."

I kept pumping mine until it was dry. He was going so hard I felt like a cowboy on a bucking bronco.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh Oh Oh Oh!"

He let out a loud moan as he came inside me. I collapsed on his chest and we lay there until his dick became soft again. I ran my hands along his chest as I dreamed about doing many nights and he rubbed my arm. He also ran his hand through my hair. It was soothing and almost had me hard again. Little acts of passion like that turned me on more than his body.

"That was amazing."

"I couldn't have said it better."

I dozed off to sleep feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against my head. I could have stayed like that forever.

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