Troy and Dean

By Joe Camp (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 28, 2000



Troy and Dale Codes: T/T (oral, anal) By: Joe Camp

Warning: The following story is a work of fiction. It is a fantasy. It never happened, except in the author's imagination. This story contains sex between teen boys of the same.

If you are underage, or this is illegal where you are, you already know what your supposed to do. If you lied about your age in order to access this story, just remember real life doesn't always work out like stories do. If this kind of gay sex story turns you off, find something else.

Fiction and Real Life: This story is all fiction. The characters in this story engage in unprotected sex. That's not real life if you want to live to old age. The characters are a product of my imagination, and can't catch anything unless I want them to. You're not that lucky. Any resemblance of characters to an actual person is purely coincidental.

The author retains the copyright of this story. Placing this story on a web site without the authors permission is a violation of that copyright.

Troy and Dale

There he is. Troy. The most popular boy in school. Just look at the way all those slutty girls are hanging onto him. The sluts won't even give him room to breathe!

God, he looks good. A deep tan that really sets off his blond hair. Those clear deep blue eyes. It looks like he has grown an inch or two over the summer. No one will be able to stop him on the basketball court! Damn, he looks good in those tight jeans!

Yeah, this year will be just like last year. Girls hanging off him so thick you can't hardly tell he is in there. Troy waved at someone in my direction, and I glanced around to see who he was waving at. There was no one there! I felt my face go hot as I waved towards him. I still wasn't sure he was waving at me.

Why would he be waving to the class geek? Being a geek wouldn't be so bad if I were at least smart. Who ever heard of a dumb geek before?

Quite pining Dale. This year will be just like it always has been. Troy will have everyone wanting to be his friend. He doesn't have time for a geek like you. Anyway, whenever Troy even looks at you, you have to show what a big foolish ass you are.

Hell, even if he did want to be friends, you would just do something stupid and fuck it up. Remember when we were 12 and he sat down at the lunch table you were sitting at? You had to go and swallow your milk wrong. Coughing milk out of your nose is just what Troy wanted to see as he tried to eat his lunch!

Or what about last year? Troy speaks to you and you have to drop a book on his foot! Christ! What a dorky thing for a 15 year old to do! Oh God, I wish I could be as cool as him! Oh, I wish I was him!

You better hurry and get to your first class, I told myself. Hell! Science with Mr. Kline. Just great! What a way to start the day. I had at least hoped I would get Mrs. Wright, but no, I have to have Mr. Kline the first thing in the morning. My sister had Mr. Kline two years ago. She told me all about him.

I hurried to Mr. Kline's class room, and studied the empty seats as I decided where to sat. All the seats at the back of the room were already taken. I took a desk about half way down the room and to the left.

I looked around the room as I got settled in. Not too many kids I knew. Won't do any good anyway. The ones that do know me will tell the ones that don't, about every stupid thing I have ever done.

Shit! There is Billy Thomas. Why does he have to be in this class? At least he hasn't de-pantsed me since the 5th grade. I wonder how many of the new kids he has already told about that?

Oh God! Troy is in this class! He is heading this way! Oh Lord, don't let him sit by me! I'll never be able to hear a word Mr. Kline says! Christ! He is going to sit right next to me!

"Hi Dale," he said to me, "how was your summer?"

"Uh ............ uh........ hi." I stammered as I felt my face go flush. Oh real brilliant Dale, I told myself, everyone can tell you are real smooth operator now that your 16. Yeah, that was real kewl Dale!

The bell rang, and Mr. Kline stood at the front of the class. I was saved by the bell from making a bigger fool out of myself. Mr. Kline called the roll and went right into a droning speech about symbols. Woopie! Welcome to the 10th grade Dale. I glanced at Troy and he rolled his eyes skyward. I couldn't help but smile.

Finally the bell. I quickly gathered up my stuff as I got ready to make a dash for my next class. Mrs. Livingston and English.

"See you later Dale," Troy told me.

"Yeah, later." I replied. That wasn't so bad, I thought to myself. At least I didn't make a complete fool of myself to Troy. Ok, I said three whole words to him. Yeah, I can get through this.

The last class of the day. Computer Science. At last, something I'm good at! I went into the room, and there was Troy. God, he still looked good after a full day of school. My hair was hanging in my face, and I wished I had taken the time to stop and comb it. I used my hand to brush it out of my eyes.

