True Campus Stories

By Midw Stud

Published on Apr 22, 2020


Sorry there haven't been updates in a long time! These stories are about some of my exploits when I went back to school for a masters degree, which was some years ago now. I have been bi since I was in college, but arriving to a huge Midwestern campus with an endless supply of hot boys put a spike in my sex life.

All the stories are true apart from one, some details and of course the names are changed. In some cases, I have added a detail from another event, like putting something from a subsequent encounter into the encounter I describe. I LOVE feedback, and particularly would like to hear from guys in school.

Please also look at a fictional series I have been working on sporadically: And, as always, please get in touch, I love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading!

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Right at the start of my second academic year, I spent Saturday at our program's softball tournament. It was a hot muggy August or early September afternoon and while softball isn't very physically demanding, drinking beer in the sun all day is. I left before the last game was over, I wanted a cold shower and a nap before the BBQ started a little later and more drinking of course. The park is a big rectangle and of course we were at the opposite corner away from the corner nearest to my apartment. The park was about a half mile down from the edge of campus and the neighborhood between it and the park was all students, including most all of the frat houses and out-of-house brothers. I hadn't planned it when I got that apartment, but being behind frat row did provide a lot of opportunity for injecting my DNA into plenty of hot, nervous, horny fratboy closet cases!

I said my so-longs and headed diagonally across the park. As I crossed the little bridge over the creek that bisects the park, my eye caught something up ahead. There were several shirtless guys throwing a lacrosse ball around. They were all hot frat type guys, obviously having a good time and some drinks. I was about 50 yards from them and slowed down to take in the sight. As I got closer, it was obvious that one of them was leaving, picking up his stuff and high-fiving and bro-hugging the others. When it looked like he was about to take off, I picked up the pace to try to catch up and at least get an eyeful if not talk with him. I got up to almost a power walk trying to catch up. As I passed his friends still tossing the ball, my crotch got a little tight. They were all hotties with nice bodies and obvious swinging dicks.

The boy I was pursuing had a great body: lean and lithe, toned but not over-muscled. A nice high pert ass sweatily pushed out at the tight blue athletic shorts he was wearing. As I walked as fast as I could and got out of breath, I finally started to catch up. He was covered and shiny in sweat, even those shorts were soaked. He had his lax stick over his shoulder with his gloves and t-shirt hanging off. As I got closer my dick twitched even more...his shorts were riding low showing off the bottom of his spine and the first inch or two of his crack. No undies? Awesome. Those buns looked good enough to eat. I was already eye-fucking him hard as I closed the distance between us.

When I finally caught up I tried to slow my breathing and act a little bit calm, wiping the sweat off my forehead. After the obligatory open 'hey what's up dude?' we began to chat a little bit. It wasn't that odd to chat with people going up and down that street. It led from the main corner of campus and frat row down to a park that had baseball fields, loads of basketball courts and tennis courts, track, disc golf, etc. There was a ton of people who went back and forth in nice weather.

He was telling me about his major, his frat, planning on studying abroad the next year, and asking about me and my studies and what I had done before grad school. He seemed like a nice guy, maybe not the brightest bulb on the tree but seemingly sweet. He was a FIJI which made me kind of chuckle because it seemed like that whole house liked the dick. Our departmental library was almost touching FIJI house and Grindr sure seemed to indicate a lot of penis lovers in there! Those guys along with ATO and Sig Chi seemed to like cock more than the other frats. As we got to the top of the hill and it was time for me to split off, I tried the old 'let's have a beer sometime, what's your number?'. I'd found that was non- threatening enough and had worked plenty in the past. If he really had no interest, it's easy to say yeah maybe if I bump into you. But when he started giving me his number, I thought maybe this one might lead to something.

