True Fond

By ten.epacsten@euXaD

Published on Aug 24, 2003


Obligatory warnings and legal disclaimers:

If you are under the age of 21 or the age of majority in your area, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your country, state, county, or municipality, you should leave now.

If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, tough luck! This is a story of friendship, bonding, and love. Only time will tell which direction it will take.

There are no profits to be made here.

Do not archive, copy or email this story without permission of the author. You have been warned. This story has been copyrighted.

I don't know any of the celebrities in this story. This story does not imply anything about their sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. A fantasy. This story is not meant to imply anything about Agim Kaba, Travis Fimmel or Jensen Ackles.

(Agim Kaba is associated with As The World Turns. As The World Turns belongs to

Columbia Broadcasting System (Copyright MMII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved).

(Jensen Ackles Is associated with Days Of Our Lives belongs to National Broadcasting Company and Tristar Pictures (Copyright MMII, NBC. All Rights Reserved).

(Travis Fimmel is associated with New York Model Management.)

Main Characters (Major characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Brendan Kohl: 21, 5'10", light brown hair, green eyes. Swimmers build all American type.

Becky (Beck) Wrey: Typical hometown woman, 5'8. 25, blond hair, black pooling eyes.

Agim (Jim) Kaba: Albanian, 20, 6', long brown hair, brown eyes, smooth soccer player build.

Travis Fimmel: Australian, 21, 6',dark blond, blue-green eyes, with a surfer's body.

Jensen Ackles: 19, 6', dirty blond, hazel eyes.

Minor Character (Minor characters will be added as the story unfolds.):

Mick Johnson: Owner of the bar called Mick's and the cafe The Place.

Hank Sowell: President, Clinton Federal Home and Farm

A True Fond

Chapter Six


I had gotten back to the City late from The Hamptons where we were filming on location. After locking the door to my apartment I made my way to bedroom. There was no need to turn on the lights since the blinds on the living room windows were open and the lights of the city provided ample light. I was tired, traffic had been terrible and I knew that Travis was worried since he had left numerous messages on my voice mail. While driving back I had tried to call but the phone batteries went dead without reaching him. Besides Travis knew the producers of Days Of Our Lives would call if anything had gone wrong. There was little I could do accept scream at my agent and the union rep. Since the Network was given some leeway when it came to shooting on location there wasn't much that could be done except vent frustration.

I knew how to make it up to him and after entering the bedroom I noticed that the drapes where open. The view of Manhattan sparkled in the night. I loved the city. Growing up in the Texas it took awhile to get used to the closeness that one had to put up with in New York. Looking north, Central Park was like a dark oasis in a jungle of concrete, asphalt and steel. As much as I loved it here there were times when I wanted to escape its grip.

I let my eyes sweep across Travis sleeping. He hated the City more than I did. He was more used to wide open spaces in Australia. But we were trapped. He had fallen into modeling by accident as a way to in get into acting. There didn't seem to be a way out. Unless. No. There was no way out. Contracts have to run. But once they run out then the rules of game can be changed. It's just a matter of time and right now there is plenty of that. There is plenty of time to enjoy our life together. Turning back to the window I started to undress letting my cloths fall to the floor. I heard him shift in the bed behind me and when I looked he was now on his back. One leg angled so that the sole of his foot was nearly pressed against the other leg. His lightly veined cock hard against his stomach. I just stared at him. The moonlight coming through the window cast a heavenly glow over the bed. His golden brown tan a stark contrast against the white sheets. It looked like he was

floating on a cloud.

I was slightly startled when he spoke, "Are you going stare at me all night, mate. Or are you going to join me here." He patted the bed next to him.

"No. I'm not going to join you there." Standing naked at the foot of the bed I gave him an evil glare, "Instead, I'm going to crawl between your legs and join you there," I said pointing at his hard cock. I removed my briefs just as I moved between his legs. With confidence, I grasped the shaft and put my mouth around the cock head. I felt the jolt of electricity shoot between us. I began to go further down the shaft. All the while my tongue massaged the underside of the head. Once he was buried in my throat I started back up. With one hand I massaged his testicles. Gently rolling them between my fingers. He arched his back slightly and I knew he was enjoying this. He was moaning as his hips soon matched my up and down glide on his cock. Sweat started to form on both of us.

His hands held my head in place as he pushed deeper into my throat. Each thrust deeper than the last. I could feel his cock swelling in my mouth and knew that it wouldn't be much longer. I gently ease a finger into his hole. Just three quick thrusts and a load of sweet cum was flowing down my throat. He left his cock there until the last bit squirted through the cock slit as he settled back on the bed. I let his still hard cock out of my mouth and slide up giving him a kiss to let him taste himself.

"Jens, I been wanting for that all day. Thanks, mate."

"No thanks needed. Wanted it just as bad." I settled next to him as we wrapped arms around each other. "Sorry I'm late. The traffic back from The Hamptons was heavy and shooting took longer than expected. I hate these night location shoots. Got to be back on location by 7 and it's already after one in the morning." I sighed with unbridled anger was just below the surface. I wanted to be an actor. There was glamour. But there was a lot more hard work than glamour. "So what time is your flight, again?"


"So, you get two weeks in Mexico, first Villahermosa and then Acapulco. I get the Hamptons. Hmm. I like your location better."

"I'll bring back an Olmec mask for you."

"Make it the fertility goddess."

"Like you need to be more fertile?" Travis started to laugh.

"Hey, I'm serious here. Its fertility or nothing." I leaned up away from him. "Got that, bitch."

He pulled me back against him. "Anything for you baby. Anything mate. Just don't get pregnant on me." He was still laughing. So was I. "Agim will be back the next day or two. Why don't you have him stay here while I'm in Mexico?"