I went to an empty workstation, and Troy waved when he saw me. I had to wonder what was going on. Was Troy setting me up for something? No! Troy would never do that! He is the kindest, most gentle person I have ever seen! I waved back and I didn't even blush.

The bell rang, and I made a dash for my locker. I threw all my books in and slammed it shut. Mr. Kline was the only bastard that had given any homework on the first day of school. I'll study those tables some other time.

I walked the 6 blocks home, and yelled out, "Hi, Mom," as I ran up the stairs to my room. She was in the kitchen watching the soaps as she normally is.

My bedroom door slammed behind me, and I flipped the lock. I didn't really need to lock the door. No one comes into my room, but I just feel better with it locked. I clicked the switch on the boom box, and the noise of the loud music filled the room.

I turned on my computer and slipped off my tee shirt as it booted. As soon as the Windows 98 logo disappeared, I sat down. I clicked the Internet Connection icon, and the modem dialed out. It seemed to take forever for it to get past the checking password.

No mail in my box. I decided to drop Phil a note. All I said was, "Troy sat beside me in Science class today." I knew he would understand and be glad for me.

I guess Phil is the only person that knows the real me. We had met when I was lurking in a gay chat room. He is so easy to talk to, he had me telling him everything about myself in no time.

Phil is 23, and I thank God every day for him. He lives in Australia, so there is quite a time difference between us. Waiting on his answers is sometimes hard. I don't know what I would do without him. I know there have been times I would have gone insane without Phil.

Phil has helped me so much. He is the only one I can really talk to. He never makes fun of me, even when he tells me what I am worrying about is kind of dumb. He is the only one I have ever told that I am gay, and that I am in love with Troy.

I closed the Internet connection, clicked on Favorites, then Troy. The photo of Troy fucking me appeared on the screen. Oh, it is just a fake. Troy would never like any boy that way. He has so many girls chasing him he probably has sex two or three times a day. I just dream of it being me he fucks.

It took me months to make that fake picture. I had found the photo at one of those teen porn sites. I used the software that had come with my scanner to paste our heads on the bodies of the guys in the photo.

I had followed Troy around last year, taking snap shots of him when he didn't know I was doing it. It wasn't until the last basketball game of the year that I had gotten just the right photo of him. He was in the perfect position for his head to look natural on the other guy's body. Troy was taking a jump shot, and the expression on his face looked just like the one on the guy's face as he shot his cum inside the other guy's ass.

It had taken me a long time to learn how to paste our heads onto the photo and make them look right. I started over dozens of times as one after the next didn't look right when I had thought I was finished. It had taken me a long time to get our heads just the right size, then past them into the picture and blend them in so there weren't sharp lines where the photos were joined.

I sit staring at the photo awhile before I had to undo my belt. Yeah, I can't look at that photo without having to jack-off. I unbuttoned my jeans and slipped the zipper down. My butt came off the chair as I pushed down my jeans and boxers at the same time.

My best friend was staring up at me, as he stretched upward. I pretended it was Troy's hand wrapping around him as I took my cock in hand. I was staring at the photo of Troy fucking me as my hand started a slow up and down movement on my cock.

My eyes closed and a moan escaped from my lips as I imagined it was Troy cupping my nuts as I spread my legs wide. My hand went faster as I saw in my mind, Troy doing the things to me that I had only read about and done to myself.

I tightened my ass and groaned as I felt the cum starting to boil out of my nuts. The cum was erupting from my cock with enough force to land with hot splashes on my neck and shoulders.

I sat panting as I basked in the imagined feel of Troy's hug. As my breathing slowed, I could no longer pretend I felt him there. I grabbed a dirty tee shirt off the floor and cleansed the cum from my chest.

I closed "Our" photo and hit the button to reconnect to the Internet. There wasn't an answer from Phil yet. I didn't really expect there would be. I think there is something like 16 hours difference between us.

I hit the bookmark for Nifty and scanned the What's New list. There was a new installment of "The Laird's Son." I avidly clicked the link that took me to the High School section and the folder the story is in. I down loaded the new part and started reading.