I don't actually remember his name, I do remember it was one of those faux-Waspy names that aspirational soccer moms give their kids. Maybe started with a 'B'. Bradford, Brently, Braden, something like that. We'll call him B. I texted him a day or two later and he came over. We chatted for a bit and had some beers. I started out easy with small talk, but quickly got to where it was about whether he had a girlfriend. No. Any good sex so far this semester. No. Not even with guys in the house (with a laugh)? That got silence and averted eyes. "Do you like girls?" I asked B.

"Yeah!" he piped up louder than he had been talking. But didn't sound convincing. I changed my look at him. "But also into other stuff" That got my interest. He went onto explain that really he had just jerked in the locker room showers in high school with some teammates. But then he fell silent, and said "I also sucked a dick." Turned out his big Brother during rush the past spring had made B suck him off 'a few' times. I looked at B's handsome but sweet face and full red pursed lips and chuckled to myself. There's no way that if his Big had gotten his log in B's mouth it was 'only a couple times'. I bet he had gallons of nut in his tummy during rush. "What's so funny?" B asked, as I stared at the big boner under his khaki shorts trapped over his right thigh and trying to poke out the side seam.

"You're such a hot stud, I just can't believe a man hasn't shown you sex," I said as I leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. My right hand had been on his left knee, and as I gave him a little kiss I moved it right up his lean muscled almost hairless thigh and over the hem of his short shorts until I had cupped his nuts. He felt like he was vibrating and let out a little gasp. I know all about the lingam, the male g- spot (from a young hippie type who learned all that tantric stuff at a yoga commune, but that's another story). So as I cupped his nuts, I let my middle finger travel south and firmly press up on the bottom of his sack. At that, he shook and I could tell he was cumming. Damn. He jumped up a few seconds later and said he had to go. He handed me an almost full beer and before I could say anything he moved towards the door with a spreading wet spot above the right pocket of his shorts.

I texted him later 'great to see you' but didn't hear back. A couple days later I invited him over for a beer and he replied quickly that he was sorry and was I mad. Of course not, come over! I replied. He said he was in class but would come over straight from there when it was finished, about 30 mins. He was looking pretty damn hot in some American flag swimshorts and a revealing tank from some party his frat had thrown. I was always amazed what these boys wore to class when it was hot. At my undergrad it was only warm the first and last few weeks of school, but I still don't remember wearing shorts, and certainly not tank tops. He was a bit flushed from his walk in the heat and I immediately gave him a cold beer. I sat closer to him on the sofa this time, touching pretty tightly. I put my arm around his shoulders and noticed he was already tenting his shorts straight up. I tried to run my other hand up his thigh, but I was kind of crossed over myself so I scooted back a little and put the hand that was around his shoulders on his ab closest to me (nice f-in abs!) and ran my other hand slowly up his inner thigh, making him moan softly and at an oddly high pitch. For short shorts, these had wide leg openings, and my hand sailed in smoothly and happily finding no liner or undies to get in the way! He came ready. I cupped his balls and let my other hand move to hold the big swollen tip of his cock through the nylon.

After a minute, I took my hands off of him putting on back around his back and pulling my own hard dick out of the old soccer shorts I had on. He looked at it with wide eyes and I swear he licked his lips a little. I don't know if he initiated it, or if I put pressure on his shoulder, but he leaned over and with only a second's hesitation, licked a big drop of pre off of my piss slit and then took my cock almost all the way down. Immediately he was suckin me like a pro. Deep down the shaft, tight lips, good suction and tongue action. No way he'd only sucked his Big's cock a few times! I was rubbing his lower back in encouragement, and since I'm an ass man, eventually my hand found its way down the back of his shorts and started kneading one of his buns.

As I unconsciously do, my fingers found their way from cupping his melon to exploring his ass valley. I rubbed them lightly up and down, tickling the back of his balls. Then my middle finger found his quim. I rubbed around it gently as I applied more pressure. I could feel him moaning around my cock and he slowed down his lips up and down my shaft. Then he jerked twice and I knew he had cum again. Damn! He stood up quickly, leaving me fallen over on the couch, my hard wet shiny prick pointing at the ceiling. He mumbled something about sorry as I watched a glob of cum drop out the leg of his shorts and onto my carpet. And he was out the door.