"You know what happens when we get together."

"Yeh. But were family. We're mates and we're supposed to take care of each other. I just don't want you being alone. And he is. It's not like I haven't slept with him too. Hell, we three have slept with each other. Separately. Together. So if it happens it happens, luv."

"I love only you." I sighed giving him a quick kiss in his chest.

"I know you do. I love you. But Agim is not in love with either of us. For him, it's the mystery man in the Mid West. I only wish he'd get a grip and act on it."

"Maybe that's what he's doing. I hear that the production has pretty much ground to a halt on his soap. Their not very happy he's gone. But for some reason they aren't making waves. He can pretty much do whatever he wants. I don't get it."

Maybe he'll explain while I'm gone."


Setting at a low table I waited for Mick to join me. The table was well worked with graffiti craved into the tabletop dark with age. Looking around there must be about a hundred similar ones in what looked like a converted gymnasium. Almost all had occupants. Some laughing. Others crying, but there was always a short distant between each person. No touching. To touch was to give comfort. That was part of the punishment. I wasn't here to give comfort.

It wasn't long before I saw him. He had his shoulders slumped trying to hug the wall while walking between the red strips on the floor. When he reached my isle he turned to his left between the tables filled with inmates. He slowed even more if that was possible. He didn't raise his head. His eyes drifting along the floor reading the numbers marked between each table. When he reached mine he pulled back the chair sat but still didn't look up. His eyes were trying to bore a hole in the table looking for an escape. There was no escape.


"Mr. Kaba."

"Mick, not going to pass pleasantries with you. This is business. You just listen. OK".

"Not much else I can do, is there?"

"There isn't. You made a fine mess. And you're paying for it.

"Remember the first time we met? I was sent then to deliver a warning that you had to follow the rules. The organization expects all their employees to follow the rules. I have to follow them. Did you think that you could do whatever you wanted in Pockston? Mick, the wrong people were starting to take notice. That's why the organization cut you loose. It's all about following the rules and doing what you're told.

"I told you that the syndicate was watching you. All you had to do was follow instructions. They wanted simple transactions, with the right paperwork, so anyone looking wouldn't notice anything unusual. But you had to branch out on your own.

"You also messed with the wrong people.

"To be honest their were some who knew you would make mistakes and burning down the cafe was the last mistake they were going to let you make.

"I'll tell you again. You are no better than anyone else. Not even me. But the difference is how you go about things. You're a bully throwing your weight around. You were shoving and threatening the wrong people. You weren't acting within the law. The organization likes to play inside the law but always pushing the line." I waited for Mick to say something in his defense. Anything, all he did was look up from the table and meet my eyes for the first time. I could see no regret in them. That made me angrier. Even though I hated doing it I was going to enjoy taking the rest of Mick's life from him. Everything that he worked for everything he took for granted. I had no choice. In fact I wasn't given a choice.

"You remember our last conversation?" He nodded his head and I continued. "You messed with Brendan. You messed with Brendan and tried to make this place his home.

"I met Hank Sowell today. Remember that old saying, `There's no honor among thieves.' He sold you out. Lucy, she's got nothing. You remember all those papers you entrusted me with. Hoping she would be protected. They're on the way to the Justice Department. She's going to get so much time in prison she may never get out. As for you, don't think your going to get out in three years on good behavior. Don't plan on ever getting out.

"Pick you jaw off the table, Mick. Look me in the eyes." He did.

"This time you listen. Listen real hard and understand me. You messed with the wrong people. Once wasn't enough. When I put Brendan under protection you were to see to it that he didn't get hurt. Knowing he was gay you used him. You set him up. You tried to throw his life away like it was so much trash. Sorry to tell you, but he's worth more than a thousand of you, Mick.

"Who do you think kept the insurance company investigating your dealings? Feeding them information. Do you want to ask?" Mick said nothing. "No. I didn't think so but I'll tell you anyway. Me. Brendan was an innocent. You used him like he was so much trash. A plaything. Something that could be tossed out and not noticed. I told you, I would find out if something happened to him.

"Just like I'll know if something happens to you."

He had turn totally white and was shaking so violently the people setting at the next table were watching us. Understanding and fear and taken control of him. I stayed calm and my voice never rising above an icy whisper, I continued.

"All those projects you still had underway. They ended about an hour ago. Sowell can be very resourceful. It's to bad those papers you gave me are going to rip open his rear end, too, if he doesn't follow directions. You're sloppy. He's another loose end to be closed up. He might have been useful at some point. Not that he'll have to worry. He'll not being staying in a place like this very long. He may not make it home tonight. I might not make it back to Brendan's. But I have a better chance because I follow the rules.

"There's no more protection, Mick. It's gone, too. You are on your own. I don't know what the future will bring. But for most of us it isn't going to be pretty. I don't really care. Do you have a companion in this place?" He shook his head no. "Good. I sure would hate someone crying over you.

"Let me tell you. Lucy hasn't been as faithful as you would think. She's been having her fun. Boy, your son is some stud. Kept momma very happy, I understand. He's going to make a lot of money working the circuit. Gonna have an expensive habit." He said nothing. I was taking everything away him.

"You could make it easier. You know what to do." His life was already draining from him.

"I'll be going now. Remember, this is just business." Pushing the chair back I stood turned and calmly walked out of the room. Leaving Mick at the table. Knowing that it was going to take a guard to help him back to his cell. But they weren't going to be of any real help.

Back at my car I retrieved my cell and dialed a number letting it ring four times. Deactivated it and threw it on the floor of the rental. Brendan. I started to cry. How was I going to help Brendan and protect him at the same time?"

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