Ever since I had first found the story, I have been following the love story of Michael and Jamie. It is so easy for me to pretend I am Michael and Troy is my Jamie. I can just see myself as Michael and Troy as my Jamie, my modern day Knight In Shining Armor, sneaking into the castle to be with me. It must be great to live where there is so much history, yet have all the conveniences of modern day life.

I have always felt I must have been kidnaped by the people that I call my parents. I'm nothing like them! I can just see myself as belonging to some Scottish Lord. Of course, my real parents wouldn't be anything like Michael's, or the ones I have. They would be loving, caring, and rich.

Oh, Jamie is going to fuck Michael! I knew I would have to get off after reading about that! I waited a minute for my cock that had been hardening to go back down. Yeah, I knew what I wanted. I slipped my pants and shirt back on and ran for the kitchen.

Mom was sprawled at the table with her cigarette and coffee. She was watching one of her soaps on the TV as she just sit there. Nothing new about that.

I quickly scanned the bananas in the bowel on the table. Thank God, Mom has never figured out why I like bananas to be firm and a little green.

"How was school," she asked.

"Fine," I answered as I quickly grabbed the greenest banana of about the right size. I didn't want to stick around until they ran an ad on the TV, or she might want to talk. I ran out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to my room.

It was only moments before I had stripped off my shirt and pants. I sat at the computer and my hand couldn't help but start playing with my cock as I read. I know a sigh escaped me as I finished reading about Michael and Jamie making love.

I slowly moved to my bed, my cock so hard that it hurt. I reached for the baby oil under the bed, and slicked the banana before working some oil up my butt. I pretended it was Troy's cock as I gently slid it into my opening.

Oh God! If just a banana feels this good, what would Troy really feel like? I started slowly pulling the banana out, then slowly pushing it back in. Oh Troy! How I wish it was really you!

My mind replayed the scene Jamie Scott had written about Michael and Jamie. I dreamed it was Troy doing those things to me.

My left hand went to my nipple, pinching and massaging it. Oh that felt good as the banana worked my ass. I let my hand slip lower as I rubbed my chest and belly with my eyes closed shut. My mind could see that it was Troy doing it to me. It was Troy's hand on my chest. It was Troy's fleshy tool working in and out of my ass. It was Troy's hand that wrapped around my hard dick as he squeezed and massaged it. It was his thumb that worked the fat swollen head of my cock.

I had to give a loud groan as I moaned Troy's name. "TROYeeeeeeeee," loudly escaped from deep in my throat. My insides were so tight, as I strained against my climax! One more grunt as my cum gushed from my balls. My cock jerked in my hand as it spewed forth my hot seed, my love offering to Troy.

I lay panting with the banana still up my ass, as I came down from my high. I dipped my finger into a pool of my cooling cum and stuck it in my mouth. I pretended it was Troy I was tasting as I sucked my finger clean.

Slowly I pulled the banana out of my love chute. I lay enjoying the feeling of still being full. Pretending I was full of Troy's cum.

My dirty shirt was used to clean the banana, before I laid it beside the one under my bed. I got the one that had ripened and slowly peeled it. I swallowed almost all of it as I pretended it was Troy's cock. I no longer gag as I swallow a whole banana. Slowly I pulled it back out of my throat. Yeah, I was sure I could deep throat Troy if I ever got the chance. I slowly pushed it back down, being careful not to break it. I sure didn't want to choke. I was loving the feel as I pretended Troy was fucking my throat.

I knew I could now last until bed time without jacking-off, as I pulled the banana from my throat the last time. I ate the banana as I cleaned myself up, and was then ready to spend another boring evening with my family.

All through supper Mom had to tell us all about the latest episode of One Life To Live. Who Cares????

Supper was under cooked fried chicken again. Christ, I hate that! It is almost enough to make me a vegetarian. I just had the lumpy mashed potatoes with the lumpy gravy. At least biting into the raw dry flour in the gravy isn't as bad as raw chicken. God, I wish Mom would learn to cook! How can something be burned on the outside and raw in the middle?

Dad started telling us all about the new job laying sewer pipe for a new home subdivision. Christ! Won't they ever get a life? I'm afraid I was spaced out dreaming about Troy holding me tight as we lay under a tree in a big open field. We were having a picnic of well cooked, done fried chicken.

"Earth to Dale. Earth to Dale," my sister was yelling as she waved a hand in front of my face. "Your turn to do the dishes." she informed me as I once again faced the reality of my dismal life.