I was disappointed, but at least he came back. I texted him how nice it was to see him and he replied 'U2'. I waited a day or two and then invited him over. He said he had a meeting for class. I was sad and figured I would see him again but then my phone vibrated on the desk and it was a text from him saying 'meeting over! U home?'. Thinking ahead even though I was raging hard, I texted him 'At library now, then have meeting. Go home and Jerk off 2 or 3 times and come over at 5:30'. 'cu then ; )' B shot back.

I did some homework with a hard on that barely went down once for the two hours until 5:30. At that minute, the door opened and there he was. Standard uniform of Chubbies and a tank. Looking hot and with a grin on his face. He didn't even ask for a beer but moved in and grabbed my hard cock through my meshies. I grabbed him too and pulled him in for a kiss. Some of these downlow frat boys don't like kissing, but B nearly sucked my tongue off. He was firm, but not hard, guess my plan worked! He sank to his knees and pulled my shorts under my balls and slurped my leaking prick down to where I could feel my pee slit on his tonsils.

He was really going for it. I could feel his tight lips the whole length of my dong and his tongue working the underside of my head on that little flap of skin. I could feel his hot quick breath on my balls and pubes. For a second there I thought I might squirt, but I held it back. I suggested we go to my bed, and he gave me a few strong last sucks before rising unsteadily to his feet and pulling his tank off in one motion. B looked good. Lean and smooth, but abs forever and although he had a softness to him, you could see his perfect muscles just beneath. And as I pushed him down the short hallway, the tops of his perfect melons that made me drool the first time I had seen him were showing out of his sagging shorts.

My bed was low, just a King box and frame on the floor and I playfully pushed B onto it, him flailing theatrically as he dove onto the sheets. I hopped on top of him and grabbed his whole nutsac in a firm grasp as I took a handful of hair with the other hand and drilled my tongue into his open mouth. I was pretty charged up by now and normally would have taken things slower, but I needed to cum. I broke out of the kiss and started sucking and nibbling on his nips until he made a noise that told me it was too much. I move down licking his abs until I found his leaking prick. He had already made a sticky mess on his tummy which I licked up as I tried to get his dick in my mouth.

Looking at his prick for the first time the thing that came into my head was "pretty." It wasn't big, it wasn't small, just a nice good looking dick. It was probably about 6 inches, a nice color, even width with an upward curve that made the average head look prominent. I can't take a dick too deep but I gave it a good suck for a little bit, not wanting to make him squirt accidentally! I lifted his lean hard thighs up a little so I could do what I love: slurp on those big nuts in their loose smooth ballbag. That got B going, especially as I got down under his eggs and nibbled and licked on his taint.

I've found that with nervous first timers if I can get my tongue in their hole, then that cherry is mine. Or get them in the shower. Even straight guys. You get them in the shower and work it good, they want it bad usually. B was no different. I got his long narrow legs spread and in the air, and kind of propped his lower back up with my chest. I licked from his tail bone to the bottom of his big loose sac. He shook violently and let out a squeal as I aimed my tongue at his tiny pink pleated opening and pushed hard. B was going crazy as I licked his quim roughly and nibbled on the insides of his cheeks. Looking at his bum hole it was beautiful. Perfect round little pucker with a very strong looking sphincter muscle visible under the translucent skin around his opening. Like a thick rubber band.