I mumbled something as I gathered up the dirty plates and bowls and stacked them on the sink counter. The mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans were gone. Just empty bowels to wash. I dumped most of the so called fried chicken in the trash can.

Shit! Mom won't even let me give the left over chicken to the dog. "The bones aren't good for him," she says. She sure as hell doesn't mind trying to stuff it down me. Roger's canned dog food didn't smell or look half bad as I filled his dish. Damn! The damn dog eats better than we do!

I filled the sink with hot soapy water and started washing the dishes. I pretended it was mine and Troy's apartment I was washing dishes in. It made the work go much faster as I pretended it was Troy sitting at the table watching me. I didn't even mind when Mom told me, "take the trash out too." I just pretended it was Troy lovingly reminding me that tomorrow is trash day.

Finally she was satisfied and I could go back to my room. I checked my e-mail and there was one from Phil. I quickly opened it.

"Did you talk to him?"

I hit the reply button and typed just one word, "Yeah." I hit send and sat back in my chair. Phil should be at work now, and he might answer right back. I knew Phil would be pleased. He has been encouraging me to talk to Troy for months. His answer soon appeared in my mail box.

"Good! I'm proud of you. I'll catch you later matey, I have to get back to work before the boss gets mad. Love ya."

As I went to bed that night, I lay a pillow beside me. I snuggled up to the pillow pretending it was Troy. I drifted off to sleep and dreamed the night away. I dreamt of Troy making love to me and petting me all night long.

The rude alarm clock woke me just as I was dreaming Troy was about to kiss me. I dragged myself to the bathroom with my morning hard-on tenting out my briefs.

My sister was coming out of the bathroom as I entered. She wrapped her robe a little tighter around herself as she looked down at me.

"God," she sneered, "doesn't that thing ever go down?"

I just ignored her as I closed the door behind myself. I stood over the toilet and dropped my underwear. I had to stand there a minute before my hard-on went down enough to piss. The powerful golden stream finally quit hitting the side of the bowl. I shook the last drops from my half hard cock, and stepped into the shower.

I applied the shampoo to my best attribute; my long golden brown hair. I rinsed out the soap and shampooed once more. After another rinse, I applied the conditioner. I left it on as I soaped the rest of my body.

Once again I couldn't help but inventory my body as I washed. No one would call me buff, but I'm not a fat slob either. As I ran my hand over my chest I could feel the muscles just under the skin. Not as developed as they should be. My soapy hands washed my tummy. No six pack, but a hint of developing abs.

My hands went to my butt. Not as full as I would like for it to be. It sure couldn't be called a bubble butt like I read about in the stories on Nifty. But, it's the only butt I've got. My soapy finger lingered at my opening.

My best friend was soon standing up tall and proud. At 5 and three fourths inches, not as big as it should be according to the stories, but my cock gives me lots of pleasure.

I got my hands real soapy and wrapped my right hand around my throbbing cock as I cupped my nuts with my soapy left hand. I pictured Troy in my mind. Just a few quick jerks on my cock as I massaged my nuts. My cum was firing out to be washed down the drain. My toothbrush was soon at work on my teeth, as I finished my shower.

I quickly rinsed off and stepped from the shower. I checked myself out in the full length mirror as I dried off. Not as good looking as some of the guys at school, but I'm no dog either.

The heat of the blow dryer felt good as I brushed out my long silky strands. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and tied it. No hair in my face today when Troy sees me.

I wrapped a towel around myself and stuck my dirty underwear in the laundry hamper, before making my way back to my room. The towel fell to the floor as soon as my door was closed. I loved the feel of freedom as I walked naked around my room.

I slipped on my favorite blue tee shirt; the same color as Troy's eyes. Baby blue boxes. A pair of khaki cargo pants, and I slipped on my Nikes. I selected a small gold stud for my ear before running down the stairs to the kitchen.

Mom was sitting there with her coffee and cigarette as she watched Good Morning America. I grabbed a pop tart and swallowed some milk.

It wasn't until I was almost to school that I wondered if Troy would sit beside me today. Just the thought of getting to see Troy almost made up for having Mr. Kline the first thing in the morning.

I grabbed my Science book from my locker. I thought I had better glance at the tables we were supposed to study as I made my way to the class room.

The bell was ringing as I entered the room. The desk beside Troy was empty, so I made my way to it as Mr. Kline started calling the roll.

"I saved it for you." Troy whispered as I sat down.

"Thanks." I whispered a little too loudly.

"Mr. Blankenship, do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Mr. Kline asked me.

My face went beet red as I stuttered "Nnnnoo sir."

Mr. Kline finished the roll and announced, "I hope you all did your homework last night. We are going to have a pop quiz."

From the groans coming from all over the room, and the soft "Shit," that Troy muttered, I knew I wasn't the only one that hadn't studied.

Somehow the day finally ended. I was about a block away from school when I heard, "Hey, Dale! Wait up man!"

I glanced back and Troy was running after me. I just stood there holding my Science book in front of me. I didn't want Troy to see what my cock was up to. God, he looked good. I think it was the first time I ever saw him outside of class, when he didn't have a bunch of sluts hanging off him.

"Hey man, I hear you are good at computers. Could you give me some help? Maybe we could study Science together too," he asked me.

God! Troy wants MY help? Be kewl Dale. Stop the pounding, oh my heart! My hands are getting so sweaty I'm likely to drop my book on his foot again. Wouldn't that be just great! Then he could see my raging hard-on too! Yeah, that would be real kewl Dale!

"Sure," I managed to get out.

We walked the 5 more blocks to my house, as Troy told me about the kewl summer he had had. I opened the front door and ushered him in. I hurried Troy up the stairs to my room as fast as I could. I didn't want Mom to get a chance to give him the 3rd degree!

OK, I admit that I wish, that this morning, I had picked up some of the dirty clothes and towels we were now walking on. Troy didn't seem to mind.

He looked around the room and spotted my boom box and my computer. He was nodding his head yes as he said, "Pretty kewl."

I turned on the boom box, and told him to make himself at home while I got us some drinks. I ran down to the kitchen, and damned if there wasn't an ad on the TV.

"Who's you friend?" Mom asked.

It took me a good 15 or 20 minutes before she was satisfied and I could grab a couple of Cokes out of the frig. I ran back up the stairs and into my room. My heart stopped! Troy was at my computer and reading something!

He was totally engrossed with what he was reading. My heart was in my mouth, and my legs didn't want to hold me up, but I had to get close enough to see what he had on the screen.

I couldn't keep from sobbing or stop the tears as I saw it was the latest part of "The Laird's Son," that I had downloaded last night. Oh shit! Now he knows I'm gay! Now he will never speak to me again, and it will be all over school by in the morning! My life is over!

Troy looked at me and his face fell. "I'm sorry!" he said. I shouldn't have turned on your computer without you knowing. It's OK, everything is kewl! Please, Dean, please don't do that! Please don't cry!"

I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop crying. Troy got up, and I was afraid he was going to hit me. I flinched, but he pulled me into his arms, and wrapped me in a tight tender hug. He just held me and rocked us back and forth, softly telling me, "Shhhh," over and over, until my sobbing slowed.

"I'm sorry," Troy told me once again, "I just wanted to see all those pictures you took of me last year. When I found "Son," I just started reading. I didn't know there had been a new part posted."

"You mean?" I asked.

"Yeah." Troy replied.

"But, all those girls .." I stammered.

"They're just ... you know .... I've never done it with anybody."

"Yeah," I responded. "A jock has to protect his rep."

"So, you know...... like... you OK?" he asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

"K." he stated. "Can I finish "Son"? I think Jamie is so kewl, and I can't wait to see how he and Michael work everything out. I was just to the part Michael is about to get fucked"

Troy finished reading, and I reread over his shoulder. We made comments back and forth reminding each other of things that had happened earlier in the story. When we had finished, we agreed we should write Jamie Scott a thank you note.

Troy hit the icon for the Internet connection and opened the e- mail. We decided what we wanted to say,

"Hi Jamie,

We really like your story. Thank you for writing it. I think Jamie is just too kewl, but Dean likes Michael the best. Please hurry and let us know what happens next.

Love, Troy and Dean"

Troy and Dean. Troy and Dean, he had signed it. Just like we are boyfriends! Oh, that sounds so good. Troy and Dean.