B's hole was shiny with the large amount of spit I had left on and in it and was winking and twitching, wanting more. I could have eaten his ass for an hour and was about to flip him on his tummy and really go to work on his hole, but my throbbing leaking cock had different ideas. I spit two large loogeys on his upturned pusshole and pushed them in with a finger. As I lowered his ass I let my raging cock slip up his slimy crack and worked it back and forth. After a minute, my dick was sliding back and forth over his hole and I adjusted myself so my prick was lined up right and unceremoniously pushed in. Damn it was tight and spongy and hot in there. I could feel his heart pounding with my engorged cockhead. B was sort of shaking and twitching and whimpering with lust. My dick was about halfway in and came to a blockage. I pushed harder but was still met with a firm refusal to let my dick in further. A little twist of the asstube maybe. After a few tries to push past it, I took hold of B's big loose nuts and gave them a tight quick squeeze. He flinched and gasped and my cock popped his cherry in the second. It felt like I had pushed my dick through a steak. I imagined (or maybe actually did) that I heard the cherry pop. But in any case, that cherry was gone. B let out a yelp when my dick penetrated through the block in his guts and jerked and twitched a little as his pretty cock bounced and spilched out a huge load on his belly button.

B was breathing heavy and thrashing his head around. He was bucking off the bed and at one point dislodged my cock from his vise-like fuckpipe. His red shiny pusshole winked open and closed like it was grabbing for something for the second or two before I got my pulsing dickspear lined up. I pushed in hard till my balls were smashed into his crack. B let out a loud grunt which turned into a deep moan. Worrying that like some he would want me to stop now that he had cum, I sped up, thrusting hard into his hot guts.

Within a minute or two I could feel it coming. B was covered in his and my sweat, beads streaming off my nose and straight into his mouth. A constant stream of moans and filthy talk was coming out of his mouth. "Oh God! Fuuuck. Oh shit. Fuck me. Pound my ass! Ahhhh. Oh fuck. Are you going to cum in me? Fuck. Get me pregnant!! Fuckfuckfuck...." Like that. Turns me on how "straight" guys so often go to the pregnancy thing. I could feel my balls churning and tightening and I knew it was time. I gave him a half dozen hard thrusts and then pushed my cock in hard and held it as I felt the strong pulses. My dick was still twitching in his twat at least 20 seconds later. After a minute I pulled it out maybe a little to quick, causing B to flinch and make a little noise. I kept his legs up and wide and examined his hole. It was twitching and leaking my nut. I got a little on my finger and brought it to my nose and then mouth and took a little taste before offering my finger to B, who surprisingly opened right up and sucked it off my finger. Watching that sent a little charge through my dick. Dirty boy!!

Maybe because of how horny it made me watching B slurp my nut I did something I'd never done before. I pulled his ass up and put my mouth right on it. My tongue fell right in to full depth and his formerly iron tight asstube closed tightly around it before loosening up and tightening again. I poked and sucked for probably 30 seconds and then let his legs down and scooted up beside him. Not knowing what he would do, I leaned over and kissed him. He seemed to go wild with the nastiness, his tongue darting all inside my mouth. After a good long tongue battle, I lay down beside him. We chatted for a few minutes, me just glad he didn't jump up and run out the door. We were quiet for a minute and then he said "that was fuckin awesome bro! Crazy. I'm glad we fucked. That was so hot and cray." With that he started to get up and root around in the twisted sheets for his clothes. Finally finding his tank back on the sofa, he mumbled something about getting together and headed out into what was now darkness.

I texted B later and the next day he replied. Said he was busy but would come over soon. Busy usually means that he's been in his head since getting fucked by a man, and I won't be seeing him again. But happily that wasn't the case. I saw B pretty frequently for a few weeks, then less frequently as the semester got into full swing. After fall break we got back in touch and he said he was dating someone. I was happy for him, but also a little sad. He had opened up and we had good times together. He would come over for dinner sometimes (which meant a hard fuck, dinner, and then another one), and I enjoyed hanging out with him. I was happy he had found another undergrad. I like knowing guys of different ages, but in a campus setting, I am just not going to be hanging out at undergrad parties until 4am, etc, and he would want someone who would. I had assumed B was dating a girl, but at the very end of the school year I hooked up a few times with another FIJI who said he had just broken up with a guy, and let B's name slip when he was talking about him! Good for B!

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