Troy hit the send button, then signed off. I watched in horror as he hit the start button, then documents. He went straight for Tory.jpg. My face was beet red as "Our" picture came on the screen.

Troy looked up at me and gave a little giggle before asking, "You really want to do that with me?" I couldn't do anything but give him a slight embarrassed nod. "That is just too kewl, the way you did that. You're going to have to show me the pictures you used." he told me as he turned and took me in his arms.

His lips were kissing my neck, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. My hands slid up his strong muscled back, and I ran my fingers through his silky hair.

He planted a kiss on my ear and whispered, "I've wanted you for so long." He released my ponytail and my hair flowed around my shoulders.

My mind was screaming, "Take me! Take me! Oh, Troy, I want you so bad!" But, I couldn't utter a word. I couldn't catch my breath. All I could do was stand there moaning, and let him do with me as he would.

Troy's mouth was on mine, and his tongue was pressing against my lips. I parted my lips, and his tongue darted into my mouth. Oh Lord, can anything be better than this? His tongue probed my mouth for a few moments, but as soon as it withdrew, my tongue was inside his mouth. Oh, he tasted so sweet.

Troy's hand was under my shirt, gently rubbing up and down my back and his other was caressing my butt, as we kissed. I felt him lifting my shirt, and we had to break our kiss as he lifted it over my head and off my arms. I heard a moan escape from him as he kissed my bare shoulder. I moaned as his mouth sucked in my titty. I didn't know it could feel so good. I just moaned and petted his head as his mouth sent thrills through me.

Lower he went, and he dropped to his knees. Kisses were placed on my stomach. His hands were unfastening my belt, and my pants were soon around my ankles. I was as hard as I had ever been, and my shorts were tented out as far as they would go.

Troy's hand wrapped around my hard-on, and he gave it a gentle squeeze as he smiled up at me. It wasn't long before he slipped his hands inside my underwear, and they too were coming down.

My hard cock felt the silky touch of his tongue for the first time, and I thought it was more than I could stand. Troy's hand was gently but firmly massaging my nuts. I know I groaned as I told him, "I can't take it." His mouth quickly slurped my cock inside, and it was so hot and moist. His tongue on the head of my dick was sending my body sensations it didn't know existed.

Fantasizing and jacking-off was nothing like this! His hot wet mouth started sucking, and I had to fuck in and out! My hands gently grasped his head as he did wonderful things to my dick. His hand was gently tugging on my nuts, and I knew that no matter what else happens in my life, I could die happy. I don't think anything in life could be better than Troy's mouth on my hard aching cock.

I could feel the cum boiling up out of my nuts. The pleasure was spread throughout my body. I tried to warn Troy I was going to cum, but all I may have done was grunt. Faster his mouth sucked on my dick, as my dick slid in and out. I tensed and moaned as the cum erupted from me to splatter into Troy's sucking mouth. Troy swallowed over and over as my cum filled his mouth. I know nothing in my life could equal that moment.

Troy was gently sucking on my dick as my senses returned to me. I lifted him to his feet, and my hard cock slipped from his mouth. I pulled him to me for a kiss, and licked my cum from the corners of his mouth before slipping my tongue inside.

I started undressing him as we kissed. I tried to remember every little kiss he had given me. I tried to return every lick. Oh, when I reached his dime sized nipple, I sucked it into my mouth. Troy moaned, and the dark brown ring started getting firm and wrinkly under my tongue.

I kissed down his washboard stomach, stopping a moment to play at his innie belly button. I placed a kiss at the start of his treasure trail of hair leading downward to his dick. I got his pants down without breaking my kissing for long. I don't remember even taking down his boxers. My tongue was lapping at his bag of nuts. He pushed out his groin, and spread his legs open to give me better access. His nuts were tight against him when I gave them one last lick and a gentle kiss.

I tried to remember everything I had ever read on the Internet about sucking a cock. My mind was blank. I just went on instinct as I licked every spot on his hard 6 inches. My tongue worked around the hard ridge of his dick-head. I paused to taste the tender underside of that ridge. Troy groaned and begged for more. The smell of Troy's crotch was invading my senses and making me light headed. Oh, I wanted that smell to never go away.

How it happened, I don't remember, but Troy's hard rod was working in and out of my mouth. Oh, it was so good. I don't know how long it took, but Troy let out a scream and his creamy cum was being pumped into my mouth. I came a little off his dick so I could savor the taste of his precious fluid. I swallowed over and over as my dreams were being fulfilled. The boy I love was giving the most special part of himself to me.

Troy pulled me up for a kiss, but I lost my balance and we luckily fell across the bed. We were both giggling as we cuddled and hugged.

We kick off our shoes and let our pants and underwear fall to the floor. We snuggled together as I lay my head on Troy's strong shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me.

It wasn't until then that it dawned on me. "You said you needed help on the computer," I reminded him, "but the way you found everything on mine looks like you spend a lot of time on one."

"Yeah, I do. I had to figure out some way to see the pictures you took. I hoped it was more than just that you liked my picture. I couldn't figure out any other way to get you alone so I could find out. Every time I tried to talk to you at school, you took off." he grinned at me. I just blushed and gave him a kiss.

"Dean, you know you're my boyfriend, but at school........"

"Yeah, I know." I told him.

"But, that doesn't mean we can't be together at school, just not as boyfriends." he said

"Yeah, that's kewl." I replied.

I didn't want to think about later. He was cuddled naked with me on my bed. Right now, is all that mattered. Troy said I'm his boyfriend. I'm his boyfriend.

I let my hand slip down and cup my lover's nuts. He gave me a squeeze with the arm he had wrapped around me, and he smiled. His dick was once again growing in length, and starting to stand up. Mine was so hard it hurt. I reached under the bed and got the lube. Troy grinned real big when I handed it to him.

"Fuck me." I whispered.

"My pleasure." he replied.

He tenderly applied the lube to my ass chute, working it into me with his slick finger. I took the bottle from him and oiled his dick. My legs were on my chest and my butt hole up in the air. I was ready to take Troy's cock, just like in the picture.

Troy lined his dick up with my hole, and started pushing in. I pushed out, just as I had learned to do with a banana. The head of his dick went smoothly into me. I had to groan the pleasure as he pushed past my prostate. His pubic hair was soon crushed against my butt.

"Oh, baby," Troy moaned, "Oh jeeze, I love you Dean." he groaned as he bottomed out. We rested with our bodies locked together with his cock, and our lips locked in a kiss.

Ever so slowly, Troy started moving inside me. I always knew a banana had to be a poor substitute for Troy's dick. It is. I just can't describe the wonderful feelings as Troy slowly withdrew his dick from my ass, only to plunge deeply back in.

Just a little faster each few strokes. I couldn't stand it any more. I had to grab hold of my aching hard-on and start jacking-off in time with Troy's fucking. Faster and faster, Troy's hips bucked his dick into me. Faster and faster, came the grunts and groans from deep in our throats. I had to tense all my muscles as my dick shot forth my cum. Troy's cock was throbbing inside me as his hot cum splashed deep into my guts.

Troy started to pull his wonderful dick out of me, but I grabbed him by both of his butt cheeks and pulled him tightly against me. He lay panting on top of me as we rested and regained our breaths.

We lay wrapped in each other's arms as we just talked and kissed. Troy was kissing my chest as I told him about my e-mail friend Phil.

"You should write him and let him know what happened." Troy told me.

We went to the computer and connected to the Internet. I wrote,

"Troy fucked me. He is here with me now, and says hi. Oh, yeah, we sucked each other off, too."

I hit the send button, just as Troy said, "Ohmigod! Look at the time! I'm late! I've got to get home quick, or I'll get skinned."

We hurriedly dressed and had one last quick kiss, before opening my bedroom door. We ran down the stairs, and Troy was halfway out the door when he called out, "Bye Mrs. Blankenship! See you later Dale."

I watched as he ran down the street and turned the corner before closing the door. Just as the door closed, my mom called out my name. I went to the kitchen, and said, "Yes'um?" As I got a banana and started peeling it.

She just looked at me a moment before asking, "You really like this Troy, don't you?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well, the next time he comes over, you guys try to hold down the noise. And, pull your bed out more from the wall so the headboard doesn't hit it." she told me. "I guess this means I won't have to buy green bananas anymore," she mumbled under her breath.

All I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open, in shock.

The End

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I answer all e-mails so if you should write and not get an answer, I didn't get it. Hotmail sometimes gets overloaded and loses mail. Please try again.

Thanks for reading Joe Camp 2000

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